Draconequus at large!

by swingbeat

First published

I have always been one to pull pranks and magic tricks. But the prank pulled on me for my birthday? Probably overkill.

(My bid in the hat for the five score universe.)

Meet Ed. No he's not a talking horse, and not one of technicolor persuasion. He's a human who just so happens to work at a dead end job. But one night before bed, an odd event happens that will change his life (and the life of his manager.) for the crazier.

The definition of entropy

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Entropy- noun

The measure of chaos in a given system.

The road was dark and as twisted as a timber wolves wooden leg. Luna's moon was high over head, almost as if it were watching the draconequus with its silver glare. There was a reason that this chimera was here. He had gotten an invitation from an old friend, a very old friend. As the draconequus stopped at a gnarled oak tree he sat and waited. Suddenly the crickets and night creatures stopped stirring, making silence fall around him. The draconequus stood up from having a seat and greeted his old friend.

“Discord it is very nice to see you once again.” said the draconequus

“The same to you Entropy.” said the other. Discord looked over the other draconequus, in stature Entropy was about the same height, though that was about where the similarity ended. Entropy was as much a mix-match of creatures as Discord, his horns were both bull and ram one on each side. His left ear was a rabbit’s and his right was a dog’s. His left arm was a bear’s, and his right an alligator. His body went from a regal white to a polka dotted red and black, like a lady bugs. He did not have wings though, instead he had a dolphin's’ dorsal fin and his leg was a red fox’s and a ponies, and his tail was like a thresher sharks.And to top it off his mane/hair was a regal purple, much like a certain fashionista in Ponyville.

“Why did you invite me here? I thought that you were having fun being Celestia's pet.” chuckled Entropy.

“Don't remind me; you know as well as I do I tolerate them simply because they have weaponized friendship on their side and I do not care to be turned to stone again.” said Discord with disdain.

Entropy pulled up a chair with a puff of yellow smoke, "I know how much you hate your little predicament, but it’s still fun to tease you about it my old pal.”

At this Discord harrumphed, took a calendar book out of thin air, and pulled out a page, showing it Entropy. “This is the day that a little plan of mine is going to occur. A beast from Tartarus is going to suddenly and inexplicably be released. It will over power Cerberus and consequently get ol' Sunny Butt to become involved.”

“Yes I understand it’s one of your pranks.” Entropy remarked while he turned a cricket into cricket ball.

“Wrong, on so many levels. This beast will also over power Celestia, causing her to call upon me. I will quickly dispel the beast back to whence it came. But, as Celestia is still recovering she will ‘slip’ into the mouth of Tartarus itself!” Discord said with excitement.

“The drafts there would tear her wings to shreds!” Entropy argued, "It would surely kill her!"

“Exactly my point. With Celestia out of the way, I am going to use a new brand of magic that I have been working on for a quite while.”

“Discord, are you saying that you actually are wanting to kill the controller of the Sun!?!”

“Not kill, just displace her to a little back watery world in an unfashionable western spiral arm of a galaxy far far away."

“What would her sister think of that?” Entropy asked in disbelief

“She won't. She would be next, then Twilight Sparkle, after her the rest of the elements, and then the rest.”

“That would cause more panic than anything”

“Oh it will be wonderful wouldn't it! All the chaos and disorder it would cause? It would be like old times. But I won't stop there, the entire world shall return to what it rightfully should be. The land of the Draconequus.”

“You're madder than ever Discord!" cried Entropy. "When the ponies first showed up we agreed that it was indeed their time to rule. You were at the declaration, for Eris's sake, you sat next to me at the very table it was decided on!”

“It was the biggest mistake we ever made, look how they ruined such wonderful chaos! Instead of milk, it rains water; instead falling up, you fall down. All this ‘order’ has killed,Killed our race! Only the stronger ones have survived, and even then they are vilified!”

“I won't let you do this Discord”

“And here I was, wanting to invite you in on the fun.” said Discord sorrowfully.

A punch was thrown. Who it was that threw it, does not matter. The result was a fight the left a beaten draconequus on the ground, and his name was Entropy.

Prismatic blood seeped from both burns and cuts from the fallen draconequus. His mismatched eyes acted like a chameleons as they watched what used to be an intelligent and wise Discord. Now all they saw was an insane and very powerful adversary, one that he knew had to be stopped for the sake of both ponies, and of the world they lived on.

“See, Entropy, you can't fight me, this order has weakened you as well.”

“You're still mad discord. It will never work. The others will see this and stop you!” Entropy gasped.

“What others?” Asked Discord, almost daring Entropy to name the other draconequui.

“Dissonance...” Wheezed Entropy.

“Gone.” replied Discord.

“Tumult.” Said entropy shakily.

“Dead.” Said the mad chimera.

“Anarchy?” Asked the fallen chimera.

“She..." Discord said, "was the first to fall.”

Entropy could not believe it. Yes a draconequus does not associate with others of their kind often, other than to pull pranks or to decided on some group of problems. But sometimes, sometimes...

“It is just you and me. And soon, it will be just me.” Discord proceeded to say. Entropy fought against the blackness of unconsciousness, “There is one thing I learned about you during this fight Entropy." Discord grabbed Entropy, pulling him up by his bull horn. "You are a pitiful excuse for a creature that wields chaos like a toy." Discord dropped him, "And for that reason you will be my test subject in order to make sure my spell works” At that point that Entropy lost consciousness, but not before a curse had fallen over him.

April 30, 2020

location: L.A. (lower Alabama)

The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and all I wanted to do is shoot the birds and block the sun. Good grief who thought of the idea of waking up in the morning? Who ever it was, I want to give them a piece of my mind! But, as I look at the smart phone that serves as my alarm I saw that I had work today, as well something else, but it was blocked by my glasses. So I reluctantly got up and looked at the further note.

“Happy Birthday!” it said.

OH! My birthday how could I ever forget this day? After all, it was 25 years ago that I was born and began this madcap race towards death. And I had to work, what a present. Next time the fates should just let me wake up on my own time on an island in the keys with a card that has unlimited credit. Yeah keep dreaming Ed.

As I got up, I grabbed my uniform that read “Eddy” emblazoned on the right side of it, and “Chuck E. Cheese” on the other, along with the picture of an overgrown and glorified rat in a ball cap. After getting dressed I looked in the mirror to make sure I was presentable. Looking back at me was what, at first glance, might look like your typical good ol' boy, Rebel flag waving lad of 25. This misconception is dead wrong. I can’t fish, and can’t shoot anything other than a camera. I also graduated high-school with honors, and am currently in college. But enough about me, I need to get something to eat. After breakfast I hopped in my car and drove to the place where kids scream, and parents argue over a coin that has no monetary value. My job.

At work I clocked in, and as I turned around I was surprised by the manager. I am older than him by by a day, he was born on May 1st but he would always remind me about whose Dad owned the franchise. Me and him were friends, rivals, but friends.
“Hey Ed” said Alex the manager.

“Hello Al” I replied

“So I know its your ‘birth day’ and you want an easy day but...”

“Dear God don't tell me that.” Alex looked at me half apologetically, half devious.

“Glenn just called in sick, and we have five birthdays to celebrate.”

“Please tell me Glenn was on cake duty.” Alex shook his head. That meant that my day as a birthday kid just turned into a day stuck in a over sized mouse head.

“Fine” I sighed

“Sorry man, but you're the only one on shift who has party experience and can fit the costume.”

“Just tell me the birthday schedule.” I said wanting it over with already.

