In Twilight

by Kentavritsa

First published

A tiny Twilight wakes up, in what appears to be a doll-house. With that said, things does feel a bit out of place, but she soon finds her bearings. With the past blurry, she takes on what her life had been turned into eagerly.

A tiny Twilight Sparkle wakes up early, in what appears to be a doll-house.

With that out of the way; things does feel a bit out of place, she soon finds her bearing in the situation.

With the past blurry, she takes on what her life had been turned into, quite eagerly.

Looking forwards to new experience, she boldly embarks on the exciting adventure put before her.

Armed to the teeth, with curiosity; she is facing the unexpected place and situation.

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Written by: Kentavritsa
Edited by: Kentavritsa
Re-edited by: ???

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A new Day, a new Twilight: 1

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As I wake up, the sun is beaming in through the window and I am looking up. Nothing seems out of the ordinary, aside from that nothing lie where I recall leaving it last night.

Conveniently enough, the colours are right. I do feel comfortable, and I did have a good night’s sleep.

“Am I on the second floor? Where is Spike, and why is all my belongings misplaced?” I exclaim.

There is no response, and the room is quiet. Spike is nowhere to be found. I am indeed alone, left to my own devices.

The room appears similar to the room Fluttershy sleeps in her cottage, just outside of Ponyville. This is not in Ponyville and its surroundings, never-mind Equestria at large. I guess I do have a few hints to the effect, in the details most everywhere I look. If only my recollections had been clear enough, for me to point it out. Maybe this is just as well.

The room is fine, I can’t complain about it now. I certainly had slept well enough.

My bed and night-stand are actually made out of solid wood, and the bed-linen are real fabric. No facsimile or cheap knock-offs. The floor is laid with wood and the floor had been covered with actual wallpapers. I even have a real, functioning lamp, hanging down from the ceiling.

While I have a pair of wardrobes, at the foot-end of the bed; there is nothing inside, not as much as a shred of fabric in sight. Good thing, I was never the pony; to fancy wearing clothes, when I rarely had to. Maybe that was more on Rarity’s table, than mine.

“Why does it feel, as if everything is new?” I mumble, to myself.

I could almost feel the scent of newly printed wallpapers, and there is a scent that does feel as if it had been rubber coating my wooden floor.

No time to waste, on pondering whether this is real or a dream; I can as well explore my surroundings and enjoy the adventure, as I explore what is passing for my home!” I ponder.

“I just hope, I don’t fall of the set, as I trip over the edge and fall!” I mumble.

With genuine wood under my hooves, I can move around safely; and the thin coat of clear rubber does give unchallenged and unparalleled footing, as I continue my new adventure to explore my new home.

I really do love the details, and the effort put into making my home!” I ponder, as I am continuously scanning the surroundings.

The first detail to give away where I am, is the door-handle; no Pony would make or install these delicate handles, almost impossible to manage to a Pony like me. The handle would have worked for my former assistant, Spike. I guess I could count myself as fortunate; being a Unicorn, with magic at my disposal.

Just as the wooden floor, the wooden door had also been coated with the same thin layer of clear rubber. No idea why, but it gives a new and very different tactile sense to me. While it may be clear, but it is still glossier than expected.

As I light up my horn; a purple orb of magic appears at the tip of my horn, slowly growing in size and intensity. As the magic reach the point, the light slides down the length of my horn, like an avalanche and I feel the heat, as it is reaching my forehead. Now I focus on the door-handle and reach forth; tentatively manipulating the handle, before I manage to open the door by pushing forwards. The door quietly moves out of the way, permitting me to step right out of the room.

I pass the threshold and step onto the wooden floor in the hall, still curiously scanning my surroundings. The space is empty and void of any presence other than myself. None, no Pony and most certainly no Dragon around. I am obviously alone. The air is still and silent. Almost as if I had entered an ancient tomb; if not for the freshness and decidedly fresh air, I am breathing.

I snort, and sigh in relief.

Just as in my bed-room, the floor is laid with wood coated with clear rubber. The wallpaper is a light spring green, with darker deep green leaf pattern.

Oak-wood, but with cherry-wood windows?” I ponder, as I am looking at the door before me.

There are a total of four bed-rooms, I can see; judging by the doors, from what I know. I also have a mare’s room and a shower, room on the floor.

I guess this is how people live, wherever I am now!” I ponder.

“Not sure I like it, but if I have a family? This just may work!” I mumble.

Nothing is painted, and no plastic carpets in my home. In both the mare’s room, and the shower; the floor is laid with white, ceramic tiles. Only the walls are laid with a chess-pattern of the same ceramic tiles.

Strange, some of the details just does not add up here; it is, as if this house was not built by Ponies?” I ponder.

While I do have a flight of stairs to a second floor overhead, I choose to take the stairs down to what I believe should be the ground floor. I hope to find a kitchen, and whatever food may be available to be down there. Whom, or whatever this house was possibly built for, are bound to eat something. Maybe something of that could be available and edible for me too. Hoping it is still fresh enough for me to eat it, and acceptable as food for an equestrian Pony like me.

As the stairs may feel a bit steep for me, but I can still navigate down to the floor below the room within which I had so recently woken up.

Just around the corner, I can clearly spot the stairs down to the basement; identical to the flight of stairs I had just navigated, In the hopes of finding the kitchen and possibly a dining-room.

I have the living-room behind me, and another mare’s room before me. Of course, there is a shower and a bathroom as well. As I continue towards the living-room, I notice a set of what is to pass for comfortable sofas; three seats, two seats and three single seat sofas, surrounding the beech-wood table with a clear glass table-top.

From the living-room, I can see the doors to, my study, the kitchen and the dining-room in order.

How convenient, the dining-room is adjacent to both the kitchen and the living-room!” I ponder.

“As much as I love a good book, the study can wait for a few more minutes; I am hungry, and in need of a steady breakfast right now!” I point out, sternly to myself.

“What do I have to work with?” I mumble to myself, as I continue towards the kitchen.

Thankfully, all the doors are open; I do not need to bother with opening a single door, and I am already stepping into the kitchen. Of course, the fridge, and the freezer are both securely closed. I see the tiny, green light; indicating they are both on and thus most likely stuffed with food. Whatever food I may have available, to me right now.

Whoever made these?” I ponder, as I look at the fridge and the freezer before me.

I reach out and pull the freezer open, only to find tubs of ice-cream; flavoured with strawberry, chocolate, apple and cinnamon. I guess I should not complain. At least, not too much.

“I guess Spike would have loved these!” I point out, remembering my friend and assistant.

“Milk, bread, apples, vegetables, salad!” I mumble; as I recognize the contents, I have before me.

Maybe I could try the salad?” I ponder.

I manage to find myself a bowl and a fork for the salad, then I pull out some bread and the milk. There are a few glasses, in the same cabinet as I had found the bowl for my salad.

No oats, and no daisies!” I ponder; “But I have at least not found anything distasteful or esculent!” I continue.

“This is my first breakfast here!” I mumble, as I carry everything out to the dining-room.

Fortunately, I have had practice with juggling multiple items and spells! This would have been a pain, if I would not have been so good with magic!” I ponder.

For a moment, maybe several minutes; I just sit and nibble on a bun. I am lost in thought. Then I pour up milk in the glass and take a sip.

As I down the last of the milk, I just poured myself; I pick up the fork and stab some vegetables in my bowl of salad, then lift it up to my mouth and chew. I continue eating.

Not bad, not bad at all; though I do miss the daisies, and possibly a few spoons of oats!” I ponder, while I continue to chew down the salad.

Maybe I could step out and buy myself some oats, later. I hope I could find both oats and daisies. Either in the garden, I hope I have outside; or I could buy these, in town? I do live in a town, right?

While I have fries, whichever kind of fries these may be; I still have neither oats nor daisies!” I ponder; “My windows are empty, but why?” I continue.

As I finish my breakfast, I place the dishes away for later. With my breakfast concluded, I am more interested in exploring the rest of the home I had so unexpectedly found myself in.

I leave the door to my kitchen open, as I walk out the door and into the living-room and continue to the cloak-room. While fashion is not my personal passion, I like to see what I have to wear if and when I need it.

“Cloak-room?” I giggle, as I look around.

I have no cloak, and no particular use of one. There are three sets of boots: black, red and clear. Not too bad, I guess.

Maybe I should try these boots on, and I think I choose these clear once!” I ponder.

I light up my horn and lift the set out, putting them on the floor before me. Once the boots are on the floor, I step right into them.

“Curious, they are very easy to step into; yet once on, they feel considerably tighter than I had been expecting!” I put forth, as I look down at my hooves.

Now it looks; as if my hooves had been coated with the clear rubber, not as if I had put on boots.

Magical boots, enchanted for perfect fit?” I ponder.

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Stepping out, to Explore: 2

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The squeaks from my boots are adorable, but I guess I am ready to go out and see what my garden is like!” I ponder.

I once more light up my horn, as I turn my back on the wardrobe and move towards the main door towards the outside. If there is indeed such a thing, as an outside where I am now?

The handle is turning quietly, without a hitch. Just as the door-handle, the door swings up and reveals the hardwood floor comfortable to step out on. There is a three foot tall fence around the porch, with an opening towards the three steps flight of stairs down to the patch out towards the street outside. No wood, and no gravel; but laid with genuine, black, hard stone-bricks, quietly and comfortably bridging the gap between the porch and the road.

“I see a lacquered mailbox of stainless steel!” I mumble, as I look forwards towards the fence around my garden.

“Clip, clop! Clip, clop!” I hear, as I step out onto the wood outside.

Whoever built the house for me, likes the wood-finish. I have to admit, I agree; it is a fine, natural material from which to craft a porch. Strangely enough, there is no rubber-tinted squeaking noises from my hooves. Is it the wood, or the boots I have to thank for this dubious joy and honour? Not sure if I care which.

The sound changes yet again, as I step out onto the stones of the path out towards the street. Still, the grip remains unchanged and unchallenged.

I take a few more steps out onto the path, before I stop. Looking right and left, scanning my surroundings. First now, I do notice the large roses on the right and left of the porch, my porch. Lovely red roses, and the scent is just right.

After a moment’s hesitation, I step out on the lawn; trotting over the luscious, green grass, and it feels great under my hooves. Just a slow trot, but I am moving over the grass. I move carefully, in order not to harm the beautiful grass; just as I move slowly, in order to preserve the feeling, so that I can enjoy myself for as long as possible. I do not wish to hasten my steps, fearing I ruin the moment.

If these rubber boots does not diminish my sensitivity, I am not about to ruin it by rushing it.

The roses are beautiful!” I ponder; “Guess that is an improvement, compared to my old home; Rarity would have loved them, had she had the chance to see them!” I continue.

Of course, this makes me feel a bit lonely. I have no friends here, and not even Spike. Maybe I could manage my new home, such as it is; yet, I am still missing the presence of all my friends and the village I lost in the process.

Maybe, just maybe I find a new friend, soon?” I ponder.

There is nothing, the likes of my old castle or the oak library here. Whoever built my home, is incapable of constructing anything the likes of my old home.

Is this how the people live here, or did they concoct this architecture for my benefit?” I ponder.

There is no way of telling, for me; if the house is representative of how people live, or if it is a fantasy creation of fancy? Just because I would never have built the house in this manner, does not mean the people here would not.

The fact that it is a doll-house escapes me, even if this fact alone may be completely irrelevant to the case.

Is it the fact that the building is so comfortable, which prevents me from seeing where I am; or is it all these little details, that are off in their own and very individual manners that are tipping me off?

Either way; I enjoy trotting over the grass surrounding, what is to pass for my new home. It is not just the special green, but how it feels to set hoof on the fresh grass.

As I continue to move around the yard, I can see the dark, gray rock. A brick building. Just as I saw my windows inside, in the rooms of my home; now I see the very same windows, from the outside. White painted wood, holding the glass in place.

Behind the building, I find light gray stone bricks. Like the floor for a room, but outside and with no walls around. Peonies lining the border.

A path leads from the house, leading to a small, private orchard on the back of my yard. I can clearly recognize the apple-trees, even if the apples are not even in bloom.

I continue forwards. Adjacent to the building, I have a garage. On the roof, is a large balcony.

“Let’s have some fun!” I mumble, under my breath; as I light up my horn.

As expected, I feel the same rush of magical power. I see the purple, light orb, at the very tip of my horn, sensing it expand and grow in intensity. Everything is working, just as it should be. Just as the light reaches my forehead, I focus on the spell and teleport into the garage.

It is close enough, for me to actually feel my way directly into the empty space. Mostly empty, anyway. It is air in there, breathable air. Just did not expect much else.

Thankfully, there is no large or heavy object obstructing my action. I soon find myself on the floor, as I rematerialize in the middle of the room.

“Did I get here, ahead of time?” I exclaim, as I see what is in the garage I had just entered.

“Aw, but I was hoping for some Daisies!” I sigh.

All the potted plants are clearly made out of plastic. I could not eat these, and I most certainly could not grow them. Maybe I could decorate the windows in my house, but that is about that.

“Oh, well; either I was what I have to work with, or this explains what this place is actually like!” I mumble.

