Darker Days

by Cor200

First published

Harmony is broken; the mane six have gone insane. Equestria has fallen into darker days as Twilight and the others try to take it over.

Darker Days are creeping over Equestria. The insanity begins when a "Factory Worker" meets a "Cupcake Maker." From there, things only get worse as, one by one, the six fall into insanity's grasp.

This could be Equestria's end.

Spreading Insanity

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My Little Pony:

Darker Days Arc

Warning: Dark
((Need I say more?))

My Little Pony:

Spreading Insanity

Written & Edited by: Cor200

One by one, each pony will fall

Until insanity has claimed them all.

The corruption starts within,

Only two need be the seed of this sin.

Death will rise, bringing demise.

The darkness will spread

And many ponies will be dead…

Pinkie hadn’t said why or what they’d be doing, but Dash knew that, with Pinkie, it could be anything. Dash wasn’t sure if she really wanted to go, though. She was so engaged with her stunts that she thought about blowing Pinkie off to continue flying. But, Dash’s responsibilities got the better of her. She knew that she had something she needed to talk about with Pinkie; after all, Pinkie had said it was going to be something special just for the two of them. Dash considered it and thought, “This would be the best chance.” Dash kicked into overdrive to make up for lost time, and sped to her appointment.

When Dash walked into the store, she was immediately greeted by her host, who was bouncing in excitement.

“Yay, you’re here! I’ve been waiting aaaaall day,” said the jumping pony.

“Sorry if I’m a little late, Pinkie. I was doing my afternoon exercises and lost track of time,” Dash apologized.

Pinkie giggled and responded in a gleefully reassuring tone, “Oh that’s ok, you’re here now. What's a few more minutes? I’ve been sooo excited thinking about all fun stuff we’re gonna do; I haven’t stopped bouncing since I woke up. I mean, I almost forgot to breathe I’ve been so happy.”

Dash gave a slightly uncomfortable laugh, unsure how to bring this up. Dash maintained a polite expression, however. If Pinkie was this worked up, whatever she had planned must be good. Dash could wait a little before asking.

“So, you ready to get started Rainbow Dash? I’ve got everything all ready,” the pink pony said.

Dash psyched herself up. “You betcha, Pinkie. So what do ya got planned? We gonna prank somepony? I got a couple of good ones I’ve been thinking about. Or maybe you’ve got some stunts you think I should try? Or perhaps…”

“MAKING CUPCAKES!” Pinkie happily announced.

This was better news than Dash had been expecting; it was, after all, one of the main reasons Dash had came. Dash had her suspicions and planned to talk with Pinkie about them, but this may have turned out better than expected.

“Baking?” Dash acted disappointed since she didn't want to go straight into that topic. “Pinkie, you know I’m not good at baking. Remember last time?”

“Oh that’s not a problem at all because I only need your help making them. I’ll be doing most of the work,” Pinkie explained.

Dash paused for a moment, not wanting to sound too eager. “Well, all right, I guess that’s ok. What exactly do you need me to do?”

“That’s the spirit, here you go.” Pinkie handed Dash a cupcake.

Dash was puzzled. “I thought I was helping you bake.”

“You will be. I made this one just for you before you got here."

“So, is this like taste testing or something?”

“Sorta,” Pinkie said.

Dash was unsure; she liked Pinkie's cupcakes, but something was telling her that there was something strange at work here.

“Ok, what's with this?” Dash asked.

“I was so excited I made one before you got here. Consider it as a thanks-for-coming cupcake.”

It sounded reasonable, so Dash opened her mouth but something was still telling her, "no! Don't eat the cupcake!"

"So, Pinkie," Dash lowered the cupcake from her mouth. "I've noticed that lately you've been making your cupcakes especially tasty. Mind telling me the secret ingredient if there is one?"

"Of course, silly," Pinkie laughed. "How else would you help me make them if you didn't know what to put into them?"

"Good point…" Dash, again, went to put the cupcake in her mouth.

Something was still getting to her; it was still telling her not to eat the cupcake. And what's more was that she could feel it; she could feel Pinkie's stare. It was like Pinkie was willing Dash to eat the cupcake, as if Dash wasn't actually going to eat the cupcake. Dash thought about that for a moment before she realized that it was Pinkie's stare that made the voice yell at her not to eat the cupcake.

"Well?" Pinkie said to break the silence.

"Huh?" Dash said, snapping back from her thoughts.

"You're just standing there." Pinkie paused for a moment before pouting, "Do you not want the cupcake? Are my cupcakes no good?"

"No, no, no, it's not that, it's..." Dash said, not wanting to hurt Pinkie's feelings. "I was just wondering which flavor of the rainbow this one would taste like."

This answer Pinkamena Diane Pie was not expecting. She knew Rainbow Dash would eventually eat the cupcake, but for some reason it was taking Dash longer than Pinkamena had anticipated. Pinkamena had already waited as Rainbow Dash ran late, but that was to be expected of Rainbow Dash. Pinkamena was hoping to have had Dash tied up by now, but Dash had seemed a little resistant. She needed to get Dash to eat the cupcake, so Pinkamena decided to use guilt, but the response made no sense to her.

“R- rainbow? What do you mean Dashie?” Pinkamena asked.

“Oh, you know. Your cupcakes taste like parts of the rainbow.” Rainbow Dash replied.

"How can one taste a rainbow?" Pinkamena asked.

This was interesting and Pinkamena wanted to know more. As much as torturing ponies until their deaths was fun and all, to Pinkamena, getting positive sounding remarks about her cupcakes was just as great a thing. Pinkamena may have been a murdering psychopath, but she still enjoyed making cupcakes; I mean, why else would she mix her hobby of making cupcakes with her hobby of killing and eating other ponies. While Rainbow Dash – her friend and secret crush – was the next pony to be here while she worked, making it extra exciting, Pinkamena found it very pleasing to be told her cupcakes tasted like rainbows, especially when the remark came from Rainbow Dash. She wanted to know more.

"Well, you see Pinkie…" Dash explained. "A thousand years ago, when Celestia banished Luna from Equestria and sent her to the moon, she was charged with a third task. She originally was in charge of raising the sun and showering the land with rainbows, but with the moon being an additional task, she had to hand down the responsibility of rainbows. Celestia entrusted the Pegasi of Cloudsdale to make the rainbows for her from them on. For the first dozen years, we were given powerful unicorns to help create Spectra. Spectra are pure pigments, or pure color. Everything is full of Spectra, but you can’t just harvest it. You can never separate color from an object. So it was made artificially with magic."

Pinkamena had gotten lost in the lecture; she had no idea what Dash was talking about. She couldn't find a connection between this and her cupcakes. If Dash didn't hurry up, Pinkamena would need to find another way to put Dash out for a bit.

"Dashie, what are you saying? I'm confused." Pinkamena interrupted, "And how does this affect you eating my cupcake? I put sooo much effort in carefully making a perfect one just for you."

"Let me finish, Pinkie," Dash said, slightly irritated, but she'd been expecting Pinkie to lose focus.

Pinkamena sat back and thought to herself, I'll listen to this boring story for a little bit longer, I guess.

"Right, where was I?" Dash said, pausing to think back. "Okay. You can never separate color from an object. Well, that was until the top engineers discovered an ingenious way to extract pigment. A special way to get this color from ponies."

Pinkamena was growing impatient. "Come on Dashie, I brought you here to help me make my special cupcakes, not to teach me history and facts!" She whined.

Dash tossed and caught the cupcake with her left hoof. "You know Pinkie? It was determined that only ponies worked for this process, for only in ponies does magic and Spectra run freely together."

"So ponies make rainbows properly?" Pinkamena had lost interest, and wanted to conclude the subject already. "Okay, so then-"

"Spectra must be made from live ponies," Dash interrupted, putting the cupcake down.

"Say wha?" Pinkamena was shocked, she had not expected that.

"To put it simply, there is a machine that turns ponies into liquid colors," Dash continued. "Ever since my first Sonic Rain-boom, they approached me and I learnt a lot about that place. Originally I was to find another way to make rainbows, but we found it impossible. I had wanted to end it — the killing — but then one day…"

Pinkamena had caught interest after the murderous fact, she wanted to know more. "Go on."

"One day I decided to try the Spectra before it was processed."

"And it tasted amazing?" Pinkamena rushed ahead. This was some quite exciting news for Pinkamena; She wasn't alone with this love of killing and cannibalism. This was better than she originally had expected.

"I learnt to mix them as well... My personal favorite is the pink mix," Dash grinned at Pinkamena, licking her lips.

Soon enough, Dash found herself unable to resist; the topic she wanted to bring up could wait till later, for right then, all she wanted was Pinkie.

Pinkamena backed up as Rainbow Dash slowly walked towards her with a devious grin. "Back to my cupcakes," Pinkamena said, "did you not have a thing to do this? It's not as simple as just killing them and baking that, right?"

"The machine makes ponies into the perfect liquid form – the only perfect form – but your way of using ponies in your cupcakes is enough to bring out a professionally made solid form."

Pinkamena blushed, "Dashie, you're flattering me." Pinkamena's back was against the wall then. "Um... Dashie?"

Dash put a hoof against the wall on both sides of Pinkamena, "What is it Pinkie?"

Pinkamena was blushing bright pink, though it was almost unrecognizable on her pink skin. Dash leaned close to Pinkie and whispered, "I've wanted to do this for a while now, Pinkie." Dash then went in for the long kiss that started their long and entertaining night together.

Rainbow Dash got up from Pinkamena's bed. The night before had seemed like a dream; Dash had wanted to do that with Pinkie for quite a while, but that needed be pushed aside for the time being because she came here to ask Pinkie a certain question about a certain problem, and that's what she was going to do. Dash looked back at the bed and noticed that it was empty.

A pink head popped into the room, "Oh! Dashie, you're up! Somepony's a sleepy head! You know how long you sleep for? Anyways, I have your breakfast ready!"

Rainbow Dash was nearly finished with her breakfast when Pinkie asked out of the blue, “How did you know what I was doing?” As for Pinkamena's reasonings, she just didn't have time to ask yesterday.

"To tell you the truth, I didn't know." Dash laughed, she didn't mind the topic coming back up since she needed to stop procrastinating and ask that question. "I had a suspicion that you were either getting something that was an amazing substance that the Factory's never heard of or you were using live ponies. I knew that the first was impossible, so I checked if any ponies had been vanishing."

"Was it that obvious?" Worry then coming to Pinkamena as she started wondering if she'd been as sly as she'd thought.

"No, they're hardly noticeable and the pattern had no close relation to you at all, at first I missed it. Also, during the time I was researching this, Scootaloo was dealing with her final flying test…"

"Oh yeah, I heard that she failed. That's too bad, isn't it?"

Rainbow Dash's eye twitched. "I lost it when I heard that too."

"Do you know where those ponies who fail go?"

"The Rainbow Factory," Dash answered, pointing a hoof in its general direction. "The ponies that don't meet Cloudsdale's standards are sent there."

"… Then Scoots?" Pinkamena asked, feeling sorry for Rainbow Dash. After all, Rainbow Dash had taken Scootaloo under her wing.

"Well… she planned an escape with her quick wits. She used the general idea of 'clear, fly, fall, complete,' or the general procedure for the flight test."

"And?" Pinkamena was curious with what happened to Scootaloo.

"I wanted to kill Scootaloo for failing me like that. I lost my sanity. I wasn't as aware as I normally am; I was blinded by rage."

"So did you? Kill her yourself, I mean." Pinkamena asked, bouncing up and down with anticipation.

Rainbow Dash shook her head, "Pinkie, you're getting too excited over this…"

Pinkamena stopped bouncing.

"Anyways, I killed her two friends that had come with her. One as a demonstration of the machine, and she watched him die. The other had a broken wing and decided thought to try and hold me off. Pathetic, that one was absolutely pathetic. I chased Scootaloo after that. Scootaloo did an amazing job when I think back to it; she 'cleared' a way out, then 'flew' through the factory with ease, and finished with a perfect 'fall' through a shoot."

"Really? Sounds like the judges messed up."

"They did," Dash growled through her teeth, smashing the cupcake on the counter with her hoof.

Dash looked at the cupcake, or what was left of it. "Oh! I'm sorry Pinkie!"

"It's okay. That was the knock-out-drugged one from yesterday." Pinkamena shrugged.

"Oh, so that was what it was…" Dash looked at the smashed cupcake.

"Yeah, yeah, so what happened next?" Pinkamena asked eagerly.

"Well, I couldn't fit through the shoot, but it lead back to the room that she'd escaped from and she was trapped. I chained her up in the machine and was ready to kill her with all my rage and revenge."

"You were ready? You mean you didn't?" Pinkamena asked.

"I am getting there, just stop interrupting.” Rainbow Dash said, irritated. “So, anyways, I was about to turn her to Spectra as well, but then a voice whispered to me. I think it was my sanity, but I'm not sure. Whatever it was, it said to me, 'clear, fly, fall, complete.'" Dash stopped there, staring off into space.