“It begins 7 and ends at 3” I didn't believe him I looked at the calendar and it said "birthday parties from 7 to 3."

“That's my whole shift!” I exclaimed

“Hey, think about it, at least you have Friday and the weekend off, which reminds me,” He pulled out a slip of paper and wrote a time and place on it.

“I want you and your little parlor tricks to come to my birthday at Seville Quarter.”

“Seville Quarter, you want to get drunk don't you?”

“As much as possible before work the next day. That day we have ten, count em, ten parties.” I took another look at the calendar then back to him, and laughed as I left, saying, “Alright I think this will be worth it to see you spaz out Saturday. I am off to get the parties prepared!” I said in a sing song voice.

The next 8 hours I will condense into something short and to the point.

“Where are the banners?”

“Will someone find out what happened to the gift bags?”

“No, we forgot to clean the costume Eddy.”

OW! Captain the jewels have been damaged sir!

“No kid, that's not for human consumption!”

And screaming, lots of screaming. And if I see another “Planes 2” or an over-girly made cake I will throw my hands up and cry in a voice that will shake the land and topple mountains, “A POX ON YOU AND YOUR HOUSEHOLD!”. .

I never thought that this day would end. Working at an outdated arcade is certainly something that you should never do. I still think its either a miracle, or a curse, that place is still open. As I took off my uniform and switched to house clothes I quickly went for my magic trick book. It was one of those old ones, the type that you get at a book fair in elementary school. But having fallen in love with magic in general, and finding it pretty good to deal out pranks on people, I soon learned all I could from it. After finding that there were more tricks I could do, I quickly wrote down notes and pages of tricks, and other various magic acts that I could perform, in to the margins of the book, and added pages of new tricks. I called it my "Spell Book", and since it was the 25th birthday of a friend, I needed something a little more than a coin trick. So I looked at my lists and found one that I called the "Disappearing Glass", and within the hour I had it down pat again.

After my practice was done I became bored again, so I decided to indulge a little secret of mine. Believe it or not this southerner from Pensacola is a brony, (Luna is best princess!) As I searched through the web for new pictures of Luna and of ponies in general, I was listening to some music. As I clicked through gallery after gallery I heard the song “Discord” and Instantly I felt something stir inside me. It wasn't a hateful feeling, more like one of pity. Trust me, I hate how discord ended the series. How he treated the only other draconequus in the entire world of Equestria? Shameful! And how he treated the ponies, Disgraceful! I wanted to shoot the writers for that one! But, I don't want to go to jail; although the idea of what the headlines would say would be funny.

After deciding I had had enough of pictures, I went to FimFic, the site rarely has updates any more, but there are enough stories that still update. If only once a month, on a lucky year. but I still read it. My old mantle clock chimed the time as i was reading a comedy about an OC by the name of Cracked Pot and his adventures as the inventor of Pinkie's various party gadgets. But then as the ninth bell chimed my head started swimming.

“Five score divided by four!

Your mind abused, Your body confused!
For your stupidity I banish thee, Far beyond the starry sea!

I surely do pity you and your nearsightedness !

But with or without you, I shall return to be called your Royal Chaoticness!”

I jolt upright with that phrase swimming around in my head. I look at the clock its 9:05. I guess that is Gods' way of saying, ‘Ed, you need to sleep’. So not one to question the guy upstairs, I promptly go to my room. As I do though, I take look at myself in the mirror. That's when I noticed something, one of my eyes are dilated. ~Must be from all the stress of the parties I had to work through.~ I thought. So, plopping on my bed, I quickly fell asleep.

Flaming Hurricanes and Madness

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May 1st

When I awoke, I checked to see if my eyes were better.

Nope, they were worse.

Also new was the fact that my hair had begun to look bluish. I was a bit perturbed, but I still had to get dressed. As I did, I looked around myself and my clean room.

“How boring.” I said to myself and proceeded to take some clothes and throw them around a bit.

“Eh not a bad start.”I thought

After getting dressed I looked in the mirror. I looked like a tie dye factory blew up! Catching myself, I looked at my room.

“Why is it a mess?” I thought I had cleaned it, I was sure I did. After cleaning the mess of clothes around me and changing into something less colorful, I went to my kitchen to make something to eat. As I munched down I was thinking towards tonight, what with Alex's birthday I wanted to treat him pretty well. After all, it is only once a year that we can celebrate our birthdays, and me and him have known each other since high school and have been rivals in everything but with only friendly competition. What's funny is that some people thought we were gay for each other, fighting like we did and laughing afterwards. (Yeah my school was full of rednecks who couldn't figure out one plus one is two and not eleven and anything that even remotely looked suspicious was branded as gay.) But no we're friends and that is it.

By noon it seemed as if my eyes were finished with their strange tricks and my hair was strangely shorter yet longer in some parts, and had turned into a purple hue. At first I was questioning it, that was when I decided to look it up on google and see if I couldn't find anything about what I was sick with. I searched through every medical database I could find, and with a huff gave up and went to the bathroom.

After doing the business I had to take care of, I looked in the mirror and hung my head. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that my reflection didn't follow, I looked up and made some faces, turned my head around and saw that it followed me, Then as I turned my head left for a profile I saw my mouth say

“My, my, what has Discord done to me?”

I jumped back, I don't think I said that, did I? It sounded like me.

I looked at my reflection but nothing strange happened. I quickly left the bathroom and walked back to my computer. That was when I had a sudden urge to watch the last episode of My Little Pony (don't ask why.) The story opened up with a shining moon and then panned to the ground. It was here that I saw the whole ordeal. I was sitting by the old oak waiting for Discord to show up, wondering why he had invited me. Then the next scene showed us fighting, me being the voice of reason, (Ha! Think of it a draconequus, being the voice of reason. How silly!) Then the next scene was myself on the ground beaten to a bloody pulp. (How did that get past the censors?) Then it showed Entropy dematerializing in the mists of the forest. Then the opening credits showed up with their normal banter, and the episode played out like normal. Discord tossed Celestia into the pit, went after Luna and Twilight then Shining then the others, and finally it showed Discord over the map of equestria, laughing hysterically then looked at me saying,

“I won, as I said I would!”

Then it cut to the ending credits. My blood felt like it was boiling with anger, and fear for someone, like I was scared for their safety. As if! I am Entropy I don't need anyone else I just need to get back at ….

What the hell am I thinking!?!

After that little episode I decided that some sweet tea was in order, and after chugging down two glasses of the liquid sugar and plant leaf concoction famous in the south, I had my wits back with me and noticed that it was about 3 in the afternoon. Boy, time sure flies when you’ve lost your mind, but I still had a party to go to and besides without my parlor tricks, how could Alex even get any girls to feel bad that he isn't as smart as me? But that's why I am here, to make sure she got flustered trying to get girls, besides ol' Spaz has one thing he is good for and that's for a good show when shes trying to entertain the ladies. But I still need to think of what to get him perhaps a good book after all I know she likes his dirty secret of romance novels. or perhaps I need to get her a date book so as to keep the dates planned out. Nah I don't think so. I find it fun to see Alex go around like a chicken with its head cut off.

I was about to leave when I looked at myself in the mirror again, this time staring it down saying,

“I don't know what happened but it will not happen again!”

And as I left I thought I heard myself saying

“Ha! That's what you think Ed.”

