Another world

by Rainbowdawww

First published

Him fic. This is my first fic so lots of feedback!

Hi this is my first fic. It's a HiE fic please read and give lots of feedback but try not be to harsh but tell me what you think I should do to improve it and if it's good what I should do to expand on it. it was inspired by " how did i get here" and "le retour" i would read those stories because they are awesome but its not mandatory to

Shy beginnings

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I was alone. Not in any physical sense the plane I was on was filled to the brim but in an emotional sense I might as well be the only man on the earth.
"sir would you like anything to drink?"
I didn't notice anything going on around me I was so deep in thought so the light talk of the flight attendant was all but lost to me
" sir."
my thoughts was interrupted by the light taping of the flight attendants tanned hand on my lightly muscled shoulder. I looked over to see an impatient young lady probably in her early twenties lightly taping her foot on the small walkway of the airplane behind the drink cart
" sir would you like anything to drink?" she asked again this time with a little agitation
I replied with polite no and she went about her rounds with the rest of the plane completely unaware of the events unfolding in the clouds. But then again so was everyone else including me it was just supposed to just a normal overseas flight as anyone would assume but maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was a plan, set in motion the faithful I watched the first episode of my little pony friendship is magic. Witch was arguably one of the best days of my 16 year old life well let's get back on topic.

Deep in the clouds above flight 6439 there was a storm brewing preparing to strike down with it's full force
it was happening. I still see the day playing over and over again. The plane cracked in half plummeting towards the ocean. It felt like hours. Plummeting from cursing altitude falling helplessly. The only thing I could be comforted by was the screams and the final prayers of the others plummeting to their doom reminding me cruelly that I was still alive until the final bone shattering smash into the cold waters of the Atlantic ocean. The sound of the screaming was silenced and the only clue I had about being alive was the razor like cold. My most primal instincts kicked in telling my swim up you idiot or you'll die. Having no other choices I swam towards what I thought was up. The current was like a bull repetitively charging me making me swim with a stronger force then ever before then it all went dark

i awoke on a strange rocky Island with cuts all over my body and a sharp pain in my leg and a something pushing into my lung whenever breathed. I saw a faint light in a nearby cave and having no other rational option I crawled towards it the rocks and sand rubbing my chest through my now ripped shirt. The jolts of pain shooting through my body would be unbearable if it wasn't for the extreme amount of adrenaline but I had to keep on crawling because it was the only chance I had left so I kept on going until I made it to the source of the light. A large yellow crystal, I grabed it grasping it it with the full force my crippled body could muster. I started feeling a something pushing me in all directions and the force was too Mitch and I succumbed to the blackness forcing it's way into my vision

I awoke this time in another strange place. But this one was strangely familiar. I tried to get up but a sharp jolt of pain shot through my body causing me to let out a light scream I lied back down abandoning my futile attempts at trying to get up when I heard a small squeak and the small clacking of hoofs. Then it hit me. Hoofs? But I'm in a house how is that possible but my thoughts were interrupted by a small yellow horse saying
"umm... hi... are you alright?
I replied with I quick nod of my head. Then it hit me like a bullet to the brain. Horses don't speak English
"I umm I... I'm Fluttershy"
Fluttershy. That sounded familiar and I realized. I'm in equstria! this would have been the greatest moment of my life if it wasn't for the extreme amounts of pain i was in .
"Hi Fluttershy. my name is David. but you can call me Dave."
the last thing i heard was what must have been a squee of joy before the yellow Pegasus bolted out of the room soon after she left a small bunny walked up to me and stared at me. I could almost see some disappointment.
soon after my little stare down with angel bunny Fluttershy came back this time with a light purple unicorn that looks like it hasn't been out side if a few days. it must of been twilight.
"WOW! Your still alive! With the injures you had the amount of blood you were loosing i was sure you were a goner. but since your awake lets get you fixed up!"
as she finished what she was saying a light glow enveloped my body and i felt a tingling sensation first in my legs but then it started to spread. My cuts were sealing and my bones resetting.
"wow that was useful!" i said completely amazed at what just happened
"Goddesses! you speak pony?!?!" twilight said flabbergasted
" Yup!" i said enthusiastically" lots of people on my home planet do. except we call it English."
"interesting. SPIKE.... SPIKE GET OVER HERE." the room went silent and spike was nowhere to be found.
"UHHHGG. i must have forgotten him at home. i was just so exited! a real live human. On one of my best friends couch" she said as she started running off.
"Oh! I almost forgot. You should come with me. Maybe I could show you around" she said peeking her head around the door
i was so amazed by just being here I had to follow her. Maybe this is all a dream. well... Dream or reality i,m gonna live the hell out of it

