• Published 6th May 2024
  • 386 Views, 1 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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Big Show's Redemption and Allura's Defeat

Allura and Big Show had given Sheamus and his young trainee Clover the ultimate choice-- either they kneeled and forced the others to kneel as well, or the Sheamus bot that Big Show had created would destroy Jane, Judy, Elroy, Orion and Vega.

The ponies (all except Sunny) knew that this choice was going to be tough to make... but it wasn't their choice. It all rested on Sheamus and Clover at this point.

Unfortunately, Sheamus and Clover had no idea of what to do at that point...

...that is, until the sound of a humming engine caused the two of them, Big Show and Allura to look to the skies. “Huh?”

Then, to their shock, a fleet of flying cars, with George and Sunny at the front, came barreling toward Time Warp Square, and George used the car to crush the Sheamus bot, saving his family as he and Sunny got out. “And that, as they say, is how you layeth the smacketh down.”





Sunny couldn’t help but sigh in relief as she and her friends, along with the Jetsons, hugged one another out of relief. “Thank hoofness you’re all okay!”

“We’re better than okay now that you guys are here,” Misty smiled. “And with your Superstar and alicorn powers, we definitely have all that we need to take Allura and Big Show down!”

With this declaration being made, George turned to the army of civilians that he and Sunny had made. “Okay, everybody!” he shouted. “Time to take back our city!”

The cars from all over the city began to settle into the square, making Allura realize that they were quickly being surrounded... and could lead to their defeat. “I should have known that fool George and Sunny would do something like this! Big Show, Twitch! Let’s get out of here!”

Big Show threw his cape onto Clover and Sheamus, allowing himself, Allura and Twitch to leap down to the ground, only for the Mane 6 to surround them, as well as Sheamus and a few more civilians. “You’re not going anywhere, Allura and Big Show!” one woman shouted. “We want our city back!” another woman agreed. “Yeah!” said a man fiercely. “This is our home and don’t you forget it!”

And by the time that all the shouting was over, the cars had formed a ring shape around the ponies, Big Show, Sheamus, Allura and Twitch, trapping everyone inside. “At long last… just us,” Zipp said with a ready pose. “Let’s get this done and get everyone in Orbit City their home back!”

“Challenge accepted!” Allura snarled before the battle began, ice blasts, punches, kicks and throws being tossed around by just the ponies themselves. While with Sheamus and Big Show, Sheamus threw Big Show into one of the cars. “Saw that coming a mile away.”

And when Sheamus prepared to kick Big Show again, Big Show merely grabbed his foot. “But did you see this coming, little bug?”

He threw Sheamus into the cars once again, causing the crowd to gasp as Sheamus began to pick himself up. “Windshield… bug. I see what you did there.”

Big Show laughed at this, and Sheamus quickly regained himself once again. “Now you got us Irish up!”

“Get ‘em!” cried Vega in celebration. “Go, ponies and Sheamus!” Elroy cheered. Meanwhile, Seth was being chased by THREE of the Superstar bots, and after Alicia destroyed her own bot, she grabbed the Stardust bot that was after Seth and destroyed it as well. “Miss Foxy is on fire today!”

“Yay, Alicia!” Judy cheered while Jane applauded. “Whoo-hoo!”

The Roman Reigns bot tossed Roman around in circles before letting him go, and after getting over his dizziness, Roman glared over at his robot double. “So, you want to see me fly, robot? I'll show you some flying,” he said before leaping into the air. “SUPERMAN PUNCH!!!”

And as soon as he had punched the robot, the robot fell apart, causing Roman to victoriously kiss his fist. “Never fails.”

Seth screamed as he raced past with the Dolph bot and the Kane bot on his heels, causing Roman to kick right through the Dolph bot before releasing a battle cry. “OOOOOOH-WAAAAAAAAH!!!”

“YEAH!!” Elroy cheered before huffing at the destroyed Dolph bot. “That’s what you get for picking on a kid!”

I should have taken that job as a toaster,” the bot groaned before going completely silent. Brooks, Jaya, Clover and Amiri used their powers to take on the last remaining ice creatures on their tails, and once they were all gone, they high-pawed and went to go and help their friends.

At the same time, the Uso brothers managed to grab their bots and slammed them onto the ground, rendering them totally destroyed. Seth screamed as he ran by with the Kane bot on his tail, and as the Kane bot got close, they both punched it at the same time, sending it down.