"And?" Pinkamena was unclear what Dash meant by that.

"Can't you tell?" Dash asked, looking at Pinkie and slowly slipping into a mental spasm.

"Dashie, are you okay?" Pinkamena asked.

"My Scootaloo almost died because the judges couldn't handle their jobs," Dash laughed, "their mistake almost caused me to kill her."

"That's horrible," Pinkamena said.

"It is, not to mention the other factor... I need your help Pinkie." Dash looked at the ground.

"How can I help?" Pinkamena replied.

"Scootaloo is still so young, her mind can't comprehend fully what she saw in the factory. I can't let her out of there, and she refuses to respond to me in any way. I was wondering if you'd know how to help?"

"I could help her."

"Really? How?"

"Just give her to me for a while. I'll have this problem solved in no time."

"Thanks for the help. I'll send her over this week."

"Okie Dokie Lokie."

The start of insanity

Spreads from the core.

Stopping it is vanity,

It always consumes more.

Hidden sides, watching eyes.

The corruption grows near,

Can you feel the fear?

"Hey Scoots!" the pink pony greeted Scootaloo at the door to Sugarcube Corner. "It's so great to see you, I thought I wouldn't see you again!"

"Hey Pinkie," Scootaloo sighed, entering into the building.

"Why are we frowning?" Pinkamena shut the door and followed Scootaloo.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I'd like to see you grin," Pinkamena hummed.

"I don't want to talk to you, Pinkie."

"I heard you were down in the dumps, but-"

"Pinkie, I'm not in the mood," Scootaloo interrupted.

"I have a surprise for you!" Pinkamena held out a cupcake. "Come on, I know you like them."

Scootaloo couldn't resist; she loved Pinkie's cupcakes. No matter how she felt, she'd never refuse one, and so she took the cupcake and ate it in one bite. "Delicious as always, Pinkie," Scootaloo said, licking her lips.

"Want to help me make some?" Pinkamena asked.

"Would I?" Scootaloo gasped, "Of course I would!"

"Well, then let's get started. Follow me!" With that, Pinkamena hopped off towards the basement of Sugarcube Corner.

"Pinkie, why do we have to go down here?" Scootaloo asked, unsure of what was going on. The walk down the stairs was already getting her creeped her out.

"Don't worry, you're going to love the surprise I've got for you!" Pinkamena said cheerfully.

The two of them came out into a dark room. "I can't see a thing…" Scootaloo said.

Pinkamena guided Scootaloo to a spot and told her to stay as she turned on the lights.

What Scootaloo saw when the lights came on, she was not expecting in the slightest. In front of her were three tables, the two on the sides had a captive pony each; both ponies looked familiar to Scootaloo. As for the center table, what remained was only the skin and bone of somepony; the pony had basically been hollowed out.

"P- P- P- Pinkie," Scootaloo stuttered, "Wh- whAT IN EQUESTRIA IS GOING ON?!"

"Don't you recognize them?" Pinkie asked.

"N- not really…" Scootaloo stammered.

"Silly filly, those there are your judges!"

It then hit Scootaloo; she recognized who the two on the sides were. The three of them were the ones who had failed her, Aurora, and Orion. They had shown no mercy and no understanding. If they hadn't been so cruel, none of what she'd been through as of late would have even happened. If it weren't for them, she'd still be living a happy life with everyone. Rage was boiling underneath her surface, she wanted no more than to get her revenge.

"I need you to help me get some ingredients," Pinkie's voice sounded far away to Scootaloo, she was barely even comprehending what the pink pony was saying. Pinkamena put a knife in Scootaloo's hoof and repeated, “I need you to get some ingredients.” Pinkamena backed off and stood in the shadows, waiting and watching what Scootaloo would do next.

"You two... yoU HEARTLESS JERKS! I've had dreams were I'd get my friends' revenge! And my own." Scootaloo walked over to the pony on the left and sent the knife to dig into his right hind leg. His scream was music to Scootaloo's ears.

"Your kind of pony shouldn't even exist!" Scootaloo dragged the knife up the helpless pony's leg, then she looped it around and pulled it down his other hind leg.

"The number of 'useless' ponies that you've sent to that place..." Scootaloo cut off the back two hooves, his screaming nothing more than background noise to her. She didn't even hear the words in his pleas and cries.

"The number of ponies who should have passed, but did something you... disagreed with." Scootaloo cut down his two forelegs.

"No remorse for a recovering pegasus who'd just broke a wing," Scootaloo cut the flesh over the ribcage, peeling it off once done.

"Hating the pegasus who showed remorse for a friend." Scootaloo started to take out the insides of the pony, now trying to mimic the look of the middle pony. Her anger had passed after cutting the pony's legs, she had felt satisfied after that, but she found that she was unable to stop; she didn't know why, but she was feeling something. Something that if she had to guess, she'd say… pleasure.

Pinkamena was proud of herself; she knew that using the failure judges would not only make Rainbow Dash happy, but help bring out the side of Scootaloo she was currently witnessing.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash walked across the bridge leading to Fluttershy's house. Dash knocked on the door, "Fluttershy, you home?"

The door opened slowly, "Hello. I'm sorry, but now's not the best time if you don't mind. Maybe you could perhaps come another time, if it isn't a bother?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash just pushed the door open and entered.

"What do you want?"

"It's time."

"But Rainbow Dash, I don't think I'm ready to."

"I thought you'd say that, but that's just because you fear what you forgot, isn't it?"

"I don't want to remember it."

"That's not the reason you told me back then," Rainbow grinned, tackling and pinning Fluttershy, just incase she had any thoughts of running.

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy gasped, startled

"I remember it like it was yesterday… You didn't show up for the flight test, they had to search for you. You had promised me that you'd show up, but you got too scared. You backed out of the promise that we'd do it together. The judges didn't even give you a chance because of that. You were sent to the Factory…"

"No more!" Fluttershy interrupted, trying to break free.

"I saw you there, hiding in a corner, completely terrified. I made sure you were the last one to be put into the machine; I felt betrayed and wanted to see you suffer the torment of watching. You watched all the other ponies be turned into Spectra. Remember all those who died, remember their cries? And to all's surprise, remember… how it turned you on, you had such a wingboner!" Rainbow Dash started laughing, "Fluttershy, I can see it still has the same effect on you."

This statement was true; Fluttershy's wings were out from the thought. "Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said.

"Not only did that turn you on, it awoke something inside you that had been laying dormant for a while. What you did next, not even I was expecting. It was very impressive."

"Rainbow…" Fluttershy said, now blushing. Fluttershy always had a crush on Rainbow Dash, but she never could say it and their current position wasn't helping her hide it.

"Do you remember?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Of course I remember the thrill," Fluttershy said, "I killed the remaining ponies in the room. It was such an amazing feeling, you know?"

"Exactly, your inner animal – monster – awoke."

"Yeah, I wasn't able to hold it back, so I had to forget it all and put the animal inside dormant again. I'm glad you reminded me Rainbow."

"Glad to help, old friend."

"So, Rainbow, why did you remind me, not that I'm complaining."

"It's time for a new age," Dash grinned. She stood up and started to the door. "Soon Equestria will change." Then Rainbow Dash left.

Fluttershy hadn't made a move quick enough, she wanted to tell Rainbow Dash her feelings. "Stupid Fluttershy, you should have acted when she had you pinned down..." Fluttershy said, "stupid, stupid Fluttershy."

The following manuscripts are excepts from the Rainbow Factory archives:


Test Results:
Flying Test #: 704092
Subject: Fluttershy
Score: N/A

Factory Notes:
Subject was found an hour after the testing. The other failures have already started their transfer, so she will be sent to the west gate and walked straight to the factory.
Subject was first to arrive at factory. Rainbow Dash requested that Subject went last, no reason given.
As more and more ponies arrived, Subject moved further and further into the shadows, hiding in a corner of the room. It would be a pain to get her, Rainbow Dash's request granted.
Subject's wings are out, but she is not trying to escape. Rainbow Dash suggested possible erection, more commonly known as a “wingboner.”
Subject is up next; she seems more stable than before, so she should be easier to handle. Panicky subjects do tend to be more troublesome.
Code 829 – Out of control subject.
Subject has lost control. The ponies sent out to get her are now dead by her hooves. This is unexpected from Subject's history. The factory has locked down.
Rainbow Dash has gone out to talk with Subject, currently having a conversation.
Subject is subdued.
Dr. Atmosphere and Rainbow Dash request: Subject will not be turned into Spectra.
Request auto-granted.

Employee Request Form

Employee #: 19472
Employee Name: Fluttershy
Employee Position: Co-Manager
Request: Free Rein Privilege (Ability to leave the Factory when wished)

Observation Notes:
With my years of experience, love is written clear on Employee's face. Employee seems to know Rainbow Dash and wants to be together more often. To the Employee, this includes going outside the Factory. From my observation, her obsession with Rainbow Dash would keep her quiet about the Factory, so there are no problems with that, but there is a problem with her aggression. I know that she WILL NOT be able to hide her love for this type of work. If she is sent out in her current state, she may draw attention and/or suspicion.

Observer: Tom Watch

Employee Request Form

Employee #: 19472
Employee Name: Fluttershy
Employee Position: Co-Manager
Request: Resignation

(Via Memory Erasing)

Observation Notes:
I am once again observing Employee #19472. Previously I denied her Free Rein Privilege. To make this go quicker, I've been assigned the Employee again. This Employee seems to have still not told Rainbow Dash her feelings. It seems that her shyness hasn't changed from past records. The Employee currently is one of the higher up positions and is very valuable to this plant. Everything required is approved except for this reason. We can not let a willingly content employee leave on terms of love with one exception...
Rainbow Dash has accepted the conditions; she will take full responsibility as manager in order to allow her friend to see the outside world again. Employee has all requirements met.

Observer: Tom Watch

Half the six have gone insane.

Is this truly Equestria's bane?

Will the lands survive this epidemic,

Or has all they've done been enough condemn it?

The mind tries, but still slowly dies.

What has been done to ourselves?

They've put us in multiple living Hells.

"You want me to what?" Pinkamena asked.

"I want you to go into hiding," Rainbow Dash said.


"I'm tired, Pinkie, tired of hiding a part of me. Any longer and I may loose my sanity for good. I want to be out in the open, and I find this the best way to spread the truth."

"By me hiding?"

"Slow realization, Pinkie."

"I don't understand."

"You will once you see, I promise the effect will be noticeable and quick. You trust me, right?"

"Of course I do Dashie."

Dash paused for a moment, she'd been wondering something and decided to ask, “How's Scoots?”

“Great! You should have seen her take apart the other two judges. Currently I have her preparing some ponies for another batch of cupcakes.”

“You're magical Pinkie,” Dash snuck in a quick kiss.

“I don't think she's mad at you anymore, but I'm not sure.”

“I doubt she's over it yet. I think she's figured out that I still didn't give a shit for her two so-called friends, those two preformed pathetically in front of me and the judges.”

"I'll check if she wants to see you," Pinkamena said, hopping off to the basement.

"Scootaloo," Pinkamena called.

Scootaloo looked over her shoulder at the stairs, "Yes Pinkamena?"

"Dash wanted to see you; she came over to say hi!"

"Tell her to go away," Scootaloo returned to stirring the special batter.

"Why so upset with Dashie?"

"She killed my two friends."

"She knew not if they were bad flyers, they never proved themselves like you did."


"Ponies make mistakes, do they not?"

"She probably won't believe they were good no matter what."

"You know Dashie, she's stubborn and won't let you defeat her easily. Since you can't prove it, you're going to have to just deal with it."

Scootaloo was silent for a moment, putting the batter into a baking sheet, and then placing it into the oven.

Scootaloo sighed, "You're right. I lost them, I don't need- want to loose Rainbow Dash as well."

The next day, Rainbow Dash's plan went into action.

Pinkie Pie disappeared for a few months, and caused everypony to enter a state of confusion. At first they all figured she was playing a massive game of Hide-and-Seek with them all, but then other ponies started to vanish; some including Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Fluttershy. Talk of murder started to spread around, it was like a silent panic was throttling everypony to no avail. Rarity, in particular, grew terrified. So much so that she began to have nightmares about evil ponies kidnapping her and doing things to her in her vulnerable state. The fear slowly reached Rarity, driving her insane. More disappearance, more panic, not even Celestia had an explanation. Rarity couldn't take it anymore; she became a shut-in, hiding in her boutique in hopes the killer would never find her. Twilight was worried for her friend and came by everyday to reassure her everything would be fine in the end, but it never worked. Then one night came, it was storming outside; Opal was in a state of frenzy and ended up scratching Rarity's face furiously. It was then when Rarity snapped, bursting out into the storm and running aimlessly in the night. Something else happened that night as well, something inside Rarity clicked. The bleeding, Rarity found she deeply enjoyed it; never before had she felt such stomach-churning pleasure. The physical abuse seemed to turn her… on. Rarity ran, not knowing where to, nor did that matter to her in the first place; she had lost it and she had let panic take over. It was then that she happened to stumble across the work of Pinkamena Diane Pie. Everything suddenly made sense to her, and she fell in love. Rarity figured she'd gone insane, but it didn't matter to her since she liked it. She started making a habit out of sneaking out to watch Pinkamena torture her victims, and one could say that it made her envious. Then one night she lost control of herself, she needed Pinkamena. Rarity found herself follow Pinkamena home from her workshop. She waited a few minutes after Pinkamena entered a house, then bursted in herself.

