• Published 6th May 2024
  • 386 Views, 1 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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The Call Out/Jailbreak!

Sunny knew that it was a risky move to join George in making sure that the Superstar bots didn’t give the others any trouble, but then again…

…if you were doing this for your friends, wouldn’t you want to risk everything for them?

Currently, the Superstar bots were hot on their trail, but Sunny and George weren’t afraid of them-- not this time. “Can’t catch us, lame bots!” George said before thrusting the car forward. “We are not lame,” the Superstar bots chorused. “It is you who is lame.

Miss Foxy bot is going to get you,” the Alicia bot said as it led the pack. “Foxy bot! Foxy bot!

But as George made a swift turn, letting all the Superstar bots crash into some nearby poles, finally getting them off their tail. “Phew…” Sunny sighed in relief. “That was too close.”

But the second she and George turned, the Stardust bot was right in front of them, causing them to yelp as more and more bots surrounded the space-car. “The path to your surrender is written in the stars,” the Stardust bot told the duo. “You cannot,” said the Roman Reigns bot, “you will not escape.

Give up,” said the Dolph Ziggler bot, “or you will face the wrath of Big Show. Trust me, you don't want none of that.

Seeing no other option, George opened the dome of the car, and he and Sunny stood up. “Okay,” Sunny sighed, “we surrender.”

Then, the Stardust bot blew some sort of golden glitter into their faces, suddenly causing them to become drowsy. “Nighty nightmares.

“Ugh…” Sunny groaned before she and George fell into a deep sleep, letting the robots cackle in triumph.

One pony captured… only five more to go.


By the time that Sunny and George woke up, they were being tossed into a cell in the Orbit City Jail (now known as the Big Show City Jail, but still the same building) by the Big Show Superstar bot. “Another puny human and pony fall to Big Show,” it declared, “world champion of the world. Ha ha ha… ha ha ha.

“Boy, I hope this works,” George groaned before flopping onto his stomach. “Believe me, George, we all do,” Sunny said comfortingly. “I just hope my friends will be able to get the plan underway before Allura finds out.”


Now that George and Sunny had done their part, and Mr. McMahon, Rosie and Astro went off to rescue them, Jane led everyone else to the Orbit City television station to call Big Show and Allura out of hiding. “Okay, everybody,” Jane said, “let’s go!”

“Ha ha ha ha!!”



They flew to the TV station as fast as they could, where Rolf Rodriguez was giving his evening report… which was more of a ‘boost your positivity report’ than anything. “And on the lighter side, look at this puppy!” Rolf said with a chuckle as a puppy appeared on the screen. “It almost makes you forget that we're all enslaved by a madman.”

But as he was done speaking, the rest of the Jetsons, the remainder of the Mane 6 and the rest of the Superstars and leopards flew into the studio. “Hey!” Rolf shouted. “You cannot be in here!”

“Excuse us, Rolf,” said Jane politely. “We’ve got breaking news.”

“But you can’t…”

“Emphasis,” Roman interrupted fearlessly, “on the breaking.”

This caused Rolf to chuckle nervously. “Well, since you put it that way,” he said, turning back to the cameras. “We interrupt this puppy to bring you a special report.”

“All righty!” Pipp said, flying Judy up to the TV cameras. “Ready for your close up, Sheamus!”

“Time to call out Big Show!” Elroy agreed.

And hopefully… their plan would work. If it didn’t… then it was needless to say they would all be doomed.


Big Show was sitting in his throne while Allura laid on the floor with Twitch, reading one of the books she had found, when Sheamus suddenly appeared on the screen, ready to call them out of hiding. “Big Show. I've come a long way to find you, fella.

“Sheamus?!” Big Show blurt out. “He’s here?!”

“Argh, so that’s why the ponies were gone for so long,” Allura realized. “They must have gone back to the past with the Jetsons to bring your arch rival here to strip you of your title!”

Imagine my surprise,” Sheamus continued to speak to Big Show directly, “when I found out you've been hiding in a glacier for 100 years all because you were too chicken to step in the ring with me. So, now you've taken over the future with no Sheamus and declared yourself the world champ. Well, surprise, Big Show! The real champ is here. And in front of millions of people watching this all over the world… I'm calling you and that mangy cat of yours out.