That's when the winged leopard WWE trainees leapt on the Kane bot repeatedly with their paws glowing, stomping on it and rendering the bot completely destroyed. As he managed to catch his breath after a moment, Seth caught himself laughing out of pleasure. “I saved all of you guys,” he said smugly. “And that’s why I am the future of WWE. You may all thank me…”

Alicia and Brooks leapt on him before he could finish, sending Seth crashing to the ground. “Ha!” Brooks mocked. “Alicia told you we’d get you!”

“And thank you, Seth,” Alicia mocked a grateful tone, causing Seth to groan before responding. “You’re welcome.”

“Come on, Brooks, hurry up!” Amiri called to the gray leopard cub as the rest of the trainees headed toward the makeshift ring. “Sunny and the others might need our help!”


Allura and Twitch battled the ponies to the best of their ability, but the ponies appeared to be too quick for them-- and with their new Superstar abilities, they seemed to have more of an advantage.

As her friends seemed to tire Allura and Twitch out, Sunny shifted into her alicorn form and managed to get a higher vantage point. “Allura! Twitch! Your control over Orbit City ends right now! Because with hope as our guiding light, your darkness will NEVER WIN!!!”

Sunny spun around before casting a blinding flash of light and a sonic blast through her wings down at the two villains, and Allura’s claws dug deep as she tried to keep from being blasted into the wall, but the blast from the alicorn was too strong, and she and Twitch screamed as they were blasted back into the ring of cars, falling to the ground, weak and exhausted.

The ponies, however, cheered as Sunny descended down to them again, relieved that Allura wouldn’t be a problem for much longer. “That was incredible, Sunny!” Zipp exclaimed. “What are you gonna call that Superstar move?”

“I was thinking… the Sunny Sonic Spin,” Sunny said in thought. “No idea how I came up with it-- just came off the top of my head, I guess.”

“Uh, can we talk about Superstar moves later?” Misty asked her friends with a little bit of panic. “With Big Show still around, this fight isn’t exactly over yet!”


At this, the ponies turned to see Big Show trying to strike Sheamus down, but the Irish wrestler was much to quick, and managed to strike Big Show twice as he taunted the large Superstar. “The Celtic warrior falls to no man, no beast, nor Big Show!”

But, as Sheamus prepared to strike Big Show for a third time, Big Show grabbed a flying car and whacked Sheamus with it, sending Sheamus down onto the ground. Luckily, he was just dazed...

...but that didn't compare to what happened next.

As the man in the car leapt to safety, Big Show plunged the car into the ground, creating a large hole in the cement, to which Sheamus tried to escape from, but failed, and began falling through it toward the ground!

Everyone gasped in horror as Sheamus plummeted toward the ground. “SHEAMUS!!” Clover shrieked before Misty, Sunny and George ran off to go get in their car and rescue him. But as they did this, Big Show cackled as the other Superstars and flying leopard trainees gathered around. “Looks like you fall to me after all.”


Sheamus continued to fall for what seemed like forever, but eventually he turned to see George piloting the car with Sunny and Misty inside, the three teaming up to go and rescue him. “Hang on, Sheamus!” George cried as they continued to dive, but after a moment, Misty and Sunny grabbed the manual control stick and helped George move it, stopping the car and allowing them to catch Sheamus on the roof before they began to lift him back up. “Going up!” George smiled, causing Sheamus to smile as well. “Girls! George!”

“Jetson…” Big Show growled before jumping through the hole and onto the top of the car as well, causing Misty and Sunny to shriek as Sheamus and Big Show continued their fight directly above them.


At the top, Elroy was the first to see the car coming up with the Superstars fighting on top of it. “Here they come!”

“Sunny, Misty and Dad are bringing them back!” Judy realized. “But it’s not over yet!” Orion said, pointing down at the reigning fight. “Looks like Big Show’s winning!”

“You will fall!” Big Show said victoriously to the weakening Sheamus. “Everyone falls to me! I am Big Show! I am the champion!”

Suddenly, as he and the two ponies watched the fight from the safety of their car, something in George suddenly snapped.

He wasn't going to allow anyone to hurt himself, his family or his town ever again... not while he was in there, anyway.

So once they breached the surface of Orbit City again, he moved the control stick and flung Sheamus and Big Show off, allowing Sheamus to get on top of Big Show again as they fell toward the pavement. “What’s that, fella?” Sheamus mocked. “I can’t hear you over my white noise!”

