My Logical Pony

by Tito Vito

First published

Twilight Sparkle Will Spend Some Time In Pinkie Pie's Horseshoes.

Twilight Wakes up in Pinkie Pie's bed and begins to slowly understand her "Life Changing Event". Twilight will understand Pinkie more when her logic gets the best of her.

The Switcharoo

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Twilight's dreams seemed more pleasant today than usual. Princess Celestia's very warm and welcoming sun beamed through the window and visually warmed the ground.

Odd. Twilight quickly thought. She always remembered the sun hitting her bedroom glass during sunset, not sunrise. As she investigated her surroundings she came to the conclusion that she was definitely not in her room. While under further investigation shows that she was most likely in Pinkie Pie's bed at Sugarcube Corner. What in the hay am I doing here? Twilight got out of Pinkie's bed and walked to a nearby window confirming by the surrounding buildings that she was definitely at Sugarcube Corner. What happened last night? as Twilight struggled to piece together her previous day's activity she heard wet slapping in the room.

What was that noise? As Twilight walked around the bed she awoke from, she had a weird sense of restlessness. Instead of walking she wanted to run around the bed, or bounce over it. Locating the noise making culprit, she figured it was Pinkie's Alligator smacking his lips together.

"Good Morning Gummy!"

The words came out very loud and bubbly, different than how twilight originally intended them to, but she felt comfortable doing so for an unknown reason. The way she felt this morning was uplifting as if she could heavily exercise infinitely. She took a second to try to understand why she felt this way, but ended up blaming Pinkie's wonderful mattress.

That was of course until she walked into the restroom.


Twilight again reacting a lot more animated than she originally intended, threw her hooves over her mouth. She had no idea how to respond to what she was observing. Her hooves no longer covering her mouth but touching her face, moving her facial features around to make sure that what she thought was happening was actually happening.

"Why do I look like Pinkie Pie?... Why do I SOUND like Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight had no idea how to approach the explanation to her current dilemma. Whenever she would think about the previous day, Pinkie Pie's memories would appear in her mind. Having quick thinking as always Twilight began to rush out of the building towards her library, but she was stopped before she left.

"Mornin', Pinkie!" Mr. Cake intercepted enthusiastically. "You aren't planning on taking off before your shift again do you?".

uh oh "Mr. Cake I have to go to Twilight's house right now! It's an emergency!".

"Oh no you don't. I have had it up to HERE with your random 'emergencies' young lady."

That's weird. Pinkie Pie didn't seem like the type of pony to make up excuses to get out of work. As far as I know Pinkie is a Party Animal but she did work hard. Maybe she actually had real emergencies to tend to every time she actually said that there was one. I wonder what type of emergencies Pinkie would consider urgent enough to leave work so much for? I also Wonder-

Mr. Cake is watching as Pinkie Pie is skylarking. He becomes a tad annoyed at the long pause that she is taking because to him, it looked as if she was trying to find another excuse to leave.

*AHEM* Mr. Cake broke Pinkie Pie's train of thought. Pinkie looked at Mr. Cake with frustration and sadness.

"I am sorry Pinkie, but your emergency will have to wait until after your shift. You have a whole lot of baking to catch up on."

Twilight was furious that she had to decide between risking Pinkie's job and home by running away to her library to get this all squared away immediately, or simply doing Pinkie's job for a few hours and confront the quandary at hand with no risks. She decided on the latter.

"Okay, I'm sorry Mr. Cake."

Twilight defeatedly muttered. Mr. Cake noticed that she was upset and he figured she needed some cheering up. He knew Pinkie Pie's work was mediocre when she was in a gloomy mood.

"Don't be, Pinkie Pie. I am sure you have alternate important places to be but, smiling faces come first!".

"That's Right!"

WHAT?! Twilight had tried to resist blurting that out loud, but her words did not yield. She knew it was the cause of her being in Pinkie's body, but she was now afraid of losing control.

I don't even bake! How in the world am I supposed to bake 207 cupcakes in 5 hours? Why 207? What a oddly specific number. The order only stated "207 Cupcakes". I Wonder if they even have a preference on flavor or frosting? Yum! Frosting! And how much? I wish it would rain frosting. Gummy Loves frosting! I will smear some on his lips today- Oh no! Pinkie's brain digresses too easily! I have to focus if I need to get this done as soon as possible. What are cupcakes made out of? Oh wait... I know the answer to that. I don't know how I suddenly know, but I know.