"What?" Rainbow Dash looked at Rarity.

"What's going on?" Rarity asked. In front of her were Rainbow Dash and Pinkamena, both on a couch, but that wasn't what got to Rarity; what got to her was the fact that Pinkamena lay on her back with Rainbow Dash straddling and leaning over her.

"Hugging!" Pinkamena said, "What else would we be doing?"

"Uh..." Rarity paused to think, then a thought came to her mind and made her blush. "n- never mind."

"A better question is why did you burst in here like a madpony?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I was uh... Hoping I could be Pinkamena's next victim?"

"Oh, are you ready to join us too? I did notice you some nights, watching Pinkie."

"That may not be exactly what I meant, but yeah, that too I guess."

"Okay then..." Rainbow got off of Pinkamena and walked over to Rarity. "Are you sure you want to be tortured?..."

"Yes! Of course!"

"I... guess that's okay? I mean... if... Pinkie wants to.” Rainbow Dash found this interest of Rarity slightly disturbing, but that was her opinion. “I have to go pay Twilight a visit anyways." Rainbow Dash passed Rarity and whispered, "Have fun."

Rainbow Dash then exited the room and headed towards the library. "Oh, things are going just perfectly!" she said to herself.

Rainbow Dash peaked through the window into Twilight's room. Twilight was writing, alone; Spike wasn't in the room.

"Hey! Psst! Hey Twi!" Rainbow Dash whispered through the window.

"Oh! Rainbow Dash! You're okay!" Twilight responded, looking up from the paper and towards the window, "We all assumed-"

"I heard something quite interesting, Twi. I feel like it's important."

"What is it?"

"I heard that the Princess doesn't bother reading your letters anymore."

"Don't be ridiculous Rainbow Dash," Twilight laughed, "Why'd she do that? This is a prank, isn't it?"

"You were late..."

Twilight's eye twitched, remembering that day. "W- what do you mean by 'late'?"

"She came and told you she wouldn't send you to magic kindergarten, but I heard that she was being very generous because you are- were her most faithful student."

"I... was?" Twilight was getting nervous now.

"Until you missed that letter. I heard that being sent back to Kindergarden is a normal punishment for being late, but she didn't even want to deal with you, Twilight."

Some of Twilight's hair started to "twang" up; her hair began to get messy. "Are you implying she's abandoned me as a student? Ever since that day?"

"Basically," Dash yawned, "you're no longer a student to Princess Celestia. You haven't been for a while."

Twilight looked at the letter that she was in the middle of writing. "Oh, is that so?" The paper ripped down the center, then burst into flames.

Rainbow Dash grinned to herself, she knew Twilight still had some worries about that day, and they ended up coming quite in handy. She only needed to give Twilight a few days.

"So, Twiliiiiii... ght..." Spike trailed off as he entered the room. "Twilight! What's going on?!"

He only received paranoiac laughter from Twilight with the occasional "So that's how it is" and "Curse you" and "All this time..."

"Um, I'll... give you some time to yourself then…" Spike quickly left the room.

The following morning, the truth behind Pinkamena Diane Pie came out; just as Dash had planned. Everything was falling into place, soon they would be able to be themselves without having to hide any part of their true nature. Unfortunately, there was one problem: Applejack. Applejack was honest and never hid anything. In a way, she was the purest of the six, but those worries were currently irrelevant, the one Rainbow Dash needed concentrate on for the time being was Twilight.

Spike decided to check on Twilight one more time; it had been a week since she'd started acting crazy and it wasn't getting any better; Spike decided something must be done.

Spike checked to make sure Twilight wasn't around since he needed Celestia's help, or, at least, advice.

Dear Princess Celestia,
As you know quite well, mayhem has take hold of Ponyville. I'm writing this letter to inform you that somehow this situation has gotten to Twilight as well. She's at full paranoia.
Twilight's #1 Assistant, Spike

Spike sent the letter, then jumped as there was a knock on the door. "Hey, Twi?" Pinkie's voice asked. Hearing this voice, Spike instantly hid.

"Oh! Pinkie came to visit!" Twilight came down stairs and went to the door.

"Twilight don't answer it!" Spike whispered.

"What's wrong, Spike? She is our friend," Twilight said before opening the door, "Hey Pinkie!"

"It's so great to see you! Want to come with me? I'm having party and wanted you to join the rest of us!"

"I'd love to! What about you Spike?"

Spike gave no response.

"I'll be back later Spike." Twilight walked outside, the door closing behind her.

“I'm not so sure about that...” Spike murmured. Spike burped out a scroll, then quickly opened it.

Dear Spike,
If what you say is true, and Twilight's fallen into paranoia, then don't let her out of the house. In her current state, she is very susceptible to her friend Pinkamena. I fear if they met, Twilight would end up being corrupted.
Princess Celestia

"Oh Celestia, what have I let be done?" Spike muttered to himself.

"I'm back," Pinkamena sung, hopping into the house.

"Great Pinkie," Dash said, walking over to Pinkamena, "you... did bring Twilight, didn't you?"

"Of course silly! Why wouldn't I?"

"Oh, I just never know with you, Pinkie," Dash gave Pinkie a kiss, causing Fluttershy and Rarity to blush at the table they were sitting at; both of them were jealous that it was Rainbow Dash and Pinkamena who had to hook up.

Twilight entered, "Oh, everyone's here! Perfect!"

"Almost, we're just missing Applejack." Dash said, then added after seeing Twilight's worried look, “She just needs a bit more time.”

“So what exciting things have we planned to do together, as friends?” Twilight asked

“Kill other ponies,” Fluttershy said.

“And put them in cupcakes!” Pinkamena cheered.

“Sounds fun!” Twilight's eye twitched, but overall, she was willing to accept almost anything in her current state. “I'd love to help. I mean, that's what friends are for!”

"So Twilight, did you want some cupcakes?" Pinkamena asked. “They're amazing.”

"I'd always take a cupcake from you Pinkie, I mean we are friends and all, right? Right?!" Twilight replied.

"Of course we are, don't be a foolish foal."

"Great! Great!! Great!!!"

They partied to quite a late hour, but tiredness eventually overtook them and they went off to bed for the night. Rainbow Dash had said she'd catch up in a moment, then went back for a last drink. She was about to head back to bed herself when there was a knock on the door. Dash paused and looked at the door; she wasn't expecting anyone.

Another knock, but this time it was followed by Applejack's voice saying, "Pinkie I know you're in there! Let me in."

Rainbow Dash wasn't expecting that; she walked to the door.

"I watched you walk Twilight here, open this door or I'll buck it down myself!"

Rainbow Dash stayed behind the door as she opened it, waited for a couple of hoofsteps from Applejack, and then slammed it in her face, or at least that was what she had hoped.

"I figured as much," Applejack sighed, "now open the door so I can see you."

It seemed Applejack had just walked in place to test if there'd be a trick or trap. Rainbow Dash wasn't sure what to do, then she got an idea and ran off to the basement.

"I hear you running. I just wanted to talk, but I guess that won't be happening any time soon." Applejack bucked down the door and ran down the stairs, into the basement. She entered the basement to find it dark and impossible to see in. She could hear the sounds of some clumsy pony trying to get around. Applejack fumbled for a light switch and, soon enough, found one. The lights came on and lit the room to reveal Rainbow Dash in a miserable-looking state, fumbling around on the ground.

Dash looked up. "Applejack?" She coughed. "Please help me..."

"Oh my dear Celestia...” Applejack muttered, then snapped back to focus and said, “of course partner!" Applejack went over to help. She then heard hoofsteps on the stairs and turned around.

Pinkamena was standing at the base of the stairs, frowning and rubbing her eyes. "What's going on here?"

Applejack was about to respond when Dash's front leg hooked around her neck and started to choke her.

"Late night visitor," Dash said, "I wasn't expecting it myself."

"Dash, what-" Applejack was unable to say more.

"Oh, all in good time Applejack, all in good time." Dash stroked Applejack's head with her free hoof.

Applejack tried to say something, but was still unable to speak. Soon she went limp; she was unconscious in Rainbow Dash's grasp.

"Sorry Pinkie, I'll be with you in a moment." Rainbow Dash dragged Applejack over to a cage and put her in it.

"It's fine," Pinkamena said, "she didn't look too happy with all this."

"No, 'honest AJ' is too kind to like these things, but I do hope I can find a way to bring her around eventually." Rainbow Dash locked the cage.

"I know you're planning something big Dashie, but what is that exactly?"

"It's a surprise, and I know how much you like surprises." Rainbow Dash walked past Pinkamena and headed up the stairs. "Come on, let's get some sleep."

A week passed and Applejack was showing no progress. Rainbow Dash shook her head, "this is such a sad thing, but I guess we have to start without you, Applejack."

Rainbow Dash went to Cloudsdale, ready for the day to come.

The sun rose.

"It's time everyone," Rainbow Dash announced. "We're going public!"

"Are you sure of this?" Asked an employee, "You know what the reaction will be, right?"

"Of course I do, don't be so stupid!" Rainbow Dash laughed. "It's time to let the ponies know what Rainbows are made of!"

The news caught fast and spread quickly. Within a matter of days, everypony knew how rainbows were made. Mass panic, many ponies attempted to flee Cloudsdale, but found that they were unable to with the exception of Ponyville because of a forcefield that locked them in. They had the choice of living with a murderous cupcake maker or a place that turned ponies into rainbows. They didn't know what to do. On the outside, the royal guards attempted to break into the towns, but they found a purple force field blocking their entry. There was nothing anypony could do.

Spike was sitting in the library. It was a rather empty place after Twilight had left with Pinkamena. He heard the news that Rainbow Dash was perfectly fine, but was also a murdering psychopath as well. He didn't know what to do other than stay in the library and keep things tidy incase the normal Twilight returned.

There was a knock on the door.

"Wh- Who is it?" Spike asked.

All he got in reply was another knock.

"I'm sorry, we're closed right now."

Another knock.

"It's already late, you should head home before you're caught."

Another knock.

"I can't let you in unless you tell me who you are."

"Any new letters for Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Spike jumped and quickly said, "Nope, none, I got nothing." Spike has been Celestia's only source of news from inside the dome, but he wasn't about to tell Rainbow Dash this.

"I'll leave you alone if you tell me what Celestia's been sending, I know she's got to be sending some sort of things to Twilight to see if her 'most faithful student' can help."

"Nothing," Spike laughed nervously, he knew he was screwed if Rainbow Dash found out that Celestia knew about Twilight. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, but I've got nothing."

"Oh, I find this hard to believe," Rainbow Dash said, "am I going to have to force my way in?"

"N- no, you don't have to do that, it's not necessary."


Spike ran and hid somewhere in the library.


Spike jumped out of his hiding spot and started sending away any out-in-the-open scrolls.


Spike sent the last scroll and was running towards the stairs when the door smashed in and Rainbow Dash entered the room. Spike froze; he was standing right in the middle of the room. He looked at Rainbow Dash with complete fear.

"Hey Spike, it's been a while," Rainbow Dash grinned, walking towards him.

"Uh… um… Hi Rainbow Dash, now isn't a good time and Twilight's not here right now, so could you um… come back another time perhaps? Please?"

"Don't be ridiculous, now's the perfect time to come and talk to Twilight's 'number one assistant' about letters from the Princess."

"Like I said, there aren't a-" Spike started, but then belched up a letter. Before he could grab it, Rainbow Dash had snatched it up in her hoof and was reading it.

"Let's see here…" Rainbow Dash read the letter.

"It-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it's not what it looks like," Spike said frantically.

"Tell Princess Celestia, 'Twilight would be glad to accept the book, and will have Rainbow Dash take it somewhere along the forcefield border, all you need to do is send Derpy to find her... tonight.' That's not too hard, right?"

"O- okay," Spike wrote exactly – word for word – what Rainbow Dash said and sent it.

Rainbow Dash left the letter and flew off.

Spike picked up the letter and read it.

Dear Spike,
I have one final hope to cure the sickness of insanity that is spreading more and more. I have one final test for Twilight: Star Swirl's unfinished spell. I need you to get Star Swirl's notebook through the forcefield.
Princess Celestia

Rainbow Dash was standing on the edge of the Everfree Forest. It was dark and visibility was minimal; one could hardly see their own hooves on the ground. Derpy landed in front of Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, I brought you this package!" Derpy said, trying to push the book through the force field.