May 1st ,2020

Alex's POV


I screamed as I jolted up right, panting gasping for breath. I don't really remember my dream, but obviously “fractal” was important, most likely it was a nightmare about math again. I looked at the clock on my bedstand, it was only 5:00 in the morning, “Well Alex you're not getting any more sleep.” So I got up, and got ready for my birthday. Thankfully due to my mother always teasing me I knew my exact time of birth, which was twelve hours from now, and that meant 12 hours of being 24 still. I had the day off so I could celebrate my birthday, but that still meant work tomorrow and it was going to be a doozy of a day what with ten parties going on.

After I made myself something to eat I hopped in my car and headed towards the beach. Yeah, Pensacola has the whitest sands anywhere along the Eastern seaboard of the United States, but the beach is more of a giant stationary sand bar with little to no vegetation, but it still is the best place to see a sunrise. After paying the bridge toll to get across, I wound up near an area called the Maritime Forest. it's here that normally you will find underage drinking,couples kissing under the moonlight, and the like but thats only at around midnight. By the time I got there the sun was just about to banish the shadows of the night. I quickly went to the waters edge and sat myself down in the famous white sands of pensacola and watched the sun rise. With the clouds around you can't help but remember that old mariners proverb “red sky at morning sailor take warning, red sky at night sailors’ delight” but with the clouds a crimson red with pink and blue and a few hints of orange in it, I could not help but think,

~My, Celestia must have been bored to come up with this masterpiece.~

What did I just think? I shook my head and when I looked out the sun already was just above the water so getting up I went to my car to head back home.

It was a little past 2 pm when I walked into the already packed club, and throughout the day I felt off, beginning when I woke up, and intensifying when I saw the sun come up. But I pushed it aside, it was my birthday and I knew that when Ed showed up our little tradition would begin, he would show off his magic tricks to girls and I would try to figure his magic out and in turn get the ladies. So far this form of pick up has back fired more than I care to mention(admit?), but I still try because occasionally I get his little magic act right and he has to admit defeat. It only happened one time though, and that was because he messed it up. Speaking of Ed I found him already at a table shuffling a deck of cards he was wearing sunglasses though for some reason and his hair had slight purplish tint that could be from the lighting, but why he had on sunglasses I could not tell.

“Ah if it isn't my dear friend Alex” Ed said in his sing song voice

“Hey Ed, what's with the glasses, you know its going to be dark in there”

“Just wanted the cool factor” he said as he grinned his teeth looked strange yet normal like something was off. What is it with me today?

“What ever you always were a little loony when it comes to off work”

“Well what can I say I am Entrop-ic, yeah that’s the word, entropic” I eyed him suspiciously, something seems off with him like he's hiding something, while his guard is down I swipe his glasses off his face, what looked back at me was the weirdest form of lazy eye mixed with jaundice. If I didn’t know any better I would say,

“Your high aren't you!” I accused him.

“I am not high! I woke up this morning looked in the mirror and BOOM crazy eyes were what welcomed me”

“Well keep the glasses on you'll scare off the chicks”

“Don't lay an egg Alex, I’ll keep them on.”

It soon was 4:55 and Ed had showed his mastery of magic, with me again as the dumb guy . I was never able to explain his tricks, that is until when one of the girls asked him to try and hypnotize me.

“I can't do that I can only mess with physical things” Ed said, trying to back away from the challenge. I was thoroughly smashed by this time. (Seville’s flaming hurricanes are probably to blame for that.) but I myself wanted to see if he could hypnotize me.

“Come on Ed(hic)dy try it.” I dared. At this, Ed then proceeded to take his finger and place it front of my eyes I watched closely.

“follow my finger back and forth” he said as his hand moved in the direction he said,

“left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, lef...”

~ The first thing I feel is loss.


I scream into the tumult of ponies. Houses were flipping around in the air, and chairs were chasing ponies and animals alike. Above us, laughing his head off, is Discord,

“Fractal where are you!?!”

I scan the crowd again but I can not see his trademark green mane nor his almost hypnotic cutie mark,


All of a sudden, my head swims as I am lifted up by my barrel like I was a toy in some claw game. As I twisted around, I saw the devil himself with his twisted and sadistic grin.

“Oh my look what I’ve won!” Said Discord as he grabbed me nearly crushing my body. The pain was intense I stared at him.

“What have you done to my Fractal!?”

“Fractal?” Asked Discord “I know no one of the name”

“Quit playing tricks you snake!”

“My, my, what spice. What hatred towards me. I can not allow that type of mare to be in my new kingdom, don't you think, Spaz?”

How did he know my name? Either way I spat in his eye.

I quickly fell about two stories, shattering my already cracked ribs. Gasping for breath, I prepared to fight this madpony. All he did was take out his eye, take a cloth out and wipe my spit from it. After replacing his eye, he glared at me and slapped me against a wall leaving me a bloody mess on the ground. Somepony tries to help me, but Discord turned him into a ball and threw him out of the way. As he walked closer, I could hear him say something, but my mind raced with only one thought.

“Fractal I hope your okay”~

May 2 2020

~Oh dear God Almighty someone shut the sun off!~ I thought to myself, by the fact that my eyes hurt like hellfire, I knew first off that I was hungover. Beside my bed I found a note written by Ed

“ If you are reading this then that means that you have predictably over slept. But no worry, I called Janet and told her that you had one too many flaming hurricanes. She understood and she says to consider this a present.

Signed, Entropy Ed”

Oh great that's what I need. I got up and went to my kitchen. When I got in there I saw Ed making some coffee, after a greeting I grabbed a cup of joe. But after the first taste of the brown pick-me-up my stomach instantly rejected it, causing me to rush to the bathroom.

After emptying the contents of my stomach, I was resting by the toilet and looking over the mess I made when I spotted something on my hip. Focusing my will power, I nudged the jeans down to show me what it was.

“Oh that Ed is dead!” I said.

As I looked at the offending tattoo I will admit it was of decent make, and who ever did it, did it well. Because I did not feel a single thing. The tattoo looked like one of those cartoon twisters, kind of like when they were in a rush to do something, and turned into a whirlwind. I looked at it and called out,

“ED YOU WENT TOO FAR!”as rivals we always try to out prank each other but this went into overkill territory.

“What hath I done?” Ed asked.

“You come here and see what!” I walked out of the bathroom as he walked into the hallway. That was when I noticed something, his hair had gotten longer on one side and shorter on the other, also it was more purple now, and his eyes now had a look of “complete madness controlled”, and he seemed taller and walked on his toes alot but he didn't seem to notice.

“You will pay for the laser surgery to get this tattoo off of me.” I showed the whirlwind to him. He produced a magnifying glass from somewhere and started examining it,

“I would gladly undo this. If it was me that had done it in the first place Spaz. But this is not a tattoo as you can see,” he poked it .“It doesn't hurt like a normal tattoo.”

I looked at Ed with malice, because it was bad enough that he did this when I was drunk, but its even worse that he won't confess to it as well.

As we argued back and forth he kept calling me Spaz and Alex interchangeably, but he went too far when he used words like he and she interchangeably as well,

“Will you stop that Ed!” I finally cracked.

“Stop what, defending my honor that I did not do such a low ball trick as to put a cutie mark on you?”

“Stop calling me Spaz and calling me a girl!”

“I have done no such thing, Spaz”

“There you go again” at this Ed stopped closed his eyes and thought about something

“Also what is a cutie mark ? Some sort of sick twisted name for a tattoo?”

He still had his eyes closed, as if planning what to say next.

