Derpy's Brother.

by prototype-pon3

First published

Before derpy became the mare she is today, her brother had taken care of her due to there parents being murdered by Timber Wolves, read on to found out what happened and how her brother dealt with it.

Before derpy became the mare she is today, her brother had taken care of her due to there parents being murdered by Timber Wolves, read on to found out what happened and how her brother dealt with it.

What had to be done.

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3 years, it's been three long years since I lost my mother and father to timber wolves, it all happened so fast, my mother was just out getting things, she was about to walk past out fence when it happened. We heard a scream, my dad rushed out as fast as he could, only to see my mom being torn apart, he stood there not knowing what to do, until he heard something. A faint crying from my mom's mouth, blinded by rage my father charged the timber wolf only to be stopped by another that was hiding behind a rock.

I stood there not knowing what to do, I stood there like the helpless, useless colt I was. After the deed was done the only thing left of them was.. What am i talking about, THERE WAS NOTHING OF THEM LEFT, every last part of them eaten, every single last part unspared, the only thing left was the blood. I was left with so much responsibility, left with my little sister who was born just yesterday, I couldn't stay here, I had to get away from this place, so packed what things I could find, the little amount of bits I had, and some of my sister's diapers and we left.

Careful to keep my sister's eye's closed from the gory scene, I went to the only place I knew I would be safe, and one of the only places I think I could get a job and that place is sweet apple acres, it's a good thing my friend works there, his name is big Macintosh but we just call him big mac. As for a house, I'll go and live with a friend or at least see if they keep derpy, I don't want her living on the streets.

Finding Work

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Finding work, that was easy, with Big Mac having almost owning Sweet Apple Acres, He almost hired me instantly, but he did have to consult his grandmother, granny Smith is what we called her, after about 10 minutes of trying to convince granny Smith she finally said "yes".

I started work the very next day, it was hard but after awhile I got used to it. Day after day went by, Derpy was growing up, and she had some how convinced herself I was her father, regardless of my age, but i wasn't about to tell her what had happen to our REAL parents. That's a secret I will take to the grave, which I found out was closer then what I had thought,..

3 years had passed, I finally had enough bit's to buy a house, I had moved everything while derpy was at the farm, as I was about to finish putting the final box away, I heard something. That something being the screaming of a mare, being a make shift father figure instinct took over and I ran outside, what I saw almost made me sick, it was a yellow mare with what seemed to be butterflies as a cutie mark. She was being surround by timber wolves, I ran as fast as I could over to her, " HEY, DON'T JUST STAND THERE, RUN!" she stood there frozen in fear.

Not being the helpless colt I used to be I did the only thing I new how to do, I charged the timber wolves full speed breaking through one of them. But there were several of them, but luckily I had gotten they're attention, "GET OUT OF HERE" I yelled at the mare, back in the real world she started running, she was pretty fast, I looked back at the other timber wolves, and as if they recognized me they stood there for what seemed like hours just looking at me, Mouths wide open with what looked like dried blood on there teeth,

I stood my ground and that's when something I never thought was possible happened, one of them spoke. "Your that colt that stood aside while we tore apart your parents." My blood ran cold through my veins, my heart was pounding it was like I was going to have a heart attack, but he spoke again, "I wounder if you taste as good as them." Rage over flowing, and sadness crippling my heart, I had stood there waiting to see what was next, sure enough they charged, I got ready for anything, That's when the yellow mare came back, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? I SAID RUN" the mare looked at me, then she too spoke with the softest voice I have ever heard, "stop yelling at me", the timber wolves turned there attention to the mare I stood there frozen and in awe at the bravery of this mare.

Life or Death

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As the timber wolves looked at the yellow mare I couldn't help but think about how crazily brave she was, the timber wolves looked back at me and then at the mare. By this time I was frozen, but I didn't know why, the timber wolves finally started to run at the mare, all she did was stand there and if waiting for them.

