
by Theta

First published

I'm just a normal teenager... Except I have two sisters and two crushes that are always trying to have their way with me.

Hey! I'm Rumble, an ordinary pegasus living in an ordinary town. At least, that's what I'd like to say; instead I have two girls that are like sisters to me always trying to have their way with me, on top of a few others vying for my attention. And what do I do with all these mares? I GET THE HELL AWAY! It'd be fine if it was one at a time, but they attack in swarms! (KissxSis inspired story, Colab between me and Vic Viper Silvreus/ Anthro first person)
Big thanks to Ultrabots8 for genorously getting me the new cover. ("Run Away Rumble" was drawn by 13foxywolf666, check her out on deviant art, she's really talented!)

Good Morning?

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“Stay away from him!,” Cloudchaser’s high pitched voice cut through my crying.

“Yeah, leave him alone!,” Flitter’s almost identical voice soon joined [in].

The stray dog that had once been harassing me, ran off cowardly into the forest. “Th-thank you Cloudchaser! Thank you Flitter! You two are the best big sisters ever!,” I slowly rose to my feet, wiping tears from my cheeks.

Almost as if they read each others minds, they replied in unison, “Anything for our special colt!”

“Rumble, one day you’ll have to choose one of these great fillies to marry. So who will it be? Flitter, who has always nurtured you? Or maybe Cloudchaser, who has taught you how to fly?”, Thunderlane quickly laughed as he presented both of my sisters.

I foolishly replied, “Why not both? I love them equally!”

“Son, you have to remember that it’s very hard to please more than one mare. Sure, in the past stallions have made it work, but that’s a one in a hundred chance...unfortunately you aren’t that lucky .,” Thunderlane continued to laugh.

“Just wait, I’ll marry them both! I’ll show you, I will make both Flitter and Cloudchaser happy brides!”

“Ugh, what the hell is that dream supposed to represent... Celestia, I’m stiff!,” I slowly tried moving my arms, only to find them incapable of any action, “What in the name of Luna... Aaaaahhhh! WHAT’RE YOU TWO DOING IN MY BED?!?”

Flitter is the first to respond, slowly rising and falling back down, “Don’t worry about it Rumble, we thought you looked lonely in your sleep, so we decided to join you!”

Cloudchaser however, takes a different approach in waking up and kisses me full on.

“Mmmpf!! MMMPF!!!!” my cry for release fell on deaf ears. Instead Flitter pushes Cloudchaser off of me, all the while pouting.

“No fair! If CC can kiss you, so can I!” Flitter protested. Crawling up my chest, Flitter positions herself right above my growing wood. Quickly, she forces her way into my mouth, giving me a second make out session for the day, in a matter of seconds.

“Eep!” Flitter squeaked when she felt something prod at her marehood from below. She quickly broke contact with me to steal a quick glance at what it was.

Thank Celestia she stopped I was about to suffo-OH GOD NO! I inwardly scream when I realize that one, there is currently a very large tent down south; and two, Flitter is eyeing it curiously.

“Well well, looks like my little Rumble is getting a lit-OOF” Flitter was pushed from my body by CloudChaser, who simultaneously positioning herself on top of my body. Moving quickly, CloudChaser begins suffocating the me yet again with another deep kiss.

“Mmphff!!!! MMPHFF!!!” (Translated), CAN’T BREATHE! LET ME BREATHE, I try to scream, unfortunately the vibrations only spurred CC to kick it up a notch.

“ahhh~ You know...Flitter got you hard with a kiss, and since you can’t move your arms...” CloudChaser glides her hands down my abs towards my erect phallus. Gripping it much like a joystick, CC begins to twist and turn “ I’ll just have to take care of it for you” with a sultry look in her eyes, Cloudchaser begins to devour my mouth again, while playing with my manhood.


“Hey, would you look at that! It’s time for me to...uhh go to school!,” I force out my first thought into words.

The twins, who were kneeling on each side of me, look each other in the eye, and exclaim, “It’s the weekend!,” Each barely able to control their excitement.

This wasn’t just any weekend; this was the weekend, where both Thunderlane and their mother would be visiting Stalliongrad for their seven year anniversary. “Rumble! Twins! We’re heading out now! Girls, take care of your little brother! And Rumble, remember to wrap it before you tap it!,” as if on queue, Thunderlane yells from the bottom of the stairs.

“Okay, one WHY!?!?! And two, they’re my sisters! THAT is out of the question indefinitely, you mule!,” I shout at the top of my lungs, making sure that the whole town of Ponyville knows that I am not some weirdo that fucks his own sisters. Not that any resident would believe me, though.

Alright Rumble, you have been in tougher spots before...what can I do to get two mentally insane mare’s off me in ten seconds flat... I think to myself.

However it doesn't take long for me to come up with a plan, a devious, nefarious, and dastardly plan...

Here we go...3...2...1...LET ER’ RIP!


“Ahhhh that felt good!” I happily say, while glancing back and forth between my sisters for their reaction.

“Ugh! Rumble! that was nasty!” Flitter said while pinching her nose, making her sound like a squeaky toy.

“Rumble, next time you’re to let one loose, tell us first, that was, like, a total killjoy.” Cloudchaser joined in, folding her arms under her chest in mock disappointment.

Heh that was the whole plan. I mentally pat myself on the back, then set into motion part two of this escape plan.

“Flitter, CC, duty calls; I gotta go!” Laughing at my own terrible pun, I use all the energy I could spare to fly off the bed, down the hall, and into to the bathroom. It was so fast, a certain rainbow colored mare would definitely approve.

“Well CC, I guess that its time for breakfast. C’mon lets go downstairs and surprise Rumble with our new aprons we bought!” Flitter having completely forgotten what just happened with rumble a few moments ago, nearly jumps out of her clothes at the thought of me seeing her in the sexy apron.

“What are we standing around here for! We have to get everything ready before he gets out of the shower, GO GO GO!” At the sound of the new idea, CC’s mood does a complete 180 degree turn from mad to happy at the prospect of seducing me.

In the shower, a cold shiver runs down my back, even though the water is almost boiling. Can’t shake the feeling something weird is going to happen this weekend... No, I know something is going to happen!


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The gentle stream of water cascading down my chest, and wings feels amazing. Slowly leaning forward, I push my head under the showers stream, letting the water flow smoothly over my face. It’s definitely one of the best feelings in the world, well, at least for me. After a couple minutes of this serenity and I hear a knock on the door.

“Rumble! Get out of the shower! Breakfast is ready!” Cloudchaser yelled from the other side of the door.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” I shouted back in a grumble as I started to fumble and then tumble out of the shower in a bundle. I fall out of the shower, landing in an awkward position. Today’s going to be a long day...When did the floor get this sof- I look up to see what I landed on- Cloudchaser... More specifically, a naked Cloudchaser, “What the hell are you doing in here?!?,” I manage to scream while I quickly slide backwards, back against the shower.

“I was going to use the shower after you. Also, the door was unlocked.,” Cloud nonchalantly replied.

“You couldn’t wait until I was finished? I mean, that’s really pervy CC, even for you.”

She cocks her head to the side and asks, “Why? We are siblings, so there shouldn’t be anything wrong with this, right?And beyond that, if anything, we're just step siblings. No blood, no problem.”

“B-But you’re a girl and I’m a boy, this is wrong! We shouldn’t be seeing each other naked; the fact that we’re siblings makes it even worse, even if we aren’t blood related!,” I protest, staring blankly ahead.

Cloud blushes, the redness consuming her light blue fur, “You know, for how much you’re against me being in here with you naked, you haven’t even made an attempt to look away... Or hide anything.”

I think for a second, Or hide anything. What does that me- I look down to find what she means- Rumble Jr. is standing at full attention. I stutter out, “It’s the hormones! You know it isn’t my fault, it’s puberty!”

“Or you know...it could be you’re finally rising to the occasion” Cloud teases, while I cover Rumble jr. with my hands...and failing at it.

“I...I give up...,” I rise and stumble past Cloud, grabbing my towel on the way out and awkwardly sprint to my room, making sure to lock, and barricade the door.

Piece by piece, I pick a simple outfit from my wardrobe; a pair of dark blue jeans, and my limited edition Wonderbolt shirt. A yawn takes over my body, as I unconsciously stretch my arms. After removing the bookshelf from in front of my door, I proceed to walk down the hall; dead set on eating breakfast, and having a normal day.

“Ah! There you are, Rumble! Do you know where Cloudchaser is? She disappeared about ten minutes ago...,” Flitter asks, unknowingly bringing up a...touchy memory.

I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, as I rub the back of my head and stutter, “Uhh nope, definitely not. I mean if I saw her, I’d tell you, but I haven’t! So yeah...”

“Okayyyy, if you say so... Come on, I made eggs and pancakes!,” Flitter replies, thankfully not taking her attention off of the food.

I take a seat at the far end of the table, and begin to eat. “Ahh, my morning hasn’t started until I’ve had your cooking!,” I exclaim in a joyful tone.

“I’m so glad you enjoy it that much! You have no idea how much it means to me.,” Flitter noticeably blushes, and looks away from the table.

“I wonder why Cloud isn’t he-,” I’m cut off by a hand around my mouth.

“Guess who?,” CC asks in a playful tone.

“MMMFFFFFFFFFF! (I NEED FOOD, ALSO GET OFF OF ME!),” I try my hardest to get out of the vice grip around my head, only to end up falling out of my seat. Thankfully, it made her grip loosen, and I slip out with ease. “What was that about? Better yet, where the hell did you come from?”