He opened his eyes again but now they were normal and almost begging for help. My anger was lost at the sight. As he blinked again, they returned to their old state, and he sat down asking for me to sit down as well and said,
“Spaz-er- alex you need to listen to me, something is happening to me, and apparently it is happening to you as well.” I asked him what it was.

“What was your last memory last night?”

God I don't want to remember it, the loss of it, the hurt, the pain. I don't want to remember or recount it. but I told him it

“What I thought and feared” he said

“I too have had a dream like that as well but it was much more gruesome.” He looked at me and said “As for the entire explanation I have a feeling that you're going to need to watch a show that I watched. and don't laugh because it might clear up some things for you as well.”

“And what is that?” i asked

“My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!” he said in a flourish

I looked at him like he just turned into a pink elephant.

“You're joking.”.

Spazing out

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Alex's POV

While Ed was watching the show and giving a weird commentary, I was more focused on watching to get answers, because yes, some of the occurrences I have seen pertain to the show, and Ed was not giving me any answers or at least not without blowing it out of proportion. (Note to self don’t ask about cutie marks) But although I felt that same type of off-ness that I felt during yesterday, which judging by the number of phone numbers Ed had gotten, seemed like I had missed quite a party. It was not until the last episode that something strange happened. I was watching it while Ed had suddenly needed to go get some air for a reason I didn’t know. As I watched it,it was like a home movie that you don’t remember making. The last episode was strange because it took place in the space of two days. The first day introduced a mare by the name of Spaz and a stallion named Fractal all throughout the first part of the episode, it showed me and fractal in ponyville walking the streets, enjoying the country air, and getting away from our home in Manhattan. We visited the town hall and the famous windmill. We also visited the park, it was there that they saw Applejack's apple cart and bought a few apples, and then they went to the house we had rented for the season. After that I was watching some mindless banter about possibly moving into ponyville. It was here that something unexpected happened, as I was trotting back to the house after having to quickly get some chocolate milk and some macadamia cookies (It was Fractals’ favorite.) I saw a strange creature slither away from our house. It irked me but when I got to the door I saw Fractal in a bad mood

“What's wrong?” Spaz asked

“The mayor heard that a math pony of my caliber is in town, and she wants to ask me a few questions on how to balance her town budget, I tried to tell her that I was a professor of theoretical mathematics, not an accountant, but she insisted and has even promised to pay for my services.”

“I wonder if that’s normal here.”

“It’s not. I should know, a friend of mine visited here a while ago, and was not bothered by the mayor, then again, he was here to talk to the elements here because of ‘various circumstances’.” He stressed his words like he had air quotations. As he sat down on the couch, I trotted up to him and said.

“Well it can't be that bad. Tell you what you go do that thing, and I will visit you tomorrow with lunch. After that we will put a sign out front that says do not disturb!” Spaz said with a twinkle in my eye

After that, the second part of the show never mentioned either Fractal nor Spaz ever again, because it focused on Discord’s betrayal when he was in ponyville. I felt sick to my stomach. I could not watch this again. As I heard the screams from the TV, I heard a faint voice cry out


My heart flipped and my stomach turned. I turned around and I saw Spaz frantically spin around trying to find Fractal, only to be told that even Discord didn't know the name, no one did, not the mayor no one. Then I was picked up by Discord. I spat in his eyes, and he dropped me. I felt pain and shattered ribs, I had to get away. I ran over the couch in front of me my ribs hurting so badly. Hearing Discord’s laughter, I crashed into a wall that I don’t remember ever being there. It was white and it was as if I was in a house. Discord’s laughing still. I was disoriented and ran for outside to the trees, my legs hurting. Why am I running on only two legs?!? What happened to my hooves!?

“HA AHA HA!” cackled that sick twisted demented creature. I suddenly lost my balance only to be caught by someone.

“Whoa there Spaz, watch your step!”

I looked up. It was another one of those creatures. I kicked away from him and ran further away, all the while still hearing that draconequus’s laugh. I suddenly felt a tug at my tail and turned around. It was that other one. He grabbed me by his alligator claw as I struggled to get away from him, the word started to swim things got fuzzy then ….

“Five score divided by four,

Your head will be muddled your body befuddled.
Cast off to a land far away and it is there you will stay.
You’ve had your fun but now mines begun,
So little pony run run RUN!” I heard that demented laughing as it faded to black.

“GAHH!” I jolted upright. Why was I in bed? The last thing I remember was Ed going outside for some air, and then… blank. When I looked around, I was in my room with the lights off. As I looked around, there was barely enough light to let me see basic shapes. All of a sudden my bladder was telling me that it was full and needed to relieve itself soon, or a premature release was bound to happen, so not arguing that I got up and walked to the door. It felt weird though, like I was tiptoeing across, as I exited my room I went straight for the bathroom and found the toilet. Taking the pants off was a little funny because my hands didn’t want to work, but I did anyway , that was when my bladder released, not because of pressure, I wish it did, then I would’ve made it to the toilet, no it relieved itself out of shock, horror, and just utter stoppage of active thoughts. I looked at my lower half in disbelief. My manhood was now (if Ed was referencing it right) a marehood. I let out a muffled eep, and consequently that’s when I noticed the reason I was tiptoeing all over the place. I had hooves for feet, and a dark blue pelt of fur covering my now equine legs. I looked at myself in the mirror. What I saw horrified me, my eyes were larger than they should have been, my hair was completely blue and green, my irises were red and blue, and my jawline was completely messed up. I gave a shriek that would have made any damsel in distress think of taking lessons from me. I soon heard Ed’s voice through the door, and it sounded higher pitched and nasally too. “Is everything alright in there Spaz?”
I didn’t answer. The sight was horrifying. I was some sick twisted creature. Part horse, part human, part Crayola factory disaster on Three Mile Island. What would Ed say if he saw me? I mean, I wasn’t a guy anymore! For Celestia’s sake, what's happening to me!?

“Come on out of there Spaz, we have a lot to talk about. Apparently my first idea didn’t work too well.”

“STOP CALLING ME SPAZ!” I cried out. That’s not my name my name is Alexander Wright. I worked at Chuck E Cheese. I lived in Pensacola and I am a GUY!

“Yeah yeah yeah, just get out of there you tortured soul, I can explain everything a bit better now that my wonderful world shattering transformation is complete”

What was he saying? I decided I might as well face him, so I slowly opened the door, and what I saw was part comedy, part lovecraftian horror, a mix match of different creatures standing about as tall as a basketball player. He opened his mouth and said “Follow me if you want to understand all this.” So I did.

When I sat on the couch I crossed my legs not wanting to show my, uh…

“Its called a…”

“I know that! Wait how did you know what I was about to think?” I snapped back.

“Simple. As a creature of chaos I do see a lot of different things all at the same time, including a word for word script of what everyone thinks, what everyone sees, and… wait a second the editor missed a period hold on…” At this , he poofed something out of thin air that seemed to be a script, and taking a pen scanned it, poked it, then it disappeared in a flurry of feathers

“There we go, next time I hope he doesn’t make the mistake of that obvious grammar error, I swear the author needs more editors!” all of a sudden a shimmering light appeared near Ed, and suddenly a megaphone appeared and a voice came through it that was very irate

“I do NOT make mistakes!” As it blew into Entropy’s face, causing his ears to fly around like a storm wind, then it suddenly disappeared in a puff of yellow smoke when Entropy snapped his fingers. I looked at the space where the megaphone was in a very puzzled fashion, before looking at Ed, one eyebrow raised in a discombobulated expression.

