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1: New Light and New Friends

I awoke after what felt like mere hours of sleep, but I remember, I died during the war, a war had started between the factions, Ponies, Humans, Griffons and more joined the fray, me and my fellow Foxians were one of the very few factions not interested in war, but we were caught in the crossfire. I looked around confused, how was I alive? It was then that I saw it, a strange drone like machine floating a couple feet away.

"Hello! I'm your new ghost! I'm here to guide you through this, I know you may be confused but to put it simply, you're back from the dead, look I'll explain on the way but for now, stand up, dust yourself off and let's get you to the last city!"

I nod, standing up and quickly finding a submachine gun, "This'll do.. for now at least..".

I began the long trek to The Last City, carrying my submachine gun on my back, "So, what exactly happened while I was dead?"

"It's a long story, but after the war peace returned to Equestria after a new threat came to claim power over our world, The Fallen, they are scavengers and use our old tech to make their own, not to mention the Cabal and the Hive." The Ghost paused before continuing. "Trust me everything will become more clear once we make it to the Last City! the beacon of hope for all of us!"

After some walking I encounter these so called Fallen, I raise my Submachine and fire away but as I get to cover the Ghost speaks to me again.

"Use your new found power! Wield the light!", The Ghost said.

"Ah right!", I charge forward striking a larger fallen with a flaming hammer, igniting it and blowing away the fallen behind it.

The Ghost cheered, "Yes! now you're getting it!, You wield the light! and thus have incredible powers to compliment that light!"

"Yeah.. Yeah I'm getting it!", I continue to fight until no more Fallen remain, "Man, so how far is this Last City?"

"We'll need a jumpship to get their quicker! I believe there may some other Guardians near by who could maybe help?", The Ghost said.

I walk forward, entering a clearing seeing some other Guardians, "Oh hey! you think either of you could give me a lift to the last city?"

One of them turns, "Sure!", He taps on his wrists calling his jumpship and teleporting me and himself onto the ship.

"So what's your name?", I ask with a small smile.

He turns to me and replies, "You can call me Nerdy, what's yours?"

"The name is Minxy.", I say with a chuckle.

As the jumpship takes off me and Nerdy began the chat, he was really interested in old world Video Games, guessing that's why he calls himself Nerdy.

"So as a Titan, you might wanna consider getting some better armor, sure that stuff you got looks decent but it's not really.. sturdy.", Nerdy says with a chuckle.

I chuckle as well, "Yeah, any suggestions? like who should I go to?"

"Oh definitely see Ada-1, she usually has some decent armor for cheap, as for Weapons, head over to Banshee-44, he'll hook you up with some good weapons! he always has new stock!", Nerdy states matter-of-factly.

"I see, alright thanks!", I say, thankful for the advice.

Nerdy looks ahead, "Alright, we're here! the last city.."

I look at it in amazement, a massive city with a tower at the center, "Amazing.."

"I know right!?, come on we should go see Commander Zavala and Applejack!", Nerdy said with a smile teleporting himself and I onto the tower.

I follow nerdy and see a man with light blue skin, standing with an orange earth pony mare. I kneel in respect before hearing one of them speak.

"No need to kneel Guardian, Guardians kneel to no one, not even myself..", Zavala said with s stoic look.

"Ah right.", I stand back up.

"Feel free to look around and talk to fellow Guardians, as we say, Guardians are stronger together.", Zavala says, that stoic look never leaving his face.

"We understand based on the communication systems that you're fresh outta the grave, right?", Applejack said, a kind smile on her face.

"Yeah things are still ... a little fuzzy to be honest with you.", I say looking around at the different Guardians roaming the tower.

"It's no worry, go see Twilight or Ikora, they'll help you hone your new found light and power.", Applejack replies.

I nod and start walking to the Bazaar, that's where I see a purple unicorn and another human, I approach, "I heard you two can teach me how to hone my light?"

"Why of course, tell me though Titan, what is your name?", Ikora says, smiling softly.