“I had to relieve some tension... You should know, after all; you’re the one that caused it.,” Cloudchaser replies, all the while giggling and blushing.

I’m about to speak up, when Flitter cuts in, “Two things. One, DON’T tell us that, Cloud. Two, sooooo not fair! I want to know what happened. Right now.”

“Rumble and I-,” I put a hand over Cloud’s mouth,

“You see, CC here didn’t know I was in the bathroom and walked in on me! Yeah, that’s all that happened. She walked in, saw me, and walked out! Nothing more, nothing less...,” I let out a nervous laugh.

“Okay.,” Flitter calmly responds, leaving both Cloudchaser and I stunned.

I release my hold on Cloudchaser, and get back into my seat. Cloud soon joins us, and takes her seat across from Flitter. I see her start to eat, and relax a little. “You know, Flitter, Rumble has grown up... a lot. Just the other day I saw him working out. He messed up once and made himself do three laps around Ponyville. You know, it kills me to see him so hard on himself. Maybe we should help him train.”

It takes all my willpower to not spit the food from my mouth. “NO... I mean, I don’t need any help. Besides, I’m already training with Scootaloo and Pipsqueak.”

"Awww, but Rumble, it’s not fair Scootaloo can see you shirtless more than we do!,” Flitter starts to whine.

“Okay, for one, I’m pretty sure she’s a lesbian. And two, even if she isn’t, just about every guy in school has their eyes on her; so I have no chance. Even if I wanted to get with her.”

“Hmm that’s not what Rainbow told us...,” Flitter adds in.

I facepalm, and stoically ask, “Bu-wait what? Since when do you, Flitter of all people, gossip? Aren’t you the good sister?”

“Am not!,” Flitter’s face scrunchs up at the rhetorical question, “I can be just as naughty as Cloudchaser! Here, let me prove it!,” She yells.

I sit for a minute and wonder what she means. I blink once, and when I open my eyes, I’m on the floor, with an eager mare above me. “Don’t you dare do what I thi-MFFF,” Flitter cuts me off with a full on kiss, her tongue probing my lips, and dominating my tongue. She (whether on accident or not) landed with her legs on my arms, effectively pinning me to the ground.

It takes me a minute to process what just happened, and another to start my brain back up. Gah! Why did I have to exhaust my gas tank already...

The kiss lasts another minute before Cloud jumps in and lifts her sister from my chest, “Flitter so not fair! I thought we had an agreement! Besides, thanks to you, Rumble probably has to go ‘solve’ his ‘little’ problem.”

“What problem, CC? The only problem I see is that you took me off of Rumble!,” Flitter defensively shouted.

“Rumble isn’t camping, so don’t you think it’s weird he’s pitching a tent?,” CC replies in a calm tone.

I bend over trying to cover my shame, not paying attention to anything the two are talking about. I don’t care, all I know is that thanks to Flitter, I got a raging hard on.

“It’s not my fault he gets easily excited!,” Flitter exclaims.

I slowly creep out of the room, and out of the house completely; set for another day of training. But first, I had to take a walk to... calm down.

Early Morning Walk

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I decide to walk to the outskirts of town and back, hoping to clear my head of all thoughts... I slowly drift through the small town, still lethargic, still asleep. In the streets, only the eager vendors are present, and in the houses, not one light is on yet. It’s barely seven in the morning, and already I’ve had to face two adversities.

I look up from my thoughts, and find that I’m on the outskirts of town; all the way out by Sweet Apple Acres. I let out a yawn, and decide to lean up against the fence. This is getting ridiculous! How am I supposed to survive a whole weekend with these two? Gods be damned I actually persevere...

Maybe I can stay over out Pip's house, he always manages to have a good time. Yea that sounds like a good plan! As I begin to add ideas on what to do this weekend, I slowly drift into a peaceful slumber on the ground with my back on the fence.

I don’t know how long I was out, but a certain southern accent wakes me from my sleep.

“Rumble...Rumble...Rumble, wake up!”

I quickly shake my head, and the sleep from my eyes, and look up to see a dark figure outlined by the sun. If it weren’t for the signature hat (and curves, I have to admit) , I wouldn’t have been able to identify it as Applejack; ‘Blooms older sister.

“Now what in tarnation are ya doin' sleeping on mah fence?” Applejack directs towards me, in what seems to be a more curious tone than angry.

“Oh hey Applejack, I was just taking a stroll through town. I must have been really tired, didn’t realize how tired I was until I got this far.” I stretch my sleepy legs and arms as far as I can, as a yawn that could wake a Usra Major escaped me.

“Oh? And what got you motivated for such a walk so early in the mornin’?” Applejack’s inquisitive gaze falls upon me as I begin to stand up from the ground. A task that otherwise isn’t difficult; but proved a challenge for my sleepy feet, it feels as if ants were crawling up and down them.

“Uh...just uh...it got a little heated in the house so I came out to cool off is all” Since we met, Applejack has always known about my little predicament and not once has she ever lectured me for it...I just could never hide things from her! Don’t judge me! Besides, you try telling no to a mare like her, I mean just one sight of her makes you scaroused...

“Ya know, one of these day y’all are just gonna have to decide what ya are gonna do about them sisters of yours...blood related or not.” Applejack tells me, as she continues to watch me try to wake my stubborn legs.”Ya could always...give in ya know. Both of them really do love ya, even if they cause ya to have a little trouble in the mornings.” Applejack crosses her arms across her chest, putting extra emphasis on the last few words, not even trying to hide a devious little grin; all the while continuing to make fun of me.

“Applejack...they're my sisters, blood related or not...it’s just not right!” I must sound like a broken record at this point to her. I have probably said this about a bajillion times already to her, and she just doesn't get it, just like my brother; and just like my other friends!

“Haha! Ya always say that Rumble,” I roll my eyes, as I see nothing has changed. See? Called it!, “Anyways, ya must be real hungry like, seeing as you ran off from those two...again...So c’mon lets get you some grub.”

“That's okay Applejack, I can ju-OOF” Applejack’s sudden punch to my stomach telling me their was no choice in the matter.

“Who said Ah gave ya a choice? I plan on workin’ ya to the bone today, and what kind of friend would Ah be if I didn't give ya the energy for it?” Applejack’s evil smile tells me all I need to know. She plans on squeezing every bit of energy I have, even though today is supposed to be my day off.

“Oh no, no no no no NO! Today is my day off! You aren't a mare of your word if you make me work today!” I try to quickly turn around and fly away, but she grabs me by the collar of my shirt and drags me down.

“That's something Ah can learn to live with. Now, let’s go Rumble; we got ourselves a lot of work to do today. Mac's gone to town, and 'Bloom is off with her friends.” She states simply with an evil grin threatening to crack her face in half.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” I yell and scream while being dragged away by the strong mare. Sigh, at least this day could NOT possibly get worse...

The list kept piling on as the day goes on; what started as simple apple picking, soon turned into washing all the animals, shoveling shit from the animal barn, carry apple filled buckets to the barn, taking empty ones out and replacing them, not to mention the upkeep to the place. It took five hours, but I’m finally on my last (and favorite) task; helping Applejack put away all the equipment (things like the medical kit, note that we haven’t had an accident in over a week, and seed dibbers, used to plant and grow additional crops).

“Hey Applejack, is their any more stuff to put away? Or are we done here?” I yell over my shoulder while putting some tools away into the barn for storage.

“We still got the plow to put away! It should be in the left orchard where Big Mac left it this morning!”

“Speaking of which, where the hell is the big guy, doesn't he always put his things away?” I ask, half joking, and half puzzled.

“Last Ah saw him, he went to check up on Applebloom. She said something about searching for the Shrine to the Elder gods, and skedaddled on outta here right after. Celestia only knows what kinda trouble them Cutie Mark Crusaders are in today. Y'all better praise the Creators that ya got your mark early on.” Applejack lets out a sigh, before continuing to help me haul the plow into it’s place.

I hope they don’t get into too much trouble. I need Big Mac good and healthy so Applejack can stop foal napping me into working for her. My back is gonna give out from working so hard, especially pulling this stupid plow back and forth! I keep myself busy with my mental dialogue, while trying to push the stubborn plow to its resting spot.

“Just...a...little...bit...more...THERE!” Applejack grunted beside me, as we finally finished for the day on the farm.

“Applejack, *GASP*...next time you *GASP*...decide to abduct me into working for you...*GASP*...at least make sure...*GASP* that we don’t have to move...*GASP* this plow!” I collapse on the ground with my head facing the sky and my eyes closed.

“Well at least you feel better now right? All that work made you forget all about them sisters of yours didn’t it?” She inquires with a smug grin across her face.

“I guess it did... till now, thanks for reminding me that I have to return home, DIRTY and all; it’s not like they’ll try to get in the shower with me again!,” My thoughts slowly drift back this morning's incident with Cloudchaser, visibly shuddering at the memory.


“OWW, What was THAT for?!?” I glare daggers at her for smacking me upside the head with the back of her hand, before I lightly give her a punch in return.

“Don’t worry about it. Now, C’mon, you helped us stay on schedule around the farm today; Ah guess its only fair we give ya sumthin' for your troubles. A nice, big apple pie sound good?” She turns around and winks at me while saying 'apple pie,' As if I will be easily bou-

“Oh and did Ah mention their would be some of my personal apple cider? Yep, just brewed it last night, should be about done fermenting now...”

