• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 19,434 Views, 1,942 Comments

The Reader - GnollReader

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

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Chapter 16: Pony work 2

"Ok, so this is the situation. We're open only for the weekends, this is the time most of the weather patrol and the pegasi guards get their pay and are off duty." Two Shots explained, "Most of these pegasi are young, and looking for a way to prove themselves or to blow off some steam. They get to roughhouse a bit, but I usually throw them out before anything serious happens. Sadly though I'm not as fit as I used to be..." He looked at a picture on the wall.

"I started hiring bouncers a few months ago, but since then it became a popular sport to pick fights with them. It usually ends with me missing a bouncer and the inn wrecked. But with you I don't think it'll be a problem..." he turned around to look at the gnoll, "Though it may be a problem if the first thing our guests see when they enter is you."

"Is no problem. Scar can hide in dark." the gnoll started heading for a poorly lit corner in the far back of the inn. There were no tables there, only some closets. The little light that shone from the candles on the tables barely illuminated it.

"I don't think I can hide a gnoll in a room full of..." he stopped. The moment the gnoll stepped into the shadow of the corner he vanished. All that he could see were the two red eyes, but those disappeared when the gnoll simply closed them.

"It's always impressive how he can hide in the dark. In the forest he stood right next to me and I didn't even notice him until he moved." Purple Haze commented as she squinted her eyes to make out the form of the gnoll, "His fur doesn't reflect any light."

"You can't see him either? I thought the night guard was able to see in the dark." Two Shots asked.

Purple Haze shook her head, "We get enhanced vision, but since ponies are almost night blind it's only a small improvement. It's enough to fly at night, barely. As long as he doesn't move they won't even know he's there. I'll stay here tonight though just in case." she took a seat on of the bar stools.

Two Shots nodded, "Well, that takes care of that problem. I'm going to open soon, can I get you two something already?"

She thought for a moment, "I'll have a burning feather, Scar?"

"Scar drinks water." the corner replied.

Two shots prepared her drink first, it was a strong red drink specially for flyers that brought warmth to the wings. Scar got a pitcher of water which he carefully placed on one of the shelves.


The Fat Mare Inn had been open for about half an hour and it was already bustling with pegasi. The tables were filled and many seats of the bar had been taken. Not one of them had noticed the pair of red eyes that occasionally opened to observe them.

Observing the ponies was interesting. The way they smelled, the things they talked about. Scar picked up bits of information from the many conservations. Every now and them he would scan the inn with his eyes, to see any signs of aggression in their movements. Until now though they all seemed peaceful. A bit loud perhaps, but he could bear it.


At the bar, Purple Haze was sipping her second drink. It was nice to move around other pegasi for chance, to hear what they talked about or to simply listen to the current news. Every now and then she would see Scar's eyes scan the room. She felt as if this was the first time she had relaxed in weeks.

"Hey, Purple Haze!" she was pulled out of her peace as Rainbow Dash took the seat next to her, "Good to see that captains can relax and enjoy a good drink like a normal pony! Where did you leave the big guy?"

Purple Haze sighed, she didn't exactly approve of Dash's happy-go-lucky lifestyle. "He's around... You're not planning anything, are you?" she gave her an inquisitive look.

"Nah, come on! Did you see what he did to that barn? I don't wanna get him angry. Besides, he seems like a nice... well whatever he is."

"Gnoll." Purple Haze corrected her.

"Sure, whatever. But you gotta admit it was hilarious when Rarity met him! I swear I even saw you smirk when you arrived!"

"You were laughing so hard it's a surprise you didn't faint." Purple Haze chuckled quietly, "Though all fun aside, try not to pull any pranks on him in the future."

"Ah come on Purple, you know it's all in good spirit. Besides, I'm sure he..."

"Well look out Ponyville, Rainbow Crash has tumbled into town!" a voice snickered from behind.

Rainbow Dash didn't even turn, "Not in the mood Prancer."

"Ahhh, what's wrong Crash? Worried? Got caught in the rain? Not so tough when you're alone are ya?"

Rainbow Dash turned towards him, "Tell you what you mooch, go buy your two friends an ice cone, sit in a corner, and suck it."

The three stallions got closer, "You wanna repeat that ya pipsqueak?" Purple Haze could smell the alcohol on them from here. What kind of ponies entered an inn already drunk?

"Gentlecolts, it seems I have to request you leave my inn instantly. You're antics are not welcome here."

Two Shots barely ducked the bottle that was flung at the bar, "It seems you need to mind your own!" the three ponies gave a laugh as the bottle shattered. Rainbow Dash looked about ready to fling herself at them.

"Guys, I advise you take the barkeepers request and leave." Purple Haze spoke up while turning to the three ponies. They were rookies, young, drunk and stupid. At least by her judgment.

"And who might you be? Wait, I bet you're the new bouncer! Seems old Two Shot didn't tell ya what happened to the last one." She sized the three up, she could probably take them. If she hadn't left her armor at the library they'd probably be shivering by now.

"What's wrong? Too scared to talk? Some bouncer ya got yourself Two Shots!"

In their drunken state the three ponies hadn't noticed that the inn had grown very, very quiet. They hadn't seen what had come out of the shadows and stepped up behind them. Purple Haze couldn't help but smirk, "Me? No, I'm not the new bouncer." she nodded behind the three, "He is."

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