Suddenly, Big Show hit the ground with Sheamus pinning him, allowing everyone to cheer that Sheamus finally had the upper hand. “Let’s go, Sheamus!” Jane cheered, clapping her hands rhythmically, and this led everyone else in the city to do the same. “Let's go, Sheamus! Let's go, Sheamus!”

Big Show was able to get himself together after a moment, discovering that Sheamus had unpinned him and was standing nearby. “Still can’t hear you, friend,” Sheamus said as Big Show began to charge. “Try talking into my brogue kick!”

And just like that, Sheamus kicked Big Show back onto his back before pinning him again, and George and Vega slapped the ground as they began the three-count. “One!” everyone shouted in unison. “Two!”

But before they could get to three, Sheamus got up, much to the surprise of everyone there… even Big Show himself. “But you had the three count,” Big Show pointed out in surprise. “You had me beat. Why?”

Nevertheless, he accepted Sheamus’ hand to help him up. “Let's go back to our time, fella,” Sheamus proposed. “Let's battle like true Superstars in a proper ring. Then we'll see once and for all who deserves to be WWE World Heavyweight Champ.”

“...okay,” Big Show finally relented. “But we all know it's gonna be me, right?”


“George, you’re okay!”

In an instant, George was toppled onto his back by two very excited flying leopard cubs, happy to see that their friend and caretaker was safe and sound. “You, Sunny and Misty totally saved Sheamus!” Orion exclaimed excitedly. “You dove down and caught him, a-a-and then you flung both of them right back so they could finish the match!”

“Oh, we were so worried about you!” Vega said, rubbing into George’s side. “We never want anything to happen to you or the rest of the family again!”

George paused for a moment at this, but then immediately rubbed the cubs down.

Then, it finally hit George.

He loved these two cubs just like he loved Jane, Elroy and Judy... like they were part of the family too.

So, he needed to do something to make sure they stayed in the family for good. Hey, they needed a family since it seemed like their mother was never going to come back.

Zipp then softly cleared her throat. “I, uh, hate to break up the sweet moment, but I think that we need to get the star shard from Allura and get her out of Orbit City before something else goes wrong.”

“All right, Allura, you heard the detective!” Hitch said sternly, beginning to turn toward the snow leopard. “Time to give up the--”

But as he turned, he discovered that Allura and Twitch were no longer in the space that the ponies previously saw them. “Uh… they were right there, right?!”

“They’re gone!” Amiri shrieked. “Now what do we do?!” Judy asked. “There’s still one villain on the loose!”

“Technically, it’s a villain and a half,” Pipp shrugged casually, “but who’s keeping count?”

“Well… let’s think of it this way,” said Clover with a little nervousness. “At least things can’t get any worse…”

Suddenly, a huge clap of thunder caused everyone to yelp as a huge spiraling storm began to form directly over Orbit City, and then... softly... snow began to descend from the skies. “Snow? Huh… maybe this won’t be so bad,” Jaya shrugged. “I mean, it’s just snow, right?”

“Actually… it can’t be JUST snow,” Misty frowned. “George told me before that it can’t snow up here because we’re so high above the clouds. So… snow really isn’t all that natural up here.”

“I-I-I-It is g-g-g-getting kinda c-c-c-cold up here, r-r-right, guys?” Orion shivered, leading Judy to pick him up to keep the cub warm. “Well, if it isn’t the natural weather c-c-c-causing this,” gulped Amiri, “then… w-who is?”

“Allura… it has to be her!” Zipp realized. “She has the powers over ice and snow, and she and Twitch have gone missing! It's the only explanation!”

Suddenly, Allura’s laughter echoed all over the city. “Big Show failed in his part of my plan, but I still have more power over you pathetic ponies! If I can’t have this city, then no one else can either! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

The wind began to pick up drastically, causing many to scream as the increasing snow and wind began to pierce through their very souls. “Okay, taking over the city is one thing,” Vega shivered, “but freezing it for all eternity?! That’s crossing the line!”

“We have to stop Allura and Twitch now!” Sunny cried to the group. “Sheamus! Get all the Superstars to get all the civilians somewhere safe! It’s too dangerous for any of them to be out here!”

“Well, we’re not going anywhere until you get Allura to leave Orbit City for good,” George said as he and his family, along with all the flying leopards stood nearby. “We’re with you all the way!”

