Her darker Side

by GreenPegasister

First published

Twilight Sparkle is now more powerful than ever, what if she used her powers for evil?

Twilight Sparkle is destroying the town and killing off plenty of ponies. Why is she doing this? What made her evil?

This story is based off of the song "Her Darker Side" By Aviators. [ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzX7unM9Lfw ]


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Twilight Sparkle, star student. Always the best at magic. What if she went crazy? What if she uses her magic for evil? She is now an alicorn, extremely powerful. She has always studied nonstop. She probably knows every single spell, she could use them for evil.\And she knew that. She knew she could do well being evil.
That's when she went insane.
Princess Twilight Sparkle.
Most powerful, most evil.

Well, nobody knows.
All of her friends, they don't know what to do to stop her.
What can they do?

Chapter 1

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Who would ever even think that Twilight Sparkle could have a darker side?

Dead ponies filled the streets of Ponyville, familiar faces were now grey and dead.
Fluttershy went up to one who was barely alive. "Do you know what's going on?" She asked. "You cannot escape her so, don't try to close your eyes. With every sinister spell, she shows her darker side." The stallion said. The stallion was graying and dying slowly. The stallion died. Fluttershy looked at him sadly.
Rarity walked up to her, her once beautiful purple mane was now dimmed and mess, but she still managed to smile a little when she realized a good friend was still alive. "Do you have any idea what is going on?" Said a familiar voice. Rarity turned around to see Rainbow Dash. "I'm not sure." Said Rarity, "Is she discorded? Did Discord go back to evil?" "No." Said Fluttershy, "She's not grey. She seems just like the Twilight Sparkle we all know, just, evil." "Then, what the hay is goin' on?" Said Applejack. Pinkie Pie was behind her, her hair was now straight and dim. "Why would Twilight do this?" Pinkie Pie said. "Well, with great power comes great responsibility." Fluttershy said. "So, you're saying that she just became... powerful?" Rarity asked. Fluttershy nodded. "Why can't we all just use the elements against her?" Rainbow Dash asked, "It worked with everyone else." "Yeah well, we'd be missin' the most important one." Said Applejack. "There has to be a way." Rarity said. "No matter what, we have to stick together!" Pinkie Pie said. "We can figure out something."

"Can't we go to the library?" Rainbow Dash asked. Pinkie shook her head. "No. That's destroyed. All that's left is rubble."

"Guys! There you are! What's going on with Twilight?" They turned around. "Spike!" They all said. "Yeah, it's Spike." He said. Very odd of him, he'd usually be drooling over Rarity. "Do you know what's going on?" He asked. "Well, we're thinking that Twilight just... became, powerful. Great power comes great responsibility, right?" Said Rarity. "Did you ever notice anythin' strange about 'er sugar cube?" Applejack asked. "Well, the past few weeks she was studying, nonstop. She kept telling me about how she has to be a perfect princess. Then, I guess she snapped. I noticed some of the books with, creepy covers. Witchcraft. She was studying witchcraft." Spike informed them. they all looked at each other. "We should probably find a safe place to hide for a while." Fluttershy said. They all agreed and went to a large underground storm cellar. "This oughta work for a lil' while." Applejack said and they all went into the cellar.

Chapter 2

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Rainbow Dash waited for the others to go on down, being the element of loyalty and all. Scootaloo ran up to her, one of her wings were broken and Scootaloo was in tears. "Rainbow Dash! Thank Celestia it's you!" She screamed. "Scootaloo." Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo ran over and Rainbow Dash helped her go down into the cellar. "We have an extra." Rainbow Dash said. "Wow. A filly who survived." Scootaloo looked heartbroken. "So, SweetieBelle and AppleBloom didn't?" Rarity and Applejack looked down. "I'm sorry sugar cube." Applejack said. Scootaloo tried to smile a little, "Well, at least I have you guys." She said. The others managed to smile, just a little.

"You should probably lie down." Rainbow Dash said. "That wing isn't gonna heal itself." Scootaloo went over to a small bed and did as told.

