Don't try to run

by HiddenUnderACouch

First published

Jokes are great. In any way shape or form. That's what Pinkie Pie thinks, what she believes in. When she finds a story on the internet she deems as a subtle joke, she immediately shares it with her friend, RD. The consequences are disasterous.

Pinkie Pie loves surfing through the internet. There are so much different stuff to see and things to do. Just not long ago she discovered a great thing called fanfiction. She has been a dedicated reader since.

She finds one particular story that makes her sides hurt from laughing - the very premise of it seems so ridicilous to her she can't help but burst into laughter. Hoping that her best friend, Rainbow Dash, would find it as fun as she did, she sends the link straight to her.

But sometimes, when you think it as a simple innocent joke, some might disagree. Some will even take it far too seriously.

*This is Halloween special (parody) gore fic. The characters are all humans, so if that's not up your alley, just skip this read. Also, if you don't like to see death and explicit gore, skip as well*
WARNING: This story also contains meta references to other famous fics. I own none of them, I just reference them!

No cupcakes for you!

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One Fanfic for the Night

By HiddenUnderACouch

Pinkie Pie lied back on the chair, looking up at the ceiling, and laughed heartily. Oh, how she loved reading fan fictions! This was just the best thing ever to read when you were depressed. After good two minutes of pure laughter, she moved closer to her computer and pressed the like button, which was displayed as a green thumbs up icon.

Her desk was a complete mess. Several books she had to read for school were lying right on the edge, just centimeters distancing them from the fall. A pile of exercise books were scattered in the right corner each titled for a specific subject. There was a flat panel LCD in the middle with a keyboard right in front of it. The main block of the computer was positioned under the table, a bit to the right so Pinkie could stretch out her legs and relax.

There were several bags of chips right nearby the books, each one of different flavor, and a huge bottle of soda right nearby. It was half empty, and so were the bags of chips – Pinkie stayed up all night, reading fan fictions. Thankfully, the summer holidays just started, and she has nothing to worry about at all.

Pinkie poured herself a cup of soda and took a few sips. So much information, characters and plot twists were floating in her head right now – ‘twas just crazy. Crazy awesome!

She had read so much interesting fics. Sometimes, they were dark, sometimes they were funny. Sometimes, they were kinky. Very kinky. But there was one that made Pinkie absolutely lose herself in laughter. She was even afraid that the neighbors would hear her and come to check if she was alright.

The fic was called Cupcakes, and it featured her, and her best buddy, Rainbow Dash (Pinkie mostly called her Dashie, because it sounded cuter). And most of the story consisted of Pinkie torturing her best friend horribly.

Pinkie Pie just couldn't hold back the laughter at how silly this idea was. She always loved the flight of imagination, coming up with many interesting things, but this was even beyond her! What an imagination the author had!

Even though she had chills running down her spine all throughout the story, the concept stayed silly and funny to her, no matter how creepy and gory it was.

Well, that seemed to be the last fic she’d read for today. It was way past midnight, and she really needed to get to bed. Tomorrow she was going to have so much more fun! Suddenly, a sudden beep in her headphones disturbed her, and a small window popped up in the lower right corner. It seemed Rainbow Dash just sent her a message.

Pinkie wondered why Dashie wasn't sleeping, since she usually sticks to her own plan of the day, which involved a lot of healthy food, exercising and going to sleep in time. Pinkie hovered the curser over the message and pressed the left mouse button. A small tab appeared before her, displaying the chat, featuring both hers and Dashie's avatars.

Rainbow Dash had a simple photo of herself, standing against a red wall, holding a soccer ball in her right arm and smiling happily into the camera. Pinkie had a picture of a balloon with a smiley face. She loved balloons and she loved smiling: her two favorite things coming together! How could it get any better?

"Hi, Pinks! How's it going?" the message popped up at the upper half of the window, right beside Dashie's avatar. Pinkie quickly learned forwards and started typing.

"Oh, it's all super awesome. Just read a whole bunch of fun fanfictions. Can't get enough of them!" she quietly whispered to herself, as she was typing it, and then pressed enter.

"Oh, shoot, you seem to be hooked onto this stuff. Why do you adore them so much? I tried reading one fan fiction once. Hated every second of it," the reply came shortly afterwards. Pinkie looked carefully into her monitor, and giggled. She suddenly had such a bright idea! It's going to be awesome.

