Equestrian Heroes: The Fall of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

by Rainb0wDashy

First published

Have you always wondered the life of Equestrians after the series ended, this Database of stories explains it all...well most of it at least.

The Hero of Magic

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“In the great struggles between good and evil, there is often more to a hero then meets the eye”-Staples Proverb

In a time of disrupt and controlled Chaos, in the descendent future of nowadays Equestria, the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic we all watch today has its story, those stories happened long ago though and now it’s time to read what happened after every series ended…The names Nix, I’m an old fellow, but I still understand the new changes of life pretty well as I age, I’m going to get out my book ‘Databases of true Equestrian history’ hoping for a moral to be evolved for us all, the understanding of the true Equestrian world, what we as ponies of Equestria are capable of, love never really lasted as long as we’d want it to but I guess that’s just life. “Ok, let’s see…AH here we are…” chapter 1 page four hundred and fifty five, Equestrian Heroes.
These heroes take on the wielding and ability of the unthinkable, these heroes can do things you would not dare to think about, teleportation, telekinesis and more, these heroes ‘Will’ is beyond natural. Nothing would stand in the face of these type heroes and say something of crudeness and live to tell the tale. Someponies of Equestria say that these ponies are the ‘Aliens’ of this world and was not at all created by princess Celestia, they are the power and the mind of the ‘Heroes of Equestria’. The forces of good and evil flow in the veins of these ponies and they do not have any ruler or follow anypony, these Heroes are rarely seen together, in battle or in life conversation.

The Hero of Flight

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These heroes are the courageous, skill of all ponies; they use flight as their main source of strength and can fly faster than magic can travel, once in the air these Heroes serve as a worthy opponent and can be flawlessly impossible to beat, if you have provoked a Hero of Flight and it has taken to the air, don’t expect to be going home to dinner. These ponies are possessed by the evil that lurks within their princess Nightmare Moon. These Heroes work in pairs to demolish the good or possess them.

The Hero of Province

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The Heroes of Province, these heroes are the primitive of all ponies, although a lack of skill and strength, these ponies have the knowledge of no other pony in all of Equestria, if a hero of province sat down in a quiz with Celestia they would win 100 to 1.‘Tis not just intelligence or knowledge’, these ponies are the rulers of the ground and will always prevail when in dark areas of Equestria, these ponies know every place in Equestria and are the best ground movers, they swim faster than the Heroes of Flight takes flight. They are good with healing herbs and potions that create strength and skill but only last up to an hours’ worth of battle. These ponies are blessed with good by Princess Celestia of the realm. The Heroes of Province work in ‘HUGE’ packs; they are the Fratsornity of one and stick side by side back to back in any situation.

Omnipotence of Light (Good)

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Although the light refers to bad in some cases, this force is of good and not evil. The Omnipotence of Light in this case is Princess Celestia and her followers, these ponies are not heroes and should not be considered powerful by the rules of law that follow in Equestria. There are thousands of these types of ponies as there are thousands of (Evil) followers, the ponies of the Omnipotence of Light are a main crowd and audience of Equestrian’s most famous and ‘totally legal sport’ at the ‘Mane Stadium’ located on ‘The Heroes of Provinces grounds’, this sport is called ‘Eq-War’ and only Heroes may participate. The Omnipotence ponies of light may be richer then the Omnipotence ponies of Shadow by a long way but the Shadow followers have a higher grade range of weaponry to vanquish the Light followers. These ponies are ONLY earth pony and no other species.

Omnipotence of Shadow (Evil)

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The Omnipotence of Shadows are a lot of utmost Evil ponies, it is told that they are possessed by the evil Princess Nightmare Moon but others say they were born to take on the role of evilness. These ponies, like the Omnipotence ponies of light have no power over each other as they both have no care for a fight, except the Omnipotence of Shadows would go and kill another pony whether they are evil or not for no reason whilst the Omnipotence of Light would not. These ponies sit in the ‘Mane Stadium’ and watch Eq-War as well; they sit on the southern side cheering on the Heroes of Flight for their behaviour and act personality of hatred. The Shadow followers live on the poorer region of the realm but that doesn’t mean anything does it? These ponies are ONLY earth ponies and no other species of pony.