...Damn...guess I am easily bought...”Coming!!” I get up from my spot on the floor and hurriedly run after her towards the house; coaxed by the slight idea of drinking the full-bodied cider, she personally makes.

Ahh I’ll never get tired of drinking that, just enough alcohol to feel a buzz, and luckily still have the mental and physical control to fly...sort of. I mentally state as I fly through the air in a clumsy, swerving manner. I swear I must make Derpy look like a Wonderbolt with how bad I am flying right now.

I squint my eyes to see how far off my house is (noting that it's become dark, nothing but the moon illuminating my vision), when I realize just how close I am to the front door, just a tad too late.


“AHHHHHHH!!” I swear Flitter and CC are in tune with everything...more importantly...OW...my head! I slowly lift my hands to my head to massage the impact, as I hear the soft pitter patter of hooves coming to open the door. I look up, noticing the slight crack in the door.

“I wonder who that was?” Cloud asks behind the door.

“Dun know CC, it was probably Derpy ag-oh my Celestia! Rumble are you ok?” Flitter asked while quickly checking me over to see if i had any injuries.

“Uhhh, never better! Y’know, how I ate the door and all. My head totally ISN’T pounding or anything.” I roll my eyes, signaling (even further) my bitter sarcasm.

“Gosh Rumble, no need to be mean; we were just worried for you! Especially since you have been gone all day! Where were you anyways, Rumble?” Cloudchaser replies. It seems to me that everything sounds louder when my head is literally trying to implode on itself. So I’m definitely not in the mood for noises of any kind.

“You know what? This is not the time for this shit. My head hurts like hell, I'm tired as fuck, and my day off was full of shoveling pig and chicken shit. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. I have had a long day and I am not in the mood for you scolding me right now.” I stand up from the floor and storm past the two of them on my way in. Not two steps into the house I remember how dirty my shoes must be from working on the farm all day, so I untie them and throw them into the corner closet. Of course, that wasn’t at all everything that was dirty; my shirt and pants definitely telling stories of how hard I was working. Unfortunately, taking them off would need to wait until I got into the bathroom upstairs. Slowly, I begin my trek towards the upstairs bathroom.

Once inside, I drop every article of clothing on me and head straight for the shower and turn on the faucet. As soon as the first water droplet hit me, my whole body began to feel relaxed. The more the water slid down my skin, the more i could feel every spec of dirt, and every drop of sweat slither down my body with the water. Ahh...just what I needed, a nice warm shower.

“Rumble? When you’re done can we talk to you please?” I faintly heard Flitter from outside the bathroom.

Well...I guess that was pretty mean what I said....and did...why am I such an idiot...

“Ok, give me a minute, I’ll be done soon!” I said in confirmation to her.

After a couple more minutes of relaxing in the serene cascade, I turn off the shower, and began drying myself off. As soon as I feel I was sufficiently dry, I begin looking around for my clothes... Of course I forgot to bring some clothes with me. I frown, and mentally scold myself, as I wrap the towel around my waist so that I can reach my room with some decency. I wonder if they will forgive me easily? Nah, I was a complete asshole to them, I'd be surprised if Cloudchaser doesn't hang me by my testicles...

The (not so) Great Escape

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As I open the bathroom door, I am overcome with an unsettling shiver; it slithers down my spine, almost as if time itself stopped. Sound seems to escape the environment as I creep my way into the hallway. I wonder where Flitter and CC are...”Flitter! CloudChaser! I am going to get changed first, then I'll come to...you...guys...” My voice trailed off as I opened the door. Of course... I outwardly sigh as I walk into my room, heading straight for my closet. All the while I could feel the gazes coming from both of them. Flitter was trying to kill me with her eyes, no doubt because of the way I treated them this morning, while CC seemed to have forgotten the reason why she was even here. CloudChaser did not even try to hide the fact she was checking me out, as I searched for clothes.

I kneel to grab a pair of jeans, when I feel something... More specifically, the lack of something... I look down to see my towel on the ground. It feels as if a volcano erupted on my cheeks; without even looking I can tell my whole face is red hot. Slowly, I reach for the towel, only... It’s not where it was... Neither are my dirty clothes... I turn around to see both Flitter and Cloudchaser with said items pressed against their faces; deep inhales can be heard easily, and it kinda turns me on to see them obsessing over me like this... I let out a deep cough, and nonchalantly say, “You guys are perverts.,” I flash the two a sinister grin, before I slide into the clothes I just pulled out.

Once fully clothed, I sit in my desk chair, and spin to face the two. Oblivious to them, I start clearing my throat, in hopes it rouses their attention. After a minute of this, I decide to speak up, “Hey, how do I smell?”

“Heavenly...,” Flitter is the first to respond, lost in her own mind.

“Sexy.,” Cloudchaser bluntly says, just as lost as Flitter.

“Yo, you guys want to talk or just smell my crotch?”

Something’s...Off. Wait, why is Cloud’s hand there... Okay, why is sh-, “What the flying fuck, Cloud! For the love of the gods, do that in your own room; y’know, where the door is locked. And Flitter and I aren’t in the same room!,” I yell as my hands fly up to cover my eyes.

“You know Rumble, you were awfully rude earlier... You hurt Flitter and I’s feelings, and we came to a consensus; because you used us as an outlet for your anger, it’s only fair we use you as an outlet for our...desires.” Cloud responds, her hand never ceasing to rub against her.

I turn to exit the room, only to find my arms not working. Come on! Just need to...to... The combined scent of their pheromones quickly overpower my brain, and make me forget what I was going to do.

“There’s no way out; we just so happened to run into Zecora, who in turn gave us... A little help.” Cloud holds out a bottle with her free hand, the liquid inside a bright pink, bubbly mixture.

“I-I-I...Umm...,” I need to get out of here! I mean... I should get out of here, but...Boobs.... My body was taking over, leaving my brain a confused wreck.

“No use in trying to get out of here! We made sure Zecora made this extra powerful.,” Flitter chimes in, seeing me struggle.

“I...No good can come of this! Besides, isn’t this rape?” I pleaded to them hoping they could see reason.

“It’s not rape if you enjoy it.” Cloudchaser answers, still focused on her body.

“Fuck! Damnit, this is wro-” I’m cut off by something tugging at my pant leg; Flitter has crawled over and is roughly trying to pull my pants off, “What the hell?!? Flitter, you of all people?”

Come on legs, work! Shit, one day without Thunderlane, and I’m already screwed-Literally and physically!

“Stop resisting; it only makes it worse.,” Flitter flashes me a devious grin, and moves her way up to my zipper; sensually undoing my pants.

“Damnit, this is so wrong...”

“Heh, let’s just get these out of the way.” Cloudchaser makes her way towards me, and joins Flitter in removing my pants. After a minute of the two tugging and pulling at the legs, they finally come off; my stiffy popping from the confines. Slowly, I begin backing up towards my bed. While they are preoccupied with my pants, I use this chance to pump my wings as hard as possible towards the window; which sits right above the head of my bed.

The fall down proved more difficult than I imagined; although I could fly my way out the window, once I exited my wings ceased working once again. I hit the ground- hard, the dirt beneath me proving no cushion. Slowly, I rise from my prone position, only to overhear my sisters wondering where I went. Damn, that was close!

“Ahh well now lets get to th- wait where’d Rumble go?” Flitter obviously not even noticing me escape out the window.

“Quick! He couldn’t have gone far!” Cloudchaser said at the top of her lungs, furious that their meal had eluded them yet again.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead, and run towards town as fast as my legs can carry me. Which, thanks to that damn potion, is just a light jog. As I venture further into town, I notice the stares of (mostly mares) ponies and their horrified expressions plastered on their faces as I run by; mentally screaming my brains to death. THAT WAS WAY TOO CLOSE, If luck wasn’t on my side I would be the meat in a Flitter and CC SANDWICH! I have got to be more carefu-

“OOF” Although I ran into something, as I lay atop of it, it seems rather...soft. Looking down, I find non other than Scootaloo beneath me; her deep blush showing through her orange fur. “Eh heh heh, sorry there Scoots, I-I was a little caught up in my thoughts, guess I wasn’t paying attention to where I was goi-nn-gg-OH SHIT!,” I look down to not just find her underneath, but also my member standing at full attention. I immediately rise to my feet as fast as I can, pulling my shirt down to cover my erection. FUCK! This is not good... Not only are Flitter and CC after me, but I also scarred one of my best friends... “I am SOO SORRY, I didn’t realize my pants- and the lack of...Fuck!!!”

For a moment, Scoots just stays still, the gears in her head looked to be in overdrive. For a brief second I thought I saw smoke emitting from her ears, and a small nosebleed beginning to form. Oh no! I must’ve hit her way too hard! Damn it, I think I broke her! She blinks twice before speaking, “Oh, h-hey Rumble... Umm it’s nice to see you too... You do realize you ran through town without pants on, right?”

“Don’t remind me.” I feel as the blood consumes my cheeks, lighting them up like a Great and Powerful Trixie magic show. A silence follows, and for what seemed like a millenia, nothing was said. Just us looking in opposite directions, avoiding each other's gazes.

A cough emerges from behind Scootaloo, causing me to flinch. I look back and see somepony behind her... No, that can’t be... FUCK it is! Why the hell is Ms. Cheerilee with Scoots? “Heyyyy Ms. Cheerilee, what’s going on?” I stutter.