Since there is nothing more to see, I turn towards the door and trot forwards. I manage to open the door before me, affording one last glance at the disappointing potted plants I had snuck up upon. Just as the door is opened, I see a faint glow around the plastic plants, as they turn into the living plants they had been intended to be.

Just as I thought, there is magic here!” I realize; “This is how it works here and why I have found everything in perfect order, as I step into the next new room!” I continue.

“Every room in my house was looking, as if it had been made for me, by someone who does not know what a Pony needs!” I mumble.

Do I dare teleporting back into my kitchen, since I have already been there before?” I ponder.

I grab a few of the potted daisies and make an attempt, teleporting right back into the kitchen. The room is exactly as I remember it, from the last time I was there. The equipment and light still working as if I had just left, and all the food is still very much edible.

“Since the daisies are potted, I could take a few blossoms or leaves for my salad!” I mumble, quietly to myself.

All things considered; I nip a few of them, just to see how good they are. I chew for a moment, swallowing the delicious vegetables in delight.

“This will certainly look good, both on the plate and in the windows of my home!” I point out.

There is no response; because there is none, to respond. None, no one, and certainly no-pony other than me. It is a bit lonely and quiet, for me.

At least, I have an entire home to explore, even if I have seen some of the rooms and most of the garden.

With the boots on, I am deprived of the squeaking noise my hooves makes as I am moving around. Maybe I should return to the cloak-room and take them of, for the pleasure of the now familiar sensations. Guess you could say; that the noises and sensations, had managed to grow on me.

As it turns out, I make due with trotting out and pulling them of. While I may be able to, I am not pride-full enough to make the point of using fancy magic in the public eye, for no good reason. Why boast of my talents, when I have more than enough reason to show what I am good for already?

I place the boots, where I had found them. Side by side with the other boots I am currently not using. Maybe I should try them on, just to see if they are the same, just with a different colour. Or, if the colour means something substantial and real?

Had I asked Rarity, she would have explained how the colour alone would make these boots different all by themselves. Sadly, Rarity is not here with me right now. I am sad, she is not here now.

While teleportation is not banned, and quite possible; I choose not to, in order not to get ahead of myself. I will take the time to enter the room, properly and open the door before I trot in. Simple, yet very effective. At least, for now. I don’t feel like experiencing more plastic plants, or facsimile items again. Ever.

With the boots of, the now familiar squeaks are back. I guess I have grown to like them by my side. Is it just that I have no companion, by my side; or, is it something more? I do miss all my friends, and my trusty assistant.

These squeaks are all I have. While the daisies are alive, they suck at conversation and does not comfort me in the least.

Should I go down to the basement, or should I see where the stairs up would take me?” I ponder.

Up, or down? It is a question I can ponder. Just that I can not stay here all day. I have a house, a home to explore. That does not even count the garden outside and the road to Celestia knows where.

Assuming Celestia actually does know, that is. Based on recent experiences, maybe neither she nor any-pony else I ever knew even does exist? Now, that got too deep and dark. I shed a tear and hastily shy away from that line of thought. I can not bear the weight of losing everything I ever cared for, and every-pony I ever loved. All my friends gone would be devastating.

Since I am on the ground-floor, I opt for going down. If it is closer, or the consideration? Either way, I do head for the stairs leading me to the basement.

What is down there? I have no idea, but I do want to know. I am curious.

The uncertainty is unbearable to me. I will not stand for it. With that said, I slowly trot towards the door and lights up my horn. The handle quietly surrenders to the force of my magic and the door swings open.

If not for the light emanating from my glowing horn, the flight of stairs could have been a gaping maw. Dark, black and omnisciently foreboding. Yet now, I see the walls on the right and left, the ceiling above and the coated wooden stairs below. I even see the switch, which instantly cast a bright light from a lamp overhead.

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Going Down: 3

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Once lit up, it appears to be just another flight of stairs. Just the same as the one I had already explored. This is exactly like the one up to my bed-room. Nothing more, and nothing less.

“Squeak, squeak! Squeak, squeak!” I hear my hooves clopping excitedly, as I close the gap between me and the threshold.

“Clip, clop! Clip, clop!” I hear, as I set hoof on the stairs down towards the basement.

The stairs does feel familiar, but I know I have never been here.

The unknown, is the breeder of monsters; hidden just beyond what is known, where one has not yet been!” I ponder, as I continue down the flight of stairs.

I enjoy the phenomenal grip, each time I set hoof on the next step on the flight of stairs down.

With the lamp lit, the glow of my horn soon fades down to nothing. I do not need to light my way, and I am not expecting the urgent need to cast a spell at any moment. Not right now. I can clearly see everything before me. There is no room for a jump-scare. I really do not like the jump-scare.

Maybe, Pinkie Pie would have enjoyed that, but she likes everything exciting!” I remember.

“This is not her home, I live here!” I mumble to myself, defending the decoration against the undesirable thought.

I prefer predictable decorations, with just a hint of style. Nothing fancy, just convenient and comfortable.

One step at the time, I continue all the way down the flight of stairs; ending up on the floor of my basement. Just as before, I am standing on the coated hardwood floor. It is comfortable and a hint of a glossy finish to it.

The familiarity comforts me. The walls and floor; still following the same general theme, as I have grown used to. If they thought of my personal taste, or just were too lazy to come up with new patterns? I have no idea, and I guess I do not really care too much. So long as it is pleasing to the eye, and stays with the theme initially established; why bother, or look for faults now?

Once I had managed to descend into the basement, I find myself in what looks like a small room, similar to the cloak-room.

Perplexed, I find a new flight of stairs identical to the one I just traversed; leading further down, to a new level below the one on which I am currently standing.

Why is there another flight of stairs? Where does it lead? Am I really in the basement, or was I a floor higher than I had previously thought?” I ponder; as I nervously look around, scanning my surroundings.

I see a heavy, wooden door leading to the space directly under the porch; which seems to be a food cellar On the right side of the door, is a fuse-box installed. I have the latest auto-fuses, not the old manual fuses; guess that is a convenient advantage, for me.

I open the door to my newly discovered food cellar, scanning the interior. The room is indeed the space directly under the entire porch. Shelves are lining the walls on the right and left, but only the shelves directly before me contain any food. Potatoes, apples and other edible items. I don’t bother identifying them, mainly because I am not familiar with most of these items. Though I can safely say, I have neither hay nor oats.

Maybe I could buy the items I don’t have!” I ponder, enthusiastically; “At least, I do have something I can eat!” I continue.

Had I looked closer, I would have seen that the produce is premium. Just the kind of thing; I had been used to enjoy, back in Ponyville. Just that I am not the cook; and I don’t take too much time, fussing about what I eat. Maybe because I always had good food without the effort.

I turn around and step out of the room, leaving the door open for but a moment. Just kicking it closed with my right hind hoof as I stepped out of the room. When you live with a ruling princess, you acquire certain standards and a sense for grace even if you don’t consciously put an effort into expressing it.

I grab the handle of the first door on the right. As I pull the door open, I find the boiler-room.

There is no magic about this boiler, but it looks quite efficient!” I ponder.

With the boiler in order, for all I can see; I leave the room and close the door behind myself. From there, I continue to the next door and swing the door open in order to see which room it may be.

As I open the second door on my right, I find the A pair of washing-machines, and the companion items. Of course the room is clean, to the point of being spotless; not because it is brand new, but because it has been meticulously cleaned. Someone desire this room to be perfectly dust-free.

Being the orderly and highly organized pony I am, I bow my head in gratitude.

Whoever made this, seems to know me pretty well!” I ponder.

Maybe, he actually knew me too well, for my comfort. Though it could be how the magic works, locally. Either way, I guess I should find myself comfortable, living here.

If and when, I need to wash anything; I can relay on these machines to be in order, so I can wash!” I continue.

“Okay, the washing-room is in perfect running order; two rooms done, and just a few more rooms to inspect!” I mumble, to whom ever may be listening.

Whom ever may be listening, maybe just me. Exclusively. I have no sign of any presence in the room, or even the entire house; I am most likely alone, with no pony around. For miles on end, or in my entire existence.

“Do I dare guessing, what is behind the next door?” I mumble.

Of course; the room is empty. Just lines to hang clothes, on; but since I have not washed anything, the lines are empty and void of clothes. Had there been any clothes here, hanging in wait for me; I would have been scared, or so I imagine.

I close the door behind me, continuing my inspection and exploration of my home. It is mine; because I am the only creature here, I have seen none around. Maybe you would argue; I am merely renting the home, and the landlord is leaving me be to live my life. I am bothering none; and the rent is not due, just yet.

The following two rooms are empty. Maybe they are intended for storage, or I need to invent the use of them by myself. I will just have to come up, with what I want to use them for and fill these rooms with life and purpose by placing furniture and items in there. I leave them alone, for now. What’s the fun with an empty room?

“Okay, I have space to organize, as I see fit. If and when I find something to store there, and come up with what I need these rooms for!” I mumble.

Nothing happens, none is reacting to my words. This house is just a house, it does not grant wishes. Not for me, and most likely not to any pony else either. Unless my arrival is a granted wish, to whom ever made this house for me? That notion is a bit unsettling.

While I may not recall much of what my life in Ponyville, Equestria was like; I still do know I enjoyed my life there, with friends and family. Real, true friends; and my family does care for me, even if they don’t live next door but rather far away. They live their own lives, and have their own businesses to tend to. Of course, I have my own life, and am a Princess with duties to tend to.

Even if I may not recall the details of the life I lived in Ponyville, it is what shaped me as a Pony. Though I did live in the royal castle in Canterlot for several years, studying under Princes Celestia.

Regardless of what I recall; I am still the daughter of my parents and the student of Princess Celestia. Even after graduation, and all the years I have lived in Ponyville. Granted, I am a Princess myself.

The experiences as a Princess, living in my own castle could not prepare me for what is like, to live in this building. It is not a cottage, but still not quite a castle. The architecture and layout is in fact, quite alien to me. How does one prepare for this, or get used to it? Even under Celestia, I was never alone.

The first and second door on the left leads to currently empty room. Nothing to see, but the now familiar walls. The floor and ceiling is just as familiar, sticking to the established style I had started to grow used to. No reason to complain, I do like the style.

Behind the third door, I find a mare’s room, and behind the fourth the shower. Just that the utilities are a bit strange looking to me, not exactly designed with a mare in mind. Why do they keep insisting on all these strange and highly impractical features?

Even a Zebra’s home would have been more practical, and easy to understand and use.

I guess it is convenient; to have an extra shower down here, just in case!” I ponder, giggling at myself.

Behind the next door, I find a sauna. The floor covered with light beech-wood boards. On second thought, the walls and ceiling are laid with the same wooden boards. To the right of the door, just inside the room; I have the metallic heater, responsible for maintaining the heat in the room, while in use. As I look at the thermometer, I notice that it goes well beyond the one-hundred degrees. I had expected it to reach forty, or possibly fifty degrees, but certainly no more than that.

Maybe this thermometer is explaining something about the room and its use!” I ponder.

Adjacent to the sauna itself, I have a shower. The floor and walls of the shower had been laid with lavender porcelain tiles. On second thought, the glossy tiles are matching the colour of my coat. Curious, as if someone chose the colour, to match me?

“Maybe I could use this, when it is cold in winter and I am stressing out? I could imagine myself relaxing in the comfortable warmth of this room!” I mumble; not quite realizing, just how this was intended to be.

While I understand that I can still have quite the grip, as I trot on the dry tiles; but they should be slippery, if they were to become wet.

After I had examined the room, and the details within; I decide I had seen enough of the room, and turn back. I continue towards the last and final door. I open the door, only to find a very large room. I feel what could almost have been luscious, green grass. On the right I have a large, black leather sofa, in the cinematic fashion; while I have a large-screen LED TV covering the opposing wall completely.

Right before the sofa, I have a low wooden table. I notice, the remote control of the TV is readily available, from the table-top.

There are three small windows, on the wall opposing the entrance of the room. I have control of the shutters via the same control as is used for the TV. Convenient, isn’t it?

Whoever built my house, still persists with this peculiar architecture and design!” I ponder.

While the design is of Human origin, it should still be fairly comfortable. Even if it does make me confused, from time to time.

“If this had been built, by urban Zebras, or something; that would have been very interesting!” I mumble, giggling at the mere notion.

Urban Zebras, indeed.

--- --- ---

Going Under: 4

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I had been enjoying, the time I had been sitting in the sofa, and why not? Despite the peculiar design, it is more than comfortable enough, to me.

Since I had not been particularly interested, in the TV, or the options it offers, I had left it alone. Nothing stops me, from exploring what it is, or what I could use it for; later, when I have nothing better to do. When I have explored my new home, from top to bottom.

I had started on the second floor, working my way downwards; only making a stop, at the garden and my breakfast. I intend to continue down. At least, a few more levels; if there are indeed, that many floors down below my hooves now.

This time, I actually do close the door behind me; as I trot out of the room, just as I close the other doors as I trot by the room in the hall.

I continue down the flight of stairs, curious and eager to see what is waiting for me, to discover.

Wooden floor, coated in rubber. I have the squeaks accompanying me, as I continue down.

“Oh! Ooh!” I mumble, in delight of the friend, following me towards where I am going.