They heard a lot of rubbly noise, almost like a tornado. Almost. "I'll go see what's going on." Rainbow Dash said. "No Dashie!" PinkiePie said. "It's too dangerous." She was almost in tears. "Pinkie does have a point." Spike said. "You can't just walk out there, you could get hurt. Or worse!" "Fine." Rainbow Dash said.

"Wait." Applejack said. "You can go. You're stronger than any of us. Just promise you'll come back." "I promise." Rainbow Dash said and zoomed out.

"Why did you just do that?!!" Pinkie Pie ran up to Applejack and tackled her. "She can die!" "Pinkie." Applejack said, "She's the element of loyalty, if it gets too rough for her she'll come back. She promised she would come back." "You Pinke promise she'll come back?" Pinkie said. "I cross my heart, hope to fly, shove a cupcake in my eye." Applejack said. "Now can you two stop your fighting. Rainbow Dash will do just fine." Rarity said.

"I sure hope so." Fluttershy said.

Chapter 3

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It was about 2 hours later when everyone started to worry.

She burst in closing the door extremely quick and locking it behind her. "Did you see her?" She whispered to them. They all shook their head. Rainbow Dash's wing was broken and the other one was pretty close to it. "Rainbow Dash! Your wings!" Said Spike. Rainbow Dash shushed him and they sat in silence. They heard galloping on the top of the cellar door. Luckily, she didn't open the door. She flew off.

"Rainbow Dash! What did you do?" Scootaloo said, concerned. "Oh." Rainbow Dash started. "She's pretty powerful. She, well she bent back my wings. She told me that I deserve to die in pain." Rainbow Dash stopped. "What happened to Twilight?"

"What exactly happened?" Applejack asked. "Well, I flew out. I started flying higher and higher, to do the sonic rainboom.." "Why would you do a sonic rainboom at a time like this?" Rarity asked. "I was hoping it would help. The rainbow." Rainbow Dash replied. "Well, somehow, she caught up to me. She.. Used her magic and broke my wing, and about spranged the other one!" Rainbow Dash was almost in tears but, shook it off. "What am I supposed to do now?" Scootaloo walked over. "You can relax a little bit, your wing is worse than mine." She said. "Go lie down, that wing isn't gonna heal itself." Rainbow Dash smiled and went to the bed and lied down. "Thanks Scoots." Se said. Scootaloo smiled, she couldn't help it. Her model, her hero, just thanked her. She was happy to help, truthfully.

Chapter 4

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The ponies heard a loud bang on the door. "I'll go and check it out." Applejack said. She opened the door to see princess Luna. She ran inside.
"Princess Luna!" Rarity said. All of the ponies bowed. "There is no reason to do that to me." She said to them. "Where's Princess Celestia? Is she okay?" Fluttershy asked. Luna looked down, almost in tears. The ponies gathered around to comfort her. "It's okay." Rarity said. "You don't need to explain."
Luna sat down. "Why would Twilight Sparkle do this?" She asked. "Well, we were thinking that she just became, powerful." Rainbow Dash said. "No. Not Twilight Sparkle. There's something else going on." Luna said, "I know it."

Chapter 5

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"It's the same thing that happened to me, except worse." Luna told them.
"What do you mean?" PinkiePie asked.
"I mean what made me turn into nightmare moon!" Luna said. The all looked at each other.
"Do ya mind tellin' us? Applejack asked.
"Okay. I became angered because my sister's powers were more loved than mine. So, I wanted to make an eternal night." Luna said.
"Then, what made Twilight go crazy? Who's more powerful than her?" Spike asked.
Luna took a deep breath. "Me." She said. They all gasped.
"Then, why couldn't you stop her?" Rarity asked. "Because, the kind of magic that I know iys far too powerful. If I were to use it on her, she would die." Luna said. "I can't have her remember all of the memories of you all- she would have to stay still."
"I'll go to the library, there has to be something under that rubble." Rainbow Dash said. "But, your wing!" Rarity said. "Well, it's been a few days with it like this. I have been able to move it around pretty well. I should be able to fly just fine." Rainbow Dash said. They all looked around at each other. "Go ahead." Fluttershy said. And Rainbow flew out.
"Do you think she'll be okay?" PinkiePie asked. "I'm not sure. But, she wanted to help. I think that if she believes in herself strong enough, she can." Fluttershy said.
"I sure hope you're right." Applejack said.

