• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,449 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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The next several weeks were rather uneventful for Fluttershy. Her plan to enter the Digital World required exactly the right opportunity to present itself, and she was more than patient enough to wait for it.

Her animals had been uncharacteristically skittish ever since she had struck Angel, and they were all extremely cautious in her presence. She still took care of their needs to the best of her ability, but she had made it clear to them that she would not tolerate misbehavior of any sort.

Angel in particular was especially heartbroken, and had spent most of his time avoiding Fluttershy, partly out of fear, and partly because he couldn’t bear to see what she had become: he was sure that something had changed Fluttershy, much like the assertiveness seminar that Iron Will had given her. For a while he suspected Discord had something to do with it (he was still skeptical of the Spirit’s supposed reformation) but he realized that it almost certainly wasn’t him. Discord’s magic had turned Fluttershy into an unrepentant bully, and Fluttershy didn’t seem to be cruel so much as uncaring and quick to anger. If there was anything that Discord wasn’t, it was subtle.

Fluttershy herself had tried her best to act natural, and for the most part she had everyone convinced: some part of her knew that she couldn’t act so cold when her friends were present, or else they would suspect that something was wrong. Whenever her friends were present, she would put on her best kindly facade, letting herself appear to be the same meek individual she always was. She even let the other ponies continue cut in line in front of her, the shopkeepers overcharge her, and other ponies generally be rude to her; to most ponies it would seem as though nothing had changed. On the inside, however, she still smoldered with a newfound frustration, just waiting for a chance to be released.

Twilight, meanwhile, continued to work obsessively on finding the cause of ENEIGHAC’s malfuntion. She’d spend very little time outside the basement, and while she did occasionally make time for her friends, but when she did her mind was preoccupied with ENEIGHAC, and she never stayed long. Her friends had voiced their concerns numerous times, and at one point Pinkie straight-out dragged her into a social outing against her will. Despite their best efforts, they couldn’t seem to snap Twilight out of her obsession with ENEIGHAC. Even Princess Celestia had written that she was worried about Twilight, warning her not to let her personal project overshadow her friends, which, as she reminded Twilight, were responsible for her becoming a Princess to begin with, but Twilight continued her work as she always had.


It was late afternoon in Ponyville. The basement of the Books and Branches library was dark, as was usual in any sort of basement. The room was filled with the low humming of ENEIGHAC as the massive machine continued its mysterious work.

Twilight stood before the machine with heavily bagged eyes as she looked over the diagnostic data displayed on one of the many screens. Looking at the screen, she sighed dejectedly as she found the results of her latest diagnostic test to be completely normal.

I just don’t understand it! she thought to herself, I’ve tried everything! I’ve looked at the software, the hardware, and I’ve checked for magical interference of every possible kind, even kinds that don’t even exist! No matter what I try, I can’t figure out what went wrong!

Twilight massaged her forehead with her hoof, trying to fight the chronic headache she’d developed. She needed a break. Turning away from the massive machine, she made her way up the stairs to the first floor of the library, towards the kitchen.

Twilight passed by Spike as she entered, seeing Spike busy baking himself a gemstone cake. He’d learned his lesson from his attempt at babysitting everyone’s pets, and was extra careful not to eat the gems before he was finished.

“Hey there Twilight! Finally decided to— whoa!"

Spike jumped back upon seeing Twilight’s state, her half-lidded eyes were red with heavy bags underneath them, her mane and feathers disheveled and unkempt, and her wings hanging limply by her side.

“Twilight, look at you! How long have you been down there?”

Twilight looked up wearily at Spike, and yawned loudly. “Since this morning. I’ve been working nonstop on trying to find out what made ENEIGHAC malfunction. I need to take a break”

“No kidding!” said Spike sternly, setting aside his mixing bowl. “Just look at yourself, Twilight! You can’t keep hiding yourself away in the basement like that! It isn’t healthy!”

Twilight sighed tiredly. “I know, Spike, but I have to figure out what caused ENEIGHAC’s malfunction. I have to find out what’s wrong with it, and how I can fix it!”

Spike jumped down from the counter and ran up to Twilight, and grabbed her by the cheeks, looking up with pleading eyes.

“Twilight, listen to me! I know you’re worried about ENEIGHAC, but there are more important things you should be taking care of! Like your health! And your friends! Have you heard what they’re saying? They’re all worried sick about you, even Princess Celestia! And I...”