"Derpy, put the book in the bush down there and leave, okay?" Rainbow Dash said, pointing at the bush in front of her; it seemed to be on both sides of the forcefield.

"Okay," Derpy said, doing what Rainbow Dash directed.

After waiting a few moments, Rainbow Dash reached into the bush and pulled out the book that Derpy had left.

"Excellent, I wonder what spell this last ultimate one is like," Rainbow Dash said to herself as she headed home.

"Hey, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said, entering the house, "You home?"

"Right here Dash!" Twilight responded.

"I have something from the Princess. It said that she was willing to show some remorse and take you back as a student if you could complete Star Swirl the Bearded's unfinished spell, but... you only have one chance."

"Really? Let me see it!" Twilight took the book using her magic and flipped to the back. "From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, fu- okay this is obviously wrong."

"You've figured it out already?" Dash asked.

"No, but it's obviously not flowing properly."

"Then I'll leave you to it," Dash left the room.

"If she taught me about friendship, it has to apply in here somewhere..." Twilight paused to think before saying, "From one to another, another to one, the bonds of friendship hold us strong... Yes, yes, I like that. Don't worry Celestia, I've got this. Okay, a mark of one's destiny... The marks of friends' destinies. Then 'singled out alone'... Brought out together? Finally, 'fulfilled'... Let's see... From one to another, another to one, the bonds of friendship hold us strong. The marks of friends' destinies brought out together... Um, I think..."

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, it's me, Spike," Spike whispered.

"Oh, you've come to visit! How's the library?"

"Empty and lonely, but I've kept it exactly how you like it."

"Oh, how thoughtful of you Spike."

"Twilight, I got a letter from the Princess said that she didn't want you to actually speak the completed spell, she wanted to test it herself."

"Oh, the princess... testing my spell... herself?" Twilight was slowly turning back to normal, Celestia's plan seemed to be working.

"Oh, this is terrible news to hear Twilight," Dash said as she entered the room. Her tone made it sound as if she was sorry for Twilight.

"W- what do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"You must of failed at something; she doesn't want you to use that spell, so she must have given up on you."

"Don't listen to her!" Spike tried to call, but his cry never reached Twilight's ears.

"I'll show her!!!" Twilight screamed in rage. The other three were now standing behind Twilight as well.

"We're all by your side Twilight," Fluttershy said with her small, yet encouraging voice.

"I knew you all would be here for me, but where's Applejack?" Twilight said.

"She had a busy past few days; she needs her rest," Dash said.

"Okay everyone, here it goes!" Twilight said, "From one to another, and all around, the bonds of friendship make us one. The marks of our destinies now bound, brought out together to create a final, unlimited magic and union."

"No! Twilight! She wanted to-" Spike yelled through the door, but his voice was drowned out from the noise inside.

A bright light shined out of the windows, inside Twilight was in the beams from the other four, their corrupted souls bringing out a transformation for the worst. The unfinished spell was supposed to make the caster an Alicorn, but not only was the spell no where near to "From all of us together, together we are friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end." but it also was feeding Twilight the darkness from the others. The spell Twilight had created was an efficient friendship spell, but it relied too much on what laid inside the others' souls. Twilight started to grow demonic, tattered wings that reflected the corruption in her friends. Twilight's horn darkened and grew as well from the spoken spell. A new princess was born, a princess of the dark, one to be feared by all.

"See! What'd I say?" Twilight laughed, "It worked perfectly!"

"Yes Twilight, you certainly did do an amazing job; those wings suit your style perfectly. It's flawless fashion!" Rarity said, admiring Twilight's wings. “I'm jealous.”

"Why thank you Rarity!" Twilight said.

"You know Twilight, I think Celestia is losing her touch. She needs to be replaced with a proper princess, don't you think?" Dash suggested.

"You're right Rainbow Dash, she should be and it should be me!" Twilight stood up.

"Just hold up," Pinkamena yawned, "It's late, let's start with some sleep."

"I guess I can wait, no point in being a hypocrite." Twilight sat back down. “A proper princess shouldn't rush into things, especially if her friends aren't ready.”

Equestria's fallen to hysteria;

All starting from such a small area.

Insanity, there's no escaping it.

Your mind, insanity is breaking it.

It's already too late, insanity is now our fate.

I guess this is our final goodbye...

My friend, It's nearly time for us to die.

To be continued


A special thanks to:

Sergeant Sprinkles – Pinkamena Diane Pie and opening.
Aurora Dawn – The Rainbow Factory.
Lil’ Mizz Jay – Lil’ Miss Rarity.

Extra special thanks to:

Mindless Gonzo

Broken Insanity

View Online

My Little Pony:

Darker Days Arc

Warning: Dark
((Need I say more?))

My Little Pony:

Broken Insanity

Written & Edited by: Cor200

“Crush the Queen. Free our dream. Let the light gleam. Princess, we're more than we seam. You're weak. You're bleak. You'll freak. Princess, you're rule won't last another week!” Pinkamena hummed to herself as she gathered the necessary things for the travel.

“Shall we travel to Canterlot now?” Twilight asked impatiently, ruffling her newly found wings.

“Calm down Antsy Stance,” Pinkamena said.

“How can I calm down? You know what we're about to do, right?” Twilight started walking in circles.

Rainbow Dash put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, bringing her to a halt, “It's not like you're doing this alone; we're with you too. We can do this, but only together.” Rainbow Dash paused before adding, “Plus Twilight, have you forgotten how powerful you are?”

Twilight blushed at the compliment. “You're right, I'm getting worked up over nothing.” Even though Twilight said that, she kept pacing.

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash sighed. She had finished packing as well and had to admit she was starting to get bored. “When I want to forget about things, I race myself. How about me and you have a little race while we wait for the others to get ready?”

“But I've only just gotten my wings, I don't know if I...” Twilight trailed off.

“Okay, I'll go easy on you. Ready?” Dash asked.

“As ready as I'll ever be,” Twilight answered nervously.

“Then, on your marks... three-” Rainbow Dash started.

“Twoonego!” Twilight hastily said, cutting off Dash and flying off at an unimaginable speed; Twilight left in a bolt of black and purple.

“That little bitch,” Dash grinned. She then took off in a bolt of rainbow, catching up to the bolt of black and purple.

“Dash sure seems to be enjoying the fact that Twilight has wings now...” Fluttershy said, slightly jealous.

If only she were a good flyer, she thought.

“I think it's great that they're getting along!” Pinkamena said before going inside to get her weapons.

A streak of darkness and a streak of rainbow passed by.

“This is dangerous just standing here...” Rarity muttered.

The two streaks were returning once more, and when they arrived, they skidded to a halt. Dust rose.

Rarity held back a comment about being covered in dust and instead said, “We're all ready.”

“That's not important! Who won?” Twilight and Rainbow Dash said together.

“Um... Dash?” Fluttershy asked.

“No, I think it was Twilight,” Rarity said.

“But, um... I think...” Fluttershy tried to say.

“I'd say it was a tie,” Scootaloo said as she approached the group.

“Scootaloo, you're up already?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I don't want to stay here; I want to go with you and Pinkie!” Scootaloo complained.

“Scootaloo, you can't do that.” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“But it's no fair!” Scootaloo whined

“Okay!” Pinkamena came out of the house, “all set.”

“You four go ahead and I'll catch up.” Dash said, “I just need to talk with Scootaloo for a moment.”

The other four took their saddlebags and headed off. Rainbow Dash walked Scootaloo inside and sat down.

“Scootaloo, how many times must I tell you not to come?” Rainbow Dash sighed.

Scootaloo collapsed at Dash's hooves, “Please!” she begged, “Please take me with you!”

“Scootaloo, it's too dangerous.” Dash shook her head.

“I don't care! It's not fair!” Scootaloo whined.

“Okay Scootaloo, I've already told you why you're staying, but...” Rainbow Dash sighed, “Scootaloo, I need you here for another reason.”

“You don't need me here, you just don't want me to go because you're worried about me," Scootaloo proclaimed.

“Actually, no, I'm putting a lot of responsibility and trust in you as well," Rainbow Dash said.

“You-” Scootaloo started to argue, then she realized what Dash had just said. “Wait, what responsibilities?”

“There are two important tasks that must be handled while we're away. One of them is Applejack,” Dash stated.

“... Applejack? Please, if I wanted an apple, then I'd go with Applebloom.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

“No, I didn't mean it like that. Applejack is still being a goody-four-hooves. Though this task isn't majorly important, I want to see if you can somewhat get to her. This is not an easy task since she is 'honest AJ' and all. So let's see if you can shatter that honesty...” Dash paused, then grinned, “or exploit it.”

“And what's the second one?” Scootaloo asked.

“Follow me,” Dash said. She then walked off, leading Scootaloo to the attic of the house.

“What is this...?" Scootaloo's eyes sparkled. "It's so beautiful.”

In front of the two ponies was a dragon claw pedestal with a floating purple orb above it. The orb glowed lightly and sparkled in a way that could catch any eye. The orb's beauty itself was enough to obtain anypony's undivided attention.

“This?” Dash grinned. “This is something Twilight made herself just last night. This was based off of the Crystal Heart. I call it a 'Black Soul' because that name makes this thing 20% cooler.”

“Wow, she must be unstoppable!” Scootaloo admired the orb.

“This is your other task, make sure this stays safe and untouched while we're gone. I worry Spike may try something, or if another pony comes while we're out..." Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo with a grin, "So do you still think I can allow you to come?”

“I'll stay,” Scootaloo sighed. “As much as I want to go, I now know that it wouldn't be good to leave this place unguarded.”

“Enjoy yourself kid.” Dash ruffed up Scootaloo's hair with her hoof.

Scootaloo followed Rainbow Dash back downstairs.

“I'll go get started with Applejack then,” Scootaloo smiled, vanishing into the basement.

Dash laughed to herself; she was so happy she didn't kill Scootaloo that day... The thought of that day made her eye twitch, but the thought left as soon as it came. Dash put her saddlebags on and was off after the others.

“Hey Applejack!” Scootaloo smiled, “I haven't seen you for quite some time. How are you?”

Applejack was chained to the walls of her cell; the chains were cuffed to each hoof and attached in the four corners of the cell. Applejack looked up weakly.

“S- Scootaloo?” Applejack coughed. “That you?”

“How's Applebloom been? I've not been allowed to see her for a while you know.” Scootaloo took out some cupcakes.

“Ah'm glad you're safe Scootaloo. Ah'm sure the others in ya little group will be too.” Applejack managed to say, but it seemed every word was a struggle.

“Yeah, I can't wait to be able to go visit them again.” Scootaloo said eagerly.

“How about you get these chains and bonds off me and we can go see them together?” Applejack offered.

“Nah,” Scootaloo selected a cupcake and popped it in her mouth. “Reinbow Desh shed not to lechu go.”

After a short silence, Scootaloo swallowed the cupcake and added, “I promised her I wouldn't.”

“Scootaloo, you really need to let me go.” Applejack said, now a little concerned.

“Do I?” Scootaloo mocked.

“Yes, what Rainbow Dash and Pinkamena are doing is wrong,” Applejack said.

“You truly are as naive as Rainbow Dash said!” Scootaloo laughed.

“Scootaloo?” Applejack asked, now concerned.

“You're blinded Applejack! You think you can see, but in reality, you can't.” Scootaloo grabbed another cupcake and offered it to Applejack, “What a cupcake? They're super delicious!”

“We're off to see the Princess for there's something we must address. She's lost her touch; the pressure's a little too much. To Canterlot! To Canterlot! Here we come, ready or not! To Canterlot! To Canterlot! Here we come ready or not!” Pinkamena hummed. Pinkamena was merrily hopping along.

The five reached the edge of the forcefield trapping Ponyville. Twilight opened up a hole that they could all fit through.

Once they all got through, it closed once again.

“So what's the battle plan again Rainbow?” Fluttershy asked.

“They're will probably be forcefield around Canterlot, like at the wedding, but it's nothing Twilight can't handle. We will take the thrown and give it to the proper princess; it doesn't matter how it's done.” Dash replied.

They had been walking for only a short while when Rainbow Dash stated, “two o'clock.”

“Got it.” A knife flew from Fluttershy and inserted itself into the throat of a guard that was lurking in the bushes.

“Wow Fluttershy!” Pinkamena said, “I didn't know you could do that!”

“It's nothing much really...” Fluttershy murmured, blushing at the complement.

“She used it all the time back in the Factory when she wanted to have some fun.” Rainbow Dash said, bragging for Fluttershy since Fluttershy wouldn't. “It's one of her top skills.”

Fluttershy smiled; she was happy to hear Rainbow Dash praise her, in a way.