"Dashie! You should read this fic - it's super-mega-uber-awesome. I loved every second of it. Read it! NAOW!" she quickly typed in, making the last mistake on purpose and writing it in all caps. Before sending, she added the link to the story itself and pressed enter. Pinkie bet Rainbow would laugh at this story just as she did.

"Ok, Pinks, if you think this is that good, I'll read it. Anyway, what I wanted to ask, are you going to my soccer game tomorrow?" the reply read, and Pinkie smiled, glad that Rainbow would get as much laugh out of this as she did.

"Of course I will, silly! How can I not come to by bestie-of-the-best friend's soccer game! Be sure to read this fic I sent you!" Pinkie typed in and yawned loudly. "Anyway, I'll go catch some zee's now! Happy night, Dashie!"

She sent away the message and, without even waiting for Dash to reply, turned the computer off. There would be a lot to do tomorrow, and she didn’t want to be all boring and half-asleep!

Pinkie was really excited to see Dash play tomorrow. She never missed a single game, and it was her chance to get into junior league. If she won that game tomorrow, ‘twas pretty much secured! Pinkie wondered what t-shirt she should wear for tomorrow, and what inspiring shouts she should scream. 'Dashie Go-Go' or 'Toast 'em, Dash'?


The lightning pierced the dark night sky, and the rain reflected it, as the drops looked like thousands of small sparks, falling from above. The wind got even stronger, bending even the sturdiest trees to its will. Pinkie shuddered from the loud crack of thunder, and quickly ran towards the nearby tree to hide from the rain, as her cloak was soaked in water.

She leaned on the old pine-tree and sighed heavily, still having trouble figuring out what went wrong. Pinkie looked at her pocket-watch, realizing that it was almost midnight. She shouldn't be out in the street at this time, but she had no other choice.

Yesterday, Rainbow Dash didn't appear at her own soccer game. Pinkie, heavily confused by this, quickly ran to the coach, who, as it turned out, didn't know anything as well. She talked to all of her friends, Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, but none of them knew where Rainbow Dash was. Rarity tried to call her up, but she didn't respond.

All together, they went to her house, but the door was locked, and she didn't react to shouting or knocking on the door. Disappointed, they all went away, but only Pinkie was a little bit scared. She spent enough of time with Dashie to know that she would never miss any of her soccer games. Not on purpose, at least.

Pinkie spent the rest of the day in thoughts, trying to calm herself down with extra amount of muffins, and finally deciding to go on computer when time was close to the evening. She turned it on, wanted to check her inbox, and then suddenly noticed that Rainbow Dash was online. She quickly started typing in questions, such as "Where are you?", "Where were you?", "What happened to you?", accompanied by a myriad of sad emotes.

Rainbow Dash replied with only one phrase, "Come over to me. I'll open the door for you."

And now, Pinkie was running through the dirt and mud, ignoring the rain, seeping through her cloak, completely unaware of what exactly Rainbow Dash wanted with her. All other questions she asked, were ignored by Dashie. Only those two sentences. Actually, Pinkie was a little bit crept out by this, but she quickly calmed herself down. No need to worry, Rainbow Dash had some problems she wanted to share with her best friend ever. Helping a friend is totally worth of getting yourself soaked in water completely.

Rainbow Dash's house was big, two story cottage. Her parents spent a lot of money on rent, but it was totally worth it. It came with a huge garden, almost like a forest. It was great for parties, and every time Dash's parents left to visit grandparents or something, she would always invite Pinkie over to throw a party or two.

To Pinkie's surprise, the house looked completely empty. There was no light in any of the rooms, except a weak flicker on the second floor. She quickly approached the door, hiding in the cover of the wooden overhang. The lightning boomed again, when she knocked on the door, scaring the living dooley out of her.

After taking a deep breath, Pinkie tried to knock again, but the door slowly gave away and opened with a loud annoying creak. The pink-haired girl gave the door a confused look and slowly stepped inside. It was very dark, and only the flashes of lightning and moonlight, seeping through the rainy clouds, lit the front room. Pinkie closed the door behind her, found her way to the wall in complete darkness and groped the switch.

Nothing happened when she pressed it. Pinkie tried several more times, but it didn't work.