“That’s Way too far above your head to worry about for now, Spaz. As I was saying, I see a lot of things and I thankfully found out what happened, but no doubt you already know, you just won't accept it.”

“How can I? Do you really expect me to believe that I’m a pony that got poofed to earth to live 25 years, only to return and have this discussion with a ,a…”

“Draconequus” Ed said while blowing a bubble pipe overflowing with some sort of ooze. He obviously was deep in thought at what i just said.

“That! Why that’s absurd! Its crazy! Its loony bin material! No, what happened to me was that this is all just some really bad trip, that you or someone last night slipped me a large dose of Lsd or roofies or something in my drink!”

“Really? Then in the words of a particular caterpillar” He cleared his throat, and somehow was sitting on a mushroom smoking a hookah while blowing bubbles out of his mouth. “Who Are You?”

“My name is Alex I work at Chuck E Cheese, I live on the corner of Long Trot and Carrot in Manehattan, and my coltfriend is named Fractal!” I quickly put my malfunctioning hand to cover my mouth. Did I really say that?

“Hmm, that name again, I heard you cry out that name during your little episode, but i dont seem to recall it.”

“Why not, you can see everything right?”

“ I said I see a lot of things, not everything, because if I did see everything that would make me a full fledged god. No, I am more of an immortal with chaotic powers”

“Then change me back!” I screamed. “I want to be human again, not some strange equine creature that looked like a child picked my colors. I wanted normalcy again, I was happy (for the most part) as a human, a guy human!” As I huffed, catching my breath after that outburst, Ed looked at me with sad eyes that told of trickery and wisdom.

“It’s not that simple, Spaz.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“Dont you want to know why i keep calling you spaz. Even though you never met me?” Ed had said, completely derailing the conversation.

“What are you saying? I know you. You’re Ed, not some sort of strange beast” I replied, knowing that Ed was not going to answer my question.

Ed looked at me with a glint in his eyes.

“That is where you are wrong my dear little pony!” He said with the biggest grin i had ever seen.

“Human!” I corrected him.

“Pony.” Ed corrected me.


“Po-ney.” Ed said with a anatomically impossible grin.

“Alright, how do you know my “name”.” I said defeated.

“Simple, I met you before.”

what that doesn't make sense.

“I thought that you could see all” i replied.

“I’m not Magenta.” Ed had answered “I can't “see all” like you say, but I can see a lot. Names, however, are forbidden. Unless I already know the name. Which begs the question, I know you are Spaz,and my name is Entropy. Does that ring any bells?”

“No, except for Spaz”

Disgruntled he sat on the couch, scratching his chin with his bear claw. Finally he gave up. Now was my turn to ask questions.

“So, you have not really answered any of my questions.” I said.

“Oh, and hows that?”

“Well, you didn't explain Why I am turning into a pony.”

“Not into persay, but back into. You were a victim of Discords’ “curse”. A curse that transported you, mind and body, to this world much like mine. Unfortunately your transformation is accelerated because of my chaotic radiation, hence the reason you look like some anthro that got stuck with a very twisted artist.” As he said that I felt my jaw. The way it was so deformed I was amazed I spoke at all.

“Alright, that out of the way. You said you met me ...Spaz, some time in the past. Care to elaborate.”

The draconequus in front of me smiled, showing his overbite of sharp teeth, and said, “I shall!”

He pulled a screen projector out of nowhere and without warning a film countdown appeared and it filled my vision.

We were hovering over a store in what looked to be the Manehaten from the show. All of a sudden I saw a familiar sight that was welcoming, yet alien to me. It was a small tea shop. I looked down, I saw that Spaz from my memories, or rather who i was turning into, or back into. Gah! This is too confusing.

As I watched from my vantage point, I felt that there was something important about this day but I just could not put my hoof on it.

As Spaz moved in closer to the shop the door almost opened on my face. As the door finished opening I saw the poor… wait was that Entropy? Down there, who opened the door it was his horns and such were obvious he wasn't even hiding it! Yet why don't I remember that?

“Oh, I am so sorry Mam. I am rather clumsy.” Entropy said holding a small bag of cookies in his mouth. Why was he using his mouth his hands or claws were empty?

“Oh it’s ok, I was wondering when my near miss would occur today.”

“near miss?” asked Entropy

“I always seem to have at least one near miss a day, and I haven't had one yet. So this counts as it.” I explained.

“Well I am sorry to have troubled you.” Entropy said. Before he left, I saw myself looking at Entropy with some sort of look. What it was I could not tell because of my viewpoint, but what ever happened I asked if he wanted to share a table. He accepted and after I got a scone and a cup of tea I found Entropy sitting at the table ,which was way too small for him, sipping a bottle of chocolate milk along with the cookies. It was like watching a strange case of deja vu, but yet not. I expected to see somber, handsome, very intelligent stallion with big beautiful eyes.Instead, it was this strange beast from who knows where sitting next to me without a care in the world. And I was blind to it! I wanted to go down there and slap myself silly so she could see who she was with.

“So, might I ask your name?” I had asked the pony in front of me.

At this the draconequus looked up and said, as the world literally stopped.

“And thats the memory I have, its the last one before my battle with Discord I had. And according to my memory, I am missing a good 3 years of my life! Which is nothing to an immortal but it makes me scratch my head.”

I looked at the table Entropy sat at. In my earlier episode with the past I knew Fractal liked macadamia nut cookies and chocolate milk.

On the table, in front of Entropy, sat a bag of macadamia nut cookies and chocolate milk.

Mind Warping and Screwing!

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Oh my aching head...

When I finally came to and saw Spaz ..er ...Alex or whatever the hell he/she was, I was taken off guard when she rammed into me and started punching me in the jaw, knocking it off and to the right then punching my head, and she beat me until I was nothing more than a pile of parts on the floor, each one bruised or a little bloody thanks to the hand/hoof combo she had.

“Is this your idea of a joke!? You sick twisted @!#$*!

She was having a field day with me, as my hand got up and grabbed my other body parts and put me back together, as she was screaming at my upper skull, my bear claw grabbed her by the mid section as she screamed and hollered and while that happened, I grabbed my upper skull, levitated it back to my lower jaw and neck as she flailed a bit more. I was almost afraid to put her down for fear of another pounding, but she calmed down. When she did, I put her back on the couch and asked,

"What in Sam Hill went wrong!?"

“You don't mean to tell me that you don't know?” she said accusingly

“Honest to goodness, I have no idea what you were pounding away at me for, all I showed you was a snippet of memory, it is after all fractured, even I who can see the script am confused at this.”

I said as I poofed the sheets of paper that are the words you the reader see and looking back at them, noticed a strange occurrence in later chapters.

“Then why did you replace yourself with where I knew Fractal was?!”

I was shocked at this too, and so rewinding a bit I took the film out of my head and looked through the panels. I did see myself. Then popping Spaz’s head, I took out her memory reel, looked through it, and saw the inconsistency. As I jumbled the reels back into their respective heads, I said,

“ Ok that is strange, but then again I merely guide chaos, I don't create it.”

“I thought a draconequus could create chaos.”

“That is a common error that many ponies make, including the princesses. All we can do is make the ethereal chaos into corporeal chaos”

“But why is it that you and I have the same memory?”

“You think I have an idea? I looked at the script and cant make head or tails of it. Apparently the guy behind this just loves to screw with us.”

“So there's more than Discord behind this?”