Spike watched as the five left the forcefield; immediately he wrote to Princess Celestia.

The return scroll came back quite quickly.

Dear Spike,
My sources from the outside are still telling me that the forcefield is being supplied from within. There must be a power source from the inside. I know the idea sounds impossible, but these past few weeks have taught us otherwise, so please find and destroy this power source.
Princess Celestia

Spike walked off. He knew that this would be his biggest chance to help Twilight, yet something was bothering him; he didn't know what, though.

Spike stopped at the door to Twilight's relocated home. He had time to think, but it only made him less willing. Whatever it was, he pushed it aside for the time being and opened the door.

He walked in, shutting the door behind him.

There were hoofsteps.

Spike looked and saw Scootaloo enter the room from the basement. She was talking to herself and shaking her head. She looked up to see Spike standing there.

“Oh... hey Spike,” Scootaloo said, slightly surprised.

Spike was not expecting this. He had known Scootaloo had gone missing, but he'd expected her to be dead.

“Why are you here?” Scootaloo asked.

“Some side duties,” Spike said.

“And betray Twilight's trust?” Scootaloo said.

“I'm not betraying her trust.” Spike found this a ridiculous thought.

“Then why are you here?” Scootaloo asked again.

“To save Twilight,” Spike said, with surety.

“Save her from what?” Scootaloo inquired.

“Twilight's changed; this isn't like her.” Spike looked at Scootaloo as if she should understand.

“If it was never a part of her, then wouldn't have come out in the first place,” Scootaloo stated.

“Twilight wouldn't like things the way they are,” Spike said.

“Isn't it Twilight who sustaining it this way though?” Scootaloo asked.

“Well..." Spike paused to think. "Twilight needs me to...”

“So you're going to change Twilight from who she is so that you're happy instead of her? Isn't that a bit greedy?” Scootaloo interrupted Spike's thoughts.

“No, I'm helping her.” Spike tried to defend his case.

“She didn't forget about you, you know," Scootaloo informed Spike, "She's putting a lot of trust into you and believes you can and willl except who she is."

She waited a moment to let that sink in before asking, "Are you going to use that faith?”

“Help... it's help...” Spike muttered, more to himself than Scootaloo.

“If your going to betray her, be my guest.” Scootaloo shrugged, walking into the kitchen.

“I'm going to... use Twilight...” Spike muttered.

“It's in the attic, the Black Soul. Did you know Twilight made it herself? She's very proud of it.” Scootaloo called over her shoulder as she rummaged though the pantry.

Spike went up to the attic. The statement, “I'm going to use Twilight,” ringing through his head.

He looked at the orb. The words, “She made it herself,” replaced the other statement in his head.

He touched it. Equestria's fate was in his reach; all he had to do was push it and it'd shatter on the ground. With it shattered, Twilight would become weaker for quite a while, giving enough time to stop the insane ponies.

“She's very proud of it...” and “Use Twilight...” went through Spike's head once last.

Spike removed his claw from the orb and took a step back.

“If I destroy this, I'd destroy Twilight's creation, ruin her pride, and hurt her. I would be destroying her. I can't do that!” Spike then ran out of the house.

“That worked better than I thought it would.” Scootaloo was just started heading back downstairs as Spike ran passed her and out the door. She was relieved; there was one less problem to worry about and no great anticipation for Spike's arrival.

Rainbow Dash had been teaching Scootaloo how to determine outcomes using mental games. Scootaloo still had a lot to learn, but it seemed what she'd learned so far was still quite useful.

“Imagine what things I could do if I were at Rainbow Dash's skill level...” Scootaloo muttered to herself in awe. “The possibilities are endless...”

Scootaloo thought back to the lesson that Dash had taught her just last week.

“This week we will be learning about... attachment,” Rainbow Dash had said. “For example: Spike is attached to Twilight and Rarity, Rarity's attached to Pinkamena, Fluttershy's attached to me, Pinkamena and I are attached to each other, you're attached to me and Pinkamena, Twilight's attached to her friends, and so on. These are all attachments and they can be used to one's advantage easily. Also, by knowing how to use attachment, one can also prevent being used by it.”
Scootaloo nodded.
“For today I will be teaching you some of the basic methods to manipulate them,” Dash continued. “You ready to begin?”
Scootaloo nodded eagerly.

Now that Scootaloo was thinking about it, an idea came to her of a way to crack Applejack.

It was night when the five arrived at Canterlot.

“We're here. We're here. Canterlot, it's time to fear. We're here. We're here. Princess, your end is near.” Pinkamena hummed.

“Pinkie, keep it down. We need to be quiet.” Rainbow Dash hissed.

“Sorry Dashie,” Pinkamena pouted.

“Don't pout at me; you're going to make me feel guilty,” Rainbow Dash said.

Fluttershy and Rarity blushed and glared.

“We're not even in Canterlot yet,” Twilight said, looking at the forcefield that surrounded the city.

“We all have faith in you Twilight; we know you can do it.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Let me think for a moment...” Twilight walked in a circle, thinking up a spell to use.

“Kur o jaban vondure. Taki te vondure vuna adun.” Twilight's horn lit up with a dark purple glow before exploding forwards, towards Canterlot.

“Whoa! Cool! What was that?!” Pinkamena asked.

“A magic-disabling curse,” Twilight said. “We should have a fair battlefield now as well, but I don't know how long it will last for.”

“That's still quite impressive,” Rarity encouraged, “And you still think your weak. How humble.”

Twilight blushed, “You flatter me.” Behind Twilight, the forcefield had turned purple and started to disintegrate.

The city was filled with fear for they knew what had come; the Princess of Darkness had arrived.

"And so she arrives, my ex-faithful student..." Celestia looked at the disintegrating forcefield. "It's time we fight back the Insanity!"

Guards flooded out of the castle to face the five.

"The battle strategy?" Fluttershy asked again.

The five of them were standing on Mane Street. They could see the blade-armed royal guards running down the street. It would only be a few minutes, if not sooner, before they reached the five.

"Fight and win," Rainbow Dash smirked, then decided to add, "And have fun."

"Three, two, one, split up!" Twilight called.

All but Fluttershy jumped to the allies off to their sides, splitting up into groups. Pinkamena and Rainbow Dash jumped into the left alley, while Twilight and Rarity jumped into the right alley. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, covered her head and shook.

When the guard ponies arrived to where the five had been standing, all they saw was a helpless, scared pony.

“Okay. Let's split up, half go left and half go left. A few spread out to stand guard in other areas.” the captain of the guards said.

Around one fifth of the guards stayed behind the split up.

“Are you okay Ma'am?” one guard pony asked.

Fluttershy opened one eye to look at the ponies surrounding her. It was only a handful that surrounded her- may ten or eleven.

Fluttershy grinned, “the question is, are you?”

Before any of the guards could give a response, knifes penetrated their bodies from all around. They let out loud cries, which gained the attention of the other guards that were heading back with the captain. What they saw was a pony covered in shadows surrounded by the dozen guard ponies who were penetrated by multiple knives.

Fluttershy looked up; her left eye gleamed like a demon's, the other covered by her hair.

“Who's next?” she asked.

At first the other guards took a few steps back, but halted at the captain's voice.

“What do you think you're doing? You are the royal guards! Does it take only one pony to scare you? She just used deception; they were unaware and you are not!” The captain walked off leaving the remaining guards to their fate.

Meanwhile, Pinkamena was hopping on top of the housing with Rainbow Dash flying next to her. They came to a stop in a plaza. Dash landed in the center, “This is a good enough spot.”

“As good as any.” Pinkamena stopped at a booth that had sold deserts.

“Pinkie, we need to focus,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Having a snack or two won't hurt.” Pinkamena takes a bite of a pie.

The plaza's edges flooded with guards.

“We have you surrounded and outnumbered. Surrender now.” A microphone blared.

“We have a psychotic pink pony and a rainbow. You are overpowered.” Rainbow Dash mocked. She then looked at Pinkie, who was still snacking away with the pastries.

“Pinkie,” She hissed, “could you get a bit more serious?”

“But dis stuff is soooo gud,” Pinkie said with a mouthful of cake. Rainbow Dash facehoofed and shook her head.

“You give us no choice,” the speaker said. The guards started to fill the plaza.

“Did you know...” Rainbow Dash said, stretching her legs. “To achieve a Sonic Rain-boom one must break the sound barrier.” She flutters her wings a few times. “Do you realize the danger of that kind of speed?”

The guards were nearly in range to use their blades. Rainbow Dash took off, becoming a streak of rainbow and greeting the charging guards. The five that so foolishly charged at her front found themselves blinded by the rainbow and ended up getting head butted; their heads were smashed in.

Rainbow Dash started bouncing around, picking up more and more speed.

Pinkamena watched the guards collapse and shook her head. “Bwads are dengeris.” Her mouth was filled with some more pastries. From behind her lunged two guards with their blades drawn. She swallowed, “shall I give you some lessons?”

The guards' blades were a hair's width away when suddenly Pinkamena's hair straightened. The two guard's weapons were deflected and sent flying out of reach. The two guards stumble past Pinkamena, who was holding two butcher knives behind her head. She had moved faster than anypony could've seen. In the next moment, Pinkamena cross-slashed the backs of the two ponies in front of her.

“Such a waste of perfectly good resources,” Pinkamena sighed, but then grinned, her hair poof-ing back to it's normal fluffy mess, “OK! LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!” She pointed a blade in Rainbow Dash's direction.

Rainbow Dash had reached the needed speed; there was a rainbow explosion that rose above Canterlot, but this one was not one of joy and cheer. The plaza was laid bare and was void of life.

Twilight looked up at the rainbow and laughed, “Isn't it lovely Rarity?”

“Darling, are you sure you don't need help?” Rarity asked. All around where they stood were floating, in a purple glow, the bodies of the guards.

“This is hardly even the tip of the Equestrian forces. I feel insulted that this is all they're using against us.” Twilight walked on.

“You're not going to bring these bodies though, right?” Rarity followed Twilight.

“Hm?” Twilight looked behind her and noticed she was bring the guard bodies with them. “Oh. My bad.” The bodies fell to the ground.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkamena arrived in the center of town first and were soon followed by Fluttershy.

“That went better than I'd thought,” Rainbow Dash said. “Their performance was so pathetic. It's like they weren't trying to detain us.”

“They weren't,” Twilight said as she and Rarity joined them. “I don't know their true intensions though.”

“We just needed a distraction,” the captain said. “My name is Silverguard. I've taken Shining Armor's position after he left; I am the current captain of guard in Canterlot.”

“What was the point of that, then? Why not send the entire force of Canterlot upon us?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Simple, this way we have less casualties,” Silverguard said. “We sacrifice maybe five hundred ponies in delaying you, but if we tried to detain you, then we'd have an unmeasurable amount of deaths. We did not underestimate your abilities. I do regret having to trick such decent ponies into their deaths, but it's for the greater good.”

“Blah, blah, blah. No one cares,” Fluttershy said as she took a step forward. “We're here. Surrender.” Then shrank, taking a step back, “I mean, if that's okay with you.”

Dash snickered, “Flutters, really?”

Celestia came out and stood next to Silverguard. “I knew a day like this would come. I wish it didn't have too, but now it gives me no other choice.”

A pedestal rose from the center of the square. On the pedestal was a crystal sun and moon. It looked just like the Crystal Empire's Crystal Heart.

“What you see is the same crystal used to banish King Sombra.” Celestia confirmed.

“And how do you plan to use it? It's not a lot of 'light and love' here right now,” Rarity stated, her eyes sparkling at the sight of the gem.

“During the day, it will be powered by the sun. During the night, it will be powered by the moon,” Celestia explained.

“We were hoping to be able to use it instantly,” Silverguard said. “but unfortunately, it is a new moon tonight.”

“So?” Twilight asked.

“It's Sunrise,” Celestia said, “Not even your magic can delay it.”

The sun began to rise. The crystal began to shine.

“Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkamena Diane Pie, and Fluttershy. I, Princess Celestia, banish you from Equestria!” Celestia declared.

Before any of the five could even react, a light-shield exploded from the crystal. The five were sent flying off towards the horizon.

“Ah can't believe this...” Applejack said. She was sitting on the porch with Scootaloo.

“Yeah, it's such a hard thing to wrap one's mind around at first; I know how you feel.” Scootaloo reassured.

“But Ah'm not into killing and the like,” Applejack said.

“So? You can accept your friends for who they are or you could abandon them.” Scootaloo said. She looked at Applejack and asked, “Would you abandon them all?”

“No... But can't Ah still fix them?” Applejack asked.

“They've sunk way past that point a long time ago. It's who they are now, you can only accept them or reject them as your friends.”

“Ah'm not sure about this Scootaloo...”

The sun rose. Soon after there was an explosion of light. The light soon smashed against the forcefield.

The magic barrier held, fending off the light.