“Well, I was enjoying the day out with my sister, until you lewdly barreled into Scootaloo.” Cheerilee just stood their with the most disapproving stare I had ever seen her manage. It was worse than that one time Scootaloo and I were painting cows to see if their milk would change colors. We had to take care of them for an entire week; I still have nightmares involving colorful poop and udders spraying multi colored liquid in all directions. Never again...

“Uhh, I guess a simple apology won’t do, then?” I ask in a downtrodden tone.

“I’m going to have a serious talk with your brother when he gets back. And about more than just this. There’s also the problem of your relationship with your sisters.,” Cheerilee responds in a monotone voice. “Come on Scootaloo, before his perversion rubs off on you.”

As Cheerilee turns to leave, Scoots approaches me and whispers, “You and I are going to have a serious talk later. I want to know everything about what happened.” She reaches down, and gives my ass a squeeze before departing. “Later...stud!” She winks and at me and walks away like nothing happened.


I rush towards Pips house, it only being a few blocks away; within five minutes, I was at the front door, pounding and yelling. “Pip open up! I need pants! And a place to stay!”

Slowly, the door creaks open, and a hand pulls me inside. “Mate, what the bloody hell happened?” Pip asks, as he eyes me up and down.

“Long story... I mean, there was the pants and...and my sisters, I bumped into Scootaloo... Just, this day is fucked up. I’ll tell you about it later, just can I get a pair of pants?” I ask, practically begging.

“Yea alright, I’ll get ya some pants, I’d rather not stare at your knob dangling in front of you.” He takes a whiff of the air around me and immediately winces. “And a shower too, you reak more than a bloody timberwolf covered in shit.”

“Thanks Pip, I owe you big time for this.”

“Yeah, yeah, just wash the pants ‘fore ya return ‘em. I’d rather not smell like your shite ass.” Pip sarcastically remarks.

My shower is uneventful,my brain and body too tired to enjoy my favorite pass time; and before long I find myself crashing on Pip’s couch; fatigue starting to cloud my mind.

Ugh, I got a feeling tomorrow’s going to be terrible... I slowly drift into a well deserved sleep.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

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“Mate, wake your sorry arse up! Scootaloo is looking for you, and she looks bloody pissed!” Pip screams as he violently shakes me.

Having my wonderful friend scream and shake me is such a grand way to wake up. I slightly open my eyes to look at the alarm clock on the side table next to the couch. Eight in the morning...really Pip...really... Now, being the great friend that I am, I do the only sensible thing I could think of.

Zzzz..., I roll over, and drown out my friends cautions with soft snores.

“I ain’t gonna tell ya again, wake up! Scoots looks like she'll murder a MANTICORE right now!”

“Can’t help ya, I’m asleep.” I groggily mumble, resembling a certain earth pony...

Zzzz..,snoring a bit louder and more obnoxiously .

“Fine! I’ll show, you not to ignore me! I’ma let Scoots in the house. I’m sure you didn’t even hear the doorbell ring.” Pip remarks, as he walks towards the door.

My eyes shoot open so fast i could hear the rippling of muscles attached to them WHAAAT...I’m going to have to rethink this whole friendship...Later, though. Now, it’s time to go!! I launch off the couch and frantically looked for my spare pair of pants Pip loaned me, I am not about to be caught without my pants again! Spotting the pair of trousers on the floor I quickly grab them of slip them on.

Just as I am about to reach for my shirt, I hear a loud bang coming from the door; as well as Pip yelling.

“OWW,my face!! You could’ve waited until I opened the door Sco-MRMRMRPHF!” Pip was quieted by Scootaloo, as she walks over the dismantled door with Pip underneath.

Wasting no time, I ignore my shirt and start running towards the back door when I hear the scariest sound of the day.

“Oh Rumble~ Come out, come out wherever you are! I just wanna have a nice and quiet chat with you~!” Scootaloo chimes, her tone resembling a deprived mare in heat.

Oh HELL NO! I am out of here! I burst through the backdoor, sprinting as fast as I possibly can to try and get away from the seductively psychotic mare.

I continue sprinting non stop for a good 2 or 3 minutes before I start to slow down to a stop. Panting, I spot a dark alley that I can hide in. I take a couple steps inside and slouch against the wall, following it down until I am sitting on the ground. Reaching inside my pocket, I pull out my Ipony, connect my earphones, and set my songs to shuffle.

Waiting for the the music to start, I stand up and pat some dirt off that I acquired from sitting on the ground. I look up to the sky and and the music starts.

If I die and go to Hell real soon
It will appear to me as this room
And for eternity, I'd lay in bed
In my boxers, half stoned,
With the pillow under my head

Bobbing my head up and down to the beat, I begin to softly sing as I walk towards the on place Scoots wouldn’t think to look, my house.

I'd be chatting on the interweb
Maggots pray upon the living dead
had no interest in the things she said
On the phone every day, I'll permanently hit the hay
I called her on the phone and she touched herself
She touched herself,
She touched herself
I Called her on the phone and she touched herself
I laughed myself to sleep

I begin to get really into the song, singing slightly louder than before while slightly dancing down the road.

At this rate, I'll be heading for electric chairs
I'm only human with my cross to bear
When she described her underwear
I forgot all the rules my rabbi taught me in the old schul
You're too young to be this empty girl
I'll prepare you for a sick, dark world
Know that you'll be my downfall
But I call and I call and I call

My voice getting louder and louder as I walked through the streets, grabbing attention to myself from everyone. Probably not the best idea, but at this point I couldn’t care less.

I called her on the phone and she touched herself
She touched herself, she touched herself
I Called her on the phone and she touched herself
I laughed myself to sleep

Unbeknownst to me, my singing is loud enough to be heard all around ponyville. And now I had a follower silently watching me from above.

I don't know what I want
I don't know what I want
I don't know what I want
I don't know what I want
I don't know what I want (Met you on the Ponynet)
I don't know what I want (Met you on the Ponynet)
I don't know what I want (Met you on the Ponynet)
I don't know what I want (Met you on the Ponynet)
I called her on the phone and she touched herself
She touched herself,
She touched herself
Called her on the phone and she touched herself
I laughed myself to sleep
I called her on the phone and she touched herself
She touched herself,
She touched herself
Called her on the phone and she touched herself
I laughed myself to sleep

The song comes to an end right as I walk into my room. I yawn, realizing I just ran across town at eight in the morning. I quickly kick off my shoes, and throw my pants and shirt into a heap of dirty clothes; and make the short journey from my hamper to my bed. Within a minute, I’m laying in my bed, and readying for another few hours of sleep.


I quickly duck under my covers, unsure of what just happened. Did something land on me? Nah, I mean it feels like...There’s a pony on me? Slowly, I push the blanket from over my head; only to find Scootaloo sitting atop me. My eyes widen in a flash, and I slam against the headboard of my bed as I recoil away from the intruder. “Scoot-Scootaloo?!? What the hell are you doing here?”

“Oh, nothing really. Just came by to talk to you. By the way, you have a great voice.” She replies coolly, as if nothing unusual happened.

“Okay, you’re here. What do you want to talk about?” I ask in fear.

“I just wanted an apology for rudely crashing into me...” Scootaloo softly responds, a blush causing her to look away from me.

“Is that all? Well I’m so-” In a flash, Scootaloo darts in and plants her lips on mine.

Damn...Flitter and Cloudchaser were right, Scoots does have a thing for me... Not one to be outdone, I start to push my tongue into her mouth; the battle for power having now begun. Back and forth, the struggle for dominance raged on for what seemed like hours. She pushed inside and wrestled me for control, then I did the same. In a second, and without a word, I flip Scootaloo over, pinning her beneath me. I break contact with her lips and gaze in those wonderful purple eyes, panting all the while.Scootaloo, however, takes this moment of respite as an opportunity to flip the tables on me, pushing me backwards, and starts straddling me.

I move my hands up the orange mares body, relishing her athletic build. “Damn Scoots, you got more curves than a race track.”

Scootaloo just rolls her eyes at me while leaning in close to my ears.“Why don’t you leave the sexy talk to me okay? Sexy stallions are meant to be seen, not heard” She purrs while slowly trailing her fingers up and down my chest. “Besides...by the time I’m done with you...you won’t be able to talk for a long time” She says while nibbling on my ears softly.

An involuntary shudder slithers down my spine as I just submit to her devices. I smile dumbly, as Scootaloo begins to sensually undress; slowly, she removes her shirt, inch by inch until she pulls it completely off, her large breasts bouncing in place.

I stare dumbly at the mounds in front of as a blush creeped up on my face. Scootaloo looks down and grins.

“Like what you see big boy?” She purrs while squishing her bountiful mounds between her arms.

“Uh huh.” Really!? That’s the best I can think of? C’mon Rumble! Scoots just giggles at my reaction.

“So...are you just gonna stare...or are you gonna be stallion enough to take care of your mare.” I break away from her breasts to look up at her eyes. I repress another shiver as it dawns on me that Scoots has the most seductive gaze on the planet.

With a goofy grin, I begin to rapidly nod my head, while silently giggling. I wrap my arms around her waist, and pull her down for another kiss. Duh... It slowly dawns on me that my brain is functioning at half capacity, and that I’ve been holding Scootaloo for an eternity. Cautiously, I start to unbutton her jeans, and slowly pull them off.