Twilight began to search the bakery/kitchen for the ingredients. After retrieving a large amount of eggs she walked towards the plethora of cabinets and drawers.

Okay where are the whisks again? Oh yeah I remember! Wait... "remember"? How?

Twilight opened one drawer and discovered her memories were now molded with Pinkie's, as she found the whisks in one try. Maybe this wont be as hard as I thought! Twilight attempted to lift a whisk and was stricken a very short lived migraine.

Mmmmmmnnn!! ouch ouch ouch... Nevermind. Without my horn this will take forever!

"Pinkie? You Almost done?", Mrs. Cake called out to Twilight as she expected her to be complete with her errand right around now.

"Yes I am Mrs. Cake! Last batch is almost out the oven!"

"Perfect timing Pinkie Pie. The costumer you have been catering to has just arrived."

Twilight smiled content with the excellent baking she had surprised herself with.

"...Well bring the order out here Pinkie!" Mrs. Cake announced from the register.

"Okie Dokie L-..."

Twilight had always cringed at Pinkie's silly addition to the already silly but actively affirmative response. With great willpower she was able to stop herself from finishing it.

As she toted the first batch of cupcakes into the main lobby, much to her confusion, she noticed that the lobby was empty. Nopony was waiting for her there. Until Suddenly...

"SURPRISE! Congratulations Pinkie Pie!!"

Out of every corner, out from under every tablecloth, and appearing from every direction of the lobby, emerged Anypony who meant anything to Pinkie chipped in for the surprise party fund.

"Wha- Whats going on everypony?!" Twilight knew it wasn't Pinkie's Birthday or anything like that.

"Listen Pinkie; Mr. Cake and I respect your hard work here so much that we decided to throw YOU a party for helping Sugarcube Corner's earn its sale of the 10,000th Cupcake!". Mrs. Cake had Tears of Happiness in her eyes as she stood there absorbing Pinkie's shock of a seemingly appreciative marvel. "These are all the ponies who chipped in to order the remaining 207 cupcakes required to make this all happen!"

Twilight could not help but become overjoyed at the sight of a celebration. She had her priorities straight and knew what she must do.

Its Time To Party! Wait! No... No... Think Twilight think! You cannot think about partying right now! Gotta go get Gummy First!

Before she took off running upstairs someone stood in front of her.

"Hey Pinkie Pie! Congratulations on your wonderful achievement."

It was Twilight. As Twilight Looked at herself everything came rushing back into her mind.

"Twilight, you have to listen to me, and listen to me carefully. I am Twilight trapped in Pinkie's Body!", Pinkie Pleaded and gave Twilight the most serious face from her as she could.

Twilight was sure to chose her words carfully. "Don't be silly. I am Twilight."

As quickly as she could possibly manage Pinkie tried to explain the situation.

"Okay look this is going to sound strange but this morning I was having really positive dreams and then I recognized that the sun wasn't in the sky in the right direction and then I heard a noise and found that it was gummy and then I went into the bathroom and then I saw that I wasn't me and then I yelled really really loud and then I covered my mouth because I sounded like Pinkie and that was weird beca-"

"You kinda sound and speak like you are actually Pinkie... Pinkie." Twilight interrupted.

"Oh my gosh! Maybe you are right! I have all of Pinkie's Memories and skills! I act and talk like Pinkie does. I think like Pinkie does. Maybe I am not Twilight becoming Pinkie, Maybe I was Always Pinkie to begin with?" Pinkie began to question herself Logically. "What if we could imagine ourselves as whoever we wanted to be if we knew that much about them? What would happen if you woke up like I did this morning and thought you were me?"

"I did." responded Twilight.

"What?" Pinkie Stopped dead in her tracks.

"I Awoke this morning with a weird desire to read every book in Equestria. Every morning I look out my Window to see the Floating "BUH weN" sign that no one else sees, but today I couldn't see it. Lots of things today made me think that I was Pinkie Pie Trapped in Twilight's Body, but I eventually decided that if all of my Memories and all my Desires, Physical Features, Voice, Attitude, Thought Process, and Mannerisms Resemble someone else's, then who am I to question my identity?"

"Ummm... Her?" Pinkie Pointing her Hoof in the direction of a Large White Pterippus standing in the doorway of Sugarcube Corner.

"WE WISH TO SPEAK TO TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND PINKAMENA DIANE PIE!" Princess Celestia Boomed in her royal Canterlot voice.

"Oh boy... you too Princess?", Pinkie huffed.