“That can't be good! Not good at all!” Scootaloo said. “I hope they're going to be okay!" Scootaloo looked back at Applejack, "Applejack!?”

Applejack was already standing, ready to run. “Scootaloo is there a way outta this place?”

“There's one bush that goes through the forcefield near the Everfree. All you need to do is crawl through it and you should be out.” Scootaloo said without thinking.

Applejack ran off.

Scootaloo jumped, “Wait, Applejack! Where are you going?”

“My friends need me!” Applejack called back.

Scootaloo sat back down; she wasn't sure if what she did was a good thing or not.

To be continued


A special thanks to:

Sergeant Sprinkles – Inspiring Pinkamena Diane Pie (with Cupcakes).
Aurora Dawn – Inspiring Rainbow Dash (with the Rainbow Factory).
Lil’ Mizz Jay – Inspiring Rarity (with Lil’ Miss Rarity).
doubleWBrothers – Inspiring Fluttershy's knife throwing skill.

Extra special thanks to:

Mindless Gonzo

The Lost Lands

View Online

My Little Pony:

Darker Days Arc

Warning: Dark
((Need I say more?))

My Little Pony:

The Lost Lands

Written & Edited by: Cor200

There is a land that lay in eternal night.
Its theft of memories impossible to fight.
Not even gods can remember their might.
This land of which I speak
Is a place dull and bleak.
Beware the Lost Lands.

Rainbow Dash stood up.

“Ugh...” she moaned. “Where am I... Who am I?...” She then wandered aimlessly in the dully-lit darkness.

The reaction of the others were the same as Rainbow Dash's. They had lost themselves; they had lost who they truly were. They needed somepony to help them remember; they needed somepony to remind them who they were.

Applejack approached the bush near the Everfree cautiously. It had taken her around an hour, but she had finally found the correct one. Slowly she crawled through the bush, and, to her surprise, found that she was outside that dreadful barrier.

“My friends must have..." She thought aloud, "I'll head to Canterlot and find out the truth.”

“Hewwo agun Spuk!” Scootaloo was eating another cupcake. She swallowed. “Can I help you?”

“I've actually came to help you,” Spike said entering the house.

“Help me?...” Scootaloo asked.

“Have you taken a look at Twilight's Orb?” Spike asked.

Scootaloo quickly rushed to the attic. There was a small cry.

Spike joined Scootaloo in the attic.

The Black Soul was cracking under the pressure of the Crystal Field that now lay over Equestria.

“Oh my Twilight!” Scootaloo said, “If they come back and see this, I'm screwed!”

“Don't worry. I have an idea. Will you trust me?” Spike said.

“Nothing worse could happen anyways...” Scootaloo drifted off to watch in blank horror as Spike sent purple flames to engulf the orb. To Scootaloo's relief and awe, the Black Soul was actually looking better when Spike finished.

“What in Dequestria was that?” Scootaloo asked.

“What in Equestria is Dequestria?” Spike asked.

“It was their idea for a new name for Equestria after they take it over,” Scootaloo shrugged, "said the old one had too much connection to the Princesses, and something about names and power and so on."

“Anyways, I used some dark flames to heal the orb. Did you not notice that my flame was purple and not the normal green?” Spike said, bringing the conversation back on topic.

Scootaloo nodded as if she understood, but she just couldn't be bothered.

“I'll come back once per day. I don't know how long I can stall this thing from shattering...” Spike trailed off.

“Twilight and the others won't have anything to return too...” Scootaloo finished.

“Anypony here?” Applejack asked, entering the throne room.

“Applejack, just the pony I wanted to see!” Celestia said, entering the room herself. She walked passed Applejack and sat down on her throne.

“A- ah am?” Applejack asked.

“Yes. I think you are the solution to this problem," Celestia answered, "You should be able to help your friends now that I banished them to the Lost Lands.”

“The what now?” Applejack asked.

“The Lost Lands are a place that if you lose your consciousness, you lose yourself. Your friends won't remember who they are. I can not leave Equestria myself and there are not enough guards to send away. I need your help. All you need to do is go there, tell your friends their name, and add 'you hate killing' or 'you don't kill' at the end. You'll find the Lands outside Equestria's borders.”

“You've lost me again Princess,” Applejack said.

“The Lost Lands take the souls away from those who lose consciousness there until another pony comes along and tells the soul what they are. Basically, the Lands let others manipulate the soul by whatever anypony tells them. If you tell your friends that they aren't killers, they'll never kill again.”

“Are you sure you want me to do this Princess?” Applejack asked, "you know Ah'm not the best at..."

“Of course, they're your friends,” Celestia said, "I believe you'd want them to return to normal more than anypony else."

“Where do I go?” Applejack asked.

Celestia pointed in towards the north. Applejack was off.

The lands are an eternal prison
To hold great powers that have risen.
Those trapped will always listen
To anything and everything they're told.
This is the perfect opportunity to mold.
Beware of the your words.

“What is this place?” Applejack said as she stared into the darkness. It was noon where she stood, but just in front of her was a sheer wall of night's darkness.

No light, other than the full moon's, can shine through these lands. It is a mystery to all.

She hesitated but then remembered, you need to save your friends.

Applejack took a step into the Lands, very cautiously. Nothing strange happened. Soon enough, she was walking through the dimly-lit lands in search of her friends.

Soon after she entered the Lands, she found herself walking through was a forest.

Applejack jumped when she heard something behind her say, “Who am I?... Where are we?...”

When Applejack turned around. Rainbow Dash stood behind her. Rainbow Dash looked drained.

"Rainbow Dash?” Applejack gasped.

“Who?...” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack remembered what Celestia had said; all she needed to say was Rainbow Dash's name and “you hate killing” and the whole problem would go away.

“Your name is Rainbow Dash and...” Applejack started.

It's part of them now; you need to decide whether to accept them or reject them, Scootaloo's voice echoed through Applejack's head. If Applejack said the last part, she'd change her friends and they would no longer be the same friends; who knew how different they may be if she said it. How much of them had been her friends because they kept these secrets?

The fate of Equestria laid in Applejack's hooves.

If Applejack said the three words, "you hate killing," everything would have turned back to normal and they'd have had a happy life, soon forgetting these darker days and moving on; Equestria would have continued on like as if there had never been an outbreak of insanity. Instead, Applejack lowered her head. She didn't want to force change upon her friend; she wouldn't lie to them.

“Rainbow... Dash...” Rainbow Dash murmured to herself.

There was a loud scream. Applejack looked up to see Rainbow Dash clutching her head.

Applejack ran over to Dash. “Are you alright? It's okay, your not alone.”

“Thanks,” Dash said, standing up. “Just a pain to have all of my memories flashing back into my head.”

“I'm glad you're okay,” Applejack said.

“Still,” Dash said, looking around. “Where are we?”

Applejack explained everything she knew about their current situation.

“That's quite interesting...” Dash said, "I see you stayed true in the end."

"Of course Ah did; y'all are my friends after all," Applejack smiled, unsure of what she had just done, "just don't expect me to kill people, alright?"

"Don't worry about it," Rainbow Dash grinned, then muttered to herself, "not that it'll matter once the truth's been told."

The two of them wondered the Lands until they came out of the forest and into a desert. Though it wasn't that long of a walk, it seemed much longer.

They noted a pink pony hopping around a cactus; she was jumping in a circle.

“Where am I? Who am I? Why am I? What am I? When am I? How am I? What am I? Who?” She hummed repeatedly as she hopped.

Dash stopped Pinkamena. “Your name is Pinkamena Diane Pie.”

“I know,” Pinkamena said, “But everypony else seems to be saying the other stuff. I think it's their natural language or something, so I decided to make a song out of it!”

“Pinkie, you never cease to amaze me,” Dash sighed.

Dash then explained to Pinkamena the situation they were in. Pinkamena was silent for an abnormal length of time for her.

“Does that mean anypony?” Pinkamena asked. “I can change anypony?”

“I guess?” Rainbow Dash said, unsure.

“Great!” Pinkamena hopped off into the forest again.

“I don't know the outcome,” Applejack said, “but I'm not sure it'll end well if we don't...”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash ran after Pinkamena, but soon they lost her. They walked in the direction they thought she had hopped when they heard a voice. It was Rarity.

Meanwhile, Pinkamena was merrily hopping along. She stopped once she reached an abandoned cabin. She opened the door and entered. There was a chair and a table in the center of the cabin.

“Who what!” Pinkamena called.

From the shadows in a corner of the room came slight movement. Soon, Queen Chrysalis came out. Her neck was chained to the wall.

“How!” Pinkamena said.

“... Master?...” Chrysalis asked. She was speaking as if she were dazed and she didn't look like she was doing so well

“Your name is Chrys. You are the Elements' pet!” Pinkamena clopped her hooves.

Dash suddenly appeared in the door, "Pinkie, I think her soul was already reformed..."

Pinkamena turned around in shock, “Dashie?”

Rainbow Dash passed Pinkamena and said, "yes, Chrys. I am your master. You will be coming with me now."

Pinkamena started to pout, “I wanted it to be a surprise to you! It was going to be a surprise.”

“You did surprise me, Pinkie,” Dash said, “and don't make that face.”

“Bu-” Pinkamena started, but was interrupted by a kiss from Dash. Dash had moved in for a hug and was thinking of going further than that, but was interrupted by a rubbing against her side. She looked over and found that Chrysalis was rubbing against her and Pinkamena.

“Right..." Dash blushed, "Now's not the time...”

Dash got off Pinkamena and released Chrys from her chains.

They walked out of the house to find Applejack and Rarity just coming out into the clearing. Dash explained the situation before they could react to Chrysalis.

It took them another few hours to find Fluttershy and Twilight.

Twilight was still unconscious when they found her; she had taken most of the damage from the blast when she threw up a forcefield to no avail.

As for Fluttershy, she was cowering in some place that made her next to invisible.

The lands and memories are not the only things Lost;
The sands of time are also Lost.
Isn't each hour more like a day when one is Lost?
Beware of Time.

It had been a week. Spike watched the Black Soul as it slowly cracked. It was completely covered in cracks and it was more like a miracle that it hadn't shattered yet.

He sighed, “Such a shame...”

Scootaloo was next to him with her face in her hooves. She was crying.

“Cheer up Scootaloo,” Spike said.

“I'm a failure!” Scootaloo sobbed, “I failed such a simple task! I can't do anything right!”

“You did the best you could,” Spike encouraged.

“Not only was I unable to save the Black Soul, but I lost Applejack! I'm an idiot! I should of died and been turned into Spectra!!!” There was no hope of Spike helping Scootaloo get over her sadness.

Spike sighed; he decided he'd watch Scootaloo to make sure she didn't do anything too rash, and it was a better thing to do than slowly go insane watching Twilight's precious orb crack and soon shatter.

Twilight stomped her hoof on the ground. The six ponies and one changeling stood in a V-formation and faced the shield that kept them from Equestria.
Rainbow Dash was grinning, “Sorry we delayed Celestia, but we weren't ready before; we were incomplete – a broken insanity – but no more! We're ready. The elements have gathered!”

“THE ELEMENTS HAVE GATHERED!” They all shouted together.

To be continued


A special thanks to:

Sergeant Sprinkles – Inspiring Pinkamena Diane Pie (with Cupcakes).
Aurora Dawn – Inspiring Rainbow Dash (with the Rainbow Factory).
Lil’ Mizz Jay – Inspiring Rarity (with Lil’ Miss Rarity).
Corrupted Discipline – Inspiring pet Chrys and the Lost Lands (with pinkamina-returns).

Extra special thanks to:

Mindless Gonzo

Dequestria Part 1

View Online

My Little Pony:

Darker Days Arc

Warning: Dark
((Need I say more?))

My Little Pony:

Dequestria Part 1

The Elements of Insanity have finally converted.
Equestria's Fate can no longer be diverted.
The power that brought peace now brings calamity;
The power that brought Harmony now brings Insanity.

The kindness of a fast kill
The generosity to give anything
The loyal of the insane
The truth drives one to insanity
Dark magic runs through all their veins
The laughter of the insane never ends

“Princess Celestia did you really think you could hold us — the Elements of Insanity — back?” Twilight yelled at the forcefield.

“Um, Twi, do you realize that yelling at inanimate objects is pointless, right?” Applejack asked.

“Who cares? I don't.” Twilight snapped back.

“Calm yourself Twilight,” Applejack said, “just relax.”

“Yeah, and stop delaying,” Rainbow Dash said, “this time they'll have to face us instead of resorting to this cowardly method.”

“Ugh,” Twilight sighed, “fine.” She took a step forward. “Ki.”

The forcefield didn't budge.

“Did it fail?” Pinkamena asked.

Twilight remained silent.

In Canterlot, everything seemed normal enough, but then, out of nowhere, the Crystal Sun grew clouded and shattered, exploding into hundreds of tiny pieces.

