• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 10,449 Views, 917 Comments

Digital Harmony - Zennistrad

When Princess Twilight Sparkle creates ENEIGHAC, the world's first computer, she inadvertantly opens a gateway to the Digital World...

  • ...

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Meeting at the Digiport

“So this is what a digiport looks like? Fascinating!”

Levitating a quill and a notepad with her magic, Twilight carefully observed the television standing before her on the grassy hill she stood on. The late afternoon sun being close to setting made it difficult, but she’d managed to draw a crude diagram of the digiport. Nearby, Davis and Veemon stood with an exasperated look on their faces.

“Geez Twilight,” said Davis, “don’t you ever do anything other than study the things around you? You were asking questions and writing on that notepad practically the whole trip!”

“Well excuse me for wanting to learn more about an entirely new world!” Twilight retorted. “Do you understand just what a truly momentous occasion this is? This will be the first time ponies come into contact with another world! There’s so much to discover! So many things we could learn from each other!”

Twilight’s excited grin suddenly faltered, turning into a worried frown. “Oh no... What if I screw up? What if I accidentally leave the wrong impression? What if I say something offensive and it reflects badly on my species? What if I end up instigating some kind of massive public outrage? I should have never been put in this position of power to begin with! Everything will be ruined forever and it’ll all be because of me!” Her breathing quickened as she rattled of her concerns, her face nearly going blue from hyperventilation.

“Get a hold of yourself, Twilight!” Veemon shouted. “Everything is going to be just fine!”

Shocked by Veemon’s sudden outburst, Twilight exhaled slowly, letting out the tension that had been building inside herself.

“Thanks, Veemon. I’m just a little nervous about this whole thing. It’s not often you get to make contact with an entirely new world, let alone two!”

“Relax, Twilight! We’ll get there when we get there,” Davis reassured. “First we’ll meet back at the computer lab with Izzy and the others, and then we’ll work out a place for you to stay while you’re here.”

“Computer lab?” Twilight puzzled.

“Uh-huh! Izzy’s doing work at the school this summer, so he lets us use their computer lab whenever we need to do something important. He has a whole bunch of equipment there that monitors the Digital World.”

“Oh, that sounds wonderful! An entire laboratory dedicated to computers! And I can’t wait to meet this Izzy, he sounds like a fascinating individual!”

“Yeah, I’m sure you two eggheads would get along perfectly,” Davis teased.

Twilight frowned. “Do you think you cool it with the egghead thing Davis? I don’t need someone else calling me that all the time.”

Davis grinned. “Sure thing, egghead.”

“Oh for the love of—”

“Guys, look!” said Veemon, “Someone’s coming!”

Veemon pointed off to the distance, and Twilight and Davis looked to see Nefertimon flying towards them, carrying Kari and Pinkie Pie on her back. Nefertimon soon landed nearby, letting the two off her back.

After dismounting, Kari reached into her pocket and held out her digivice, allowing Nefertimon to de-digivolve into Gatomon. She reached into her pocket and pulled out Gatomon’s tail ring, flipping into the air and letting Gatomon catch it on her tail.


With an excited gasp, Pinkie Pie immediately rushed forward in a pink blur, pinning Twilight to the ground in a gesture that was half-tackle and half-hug.

“Oh, Twilight! I’m soooo glad you’re okay! I thought’d I’d never see you again!”

“Pinkie...” Twilight choked.

“I mean, I’m just so happy that you’re alive! I thought that you might have been eaten by a monster, or teleported into a wall, or tripped and broken a leg, or gotten food poisoning, or stumbled into some ancient conspiracy that had to kill you to keep you quiet, or cut up and baked into cupcakes by a serial killer, or fallen into a well, or—”

“Pinkie! You’re choking me!” Twilight gasped out.

Pinkie released her grip on Twilight, and smiled nervously. “Oops, sorry.”

Still gasping for breath, Twilight returned Pinkie Pie’s smile with one of her own. “It’s alright, Pinkie. I’m glad to see you, too.”