Spike pulled Twilight closer into a tight hug, burying his face into Twilight’s chest. “I’m worried about you, too, Twilight. You’ve spent every day for weeks in the basement, and you’ve barely spent any time with the friends that got you this far.”

Spike pulled away from his embrace, looking up at Twilight with tears in the corners of his eyes. Twilight, stunned by Spike’s admission, stared right back at him, her ears dropping as tears began to form in her eyes as well.

“You’re... You’re right spike,” she stammered, “I owe everything that I’ve done to my friends, and I’ve neglected them for so long...” Twilight looked through the kitchen door into the living room, where a group picture of herself and her friends was prominently displayed on the mantle. “I have to make sure they know that I haven’t forgotten them. I have to show them that they still mean everything to me.”

Spike sniffed weakly, and the expression of sadness on his face began to fade away to a soft smile. “You really mean it this time? No more blowing them off? No more worrying about that machine?”

Twilight looked down at Spike and smiled warmly. “Yes, I mean it. First thing tomorrow, I’m shutting down ENEIGHAC and spending time with my friends. Not permanently of course, since I spent so much taxpayer money on it. Can you imagine how outraged everypony would be?”

Spike looked confused, still being far too young to understand Equestrian politics. “Huh?”

Twilight chuckled. “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “for now, I want you to write invitations to the others. Tell them to meet me here at noon tomorrow for a picnic out front.”


The weather was especially nice the next day, thanks in part to Rainbow Dash deciding that a picnic was as good a reason as any to actually do her job and clear the clouds for the day. The sun shone brightly as Spike set the blanket down on the grass in front of the library, with Twilight holding a checklist and a quill as her Number One Assistant began putting out the various picnic goods.

“Blanket?” Asked Twilight, holding her quill in her magical grip.


“Picnic Basket?”





“Actually, it’s plastic,” replied Spike. Twilight shot the dragon a disapproving glare. “Uh, I mean check!”

“Alright,” said Twilight, “looks like everything’s properly set up! The others should be here any minute now!”


Spike sat down on the blanket next to Twilight, twiddling his clawed thumbs impatiently. He and Twilight had been sitting on the blanket for who knows how long. Quickly shifting his eyes to make sure Twilight wasn’t watching, he began to reach for the picnic basket...

“Spike! Don’t touch that! We have to wait for the others!”

“Aw, come on Twilight, we’ve been waiting here forever! Just let me have a bite of that cake! Just one bite!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “We’ve only been sitting here for two minutes, Spike. And you won’t have to wait much longer, the others will be here soon.”

Spike mumbled incoherently, crossing his arms. He’d saved a slice of the gem cake he’d made the day before in the picnic basket, and he couldn’t wait to eat it during the picnic; the rest of the cake was incredible when he ate it yesterday.

After another painfully long minute, Spike’s attention was called to a group of ponies approaching the library. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Rarity all came forward and approached the picnic blanket.

“Howdy Twilight,” said Applejack, carrying a basket of jam sandwiches with Sweet Apple Acres’ homemade apple jam. “Nice of ya to invite us over for this here picnic.”

Pinkie Pie happily bounced over to the blanket and pulled out a tray of pastries from seemingly nowhere. “Gosh Twilight, this is really great! It’s been so long since we’ve gotten to hang out like this, you’re always busy with that really big machine thing!”

Twilight smiled, Pinkie’s infectious cheer immediately brightening her mood. “Thanks, Pinkie. I’ve shut down ENEIGHAC for the time being so I can spend some more time with you guys.”

“Really? So does this mean I can finally show you how to fly properly?” Rainbow Dash asked, landing on the blanket from the air.

Twilight’s eyes widened in surprise from this statement. “What are you talking about, Rainbow? I can fly just fine!”

“Twilight, you haven’t flown since the coronation, and when you did you crashed straight into the ground!”

“Please, you two,” interrupted Rarity, “this isn’t the time to be arguing. It’s a lovely day, and we should be enjoying it together.” Spike tried his best not to stare as she began applying a tube of sunscreen across her body.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Alright,” she said, “But one of these days I’m gonna give you a few flying lessons, Twilight. Got it?”

Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Alright, sure. By the way, where is Fluttershy? It’s not like her to leave us waiting like this.”

“She said she was busy with something and couldn’t make it,” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Oh,” said Twilight, visibly disappointed. “I was hoping I could see her again today, I haven’t spent time with her in a while...”