"Shoot!" she cursed quietly, and slowly, minding every step, made her way to the cupboards. She remembered that Dash used to keep a flashlight in there, just in case the lights go out. Looks that little piece of plastic would finally find its use. She turned on the flashlight, and the light pierced through the darkness, letting her see, though in a very narrow circle. It gave her goosebumps. She got that feeling that some monster might jump at her from the side at any given moment like in some horror movie, but she quickly drove away those silly thoughts, induced by her non-stop horror movie marathon last week.

"Rainbow Dash! Where are you?!" Pinkie shouted, so that her voice could be heard throughout the whole house. It had great acoustics, and the noise, if loud enough, could echo through every room in seconds. But there was no answer.

"RAINBOW DAAAASH!" Pinkie shouted again, much louder than the last time. She even felt a little bit of pain in her throat, but there was still no answer. Pinkie drawled a long 'Hmm', and slowly ventured deeper into the house, the sounds of her footsteps echoing in her ears. There were no other sounds, except the sound of rain hammering on the roof and occasional thunder.

"Daaaash! Where are you? It's Pinkie Pie!" she shouted, carefully waving the flashlight around, hoping to find her friend. How could she even hide here? She dyed her hair in the color of rainbows: it shouldn’t be that hard to spot her.

"Dash, if this is a prank, you succeeded. Come out now. I want to look at you!" Pinkie said, closing in to the stairs. Rainbow's room was just upstairs, weak light could be seen projected on the ceiling from behind a closed door.

"Dashie, you know I like pranks, but come on! This doesn't seem funny. Come on, jump out and scream boo! I promise you - I'll scream!" the girl in pink said, taking the first step on the stairs. The wood let out a weak creak: the house was a little bit old, but still sturdy and comfortable. There were many leftovers from the previous owners, like huge grandfather's clock in the main hall, where, along with that, was the sofa along with TV set. Pinkie couldn't even remember the exact number of times they, all six of them, would fall down on that sofa and watch a movie together. They would always laugh and make jokes if the movie was boring or stupid, and, since Twilight had absolutely no taste in good entertaining movies, she would always pick some kind of National Geographic documentary tape, so the group would always having something to make fun of. Twilight was never too happy about that though.

"Rainbow Dash, please come out. Earth to Dashie, it's time to come out! Can you read me?" Pinkie said, finally reaching the top of the stairs. The door leading to Rainbow's room was right in front of her. The light was seeping under and over the door, a blue cold light, probably coming from the computer screen, turned on in the complete darkness. Dash used a laptop, so she might as well be sitting at the computer, even without electricity.

"Rainbow, it's me, Pinkie!" the girl said, slightly pushing the door. It gave away, no locks preventing it from moving.

"I'm coming in, Dash. You better not be doing weird stuff with your... you know. I am not that kind of girl," Pinkie said, trying to lift up her own mood, and then opened the door.

Rainbow Dash's room was messy, like always. She never had proper time to clean up, so her things were all over the place. Her duffle was just lying somewhere in the corner, the desk was full of trash, like pieces of paper, pens, pencils and newspapers. Her bed was always a mess, since she never had time or attention to make the bed. This sprung up a little insider-joke that Dash actually did make her bed; she just loved to 'share' it with others often. Rainbow actually liked this joke, never forgetting to remind her friends just how dominant she was in any situation.

The blue light of the computer screen was obstructed by the seat, with its back being high enough to shield the monitor from Pinkie. She tilted her head in confusion. Nobody was sitting there at all. Rainbow Dash wasn't even in this room. All of this started to scare Pinkie Pie a little bit. She slowly approached the seat and moved it away.

There was the default screensaver on the screen: a blue background with white letters, reading the name of the OS. Intrigued, Pinkie touched the mouse, and jiggled it around a bit. The screensaver disappeared, revealing a whole page full of strange pictures.

These were the fan art of Cupcakes, most of them depicting pony-Pinkie in the dress made from the flesh of her victims, standing around, smiling viciously, and sometimes holding a bloodied weapon. Pinkie couldn't move a muscle. Why would Rainbow Dash look for fan art? Did she enjoy the fic that much? Or is it something else?

As she scrolled further and further down, the pictures became less and less tame, showing pony-Pinkie actually torturing her victims, some even showed the cupcakes she made from them. Some of the pictures were very, very graphical. In fact, too graphical for Pie's liking.