A Trip Through Ponyville

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I was walking through Ponyville right next to twilight. Other than the strange looks i kept getting from all of the ponies, i felt more at home then ever. well, i had never really felt a home back on earth. I was always ridiculed and excluded but i had learned to live with it. A group of ragged looking ponies. they almost immediately saw me looking at them. After returning my gaze with one of disgust they turned away and walked into a maze of dark alleyways. A few minutes after we past the alleyway i decided to strike up a conversation with twilight
“So Twilight. You and Fluttershy seemed pretty relaxed about me being here. honestly I'm an interdenominational traveler! I seem more freaked out and amazed then anyone.” I asked, my mind wondering through all the possibilities. she stopped in the middle of the road. are they roads? who knows. they look like roads so I guess they are. but do ponies have cars?
“well, Dave... how do i put this. hmmmmm. well... your race is sorta the main character from a little filly book called, My Little Human: Friendship is Science. Don't get me wrong the books are awesome, there is even a trend happening with the stallions. They call themselves Hu-ponies i think.” she said not sugar coating it just straight facts. i think I'm gonna like this pony!
“Whoa!! back where I'm from we have a T.V. show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its a show for the youngens but just like what you said about My Little Human some men including me are HUGE fans of it!” I replied the excitement escaping my through my voice and face.
“Wow! that is amazing. there’s a book back at the library on interdenominational coincidences that I've been meaning to read.” Wow. I guess Twilight really does have a book on everything! “Now I think I'm going to get start as soon as possible!” she exclaimed the excitement clearly visible in her voice.
our conversation was cut short by a light tan Pegasus with an electric guitar as a cutie mark flying at us with a speed just short of a sonic rainboom chanting OHMYGOSHOMYGOSHOMYGOSH like it was the only thing he new how to say. luckily i had twilight right there and she was able to stop him before he hit me. After we calmed him down enough that he could do more than babble insanely i asked him what this was all about. he replied with saying
“ They all said you were fake! just a filly tale! but i knew it! i knew you were real! i just cant believe you are here in Ponyville! its amazing! oh. i should introduce myself! I'm power chord lead guitarist of The Elements Of Rock. I know. I know. Don't worry you don't have to get nervous in the presence of a celebrity” he exclaimed with enough joy that you could see it in the air.
“ yeah. your such a celebrity. your only 1 show away from your first show” twilight said quietly and sarcastically. i guess she either doesn't like this pony or rock music. another great mystery of life. Power must have heard and taken it a little to seriously because he flew off with a single tear falling from his face.
“Dave. The library is just around the corner go over there. tell spike that i sent you and that you could stay there until i get back.” she yelled galloping off in the direction the now saddened light tan Pegasus flew off in.
i wondered towards the direction twilight pointed me in. Once i got to the library i knocked on they smooth bark of ancient tree library. A small baby dragon answered the door saying
“ Twilight is out but if you need her...” his sentence was cut short when he looked up and noticed I wasn’t a pony. The shock made him almost fall over. I gave him my arm to lean on until he got his balance.
“uh. Hi spike. I’m Dave. I'm new in Equestria. Twilight told me to wait here until she got back from chasing and apologising to an unknown musician.” I informed the still recovering baby dragon
“oh Twilight... I knew her dislike of rock music would get her in trouble. Well why don't you come in and tell me about yourself and how you know my name"
I told him my less than normal tale of how I got to be in Equestia and about how on my world him, twilight and the rest of the mane six are all characters of a T.V. Show which sparked a bombardment of questions about if he and Rarity ever get together his excitement fell dramatically when I said no after that we sat around in the library waiting for twilight and picking up the occasional book