“So this is one of your friends, Pinkie?” Kari spoke up

“Uh-huh! This is Twilight Sparkle, she’s one of my bestest friends ever! I mean, all of my friends are my bestest friends, so I guess that means the she isn’t really my one of my bestest friends since they’re all equally best, but I guess that doesn’t sound nearly as good, does it? She’s a totally super-duper amazing friend, though!”

“Pretty enthusiastic, isn’t she?” said Veemon.

Pinkie’s eyes lit up as she took notice of Veemon “Huh? Oh, of course! We haven’t even introduced ourselves yet! I’m Pinkie Pie, and these are my new friends Kari and Gatomon!”

“Davis and Veemon already know who we are, Pinkie,” said Kari, “we’ve been good friends for over a year now.”

“You said it!” Davis enthusiastically followed, approaching Kari. “We’re totally close, right? Like two peas in a pod!”

“Careful not to get too close, lover boy,” Kari replied. “Unless you want to hear from Tai what he thinks about that.”

Davis immediately backed off, raising his hands in the air defensively. “R-right, sorry! Of course! Won’t happen again!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “I’m guessing something happened between you two?”

“Don’t worry, it’s no big deal,” said Davis.

“If you say so,” said Twilight. “Why don’t we wait until the others arrive before we introduce ourselves further? It’ll be easier once we’re all together.”

Davis nodded. “Alright, sounds good.”


In a short time, the other Digi-Destined began to arrive at the digiport, along with the pony companions that they’d met during their travels. Cody and Digmon soon arrived with Rarity, followed by Ken, Yolei, and Wormmon riding on Aquilamon, with Rainbow Dash following close behind. Each new pony arrival resulted in yet another display of affection from Pinkie, leaving each pony sore from the sudden glomping.

“Whoa, Cody, what happened to your shoulder?” Davis stared at the makeshift bandage that was wrapped around Cody's upper arm.

“I got hurt while we were fighting an Ebidramon controlled by a dark spiral,” Cody replied. “Rarity made a bandage for me.”

“Well, that's awfully generous of her,” said Kari, “you should be thankful for her help.”

“Oh, it was nothing, really,” Rarity choked out, trying to push herself free from Pinkie's crushing embrace.

The next several minutes afterward were punctuated with more small talk between the humans, ponies, and digimon trying to get to know each other. Pinkie talked excitedly of her new friends throughout, displaying a boundless enthusiasm that couldn’t be ignored.

As the minutes passed, however, the group’s overall mood turned to one of concern.

“Where do you think T.K. is?” Kari asked. “You don’t think something happened to him, do you?”

“Relax, Kari, T.K.’s a strong kid,” Gatomon reassured. “I’m sure he’ll be alright.”

Pinkie, meanwhile, was currently peering towards the horizon with a pair of binoculars she’d brought with her in her saddlebags, searching for a sign of her friend Applejack, as well as any new friends she was sure she’d make.

“Hey guys, I think I see something!”

Pinkie lowered her binoculars and pointed a hoof towards the horizon. The others looked in the direction of her hoof to see something rapidly flying closer. As it approach, it soon revealed itself to be Pegasusmon, carrying two others on his back.

Flapping his wings gently, Pegasusmon slowed his descent onto the grassy hill, landing on all four hooves with Applejack and T.K. in tow. The other mares’ collective jaws dropped at the sight of the massive stallion as he knelt closer to the ground, allowing his passengers to climb off. As she climbed off, Rainbow Dash gave a mischievous smirk towards Applejack.

“Shut up Rainbow, it ain’t like that!” Applejack said defensively.

“What?” Rainbow feigned innocence, “I didn’t say anything!”

“Ah know what you were thinking,” said Applejack. “Cut it out.”

Rarity coughed, blushing deeply. “Well, there’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of, darling. I must admit, he is rather fetching... If a bit large.”

“Ah said it ain’t like that!”

“Never thought I’d be seeing this happen,” T.K. chuckled, “you’re a real ladies’ mon, Pegasusmon.”