Pinkie closed this tab, starting to feel a little bit sick. Another window took the place: a text file. It seemed it was some kind of list.

"Pinkie Pie - Cupcakes... Fluttershy - Pattycakes... Twilight - Pages of Harmony? What the hell is this?" Pinkie asked herself, lost in confusion. She never expected to hear an answer.

"I knew you would come," Rainbow Dash's voice reached Pinkie's ears, and she quickly turned around.

"Rainbo—" the pink-haired girl was unable to finish as basic instincts forced her to dash to the left, avoiding the blade aimed right at her head. Rainbow missed her target and, unable to stop, plunged the kitchen knife into the laptop. It sparkled brightly and the light disappeared, leaving the room completely dark, if it weren’t for Pinkie's flashlight.

Rainbow Dash quickly wrested the knife out of the wreckage and rushed right at Pinkie Pie, who pressed her back against the wall. Her eyes widened from fear, as she dodged to the right, and just in time as Rainbow tried to stab her in the gut. But Dash was far too quick for Pinkie, as she quickly recovered from this failed attempt and approached the poor girl in a moment's notice.

"Dash, wha—" - Pinkie managed to utter before she felt the cold steel piercing her right shoulder. The blade cut the muscles, going just above the bone. She screamed loudly from the sudden pain and fell on her knees. Blood started flowing under her clothes, painting them crimson and mixing up with drops of sweat and water, that seeped through the cloak. Her eyes were quickly filled with tears, but she didn't react fast enough to cry as Rainbow Dash grabbed her by the neck, forced her to get up and then smashed her back into the wall. It was that time that Pinkie could actually look into her crazed friend's face.

Dash's face was distorted in fury and anger, she bared her teeth, and her eyes were swollen, with popped veins visible in the corners. Her hair was all messed up, shagged and dirty.

Rainbow Dash clasped her fingers around Pinkie's neck, increasing the pressure, trying to choke her. She smashed her friend's head against a wall several times to ensure that she couldn't fight back.

"I know everything about you, you monster! You sick psychopath!" Rainbow growled at the top of her lungs, looking into Pinkie's eyes with burning hatred. "I know what you want to do to me! Well, it won't happen! You're not cutting me! I won't be your cupcake!"

"—" Pinkie uttered, when she suddenly noticed that she was still holding the flashlight tightly in her arm. Gathering all her willpower and strength, Pinkie raised her left hand and hit Rainbow Dash right in the face, trying to somehow push her away.

The glass on the flashlight cracked, but Pinkie didn't hear anything as she was deafened by the terrifying scream Rainbow let out as she released her victim and backed away, holding the bleeding wound.

" aah—" Pinkie moaned, feeling the pain strike her in the shoulder again. She turned her head to the right and started whimpering, as she saw the bloodied tip of the blade, sticking out.

"You.. stupid... Argh! There's no way in hell you'll kill me! NO WAY IN HELL!" Rainbow Dash growled, as she looked at Pinkie with her healthy eye. The poor girl was terrified at the amount of hate that managed to seep through that gaze.

Pinkie quickly dashed to the exit, despite the horrifying pain in her shoulder. She didn't see anything in the pitch dark, she just ran forwards, her brain functioning quickly, tapping into muscle memory to remember where the walls were. As Pinkie ran down the stairs, the wound pulsated with pain yet again, disturbing her concentration and making her trip over her and fall down.

She landed right on the injured shoulder, increasing the damage even more. She let out a loud scream of agony, tears started dripping from her eyes, as fear and pain took control of her.

"I'll find you, Pinkie! I'll find you, and then I will kill you!" she heard a drawling voice of Rainbow Dash, as she recovered from her eye wound. Pinkie realized that there was no time to lose, and she dashed towards the door, or, at least, the approximate location of it. The blood poured out even faster as she ran, but her goal had been reached; the door was right in front of her as she managed to turn sideways at the right moment to avoid hurting the injured right shoulder even more. She tried to pull the door, then push it, nothing helped. It was closed tight.

"Pinkie… Don't try to run!" the voice reached her from upstairs, and Pinkie started crying, managing to suppress the scream, slowly tearing through her throat and begging for release. Suddenly, she heard the sounds of footsteps: slow, careful, coming one after another like a beat. Pinkie looked around, trying to find a way to escape, and ran to the left corridor, that lead her to the bathroom. She quickly entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

Unfortunately, the restrooms in Dash's house didn't have any locks, so her only hope was that Rainbow didn't hear her running in this direction. Pinkie pressed her back against a wall and held her breath, not moving even a finger, trying her best to ignore the horrible pain in the right shoulder. She heard the sound of footsteps and creaks of the stairs and she shut her mouth even tighter.