Eq-War the History

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In a time, many millennia ago there were six ponies that represented the very rules that we cherish today, their names were Twilight Sparkle, the representor of the element of Magic, Rainbow Dash, the representor of Loyalty, Pinkie Pie Laughter, Fluttershy with Kindness, Rarity Generosity and Applejack, the element of Honesty. These ponies were the very students of Princes Celestia and no pony of this time was chaotic, except for a few bugs and glitches through the process of the slow creation of Equestria. This time was a time of peace and much more things you cannot quite find in this time; even Princes Nightmare Moon was nicer, her real name used to be Princess Luna until she was touched by evil as she was in a time before the representors’ time of living.
After these six ponies vanished off the face of the earth everything went to dread, the world wasn’t created without the very souls that kept everything in place, even Princess Celestia grew through the time, tired and annoyance from all that was around her, her students were gone and everypony was dying, even the clouds and skies became…natural as time went by, Princess Nightmare Moon was picking off ponies one by one and turning them in her masterful plan of the over power of Equestria. Well after 6 years of planning Princess Celestia finally came up with a brilliant idea that would be unstoppable, a plan that would maintain the lives of everypony, she created the world again, without having to demolish everything she built, she turned all ponies into earth ponies and created 3 races of Heroes, these Heroes will maintain the world and there will be plenty enough not to vanish at all. The first Heroes were the (HoP) Heroes of Province; these ponies are the peace of all ponies and should teach peace to all ponies, than she created (HoF) the Heroes of Flight, these heroes were to show all earth ponies, not disclosing HoP, the obedience of Equestria…in about 5 years of the making and creation of the new world another lot of Heroes came to the Earth, these are now known as (HoM) the Heroes of Magic, it was untold of the whereabouts they came from but it seems to be in history books that they did not come from Celestia or Nightmare Moon.
But as we all know, there are two creators of Equestria, Princess Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia, these ponies cannot possibly demolish each other, and as the new time grew so did Nightmare Moon and her…evil minions. As even more years progressed and Princess Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia both had different homes, the Temple of corrupt and the Temple of virtuous, there’s no need to tell who lives in which one as you could probably tell by the names. Nightmare Moon had corrupted every single Hero of Flight with her magic and minions, in an attempt to take over and rid Princess Celestia, but Princess Celestia managed to keep the Heroes of Province under her control of peace. The Heroes of Magic didn’t seem to be good or evil and hardly showed up, only on rare occasions.
As would happen, the new world wasn’t as bad as it used to be but everything was still not quite well, on one unfaithful day it was decided that Princess Nightmare Moon and Princess Celestia create a way of beating each other and agreeing to a fair match of loss. It was decided that a Grand game of war and victory be created, a game that would go on for hundreds, even thousands of years until one winner decides the fate of the others Princess and followers. This game is called Eq-War, the rules and gameplay are simple, three heroes compete in a stadium of death, each different race, and a head on head battle in different looking arenas in one stadium. They built a stadium that took 7 years to build; this stadium is now called ‘Mane Stadium’, the rules are…no dying and no going out of the arena walls whilst in battle, if you do any of them the penalty is death by the opposite princess’s, however the HoM don’t ever disobey the rules and don’t really tend to die from the princesses. There will be weapons such as unicorn spear heads for HoM and wing blades for HoF and herbal ingredients for HoP to create potions. The three species compete in a massive stadium until there is only one standing, that species standing gets a point on the ‘Board of Fate’, this sport has been going on for approximately 3029 years, and I am alive to see the last 10 matches until the end of the game.
The Board of Fate is a legendary board we ponies of omnipotence has never seen in our lives, we get to see who wins at the end of round ten, the last round. It’s scarier than it is exciting, knowing that the HoF might win and Princess Nightmare Moon might destroy this world or even kill us all.

Den of Souls

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In the tales of my time I have heard of a dragon that sits in the Den of Souls, this dragon was named guardian of the dead by princess Celestia after the disappearance of the ‘representors’. This dragons name in the history books seem to say Spike, a purple dragon with green back cleaves. He has been alive for many years now, as dragons do stay alive, many ponies have tried to go into the cave to get their love back from the dens soul pot but none have managed to survive and come back with a story to tell.
Spike was known to be Twilight Sparkle, the representor of Magic’s very own assistant, as a baby of course, ever since they vanished he turned to anger, a love for one of the six witch remains a mystery still today, he agreed to the guarding of the Den to try and find the six ponies in the pot of souls but as he searched back and forth nothing was to be found, this is what proves that they vanished and not die, when a pony is killed or murdered they’re souls automatically attract a force of the magic pot of souls that pull them into it. The souls are only visible in the Den, and look exactly like ponies except for a missing flank, since Princess Celestia had changed the world and Spike was chosen guardian of souls, this cave has only been known till then. Once you enter the cave of souls you can hear the screeching cries and yells of the pony souls calling out for help, in order to bring back a soul they have to be touched by a living pony hoof, that’s why Spike was told to do anything that will not allow the ponies to get near the souls, bringing one back from the dead rips a thread from the fabric of life and may turn the world into a parallel universe, or so Princess Celestia says.
This Den is located in a cave in the hill of ‘Old Canterlot’ used to lie, the chosen spot was supposed to show royalty or something. The heroes were designed by princess Celestia so that when a hero dies they do not have a soul, this is because if a pony does happen to bring one back to life that Hero will have no choice but to possess ghostly powers and can either cause havoc or help others, either way Princess Celestia still didn’t want this to happen. Instead when they die, they’re abilities and skills gets absorbed into an orb of nothingness in the sky, this Orb used to be called the sun, that was until Princess Celestia changed the world and she changed the sun so that she didn’t have to waist her time raising it or lowering it, it still provided energy but never moves, the moon is the same however Princess Nightmare Moon took back control over it long before my life. To be evil you only see the moon once in a while, this also causes ocean problems. Luckily the Orb that princess Celestia created is dark at night time so we can sleep in darkness.
The moral and main concept of this story of Information is explaining that after all My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series end forever; Equestria will change, as will we Bronies.