The Comprehension

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Pinkie Pie and Twilight quickly turn to face Princess Celestia as she charged into SugarCube Corner with more haste and less grace than usual. Pinkie understood the situation immediately and addresses Princess Celestia accordingly.

"Princess Luna! It looks like you have the same problem as me and Pinkie Pie here!" Pinkie Pie said with wide eyes at the Princess. "How in the hay did you know that we got switched?"

Princess Celestia ordered that she'd have the conversation with the ponies in Pinkie's room. As they climbed the stairs to the room, Twilight decided to teleport the rest of the way. Pinkie felt slightly jealous of her horn being used but continued to bounce up the stairs anyway. As they reached the top of the stairs Twilight was staring at Gummy as he gnawed at something he thought was food. Twilight's heart grew heavy. She'd almost forgot about how much she'd loved Gummy's silly endeavors.

"Oh Gummy," Twilight sighed as she walked over to the little alligator. "That will not serve as sufficient sustenance. Head downstairs and enjoy something actually edible- huh?" Gummy walked casually away from Twilight towards Pinkie Pie with the cake printed blanket still in his jaws. "Gummy are you listening to me? You should go downstairs!"

Gummy never really paid anyone, who wasn't Pinkie Pie, any mind. He simply waddled over to Pinkie. Pinkie Pie insisted that Gummy did as Twilight asked, so Gummy dropped the blanket and went about his business. Twilight felt slightly jealous of Pinkie Pie's connection with Gummy and knew that this Switcharoo had to be reversed sooner than the spell prescribed. Pinkie Pie trotted over next to Twilight to give Princess Celestia full attention.

"So Princess Luna I presume," Twilight began. She looked into the eyes of the princess with hope. "do you have any idea how this has happened?"

Princess Celestia blushed brightly, and then suddenly...

Time froze around Pinkie Pie.

"...Princess Luna? Pinkie Pie? Whats going on?" Pinkie stared quizzically at the flustered Pterippus for a while and had an epiphany.

Pinkie Pie can stop time?? This is impossible! No... Actually this helps allow me to understand a few things about her! she always was able to think of so much to say so quickly and even sometimes figure out what I was going to say before I even had the chance to think of the words! she doesn't do it all the time so maybe this proves she doesn't have control over it when it happens. I had nothing to do with the stopped time so it must be something that happens naturally to her. I wonder why she hasn't mentioned it to anypony before. Ugh! I am losing focus again! Okay so Luna and Celestia are switched and when the subject on the reason why we are switched comes up, Luna blushed. Got It!

"Well actually Pinkie, the reason we are switched around is because-" Princess Celestia begins but gets interrupted by Pinkie Pie talking at a million miles per hour.

"You are still a little jealous of your sister and so you went into the Canterlot Library to find a book about switching bodies so you could assume the role of your sister for a while but you couldn't find it and then gave up looking for in the Canterlot Library and went on to a different library in ponyville."

*GASP* Pinkie Pie drew in air.

"So you went to my home while I was sleeping to search for the book there but instead of searching through all the books in my library you decided to check my dreams to see if I had read the spell so you could find it faster and when you found the spell you were looking for, you eagerly cast the spell while you where still in my head causing whomever you had in mind to switch with you!"

Pinkie Pie smiled widely, heavily panting. For a reason she couldn't explain, she felt her hunch was right. Almost as if to her heart, if there was any other explanation to this occurrence, she would feel sad.

"That was Fun!" Pinkie thought out loud as Princess Celestia gawked at her.

"What? Its only a hunch!"

"Pr-precisely." Princess Celestia was clearly impressed by Pinkie's hunch being spot on. Luna doesn't spend much time with Pinkie, so she had no idea that Pinkie was capable of such a feat. Twilight only glared with envy.

"Well why were you dreaming about me Twilight?" Twilight asked Pinkie Pie.

Princess Celestia chimed in, "No offence Pinkie Pie, but when We enter dreams if We are not simply observing, the dreams tend to be... silly. Nonsense if you will."

Twilight Huffed, "So I'm nonsense, huh?"

"Please don't be sad Pinkie! Nonsense is what makes you, you! Plus, Nonsense can make the best fun! Am I right?!" Pinkie was trying to cheer Twilight up. Twilight's face lit up on account of Pinkie's enlivenment. Twilight felt happy that Pinkie could easily have that effect on her.

"You're right Twilight. I am sorry." Twilight didn't really think about how much fun it was to be so random, but was quickly reminded by Pinkie Pie's rant.