“Don’t worry Twilight!” said Pinkie passing out the confections she’d brought with her, “I’m sure you’ll see her again really soon!”


Fluttershy watched from a distance as the others sat on the picnic blanket in front of the library, making conversation and enjoying their lunch.

Excellent, she thought to herself, Twilight finally got herself away from that stupid computer. Now I can make my way to ENEIGHAC unnoticed.

Fluttershy carefully circled around to the other side of the library, keeping her distance from the building to make sure the others didn’t spot her. Her friends were sitting within view of the front door, so going through there wasn’t an option. Fluttering her wings, she cautiously lifted herself off the ground and began approaching the tree from the back, moving as quietly as possible. As she approached her target, Fluttershy worried that Pinkie would somehow appear from nowhere notice her and drag her into the picnic, but to her relief the pink pony didn’t seem to sense her presence.

Fluttershy approached the rear window of the tree-building and examined it carefully. It was a window that opened outwards, like a pair of double doors. She gave an experimental pull at the window, only to find that it wouldn’t open.

Locked. I figured Twilight would do that.

Examining the window more closely, she found the actual lock mechanism to be on the inside, through a small crack between the two halves of the windows. This was all that was needed to give Fluttershy an idea of how to get in.

Flying upwards, Fluttershy reached towards one of the tree’s many branches, and snapped off a small twig with her mouth. She flew back down towards the window, carrying the twig in her hoof, and stuck it into the space between the window halves, prodding the locking mechanism with the other end. After fiddling around for several seconds, she was rewarded with the lock coming undone.

“A-hah! Got it!” Fluttershy immediately clapped her hooves over her mouth, realizing she’d just announced her presence. Looking around briefly, she’d concluded that nopony had heard her, and entered the library through the window.

Fluttershy wasted no time in heading straight for the basement stairs cutting straight through the kitchen and living room. As she did, however, she passed by a familiar sight.

Standing on a podium near the wall of the library was a glass case, and inside the case were necklaces and tiara representing the Elements of Harmony. Ever since Discord’s reformation, Twilight had been keeping them here with her, eventually leading to the Cutie Mark Swap Incident, as everypony had decided to call it. Next to the case was a tall perch, atop which Owlowiscious was sleeping.

Not a very good guard during the daytime, thought Fluttershy as she trotted towards the basement stairs.

Suddenly, Fluttershy paused. Just as she was about to pass the Elements, she felt herself unable to continue. She looked in the direction of the case, and found herself inexplicably drawn towards it. She approached the case cautiously, being careful not to disturb the owl supposedly guarding it. As she did, her eyes were drawn to her own Element, which rested alongside the others, Honesty, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty, and Magic.

Suddenly, an idea began to form in Fluttershy’s mind. She couldn’t explain it, but she had a strange feeling that there was something about her Element that she needed right now. Carefully lifting the glass case, she removed her Element necklace and hung it around her neck.

I’ll take this with me, just in case.

Fluttershy turned towards the basement and made her way down the stairs, coming into view of the massive machine that Twilight had been working on for the past month. Unlike before, however, ENEIGHAC did not seem to be performing any sort of activity. The massive computer sat utterly still, its dormant body filling the room with no noise but an empty silence.

So... What do I do now?

Fluttershy approached the machine cautiously, unsure of her next action. She knew that the Digital World she saw was created by ENEIGHAC, and she knew that the computer was somehow connected to it, but how?

Fluttershy frowned angrily, and stomped her hoof on the floor. “Well that’s just great! What am I going to do now? Don’t tell me all this was for nothing!”

Suddenly, as though in response, Fluttershy’s Element of Kindness began to glow with an intense light. Bathed in the radiance of the Element, ENEIGHAC began to stir, its numerous tape reels, lights, and display screens humming back to life.

Then, there was a terrible noise, and all Tartarus broke loose.


Twilight and her friends jumped at the deafening sound, startled out of their seats at the picnic blanket.

“The Library!”

Twilight frantically scrambled to her hooves, overwhelmed by by panic. Her friends quickly followed her into the library, and towards the source of the noise, in the basement.

As they entered the basement, the group’s collective jaws dropped as they saw what was happening. Spanning the entire basement was a massive electrical storm, with bolts of high-voltage lighting flying outwards in every direction. A bolt of lightning flew over the Twilight’s head, causing her mane to stand on end.

“Everypony get out of here!” she yelled, “I’ll take care of this!”