I casually toss her pants to the side, and decide to start to tease her. I sit up quickly, and force her onto her back; she pulls me in for yet another kiss, and I decide now is the time to strike. I slip my right hand down and begin exploring her body; my first stop is at her mountainous boobs, and slowly whisks down south. I rub her lower lips slowly, which elicits a moan from the orange pegasus. “D-damnit, Rumbleeee-OH CELESTIA YES!” I cut her off by sliding my middle finger into Scoots slit, making sure to set a nice, steady pace.

A devious grin works its way onto my face, and I decide to push her limits. I slip my index finger in as well, albeit it being a tight squeeze, and start picking up speed with each thrust. “MMMM Oh Luna!, YES!” without warning, a warm, wet sensation envelopes my fingers, and looking down I see a very wet spot under Scootaloo. “Rumble...I-that...That was awesome... I didn’t know you were so dextrous.”

“Ow...” My brain decides to boot back up, and I realize that although she got off, I didn’t. And it’s starting to hurt! “Sc-Scootaloo...I-I need release!” I scream louder than I should.

“Well, since you were so awesome, I guess...I guess I can help you with that little problem of yours.” She coos, while spreading her marehood; beckoning for me to ravish her.

I slowly crawl towards her, eventually ending up hovering above her. “How do you expect to do anything with your boxers still on?” I look down in embarrassment, realizing that I had yet to take my own underwear off.

“The fact that I forgot to take off my underwear stays a secret.” I groan as I slip my boxers off.

Scoots giggles in response, and slowly nods her head. “Hmm, Y’know, nopony would ever know you were packing that much heat by looking at you.”

I position myself at the entrance of the orange mare, and start pushing in. Damn it’s a tight fit...Almost uncomfortably tight...Almost. I grunt as I try to push farther and farther in; and after a lot of resistance, finally make my way completely in. I pull back and thrust back in, this time a bit faster; her love tunnel still suffocating my stallionhood. “Celestia be damned...You’re one tight mare, Scoots.”

Scoots again just giggles at me in response, before answering me, “You’re not used to this huh? That's okay...neither am I...I’ve been saving myself...just...for...you”

Shocked at what she said I quickly look down and notice Eeyup...that's blood...Oh Scoots... I smile at the beauty before me, and chuckle softly.

“I’m gonna make sure you won’t ever regret this Scoots...I promise” I say before I begin to pick up my pace. Thrusting in and out, faster and faster. All the while, Scoots moans of pure bliss encouraging me to ravage her beautiful cunt more and more. Something primal filling me, the urge to please and dominate taking over; the combination of lust and adrenaline flooding my blood stream.

"Uhhhnnn R-R-Rumble! I d-di-didn't thi-think you haaaa-had it in you!" Scootaloo yells.

Getting bored of this position, I flip Scoots over so her back is showing those beautiful wings of hers fully erect, a clear sign she is just as aroused as I am. Grinning to myself I start pounding away again, only this time I bring my hands to her wings and begin to massage them right where the joints attach to her back. My touch seems too much for Scoots, as I am awarded with a loud moan, as well as more femcum beginning to flow out of Scoots snatch almost non stop.

Feeling my own pressure building up, I increase my pace, going even faster than before while leaning over her and using my mouth to nibble on the edges of her feathers.

Close...so close..just..a...bit...more Again I hear Scoots moan loudly, her marehood tightening up even more around my member.

“Scoots...I-I’m there, dude...!”

“O-o-hhh, inside...do it ins-s-side, its okay I’m s-s-safe t-t-oday” Scoots stutters between each animalistic thrust.

I slow my thrusts, making each one harder and deeper; until, at last, with one final thrust I hilt myself in Scoots; reaching her womb, and emptying my load. Celestia be damned...looks like Neigh Orleans after that hurricane...

Exhausted, all I can do is fall down on top of her, and bask in the warmth of her embrace. I roll from atop her and opt to wrap my arm around Scootaloo, who is now passed out.

You know...I woke up today scared for my life...and now here I am happier than I’ve ever been before...let’s just hope my sisters don’t get home...SHIT MY SISTERS, WHAT TIME IS IT I quickly glance over to alarm clock and notice that it is 2 pm. “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, they are gonna be here soon, I have to wake Scoots before-”


The sound of my door opening, made me freeze in panic. Slowly I turn my head towards the door, where I see both Flitter and CC staring at me with the most furious gazes they could possibly muster. Silence reigned in the room before finally both of them spoke up.

“Looks like you had an eventful day, Rumble...” Cloudchaser angrily mumbles.

“What the fuck?!? You did it with her first? Rumble you better have a legitimate reason for this...” Flitter chimes in.

Panic begins to cloud my mind, already being tired from my activities, I do the most reasonable thing any stallion would do in this situation. I pass out with my arm around Scootaloo.

Tied Up, Tied Down

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In a flash, my eyes fly open, expecting to find the angry, disapproving glares of Flitter and Cloudchaser. Instead, I’m still in my bed, huddled up against Scootaloo. I reach for my phone, only finding my pants thrown across the room. Of course they’re all the way over there... What time is it? I look up to my digital clock, which reads 8:43 PM. I softly nudge Scoots, “Hey, it’s time to wake up.” She refuses to acknowledge me, instead pulling the blanket over her head. “Um, we should go eat something?” I try again, but still yielding no answer. Think Rumble...How can I get Scoots to wake up... Then, it comes to me. Hope this works. Gently, I pull the blanket down, and roll Scootaloo over; I press my lips firmly against hers, and much to my surprise, her arms shoot out and wrap around my head.

After a minute, I break free and sarcastically remark, “Welcome back to the land of the living.”

Scoots lightly punches my shoulder and laughs, “I thought I told you not to do any of the talking.”

“Heh, yeah I guess you did... What a shame, I figured you of all ponies would be hungry after such a heavy workout.” I slyly smile while I search for my pants. It’s then that the rank smell of both sweat and bodily fluids hits my nose, “Sweet Celestia! I’m going to have to wash those sheets. If that doesn’t work, guess I’ll have to burn them.” I laugh lightly seeing Scoots embarrassed expression, “I’m just joking; this is a smell I could get used to.” I nuzzle scootaloo, hoping, begging, to smell more of her lovely aroma.

Scoots simply sits still on my bed, relishing in the romantic gesture I am giving her. “So Rumble...where does this leave us? I mean are we coltfriend and marefriend now? “ she asks with a bit of curiosity, wondering what I would say.

I ponder for a bit before smirking. “So...you liked me that much huh?” I chuckle watching her becoming redder than a tomato. Then she slugged me in the stomach. “Oof!!! What was that for!” I glare at Scoots with a frown adorning my face.

“That was for messing with me! Now answer my question Rumble!” Scootaloo’s wings flare to their full length and for a split second, I was scared, truly and utterly terrified. Calming down a bit, I look up at her before letting a smile nestle its way onto my face.

“Scootaloo, do you even need to ask? Of course I will, I would never mess with your feelings like that.” I say as I wrap my arms around her heavenly body, relishing in its warmth and scent.

“ Oh Rumble, I was so scared you would say no.” Scoots was barely able to reply as I continued to hug the ever living essence out of her. I mean seriously I was glomping her with all my might!

Of course all good things come to a close at some point. This point was that I remembered a certain pair of twins walking in on us as I passed out. Where did they go? I was pretty sure I would be a gelatinous pile of goo, after they finished me off...so why am I not, is the question.

“Scoots, I, uh, I got something to tell you... My sisters walked in on us earlier. I mean, not while we were having fun, but they saw the aftermath...” I say in a shaky voice, terror imminent in my words.

“Yes, and?” Scootaloo quickly replies with little emotion in her voice.

“Well... We would have better chances of surviving in the Everfree Forest for a year, than survive the wrath those two have.” I calmly explain to her the matter of life and death we were faced with.

“Oh, That? Nah I don’t think they would do that, I mean there's enough of you to share...” She crawled up onto my chest before lightly bopping my nose with hers.”And I know that first hand” Scoots smirks slightly while saying this.

I open my mouth to speak, when I feel the light touch of Scootaloo, “Ah-Ah-Ah, remember what I said about talking?”

I keep silent, Scootaloo replaces her finger with her lips; when she finally pulls back, a thin string of saliva connects our mouths, “Come on, let’s go get something to eat. I know a killer sushi joint in town.”

We both moved to get our clothes back on; all the while flirting with each other. Scootaloo is the first dressed, and is on her way out when I notice something... No...We couldn’t have been that messy, “Scootaloo! Wait, come back here!”

She looks over her shoulder in annoyance, “Come on Rumble! I’m hungry! We had a pretty intense workout today, plus I want to show you off to the rest of the town!”

“I understand all of that...But there’s a huge stain on your jeans.” I point at her ass, where a dark, wet stain has emerged.

Scootaloo blushes hard, and asks, “Umm you don’t mind if I borrow a pair of pants do you?”

“Not at all.” I walk over to my drawers and retrieve a pair of sweatpants, and toss them over to Scoots.

In an instant, she is changed and, once again, heading out the door. I can’t help but laugh at the sight before me; Scootaloo in my sweatpants...They’re absolutely huge on her! I mean they look like something Emcee Mallet wore. Trying my hardest to stifle a laugh, I follow Scootaloo out of my room.

We walk down the stairs, and out the door; surprisingly nothing happened. They’re up to something...I don’t think it would hurt to have Scoots spend the night...y’know, safety in numbers and all. I silently reassure myself that everything will be alright if I just stick with Scootaloo, who is...Is not around? “Scoots, where’d ya go?” I yell into the darkness of the night.