Just as before, I reach the end of the flight of stairs. I find myself in a small hall. There is a door on the other side, and I open it with practiced ease. Horn alight, magic surging forth, reaching for the handle and the door swings up. Quietly, silent. The hinges are new, well-oiled.

I step over the threshold and enters the hall. I have doors to my right and left.

The floor is light beach-wood, and still coated with the same clear rubber. I hear the squeaks as I trot forwards.

The walls are laid with pinch cherry-wood. Naturally, it had been coated with clear rubber, only slightly tainted in pink.

A stainless steel door, clad in dark oak-wood. Why does this not surprise me, as I notice the glossy surface of clear rubber coating that as well? The same door-handle, in human style. I recognize it, but have yet to figure out who made it and placed it in my home.

I am a Pony, not a Human. Why then, is everything built to Human specifications and standards?

Maybe I am lucky, to be a Unicorn wielding magic. I can open each door, with ease. In my case, practiced ease; almost as if I had used these doors, my entire life.

There is one peculiar detail in the architecture of this hall, I have a star-skape. The ceiling is coated with black, mate rubber; only scattered LED lights spread out, forming the constellations of an unfamiliar night-sky.

I will be enjoying studying these stars, when I get up to a window, or step out in my yard. I just need to wait, until the sun goes down, so that the stars can come to life.

The day does not belong to Princess Celestia, just as the night is not belonging to Princess Luna. What a strange world?

I have never watched the stars, on a truly alien world before!” I realize.

While I had been outside, that was in daytime; and I never really looked up, even then.

Of course, I did not know I had an alien sky back then. Nothing suggesting the sky did not belong to the Princesses of Day and Night. The sky is blue; and the sun is warm, yellow. Everything looks quite normal, so why bother looking up?

Maybe I should make the effort, to be up so I can see the stars tonight!” I ponder.

All assuming, I will still be awake. Who knows how long the day is, on an alien world? This is after all not Equestria.

Since it is still day, and the sun is up; I can as well explore the rooms, I have before me. I will still have to go up, in order to make myself some lunch; but after that, I can return to my exploration once more.

“Lunch, not launch!” I giggle.

This is a house, a building; not a vehicle, or a ship of any kind.

I open the door on my right, only to find a room identical to the hall within which I am standing. It is fifteen by twenty feet. Not very large, but it is consistent with what I have seen from outside.

Of course the floor is identical to that of the hall. The walls are also the same. Leaving the ceiling naturally flowing in from outside, the hall. Seamlessly, as if the door had not even been there.

The ceiling is just eight feet from the floor, perfectly fine for human standards. Just a bit far up, for me as a Pony. Good thing, I am not likely to need to reach the ceiling. Though I guess I could levitate, I am after all a Unicorn. No lamps to swap, and nothing else in the room. Makes it feel barren. Should have been fine, had this been outdoors.

I feel, as if I had been experiencing Nightmare Moon’s eternal Night, aside from the light being quite sufficient. It is almost, as if I had had full daylight. Indoors.

Strange!” I ponder.

Could I get used to it, but I need to see the rest of this floor before lunch!” I continue.

Should I leave the door open, or close it?” I ponder, as I step out of the curious room.

“Naeh, I guess I leave it, for now!” I mumble, as response to my question.

Did I have to answer myself, vocally? I had done so. Maybe I had felt an urge to banish the silence? Speaking up, momentarily had the desired effect; since the walls do grant acoustics to enjoy.

I leave the door as I had left it. Grabbing the handle to the next door, on the right; pulling the door open, only to find an identical room. Just one more room, identical to the previous.

I leave the door open, focusing on the next as I continue down the hall.

What were these rooms for? What had they intended the rooms to be?” I ponder, but no response or answer forthcoming.

Maybe I had had better luck with that, had I pronounced the question in words? There is none here, so who would answer my questions and prayers? None. I remain quiet.

I enjoy the sounds of the squeaks my hooves grant me with each step. At least, I am here, alive. I have air to breathe, air to accommodate the sounds to travel through the room.

I open another door, to the next room; then I open another door, to the fourth room. Another and another. The hall seems to go on forever.

"How many doors are there?” I ponder.

On second thought, it seems as if the night-sky in one room continues seamlessly into the next; only a thin wall separating the two.

Each room, identical to the previous. The only difference being the night-sky overhead. The sky is not the same in each room, the constellations are clearly different.

Aside from the walls, I am clearly looking at a single, continuous sky. The walls only carrying the weight, of the ceiling that is the floor on the floor above me. Above my head, is an entirely new world.

I only need to turn back, and trot up the flight of stairs to the world where my reasoning still does make sense. Could I teleport, up there? I dare not sneak up on the room, just in case I am repeating the incident I experienced in my garage. I did not like that experience then, and I fear I am not going to enjoy it anymore now. Or, ever.

I had stumbled upon a facsimile, falsarium. Everything being cheap, plastic versions of what should have been there.

I had learned something, never to sneak up on the next room. Only when I open the door to the room and permits my magic to flood the entire space, can I see the real items, intended to be in the room.

It had been scary, now as I am thinking back. I do not want to think of it; or experience it, ever again.

I guess, I could make due, trotting from door to door, carefully opening each door in turn.

Counter to my expectation, there isn’t four doors on each side; but rather seven doors, which seems to be more than the space should admit. I am confused.

Once I had opened the last door on the right; I trot back and open the first door on the left. As expected, the room is identical to all the rooms on the right side. Not exactly identical, but rather mirrored; but the ceiling is a continuation of the night-sky, I had seen in both the hall and in each of the previous rooms.

Once I had opened the first door, I trot inside to examine the details; before I step out, leaving the door open. From there, I continue to the next door; pulling it up, before I step in to confirm my expectations.

“Curious!” I exclaim.

One door, after the other; I pull up each door, before I turn back and leave it open. The room is permitted, to be saturated with my magic. Is this excessive, on my part?

With each door I am opening, I am expanding my sky and my perspective. As the realization is dawning upon me, I find myself growing excited. Why not, I love the night-sky. I just need my telescope, so that I can study it properly. But alas, I can’t seem to find my telescope anywhere. Of course I know why, it failed to turn up on the transfer. The fact changes nothing. Then again, maybe I don’t need it, this time.

I am missing Luna, tight now!” I ponder, considering the new discovery.

As I open the last door on the left side, I soon find myself facing the door at the very end of the hall. While I had left all the doors open; that is soon to change, despite my best efforts.

I reach out for the door, turning the handle and open the final door before me; ready to peak into the next room before me.

As I step in, I feel a powerful gust of wind blowing through the hall and into the room; past me as I enter the room. The wind slams the doors behind me shut. I see the originally plastic grass bend in the strong wing as it turns into real, luscious, green grass before my very eyes.

Of course; this room is huge. Much larger, than I could have been expecting. The room is simply too large, for the building within which I am currently standing.

While I had not yet realized, that this is a doll-house; this latest segment is mismatched, to the rest of the house, so far as I have seen. It may be the basement, but still.

As opposed to the night-sky, I have seen in the rest of the floor; this is clearly day. My sky is clear, nitrogen-blue. Not a single cloud on the sky, as if my friend Rainbow Dash had enlisted the entire Wonder-bolt team, in this effort. Naturally, they are nowhere to be seen. Not a single Pony, as far as my eyes could see; even if I had had my telescope with me, which I do not have. Unfortunately.

Just as the wind reaches the middle of the room, I step into the room. I have entered the room, as I step over the threshold. The grass is surprisingly comfortable, under my hooves. While I had been uneasy, as the gust of wind hit me from behind and all the doors slammed shut with a loud bang; the sensation of the soft grass underhoof suddenly made me relax. I feel the tension let go, like water runs over the back of a goose.

There is a three foot tall cherry-wood panel along the wall, like a picket-fence around the yard. For a moment, I can forget and ignore the fact that I am merely three inches tall. As I move out on the lawn, it feels as if I had been trotting over the grass on the yard of a regular cabin.

The ceiling in this room is a full nine feet above the floor or ground, making this space feeling more spacious than I could have imagined. Am I really still inside my home, and indoors?

Entering this room, is an experience like in Alice in Wonderland. It is utterly unreal. The surreal experience is just out there. It is too much.

This room has no windows, but does not need any. Putting windows here, would just have ruined the experience. Maybe Discord could have decorated this room? I guess, it is something he could have done; because there is none other, who could have created this room.

I continue trotting over the grass, just enjoying the wind in my mane. Once the original gust of wind had reached the edge of the room, a more regular wind had started to pick up. I like the wind.

As I look up, I can see a large stature. It is in the shape of a Pony, like me. Almost.

Why is there a statue of me, in the style of a petrified Discord on the lawn?” I exclaim, in confusion and horror.

As I close up on the larger than life statue, I finally notice that it appears to have been carved out of an Amethyst. Rarity would have pointed out, that this lavender crystal is in fact Sapphire. I could never have told the difference, and certainly not here. Not without the assistance of Spike and my wealth of books.

Had it been important, this would have made me miss my dear Assistance and the comfort of my library. Now I really do not care.

Maybe I should have been caring more, for the smile of my life-like Statue. At least; I still know my friend Pinkie Pie would have.

The mare before me is roughly my age, but is clearly an Alicorn. The horn is slightly longer than mine, even with the scale clearly in mind; but it is more developed, and the spiral it considerably tighter and more pronounced. She has her wings spread out in what is looking like a protective stance, in what is either a maternal position, or that of a royal.

In shock, I realize that her horn is lighting up; rapidly building up to an incandescent, blinding glow, making me want to avert my gaze. Of course, this is when I realize that I can’t.

“Congratulations, Twilight; you found me!” she proclaims, in what could have been her Royal Canterlot voice.

“Whoa!” is all that escapes my mouth.

“You are me, and I am you!” she explains, smiling back at me.

“Wait, what?” I inquire, in hushed, reverent tones.

I almost bow, at my very own image; even if this clearly is not a Pony, but a statue of another me.

“Exactly!” she pronounces; “While you were snatched right out of your world, I am still very much in mine; a very different world, I am certain you know enough of this!” she points out.

”Since I am a mere Unicorn, and you are a full-fledged Alicorn already; that would indicate some significant differences, between our respective worlds!” I breathe.

”Very astute, my dear Twilight!” she points out.

”Thank you, I am Twiligth!” I respond.

”Twilight, in twilight? I guess there is a certain poetry, in that!” she suggests.

”In twilight?” I inquire; ”You mean?” I continue.

”Enjoy your stay!” she pronounces; ”This is twilight; the moment, between possibilities!” she explains; ”Do not worry, dear Twilight; I assure you, you most certainly are not dead!” she points out, matter of fact.

”Thank you, I certainly do not feel dead; and I can't recall dying, either!” I respond.

”As if, you would actually remember that?” she points out; ”I am here, but do not waste too much time, here; talking to yourself, or a statue?” she suggests.

I think it may be high time, for me to go back and grab myself something to eat!” I ponder, ”Since you are here, I guess I could get back and see you; if, and when I feel the urge or need to see you!” I inquire; ”Or, just need someone other than myself, to talk to?” I conclude.

”I am you, or more to the point; another you, just as the day you encountered your future self!” she explains.

”Guess I have a habit, of running into myself!” I mumble, as I turn around, slowly trotting over the grass.

How long had it been, since I had my last meal? Seems, as if I had lost track of time!” I ponder.

This latest encounter, certainly did not make anything easier on me.

--- --- ---

Reprieve: 5

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Since the wind had shut all the doors on this floor closed, I had to open the door out of the room; before I could exit, in order to trot back to my kitchen. I leave the rest of the doors closed, and close the door behind me, before I continue, on my way to the flight of stairs up.

Yes, I still have a door to the basement, below me. All assuming, that is indeed what is behind this door!” I observe.

I open the door, to the stairs up. I step in, continuing up the flight of stairs. I find myself unexpected ly eager; to trot up, away from this floor. Sub-floor.

This time, I actually do close the door behind myself. Maybe I feel an unexpected urge, to distance myself from this floor, to close it of behind me.

As I reach the top of the flight of stairs, this door is still open. I leave it open, as I am leaving the flight of stairs. I am still in the basement, the first level of the cellar. Considering, I actually do have at least three levels in this basement.

I continue up, the next flight of stairs; reaching the ground floor, as I am finding myself in the cloak-room. Everything looks normal, the way it had as I left fr the basement.

Normal? As if anything could be considered normal, in this house?” I ponder.

At least, I am in the same module; as I had woken up in, as opposed to the one that is my basement. I suspect there is another module, the one I had not yet explored. I had left the exploration, called back by the urgent lunch I am desperately looking forwards to.

I ignore the cloak-room, and the wardrobe; in search for the kitchen I had left behind as I went down to explore my basement. The exploration had dragged out, due to the larger space. Now I am back, looking forwards to my lunch.

With the cloak-room behind me, I eagerly trot through the living-room, and into my new kitchen. Everything is, where I had left it. It is almost, as if I had never left, at all.

The potted plants I had retrieved from my garage, just hours ago; still stands in the window, where I had left them. I nip a few blossoms, and leaves; from the daisies, but just enough to improve the salad, I am looking forwards to. Not enough, to harm the plants, or ruin the general experience of the plants in my window.

