A helping hand

by Therisinghero

First published

two emt's are about to embark biggest rescue of their career

Two ordinary FDNY Emt's working their regular shift fall upon a strange call that they are confused at. their current predicament being this call is out of their jurisdiction, but they respond to it anyway but upon responding they become apart of the biggest rescue of their career.

Chapter one. __Rushing to the scene.__

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Catherine and Erick sat at one of the hospital cafeteria tables, hoping that their shifts would end soon, begging for it really. Suddenly Erick heard an unfamiliar voice call to them about an emergency via their radios on their hips. Normally it was a male voice, this time however it was female, vague distortions and static could be heard in the voice. “Ambulance eleven, we have reports of a traffic accident inside the Lincoln tunnel please respond code 3.”

“What do you think Kate, should we do it?” She simply nodded her head towards me,

"I guess even if it may be out of our jurisdiction that we would have to respond, these are human lives after all" Catherine replies.

after rushing to their ambulance, trusty number eleven. Erick is the first to enter the ambulance he pulls out his keys looking for the right one, finally finding it, he puts it into the ignition and starts the ambulance engine. Catherine is the second to enter the ambulance getting in on the passenger side of the vehicle once she’s strapped in Erick turns on the lights and then the siren pulling out of the ambulance bay.

"this is ambulance 11 responding to mva at the Lincoln tunnel code 3 eta 5 minuets" Erick says but receives no response from dispatch

With the sirens blaring through the streets getting through traffic was a breeze (if only civilians had the same luxury) as Erick and Catherine get closer and closer to their destination some odd or out of place occurrences start to surface, first off, traffic was getting lighter and lighter as they get closer to their destination. The Lincoln tunnel now in sight, with no traffic whatsoever going in or out of the tunnel? which is unheard of, or impossible in New York city, usually traffic is backed up so bad it stretches as far as the eye can see. they continue to approach the tunnel when Catherine decides to speak up “Erick? are you sure this is the right place?”. Erick now pressing his foot on the breaks stops the ambulance and then gets out of the vehicle to look around for the accident.

-Meanwhile in the human world.-

A camera caught ambulance #11 as it enters the Lincoln tunnel, the camera mounted on a nearby bi-post watches as it rushes into the tunnel, sirens blaring out, practically screaming their urgency. Another camera on the other end of the tunnel does not see them exit, nor does it hear the ever present wails of the siren.

-Back to the pony world portal.-
“Are you sure this is the right tunnel?” Erick looked over to Catherine with a small bit of disbelief, he had never been wrong about which way to go before, why on earth would she question him now.

“Yes, I am sure, lets head further in, the accident might be down there.” They got back in the ambulance and drove down the tunnel a bit more, getting more and more anxious by the minute, especially seeing as how the tunnel was not supposed to be this long. As they went down the tunnel they noticed that the tunnel slowly was changing from concrete to wood, it was in a spiral formation, until finally it was all wood, then continuing from there the wood began to separate, slowing morphing into individual trees.

“What.is.going.ON!” Catherine did not react to this too well. Erick was just sitting, dumbfounded by what he was seeing.

continuing their drive through this forest of almost no end they see the forest clearing up ahead
when Erick and Catherine, but gradually the forest does end up clearing here and there, slowly with the trees thinning out a little, then some of the brush and finally they are clear of the forest. They notice something really out of place in new york in the distance there is a small village or town with a windmill sticking out like a sore thumb.

Catherine is the first to comment “Did the city council decide to make a tunnel to holland?” Erick was in a state of shock too powerful to come up with a truly meaningful response.

“Don’t be ridiculous, not only did we drive no where near enough to get to Holland, but we went through a forest.”

Catherine replies “then what are we looking at?!” This is said with a slight bit of worry and fear in her voice

Cries of pain/agony coming from a odd looking horse thing that appears to be far too colorful. Negating the odd appearance of the horse, they walked towards it anyway, upon getting to the horse they see that it appears to be writhing in pain what look like canine teeth wounds. Reacting quickly they decide to put it on a stretcher enter back in to the ambulance and drive to get the mint green horse to a nearby source of help. They reached what looked to be an enormous tree looking house, looking around the immediate area they see what looks to be a hospital like establishment, driving up to the hospital and stopping in front it making do without a drop off area for patients they rush the small horse like creature into the hospital. To their immediate surprise, another small horse like creature is sitting at the front desk, this one being an entirely different color. Her coat was what could only be described as sterile white, and it’s mane a light pinkish color, with a small medical cap resting on the top of her head.

Reaching down, not caring about the current situation, Catherine takes off her glove and reaches for the small horse creatures neck, noticing a severely weakened pulse. “Erick, it’s not looking so good, we need to hurry!”

With the two bipedal creatures carrying in an injured pony, the medical pony does not know how to respond, but due to her excessive medical training she does the one thing she was meant to do, help that pony. “These...things can talk? W-what are you, what did you do to that innocent pony?”
______________________Nurse Redheart’s pov_________________________

Nurse Redheart knew that she needed to get to that pony quickly, it was already looking to be in a rather bad condition. She ran up to the two bipedal creatures and noticed a large white construct that a lot of words and odd symbols on it. “Follow me.” She unfortunately did not have a one pony stretcher on her, so she needed to two of them to bring it to a medical room.