“Ladies mon? What do you mean?” asked Pegasusmon.

“It’s nothing,” replied T.K., “let’s de-digivolve so we can introduce ourselves for real.”

T.K. reached into his pocket and pulled out his digivice, holding it up in front of Pegasusmon, allowing him to de-digivolve into Patamon. The ponies’ intrigued stares turned to looks of bewilderment as Patamon flew towards them enthusiastically.

“Hi! I’m Patamon, nice to meet you!”

“Huh?” Rarity sputtered, “B-but you... how? What? You were just...”

“That’s his natural form, Rarity,” said Twilight. “Digimon can take multiple different shapes and identities with the assistance of their human partners.”

Rarity sighed in disappointment. “Right, of course. I suppose I really should have known better.”

“Relax Rarity,” Rainbow teased, “knowing you, it won’t be long before you start crushing on another stallion you’ve barely met.”

Excuse me!?”

“Settle down, both of you!” Twilight interrupted. “We have more important things to concern ourselves with right now. Now that we’re all here, why don’t we introduce ourselves? My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“I’m Davis, and this is my buddy Veemon!”

“‘Sup?” said Veemon.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! Oh, this is so exciting, I’ve never met so many new friends at once! I can hardly wait, we’re gonna have so much fun together!”

“I’m Kari, and this is my partner, Gatomon.”

“It’s nice to meet you all,” said Gatomon.

“A pleasure to meet you all as well. My name is Rarity, and I do look forward to getting to know you all better. I’d absolutely love to learn what sort of fashion is popular in your world! Why, just imagine what sort of inspiration I would find!”

“I’m Cody, and this is my partner, Armadillomon.”

“Howdy,” said Armadillomon.

“Well shoot, Ah’m starting to like him already! The name’s Applejack, pleased to meet y’all.”

“My name’s Takeru, but you can just call me T.K. This here is my friend, Patamon.”

“Hello!” said Patamon.

“The name’s Rainbow Dash, fastest pegasus in Equestria!” Rainbow followed her by flying up into the air and performing a loop, before landing and posing triumphantly. “No need to be modest, you can go ahead tell me how cool I am.”

Yolei rolled her eyes. “I’m Yolei, and this is Hawkmon.”

“Glad to make your acquaintance,” said Hawkmon, “I look forward to getting to know one another.”

“My name is Ken, and this is my partner, Wormmon.”

Ken paused in confusion when Wormmon didn’t respond, suddenly noticing that Wormmon was hiding behind his legs. “Wormmon, don’t be shy, introduce yourself.”

“Oh, I’m terribly sorry,” said Wormmon, “it’s just that I’m a little nervous right now. I’ve never had to introduce myself to so many others at once...”

“Don’t worry Wormmon,” Ken reassured, “nobody’s here to judge you. Just go out and say hello.”

Wormmon then slowly made his way out from behind Ken, facing the ponies that were all staring at him expectantly. His antennae shifted nervously as the group’s eyes fixated on him.

“Um, hello, my name is Wormmon... It’s nice to meet you all.”

“You know, Fluttershy used to act just like that,” said Rainbow Dash. Her ears fell flat against her head as her thoughts turned to her missing friend.

The other ponies seemed to share in her sentiment, their expressions turning somber as they recalled the events that lead to her disappearance. Pinkie’s mane even seemed to deflate slightly at the mention of Fluttershy’s name, as though the air were being let out of a balloon.

Twilight approached Rainbow, placing a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Rainbow, we’ll find her. Davis says there are others on the other side of the digiport who will help us find her. We’ll have her back in no time, I promise.”

“Yeah... I guess. Thanks, Twilight.” Rainbow’s sad expression quickly turned to one of annoyance as she stared back at Twilight. “And could you please not touch me there?”

Taken by surprise, Twilight hastily removed her hoof from Rainbow Dash’s front shoulders, blushing furious. “R-right. Sorry.”

“I mean, sheesh! You’d think you’d know how sensitive pegasus wings are now that you have them!”