The footsteps became more and louder as Rainbow Dash descended down on the first floor. There was a brief pause, and then it resumed again, with Rainbow Dash approaching Pinkie's hiding place with every step.

"Come out, murderer… Where's your cutie mark apron now? Forgot it at home?" Rainbow Dash said, adding mockery to her voice as well as cold anger. "You're so brave when you have others strapped to the table, so brave when you can cut them freely. How do you feel now?"

Pinkie saw the light of the flashlight seeping down under the door. She covered her mouth, afraid to let out a single squeak. The sound of footsteps approached closer... and closer... and then suddenly stopped.

"You can't run, Pinkie. You're trapped. I locked every single door and window. You won't get away from me," she whispered calmly, but Pinkie could clearly see the tones of sadism in that voice.

For a few minutes, Rainbow Dash stood just near the restroom. She just had to push the door and Pinkie would surely be dead. These minutes seemed like an eternity as Pinkie could hear Rainbow's loud breathing.

Finally, the sound of footsteps tore through the silence, and the light started to move away. Whispering something under her nose, Rainbow Dash left the corridor and went somewhere else.

Pinkie slowly slid down on the floor, tears streaming down her face. She reverted her eyes back to the knife sticking out of the wound: she couldn’t go on like this. She had to pull it out somehow.

She reached for the handle with her left arm and gripped it tight. The movement of the blade caused the pain to pierce her whole body, but she held back the screams and started slowly pulling it out. The disgusting squelching noise reached her ears as the knife started cutting the parts of the muscle it didn't manage to damage on impact. Pinkie gripped her teeth, holding back the screams. Tears turned from small creeks into rivers, as she was silently crying her eyes out.

She made a careless move and the knife seemed to hit some kind of artery, as blood spurt out even more. Pinkie felt her chest getting warm from this crimson liquid. She pulled a little bit harder, and couldn't stand the pain, as she moaned in agony. In her mind, she prayed that Rainbow Dash didn't hear that, and pulled even stronger.

The blade cut even more, as she pulled it out with a short and loud scream. The blood gushed out from the wound even stronger. She clenched her teeth, trying to suppress the pain, and failing horribly. She opened her wet eyes and looked at the damned blade. The red stains on it made Pinkie feel even worse, as she felt another clod of screams going up her throat.

Even though the right side of her clothes was soaked in blood, she felt just a little bit relaxed here. She finally received a moment of rest from the horrible nightmare that was going on.

Pinkie couldn't understand, what happened to Rainbow Dash? Did she go mad? Just what in the holy heavens was wrong with her mind?

Slowly, Pinkie started to realize. All Dash's insane mumbles made perfect sense now – that fanfic. All that fan art on the computer. Rainbow Dash thought it's all real. She thought Pinkie was truly going to make a cupcake out of her. Strap her to a table and slowly cut her to pieces, enjoying her screams and whimpers.

But why? It was just a joke. That whole fic was nothing but a joke! How could she react like this?! What could be so horrific that it would drive Dashie to kill her best friend?

Pinkie shuddered at a thought of what Rainbow Dash would do to her, being under such impression from that fic. Her mind was quickly filled with terrifying pictures.

She had to get out of here. She had to find a way out, she had to run, save herself. Hide somewhere, find help. Rainbow Dash was ready to kill her, and if she catched Pinkie, it's unknown what horrors she’d perform on the girl's body.

Pinkie forced herself to get up and open the door. Leaving the safe haven seemed like a suicide, but staying in this house was a suicide on its own. She looked around, trying to see the light of the flashlight that would indicate her approach, and continued her way.

She didn't know where to go or what to do. If Dash wasn't bluffing, she was stuck in this house. Suddenly, a flash of lightings lit the house, and an ingenious idea came to her mind: the window! She needed to find something to break the window and get the hell out of here. Run as far as she possibly can, escape from her mad friend. Pinkie felt her own guild in what was happening right now, but there was no time to waste. Her life depended on her and only her now.