I reply, "I go by Minxy."

"Understood, tell me Minxy, how do you feel being alive once more?", Ikora questions.

I think, "at first it was a bit jarring but I'm fine with it obviously, but with this power I feel strange, like a fire kind of, but it feels warm and comforting."

"I see, well I believe Solar should be your first lesson, honing your skills with that fire inside you, keeping yourself tempered yet ready to burst at any moment, first lesson will be to go on a small mission for us, we wish to gauge your combat skill.", Ikora states.

Twilight interjects, "I also believe getting you started should also include a reward, bring back some firesprites with you and we will conjure you a powerful piece of armor that will help you on your journey."

"Alright! what's the mission?", I say with a smile, eager to start.

Twilight nods to Ikora, and Ikora begins to speak, "There is a hive wizard down in the Cosmadrome, the outskirts of the Last City, this wizard has been taking out fireteams left and right, even recently she managed to permanently kill a guardian, we must take her out of the picture, her name is Navota, vanquish her, head over to Banshee-44, he'll bring you some weapons."

"I understand! you can count on me!", I turn to walk but I'm stopped by Twilight.

Twilight looks up at Minxy, "Be careful."

"I will! in fact I have a friend who will help me out!", I head off, visit Ada-1 and getting some armor, then visiting Banshee-44, grabbing some weapons, a hand cannon, assault rifle and rocket launcher.

Nerdy approaches along side another guardian, "Yo! Minxy!"

"Huh? oh hey! you wanna join me in my first mission?", I say excitedly, my two tails wagging a little.

"Sure! I'm guessing you're going after Navota?", Nerdy asked.

I nod, "Yeah! come on let's send her back to hell!"

The other guardian speaks up, "I'll join too, I bet the Vanguard will send a good amount of loot once we're done, by the way, the name's Acer."

"Alright! lemme buy a jumpship and we'll be on our way!", I head over to the cryptarch Master Rahool and purchase a Jumpship, a simple one, I didn't have much glimmer on me.

Soon enough we were on our way to the Cosmadrome, as we teleport onto the ground we search for any signs of Hive activity, approaching a hill we see a ritual happening.

"Alright this should draw out Navota and we'll secure the kill!", Nerdy says excitedly.

"Don't go in guns blazing on me, I'm not gonna be the one helping your ghost revive you..", Acer says sternly.

"Then watch our backs and make sure no Hive sneak up on us!", I say, sliding down the hill.

Acer nods, "Alright."

Nerdy slides down the hill and the fight begins, a full fledged fire fight, soon the ritual is disrupted and Navota appears, screeching out a war cry, summoning more hive knights to fight, Nerdy pushes forward, launching up into the air and slamming down with Arc energy, Minxy then slams two flaming hammers clearing out some of the knights, Acer being in the backline shoots a Navota hitting her a few times before she raises a shield. Minxy rushes forward slamming her with a hammer strike, removing her barrier and scorching her heavily.

"Let's do this!", I shout, but I'm cut off after hearing a sound coming from behind, it was Acer who had casted Sentinel Shield charging forward at Navota and smacking her with his Shield.

"Awesome! keep it up Acer!", Nerdy shouted.

And soon enough Navota was defeated, having been killed by Acer, I walk up to him and ask, "What was that?"

"Sentinel Shield, my best move.", Acer said.

"Amazing, wonder what mine would be?", I ask to myself, following Acer and Nerdy to our jumpships.

I soon return to Ikora and Twilight, the two of them seeming deep in conversation until Ikora notices me.

"I see you've returned, good, now about that reward, this chest piece is called the hallowfire heart, it allows you to make more firesprites and allows your abilities to be used more often, here, take it, may it serve you well..", Ikora hands Minxy the chest piece.

"Thank you Ikora!", I smile putting it on, I whistle, "Snazzy."

I soon make it to my room looking over myself in the mirror, placing my helmet on my desk as well as putting the rest of my armor in my vault. I lay on my bed and drift to sleep.