Two hands shoot out in front of me, and cover my eyes, “Back here.” I hear her giggle, and reemerge at my side; her head resting on my shoulder.

I deadpan, but wrap my arm around her, “You scared the shit out of me for a sec. Then I realized whoever was behind me was struggling a bit to keep their arms over my shoulders.”

“I’m not that short!” Scootaloo yells, nearly deafening me. Had that been Sweetie Belle, and I’d need a hearing aide.

“Calm down, hot shot. Just so happens I like short girls.” I ruffle her already distraught mane, and plant a light kiss on her forehead.

“Why you... You’re paying for my food because of that!” Scootaloo sticks her tongue out at me, but continues to hold onto my arm. “Speaking of which, we’re here.”

I look before me, a far eastern style building greets my eyes. “A Taste of Wang? That’s an odd name...”


“For a place that looks so shitty, they sure do charge a lot...” I look into my now empty wallet, almost on the verge of tears. 60 bits... I should’ve regurgitated all those tuna rolls I had.

I look over and see Scootaloo downright giddy, a huge smile plastered on her face. It’s worth it for her, I state mentally while getting lost in her happiness.

Of course, right when I do so I walk straight into somepony...”Ow...Oh I’m so sorry, here let...me...help...you...” I begin to trail off, fear suddenly gripping me by the balls as I notice who I bumped into...Ms. Cheerilee!?!

“ Ow ow ow, watch where you’re going...Scootaloo! I’ve been worried sick! Where have you been all day?” Ms. Cheerilee yells at Scoots while standing up from the ground.

“Uhh, I’ve been at Rumble’s...He asked me a very important question that I couldn’t refuse...” Scoots blushes, and looks to the ground.

“Well, you’re coming home now! Mom and dad have been looking all over for you. Also, why do you smell like sweat?” Cheerilee gives me a death glare before grabbing Scoots and huffing off. As she’s being dragged off, Scootaloo gives me a hand signal of some sort. What? Oh! She’s going to call later, cool.

Still waving goodbye to Scootaloo, I feel something grab a hold of me. “Hey! What are...Oh, hey AJ...Oh Celestia, why are you red…Please tell me that red is just because you’re embarrassed…” I look on to a very angry looking Applejack, rope in hand; stalking her way towards me like a predator leaning in for the kill.

“Oh Ah’m not embarrassed at all Rumble. I was just ready to catch me a no good stinkin’ varmint!”And cure the panic, fear, hysteria...Fuck it RUN!!! I leap into the air, pumping my wings furiously to get away. Unfortunately, Applejack is one of the best ropers around. I get three feet in the air before something snags my ankles, and drags me down.

“No! Applejack, can’t we talk this out like reasonable ponies?” I cry out, hoping for mercy.

“Eenope. Y’all had ‘nuff time to explain y’alls self last time ya worked on the farm; which by the way you skipped work today. Mac and Ah had to work three hours later than usual to cover your absence.” Applejack fumes, continuing to hogtie me.

I wriggle and thrash as hard as I can, desperately trying to break free of the bonds...but that girl ties a mean knot…”Please someone! Anyone! Help m-Mmmff!!!!” I tried to call out before Applejack stuffs an apple in my mouth; stopping any and all protests right then and their.

“Now partner, look around you, no one is goin’ help you none.” Applejack let a smug grin slide across her face, as she drags me across Ponyville. All the while I never once stopped trying to break free.

SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! My muffled screams continued on and on...all the way to Sweet Apple Acres…

“Oh don’t fret none, Rumble...You and Ah are goin’ to have a nice, long, quiet talk. Nopony round, cept you and Ah…” Applejack says as she suggestively eyes me up and down.

No...Well, I mean...Fuck, polygamy is so wrong...but-but why does it sound so...Right…?

And then this happened...

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Upon reaching the farm, Applejack takes me into the barn, and props me up against a wall. I finally manage to spit out the apple, which was violently and haphazardly shoved into my mouth. “Applejack! What the hell?!?” I yell in annoyance (and partly in fear).

“Rumble… Ah saw y’all with Scootaloo…” Applejack says, trailing off.

What’s she getting at? “And?..”

“What do ya mean ‘and’? What in tarnation are y’all doin’ with her?” Applejack jealously replies. As soon as she finishes talking, an embarrassed look replaces the one of fury.

“A-Applejack,” I try to suppress the urge to grin, “Are you jealous of Scootaloo?”

“N-no! Why would Ah be? It ain’t like she has anything on me! Ah mean, look at me; Ah got bigger jugs,” she puts her hands under her breasts, and lifts them up; only to let them fall back in place, “Not to mention a finer derriere,” Applejack turns around, and shakes her ass towards me (obviously trying to tease me), “Not ta mention legs like these.”

I can’t believe it… Applejack is..is showing off to me. I’ve never seen her like this… My eyes are wider than I thought possible, and my left eyelid is twitching, “No way…” I mumble, “Y’know, not that I’m complaining, but what’s with the showing off? It’s not like you at all.”

“Ya gotta be kiddin’ me… Rumble, do somethin’ for me and THINK! Ah mean why would a mare, especially one as reserved as Ah, do somethin’ like this?,” Applejack replies, staring daggers at me. I think, it’s hard to tell; she’s looking at me with a mix of seduction and hopelessness.

“Uhh, practice for when you confess to the stallion you actually like?” I jokingly reply.

“Gah! If y’all weren’t so cute Ah wouldn’t put up with ya…” Applejack grumbles.

“AJ, I’m just kidding. I mean I’d be a liar if I said I haven’t noticed your...finer features before… Hell, who am I kidding? There’s no way you haven’t noticed me staring before.” I let out a dry laugh, and look at Applejack.

“Ah-Well...Um, Ah wasn’t expectin’ y’all ta be so straightforward.” Applejack bites her bottom lip, “Damnit…” I notice Applejack is blushing. Hard. “Rumble… Y’all know how Ah feel about you…”

“Hmm? But you haven’t said anything about your feelings toward me.” I tease. “Come on AJ, say it.”

“Ergh… Y’know you’re an ass? Ah lik- Aw who am Ah kiddin, Ah love ya, Rumble… Ah mean, Ah completely understand if y’all don’t feel the same, but Ah reckon Ah should be honest with ya.” Applejack says, still blushing furiously and now looking away.

She really loves me… “AJ, you can untie me now…” I nonchalantly say.

“Oh, silly me. Ah almost forgot.” she replies, walking behind me and untying the rope.

I rise to my feet slowly, and turn around to face Applejack. In one, fluid motion I plant my lips on hers. I know that I took her by surprise, as she is slow to return the kiss; it turns from an innocent peck into a deep, primal battle of tongues. Back and forth; the fight rages on for minutes, neither one of us willing to give an inch to the other. At last, I pull back, out of breath, and look Applejack in the eyes, “I love you too. Not because of your looks; I love that you’re honest, a hard worker and strong. Not many ponies have the willpower to get up everyday and work from dawn till dusk. I know everything you say is the honest truth, mainly because you are a terrible liar, but also in the way that you speak. This last year has been… Well, it’s been all over the place. I had to get stronger to even keep half the pace you go at working. But, I never gave up. It was worth it to show you I’m not a prissy suburbanite. It was worth it because you were with me every step of the way.” I finish, still gazing into her emerald eyes.

“Rumble,” a tear rolls down her cheek, “Do ya really mean that?” she asks, looking up to me with pleading eyes.

“Of course I do, what kind of question is that.” I lightly laugh. “But, y’know I’m also committed to Scootaloo…”

“Well, Ah can’t say Ah want ta share ya, but it ain’t abnormal for a young stallion, especially one as handsome as you, to have multiple partners… Ah reckon if y’all truly love somepony else, for reasons other than their looks, then Ah’ll have no problems with ya gatherin’ a harem. Just do Scootaloo and Ah a favor, and tell us when others join in. Ah mean, Mac’s got a few special mares in his life; it ain’t like Ah’m not used to the idea.” Applejack replies.”Oh, and if y’all hurt any of the mares ya invite in, Ah reckon a boot up your ass and a severe reduction in pay will be in order.” Applejack adds with a sly smile.

“Thanks for being so understanding of this Applejack…”At least if Scootaloo is mad, there’ll only be one ass kicking… But worst case scenario, Applejack is pretty attractive… “Gah!” a sudden bolt of pain shoots up my skull, causing me to fall to my knees.

[i] “CHOOSE: 1.Take Applejack by the hip, lead her up to having sexy time, and then leave.: 2. Scream at the top of your lungs that you want to be penetrated by Big Mac himself. Multiple times, and while flailing your arms around and running through town.” an voice in my head commands.

“Nei-” Fuck! Everytime I want to say no, my head hurts. What the fuck! Shit I have to fucking pick...Why me...

Really Like Your Apples, Wanna Shake Your Trees

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I mean, it’s not as if I didn’t notice Applejack’s feelings before; I mean wasn’t she in heat the last time she said anything? Does that even count?... The summer ‘heat wave’ is still a month off..So, sh-she actually loves me... I silently think to myself, trying to process what in Celestia’s sun just happened. I realize where we had walked to; we’re seated under the oldest tree in the orchard, which happens to be at the top of the biggest hill in the farm. In front of us are rows, and rows of apple trees, the deep orange of the sunset, and the silent serenity of the Acres.