Pinkie slowly stumped towards the kitchen, hoping to find something heavy to break the window and get out... that is, if she could lift anything at all with the wound like this. She quickly reached the kitchen and started looking through the utensils. She noticed that one of the knives was missing, probably Rainbow's weapon of choice. She used her healthy hand to scout through, and try to grope something useful. The complete darkness made it impossible to see the details, but the moonlight was kind enough to pierce the dark clouds and lit the room for a few seconds. In the big selection of tools, Pinkie saw a sturdy hammer, used for softening meat.

Pinkie reached it with her left hand and felt its weight. It seemed light to carry, but powerful enough to smash the window. Now, she must move quickly, or else Rainbow Dash would catch her.

The window was just nearby; she just had to reach it. Pinkie decided to give herself a bit of a boost and do a running overhead smash with the hammer. That would destroy the window for sure. Of course, that would also attract Dash's attention, but she should be able to escape before she’d reach her.

The glass shattered, along with the wooden frames holding it. Pinkie dealt a few more blows, cleaning away the rest of the glass, so she couldn't cut herself when escaping.

It seemed like it was safe to go, and Pinkie dropped the hammer on the floor and tried to climb over, her wound doing its best to stop her. Suddenly, she saw the light engulf her from behind.

"Oh, no! You won't get away!" Rainbow Dash shouted, and Pinkie barely managed to push herself away from the windowsill to the left. She had to use her injured arm to do so, as Rainbow was delighted to hear her screams.

"You'll die today! I won't let you kill me, nor anyone else! You'll die! DIE!" she screamed with delight as she approached Pinkie, who fell, unable to hold her balance because of the blood loss.

"Dashie, please, it's me, Pinkie! The real me, not the one from the fiction. I won't hurt you, I can't hurt you! You're my friend!" Pinkie cried, as Rainbow Dash pointed the shattered flashlight right at her, blinding light biting her eyes.

Rainbow Dash's left eye was horribly crippled, with several pieces of glass stuck inside the flesh, bleeding constantly. One shard was right in her eyeball, cutting in half her eyelid. The entire left side of her face was covered in reddish black blood. However, even that horrible wound didn't stop her from smiling.

"I'll stop you right here, right now! None will die because of your psychosis, Pinkie!" she said sadistically, enjoying her victory over Pinkie. The bloody blade sparkled in her right hand; it seemed she’d found Pinkie by the crimson trail she left behind.

"It's not you, Dash. You're going mad. Please, calm down and stop. I'm your friend, Dashie! Don't you remember me?!" Pinkie whimpered. "We watched so many movies together, we played so many games together. I was supposed to visit your soccer game yesterday, but you didn't come. I'm not that Pinkie, I am your Pinkie, a fun and happy girl, who enjoys a great laugh. I thought that fan fiction was funny... but... I was so wrong...".

"What are you saying?" Rainbow Dash wondered, and the shadow of madness seemed to have cleared up in her eyes.

"I sent you that damn link... Please, forgive me... I'm so sorry... so sorry—" Pinkie begged, and Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks.

"Pinkie Pie... Pinkie Pie... " she said over and over again, as she slowly backed down. Pinkie used this moment to get up, trying to preserve her injured arm.

"You're not that Pinkie Pie... you're a different Pinkie Pie..." - Rainbow continued to ramble as Pinkie slowly walked away from her, trying to circle around and reach the exit in the form of a broken window.

"Of course you're not Pinkie Pie.... Pinkamena... Diane... Pie... That's who you are," Rainbow Dash said, smiling like a maniac and starting walking towards Pinkie yet again. "Your facade no longer fools me, psychopath. I know everything. I know everything! You can't fool me with your games, your plays! I know everything now!"

Rainbow Dash sped up, and Pinkie pushed the chair so that it would fall in the killer's way, hoping to slow her down. One by one, she threw everything possible at Rainbow Dash, hoping to slow her at least somehow. She threw dishes she managed to reach, knives, plates, cups; she was too scared to care about Dash's health now.

"Your little apprentice won't help you! No one of your psychotic delusional kind will escape, you, wearers of the cutie mark aprons! I'll bury you both IN ONE GRAVE!" Rainbow Dash growled, coming closer and closer to Pinkie. The girl in the pink clothes, smeared with crimson fluid, looked back. The window was just right behind her. She quickly dashed away from Rainbow, hoping to jump right out before the she could catch her.