While I leave the vegetables on the table, I open the fridge; extracting the salad. I open a door to pick up a bowl, in which I deposit the entire salad I had intended for my lunch, including the daisy-blossoms and leaves.

I pull out the drawer, extracting the fork I had intended to use, when I am eating my salad. Once I had pulled out the chair, I sit down and once more pick up the fork.

Siting down, I relax; stabbing the vegetables, with the fork. I only open my mouth, as I lift the fork up; chewing the fresh, green vegetables.

Delicious!” I ponder, as I chew down the meal.

Had I not been so lonely, I could have been enjoying myself, quite royally!” I consider, while I am finishing the meal off.

“While I have not reached the end of the adventure in the basement; maybe I should explore the next floor, above me!” I mumble, to myself.

“This is the floor directly under my bed-room, so I don't need to explore that again! I have already seen that!” I mumble.

I open the door to the fridge and store away the rest of the salad; before I dish the bowl, fork and glass, after myself. Once I had cleaned up, after myself; I step out of the kitchen, and continue through the living-room, back to the cloak-room.

“Maybe I should step out, for some fresh air? After dinner, should be fine!” I mumble.

I trot up the flight of stairs, and out into the hall; from there, I open the door to the next flight of stairs. As I reach the top of the stairs, I open the door, to the next floor.

As I enter the room, I find myself in a very different building. Nothing like the western layout. I had found myself in the traditional Japanese era. How strange.

“While the Human standard had been strange, but it was fairly close to the Equestrian style I have been used to!” I point out, to no-one in particular.

As expected, there is no response, and no reply. I am alone. No Pony, and no Human or alien creature to be seen.

I had stepped out on hard wooden floor. True to the style; the wood had still been coated with the same, thin layer of clear rubber. If the clear rubber is intended to preserve the building, or if it is an adaptation to my needs; I have no idea, and no prof is forthcoming.

I can see a line of indoors boots lined up, on the floor, and a line of outdoors boots, just below on a lower level. This is, exactly what you should have been expecting, from this style. I did not know what to expect, this is not a familiar style of home I had even read about in any of my precious books. No books in my original library in Ponyville, neither in the castle of the two sisters, or even in the royal castle in Canterlot. It is not mentioned, in any book in the library, in the Crystal Empire, either. Even if I had not had the opportunity to go over these.

Too many books, and too little time.

“Should I try on these indoors boots?” I inquire; even if I harbour no hope of any response, what-so-ever.

No answer had been forthcoming before, so why expect one now? Maybe I could ask my petrified Sapphire statue self in the basement, if I was eager enough to return to her. I could, because this is my best chance; if I hope to find the answer, to anything.

Unless I found a book, on the topic of interest; that is. Maybe this book is in my study? Maybe I should have been paying more attention, to that room?

“Too late, I am here now; I want to see what is on this floor, right now!” I mumble; “Not later!” I add.

Rice-paper, like windows indoors!” I realize.

There is a wardrobe, identical to the one I have below; only this is lacquered in bright red. Since I have the indoors and outdoors boots out, I am expecting nothing to be in the wardrobe. Yet, in curiosity; I pull the door up, just in order to confirm what I think I know.

Once I had opened the door, the wardrobe is identical to the one in the cloak-room below. Just made in the Japanese style. I have three sets of boots, identical to the once downstairs. With the one exception, the used set had already been adjusted to my hoof-size. It is, as if I had been downstairs, but everything had been changed into the Japanese style, while I had been exploring the basement.

I have a cold shiver down the entire length of my spine.

Wait, there is one significant difference here. I have a beautiful, delicate silken Kimono hanging in the wardrobe.

So delicate, and so beautiful!” I ponder.

I reach for the one single garment, extracting it with great care; knowing Rarity would have killed me instantly, if she learned of me harming this garment. I could not bare the image.

After a moment of consideration, I put it on. I just had to try it on. The silk had been dyed a bright blue, electric metallic blue, in a deep hue. There is a pattern on the blue back-ground, in a deep, shimmering purple.

Rarity would have loved this one!” I ponder, as the image brings her back to me.

Maybe I had not lost my elegant friend, after all. I just need an item, or image; to bring her back to me, if even for a brief moment.

Maybe I should try the red boots now; it does feel appropriate, and should go well with the style!” I ponder, considering the red door to this wardrobe.

I pull out the set of red boots, stepping right into them; just as before, these boots are contracting around my hooves. A perfect fit, as if painted on. Maybe the looks is closer to hoof-polish? Besides, now the red is deep and reminiscent of fire-ruby. Like the one Spike had been holding on to, for a special occasion; only to give it to Rarity, just because she had asked him so kindly.

For a moment, I imagine I am seeing Spike by my right side. The image is holding rarity on my left; but the image can only last for so long, before it is evaporating into thin air. It is but an image, a memory; from a time and place to which I can't return.

Maybe I could find an entrance, to my old Equestria? Could I teleport to my old home? Is there a book, explaining how to get back, or could the statue of me explain, how I should do? Why? Why should she tell me that, all assuming she even knew.

Even if discord had crafted that room; I doubt even he could, or would explain that.

With the set of ruby-boots on, I am trotting towards the living-room, only stopping to open the door; before I cross the threshold, and step into the room.

At first, it is identical to the living-room below. Yet, it is also very different. I have a new LED TV, of the latest model in Japanese. I have a cherry-wood table, lacquered in the same Japanese style as the door to the wardrobe in my cloaking-room. Behind the table, I see cushions, in the same style. Exquisite silk, in a traditional pattern. Purple, on royal blue.

As I look out, through the window; I see leaves of cherry-trees, shading the room.

“Whoa!” I exclaim, “They really did put in an effort, in maintaining the style here!” I mumble.

At least, no bothersome, human style door-handles on this floor. The door-handles would have clashed; with the Japanese style, too, of course.

I will have to be careful, here; not to push my hoof through the delicate raise-paper windows, of the doors and walls!” I ponder, in curious confusion.

At least, the cherry-wood is not too delicate.

In the kitchen, everything is much lower than in my part of this building; even if I had been expecting it, from the experience in the living-room.

The fridge and freezer had been lacquered, in the same stylish, deep red; apparently favoured by the Japanese, who inspired the style of this floor. Inside, the fridge and freezer is generally the same as on my floor, but with small differences I just can not quite put my hoof upon.

Everything on this floor, is very different from what is on the previous floor; as if it had been a different architect, drawing it up and had it built!” I ponder.

Still it is built for me, from what I could see.

It feels, as if different bricks had been put in the same pile!” I ponder; not quite realizing the meaning of the revelation, just yet.

This is the third module of this doll-house I am exploring. Isn't it? I can't count that room, where the statue of an alternative me was standing.

This is clearly a Human building, so how does an equine Pony fit into this?” I ponder.

The people who use to live in this style seems to love tea!” I realize, as I am exploring the kitchen.

“Is this their kitchen, or mine?” I inquire, with no real hope for an answer, forthcoming.

Of course, no answer is give, exactly as I had been expecting all along. Why expect an answer, when you know you are utterly alone? Unless you count the statue, I have not seen anypony here, or outdoors, for that matter.

I make due, with brewing myself a cup of tea. I just pour up boiling water into the cup, after I had placed the fresh, green tea-leaves in. I watch the water turning a yellowish green, before I am extracting the leaves.

Now I just have to wait, for a moment; as the water is cooling of, enough for me to take the first sip.

Once the tea is cold enough, I take a sip; finding the brew much more bitter, than I had been expecting. This is after all Japanese tea, and I have never tried this before. I should have expected more difference, than I did.

I end up, sipping the tea much slower, than I had initially intended; but I do drink it, without adding any sugar.

Should I have been adding sugar, or anything else?” I ponder, as I finish the cup.

Before I leave, I clean the cup; before I could possibly leave. I had to do the dishes myself; since I haven't seen anyone else, who could have done it for me. Of course, then there is none; who could take offence, if I had forgotten. Maybe it is Rarity, who is rubbing of on me.

Once I had cleaned up, after myself; I step out of the kitchen, in my exploration. I notice that I have a shower, and a mare's room, adjusted in the same manner, as everything else on this floor. It is still in the Human style, however.

Now I continue, opening the hard-wood door up to the next floor. I continue up the flight of stairs, only to find the same Japanese style walls. Otherwise; everything looks exactly as it had, on my floor. A mare's room, too.

As I step into my bed-room, I notice that my bed is already here; made, as if I had been sleeping here, the previous night. Everything is mirroring the room, in which I had woken up, earlier in the morning.

“Maybe I could, or should sleep here? Not now, and maybe not tonight; but I definitely could sleep in this room!” I mumble.

The rest of the bed-rooms are identical to the once I had already seen; just in the Japanese style, and still quite life-less. Why do I have the feeling, these rooms are merely there; in order to fill up the floor-plan, rather than indicating I could invite a guest to live with me?

“I guess I have seen my home, in Japanese too, now!” I mumble, to myself.

I step out of the room, and trot back to the door to the flight of stairs. Now I continue back down, finding myself in the cloak-room once more.

“Now I want to see, how this building looks; from the outside, and explore my Japanese garden too!” I mumble.

The porch had been lacquered, in traditional Japanese red, but is still coated in clear rubber; just as I had been expecting, from what I had been getting used to. Everything seems to be coated, with this clear rubber. Everything. Absolutely everything.

Everything, except my food; that is!” I ponder.

I step out, as I had opened the door before me. There is a path to the street, of course. Only this path is organized pebbles, black stone, coated with rubber. These pebbles do not require to be maintained; because the rubber is keeping them, in perfect order.

“Now I don't need to go out, taking care of keeping these pebbles in order!” I mumble.

I do not have a gardener, who could have been maintaining the garden; I would have been expected to do this, all by myself. The garden would have been left, in disarray; since I could never have maintained it, by myself. I am lacking experience, and education.

As I continue further, down the path towards the street; I notice, that it is not laid with asphalt like I had been expecting. This is after all a rural, Japanese village.

Now I am stepping out on the lawn of my Japanese home, trotting over the luscious green grass.

Alone, without even the accompanying squeaks from my hooves; since I am wearing these boots, I still enjoy the sensation of grass under my hooves. As I continue, I soon come across the Cherry-trees I had seen through my windows. Green, and devoid of blossoms. Yet, it is at least the very same, Japanese Cherry-trees.

I continue, trotting over the grass, further and further. On the back, I find a Japanese Rock-garden. Curious. Even these stones had been coated, with the very same crystal-clear rubber-coating. Then again, it is what I had been expecting; based on my previous experience, in my new home.

As I continue, I find a garage behind my home. This time, I trot all the way around, to the closed doors on the front. I open the door, before I am trotting in, inside of my garage.

Since I had opened the door, manually; before I had trotted in, I do not find any plastic replications of what I should be finding in the garage. Thankfully.

“Okay!” I exclaim, as I see the bushes, ready to be planted outside.

“I will just have to take the time, planting them outside; after I have made up my mind, where I want to plant these!” I mumble.

There are other vegetation potted, awaiting me. I will just have to plant them in my garden, or carry the pots in, so that I can place them into the windows. I have to do that, and I can't wait for too long; or they will all expire, and wilt. I could not have that, now could I.

--- --- ---

Out: 6

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These can't wait, not since I have entered the garage!” I realize.

While I can levitate the Peonies, quite easily; I still I need a shovel, in order to put the plants into the ground. After a few minutes of searching, I do find what I am looking for. I pull the shovel out, with me; right along with the plants, I had intended to take out.

“Now, where do I want these Peonies?” I mumble.

I could plant them on the back, or along the street? Now I just have to make up my mind. If only I had been a gardener, or botanist, in the first place; this would have been quite easy. I am not even certain, where they would have been fitting; in my new Japanese garden. If they actually do fit in here, at all.

In the end, I pick a dozen Peonies with me, along with the shovel. I step out, before I am trotting to the back of my home; placing the pots on the stone-tiles just behind the building. I dig a few holes in the ground, deep enough to swallow the pot; pull the plant out of the pot and place it in the newly dug hole. Now I just push the dirt back, into the hole around the previously potted plants.

“There, much better; I just hope, this is good enough, for the Peonies now!” I mumble.

“My little Peonies!” I giggle; enjoying the personal pun, even when I have no pony to share it with.

I gather the remaining dirt, that refused to fit into the old holes; carrying that, to the compose in the far corner of the yard. I am quite content, leaving the dirt on the compost for now. Maybe I could have use for it, later.

“At least, these Peonies are in the ground!” I mumble, as I return to the garage.

“These small miniature trees look good, maybe I should plant them on the front?” I mumble.

Japanese Miniature Maple” the label reads.

I pick up a dozen trees, and take the shovel with me out to the front of my garden. Once I reach the street, I continue to the edge; where I dig the first hole for a maple-tree. Once the hole is dug, I place the first tree in it; before I continue to the next point, where I dig the second hole. Like this, I continue to dig the hole, place the tree in the hole and finally push the dirt in after the tree. Once I had planted the first batch of trees, I trot back into my garden after another batch of a dozen trees, and repeat the process.

I only stop, by the path, from my home to the street; before I continue planting more trees. Once I had completed the line of trees; I continue to plant the rest of the trees along the porch.