"This is the reason we have come before you. We did not know which to speak with to learn the counteractant for Our dilemma." Princess Celestia looked relieved to know she had found them both at the same place, at the same time.

"Princess Luna, I believe the spell is irreversible besides simply waiting for the spell's time to wear off. I think it would be best if we just capitalized this time to enjoy our hooves in each other's horseshoes, instead of beating our heads against the walls trying to undo a spell that has an expiration point." Twilight loved having the vocabulary required to speak clearly and efficiently. She felt a happiness brew when she knew what she said was a wise proclamation.

"Well then, how long will this affect us?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Only about two more days actually." Twilight Replied. "Not much conflict can arise, I assume, because we seem to have each other's skills and memories. We'd only need to live as we would normally live, as if we were each other. Where did Twilight go?" Twilight and Princess Celestia scanned the room for Pinkie Pie but to no avail. "Why would she just leave?"

"That is alright, Pinkie Pie. We are sure Twilight already understands the situation fully.", Princess Celestia said. "We shall also be taking Our leave. We are sorry We had gotten you involved into Our trouble."

Twilight understood Princess Celestia's concern, so she thought Princess Celestia needed some reassurance. "Not at all Princess Luna. I have found that living as Twilight can be actually a little fun and even enlightening at some points."

Princess Celestia simply smiled at Twilight, opened her wings, and flew out the window without another word.

"Now where in the world did Twilight go?"

The Smooth Landing

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The Twilight inside Pinkie's was relieved to know the time limit to The Switcharoo that the 4 ponies were experiencing.

Two days, huh?

With all of her questions answered she had nothing else to add, became bored, and then left while the Pinkie Pie inside Twilight, and the Luna inside Celestia were still talking. Interested to see how the party was unfolding, she anxiously reached the bottom of the stairwell.

It seems as if the crowd of ponies that gathered had recently broke out into song. WOW! Everypony is so happy! The Twilight inside Pinkie had noticed something rather strange. At first she settled on the idea that it was tears in her eyes from being so happy, but once she realized her eyes were dry, confusion blew over her.

"Huh??" The room grew wavy, very wavy. every step she took seemed like a lunge across the room. People were closer than comfortably necessary, and then the next second they appeared so far away it looked as if they were out of earshot. Quickly trying to escape her situation she leaped forward and grabbed onto another pony. The Twilight inside Pinkie Pie was undoubtedly mortified, but instead of showing it she quickly twisted the situation and made it look like it was a purposeful move by singing along happily to the song.

When she realized her deception worked she grew happy again and the room, once again grew wavy. Every time the room went wacko, she clung to a pony or object as if trying to hold on to reality. No one seemed to be able to keep up with her jetting everywhere at seemingly the speed of sound, let alone notice that she was actually doing so, but she continued to sing to eliminate psychotic suspicion. When the song ended most of the ponies where exhausted so when some began to call it a night, the rest followed as well.

The Pinkie Pie inside Twilight was at the base of the stairwell and had a good view on what went on. She approached the Twilight inside Pinkie Pie once everyone had left.

"Did you have fun? It seemed like you had it under control after the first warp." tPPiTS said.

"Did you see me?! First the floor got all **WHOOSH** and I thought I was going to fall every with every step I took!" tTSiPP replied.

"Look, I can tell you have had a long day." tPPiTS smiled and chuckled. "Tomorrow is my, i mean, your day off. Just take it easy and sleep. The more you sleep the shorter tomorrow will be and then we will return to our respective bodies sooner than we think."

tTSiPP stopped for a minute. "Well you do have a comfortable bed. WAIT! why don't we actually switch for the day?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that You should sleep here with Gummy and I will sleep at the library, with Spike! Wouldn't that be so fun?" tTSiPP is beaming from her own suggestion.

"Well I guess it is your library and you can sleep there when ever you so please, so it's fine." tPPiTS remembered how wonderful her bed was so she had no objections with switching beds and sleeping at SugareCube Corner.

tPPiTS told tTSiPP that Spike was at the party implying that he should be awake so she didn't have to worry about waking him. With that said tPPiTS turned around and climbed the stairs to her bed. "Goodnight Twilight, and make sure you tell Spike whats going on so he isn't confused." tTSiPP looked worried. She had no idea of why anypony would believe a story like this, But then she remembered that spike knew of the spell too, so this situation could be easily explained.

Why wouldn't he believe me? Spike is smarter than most ponies give him credit for anyway.

tTSiPP finally reached her library. The lights were on and she could hear Spike talking to himself as she walked through the front door. Spike quickly raised his head to meet the pony's eyes as she entered the Tree.

"Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here? Where is Twilight?" he stepped down off the chair he was in. Spike was at the dinner table about to eat some leftovers from the party.

tTSiPP kicked her hoof at the ground a little from nervousness. She tried to quickly think of a way to break it to him. "Hey Spike, um quick question. Do you know where the mind switching spell book is?"

"Yes, of course I do. I shelve everything. Did you need to read it?" he was eyeing her quizzically.

"Hahaha! Nope! You knowing that the spell is real is all I need!" She has her head lowered looking at Spike right into his eyes causing him to take a step back.

"Okay, lemme guess... you and Twilight switched places?"

"NOPE!!" She screamed.

"What? That isn't what happened? What is it then?" Spike asked in an almost annoyed tone.

"Well Spike, Pinkie Pie and I switched Places!" She felt like she was cheating when she corrected him logically.

"Isn't that what i just said?" Spike scoffed.

"Spike don't you see? If you said that Twilight switched places with ME, it would be wrong! Because I am Twilight!" She was overjoyed to torture Spike with Wordplay. Spike wasn't amused.

"Yup. You definitely are Twilight. So you two decided to switch homes as well? Awesome! I get to Spend the night with Pinkie Pie... Kinda."

She was happy to see that Spike quickly accepted the situation and had already looked towards positives about it. She scanned her home, and felt somewhat unnaturally disappointed. She felt a cozy sense of nostalgia but ultimately grew quickly and uncomfortably bored. She tried not to let it show because she didn't want Spike to feel like it was his fault.

"So Pinkie- I mean Twilight, you look like Pinkie, sound like Pinkie, and kind of act like Pinkie. Whats different now that you are in her body?" Spike asked while returning to the dinner table with tTSiPP close in pursuit.

"Well, I still think really hard about stuff and I still remember a lot of things that like to do, but have strong wants to do things like Pinkie would." she spoke in almost whispers as if embarrassed.

Spike climbed into his chair and looked at her sharply. He rolled his eyes and repeated "So you still are analytical, but you feel strong urges to emulate Pinkie?"

"Yes! But isn't that what I just said?" she looks at him wondering why he repeated her statement, but he see her face and thinks that she is making it out of hunger. He grabbed a Hero he was about to eat and sliced it in half with is claw. He then picked both top buns off of the sandwiches and then blew fire at them gently as if to lightly toast the buns. He placed them back on their respective connections and waved one half in front of her face. She looked at it and was slightly displeased.

"Spike did you bring back any sweets?" She asked.

"W- What? Why?" Spike's mood switched quickly as he was now trembling in fear in his chair.

"I don't want a sandwich, I want to eat something sweet!" She says daintily.

Spike realizing that she is being honest about her request climbs down from his chair and rushes over to the cabinets. He moved some things around and revealed a plethora of sweets he secretly saved from the party. "Twilight would kill me if she knew I smuggled these in from the party when she wasn't looking." She looked at him in disappointment and relief for multiple reasons.

"Spike, you could have just asked me if you wanted to take some sweets home. It was a party after all."

"No, I have asked before and I always get the same answer, 'you will get a stomach ache.'" He folds his arms in disbelief.

"Silly Spike, that's because you didn't have anypony to share it with!" She replied logically as she eagerly took a huge chomp out of a danish that was on the table. Her ferocity flicked a switch inside of Spike. Only once before was he given the chance to pig out on sweets without worrying about the consequences to follow from Twilight. They both dug in happily.

About 15 minutes later Spike was full and headed off to bed. She, However, still had room for more, but the thought of being alone sickened her. She placed the rest of the sweets back into the cabinet that Spike had pulled them from, and followed Spike to their room. As she climbed into bed she noticed it was more firm and less suited for a party pony thus quickly becoming uncomfortable. She glanced around the room to take her mind off the firm bed, but to no avail. She sat up and saw Spike curled up in his little Basket.

"Hey Spiiike... Spiiiike!" her voice came out as a hushed yell.

He looked up at her. He was too sleepy to address the pony correctly and asked "What is it Pinkie?"

She understood why he said it and ignored it. "Come up here, and lay with me. I can't get comfortable. I have to snuggle with Gummy in these situations, but he isn't here. I wanna see if snuggling with you will work as well.."