“No, it's just a long distance spell,” Twilight said. “Trying to damaged and break a forcefield from the outside is just a waste of effort and very hard to do. My magic's going to the heart- to the Crystal Sun.”

“3... 2... 1...” Spike slowly counted down the time before the orb shattered. Scootaloo sat next to him; he had finally managed to get Scootaloo to stop crying.

The orb didn't shatter. This shocked Spike. “Wait, what?”

“I- It didn't shatter? Did I do something right without realizing it?” Scootaloo perked up.

Spike looked out the window, “the other forcefield's gone. Something must have happened!”

“Or Applejack's?” Scootaloo clapped her hooves together hopefully.

Eventually the mane six reached Canterlot. Chrysalis wasn't with them.

Canterlot was empty, void of life.

“Strange...” Rainbow Dash said, “I was expecting at least some resistance.”

They walk straight into the castle; no guard was in sight. They continued on and entered the throne room.

“Hello my ex-student and her friends,” Celestia greeted them. She walked down from the throne and dropped her crown in front of the group. “I've done my best, but I was unable to successfully beat you. I hand down Equestria to you all.” Celestia then bowed to them.

Twilight examined the crown with disgust. “Like I need that shit.” She kicked the crown away. “We're ruling together. We don't need a crown!” Twilight spat on Celestia.

“And we're not just going to stop there!” Pinkamena cheered.

“No, we're not,” Twilight said, her horn started to glow, readying to fight.

“I expected as much. I'm yours as well as Equestria,” Celestia said.

“I still can’t believe you evacuated Canterlot,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Ya shoulda known that she'd have chickened out Dash,” Applejack laughed.

“Well I'm back to the library,” Spike said, “don't want to leave it alone too long...” Spike opened the door and was greeted by Applejack.

He walked passed Applejack and was gone.

“Applejack!” Scootaloo cheered, “I owe you so much! Thank you!”

“Hey, Scoots,” Applejack said, “Ah'm not sure if what Ah just did was right or not...”

“You secured your place as a ruler of Dequestria,” Scootaloo said.

“Ah don't want that, though. Ah just wanted my friends back,” Applejack sighed, taking a seat on the couch.

“Speaking about the others,” Scootaloo wondered, “Where are they?”

“Rainbow did promise me that Ah wouldn't have to do anything Ah didn't want to. The others will get back a little later, they're just finishing something up,” Applejack said.

“Well, I'm glad I didn't ruin everything Rainbow Dash entrusted me with,” Scootaloo sighed.

“Ah'm still not sure of my decision...” Applejack stared out the window, towards Canterlot.

“There you go, your own little prison,” Rainbow Dash grinned.

“Yes, this suits her much better. It's where she belongs, weak and useless at my feet.” Twilight laughed wickedly.

“Well, that should about do it for now,” Rainbow Dash said.

“You four go ahead. I'm going to have some fun with the Princess.” Twilight grinned with malcontent.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, “go ahead.” She knew that Twilight would never care for Princess Celestia nor listen to her words ever again; Rainbow Dash had made sure that wouldn't happen. Sending them to those Lands was the biggest mistake of Celestia's life.

She and the other three left Twilight to her "fun."

The following scene is too gruesome to read, but I can summarize:

That night there was a lot of rape and torture. During that night, Celestia tried countless times to convince Twilight that she should turn back to normal, but Twilight didn't listen; this was Twilight's new normal and she didn't need to think about it in the slightest. What Celestia said that night would have convinced even Discord to give up his evil ways, but Rainbow Dash had planned for this.

Back in the Lost Lands, Dash had said to Twilight, “Your name is Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Darkness, Princess of the Dark. Your nemesis has been Celestia ever since she betrayed you. Don't trust a single word she says.”

The morning came; it was no longer the normal sun that rose, but a sun of black fire. It lit the land in a dreary glow.

“Pinkie,” Dash yawned, opening her eyes. Pinkamena laid asleep in front of her, comfily snuggling the bed. To Dash, Pinkamena looked as cute as ever while sleeping, though it was rare for Dash to see her sleep since Dash usually was asleep before and awake after Pinkamena. She kissed the pink mare on the nose and got out of bed as best she could without waking the sleeping pony.

She walked over to the mirror in the room.

“What is it Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash asked the door.

“Oh, umm...” a faint voice said through the door, “I didn't know if you were sleeping or not, and I didn't want to wake you, so...” Fluttershy trailed off.

Rainbow Dash sighed, “You shouldn’t watch other ponies while they sleep.”

Outside, Fluttershy backed up from the door, blushing wildly. “I- I- I wasn't doing that!”

“I would have been perfectly fine if you woke me up a bit early,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Well, uh... I didn't know if it was important or not, so...” Fluttershy looked down the hallway to the kitchen. “I was feeding the animals and realized...” She trailed off again.

“Give her affection, changelings feed off of love,” Dash shook her head, “I know you know that.”

"I forgot.," Fluttershy said, acting innocent. After a short pause, she looked down and said, "I'll go now."

Rainbow Dash stood in front of the mirror for another moment, then sighed, “Fluttershy, is there anything else you need?”

“No,” the quiet voice answered.

“Then please leave. I don't need you watching me,” Dash requested.

“O- o- okay...” Fluttershy blushed, then trotted back to the kitchen.

Rainbow Dash found Applejack sleeping on the couch.

“Hey, Applejack,” Rainbow Dash said.

Applejack stirred, “huh? What is it sugarcube?”

“I think you should visit home,” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“Oh mah Celestia!” Applejack said, bolting to her feet, “Ah forgot about how long Ah've been gone with all that's been going on!”

Applejack dashed out of the front door, breezing passed Twilight, who had just entered the house.

“Oh, Twilight, you're back,” Rainbow Dash said, “how was your night?”

Twilight was watching Applejack run off. After a moment, she looked back to Rainbow Dash and purred, “Very entertaining.”

Applejack arrived at Sweet Apple Acres.

As she neared the house, Applebloom ran out and yelled, “Big Sis! You're alright!”

Applejack looked up and smiled, “Applebloom, Ah missed you too.”

“Granny! Big Mac!” Applebloom called back, “Applejack's back! She's okay!”

Applejack walked inside with Applebloom by her side.

“Is it true?” Granny Smith asked, she was staring out the window.

“Celestia's been captured and brought to Ponyville, yes,” Applejack said, she then looked at the ground and added, “It's all my fault.”

“Just like your parents, I see,” Granny Smith said.

All three children were shocked.

Big Mac was the one to break the silence. “Uh, Granny, what do ya mean?”

Granny Smith moved her gaze onto the three children and said, “I think it's time you know the truth.”

To be continued


A special thanks to:

Sergeant Sprinkles – Inspiring Pinkamena Diane Pie (with Cupcakes).
Aurora Dawn – Inspiring Rainbow Dash (with the Rainbow Factory).
Lil’ Mizz Jay – Inspiring Rarity (with Lil’ Miss Rarity).
Corrupted Discipline – Inspiring pet Chrysalis (with pinkamina-returns).

Extra special thanks to:

Mindless Gonzo

Rotten Core

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My Little Pony:

Darker Days Arc

Warning: Dark
((Need I say more?))

((This story is in Granny Smith's point of view as she tells the story to the three children))

My Little Pony:

Rotten Core

When I was young...
When I was young...

When I was young
You were still here
I watched them grow
I kept them safe
But you had to go
You had to go

Granny Smith stares out a window and she see's many things.
From the past to the present and the in-betweens.
Love, Loss, limits, and Dreams, and even screams...
But that's life, and for her it's just a routine...
Or at least it seems...
Upon a desk a few feet away... a picture displayed.
A frame with a face and name that is placed on the corner of memory.
Traced to a time that's embraced by a many who have stayed
In this old house. Sometimes it's just a cold house.
Haunted by the fears and the old doubts.
She remembers being a foal, but admits she is old now.
Applejack throws her hair back. Applebloom laughs towed by her big brother Big Mac.
It's exactly the way you'd have want it.
The only thing missing is your presence here upon it.
It gets harder to remember you.
But when it happens I just look to your children for a better view.
I see your eyes in their tender youth
I see your smile when they grin I pretend that you're with 'em too.

It all started when Ponyville was founded. I didn't believe the saying back then, but “nothing good is ever free.” With the zap apples, there came a major price... Though, none of us would realize it for many years.

We had our first family reunion.

We had our second reunion.

It was almost time for our third reunion. I was taking care of the preparations. Two mysterious ponies showed up on the farm, both cloaked from head to hoof.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“Ma, it's us,” my daughter said to me from under the cloak.

“Now why in tarnation are you two in that getup?” I asked.

“There's no time, ma,” she said to me, “we must hide!” She was all flustered.

They ran into the barn and I followed.

“Now why are you so up in-” I started.

“Where are the foals?” she asked.

“Applejack and Big Mac are taking Applebloom apple bucking,” I said.

“Good. Ma, I'm going to need a favor,” she said to me.

“What's gotten into you?” I said.

“The royal guards will come and take us away,” she told me, “whatever you do. Don't tell them anything. Make sure the kids stay lost in the orchard.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“I wish I could explain, but-” she started, but was rudely interrupted by a knock on the door.

The doors to the barn opened up and ten Canterlot Guards flooded in. I watched them as they took my daughter and her husband away, wondering how a personal delivery of Zap Apple Jam could have gone so wrong.

Not even an hour later, the Princess showed up in pony. I wasn't expecting it, nor did I feel any suspicion.

“Princess,” I said. She looked the same as the day I first saw her.

“Greetings, Granny Smith,” Celestia said, “It's been a while. I remember when your father showed me his seed collection. It was quite impressive for such a worn-down family of ponies.”

“I could never forget that day,” I said.

“And how are the foals?” Celestia asked, “How have they been doing?”

“Oh, they've been doing just great,” I said, “They're having fun in the orchard.”

“How lovely,” Celestia said.

Just they y'all showed up. You'd just come out of the orchard and were heading back. Applebloom was laughing, being towed by Big Mac.

Y'all noticed Celestia and called out to her.

My daughter's words rang through my head, make sure the kids stay lost in the orchard.

All I needed to shout was “run! Hid in the orchard till ya parents get back!”

“If you say a word, you will be charged with treason and conspiracy,” Celestia whispered to me coarsely.

It shocked me and caused me to thing, what did they get us all into.

If only then I had I had listened too...
Then a granny they'd have lost, 'stead of both their parents is the truth.

I held my tongue. I didn't know of the consequences that awaited them both because I kept quiet until it was too late.

Y'all came over and gave a warm welcome to Celestia. She greeted y'all kindly back. It made me think that what I had heard her whisper was just my imagination playing tricks on me. She invited us all over to the castle to play some games and have some fun.

You three were left in the bedrooms while Celestia took me to the side.

“Your daughter and her husband have both committed treason and conspiracy,” Celestia informed me, “their time is at an end.”

“I'm sorry, your majesty, but I don't understand,” I said.

“Come,” Celestia said, walking off, “this is your only chance at a final goodbye.”

I didn't know what she was talking about, but I followed her out of concern for my own...

“Ma!” My daughter said, giving me a hug. Tears filled her eyes. “I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for any of this to happen,” she cried.

“Do you have any last words to tell your daughter?” Celestia asked.

“I know you weren't able to hide the kids, but it's not your fault,” my daughter said, “don't take this out on yourself. I know you don't understand what's going on. That's fine. I love you, ma. I'm sorry.”

I didn't know what to say; I couldn't have know what to say. I watched as they took her away, leading them somewhere.

Sudden realization hit me. I'd never see them again; they're going to be killed.

I survived as the living proof... but I'd gladly give my life in second just to switch with you.

And I can tell you you'd be proud of em all.

Applejack is worth her weight in gold, Big Mac stand'n Tall 

Applebloom so strong with her friends...
And it sends me shivers cause I see in them SMALL 

Images, and snippets of your life when you grew up.

When I was rough young and tough and I knew of 

The only thing that our family needed was a few of 
these bits and these apple-seeds and a bit of true love.

And who loves you more than I do...
I remember when you met that stallion... the shy dude.
When I had to meet him he would hide behind you.

In time love bloomed as he'd ride beside you.

I cried as you recited "I do"
Pride in my little foal grew to find you

A grown mare, and soon you'd have your own there.
Three gems you brought into our home here. 

No fear... cause clearly they grew up fine.

No father or mother... they had a tough time.

But they had each other and that's enough, right?
And I did my best to raise 'em up right. 

I still cry in my room, on various nights.
I wonder why so soon you had to just die.
No mother should ever bury her one child

When I was young, I died a little inside.

“Follow me,” Celestia commanded. I obeyed.

I took a seat in a side room connected to the throne room. Celestia waited for a while, leaving us in a tense silence.

Finally Celestia broke the silence, “I will tell you all that happened.” Celestia glared at me, “If you promise never to speak a word of this again. Understood?”

I wanted to know the truth; I wanted to know what my daughter had died for. So I nodded.