“There, beautiful!” I exclaim, as I am watching the newly planted trees.

First now, I can afford to watch the other side of the street; finding several traditional Japanese homes lining the street. From outside, these houses are looking like my own home.

Do they have a basement, like mine; or a second floor, the way I have?” I ponder, giggling at the idea.

“Maybe I could trot over to see, if there is a market in town; where I could buy groceries, or any other items I may need!” I mumble.

That would be good; but it can wait, for now. I have other things to attend to; and several more floors of my home, left to explore.

“So much to explore, and so little time!” I mumble; oblivious of just how much time I have, on my hooves.

How many floors, remain to be discovered?” I ponder, uncertain, of what is awaiting me.

For now, I have finished my gardening; but you never know, maybe I will need to tend to the garden, or more plants appear, requiring my attention.

“This kimono is comfortable, I had not expected to enjoy wearing it this much!” I mumble, as I trot back to the garage.

I trot in, and leave the shovel inside; where I had found it earlier, so that I can find it again, if and when I will be needing it again. From there, I trot out and close the door behind myself.

Once the garage is once more closed, I trot up to the porch and enjoy the view of my garden. While I only see the front, I have both the maples, and the peonies; lighting up the now beautiful garden. After a few minutes, I open the door to my home, before I step in and close the door behind myself.

“I had never expected gardening be so exciting!” I mumble.

Maybe this is why it had been so much fun? Of course, the change I had accomplished; also needs to be taken into account, when all is said and done. I am not just exploring my home; but also myself, and how much I could do with what I had been given. Even if I may have been filly-napped; in order for me to be here, in the first place.

Once indoors, I stand alone in the cloak-room; considering my situation. As a sophisticated Pony, I am comfortable with finer clothes, even if I have no problem showing up entirely nude on the streets of Ponyville. I am not in Ponyville right now, but in a traditional Japanese village of currently unknown name and standings.

While I am here, maybe I could as well dress up for the part? It certainly would not hurt me, but if I were to encounter anyone; Pony or Human, I would have been better prepared with this kimono on. With that, I am keeping it on, as I wear the kimono I had been imparted with.

I generally do not enjoy formal wear, but it is not as if I had never been seen; wearing them, from time to time. Had I been an Alicorn, like my local counterpart; I would have worn one, at my own coronation of course. Maybe it is just as well, I had never been through that now. I certainly do not envy her, even if I may look forwards, to taking on the responsibilities, to help my fellow Pony. Maybe this could be in my future? I do not yet know.

For now, I am trapped within this house, which is my home for the duration. I will do my best, exploring what I have. I do not have anything better to do. Besides, I am alone; if you do not count that Statue, in my basement.

“I will wear my kimono, while I am here in my Japanese home, but only when I am here and not when I am anywhere else!” I declare.

“Right now, I feel like exploring the next floor! I can explore the Japanese aspects later; unless something change, it isn't as if I am going anywhere!” I mumble, to no Pony in particular.

I disrobe; slipping out of my kimono and red Ruby boots and slip them back, into the wardrobe.

“That is strangely liberating, as much as I have enjoyed wearing this kimono!” I pronounce; as I turn towards the door, I expect leading up to the next floor.

While I have no idea, as to what is awaiting me up there; I am curious, expectant of what is lying ahead of me.

Now I am opening the door, stepping into the hall; trotting up the flight of stairs, in search for what is in store for me.

--- --- ---

Up, and Above: 7

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Nothing unexpected appears before me, as I am stepping out into my cloaking-room. Then again, why should it?

I am alone, in my very own home. Is this a separate home, from the two previous once. Or, just different variants of the very same; located, one on top of the other? It is the same building to me, even if it had been built up by stacking very different modules.

Now I am stepping on the hardwood floor, coated with the same crystal-clear rubber. For now, I have my squeaking noises following me where I go. It is a companion, I had chosen to befriend; even if it is not a person or a Pony, but just a noise that could as easily bothered or scared me. Now I like it. I have a wardrobe, with outdoors clothes; but I leave this, for later. I am not going out, right now. There is a home indoors, for me to explore. I am curious, as to exactly what I have to see.

As I open the first door, I have a living-room; identical to the one I have in my original home, on what I see as the ground-floor. I will stay on the first level, just as Rarity still lives in Ponyville, and base her empire from there.

While I may like and enjoy the additional options, but I still find the first one more comfortable. Is it just, because this is where I had woken up; or, is it because it is closer to where I had originally come from?

This is most certainly not Ponyville, or Canterlot; but now, this is my home.

Maybe I should have examined my living-room closer; so that I could see just how different it is here. Now that can wait, because I want to see this home for myself. I can't wait, while I take the time to explore my home in more detail.

For some reason; I had ignored the mare's room, and the shower. I do imagine, these are identical; to what I have already seen, maybe I am wrong. Am I sloppy, as an explorer; when I am ignoring details, I could have enjoyed examining? Oh, well; I still do have time.

What I can't ignore, is the pitch black sky; decorated with scattered pin-prick stars. Is it night, here?

When I trot up to the first window, and look out; I notice that the ground is a dark gray, and devoid of plants and life. Inside, I am protected; from the hard vacuum, that is flooding my garden.

“Curious!” I exclaim.

“I have certainly never seen anything, the likes of this!” I mumble, quietly.

Aside from the mare's room, and the shower; I also have a kitchen, aside from the final door into the mystery-room, I had never seen before. I enter the kitchen, observing the over-all similarities with my very own kitchen, and the one I entered in my Japanese home, as well.

I have a fridge, and a freezer; just as expected. I have the stove, the oven and the micro-wave oven too, of course; just as I have the plate, the bowls, the glasses and the stainless-steel cutlery.

Apparently, the freezer is empty. I do still have some fresh vegetables in the fridge, though. I even have bread, butter and milk. Just can't seem to find the cereals. Several empty cupboards; and the one, final place to look. What I find is odd, but I guess there had been a reason, for what I am finding here. Several tubes of, what is marked as food, or edibles. Each tube, filled with a creamy paste, like shrimp-cheese.

“What in the name of Celestia, is this?” I exclaim, in indignation and confusion.

As I step out of my third kitchen, I gravitate towards the door to my mystery-room. What could possibly be out there? Since this is the thing, I do not know what to expect; I am curious to see this first. Finally something truly worth exploring.

The first thing I notice about this door; it has no door-handle, like all the other doors have. Odd, isn't it? While there is no key-hole, but the opening mechanism is more distinct. As if, it was designed; not to be opened accidentally, or prematurely. Just in case, something happened.

“Whoa! What is this?” I inquire; from none in particular, since I know there is none to answer me.

No answer, and no response is forthcoming. Just as I had been expecting, all along.

“Most curious!” I mumble, as I am picking my brain.

Still no response; but at least, I figure out how to open the door. There is no vacuum, outside. At least. That is something to be thankful for.

Since this is technically still indoors; there are no monsters, or hideous creatures, either.

Once I manage to open the door, I step out. Just a few feet before me, I am faced with an identical door. By the door; I find a set of boots, identical to the once I had seen before. Here, I only have a set of glistering black boots.

No sign of the clear, or red once here. How curious? I once more pick my brain; in the hopes to figure out the significance, of what is before me.

“Oh, well; guess I will try these black boots, this time!” I mumble.

I light up my horn, before I focus; lifting up each individual boot, placing them on the floor before me. Once I had placed the boots on the floor, I step into them in turn; looking down at my hooves, watching the boots contract around my hooves.

“A perfect fit, each and every time!” I exclaim; “Rarity could have loved these!” I ponder; giggling, at the image.

Just like before, the companion squeaks are now gone. I had inadvertently banished them, for the time, when I put these boots on, for the duration of the boots staying on my hooves. I guess I had known this all along. This is part of how these silicon boots work. I had already learned it, the first time; and it isn't as if any of the boots are any different. The colour may change, but the boots are still the same; at the very core of the design.

Caution; Low-gravity environment” the sign on the door reads.

I notice this sign, as I look up from my hooves. Maybe this sign had been placed here for a reason? I guess it is placed, exactly where it is, for me to see it now; just as I had stepped into these black boots.

“Curious, I certainly had never expected that!” I exclaim, looking curiously at the sign.

I guess it is convenient, that I am a Unicorn; with the ability to levitate, I could pull myself down!” I ponder.

Of course, a Pegasus could have used her wings; to the same effect, or so I would imagine.

“Low gravity, does that suggest that there is a chance the air could be thinner as well?” I mumble, suspecting a danger ahead.

I open the door; bracing myself, for what is ahead. Thankfully, there is no rush of air, passing me as I head out. I realize; something is holding the air in, preventing my precious and breathable air from escaping. Of course, I am not truly outdoors and outside my home yet. Had I been, I would have had more than just the sign cautioning me of the low gravity.

The ground, under my hooves is soft; falling almost as if I had been trotting on flower, like that I know Pinkie Pie uses to bake her delicious confectioneries with. Though she is using tons and tons of sugar and other ingredients as well.

The air is pitch black, due to the lack of nitrogen, spreading the expected blue light. There is no atmosphere outside. Though this room still contains enough breathable oxygen, for me to remain conscious. Of course, there is a slight carbon-dioxide build-up here now, due to my presence; since I am using up the oxygen.

For now, there is no worry; it should take me hours, to use up enough oxygen, to cause me any problems. This room is huge. It is in fact, so large; I do not even feel the minuscule flow of gas, that depends on my breathing and consumption of oxygen.

I can see no structure, before me; as far as the eye could see, which I guess should be comforting, right now. There is but the faintest hint, of the glass-wall before me, containing the air. While I may refer to it as glass, it is in fact a clear sapphire-sheet. Glass is far too fragile, to trust with the air surrounding me. If the glass would break, the air would rush out, leaving me stranded in hard and highly unbreathable vacuum. I would perish in a matter of no more than minutes.

Of course, I like to stay alive; and I certainly do not look forwards, to the experience of what the vanishing air would be doing to me and my body. Good thing, I had not read up on this subject in particular. At least, not recently, or recently enough, for me to worry about my health and survival.

If I am looking close enough, I would see the titanium-support, keeping the glass in place. The reason behind not seeing these; is that they had been coated with pitch black carbon-fiber support. You simply can not see the pitch black carbon-fiber, against the stark black atmosphere backdrop.

On my right, I find a small building,; a shed, in which equipment is stores. I open the door, finding the light-switch with ease. As I turn the light on, I can see everything within the shed with ease. I have shovels, buckets and bags of seed. I trot forwards, towards the first bag of seeds. I have several lines of these seeds, whatever they may be.

Pony-seeds” reads the bag I had approached, just a moment before.

Pony-seeds?” I ponder; “Sounds like Bird-seeds!” I continue; “But these are for feeding birds, not planting crops!” I finally conclude.

“Curious!” I mumble.

Of course, I had never heard of Pony-seeds. Where am I? I had thought of this place, as my home; now I am starting to reconsider, pondering exactly where I am. While everything I had previously seen, did make sense to me; this is changing everything, on a very fundamental level.

“These seeds were never intended for me to consume, I have far too much food in my kitchen!” I mumble.

Of course, if one kitchen were to dry up; I could go to the kitchen on the next floor, living on what I find there!” I ponder.

What is the likelihood; that the food would run dry, in each and every kitchen I have at my disposal. Unless it is expiring, due to poor storage, or anything else to the effect? I do not even know, how many kitchens I have. I have only been to three modules, of the Doll-house that is passing for my home.

Curious, I am lifting up the bag of seeds, turning it around; in the hopes of finding some kind of an explanation as to what this is. Maybe they explain, how these seeds are supposed to be used, or how to care for the plants, if I were to plant them.

On the back of the bag, I do indeed find the guide I had been hoping for; in my search for the explanation, as to how I am to use these seeds. The declaration explains how much light and water the plants are supposed to be needing. There is also explanation, as to how warm it needs to be and a number of other parameters a farmer would need. I am no farmer, or botanist; but I guess I could enjoy, growing some crops on the land I had been imparted with.

Everything I need to know, in order to properly grow these seeds before me!” I realize.

If these are indeed Pony-seeds, as the table is suggesting, I could grow myself a heard; building up a group of new friends, so that I need not be alone anymore.

These seeds require quite a lot of ground, for just a single seed to grow properly. I pick up a bag of the seeds, a shovel; levitating these out of the shed, carrying these to a location close to the door. I pick up the sacks of soil indicated on the sack of seeds, levitating these to the site, where I intend to sow these seeds. I trot back and pick up the rest, including what looks like frames; carrying everything to the site.

I line up the frames, on the ground; one by one, in a neat row of four. I dig up dirt from the ground, before I fill it up with fertile soil. Now I place a seed on each and fill up with the indicated fertilizer and cover up with a sack of soil on top.

I trot back, pulling a hose with me, spreading water on each seed. Of course, there is nothing more I could possibly do for the seeds right now; I have to wait for the seeds to grow; before I can continue. I guess I could still adjust the light, to be ready for the seeds, when the first green is sprouting above the ground.

Now I am pulling the hose back into the shed, right along with everything I did not need, for the first site. I find a grid-control, giving me the opportunity to light up my fields. I activate the grip, choose the section where my first site is; adjusting the light, to what these seeds require. There, done. That was easy, even for me.