“Well I know there is at least one that sits on his butt typing away at a computer in the comfort of his own little library of a bedroom, but unfortunately I think I broke the wall to much there.”

As we tried to figure this out, it was decided that for the time being it needed to drop. And thus began our little thing of what I could do, and what we needed to do.

“Well in my state right now,” I said

I know how I could turn you back.”

“Into a human?”

“No into a pony, your original form that will at least ease some of the discomfort you will have when changing over, because otherwise your blood vessels will tie up into knots causing untold amounts of damage.”

“Guess I have no choice then do I?”

“You don't, sorry.”

“Well then,” She said while trying to get up. “What position do I have to be in ?”

I couldn't help it.

“Head between your legs so you can kiss your ass goodbye."

“Very funny.”

“Lay on your side it will be easier to get up from that. Now, you may feel a little pain. ”

As she laid on her side, she whispered a prayer to whatever deity we have in this situation whether it be pony or human. Then, warming up my claws I felt a slightly familiar tingle in them, like how your hand tickles when you put your hand on an old tube TV. Then I clicked my eyes over to see the streams of chaos that flow randomly through the air and grabbing the largest strand I could find, I grabbed it with my mind, grabbed Alex’s head with my alligator claw, legs with my bear paw, and in one big poof of ethereal becoming corporeal, took the physical body of Alex, squeezed out the life source, mushed the body like a big wad of clay, and using my unnatural ability, I molded Spaz back to her original form. Then I took a paint can I made up on the spot, and dumped it on the body which revealed to my utter shock that it really worked and to my pleasure a beautiful mare. Navy mane with green accents, light blue body, red and blue eyes (I swear I had nothing to do with that mix up!). Even though I wanted to make her a Pegasus or a Unicorn so she could have a chance, there was not enough “clay” to mold them as she was originally an earth pony. that was when i took that little wisp of life and rammed it back down her throat, withdrew my claw and saw that she was not breathing.

Dont panic, you did everything right.


Did you?

Yes I did everything went as I remember how it was done.

Problem was, you never did that before did you?

No, I had never done that before

Wait she's still not breathing.

I took the next five Plancks to dress in a doctor's outfit complete with with a defibrillator carriage, took up a charge on the paddles and yelled


I saw a slight kick


I saw some movement but the breathing was ragged, so poofing the paddles back to the ether I took the next step in bringing her back to life. I pounded on the chest. That didn't work, and after running out of options there was only one thing left.

“The kiss of life” Oh yuck!

I took the muzzle and plugged the nose. Took as deep a breath as I can, put my lips to hers and blew, and blew and blew till she stopped resembling a pony, and more like a balloon. Then letting go, I saw her shoot and ricochet off the walls, off the ceiling nearly taking my head off (again) and finally shoot back to the tv where as luck would have it, she broke and as she slid back to the ground I made sure to work some of my magic and caused her eyes to read “tilt".
That was when she finally took a deep breath making her return to a normal pony again, although the sight of my chaos was something to behold as she gained her footing she shook her head again.

“Ow, what a headache from Tartarus” She moaned.

“So Alex, you feel better?”

“Alex” she said, still bleary eyed

“What in Equestria kind of name is that?” she said, her eyes finally staying open away from me.

“My name is Spazzy Twister.”

Oh shiznackers.

She turned my way raised her front hoof in shock, screamed and saw the door galloped toward it as if she never forgot and kept running past the kitchen door past the hallway and out the front door.

My life just got a lot more complicated.

I decided now was a good as time to try teleportation. I mean, that mangy excuse for a snake Discord used it often enough. So I pictured my target and began willing my body through the mists of the ether. I placed a claw on her muzzle then with a snap I had stopped her full force and was outside under the starry skies.

“Whoa there Spazzy!”

“Get away from me you despicable person!” She started running off to another street.

It's times like this that I am glad no one around here walks the streets at night.

“I am an ally Spaz!” I said as I shrunk myself and grabbed her mane, holding onto dear life as she tried to buck me off.

“Get” She jolted up.

“Off” She tried to roll.

“OF Spaz bucked.

“ME!”She succeeded in throwing me off of her back as I poofed to normal. (What is normal for me anyway?) I had to grab her again by the mid section and lift her up. As I did she bit me causing me to drop her as I sucked the finger she bit I glared at her saying,

“You know Spaz, I think I might have done too well a job, can you even remember me?”

“How can a person like you even ask that? And can wait to hear your victims say it? It's Discord!”

“That answers my question.” I decided that it would be better if I shrank down to her height and kept it there so she could look me in the eyes.

“Wrong my dear Spaz, and before you run away again, I am so sorry for what I did to you.”

“Wait you're not Discord?”

“No” I said, My name is…”

Alright here's the choice, Alex is gone, there is only slight remnants of what Ed was now I guess I might as well seal the deal.

“My name is Entropy I am a draconequus as well, but I am not to blame for your suffering if anything I wish to help as I was a victim as well.”

Eviction Notice

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Entropy POV

When I said my name aloud and confirmed the fact that I am indeed Entropy, it felt, how can i say it? “Right”? Or as if it was supposed to be. I don't know. But then again, I never really did know, but it feels like I am remembering a lot of things, such as the fact that I remember how I can change forms rather than my appearance in my normal form. I remember how to become a myriad of different things, one of them being very interesting, and no, I am not telling. It makes me feel dirty and slightly moist as well. When I think of it, which, speaking of thoughts, brings me to the fact that Spaz has settled down. When I told her what had happened, she first cried a little, because she still doesn't know where this “Fractal” guy is. But, the name now sounds familiar, like I myself heard it in a dream from a long time ago... But that doesn't matter. What matters is the mental state of Spaz right now. Physically she's fine. A normal healthy mare of a different color.

“What was the last thing you remember before waking up?” I asked.

“Well,” she began, “not too much. I remember a lot of running though, and a pain in my ribs and legs and searching for Fractal.” Oh no. Here we go again...

As she cried again, I had teleported us back to the house to hide out. When she stopped crying again, I asked what Fractal looked like.

“Well, he was a plain looking earth pony. Brown body, black mane. Nothing really out of the ordinary. But he had this really hypnotic cutie mark! Something he called a ‘self similarity’... He was also extremely smart. Like, he worked as a teacher for made up math, or whatever ‘theoretical’ math is.”

As she talked, she began to sniffle a bit. That was when I had the bright idea to poof up a plushie for her. When she saw it, she nearly choked me. Again, out of thanks, but still choking. After she let go, I decided we needed to come up with a plan to get to Equestria, but first we needed to find Fractal.

That was when we got a knock at the door. It sounded forceful. Almost as if...

“This is the police. Is everything alright in there? We got reports of some sort of explosion and loud disruptive noises.”

For the love of Eris. Not them. Anything but them.

“Anyone in there?”

I saw a shadow start to move on the windows. That was when I told Spaz that we had to move, because I do not feel like being tossed to a scalpel-happy scientist. I remember what happened to a certain Australian mammal when something with mismatched parts came to the attention of western science. But, unfortunately, when I tried to warp, all I got was a sputter. When I tried again, it didn't even spark! That was when I noticed that something was missing. All this time I had to ignore a slight fuzziness, but it was clear that must mean that the fuzziness is how much chaos I can make which means...

I'm out of magic...

No sooner had I realized that than spaz said, “What is that?”