“...thanks, guys,” Sunny smiled gratefully. “Okay… time to begin Operation: Stop the Storm!”

As the Superstars began to lead all the civilians in Time Warp Square to a safer place, the ponies, Jetsons and the leopards began to march further into the storm to find where Allura was hiding.

Luckily, Zipp had her visor with her on the adventure, so she was able to use it to pinpoint Allura and Twitch's location. “I see them! They’re on top of the skyscraper right where the storm is forming!”

“But, with the wind blowing like this, we’re never going to be able to fly all the way up there!” Elroy pointed out. “How are we gonna get rid of the storm from down here?”

“Well, I don’t have it all worked out, but I do know one thing,” Sunny said. “We’re going to stop the storm and Allura and Twitch togehter-- like the team we were meant to be!”

As the others nodded in agreement, realizing that Sunny was right, they stood ready to face whatever Allura threw at them as a soft tune began to play.

Pipp: We are all different
But one and the same

Izzy: Like starlight and moonshine
We all have our place

Misty: You can't make a rainbow
Without all the colors

Sunny: And we can't make a friendship

Hitch: Without one another

Vega and Orion: Cause there is nopony quite like you

Suddenly, during the song, the leopards' star charms began to glow with a brilliant light, catching Allura's attention. That's when Vega placed her paw on the star charm, giving her a boost of star magic, and this caused the other leopards to smile and do the same.

Vega: So let your magic run wild

Amiri and Clover: Let your magic run wild

Brooks and Orion: If you could only see everything you could be
You would spend your whole life shining

Leopards: Let your magic run wild

By the time this verse ended, Allura had created an entire army of ice creatures to stop them, and growled out an order. “Get them!”

“CHAAAARGE!!” Izzy and Zipp cried out as the group ran forward to fight the ice creatures/run to the other side of them as the song progressed.

All: Let your magic run wild (Now is the time to light up the sky)
Let your magic run wild (Now is the time)

Amiri: Look at the night sky
Filled up with stars

Hitch: Each one is perfect
Just as they are

Jaya: But they're brighter together
Each leaving their mark

Misty: So beautifully different
All lighting the dark

All: Cause nopony sparkles quite like you

Izzy and Clover: So let your magic run wild (Now is the time to light up the sky)

Clover, Jaya, Pipp and Izzy: Let your magic run wild (Now is the time)

Zipp, Vega and Orion: If you could only see everything you could be
You would spend your whole life shining

All: So let your magic run wild

By the time they reached the reprise of the chorus, they had gotten past the ice creaures (who they pretty much destroyed without question), and were now working their way upwards to the top of the skyscraper to reach Allura.

All: Let your magic run wild (Now is the time to light up the sky)
Let your magic run wild (Now is the time)

Allura was growing angrier by the minute, realizing that her plans were close to being ruined, so she launched blasts of ice in a final attempt to stop the group from advancing.

However, no matter how much ice she blasted, the others always found a way to proceed.

Sunny: We are all different

Hitch and Izzy: But one and the same

Jaya: Like starlight and moonshine

Brooks: We all have our place

Misty: We can't make a rainbow
Without all the colors

All: And we can't make a friendship
Without one another

Once they had finally reached where Allura was, she sent one mega huge blast of ice to try and freeze them, but the magic of the leopards' star charms, the ponies' cutie mark magic and the Jetsons' life force combined together into a beam of their own, inching closer and closer to Allura as they sang the final chorus reprise.

All: So let your magic run wild (now is the time to light up the sky)
Let your magic run wild

If you could only see everything you could be
You would spend your whole life shining

So let your magic run wild...!!!

Eventually, as the song ended, the blast of our heroes deemed stronger than Allura's blasting her and Twitch backwards and destroying the snowstorm, saving Orbit City at last. “NOOOOO!!!” Allura screamed. “We were so close!”

“Normally, I would agree with you, but this time… I don’t think so,” Jaya responded with a frown. “You don’t have to do this, Allura,” Vega said softly. “We can all live in harmony with one another… but you have to surrender this newfound power.”

“NEVER!!” Allura barked. “You may have won this round, ponies, but we’ll be back-- trust me on that!”

She led Twitch onto her back before flying off into a portal created by the star shard, vanishing from sight.

But, honestly? It didn't really bother the ponies that Allura had got away from them that time.

Knowing that they had saved Orbit City from both Big Show and Allura was good enough of a victory for them.