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2. Fireborn

I wake up, having rested for the night, exiting my quarters and stretching my arms I notice Acer waiting near his ship, I approach, "Yo! Acer! everything ok?"

"Yeah just refueling, need to head to the Helm and help out Eris with her mission.", Acer says.

I nod, "I'll help!"

"No, you're still fresh outta the grave for this one.", Acer says looking at me with a stern look.

"I can handle it! I promise!", I step forward.

"It's too dangerous, too risky.", Acer says continuing to push back.

"I've made it this far, let me help!", I say, giving a determined look.

Acer stares, trying to see a waver in my resolve, but fails to see any, "Fine, but you better not die on me.."

"Yes sir!", I salute, getting in my own jumpship and following Acer to the HELM, transmatting onto the main deck area I follow Acer towards a portal near the back.

"So who's Eris anyway? she another light bearer?", I ask, noticing Acer had a frown on his face.

"She used to be.. she had a fireteam who died in the hellmouth on the moon, her ghost saved her one last time..", Acer said in a somber tone, walking through the portal into a discreet location on Savathun's throne world.

As I follow I respond, "I see.. well I got a small gist of what we're doing but not exact details, what are we doing to help Eris?"

"It's a little complicated but basically, just kill Hive and transfer their energy to her, we're trying to find a way to defeat Savathun's sister, Xivu Arath.", Acer said approaching a table.

"I see.. so where do we start?", I say, walking over and looking at the contents of the table.

"We start with Savathun's spire, she's given us access to it to make tithes for Eris.", Acer stated bluntly.

"Wait, Savathun gave us access to her spire? and her throne world? why!?", I ask, having not known such information.

"She wants her sister dead, so we're doing it for her..", Acer said.

I was shocked, the Hive God of Cunning and Deceit wanted us, the Guardians, to kill her sister, from what I had heard around the tower, Savathun and certain hive warriors were given the light for some unknown reason, Savathun's ghost, Immaru was apparently very pessimistic and annoying. Acer and I head to Eris, at first she somewhat concerned me, I mean, using hive magic for vengeance seems dangerous, but as she linked me to her for the tithes needed, I felt a little more at ease, for a moment, a small moment, I saw what she was truly fighting for.

I follow Acer through out of the spire, defeating Hive as quickly as possible, I activate my burning maul and start smashing through everything, I don't remember too much of my previous life, but it felt fighting was natural to me, like second nature. Soon enough we reach the top of the spire, ending one of Savathun's experiments, a chest appeared in front of Acer and I, he nodded for me to open it, and inside was some new weapons and armor.

"Very nice, thanks Acer!", I say.

"No worries, just don't let it go to waste.", Acer said reloading his hand cannon.

Eris Morn began to speak through the communication system, "Tell me new light.. when you brought back, how did it feel.. many say it's like waking from a long.. long.. sleep, but you, you seem more adept in combat than I expected from a new light.."

"Well, it felt invigorating to be alive again, despite my memories of my past life being.. fuzzy, I feel ready to fight..", I say back.

"Good, then you and your fireteam must meet me in the Altars of Summoning, I require more tithes guardian, I need more power..", Eris said.

Acer and I arrive at the Altars, meeting Eris, I noticed another Guardian there, some shady guy.

"Hey there brother, I see you found a newbie, hey you tell em about Gambit yet?", The Drifter said flipping a coin between his fingers.

"No I haven't mentioned it until now.", Acer said, looking at Minxy.

"Gambit? what's that?", I ask.

"Only the best sport in the tower, haha, tell ya what, if you ever wanna get some extra glimmer, come find me at the Annex, I'll make you rich sister, I promise.", Drifter said a slight devious smile on his lips, "Plus, I bet my partner would like to meet you, I usually work alone but ever since she came along it's been a bit more fun in Gambit haha."

"I'll think on it.", I say, turning to Eris as Drifter transmats back to the tower.

"Tell me Acer, do you believe Minxy here is ready for this.. despite their looks, I see strength, and absolute will.", Eris says.

"After what I saw in the spire, I think he's ready.", Acer says patting Minxy on the back.

Eris nods turning to a summoning circle in front of her, "Then we shall begin, bring me power, bring me tithes."

Acer and I nod and thus begins an even bigger fight than in the spire, it took what felt like hours but we got the first Altar done, then the second, then the third, as we approach the final Altar, Eris stops me.

"Tell me new light, what do you know of the Darkness?", She asks.

"Darkness?", I repeat back, "I don't think I've known much about anything like that."

Eris looks at Minxy in deep thought, "I will train you to use Darkness, you will hone it, become molded by Light and Dark.. and soon you will see what it can bring.."

"Ok, where do I start?", I ask.

"Head to Europa, and speak with Elsie.. she is the Exo who knows the most about what Darkness can bring if not left in check.", Eris said as she begins to absorb the tithes Acer had brought.

I nod and head through a portal back to the throne world, before transmatting onto my jumpship and heading to Europa. I saw the icy planet and landed on the outskirts, there I see a small campsite and an Exo with a cloak on, I approach her.

"I'm guessing you're the new light.. alright, if you wanna learn about Stasis I must know one thing.", The Exo Stranger says, turning to the Foxian.

"And that would be?", I ask.

"Do you truly believe you're prepared to see through the darkness?", She asks.

I thought to myself, this Darkness stuff seems dangerous, but if Eris can control it and hive magic, then why can't I control Darkness, but then again, I had heard from other light bearers that darkness is indeed a dangerous thing to play with, some people won't use it at all due to not trusting it, but if it can be used for good then I'll have to risk it.

"I'll do it, I'm ready for this.", I say, stepping forward.

"Good, for now head to the Ziggurat and attune with the Darkness, train with it, become Darkness then break out of it.", The Exo Stranger says, nodding to the aforementioned Ziggurat.

"Got it, I won't disappoint you.", I say, getting on my sparrow and riding off towards it.

The Exo Stranger, Elsie Bray, stood there and watched as Minxy rode off, "I know you won't.. you were always too pure to be corrupted, I bet not even the Taken could destroy your will.. nor the will of those you're effecting.."

Minxy approached the Ziggurat and began to hear whispers, he couldn't make out what they were saying but an Icy chill ran up his spine, this was cold, and he knows what cold is, his chest fluff puffed up to keep him warm as I began to attune with the Ziggurat, feeling the cold, icy darkness surround him, he felt power surge inside him and soon he was consumed by Ice.

He struggled at first but soon, he broke free, wielding Stasis he saw what it could become, he looked at his Icy hands, "So this is Stasis, Darkness..", He said, clenching his fist.

And soon the training began, Minxy roamed Europa, defeating Fallen and Vex with Stasis, soon the chill wore off, and he felt at peace with this new power, no longer did it make his teeth chatter anytime he activated it, now it was like using any other form of Light.

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