I could sow more seeds, any time I want!” I ponder.

“Right now, I want to see the second floor!” I mumble, to myself.

With that, I trot back to the door. I punch the control, to open the door; waiting for it to open, before I step back in. The door closes behind me, and I move over to the next floor to the living room.

Once the door in the living-room closes behind me, I trot back to the flight of stairs; leading me to the second floor of this module. Now I trot up the flight of stairs, out onto the second floor.

Maybe this floor is not so different, or exciting; but right now, I feel like exploring this floor. I open the door to each bed-room, in turn; finding them identical to the once I had already seen, on the two previously explored levels. I have the purple bed-linen, in my bed; just like before, nothing new or overly exciting. I have exactly as many bed-rooms as I had before; on this floor, in this module. I have the same wardrobe, mare's room and shower as well.

“Okay, now I have seen this floor, too!” I point out, to no-one in particular.

While I guess I am a bit bored, I step back into my room; looking closer, in the hopes I find something new or different. On closer inspection; everything is different. Just as I had found the previous room, in the Japanese style; this is in the Astronaut's style. Whatever that means?

At first glance, everything had looked exactly the same; as it had in my room, but there are details setting the room apart. On the surface, it may be identical looking; but the bed is made different, and the windows are air-tight.

“Everything looks like wood, but it sounds as if this had been crafted out of stain-less steel, under the surface!” I mumble.

--- --- ---

Out, Under the Dome of Stars: 8

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As I had seen my room, again; I had chosen to see the domed orchard, I had finally gotten around to seed.

I step out of the indoors air-lock, out into the field under the dome. The seeds I had sown had not shown any progress, but I could wait a few more days. Right now, I am more interested; in seeing, exactly how large this dome is.

At first, all I see is the ground, under the starry night in the dome. My dome, this is after all my home; at least, for the duration of my stay. While I may be longing for my friends, I have not discovered a means or way back to them. I can't trot back to Ponyville, or Equestria from here. Maybe I can discover, where the road towards Ponyville may be; but this will take me quite some time, exploring my way outwards. Right now, I am exploring this dome, and the range I have to work with.

Could I just up and leave everything here? Could I leave the seeds I had just sown? If it means, I can get back to my friends, I will have to consider it, even if I have to abandon everything here.

I have seen the shed, and the site where I had planted the seeds. I have seen the dark, gray soil upon which I am trotting. Now I am trotting forwards, towards what is ahead.

After a few minutes of trotting, along the path; I find the crossroad. Which of the options should I choose? The first, the second, or the third option? I could continue forwards, go to the right, or go to the left. For some reason, there is no marking of East, West, South, or North.

I choose to take the first option, to the left. If I had gone forwards, I would have to go back; more than I imagine I feel like, if I do not find what I hope to find. Now I can pick one option at the time, turning the same direction each time.

This dome is half a sphere, as if it had been half-filled with dust. The dust, or soil is packed to feel like the ground.

Low-gravity environment?” I ponder.

“Is that why I feel so light, in here?” I inquire.

No response, and no answer is forthcoming; because there is none, to answer me and my questions. I had passed a double door, in a new air-lock; leading me to the outside, and the surface of Celestia may know where.

At first, I thought I had been inside a regular home, but now I seems to have penetrated a deeper secret of where I am; as I can finally see out, onto the surface of the world I am on. This certainly is not Equestria, and it does not look like the Earth my friends of Canterlot High, either.

Wait, did I just speak too soon?” I ponder; ”Something tells me, Luna may be more familiar with this place!” I continue.

While it may be midday, but if I look up at the sky; when I go out, I will be seeing the stars on a pitch black sky. It is, as if it had been in the middle of the night.

Funny, I have three doors; three airlocks, with pressurized doors!” I ponder.

Contains Space-suit!” the sign on the right door reads.

Contains Auxiliary Oxygen tubes, and oxygen refilling supplies” reads the sign on the left door.

Caution, Caution; Hard Vacuum, behind this door” reads the sign on the door before me.

Hard vacuum; that does not sound overly pleasant, to me!” I ponder.

Space suit, and oxygen tubes?” I consider; ”This is dead serious!” I realize.

Yet, I am curious; I want to see, what is outside this door. I have to go out. In order to get more than a few initial steps; I will need that suit, and the promised oxygen supplies.

Since I will need the space suit, in order to go outside; I will have to examine the suit first, or I can as well turn back right now!” I consider, as I turn my attention towards the door holding the space suit.

The door is easily enough opened, even for a pony like me. Though I guess it is convenient, for me to be a Unicorn. There could be the chance, or risk; being a Unicorn could have been a hindrance, if it had been designed to void magic.

This could be a trap or a puzzle for me to solve. Either option could have been a trap. I just hope I am not actively killing myself, by doing what comes natural to me as a Unicorn. Of course; I could always chance to put up a containment shield, if I take the wrong option and make the wrong choice. This could, and should at the very least buy me a few precious moments, with breathable air, inside the shield. Shouldn’t it.

I choose to light up my horn, and focus on the magic. Feeling the minute heat; as the light energy of the magic is forming an orb, at the tip of my horn. As I focus, the orb slowly grows to its intended full size; whereupon it is spreading down the full length of my horn, like an avalanche.

Nothing happens, at least; no red light or klaxon, and the doors do neither open, nor close!” I ponder, slowly calming down.

Just as no alarm had been tripped, trapping me where I stand; no door or valve had been opened, thus pouring in toxic gas or emptying the supply of oxygen where I am currently standing. Neither had the floor, or ceiling collapsed.

Why any of these measures should have been put into place, I have no idea; maybe I had just read too many Daring Doo books for my own private sanity?

The door to the space suit quietly slides up before me, permitting me access to the suit I need; in order to go out, so I can see what is behind the door before me.

What if this is the wrong type of suit, or it is just the wrong size for me?” I ponder, in a last minute panic attack.

Of course, this is a suit for a Pony or Unicorn to be exact. The suit is exactly my size; by the design, assembling this place for me in the first place. I am just venturing into the unknown; finding myself prone to react, with fear and uncertainty once more.

Every time, everything has worked out for the best; even if I had been making what turned out to be bad choices. Teleporting into a room I had never been into, had proven to be a particularly unpleasant experience for me. One, I will be very careful, not to repeat again.

”Why is this suit Lavender?” I ponder, as I am examining the suit before me.

”I really do want to go out, right now; so I can explore what is outside!” I mumble, to myself or none in particular.

For all I can see, the suit is in mint condition; not a single scratch, and not even a stain on the outer skin. The connection, in which to connect the oxygen-tubes is just as spotless. Naturally; the helmet and the conection is also in mint condition. At least, for all I could say. I just do not quite have the experience, with these things. Suits had always been Rarity’s strong suit or forte. The thought only made me miss the white Unicorn mare, I know as Rarity even more now.

With just a moment of consideration, I am taking a closer look; ready to open the suit, in order to slip into it. I will need to put it on, before I could go out. I want, to go out; so that I can examine, what is outside for myself. The curiosity is claiming me, as her prize. Besides, I know it.

Just as I am about to put my right fore-hoof on the suit, in order to open it; it opens up, like a blossom going into full bloom, right before me.

”Whoa??” I exclaim; in shock and surprise, unprepared for the sudden reaction.

Okay, I can do this!” I ponder, as I reassert my determination and once more approach the suit before me.

However this works, I should be safe inside!” I ponder, as I am slipping into the suit.

”Squeee!” I hear, as the suit is closing up around me.

I certainly hope, I can attach the oxygen!” I ponder, as I am putting the helmet onto the suit as I am sealed inside.

Once the suit is fully sealed, clinging to my body; as if it had been latex paint, spray painted onto my very skin I pick up the crystal clear helmet. I can feel the helmet floating through the air, as I hover it from its shelf to the suit I am currently wearing.

”Squeee!” I hear the helmet squeal, as it is sliding into lace on my head.

Okay, seal is accomplished and secure!” I ponder.

”Supply to Twilight.. Supply to Twilight, over!” I hear a pink voice squee, inside the helmet.

”Twilight to Supply.. Twilight to Supply, over!” I respond; almost reflexively, before I realize what had happened.

”Supply, to Twilight!” the voice comes back; ”Proceed to the oxygen supply depot!” the voice comes back.

”Twilight to Supply!” I respond; ”Proceeding to oxygen supply depot!” I continue; ”But alas, why does the voice sound so pink; almost, as if I had been speaking to Pinkie Pie?” I ponder.

Of course, this is by no means Pinkie Pie herself, by any stretch. It is but a mechanical voice, generated by an Artificial Intelligence or AI. It was just made and programmed into sounding just like her. Whether by accident or incidental; but it is sounding much like her, nonetheless.

In a way, the voice is lifting my spirit; but it is also confusing me, leaving me homesick and nostalgic. I am missing all I had been pulled away from.

I had not realized, just how much I am missing home and all the comforts and friends left behind. Just as I never had pictured me as one so sentimental.

Why does the voice have to pull so subtly and hard at my heart strings?” I ponder; ”As if I had been a Harp, for someone to play?” I continue, somewhat frustrated and quite bothered.

With the suit on, and the helmet securely in place; I am backing out of the small room, where the suit had been storied for me. Once I am out of the small space, I close the door behind me; carefully, in order not to leave a trace of my presence. Not that I am worried, any one or any pony is to find me or that I had been here, just that I prefer it neat and tidy. This is not just a closet for my gawns at the castle, after all.

With the door closed, I turn my attention towards the next door; leading to the oxygen supply. I am expecting the store to contain at least a full set of oxygen tubes; enough for a full walk outside the dome, and one for each socket in the back of my suit. I had not examined this part, too closely. Maybe I should have. Just in case, so that I am not finding myself with a suit filled up with hard vacuum after a few minutes outside.

As I face the door, I crank it open; only to see it slide up, quite easily. Once the door is open, I step right in. There is indeed a full supply of oxygen, and several sets of tubes filled up and ready to go.

I pick one tube at the time, picking it up and examining it; before I slide it to the back, inserting it into its socket.

”Supply to Twilight, Supply to Twilight!” the voice returns.

”Twilight to Supply, Twilight to supply!” I respond.

”Sockets one and two, successfully installed; Oxygen supply available and ready for use, you are now ready to step out the air-lock!” the voice responds.

Just as the voice confirms the inserted oxygen supply, I notice green light confirming that I am ready to go.

”I had not noticed these before!” I ponder, as I finally glance over the indicators on the small board before my vision.

With all sockets lit green, I am indeed ready to go, so I intend to head out. I turn back; before I close the door behind myself, and turn towards the final door of the air-lock.

”Commander Twilight, cleared to go outside; both suit and air supply, clear for an EVA!” the Marshmallow voice I recognize as Rarity proclaims.

”Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; ”Commander Twilight, ready for an EVA!” I respond; ”EVA?” I ponder, but do not ask.

I notice a green light, by the side of the warning; previously holding me back, safely within the room and a comfortable atmosphere of oxygen supply.

”Caution, caution; the airlock is about to open, prepare yourself to hold position!” the voice of Rarity calls out.

The air-lock!” I ponder; ”The air will be rushing out!” I realize, just as I hear the first hint of air flowing out of the room in which I am standing.

I face the door out, standing firm; prepared, for what I think is about to happen. Standing, as if I were facing down a storm outside. The air slowly evacuate the space, but fairly quietly. Maybe there is nothing, against which to create the noise of out rushing air, in the first place? Either way, it is a still, quiet affair.

A minute later, the air in the room is almost depleted, completely.

Oh, I certainly could not breathe the air remaining in this room!” I ponder, as I cast a glance at the display.

”Evacuation complete, the air-lock is about to open!” Rarity announces, in a crisp voice.

As I watch, I can clearly see a pair of sliding doors opening up before me. These two doors, is the final protection, against the hard vacuum outside. Beyond these doors, I could not stand up; due to the environment, I am about to face. Not without the protection of the encounter-suit I am currently wearing. That, or something with a similar function and purpose.

Without any atmosphere, there is no oxygen; no air-pressure, to hold me together.

I stand firm, as I am watching the twin doors sliding up before me; waiting until the doors are completely open, and I am cleared to exit.

”The doors are open, you are clear to exit!” Rarity announces.

”Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; ”Commander Twilight, ready for an EVA!” I respond; ”EVA?” I ponder, but do not ask.

I notice a green light, by the side of the warning; previously holding me back, safely within the room and a comfortable atmosphere of oxygen supply.

”Caution, caution; the airlock is about to open, prepare yourself to hold position!” the voice of Rarity calls out.

The air-lock!” I ponder; ”The air will be rushing out!” I realize, just as I hear the first hint of air flowing out of the room in which I am standing.

I face the door out, standing firm; prepared, for what I think is about to happen. Standing, as if I were facing down a storm outside. The air slowly evacuate the space, but fairly quietly. Maybe there is nothing, against which to create the noise of out rushing air, in the first place? Either way, it is a still, quiet affair.

A minute later, the air in the room is almost depleted, completely.

Oh, I certainly could not breathe the air remaining in this room!” I ponder, as I cast a glance at the display.