Chapter 6

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"Why would you just let her go like that?!" Scootaloo screamed. "She almost died the last time!" She was filled with anger.
"Scootaloo. I-I think it'll be fine."
"Fine?" Applejack spoke up. "I am NOT loosing another one! It's bad enough I lost Applebloom!" Applejack got tears in her eyes.
"I-I'm sorry. It's just. I guess this whole thing can bring out the best, and the worst in us."
Fluttershy nodded.
Rarity walked over, she too had tears in her eyes. "It's fine Applejack. I understand you lost someone you love dearly. I too did. But, it can't make us become worse. We have to get over the terrible things that are happening. We have to fight it!" Applejack nodded. "You're right."

Right then they heard, "Guys! Let me in!" It was Rainbow's voice. Luna opened the cellar door and closed it quickly with a slam.
"I got it!" Rainbow Dash said and she held up a book with a dark brown cover. She gave it to Luna.
Luna flipped through the pages.
"Hazzah! I have found it!" She said. "The spell!" Luna was happy. Then she stopped.
"It's a little early for a celebration, huh?"
The rest of them nodded.
"Do you think you can get her back to her old self?" Spike asked.
"Yes, I can." Luna said.
They smiled.
"Okay. Here's the plan.." Luna said. "You all must stay in here. No matter what!" They nodded.
"Okay," Luna said. "I will start at morning."
"Speaking of which. Fluttershy has been so, well calm about this whole thing." Applejack said.
Fluttershy looked down. "I-I guess I'm just... Shocked about what's going on, I'm not exactly sure how to react. I figured I should just be calm so, I don't make anything worse." She said, "But, I guess it's going to get a little better soon. It's been pretty good with all of you guys." They smiled.
"We should probably get some rest." Rainbow Dash said.
"I think you're right." Spike said.
They all went to sleep.

Chapter 7

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Pinkie Pie was the first to wake up the next morning.
She decided to use her hooves to make a music kind of thing, to help cheer everypony up.
As they woke up, they all got a little smile on their face.
"There's Pinkie." Rainbow Dash said and smiled. Pinkie Pie became a little happy. Just from seeing the happy smiles.
"Okay," Luna said, "I should probably get started."
"You can do this Luna." Rainbow Dash smiled.
Luna walked outside.
Twilight Sparkle was there.
"So, hello Luna." Twilight said.
"Hello Twilight." Luna said.
Twilight Sparkle threw Luna into a tree with her magic.
Luna started to do the spell.
Twilight became stunned.
It was about 45 minutes later when she was back.
When she was, there was a huge explosion, and everything was back to normal.
Twilight fell.
"L-Luna?" She said. "I'm so, so sorry!" She was in tears.
"It's okay Twilight, it's over now."
Luna knocked on the cellar door for the ponies, and Spike to come out. They all walked out.
"Twilight!" They said and ran up to hug her.
Applebloom and Sweetiebelle ran up.
"Applebloom?" Applejack said.
"SweetieBelle!" Rarity said.
They both ran up to their sister.
Princess Celestia flew down.
"Princess Celestia!" Twilight said. "I'm so so so sorry! I don't know what happened? It. I." She started stumbling over words.
"It's okay." Princess Celestia said, "I understand."
"Think you princess Luna for everything you've done also!" Celestia said. Luna smiled.
"Yes, thank you Luna. If it weren't for you, I would be causing destruction and killing ponies for no particular reason." Twilight said.
"I don't deserve all of the credit." Luna said, "Your friends helped me out too."
Pinkie Pie's hair curled up. She started bouncing around.
"Yay! I'm so glad everything's back to normal!" She exclaimed.
The rest of them smiled.