I kept telling myself to move, but I couldn't as they were about to jump at the mare I managed to get myself to move, I ran as fast as I could to the protect the mare, I hit one with with my side and the last two had stopped and looked at me, as I stared them in the eye's I looked back and asked what she was doing, she didn't respond. One of the wolves had tackled me and the mare, he pinned me and the other ran to pin the mare. I struggled to get free, the timber wolf on the mare looked at her and started to open it's mouth about ready to take a chunk out of her.

I managed to get a hoof free, I hit the timber wolf as hard as I could, he fell off, I got up and kicked the other one off of the mare, they both got up and looked at me, "You need to get out of here." I said, the mare stands up and looks at me eye's watering. "what is it, whats wrong?" she keeps looking at me and says. " your side, there is.. " I look at her then my side, seeing a giant slash mark, i then look at the timber wolves, thinking to myself i say "I gotta take care of them before I bleed out." She looks at me and I look at her, then I run at the timber wolves and kick one in the chest only making the cut deeper and wider , and the other swings at me and hits me tearing another hole in my back, with the last energy i had, I hit it's chest as hard as my body allowed. They both whimper and run off.

Once they were out of sight i fall to the floor taking shallow breathing. "Hang in there, I'll take care of you you just hang in there please." she says tears streaming down her face, she runs home and gets medical supplies. Once she returned she wrapped me up as best she could, she then helped me to her home.

She set me down on a nearby couch and she walked inside her kitchen getting more bandages, "Alright, we're safe, for now. let me see." I turn over and she unwraps the bandages, revealing a gory site. Flesh hanging on by nothing but muscle and skin, she re-wraps clean bandages and turns me around, she looks at me and says. "Thank you for saving me." she says with a smile. "I never caught your name" I say weakly, she answers with , "My name is Flutter shy" she says blushing, "Nice to meet you Flutter Shy." We talked for several hours, keeping me awake was the best thing she could have done, it's the only reason I lived if i fell asleep I wouldn't have woken up. The next day we went into town and saw nurse red heart.

The Results That Determine the Future

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When we got to nurse Red Heart she took X-rays, cat scans, etc. anything she thought was necessary. After 2 day's of not seeing me at the farm, Big Mac started asking around to see if anypony knew where I was, As soon as he heard the word "Hospital" he ran as fast as he could to the hospital.

When he reached the hospital he asked what room I was in, and came straight into my room, he took one look at me seeing my abdomen covered in bandages. He slowly and cautiously walked over, I didn't know why but he did "Unless your afraid that your gonna kill me, come on over." I say with a warm smile. He sped up but ever so slightly, once he had reached my bedside, he stayed looking at me unblinking it was actually kinda scary. But he stayed standing there, that was until Fluttershy had come in. It was like she was a his kryptonite. As soon as he saw her he broke down crying, and knowing Big Macintosh as long as I've known him, he's never cried. Sure enough following Fluttershy was Derpy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight the only one that I didn't see was Rarity.

As soon as Derpy saw me, she rushed to my side screaming the word "DADDY!", I didn't mind it because after all I was like a father to her. She jumped on top of the bed wrapping her hoofs around me as if I was truly dying, she refused to let go, she was afraid of letting go. That's when nurse Red Heart came in holding a clip bored and a sad look, it was then that I got truly worried and scared of leaving Derpy.

Before the results were read I covered Derpy's ears ,the results came back and this is what they were: Several internal organs damaged, if not kept in check possible fatal possibility, Rib cage depressed, any heavy breathing my cause the heart or lungs to stop. As she read them off everypony in the room started tearing, Derpy not knowing what was being said stayed dry, but I had to tell her at one point, it has been 2 weeks since then I was cleared to leave the hospital.