”Evacuation complete, the air-lock is about to open!” Rarity announces.

As I watch, I can clearly see a pair of sliding doors opening up before me. These two doors, is the final protection, against the hard vacuum outside. Beyond these doors, I could not stand up; due to the environment, I am about to face. Not without the protection of the encounter-suit I am currently wearing. That, or something with a similar function and purpose.

Without any atmosphere, there is no oxygen; no air-pressure, to hold me together.

I stand firm, as I am watching the twin doors sliding up before me; waiting until the doors are completely open, and I am cleared to exit.

”The doors are open, you are clear to exit!” Rarity announces, in a crisp voice.

”Thank you, Rarity!” I respond; before I am moving towards the outer air-lock, stepping out into the open.

”You are quite welcome, Commander!” she responds.

A moment later, I clear the air-lock. Once I had cleared the air-lock perimeter, the outer set of doors are closing behind me. First the sliding twin doors; then the iris and finally, the inner sliding doors. With that, the air-lock is perfectly sealed, once more.

The room remains empty and void, no air and no nothing. Everything is, as I had left it.
With no Pony inside; everything will remain, exactly as I had left it.

I had continued to move outside, in the same direction as I had as I cleared the air-lock. A few minutes later, I stop and scan the surroundings.

What I see is just an open, vast space of mainly greyish void. As expected; the sky is pitch black as Luna’s night with the pin-prick stars coating the sky as dust on the floor. Out here, the stars are bright. The contrasts stark.

The uneven ground stretches out in all directions, open and devoid. There is nothing to see, and nothing for one to rest one’s eyes upon.

The only consort; is the road, leading forwards. A path to a destiny awaiting me.

--- --- ---

EVA, Through the Void: 9

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“Maintain Radio-contact!” Rarity points out.

“Of course, Rarity; Thank you, I will!” I respond, leaving the radio on.

At first, the road is straight and even. While fairly narrow, it is at least wide enough for three or four ponies to trot side by side.

If the road would permit four Ponies to trot side by side; but there is just me here, right now.

I continue to trot along the road, in a slow place; since I have no idea, as to how long this road even is. I try to pace myself, as I am heading off into what seems to be the sun-set.

Is this Celestia’s sun, or Luna’s?" I ponder, contemplating the landscape around me.

Based on the landscape I can see, this looks like the Moon. The desolation; the void and the absolute emptiness I see, before me.

As I cast a glance back; I can still see the structure, I had just left behind.

“Ground to Twilight.. Ground to Twilight, over!” I hear a new voice I recognize as Fluttershy.

“Twilight to ground.. Twilight to Ground, over!” I respond, once more picking up the pattern of response.

This place is weird!” I ponder.

“Ground to Twilight!” she responds; “Proceed to Alpha Base!” she continues.

“Twilight to Ground!” I respond; ”Proceeding to Alpha Base!” I confirm.

So there is an Alpha Base, up ahead?” I ponder.

“Do not stray from the road, please; it may be lurking dangers of off the road, Twilight!” the voice points out, with a fluttering and shy tone to it.

Wonder; who I am to see, at the Alpha Base?” I consider; expecting the voice to belong to another friend, as I get there.

Of course, nothing really happen; as I continue down the road, for several minutes ahead. Then again, why should anything happen? What could possibly happen, anyway? I have no idea.

Just as expected, nothing does happen. I just continue to follow the road before me, following the traditional Equestian etiquette for trotting along a road. If I am alone, changes exactly nothing.

While the road mainly do stay the same; the surroundings does not, as I continue further and notice how the terrain slowly shift a little bit. Just a gradual shift, nothing one would have noticed.

The road had been straight, as it started out, but the terrain had apparently corrupted it bit by bit; leaving it twisting this way and that, still staying smooth. It is almost, as if I had been trotting on a discorded snake; turned into a road, upon which I can trot.

How did they ever make this road?” I ponder.

Maybe it is fortunate, I can not see how this road had been; before I had found myself in this twisted world, where the Magic is changing the world as I am approaching. The original black plastic; now looking as if it had been grey rock, cut out into the landscape of ever shifting ground.

Of course, the ground adamantly stay the same lifeless gray. How could I possibly have been imagining anything else? Not even Discord himself would bother even considering to change that. Not here. Certainly not for me.

It is the same magic, that turned the black plastic into the grey rock I am trotting on; as was responsible for tuning the Doll-house I came from, into a living place I could at least call a home.

Why all these levels had been stacked, one on top of the other; I have no idea, but it is the home I had found myself in. For now I am trapped, in the place I am currently exploring; with no chance of ever going home, for all I know. All assuming; the Equestria I called home, is still in existence. What if my previous memories, and my previous life is but a dream I am now forgetting?

What I have before me, feels as real as the home I had in the Golden Oak Library. How do I know which is the truth? Is it the Library, or the road upon which I am currently trotting? All assuming; I am indeed the Pony I think I am, and not something else and very different?

“Ground, to Twilight!! Ground,to Twilight!” the voice cuts in, breaking the pattern of my thoughts.

“Twilight to Ground.. Twilight to Ground!” I respond.

“Ground to Twilight!” the voice comes back; “You should be close to the cross-road!” she offers.

“Twilight to Ground!” I respond; “Cross-road?” I inquire, just before I finally do look up to see where I am going.

“Continue straight ahead, the Alpha Base should be just a mile beyond the cross-road!” she explains.

“To Alpha Base!” I respond; “Straight ahead!” I continue, as I continue trotting forwards along the road.

Base Alpha!” I ponder; “Wonder how that looks, and how far ahead of me it is located!” I consider.

While I had already trotted along the road for an entire mile or so, this road is rather tricky. I have nothing to measure against and nothing to focus my gaze upon.

This landscape is tricky!” I ponder; “I am used to having life and living beings around me!” I consider; “Vegetation, critters and sentient Ponies; but where are these in the void surrounding me, now?” I inquire.

Of course, there is no response and no answer. None to hear, head or respond is before me; at this point.

I never thought, I could be quite this lonely!” I ponder.

Wait!” I ponder, as I think I see what appears to be a reflection; “What is that?” I consider.

Only this reflection has a strangely earthly blue tint to it. Why would the reflection be blue? I know the sun is yellow. No habitable planet can develop life, within the lifespan of a blue star; just as it would have to be very far, from such a star to even be habitable in the first place.

If this is not a reflection, from the Sun; it had to be light from inside a dome of some kind, or the reflected light from a planet instead. The feelings, are eerie and uncertain; not something I am familiar with, or very comfortable with either. Of course, I do not have a choice; I am stuck where I am, alone and with little to nothing productive to focus upon. Other than exploring the place; I now know as home, and its surroundings. This qualifies as surroundings. Doesn’t it?

A moment later, I find myself approaching the cross-road I had been told to find. I am continuing forwards, straight ahead, as I had been instructed. Of course; I could have chosen to go to the right, or I could have chosen to go to the left. Both viable options, but I had been told where to go. For now, I am doing as I had been told.

If I were to run out of time, and oxygen; I could attempt to teleport, either home or to the nearest safe location before me!” I ponder, as I cast a glance towards the oxygen levels within the helmet of my suit.

Of course, the terrain is not changing one bit. Not in the least. There had been no Pony here, to force it to. Even if this road itself; is the proof of someone, or something having been here before me.

For now, I dare not speculate; in who, or what may have crafted the road under my hooves.

Why? What would be the point? At this time, I still have exactly nothing to go on.

With Pinkie Pie in mind; I had learned, not to make assumptions based on preconceptions. Maybe I had learned the lesson, or maybe I had not.

I am stuck here, trapped where I am.

With this fact in mind, I am doing the best I can; based on my situation, and thus explores every last mystery before me. What else, could I possibly do? Twiddle my hooves? To what end? What could possibly be the point, in doing that?

Do I expect to be rescued? Do I expect, to be spirited right back to where I had come from? To where I belong!

As strange as it may seem, at least I have an adventure; exploring this strange place, to the best of my abilities!” I ponder.

A few minutes further down the road, the cross-road is materializing before me. I bravely continue.

Of course, I had been instructed to look out for this cross-road; to continue, straight ahead towards an Alpha Base. At least, it is how I had interpreted the last message. The latest message.

“If you stray from the path, Twilight; you may get lost, and will be beyond rescue!” the voice, known as Ground emphasizes

This place, is weird!” I ponder, as I continue trotting down the chosen path before me.

I certainly did not want to get lost; and most certainly, not here in this void terrain.

There it is again, the blue tinted reflection before me. It is, like the flash from a light house; leading me, towards where I am going. Maybe I could navigate, by it. Though I still dare not stray from my path, lest I may get lost.

Minute by minute; I am maintaining a measured trot, along the road.

“Ground, to Twilight..” the voice cuts in; “Ground, to Twilight!” it is repeating; “You should be close to the Alpha Base now!” the voice elaborates.

“Twilight, to Ground..” I respond; “Twilight, to Ground; I repeat; “I think I have seen it, or at least something hinting towards my destination!” I respond.

Now I am hasting my steps, while still maintaining the stately, measured gait of a Unicorn of high status.

I may be lost, on an alien world; trapped in a never-ending void, but I will not drop. I will maintain my stature.

Giving in, could mean certain death; not mere humiliation, before subordinates and subjects.

Naturally, it is inevitable that I will be reaching the destination; all assuming, I follow the instructions given to me.

Before I knew it, I can see a small glass dome before me. The dome may not be large, but it is the symbol of Alpha Base. I continue.

The road soon sinks into the ground; following the ramp. Before me, I am faced with the air-lock; identical to the one, I had escaped before I set hoof on the path I am currently on.

The double doors soon slide up before me. I step in. The doors close behind me. An iris unseen wires shot, and the first set of outer doors slide shut. The air-lock is sealed tight. I hear the hiss of air rushing into the small room, within which I am standing.

A pair of doors before me slides up. All of a sudden; I am assaulted by a giggle, from a Pony I once knew.

“Pinkie Pie?” I exclaim.

This is not her, but a holographic projection. The projection is in her image, and a striking resemblance. Uncanny.

--- --- ---

Pink: the Mystisistic Mystery: 10

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A distinct giggle is reverberating through the air, the walls and now through my very body. I can not deny it.

“No, silly Twilly!” the holographic version of who once were my friend Pinkie Pie responds.

“For form’s sake; just call me Pinkie, anyway!” she responds.

“Okay, Pinkie; I never liked formal, so that is fine by me!” I respond.

Once she had stopped, before me; she is bouncing like a rubber ball, in her usual manner. I even hear these diminutive, adorable squeaks; with each bounce, as her hooves are touching the ground. At least, what appears to be her hooves.

“Welcome to the Alpha Base, Twilly!” she then exclaims.

“So, I have managed to find Alpha Base; thank you, Pinkie, for letting me know!” I respond.

Aside from a slight hint, of transparency; she is indistinguishable from the original Pony. Even if she may be glowing, just a little bit. You just never know, with Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie, simply is Pinkie Pie. Just like the number Pi, she can never be calculated.

I move forwards, knowing Pinkie Pie is still with me; even if she is bouncing like a rubber ball, and had a hint of transparency. There is no point in questioning it.

Had it been any Pony else, other than Pinkie Pie; I would have been worried half to death by now, questioning every move she made.

“Pinkie; Lead the way, please!” I utter, hoping she had something in mind.

She always had something in mind, even if it is quirky out of this world.

“Since you are already here, maybe you would enjoy the Grand tour of the facility?” she inquires.

“Yes, please!” I respond; “Please; lead the way, Pinkie!” I continue.

“Right this way, Twilly!” she responds; ”..and I will show you everything!” she promptly explains, with just a hint of giggle to her voice.

A pair of doors slide up, before her; just as she had said; “Right this way, Twilly!”, and she turns towards the entrance into the base itself.

The doors are identical, to the air-lock of the Twilight Base!” I ponder, as I follow her out of the air-lock.

She is bouncing before me, as I follow her into the base; the doors are closing behind me, a moment after I had cleared the threshold of the airlock. With that, the base is once more tightly secured against possible leaks of air through this air-lock.

“We do not have a large habitat, here at Alpha Base; as I imagine you were used to, back at your habitational base!” she points out.

“Yes, I had a fairly large habitat; back at the Twilight Base, but for now I am the only inhabitant!” I respond; “Pony, or otherwise!” I add.

“I imagine, you were feeling a bit lonely, back at Twilight base!” she concedes.

“Yes, I had a fairly large habitat; back at the Twilight Base, but for now I am the only inhabitant!” I respond; “Pony, or otherwise!” I add.

“I imagine, you were feeling a bit lonely, back at Twilight base!” she concedes.

“Yes! I guess you could say that, Pinkie!” I point out; “Though I kept myself busy; exploring the base, before I found the air-lock!” I explain.

“That is the Twilight I know and love, Twilly!” she muses, giggling to herself.

She does know me, better than one would have found comfortable; had it not been Pinkie Pie, herself!” I ponder; “This hall seems to be bending downwards?” I continue.

“Down bubble!” Pinkie cheers; in a silly impression of a Sub-marine Captain, ordering a dive.

What does that even mean?” I ponder, not bothering with asking her, right now.