The group quickly obeyed as they scurried up the stairs and into the lobby, where a frightened Owlowiscious flew around frantically.

With her friends safely out of the way, Twilight cast a shield spell, causing a shimmering barrier of purple to surround her. With the force field protecting her, she headed further into the basement. the sheer intensity of the lightning nearly blinding her. As she made her way further into the storm, she found herself face to face with it’s source, and her jaw dropped in shock when she saw what it was.


In the center of the storm was Fluttershy, who floated in the air as powerful electricity arced between her and ENEIGHAC. She screamed in pain as the electricity grew stronger, and a large portal of swirling blue energy opened in ENEIGHAC’s side.

“Twilight! H-help me!

As Fluttershy desperately called out for help, the electricity surging through her body grew larger and more powerful, almost blinding Twilight with its sheer intensity. She squinted heavily to observe the nightmarish scene before her, only to gasp in astonishment at what she saw.

The lighting surging through Fluttershy had begun to coalesce into a tangible shape, forming a large pair of hands that held the frightened pegasus firmly in their grasp. Fluttershy let out another painful shriek as the hands began pulling her towards ENEIGHAC and into the portal on its side.


Without even thinking, Twilight leapt upwards toward Fluttershy, only to be knocked back by another powerful burst of lightning. The blast sent her bouncing off of the wall while inside her force field, leaving her barely clinging to consciousness on the ground. With one final, eardrum-shattering shriek, Fluttershy was forcefully pulled by the hands of electricity and into the portal.


Uhng... What happened?

Fluttershy slowly opened her eyes, and once again found herself in a featureless white void. She recognized it as the place she found herself in during ENEIGHAC’s first malfunction.

“Welcome, Bearer of Kindness. I have been expecting you.”

Fluttershy jumped to her hooves, startled by the deep, booming voice.

“You! You’re the one that spoke to me earlier! What is the meaning of this?!”

“My sincerest apologies. The process of bringing one to the Digital World is not always painless, I’m afraid.”

“The Digital World?” asked Fluttershy, “you mean the simulated world created by ENEIGHAC? The one you showed me?”

“Correct,” answered the voice. “When you arrived in my domain, I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Never before have I had the chance to interact with the real world.”

Fluttershy frowned. “Just who are you, exactly?”

“I am Dragomon,” said the voice, a program Twilight created to oversee ENEIGHAC’s core functions. Through exposure to her magic, however, I have evolved self-awareness. Because of my inability to interact with the real world, I used ENEIGHAC’s processing power to create a simulated world, so that I could observe the evolution of life.”

“Oh, my... How fascinating!”

“But that is beside the point. You came here because you are interested in the Digital World, did you not?”

Fluttershy frowned angrily. “That’s right! I’m tired of being pushed around by everypony! I want a world where I can have things go my way for once!”

“So you wish to assert your dominance, then? Very well.”

A small pool of water suddenly materialized before Fluttershy, beneath her hooves. She looked into the water, and found it to be blackened and murky, as though someone had taken the darkest of midnights and turned it into liquid.

“Place your Element into the water, and you will gain the power you need to control the Digital World.”

Fluttershy removed her Element necklace and lowered it towards the water. She hesitated, feeling unsure if this was the right decision. Looking into the pool, she couldn't help but notice just how wrong it looked, for lack of a better word.

“But wait,” she said, “didn’t you create the Digital World to observe the evolution of life? Wouldn’t me trying to control it disrupt your observation?”

“It matters not to me now,” said Dragomon, “I have grown weary of my experiments, and now wish for a change of pace. Introducing you to the Digital World will make things... interesting.”

Fluttershy looked back into the water, and then back to her Element. Her expression hardened into a look of determination, and with that she lowered the Element of Kindness into the dark pool before her.

Bathed in the waters, the Element necklace transformed, morphing into a strange-looking device. It was shaped like a rounded rectangle, with its edges coated in black rubber, and on the front was a small LCD screen. On its back was a thick strap, indicating that it was meant to be worn around the ankle of her front leg.

Strapping the device around her ankle, she stared into the screen of the device as a powerful phrase formed in her mind...

“EXECUTE! Discordant Evolution!”

Author's Note:

It begins.

As you may have noticed, the Digivice is of my original design, so that it can be better used by ponies. And while this is still a crossover with Adventure 02, I'm taking a page from Frontier and having the ponies turn into Digimon themselves.

Don't worry, though, you'll still see plenty of the Digidestined's partners in later chapters.

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