“W-Well?” stuttering, she turns to me, her head hanging low, and ears flat against her head; she has her signature stetson hat pulled down to hide her face.

“Eh?” I quizzically reply, my brain too fried to do anything, but shut down. “Oof,” Before I can see her movements, Applejack swiftly pins me down; her years of farm work proving to be the dominating force against my struggles. My brain finally switches back on, and I yell, “Applejack, what the hell are you doing?”

“Ya had enough time ta decide,” she says as she unbuttons my pants. “Now, yer goin' tah answer me truthfully…”. Applejack forces her mouth against mine, and instantly reaches for my dick. The blonde farm girl’s lips are a sharp contrast to mine, soft as a pillow, and hot as a forest fire. As AJ pulls back, a strand of saliva connects our mouths. “W-Well A-Ah know ya at least find me attractive…” She stares at me with a devilish grin, lust in her eyes. “Now, let’s see if ya can buck this Apple…” She laughs for a second at her own quip, and starts to stroke my (already hard as a fucking rock) cock; her unbelievably soft hands slowly rubbing up, and down my member.

I’m stuck as is, my body unable to move. She gets up to stand over me, and one leg at a time, slides her jean shorts off. Underneath, she reveals a soaking, literally dripping, midnight black thong.

Applejack completely tears off my pants, and along with them, my underwear. For the third time this week, Lil’ Rumble is out in the open, for all to see. I look into AJ’s eyes, seeing that she is focused a little too intently on my raging hard on.

Before I can process the image in front of me, Applejack makes the first move; starting with a kiss on the lips, she slowly becomes eye level with my cock. She wastes no time; she’s at my base. Fucking Celestia, I’ve only had sex once and I can tell AJ has been practicing! I airly think, while AppleJack’s tongue circles around my dick.

SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT! Wh-What the fuck is she… I look down to see the blonde mare slobbering on my phallus, hand wrapped tightly around the base of Lil’ Rumble. Why?!? Just fuck! What the fuck is this shit? I mean...No… D-Don’t tell me she’s one of those types… “FUCKING SHIT!”, I shout at the top of my lungs.

Although he feeling of the blowjob is divine, the fact that she has a vice around my cock, squeezing and pressing off my urethra, this is in fact pure fucking agony. I grit my teeth as I try not to pass out. “Applejack, I - ” I try to warn Applejack, but I am cut off by her slamming her head all the way down my dick. This sudden action acts as a catalyst; at this point I am thrusting my hips; thick ropes of cum flooding AJ's mouth, and as my climax starts to wind down, the last few jets cover her nose, right eye, and one even lands in her hair.

Oh man, I’ve done it now… I brace myself for impact.. Except, I’m not dead yet?… I open my eyes, and find (admittedly) one of the hottest things I’ve ever witnessed (yes, including porn); Applejack, instead of punching me into oblivion, is busy making sure not a drop of my baby gravy goes to waste. Andd-

“Well, now that you are done,” I say as I quickly tried to button my pants together. “I'll be going now."

I am stopped by an orange hand stopping my attempt at buttoning my pants up. “Whoa, there pardner,” she stops me. “We ain't done… Nah, we ain’t done till this cowgirl’s had her ride,” she concluded in a low, seductive tone. Applejack stands up, and slowly turns around to reveal her plump, round ass to me. Holy shit! I think to myself as I witness Applejack's firm, toned ass waving in my face.

“Well?” she says seductively as she shakes her ass in a teasing manner. Without a word, I firmly grasp her plump ass, and dive in; sensually licking up and down Applejack’s pussy. She moans in excitement, and I decide to press my tongue in; taking care to explore the orange mare’s folds. After a few minutes of ‘exploring’, Applejack looks as if her knees are going to buckle out from under her; so I pull my tongue out, and carefully guide her to the ground. She lays with her ass sticking straight up in the air.

I quickly get back to work, lapping at AJ’s marehood. Huh, kinda sweet… Oh yeah, there’s something appley about this Apple! I laugh in my head. I press on harder, rougher; I push my tongue down as deep at it can go, and slowly stroke the insides. Before long, AJ’s internal walls are starting to clamp down; her orgasm imminent.

“Ooh!,” Applejack moans while placing her hands on my head, and pressing me on her rear. As I continue to thrust my tongue in, and out, Applejack begins to unbutton her red, and white patterned collar shirt. She slowly removes her collar shirt, and proceeds to unclasp her black bra. As the last clip is removed from its hinge, she slips it off her shoulders. Her mammoth mammaries swing free; her pink areola hard enough to cut diamonds.

As my tongue begins to numb, her pussy's walls began to clench down hard. I exert more force, and speed on my tongue to pleasure Applejack. In minutes, Applejack is screaming to the heavens, as her flood gates open; a great tidal wave sprays over my muzzle and her inner thighs. I swallow what I can; the sweet, slightly tart Apple cum all over my lips. I can think of nothing to say, so I stand up with a grin plastered on my face. Li’l Rumble is at full attention, and is kinda starting to hurt.

I roll the exhausted mare over, and position my cock over her cherry, she grabs at my back, and I look into her emerald green eyes, “Rumble…Th-This ain’t gonna hurt, is it?”

“Hahahahahhaahaha,” I fail to stifle my laughter. Although drained of energy, the farmpony shows me that she’s always up for punching me; she lands a solid hit on my shoulder. “Whoa, take it easy! I’m not delicate, but you should treat me like I am. It’s funny because I had to answer this last time too!” I pull AJ’s lips to mine, giving her a reassuring kiss, as I slowly push forward.

Applejack gasps, her eyes shooting wide open; I stroke the back of her head to comfort the stunned mare. She sinks back into the hay, allowing me to plow further and further. After about a minute, I find that I have hilted myself into AJ; I look down to see a completely flustered Applejack; her tongue has lolled out, and her vision has gone derpy. I slowly pull out, only to thrust back in again; this time eliciting a higher pitch moan. In, out, in, out, in, out…. Damn, who knew Applejack was a virgin… heheh that makes me Rumble; the deflowerererer…?? Fuck, this is heaven on Equis! I continue humping away for what seemed like forever.

Finally, I pull all the way out, only to slam my rod back home as fast as I can; throwing AJ over the line, along with myself. I release a torrent of thick, hot cum into Applejack’s waiting womb, as she climaxes with me. I collapse beside the panting mare, gasping for breath myself. Eventually, I speak up, “That was awesome!”.

I look over to find Applejack passed out; so I do the best thing I could think of/want to do. I take the sleeping mare in my arms, and up to her room; the rest of the family either still in town, or out in the fields. Damn, as muscular as you are, you’re not very heavy AJ. I silently muse, imagining how red her cheeks would get if she were conscious. I make my way through the Apple household, and put AJ into her bed, making sure to tuck her in and write a note explaining how she got to bed. After I finish the note, I drop it on her bedside table, and walk out of the house. It had been a long day, and I still need to face my sisters. I’m so fucked...

Hi! My name is Consequences, children!

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Being pulled away by your ear hurts like hell; not to mention that the sensation is like a thousand needles hitting the base of it. How did I get into this predicament? I have NO idea, but what I can tell you is that Ms. Cheerilee has an iron vice grip on my ear, “Fuuuuudgy stuff!,” I expertly hold my tongue. Apparently, she got pissed at me for flashing both her and Scoots… But that look is more loathing, almost like…"Oh shi-" An enormous wave of shoots through the right side of my cranium. Yes, screw you, I can use smart words too!

The purple school teacher pulls me through the crowded streets of Ponyville, never releasing her tight hold on my ear. Eventually, I am lead to the elementary school; though many people saw us, something tells me Ms. Cheerilee absolutely does not give two shits or a fuck about what she's doing. Instead, she pulls me through the small halls of the school, and into an unfamiliar classroom. To my surprise, Scoots is silently sitting at one of the desks; her gaze has dropped to the floor, and it looks as if she’s been crying. Her eyes are puffy and bloodshot, and she is unable to raise her head to look at us.

“Rumble, I would like an explanation concerning Scootaloo,” Cheerilee demands, “NOW!”

Alright, I officially need a change of underpants; did Scoots tell her? N-Nah, I don’t think she’d care too much if it was just that...

“Rumble, I'm waiting.,” she taps her right hoof, and crosses her arms to emphasize her statement.

“I, uh…” I trip over my words, eventually coming up blank. Okay Rumble, you have no idea why she’s pissed. Time to act like your normal self, and play stupid. “Uh, w-what do you mean, Ms. C-Cheerilee?” I finally manage to choke out.

“Don't act dumb, Rumble. You KNOW what I'm talking about,” she hisses. “I would like an explanation today, not tomorrow.”

I can feel sweat building up in my forehead and my the blood in my hands immediately runs cold. Before I can come up with a relevant excuse, Scootaloo speaks up, “Sis, I can assure you we never did anything wrong!”

“Oh, you are DEFINITELY not going to lie to me young lady. If you did nothing wrong, then why did I find this in the trash this morning?,” Cheerilee coldly replies, pulling out a… a thermometer? Nah, that’s not a thermometer...What the he-

“Oh shit…,” the only words in my mind slip out my mouth, “Sc-Scootaloo,” I walk up beside the orange mare, “Scoots… A-Are you pregnant?” I ask, disregarding whatever Cheerilee was trying to tell us.