The Injuries and the Sister

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Once I was able to leave the hospital, Pinkie Pie threw me one of her major parties, it was the place that I smiled the first time in a long time. The entire time Derpy never left my side, no matter what I said she wouldn't go anywhere without me she was convinced if she left I would die, or disappear, but I understood why she would feel like that. After the party had finally died, my poor little Derpy was all tuckered out, she had a sugar rush but it quickly died after we played hide-n-seek, and attempted to play tag but my injuries prevented me from playing to my full extent. Even now I wish with all of my being that i never got hurt, I loved to see my sister happy, it had broken me down on the inside, remembering what it was like to run with her, to play with her, and above all, to carry her. After I saw that Derpy had fallen into asleep, I went to her and picked her small, fragile body up and put her on my back, ignoring that stabbing sensation in my abdomen. I thanked Pinkie Pie for the party, and she nodded and started cleaning up, I offered to help but she told me somepony with my "situation" should take it easy. That word hurt me far more than what i thought they would, it felt like my heart cracked in several places, but nonetheless I accepted them, and went home holding my precious little sister on my back.

Once we got home it was like running into a brick wall that was my door, I looked back at my sister seeing her cute face over my shoulder, and then looking past her to my sides seeing the bandages that called my sides Home. I almost broke down into tears but I couldn't imagine putting my little sister through that, letting her see how weak her big brother had become. So I swallowed the lump in my throat, and open the door into what i thought to be my own tomb.

The night passed quietly except for the calming whispers of the wind, the occasional creek of the house floors telling me how old the house was, and then the shuffling of my sheets as i adjust hoping to find peace so I could fall into the beautiful darkness of sleep. But it wasn't meant to be, the only sleep I got was the blink of my eyes, the bandages seemed to be alive and dancing as I rolled from side to side, seeming to mock me to remind me of what I couldn't do. As the blinding light of Celestia's sun took form in my room, I sat up and stood up, letting out a heavy sigh I went to the door and slowly opened it, not wanting the creaking to wake my sister. I was about to walk out when I looked down and saw my little Derpy asleep in front of my door, as I looked down at her my vision flashed and I saw her, grown up laying on grass, in front of her a tombstone. It was that tombstone that would haunt me to the end of my days, it was my tombstone, I could see that tears as fresh as the winter snow had just finish falling down her cheeks. It broke my heart, and my knees gave out as if I had just been hit with a sledge hammer, and before I knew it, I was holding her in my arms, cradling her as she slept holding her closer than ever. A single rouge tear ran from my eye and onto her face sliding down her cheek, and than more, one after another, they kept falling. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to stop it but I couldn't help it! Then, she woke up, and as I lay there holding her closer than ever, she reaches a hoof up to my face and wipes away the tears that seemed to be escaping. I looked down at her my eyes red and puffy, she looked back, her eyes looking straight into mine and she said, "Daddy, why are you crying?" the word "Daddy" danced all over my mind, bouncing everywhere, and I took a deep shaky breath and wiped my face "D-daddy just h-had a bad dream that's all." I say between sob and hiccups. I leaned in and kissed her forehead and squeezed her a little bit, and then I stood up and picked her up with me, and we walked to the kitchen, and I got ready to make her breakfast before she was off to school.

Today was the day she would come home in tears, the day that I wouldn't let my wound hold me back. She had walked through the house of the door while I was doing what I could around the house, she had hung her head lower than usual. I walked over and was about to ask how her day was before I noticed it, it broke me, and eats me away to this day. She had went to hug me but her arms and forearms were bruised, and even cut. I went down on my knees holding her closely, and I looked into her eyes and with holding the urge to yell I asked her "What happen to your arms." although it was meant to be a question, the seriousness, worry and anger in my voice made it sound like a statement. It had scared her and I knew it did because I saw it in those golden eyes, she put her head down and closed her eyes tight, I lowered my head to hers "Derpy, please, tell me who did this to you." I never noticed that she had begun to cry until she looked up at me. Although my heart was already in a million pieces that could no longer be put together, they shattered again and I took her into my strong embrace and asked again. Then and only then did she look up at me, she took a deep shay breath and said, "The cool ponies at school." I let her words sink in and she buried her head into my chest.