First now, I notice how the floor is a luscious grassy green. Though it feels more like the latex Applejack had tricked Rainbow Dash to step in, at the Running of the Leaves. Only now; it is just bouncy, after it had been cured.

The hall is in a right-wing spiral, downwards.

I finally notice the steel-grey walls; coated in the same rubbery material, the floor had been coated with. It is not mere paint, giving a fresh colour to the environment in the base, but is also air-tight and an excellent sound-proofing to ensure I can only hear enough of the sounds of my current companion before me. I hear the squeaks of her bounces, and the sounds of her voice. Just enough to hear what she is saying, but not too much to be bothersome or painful.

“Down the Rabbit hole!” she points out; “Securing the base, from anything going on topside!” she points out, explaining the situation.

“Down the rapid, rabid Rabbit’s hole!” I hear her humming, to herself; as she is bouncing down the hall, before me.

“Down the rapid, rabid Rabbit’s hole!” she continues, over and over.

“Earth quakes?” I inquire.

“Lunar quakes, if we ever experience any!” she responds; “I would be more worried, about Meteorites; if anything would be worrying me, at Alpha Base!” she points out, matter of fact.

I guess: that would explain the surface, outside; as I trotted over, from Twilight Base!” I ponder.

“Then again; we are quite safe; down here, Twilly!” she points out.

How much further, down?” I ponder; knowing better than to ask her, right now.

“We could have been going down, for miles; but that is not necessary, but we have a secure bunker level, just in case!” she points out, without being prompted.

“We could?” I inquire; “I’m thankful, we don’t have to; unless it is required, for our safety!” I then add.

“Technically speaking, we could have gone all the way down, to the core!” she points out, in response; “That would have maximized the safety, but would bring on other issues; like the loss of gravity, for starters!” she continues.

“Thank you; the gravity is already bad enough, here!” I point out; “And we are trotting far enough, without going down to the core!” I add.

“I hope the hall is not too uncomfortable, for you down here; Twilly!” she puts forth.

“It is just a bit odd, to trot on this surface!” I respond; “And the spiral is kind of getting to my head, Pinkie!” I continue.

“It is a continuous, steady slope; so you can continue all the way down, without really changing direction!” she responds.

“So, I don’t have to worry about corners; or running, into the walls?” I suggest.

“Nopie, dopie!” she assures me, cheerfully.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” I respond; finding some comfort in the lack of corners to run into, and the discomfort associated with the situation.

“We’re almost there; Twilly; just a little bit further, and you’ll finally see the base!” she points out, all of a sudden.

“Oh; thank Celestia, we’re finally there!” I point out, in response.

Of course; this is the first, last and only bend on the hall. It only lasted for so long; it almost feels as if we had been trotting down forever, now. We had not; it had in fact only been a few minutes, in total.

Little by little, the gravity had been lessening; but so slow and gradual I had not even noticed it. Just as I had not noticed, the setup points on the way down; where magical barriers had been set up, to prevent unexpected and unforeseen events. This would include a teleportation, out of this base.

A moment later, I do notice a hint of a change; just before I am finally spilling out, into the Alpha Base itself. I found myself in, what appears to be a cylindrical promenade; through which, I can trot around unhindered indefinitely.

On the opposite side, she had the entrance; to the path up to the surface, on the opposite side of the base.

On half the distance to the right, I have the path down to the bunker level; where one would attempt to escape, if something were to happen on the surface and the base integrity were challenged.

Opposite this entrance, I have the entrance to the dome itself; located overhead, where one could observe the sky. If one were to desire to see the sky; behind the protection of the glass done and see the stars. Maybe, just maybe; I am such a Pony, who may desire to make these observations.

Between each entrance on the outside of the promenade; I have an entrance to a small habitat module, just big enough for one Pony, or two. Four inner modules, and four outer modules would house a total of sixteen Ponies.

There are no metal surfaces, and no clinical white to be seen anywhere!” I ponder.

“I suggest, we take a look at the nearest habitat; just for you to familiarize yourself, with how it would feel to live here!” Pinkie points out.

“Oh, okay!” I respond.

“Right this way, Twilly!” she offers, as she is leading me forwards, towards the nearest habitat for two Ponies.

“Before you ask; all the habitats were identical, before decorations are put into place!” she points out, informing me of the situation before me.

“I take it; no decorations has been put into place, just yet?” I suggest.

“Quite correct!” she points out, matter of fact; “No decorations, have been put into place; as a matter of fact, no decorations have even arrived yet!” she points out; maybe this depends; on no Pony has been here, before you?” she offers.

“Congratulations, Twilly; you are the first living Pony, to set hoof in here!” she exclaims.

Of course; she could not count herself, as a living Pony?” I ponder, as I imagine the fireworks going off.

Exactly how much of Pinkie Pie was she? I recognize most all of her old mannerisms; or at least, I imagine I am recognizing them. Though I can not be quite sure, under the circumstances; where I just can’t quite picture her, being in the situation all alone. Though I guess she is the welcoming committee?

I recall Pinkie Pie welcoming me, into Ponyville; just as I recall her welcoming everyone else, Pony or otherwise. Which I guess could be a scary concept, in and of itself. Even if I recognize, that some ponies may be worse; than some Creatures I have met, throughout my years now. Including some, I had been taught to fear and even fight.

So much had happened, in the short span of the years I had spent in Ponyville. Only now, I am not there.

“When you put it like that, Pinkie; maybe it is in Twilight, a Twilight Sparkle finds her home?” I offer; half by half as a joke, and half by half as an explanation.

“In twilight, the possibilities are infinite; but you are Twilight, so your options should have been infinite!” she responds.

“Then again, I guess this is Moon base Alpha?” she offers, in kind.

“For the sake of the argument, maybe we should try these beds out?” I inquire, as I step into the habitat.

“Of course, silly Twilly!” she responds, with a tirade of giggles flowing out of her mouth.

There is a pair of beds in a small room on the right, and the mares’ room and shower on the left opposite the bed room. The final space being the living room with an adjacent kitchen and eating area.

As I approach the right bed, the bed apparently is imprinted with my spirit; as the magic colours it with my light lavender colour-scheme. I just blink, and gapes in awe and surprise.

While my new bed is indeed in my Lavender colour-scheme; it is not a stand-alone bed I can move around, as I please. I could ask my guide; the holographic Pinkie Pie, about how to move the bed if and when I chose to do this. For now, the bed is stuck on the side of the wall, on my side of the room.

On second thought; it seems as if the other bed had turned a deep and vibrant pinkish cerise, all according to pinkie Pie’s colours. Why am I not surprised, after everything that had happened the last few days?

As I am looking up; I notice that the entire side of the room is now coloured in my Lavender. Just that her side of the room is the pink of Pinkie Pie. Naturally, the colours are blending seamlessly, in the middle of the room; where one could not put a hoof at exactly where the room is hers and where it is mine.

Twilight?” I ponder; suddenly reminded of the legend of the zone where it is neither day nor night, where one is neither alive, nor dead.

The thought stumbles; before the enigma and the improbability of the concepts, unlocking this place.

“I am neither here, nor there!” I exclaim; “Yet, I am; because I am thinking, and feeling!” I continue, trying to elaborate on the thoughts I have, right now.

“Of course!” she exclaim; “but that is okay, Twilly!” she continues; “You are with me; just get used to it, already?!” she concludes.

This, is Pinkie Pie!” I remember; “I could not make out heads, or tails before; why should I hope, I would do better now?” I ponder.

How much of her, is in the holographic figure before me? Not even Celestia herself may know. Whoever set this up, set me up good. Just the place where I had been waking up, alone. That, is before I had found multiple levels of the Doll House in which I am currently living. Wait, I had left everything back in the room? Or, at least the apartment I had woken up.

I try to relax; giving up, on understanding it all, right here and now.

I am not in the mood, for turning into the Rapidash, once more. Besides; this is neither the time, nor the place for it.

I don’t need to know the name of it, all I need to know is that I do not enjoy to relive that moment right now.

As I lie prone on my belly, looking in the direction of the other bed; I can clearly see the holographic version of Pinkie Pie, my friend Pinkie Pie. she is looking at me, winking at me. Giggling herself silly.

“Relax, Twilly!” she pronounces, still giggling.

She jumps right out of her bed, bouncing up and down onto the floor for several minutes; before she gathers herself, just stopping on the floor and looks at me. No second bounce or re-bounce, she is just standing there all of a sudden.

She is lifting her right hoof, rearranging her mane; making an impression of rarity, looking identical to the Unicorn I know as Rarity. She is even looking at me; exactly, as if she had been Rarity in the flesh.

“Darling, relax!” she offers, in Rarity’s very own voice.

Perfect impression; the impersonation is flawless!” I ponder; “No-one but Pinkie Pie could have performed it like this!” I continue.

No giggles, no nothing; just the stylish Unicorn’s mannerisms, as if she had been Rarity her entire life.

I try to do, as she had told me; to relax, and in the process I am closing my eyes. Just that the internal clock, and vibrant thoughts are distracting me. However, I am at least not falling asleep, right now. Maybe, just maybe; that is for the better, even if she is supposed to be Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie, impersonating Rarity; but still.

While my eyes remain closed, she is stepping up to me. She is producing the eye-shadow, she had in mind for me; pulling it right out of her mane, while I am not watching her. Maybe I should have?

I know she is applying the bright cerise eye-shadow; because I feel it, as she is applying it to my eye-lids. She never had intended this, to be a surprise for me. Just fun.

Once the eye-shadow had been applied, she puts the product back where she had found it; only to produce the mascara; black and glossy of course; nothing less old do, if she is to play her impersonation right.

Now I feel, how she is applying the mascara; pulling at my eye-lashes, repeatedly. Pulling, and curling them up against themselves in the process. Right and left, upper and lower eye-lashes. Naturally. Now she is enhancing their appeal, all according to her impression of Rarity’s personal opinion of fashion. Of course; Rarity lives and breathes her fashion, as the accomplished Fashionista she is.

Why? Why did she do it? But then, she is Pinkie Pie; there is no room for logic, the way a Unicorn sees it with her. I had known this, for ages now. She had known, I knew this too.

Silly me, for thinking I could reason with the logic!” I ponder.

“Rest, for a moment longer!” she offers, while she is slipping the eye-shadow back into the ether she had found it in.

“Though I guess you could open your eyes, Twilly!” she puts forth, with a wide signature Pinkie Pie grin.

“Ooh!?” I respond, opening my eyes; only to see her standing just a few steps from my bed, where I am still resting.

A moment later, I slip down and out of the bed; stepping down onto the floor, ogling Pinkie Pie in her new guise as Rarity. she is observing me, winking at me.

“This bed is comfortable, almost as if it had been fit for a space-ship!” I concede, half by half as a joke.

“Yes, Darling; it is, but you already knew that, Twilight!” she prompts.

I take a step towards her, as I am ogling her. She just reaches up into her mane, pulling out a can of hoof polish. I notice, how she is uncapping the can, preparing the treat for me.

Just as I stop, just one step away from here; she starts to polish my right fore-hoof. From the top down, dead-center; then right left, right left. As she had coated my right fore-hoof, she continues with my left fore-hoof. From there, she continues, right and left, one hind hoof at the time.

“Ping!” I hear, as if there had been some kind of an alarm, letting me know the hoof-polish had cured.

“There, Darling; the lacquer has cured, time to continue!” she points out.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” I respond; “I am sure, you made a great job with the make-up and hooficure!” I continue; “If only I had a mirror, I could see how good I look!” I ponder; knowing better, than to put word to the thought.

I never was much for any of these stylish thing before; why start now, with only a holographic version of Pinkie Pie of all Ponies. It isn’t, as if she had been the most stylish of Ponies before. I would rather trust Applejack or Fluttershy on the count of style.

I afford my hooves a quick once over glance; only to notice the highly glossy pink hue she had given my hooves.

I should have known!” I ponder, but continues to stay quiet about it.

Wait, didn’t she borrow Rarity’s shampoo; the day she sneezed sticky streamers all over the Sugar-cube Corner?” I ponder, giggling at the scene, as the memory is playing before my eyes, almost as if I had been there.

Her mane had been just as curly, as before; but it had been clean, and shiny enough to please Rarity.

I am following her, Pinkie Pie; like a dog with a leash, even if I don’t even have a collar or even a necklace on.

She is bouncing out of the habitat, with me in tow; just a few steps behind, trotting slowly in a measured and thoughtless gait. Maybe I had been taking after my mentor; Celestia, more than I had even realized? Either way, I follow her, out of the habitat and out into the promenade.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard from my hooves, with each step I take; just slightly more pronounced, than it had been before I had arrived.

Strangely enough, her head is exactly the same elevation, as Celestia’s head had been; as she is bouncing before me. I notice, how her mane is flowing behind her; making me once more think of Celestia, with her mane flowing freely behind her head. How had she managed to pull this trick of? Unless it is just my mind, playing tricks on me; in the unfamiliar location I had found myself in, within the surroundings that simply are not of Equestria by any means.

Is this how Princess Luna had felt, as she was following her older sister?” I ponder, as my mind once more is playing tricks upon me.

“Down bubble!” she exclaims; as she turns to the opening, leading us down towards the sanctuary.

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