“R-Rumble.. I-I… Yeah, I just found out yesterday…,” Scootaloo replies, finally looking up to make eye contact with me. “Y-You are going to take responsibility, right?” She asks, fidgeting around in her seat.

It takes me a minute to process all this information. I-Me? A-A father? Man, I mean of course I’m going to take responsibility, but… Shit, if Flitter and CC weren’t going to kill me before, they sure as hell will now… my thoughts immediately freeze me. I mean, forget Thunderlane, he’ll just make fun of me in some way, but those two… I shudder at the thought of what my two sisters can do. I can think of nothing else, but to kiss Scoots; one, because I know it’ll calm her mind, and deliver my answer, and two, because I can no longer speak; my fear clenching my tongue like there’s no tomorrow.

I pull back from the kiss, and look Scoots in the eyes; I wrap my arms around her, giving her further reassurance, “Rumble… I love you so much…” she breaks down into tears, softly crying into my chest.

Finally, after finding my balls, I speak up, “Scootaloo, you don’t need to cry anymore; I told you, I love you with all my being, and it’s a no brainer I’ll step up and take responsibility for what I did. I wouldn’t be the most awesome guy around if I ran off like a coward.” I let out a small, dry laugh; trying my best to lighten the mood.

“No, Rumble, you won’t be anywhere near my sister. Not ever again,” Ms. Cheerilee replies in the same cold tone she was previously using.

A shiver runs up my spine, as I turn to face the older mare; her voice alone is enough to freeze Tartarus over. “E-Excuse me, but I-I don’t think you have the r-right to say that…” I finally speak up, despite the hostile atmosphere in the room.

Ms. Cheerilee gives me a death glare that nearly sends me to an early death. “I am her sister, Rumble,” the purple school teacher declares, “I have the right to protect my sister.”

“NO! I-I’m tired of you trying to c-conrol my life!” Scootaloo screams, to the dismay of both Cheerilee and me, “I’m not five anymore, I can make my own decisions, Rumble and I are only a year off of being considered full fledged adults!”

Ms. Cherilee's glare intensifies before she lowers her head and frowns. “Scootaloo…” she manages to whisper. “Do you know why I won't let you be with Rumble anymore?” she chokes on the last few words.

“I DON’T CARE! Rumble has always been there for me, and even in the face of a life changing decision, he’s still here!” Scoots continues to yell, visibly making her older sister cower.

“H-Hey, Scoots, calm down. It’s cool, I’m right here… And you should hear your sister out. She cares for you, otherwise she wouldn’t be trying so hard to protect you.” I calmly say, wrapping my arms around her once again.

“Scootaloo… the reason why I won't let you be with Rumble is because…” the school mare lets a tear roll down her cheek. “I… used to have another sister before our parents had adopted you,” Scootaloo's ears fold down. “Her name was Celia. She was almost like you; athletic, caring for others and she even had the dream to become a Wonderbolt!” the purple mare starts to break down as two more tears began to roll off her cheek. “But one day… one day she found coltfriend; the stallion had seemed so normal... Of course, I was happy for her, but I was still overprotective of her. I would sometimes watch them out from afar, observing what they were doing. Everything was going great for her until…” she begins to sob quietly. “Celia married her him; his name was Golden Cinema. They moved away from Ponyville and into Trottingham; Cinema had to move to a place that he deemed ‘dark’ enough to match his artistic side. Once they settled there, he became became completely immersed in his work, like he was completely obsessed with just making films. There was no time for Celia in his daily schedule; each month would drive the two further and further apart. Celia… She had so much love to give… Even as she was robbed of her life, she still loved the stallion who killed her.” Cheerilee completely breaks down, dropping down to her knees, “She was killed because she woke him up for lunch! He simply shrugged off killing her, even saying on TRIAL he did is because he was enjoying his nap too much to have it interrupted, and that it was HER fault!”

Scootaloo and I both sit in complete silence, trying to comprehend what Cheerilee had just told us while also being horrified by the outcome. Before I could realize what I was doing, I get to my feet and walk over to the crying teacher; something within me telling me to embrace her. Not in the same way I had just done to Scootaloo; no, this was a hug that said, ‘It’s terrible what happened, but you don’t need to say anything more’. To my surprise, she didn’t resist, instead responding by burying her face into my shoulder; openly weeping before us.

“I don't want that to happen again,” Ms. Cheerilee sobbed into my shoulder. “I can't bare to endure the same pain again… I just can't.”

“Ms. Cheerilee…” I begin, unsure of what to say. “Whoever this Golden Cinema is or was, he sounds like a complete lunatic. I mean, sure I have my days where I’m just in a bad mood, but I’d never, EVER in a million years dream of hurting Scoots. She means everything to me,” I sincerely confess.

“I can see that very clearly, but I'm afraid that my decision still stands. I cannot risk another loss, It'll just be too much for me to bare. Besides, sometimes love can fail to heal wounds in relationships and could cause the same outcome as my older sister's.”

“Ms. Cherilee, how do I just prove that I will not bring harm to Scootaloo? How I redeem myself worthy to take care of her?” I ask for an answer, any answer as long as I can obtain full support from Cheerilee.

“Rumble… It’s sweet that you’re going as far as you can with this, bu-”

I cut Cheerilee off. “I have an idea, now stay with me here, but…” I hesitate before continuing. Is this a good idea?...Fuck it, it's the only one I have. “Would you go on a date with me? Hell, go out with me for however long it takes for me to prove to you that I won’t hurt Scootaloo. Despite the hell I’m going to catch from my sisters, and *Ahem* Applejack *Cough*. Whatever it takes, I’ll prove myself to you.” I begin to feel fired up; newfound confidence emerging from Celestia knows where. I stand tall, not backing down from my offer. Behind me, I can feel Scootaloo’s gaze both burning a hole in my skull, and looking at me in awe.

“I… don't know, Rumble,” the purple school mare said. “I don't think this is a good idea…”

“Heh, you and the rest of the town know I’m full of bad ideas, but hey, I’m still alive!” I happily beam. “Besides, it would hurt Scootaloo more to not have me around, and even worse having to raise our foal without a father. Plus, Thunderlane will hand me my ass on a silver platter if I don’t take full responsibility…” I trail off, remembering the last time I upset my big bro. Man, I had ponies ask if I was a transfer student for a month… Plus he wouldn’t let me play videogames…

Ms. Cheerilee bites her bottom lip, thinking about the situation at hand. She knew that she couldn't separate Scootaloo and me, even less with the fact that I'll be a father in the upcoming months. “I see, but my decision still stands.” ARGH! Why don't you just let me be with my marefriend!?

“Ms. Cheerilee, when was the last time you went out with a stallion of your own free will?” I ask, knowing the answer very well.

“I… have been on… no dates,” she whispers the last bit to herself.

“I'm sorry, I couldn't quite hear that, could you speak louder please?” I remark.

“I HAVE NEVER BEEN ON A DATE! HAPPY?!?” Ms. Cheerilee explodes with frustration.

“Yes, yes I am very happy with your answer.” I repress an urge to laugh at the older mare, “So, why turn down your only chance at dating before you turn thirty?” I press on, pushing every button I can. Man, I’m a dick, but it’s for the greater good!...I think… Really hope I don’t get slapped...

“Well, because… I… well… you see, I…” she becomes flustered.

“Boy, sis, he sure hit the nail on the head… No wonder you were so pissed when you found that pregnancy test; you’re still a virgin!” Scootaloo fails to stifle her laugh, all the while Cheerilee’s expression changes from embarrased to ‘Holy shit, she’s going to blow!’ anger.

“Why you little!” the purple mare now flushed completely red, smoke flaring out of her nostrils (and I could’ve sworn her ears too). She sighs dejectedly, “You might as well let all of Ponyville know I’m bad with the opposite sex…”

“And sex in general.” Scootaloo nonchalantly adds in.

Great! Make her think we’ve been fucking for years, Scoots… That’s really helping the situation! I deadpan, continuing to stare at the pair in silence. Ms. Cheerilee looks as if she’s about to implode, and before she has the chance to yell, I cut in by asking, “So, Ms. Cheerilee, how about I swing by around eight tonight?”

“You… but… F-Fine...But only because you know my secret! It’s not like I think you’re c-cute or a-anything…” Cheerilee flushes a deep crimson, refusing to keep eye contact with me.

“Oh, come on, Ms. Cheerilee! A date is not that bad. I'll assure you that everything will be fine. Trust me on this,” I said.

“But that's just it!” Ms. Cherilee exclaims. “You are just one of my students that does this over pity, not a stallion that I truelly love and fawn over.”

“I'm not doing this out of pity, Ms. Cherilee. You really do need a date and it'll be fun! Besides, how bad can this date get?” I nonchalantly say, shrugging my shoulders.


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The interior of 20 Bray is... for the lack of better words, we’ll just that. Lacking. Cheerilee is sitting across the table, nervously picking and prodding through the over stuffed salad; stopping here and there to take little bites.

“These fancy shmancy places always overdress the salads... and while I understand where and why the chef put these ingredients together, for some reason it just doesn’t tie together properly.” Cheerilee grumbles, playing around with a cherry tomato on the end of her fork.

“Welllll, don’t eat it then. I reckon I shouldn’t have to remind a teacher of all the starving ponies across the seas, and something along the lines of beggars can’t be choosers.” I let out out a little chortle, as I finish the rest of my portion, fighting back every urge to not purge the overly salty, and utterly soggy greens and veggies I just inhaled to make a point.