The two of them were personally delivering the Zap Apple Jam, as they always did if the Princess was unable to fit the travel into her schedule. They went to the throne room, but found the throne empty. They knew Celestia always said “thank you.”

That day was different. She had a meeting with some factory representative named “Doctor Atmosphere” and the meeting was running a little late.

They had accidentally overheard the conversation. It must have been something very secret, something that was an unbelievably controversial that nopony could be allowed to know about it.

Doctor Atmosphere came out of the room to find the two of them standing there with some Zap Apple Jam. Instantly he flipped out, and soon enough they found themselves in the dungeons of the castle.

They talked about what they'd heard. Whatever it was, it was enough to get them willing to sacrifice themselves for the truth to come out.

The couple walked to the dungeon door.

“Um... Excuse me?” he asked.

“What is it, conspirator?” the guard asked coldly.

He glanced quickly at his wife for courage before looking back and saying, “I'd move if I were you.”

“Is that a threat?” the guard asked, turning around.

The wife bucked the door with incredible force. It flew off its hinges, smashing into the guard. The guard was only knocked unconscious, though.

Meanwhile, Celestia fought in a battle of words against Doctor Atmosphere.

“They are a good family. They are understanding,” Celestia said.

“They heard too much, Princess,” Doctor Atmosphere said.

“I'm sure they're reasonable,” Celestia said, “They have a family. They have three young foals.”

“You allow countless foals die each day to keep the Factory working,” Doctor Atmosphere said, “You just feel attached to them; they do something special for you and where they are now is because of your help.”

“That may be so, but-” Celestia started.

A guard entered the room and informed them, “They're attempting an escape, your highness.”

“Recapture them by any means possible!” Doctor Atmosphere yelled, “It doesn't matter what happens to them. We cannot let those conspirators escape!”

The guard ran out of the room.

Doctor Atmosphere smirked at Celestia, knowing he'd won, “See, Princess? What did I say?”

“Fine... It's too dangerous to allow them to live,” Celestia agreed.

Doctor Atmosphere stood up and walked out of the room.

The couple ran down another hallway; another path through the seemingly endless labyrinth of a dungeon. It had been a couple of minutes since they broke out, but the labyrinth was already messing with their heads.

Then two guards appeared, coming from one hallway. The stallion barreled into them, bowling both guards over without any effort.

They continued down the path the guards had come. They found that they were closer to the way out than they thought. They came to the stairs leading to the main hall to find it covered in guards. There would be no easy way out for the two of them.

They burst into the main hall to find Doctor Atmosphere yelling at the guards who stood with him, “Stop them! What are you waiting for you fools?!”

In the end, the couple managed to escape and run to their farm for one last hope.

That was all Celestia was willing to tell me.

“I wish there had been some other way, but...” Celestia said.

There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. “And just to make sure you keep your promise. If you tell a word about this, I will personally send the foals to meet their parents.” She then bade me good day and left the room.

I went outside to get a breath of fresh air.

Outside, a pony I'd never seen before came over and greeted me. He wore a cloak that covered him entirely. He introduced himself as “Doctor Atmosphere” and admitted that he was the one Celestia had told me about. I yelled at him, but it seemed not to affect him.

Out of nowhere, in the middle of my yelling, Doctor Atmosphere laughed, “You know, Ms. Smith. I'll bet Celestia didn't speak the whole truth. Care to listen to it all?” He didn't even let me answer, “Celestia doesn't have all the powers she claims to have. There is a machine needed to maintain her powers.”

“I don't believe you!” I yelled.

“You know how your parents escaped?” Doctor Atmosphere asked.

“How?” I asked.

“I let them,” he said.

“Like hay you did,” I said.

“I have agents in the guards. Not even Celestia knows that,” Doctor Atmosphere said, “there were twenty guards on those stairs that day, and another ten with me. There was no way they could take them all on.”

“Then why?” I asked.

“After an escape attempt, they would have been sent straight to their deaths,” Doctor Atmosphere said, “I was being generous.”

“My daughter told me things would have been different if I hid the children,” I said.

“I made a deal with them,” Doctor Atmosphere said, “But I needed time. If Celestia never got the kids, they could have 'escaped' again.”

“Why are you telling me all this?” I asked.

“I lost my family through a very similar matter,” Doctor Atmosphere said.

There was silence after he said that. Before I could say anything more, he walked off.

When you were young...
You both too young...

When I was young...
When I was young...


Song used: Apples of My Eye by Feather, Flow Rhyme, and Legion

A special thanks to:
Aurora Dawn – Inspiring Doctor Atmosphere (with the Rainbow Factory).
Feather, Flow Rhyme, and Legion – Inspiring this story (with Apples of My Eye).

Extra special thanks to:
Mindless Gonzo

Dequestria Part 2

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My Little Pony:

Darker Days Arc

Warning: Dark
((Need I say more?))

My Little Pony:

Dequestria Part 2

The Elements of Insanity have finally converted.
Equestria's Fate can no longer be diverted.
The power that brought peace now brings calamity;
The power that brought Harmony now brings Insanity.

The kindness of a fast kill
The generosity to give anything
The loyal of the insane
The truth drives one to insanity
Dark magic runs through all their veins
The laughter of the insane never ends

“Is that the honest truth, Granny?” Applejack had to sit down, else she would have fallen from shock.

“Every last word of it,” Granny confirmed.

Applejack bursted out the house, tears flowing like a river from her eyes.

Rainbow Dash stood alone in the workshop were Celestia was bound.

“He warned you, Tia,” Rainbow Dash whispered into Celestia's ear, “and so did I. You didn't listen...” Rainbow Dash was grinning wickedly.

“So that is what this is all about,” Celestia coughed.

Before Rainbow Dash could say anything, Applejack bursted through the door and bucked Celestia in the face as hard as she could. The force behind the buck knocked Celestia unconscious.

“Ah bucking hate you!” Applejack cried, “You murderer!”

“Oh, hey Applejack,” Rainbow Dash smiled, hiding some cruel intent behind it, “how was your family visit?”

“You won't believe what Ah was just told!” Applejack said.

“The truth is the truth,” Rainbow Dash shrugged, “there's nothing anypony can do about that.”

Applejack fell to the ground and put her hooves to her head. “Ah can't take it Rainbow! Ah just can't!” she screamed.

“Calm down, Applejack,” Rainbow Dash smiled, making it look as friendly as she could, “we're all still here for you. Will you join us? Insanity will ease your pain, Applejack. It's helped mine.”

“Ah'm not sure about anything anymore, Rainbow...” Applejack cried.

“Come now, let's head home,” Rainbow Dash said, “your head will clear once you take a little rest.”

Rainbow Dash walked Applejack back to the house and gave her a bed to rest in. Applejack was asleep within moments.

“Sweet dreams, Applejack,” Rainbow Dash laughed, “don't let the bed bugs bite.” Rainbow Dash then yawned herself; it was getting late.

Rainbow Dash entered her room and, too her surprise, found Pinkamena laying in bed, already asleep. While it did shock Dash, it didn't delay her next action at all. Dash couldn't resist and climbed on top of Pinkamena, waking the pink pony.
It only took a couple of minutes before Pinkamena opened her eye to look at Rainbow Dash.

“Is it morning?” Pinkie yawned.

“Not exactly,” Dash grinned.

“I need to get up extra early tomorrow, so it's an early bedtime,” Pinkamena mumbled.

“I don't think you'll be going to bed any time soon.” Rainbow Dash leaned down and gave the pink pony a kiss. Pinkamena attempted to roll over, but failed; she was dough in Rainbow Dash's hooves, not that she minded.

That morning, Pinkamena got up before Twilight even rose the sun.

Pinkamena stood in her workshop muttering to Celestia, “I have a lot of work on my hooves, but she will love it!” The thought got Pinkamena very hyper; she was going to have so much fun.

Rainbow Dash woke to find Pinkamena wasn't next to her, but that was normal.

Today was a special day for Rainbow Dash, but before that started, she wanted to check on Applejack.

She entered Applejack's room. She gently nudged Applejack.

“Wh... what is it, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, slowly waking.

“Just waking you for the morning,” Dash shrugged.

Applejack sat up in her bed, “You can cut the sweet talk.”

“How do you feel now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack looked straight into Rainbow Dash's eyes and said, “Your a fucking bitch, Pinkie's a pain in the plot and a nuisance, Rarity is such a sick whore... yet still hot, Twilight's too powerful for her own good, and Fluttershy is a shy idiot and brilliant murderer. But you're all still great friends; the best friends anypony could ask for.”

“Nice to have you with us, Applejack,” Dash laughed, “And thanks for the complements.”

Pinkamena returned with a tray of eight cupcakes on her head. It was the evening now and the other five were sitting at the table outside of the house, having a nice dinner. It had taken longer than Pinkamena had hoped for, but she knew it'd be worth it.

“Hey, Pinkie, where've you been?” Rainbow Dash asked, slight anger in her voice.

“Working~” Pinkamena hummed, placing the cupcakes on the table.

Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs and huffed, “so you choose work over me? And here I though-”

Pinkamena put her hoof in Dash's mouth. “Don't be silly! I've been getting everything ready!”

Rainbow Dash glared at Pinkamena. Soon she finally snapped; she took Pinkamena's hoof out of her mouth and yelled, “You missed the whole day! Everything!”

The other four looked away, not wanting to get involved in the argument. Scootaloo had chosen to not come out of the house, not wanting to see the argument, but she couldn't help watch through the window.

“My whole birthday! I kept expecting you to show up, but you didn't even appear once during the whole party!!!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

Pinkamena had been expecting this reaction, for it was technically true. She knew what today was and still didn't make Rainbow Dash's birthday party; it was for a good cause, though, so she decided she would wait till Rainbow Dash calmed down before saying anything.

“I can't believe this!” Dash continued, slowly turning from anger to the verge of tears, “I thought... I thought... you... and I...” She snapped back to anger, “You betrayed me! Was everything a lie!? How could you do this to me!? You said... you said-”

This isn't going to work, Pinkamena thought, rolling her eyes.

“... D- Did you ju-” Dash started, slightly stammering at Pinkamena's eye roll.

Before Rainbow Dash could say another word, she shoved a cupcake into Dash's mouth, and, to Rainbow Dash's surprise, Dash found herself enjoying one of the best cupcakes she ever had.

“Oh... my...” Rainbow Dash said, her eyes wide, “What's this?”

“There's more!” Pinkamena cheered. She gave the others, and herself, a cupcake, then called for Scootaloo. Scootaloo came out of the door, looking slightly nervous. Pinkamena just gave her a cupcake and put her in a seat.

“Watch the skies,” Pinkamena smiled, giving Rainbow Dash the remaining cupcake.

Pinkamena had such the surprise for her Dashie. She didn't manage to make her normal batch of twelve cupcakes, but she needed to make sure Celestia had enough to work with the Pegasus Device. There was enough left in Celestia, and her body had created the brightest and purest Spectra to be seen run through the machine since it was made. Even Doctor Atmosphere was amazed at the result.

That was Pinkamena's second surprise. They all viewed the most spectacular rainbow to have ever graced Equestria with its presence, while they enjoyed one of the best cupcakes they ever ate.

“I'm sorry, Pinkie...” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“It's okay, Dashie,” Pinkamena smiled, “I did no better that time you all kept my party a secret...”

Dash smiled, remembering that time.

With that rainbow that graced Equestria, the fact was final; the Sun would never rise again with the same intensity and cheerfulness as it did when the Sun Princess raised it.

The Princess's life ended that day, forever; her eternal life put to an end by the Insanity.

“Rest now, sister. You deserve it,” Luna said, watching from outside the forcefield. A single tear ran down her cheek; the rest she managed to hold back. Her sister was dead forever more.

“The crystal's shattered; Applejack must have failed,” Celestia said, “I don't know who convinced her otherwise, but I should have known they'd have at least one pony that they entrusted to guard their home. I was foolish and will pay for my actions.” She then turned to Luna, “my dear sister, I want you to evacuate Canterlot and save yourself, like everypony else.”
“But sister, I cannot leave you alone to such a fate!” Luna protested.
“I've come up with a plan. Silverguard will inform you of it when you meet up with him, but you must leave, NOW; I have no idea how long it will take them to get here.” Celestia continued.
“But-” Luna tried to protest.
Celestia cut her off. “Younger sister, I've always loved you and as much as I don't want you to bare the fact that you've lost me, what I need you to do is important. And besides...” Celestia looked away for a few seconds before finishing, “if you can't win, then you'll more than likely join me anyways.”
Luna didn't wanted to, but she knew her sister was right; she left the castle, dooming her sister to her fate.

“Is everything ready for the morning?” Luna asked.

“Yes, Princess,” Silverguard replied.

“Very well,” Luna sighed, leaving him and taking a walk by herself.

“I will avenge you sis, or die trying.” Luna muttered to herself.