As she pointed to the window, my face, if it wasn't white already, it would have been luminescent white, because, staring in was a slack jawed officer who then called in for back up and animal control. I grabbed Spaz, who then in turn clutched her plushie and I ran to the door. That was when the cop followed suit and, when I bashed through the door, I almost hit the police officer. But my luck was not that good, so I had to run and, after Spaz got the picture, she galloped along with me away from the house with a cop car in pursuit.

Que the chase scene!

As we ran away from the cop we saw that the road ahead was blocked by a pair of blue and red lights coming this way, so we skidded to the right, only to see the animal control truck come this way. So, back pedalling, we turned around and ran the other way, my legs spinning like a cartoons all while three vehicles were following us, lights going. Well, we eventually landed in a bit more urban environment where there were alleyways and such so to confuse them. We darted left and right through here, which caused the cops to follow us on foot, because by now, we had caused a stink and now had a number of people chasing after us. Then I saw a slight blur.

Oh chaos, I missed you!

I grabbed Spaz, who was still running with me, as we turned right into a dead end. The animal control officer had us in sight of a tranquilizer gun, but before he pulled the trigger, I poofed us away…

...into the next alley.

Thankfully, this time we had eluded their capture, and with one final puff of yellow magic, we came to rest at the maritime forest where we could at least stop.

As I was breathing hard and catching my breath, Spaz was clutching her Fractal plushie.

“That was close!” I said.

“I hope we don't run into those mean things again.”

“They are called humans.”

“Well, hew-man or not, I don't like them. Wait, do you think Fractal could have been one of them?” she said.

“Well, it stands to reason, what with the five score curse. But he also could still be in Equestria.”

“Isn't there some way we can find out? I mean, you have control of chaos. Can't you, like, sense him out?”

“Sorry, I can't. Only ponies I personally have come into contact with. But I've heard of him at least, unlike what you told me before, where no one knew him.”

As we settled down, I heard Spaz’s stomach rumble.


“I guess. All that running made me hungry.”

I decided to work some magic to try and make her comfortable. I took my cues from the moon above and the beach around us, so I poofed a table with two chairs, one had the plushie of Fractal in it with a number of books underneath it while Spaz suddenly found herself sitting at a small glass top table with a candle in the center.

I whipped up a maitre d outfit and asked the hungry pony, “What shall you have tonight my dear? I suggest the seahorse special with a bottle of baie poinçon.”

She agreed and, with a flourish of my waiter's cloth, I poofed a rolling cart with the ingredients (don't ask how I knew how to make this). I took steamed seaweed and chopped it into quarters, took some iceberg lettuce and tomatoes, threw a few carrots in, then, to top it off, I added a splash of dressing and skillfully mixed it, tossing it in the air and catching it in a bowl with my alligators claw. Then, poofing the tray away, I poofed up the bottle and poured a glass out of the bottle, pouring the drink. She clapped her hooves then began to dig in. As she ate, she told me more about fractal.

“Other than being smart, Fractal was really nice as well. I still wonder to this day why of all ponies he and I were to be together.”

“Could be your personality. I would.”

“Well I am sorry, but my special somepony is out there, probably scared as me.”

It was later when I poofed the table, food, and drink away that we decide to sleep.

“Would you like me to poof up a bed for you?” I asked her.

“No thank you. If Fractal out there doesn't have a bed, then I won't.”

“Alright. Your call.”

As she went off to her little spot she claimed, I levitated up to one of the taller limbs of the trees and looked out at the sea and looked at the stars. Somewhere out there Equestria is in turmoil, and I know that there are a number of ponies here that need help, but I still don't have my full power back. Perhaps I never will... And with that thought, I slumbered off to sleep.


The inside of my mind is a weird place. Don't expect me to make sense of it with a full on description, but I will explain what is going on.

I had fallen asleep finally and now that my mind and body are back to normal, I can easily try to access my memories again. So, I walked up to some of the older filing cabnits and looked through them. Files on events such as my “birth” were there. Then I went to the next one which housed a multitude of new things I thought could be helpful, such as the fact that all draconequui are different from each other, such as for me. I am a master of small events and micromanaging, as well as the bane of all machinery and computers. I also know a few things on reality warping skills, but that is it. Aside from the basic powers a creature such as I has, a person by the name of Anarchy for example, was able to cause mass hysteria by nudging the right creatures to the right situation and instill paranoia and emotional baggage as well, which would result in riots and, well, anarchy.

It is also in this file that I found out about the others.

Due to the Celestia-Eris pact, draconequui and creatures of chaos were to relinquish power due in part, because if we did not, the equilibrium of our world would go unbalanced, and it was due to this that we gave up our power. Then, I sat three chairs down from our queen and Discord sat next to me, on my left. The ones at that table were the most powerful of all of us. But sadly, when the ponies gained control and Equestria became organized, this weakened Eris to the point of illness, to which she died. This caused Discord (her favorite of us) to go mad, which Celestia and Luna stopped, as everypony knows. This, in turn, caused draconequui to become villains and, through weakness and illness, we all died out, including Anarchy... My greatest friend...

But enough wallowing around in memories. I needed to find out who this Fractal guy was and also, importantly, a way to get home so I can kick that sorry flank of Discord's!

My mind soon became a bigger mess as file after file and movie reel after movie reel decorated my mind as I searched. I learned that I don't have omnipresent powers, so no deus ex machina here. But I did find an interesting tidbit, something tantalizing, and something that could help figure out where Fractal was. In the deepest corner of my mind sat a locked chest literally bursting with files. As I pulled one out of the crack of the lid, it had a picture of Spaz and a brown pony who had to be Fractal. I looked at the chest again and then noticed that the brass lock on it had a name, something that caused my head to itch.

“Fractal memories”

Its a Horse of Course

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The sea breeze was flowing through my mane and I was laying side by side with my Fractal, his warm body pressed next to mine. My heart was liquified. The stars in Luna's sky twinkled with a gentle shine as the moon lazily flew through the sky. We had just finished a delightful meal and we were star gazing from Seahorse Bay. As we sat, I looked up and saw a dark figure over head, but I saw her starry mane. Apparently even Luna wanted to enjoy her work and I saw her fly around a bit. But I paid her no mind, just nuzzling up to Fractal on this marvelous weekend getaway.

“Dear Celestia I don't want this to ever end,” I sighed. Fractal hummed in agreement.

Fractal once joked, saying that the odds of us actually getting along and being able to date were so far out of reach only chaos could make it happen. That reminded me of my nightmare I had.


“Yes my dear?” he said, his naturally tenor voice chirped.

“Promise me that no matter what happens we will never part,” I said, nuzzling closer to him.

“I promise my dear Spaz.”

We sat together for a longer while. Then, seeing as how we were both falling asleep, we decided to head back to the hotel. As we walked, I felt like somepony was watching me from afar. I looked around and saw nopony. Then I decided to get closer to Fractal, just in case. So I schooched over a bit…then a little bit more...then I looked in his direction and found he wasn't there, like he just ceased to exist. I looked around frantically. I looked behind me, in front, side to side. Then I heard something scream from an alleyway.


Suddenly, one of those creatures from my nightmare sprung from the shadows and toppled me over as it gripped my throat. In self defense, I threw my hooves at it, causing the creature to fall off. I called for Fractal, but no answer. As I fought the monster off, it threw obscene words towards me, all the while telling me to “give his life back to him”. I tried to tell him I had no idea what was going on.

“Of course you do you damn Nag!” He flung himself at me, but I quickly turned and bucked him.