“I said I’m sorry, okay?” Twilight said indignantly. “Anyway, as I was saying, we’re going to meet with some of the other Digi-Destined on the other side of the digiport, and there we’ll discuss our next plan of action.”

Pinkie Pie let out an excited gasp. “Ohmygosh! You mean we’re going to meet even more new friends? This is so exciting! I can’t wait!”

“That’s right, Pinkie,” said Twilight. “There are a few who might be able to help us and give us some more information about the Digital World. Ken, I’d also like to ask you a few questions specifically once we’re with the others.”

“Me?” said Ken.

“Yes,” replied Twilight, “I believe you in particular will be able to give me a better understanding of the situation at hoof.”

“At hoof?” said Yolei, “Aw, that’s adorable, you even have your own pony words for everything!”

Twilight turned towards Yolei and gave her a disapproving glare.

Anyway, I think we should get a move on and go through the digiport before it gets too late. We’ll discuss matters there. Davis and his friends should also be able to find a place for us to stay while we’re here looking for Fluttershy.”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Applejack.

“Well, what are we sticking around here for?” said Davis, “Let's get a move on!”

“Hold on a second,” Kari interrupted, “did anyone else just feel that?”

“Feel what, Kari?” asked Gatomon.

“I just had this odd sensation in my tailbone right now,” said Kari, looking backwards. “Oh well, it’s probably nothing.”

“Guys, look!” said Veemon, pointing to the horizon, “Something’s coming!”

“Huh?” Kari looked towards where Veemon was pointing, where she saw a small object rapidly approaching, racing towards the group at breakneck speed.

“Look out! It’s a dark ring!”

What!?” The others all cried out in unison.

“Don’t worry everyone, I’ll smash it!” Veemon exclaimed.

“Veemon, wait!” cried Davis.

Vee Headbutt!

With a mighty shout, Veemon charged forward and jumped into the air, hurling himself towards the dark ring as it flew closer. The dark ring swerved sharply in the air when Veemon approached, thrusting his head forward through empty air as the dark ring deftly avoided the attack. Losing his balance from the failed attempt, Veemon tumbled over in the air and fell to the ground, landing flat on his head. Meanwhile, the dark ring altered its path, flying towards the group at rapid speed.

“Look out!” said Kari, “It’s headed straight for us!”

Boom Bubble!

Feather Strike!

Sticky Net!

Patamon, Hawkmon, and Wormmon called out their own attacks, launching their projectiles towards the dark ring. The black ring deftly maneuvered itself around the attacks, narrowly dodging the hazards before continuing on its path. The ring opened itself into a clasp as it flew towards Gatomon.

“Gatomon, look out!” cried Kari.

“Huh? What the— Aaaaaahhhhh!

Gatomon screamed out in pain as the dark ring closed tightly around her neck. Wracked with convulsions, her body spasmed wildly out of control, the dark ring’s power sending bolts of dark energy through her body.


T.K. placed a firm hand on Kari’s shoulder. “Stay back! That dark ring’s controlling Gatomon now, she could seriously hurt you!”

“No! I have to help her!”

“Kari, wait!”

Ignoring T.K.’s protests, Kari pushed away from him, desperately running out to meet her ailing digimon partner. Running forward to meet Gatomon, she knelt down to the ground, trying to soothe the pained digimon.

“Don’t worry Gatomon! Everything’s going to be okay! Just hold on!”

Despite Kari’s reassurances, Gatomon’s screams of pain only intensified, her body twisting and writhing in agony. It was then that her tail ring began to glow with a brilliant light.

Kari winced, shielding her eyes from the sudden intensity. The tail ring’s glow continued to grow even brighter, until it reached a peak of intensity that was nearly blinding. As the glow finally began to fade, Gatomon’s screams of pain died down, leaving her lying limp on the ground.

“Gatomon?” Kari rubbed her eyes, allowing her vision to readjust. As her sight came back, she looked towards Gatomon and let out an astonished gasp.

The dark ring around her neck was gone, but that wasn’t the only thing that was missing.