But Rainbow Dash was quicker. She grabbed Pinkie by the collar of her shirt and threw her over the table. Pinkie flew over and landed on her belly, screaming loudly as the pieces of broken crockery she threw tucked into her flesh. She tried to lift herself up, but the bleeding wound allowed her only to turn around and let the shards sink into her back.

Rainbow Dash slowly approached Pinkie, looking down at her with a victorious smile. The blood from her eye got on her lips, and she licked it, spitting it out to the side.

"You're done for, Pinkamena. I will not let you kill again," she whispered, as she violently stomped on Pinkie's fragile leg, breaking the bone. The loud crack echoed throughout the house. Rainbow continued to apply pressure, as the broken bone slowly ripped through flesh. Pinkie bawled loudly, crying at the same time.

"You will pay for what you did to me. I will kill you for my torment!" Rainbow Dash said quietly, and delivered an over the head thrust, piercing Pinkie's knee. Her hand shook from the impact of hitting the bone, but the damage was done. The muscles were damaged, and blood started flowing out.

"Dashie... no-o-o... please...don't kill me... I beg you—" - Pinkie wailed, losing all hope. Rainbow Dash smiled.

"I said the exact same words to you, Pinks. Did you listen? No. You killed me, turned me into food. You need friends to feed your desire for blood," she narrated, as Pinkie shook her head in denial. "You are a deranged insane monster, hiding behind a facade of a happy girl. I will do the world a favor by getting rid of you!"

Rainbow Dash stabbed Pinkie right in the stomach and slowly moved the knife upwards, performing a clean bottom-up cut. Pinkie gasped, as her mouth was filled with blood. It even started to pour out.

"This one is for Gilda," Rainbow Dash said, and twisted the blade to the side, cutting her stomach, as she coughed out what seemed like liters of blood.

"This one is for Silver Spoon," she said, and delved her hand right into the cut. She didn't feel any disgust as she gripped Pinkie's small intestine and ripped it out. She only pulled out a half of it, but it was enough to send her in the laughing frenzy as she saw the horror in Pinkie's eyes. She continued to pull the small intestine until it was fully gone from her body, now lying just beside her.

"And this is for me!" Rainbow Dash shouted, as she plunged the knife deep into Pinkie throat. The poor girl continued to cough for a brief minute, while Dash twisted and turned the blade, ripping the wound apart and cutting the vocal cords. When Pinkie finally stopped moving, Rainbow Dash got up and went to the cupboard where all the instruments for cutting were. She picked a nice cleaver her dad used once to chop pork, went back to Pinkie's lifeless body and aimed to strike at her throat.

The cleaver finished the work a kitchen knife would never do, as it split the vertebras apart, also cutting the rest of the skin, holding her head attached to the body. Having finished her job, Dash jauntily kicked Pinkie's head into a wall as though it were a soccer ball. The head left a huge bloodstain on the wall where it connected.

Rainbow Dash looked around. What a mess. The shards of glass are all over the place, the blood was everywhere, and so much ruined furniture. However, it was a small price compared to what could have happened if she’d’ve let this maniac run free.

Dash sat down into a puddle of blood, completely careless towards her jeans, as she was already covered in crimson stains. Her hand was all sticky from Pinkie's insides, and her eye was hurting badly.

Despite that, Rainbow Dash reached to her pocket and took out a small smart phone with touch screen. She entered the pin code, swiped at the screen to unblock it, leaving a smeared red trail on the colorful screen, and entered the text documents she copied from her computer to this phone.

"Oh, Twilight. You self loving bitch. Torturing us to suck the elements out of us, huh?" she smiled, looking at the text file. "It won't happen, 'friend'," she said to herself, mockingly and sadistically.

"I'm coming for all of you. Each and every single one of you. I'll kill the monsters. I'll stop the maniacs. I'll kill them all!" she whispered to herself, looking over a long list of names, which contained almost her every friend and relative. She giggled quietly, and then her giggle turned into loud laughter, as the thunder shook the world. She laughed and laughed, unable to hold it back. She enjoyed herself so much, feeling proud of stopping a killer from going on a rampage. Soon, she’d stop so many more.

"There will be no Cupcakes for you," she said, looking at the disemboweled and beheaded corpse of Pinkie Pie, and licked her lips.

One down.... many more to go.