Suddenly I awoke to the sound of coughing, pain, agony, and an even higher pitched Entropy

He was bent over in pain while I shook the sleep out of my eyes. That was when I realized it was all a dream.

Just a dream...

I apologized for hurting him.

“This is the thanks I get for saving our sorry tails? A buck to the bit purse!?!”

“Sorry Entropy.”

“Sorry nothing! I was just trying to tell you that I found something in my memories about Fractal.”


As he straighted up as his pain subsided, he continued. “In my memories, I searched through untold amounts of files and in them I found a locked section of my mind that has the name ‘Fractal's memories’. In it, and I don't remember how I came across them, but I read that sometimes a pony can make a deal with a draconequus. However, I don't remember the deal or why I have his memories.”

This hit me like a train.

“You mean to say you have Fractal's memories locked away in your head?”

“Yes I do, but i dont know how to unlock them, how I came to have them, nor do I remember anything that happened with them. But something tells me that Fractal is alive somewhere here. We just need to find him.”

At this, I demanded that we start the search for him when Entropy said, “I would love to, but I have no idea where to start.”

“Well,” I said, remembering how Fractal loved the country side, “Fractal loved the wide open spaces. So if he is one of the ‘afflicted’ like you say he was, then he would go to somewhere that would have wide open spaces.”

“I only know of one place that could be,” Entropy said and, before I knew it, he flung me into a strange contraption he called a plane that was made up of all sorts of things and tossing my plushie to me, which I held for want of Fractal. He jumped in with a brown jacket and goggles and told me to hang on as we took off into the sky and almost as soon as we were up in the sky did i feel that strange inside-out feeling of teleportation again.

When I finally stopped my head from spinning, I found myself flying over a field. Entropy had a pair of binoculars and was scouring the land below us, then asked if I could take a look and what I saw down on the ground filled my heart, because down there were a whole bunch of ponies. Then, what did my eyes see? I saw Fractal's tail! I told Entropy to get us down there and, before I knew it, we were falling out of the sky. As we were screaming towards the ground, I suddenly saw something poof near our landing point. Then, as we reached, I saw it was a pillow. Meanwhile, all the way down, I was screaming until...WUMPH! A flurry of feathers filled my vision. As I waved the feathers away, I saw Entropy. Or rather, a crater in the shape of Entropy with a pillow right next to it. I got up and looked in it and saw only darkness.

“Entropy, are you ok?”

I heard his voice echo back in a strange language.

“Rúguǒ nǐ qù fānyì zhège nǐ hái bùrú zhīdào, rènhé shíhòu wǒ zài jiǎng yī zhǒng yǔyán, bùshì yīngyǔ, wǒ huì gěi yīgè breif kuījiàn dào wǒ zài zuò shénme, yǐbiàn suíshí liúyì!” He soon popped out of his crater dressed like he just came from Chineigh and was holding a take out box and chopsticks.

Seeing as he was obviously okay because he was making jokes, I then hurried over to see if Fractal was still under that tree. As I galloped over the hill crest, I was so happy that I was crying and my eyes were shut. Then, I ran into something hard, knocking me flat. As I shook my head, I looked up and saw a brown Saddle Arabian with a black mane.

You could almost hear my heart break when I apologized and turned. But when I did, I felt a nuzzle. I turned and found him looking back at me. He nieghed.

“Fractal?” I asked.

All he did was shake his head. I did not need to know anything else.

I jumped up and hugged him. I found him, I really found him! As I nuzzled up to him, he nuzzled up to me a bit, then he nipped me.

“Oh, just wait till we get back to normal Fractal!” I said. Obviously he was frisky, as I was too, I will admit. But I could wait for him to be returned to normal then i would let him have it! Suddenly, Fractal reared and tried to mount me. I side-stepped and tried to scold him, only for him to try it again.

“Fractal! What's gotten into you?” I said, my mood turning sour.

Then he readied again and charged for me. It was about this time that Entropy finally showed up and saw what was happening, he dropped his take out food and took the blow from Fractal. The sight of Entropy scared Fractal so much that he gallaped away, leaving me disturbed, confused, and mad at him.

“Did you just see what Fractal tried to do to me!?!” I yelled at Entropy who was clutching his stomach

“I did,” he wheezed, “but the problem was...ow…that wasn't Fractal.”

“What do you mean that wasn't Fractal? I saw it in his eye. Tthe way he nuzzled up to me like he used to.”

Entropy got up. “If Fractal got sent here, he would not have been tunred into a horse.”

“How dare you call my stallion a whorse!” I shot at him.

“Horse, h-o-r-s-e . Horse. I know you may think it's him, but it's not.”

As he explained things to me, it started to make more sense. I guess my desperation to find Fractal was making my mind fuzzy. Entropy saw my tears and sat beisde me on the grassy hill and wrapped his bear arm around me, saying, “Don’t worry Spazzy. I know it's rough, what with landing in a strange world, knowing that your home is BUBAR, and having your hopes smashed, but I promise you, I will help you find Fractal, and nothing will stop me.”

“Promise me?”

“I promise, my dear Spaz,” he said. When he said that, I felt like I would burst into tears, because he sounded just like Fractal when he said that. But I kept myself strong and gave him a hug in thanks.

When I did, however, it was like he froze. I waved a hoof in front of him to get his attention, but no luck. However, when I whacked him on the snout a bit, he came to and said something.

“I remember something!” he said as he poofed a file into his hand. On the outside, it showed a stamp that said “top secret” and when he opened it up, he said, “Do you remember if Fractal ever went off on his lonesome every now and then?”

“A few times, yes.”

“According to this memory, it was because he was meeting me! This file seems to be well into the dates, however, so it might just be a red herring, but its still a chance.”

“Well, read it to me!”

As Entropy poofed a chair up and sat in it. He began.


The country road was barren of anypony, save for one small and slightly scared earth pony. The sun was high over head, but that did not ease his mind, because he knew he had to keep his bargain with a chimera. Suddenly, a nasally tenor voice filled his left ear.

“Why, hello my dear Fractal.”

I jumped when I heard Entropy’s voice.

“Don't scare me like that! You know how I hate that.”

“I know, but it's fun.”

“For you it is...”

“So,” the draconequus slithered around me, “how's Spazzy doing?”

“Fine. She's fine. Look, can we just get this over with already?”

“Oh now, why do you have to be a spoil sport Fractal? After all, I want to know what's going on with my dearest friend.”

“I thought draconequui don't have friends.”

“Well, I am different. So, will you tell me?” grinned Entropy.

“Me and Spaz have some time off, so were going to vacation in Ponyville.”

“OOH! Such a quaint little town. You know, Discord visited that town not too long ago as part of his ‘reformation’.”

“Yeah, I know. Look, can we just get it over with?” said Fractal.

“Oh, fine… Party pooper.” Entropy grabbed Fractal by the head and opened his skull, revealing a mound of memories.

“Ah, delicious, sweet, chaotic memories!”

And with a flourish the reels swam around Entropy's arm and into his ear. Then, after the reel ran out, it left an exhausted Fractal on the ground with a grinning chimera looking over him.

“Thank you for those,” smiled Entropy.

It was at this time that a letter with wings flew and fluttered by Entropy’s face and, snatching it, Entropy read the letter saying, “Well, it seems we might meet again, my little pony. I have business to attend to in Ponyville as well.”

“Please don't cause too much problems, will you?”

“I won't. Remember, I still follow my promises!”

And with that, Entropy poofed in a cloud of smoke, leaving Fractal alone on the side of a road as he lost consciousness