• Published 6th Nov 2012
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The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 94: Old neighbors

Celestia gave Blackbeak a surprised look, "You know of the gnolls? I though they left hundreds of years ago."

"They may have left Equestria, but there were still a few of them around in the mountains close to our borders." Blackbeak replied as he walked around the gnoll, "Up until twenty or thirty years ago they were spotted on rare occasions, thought they kept mostly to themselves and the mountains. I've only seen a few, and only once did I get close enough to talk to one... but I'll be damned if that isn't a true-blooded mountain gnoll."

"My lord! Please do not step to closely to it!" the two bodyguards were watching Scar with fear on their faces.

"Oh pull yourself together, the both of you!" Blackbeak snapped at them, "Gnolls don't attack unless you give them a good reason to, besides..." he gave the gnoll a calculating gaze, "I don't think a few meters more or less would help much, would it now?"

"Would not." the gnoll replied with an impassive voice before his gaze became questioning, "Does Featherclaw know if there are still gnolls on mountains?"

"Sadly, I don't." Blackbeak shook his head, "We haven't heard of them let alone found any signs of them in years... it's just like they simply disappeared overnight."

Scar shook his head with a sad sigh, "Not disappeared, went to sleep."

The griffon studied his face for a moment, "I... understand... I am sorry for your loss. I've only conversed with one your kind before, but I was always deeply impressed by the gnolls. Their loss saddens me as well." the gnoll nodded in acknowledgment, "I am Blackbeak, member of the royal councils of the griffons and an old friend of princess Celestia." the griffon punched a fist to his chest as he introduced himself, just like the gnoll had done so long ago.

The gnoll raised an eyebrow, "Is friend of Celestia?" he gave Celestia a questioning look, to which she nodded, "Then is friend of gnoll too." he pounded a heavy fist on his chest, making the two bodyguards flinch at the sound, "It is Scar."

Blackbeak nodded before pointing to the others, "These two are my bodyguards, Shera and Krovas..." the gnoll gave each of them a nod, "And this..." he beckoned Vayu to step closer, "Is my daughter, Vayu of the Blackbeaks."

Scar watched the griffon approach. Just like her father and true to her name, her sharp beak was of a deep black... but for some reason he wasn't quite sure what to make of the looks she was giving him.

"That's a gnoll?" Vayu scanned his form from head to toe as she stepped closer to the gnoll, "You always said they were big, but that's just huge!" she gave her father a wild look, "Not to mention I always thought you were just telling us stories."

Blackbeak gave a groan, "Youths these days... not a minute to look into our own history." his expression got a bit worried when he saw a grin appear on his daughters face as she watched the gnoll in front of her, "Don't do it, Vayu."

"What? I'm just looking!" Vayu didn't pull her eyes of Scar.

"And I know that look." her father cautioned her, "He'd tear you apart in seconds. Don't be a fool, child. Those jaws can go through metal..."

"Were you in a lot of battles?" Vayu ignored her father, "Did you kill many enemies? Was that how you lost your eye? Can I see it?"

The gnoll watched her with slight amusement, wondering what was exciting her so much. "Scar did kill many rats..." he scratched his chin in thought, "But it lost eye when fighting evil crystal pony." he lifted his precious eye clap with a careful finger, showing Vayu his white eye and making her squeak in delight.

Blackbeak turned around for a moment to give Celestia a surprised look, "Crystal pony? Is he... is he talking about Sombra?"

Celestia nodded, "He is, and before you ask... Yes, Scar was the one who defeated him, though the price for it was almost too high for me to bear, so let us not talk about it. Besides, I am more worried about what your daughter is about to do..."

"Will you fight me?" Vayu's voice rang through the audience chamber as if on queue, making Blackbeak flinch and give off a curse of frustration.

"Damn it, child! I told you not to do anything foolish!"

"I'm not." Vayu replied, "I just want to fight someone who's seen some real battle before."

"Listen to me when I try to tell you it's idiotic! I challenged one myself when I was young and all I got was a good pounding! Don't do it!"

"So when you challenge a gnoll it's okay?"

"Featherclaw wants to fight Scar?"

"It wasn't! I was young and foolish!" Blackbeak snorted.

"Scar isn't sure featherclaw knows what it's asking..."

"Well, I'm young and foolish as well... just like my father." she gave him a smirk before turning to Scar, "You ready to go?"

The gnoll raised an eyebrow, "Featherclaw is serious?"

"Sure I am! You're not going to back down, are you?" she crouched before the gnoll.

Scar gave a huff, "Alright then, gnoll will teach featherclaw some wisdom."

Blackbeak sat down next to Celestia with a sigh, "I'm sorry, it seems she's taken more after me than I had hoped."

Celestia shook her head with a tired sigh of her own, "It can't be changed it seems..." she knew the gnoll well enough by now to know that he was unlikely to back down from a challenge, "I just hope Scar doesn't wreck the audience hall."

"I just hope he doesn't kill her..." Blackbeak mumbled, "At least it may help to put some sense into her."

"Ready?" Vayu eyed the gnoll with a smirk from her crouched position, "First one to give up or get pinned down loses."

The gnoll only watched her with an impassive face, wondering how she would try to pin him down. He couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with this featherclaw... didn't her father tell her how gnolls fought?


A quarter of a minute later, a wildly shouting Vayu was being flung through the air, giving of a loud smack and a groan as the gnoll slammed her onto the ground by her tail.

"Featherclaw gives up?" Scar asked with a hint of amusement in his voice and not letting go of her tail.

"Never!" Vayu managed to groan defiantly from her position on the floor.

The gnoll gave a tired sigh and tightened his grip on her tail again, it seemed he'd have to repeat it a few times before the stubborn griffon finally came to its senses.

Celestia winced as she watched the gnoll continue to whirl the young griffon around by her tail, "That can not be healthy... shouldn't she just give up?"

Both hers and Blackbeaks head followed Vayu's journey through the air as the gnoll brought her down again with another loud smack, "The child is too stubborn to admit defeat I'm afraid..." Blackbeak watched her fly through the air with a loud squawk, "Luckily she's got a thick skull..." another smack, "This certainly brings back memories."

"Did your gnoll swing you around by your tail as well?" Celestia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No..." Blackbeak replied with a smirk, "He just grabbed me by the head and pounded me into the ground until I gave up... I'm pretty sure it made a very similar sound though."

Their conversation was interrupted as the gnoll let go of the griffon and stepped past the two of them with an annoyed grunt, "It tires of this..."

"Where are you going?" Vayu called out as she got up slowly and wobbled around on shaky legs like a drunk, "I'm still standing!"

The gnoll, without turning around to her, stepped up to the two large doors of the audience chamber and without a word, grabbed one of the doors and ripped it clean off the hinges, "Will see about that..." he gave the thick door a test swing, Vayu's eyes widened considerably, "Will see..."

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