Spike is Blushing hardcore. "Y- You want to snuggle with me?" Spike seldom slept in the same bed with Twilight because she only let him sleep in her bed when he was scared of rainstorm's thunderous roars. Twilight usually preferred to sleep alone, except tonight she wanted anything but. Spike was hesitant. He felt like he was being courted. In his moments of fear from the thunder, he only sought escape when climbing into her bed. Now with nothing on his mind, he was just nervous. His heart was racing as he climbed into her bed. She swung a hoof over his body, and pulled him in close. Whoa Her aroma hit him hard. He didn't expect her scent to be this strong. She smelled really sweet, like a baked cake or cooling pastries.

Spike now a whole lot more alert squeaked "Um Twilight, I don't think I-" She cut him off by shifting closer and squeezing him a little tighter.

"Spike, Please? Just tonight. I wont ask you do this for me again if it makes you uneasy."

With his face against her neck it forced him to take another whiff of the pony, and it indefinitely intoxicated him. Dazed and uncontrollably yearning for, more he slowly licked her neck. Delicious! Spike's mind ran rampant.

"Mmmm..." She let out a soft moan whilst picking her head up a little more as if inviting Spike to continue. Spike Gulped out of nervousness and in an attempt to metaphorically ingest his taste of Pinkie's body. He stopped himself for doing anything else because he knew it was just his difficulty to adjust to the fact that he wasn't laying in a bed with his friend who he has mentally accepted as his sister. He was laying a bed with Pinkie Pie attached with the sporadic mentality of Twilight. As he turned around so that he could breathe, she lowered her head down onto his to get as much skinship as she could before passing into deep slumber.

The next morning She awoke with Spike nowhere to be found. She went downstairs and found a note on the Table.

"At Carousel Boutique, to Help Rarity. ~Spike"

She once again met a Gripping migraine as she attempted to pick the note up with magic. Closing her eyes tight she slowly made her way out the door.

She headed towards SugarCube Corner, and she ran into Sweetie Belle.

"How ya doin' Sweetie Belle?" She asked cheerily but her smile twisted and her face was suddenly full of concern.

"Spike, He..." Sweetie Belle looked hurt.

"What did he do?" tTSiPP's eyes were wide with interest.

"Spike felt like today was a good time to announce his love to Rarity!" Sweetie Belle's voice was cracking up.

"How Cute! It's probably because he snuggled with me last night. I must have given him courage!"

*Gasp* "It Was You!" Sweetie Belle screamed. Her eyes full of tears. "She accepted his love! She plans on taking their relationship to the next level once she becomes famous, and when he gets a little older. I was going to confess MY feelings to Spike in hopes of winning him over before he would go for somepony else. Now that will NEVER happen, and it is all YOUR FAULT!!"

tTSiPP Felt Destroyed. Her mind went almost blank and her vision grew dimmer. Her Eyes full of tears she fell defeated and sat back pathetically onto her plot. She then began to sob uncontrollably. The weight of her head felt familiar. She was quickly reminded what it was like to have straight hair. She couldn't focus on herself. her heart poured out words not as powerful as she felt, but she belted them out as loud as she could. "I'm so Sorry!!" Tears pouring from her eyes as she knew she did something she could never be forgiven for.

Sweetie Belle's tears finally began to fall but not from the lament of what she was dealing with earlier but from the pain it seemed to cause the thought to be emotionally invincible Earth Pony. Sweetie Belle inched forward toward the Pink Pony and began to hold her. She knew that Pinkie would never intentionally do anything to hurt someone. She looked up toward Pinkie's sobbing face through her straight hair and whispered.

"Pinkie, I'm sorry I yelled at you. If anything it is my fault for waiting so long to tell him my feelings. I shouldn't blame you for my misfortune. Will you forgive me?"

"But Sweetie Belle, what about you? Your feelings will never be returned?"

"I am only a filly. I will find love again. This also gives me a chance to find love in a actual colt this time" She giggles to herself. "I will be okay Pinkie Pie. I Promise."

"...Pinkie Promise?" tTSiPP's eyes are still full of tears, but Sweetie Belle successfully returned a smile to Pinkie's face.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, Stick a Cupcake in my- oof!" tTSiPP interrupted and squeezed Sweetie Belle tight. She was so happy that Sweetie Belle wasn't upset any more. Like a boulder was being lifted off her chest. She wanted to do something for her.

She finally stood up. "Come on Sweetie Belle. Come with me to SugarCube Corner for something Sweet!" She held an inviting hoof out to Sweetie Belle. She used it to raise herself up onto her hooves and then they galloped on over to Pinkie's Home. Every second that passed by she felt her mane growing less and less aerodynamic.