“Gatomon! Your tail ring! It’s... It’s gone!”

The other humans and Digimon nearly jumped back in shock at Kari’s observation. Gatomon moaned weakly, looking back at her now-ringless tail.

“M-my tail ring?”

Kari reached down and wrapped her arms around Gatomon. Gatomon returned the gesture, and the two of them pulled into a tight hug.

“It’s okay Gatomon. I’m just glad to see you’re alright.”

“Don’t worry, Kari, I’ll be fine. But what are we going to do about my tail ring?”

Kari pulled away from the hug and stood up, turning to face the others. “That’s a good question. From the looks of it, that dark ring was somehow able to destroy your tail ring.”

“Oh my, how unfortunate,” Rarity lamented. “That ring really did look quite good on you.”

“I don’t think this is just about fashion, Rarity,” said Twilight. “If the dark ring was specifically meant to destroy Gatomon's tail ring, then it stands to reason that it was of great significance.”

Kari frowned worriedly. “Gatomon’s tail ring was one of the most powerful weapons against darkness we had. Without it we won’t be able to D.N.A. digivolve, and Gatomon is a full level weaker.”

“D.N.A digivolve?” Twilight puzzled.

“It’s a form of Digivolution where our digimon partners fuse into a single being,” replied Yolei. “The result is a digimon of a higher level that’s stronger than both of its previous forms.”

“Fuse?” asked Twilight, “you mean combine into a single being? Body and mind?”

“That’s right”, replied Yolei.

“Oh my goodness, that’s incredible!” Twilight exclaimed. “To think that two different beings could achieve such harmony each other that they literally act as one? That’s amazing! I’ve never heard anything like it!”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Uh, Twilight, not to be rude or anything, but don’t you think we have more important things to worry about? Like that bit about losing our most powerful weapon against evil?”

“She’s right,” said Ken, “we need to tell the others about this as soon as possible. If our enemy has the foresight to destroy our most powerful method of digivolution, then we’re dealing with someone much more dangerous than we thought.”

“We need a plan,” said Cody, “and while we’re at it, we need to figure out where our new friends will be staying.”

“Right,” said Yolei, “so we’ll go through the digiport and meet with the others. Sound good?” The others gave nods of agreement.

“Alright then! Gather round, everyone!” Yolei pulled out her digivice and held it in front of the television. “Digiport Open!

At Yolei’s command, the television emitted a bright light from its screen. Gathering around the entrance, the group was immediately drawn in, sucked into the light and pulled through the television screen.

“Here we go!” Pinkie exclaimed.


“Hmmph. Go take refuge on Earth, why don’t you?”

In a dimly-lit control room, Vespimon sat before a massive control panel, inlaid with a keyboard and numerous switches and buttons. Multiple holographic screens floated above the panel, each depicting a landscape from an area under her control. Her focus, however remained on the central screen, and her eyes seethed with resentment as she witnessed her former friends exit the digital world with the Digi-Destined and their partners.

“To think they'd even have the nerve to show up here,” she snarled. “How could they betray me like this? After all the work I've done to build my perfect world, they think they can just barge right in to tear it down? Even Rainbow Dash?” Her very essence seethed with indignation at the thought of it all.

“No! I won't stand for it! This is unacceptable!

Vespimon angrily slammed her fist onto the control panel, causing the holographic screens above it to flicker with static. Breathing heavily, she leaned over with her hands on the control panel, looking upwards at the screen.

“And those pesky harmonic evolutions are the worst of all. If I find a way to disable them with the control spires, I’ll be disabling my own evolution as well. I might as well be giving up everything I’ve worked so hard for!”

Slowly, Vespimon stood up, a new determination filling her eyes.

“This has gone on long enough. If they will not respect my accompishments, I will make them fear me instead.”

Author's Note:

This was probably one of the easier chapters to write, mainly since there wasn't nearly as much happening here. Now that the group's reunited, you can expect the plot to move along faster.

In the next chapter: Exposition dumps, retcons, and making sense of Adventure 02's convoluted storyline.

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