“CAT?!” Allura snarled, while Twitch tried to hold her back. However, no one could hold Big Show back as he approached the TV with a snarl. “Anytime, anyplace, I will run you into the ground!”

That’s when the Dolph Ziggler bot approached. “He can’t hear you, sir.


That’s a TV screen, not a video phone.

Big Show’s response to this? Growling in anger and punching the bot into a wall. “Allura? What’s your next action call?”

Allura smirked at this. “That’s simple… give Sheamus what he wants. A chance to prove YOU are the Heavyweight Champion. Go get on the phone and get a trap ready for those pesky Superstars and ponies-- I want to check up on our prisoners in the jail before we leave.”

And so, Allura and Twitch left, leaving Big Show to do as he was told.


“Do you think that did the trick?” Clover asked unsuredly. “I mean… Big Show HAS changed a lot since I last saw him.”

“Hey, don’t worry, Clover, I’m sure everything will work out in the end,” Zipp tried to be comforting. “At least… I hope.”

Suddenly, the phone started to ring, and Big Show appeared on the screen behind Sheamus, clearly looking irritated. “Time Warp Square-- 10 minutes!

“We’ll be there!” Zipp challenged with a smirk, just before the call disconnected, and many of the group ran out of the room to get there on time. “My turn to be on TV,” Seth began to say, until Izzy grabbed him in her magic aura and pulled him away, letting Rolf talk to the cameras once more. “It is a Rolf Rodriguez's exclusive-- a grudge match, 100 years in the making. Two humans, battling it out for total supremacy. And I will be there, bringing you every heart-pounding second or my name isn't Rolf Rodriguez!”


It felt like an eternity ago since George and Sunny had been placed in the Orbit City Jail with a multitude of other people, but all they had to do was wait until the plan was concluded and Sheamus beat Big Show, while the rest of the Mane 6 try to beat Allura without Sunny's alicorn powers.

However... waiting was starting to get to them, and Sunny was becoming discouraged. “It feels like we’ve been stuck in here forever.”

“Sunny? Jetson?” interrupted a voice that George knew all too well. “Mr. Spacely?”

“Oh, this is just great,” Mr. Spacely said sarcastically as he stepped closer to them. “Stuck in a cell with Jetson and one of his pony pals. You know, this is all your fault!”

“Yes, sir, I’m well aware-- Sunny and her friends had nothing to do with this,” George told him. “But don’t worry. We have a plan to take Big Show and Allura down. You see my family was…”

“You sent your family to deal with that madman? Huh, classic Jetson,” Mr. Spacely scoffed. “Allura and Big Show will destroy them! If I was your family, I'd fire you so hard right now.”

“But we have help!” Sunny argued. “We went back in time and found real WWE Superstars and their trainees, who know how to stop Big Show! And hopefully, my friends can take care of Allura-- we’ve done it before and we can do it again.”

“...it doesn’t matter,” Mr. McMoon said from the back. “Allura is powerful enough on her own, but Big Show is TOO powerful. He has all my Superstar bots under control, as well as his new destruction bots. If anyone tries to stop them, they'll fail.”

“Come on, we can’t give up so quickly!” Sunny tried to encourage the people. “I mean… won’t you even give a listen to what our plan was?”

Who’s to say that plan would even work to begin with?

Sunny tensed and turned around to see Allura and Twitch smirking outside the cell. “Why the long face, Starscout?” Allura asked. “Can’t stand being caged like a wild animal? Cause you know… that’s how I felt for all these years, trapped in Starlight Ridge.”

“Now you leave her alone!” George tried to defend Sunny, only for Allura to growl at him, freezing George in his tracks. “George Jetson… Big Show told me about how you thawed him,” Allura said as she paced in front of the cell. “Just think… a pathetic alicorn wannabe, and a clumsy excuse for a family man trying to defeat us? HA! I laugh at your failed attempts.”

“We haven’t failed because we haven’t stopped trying!” Sunny told her. “And we’re never gonna STOP trying until you’re out of Orbit City for good!”

“Hmph… we’ll just see about that. Come along, Twitch,” Allura said with a sneer. “We have to be going.”

Twitch spit a raspberry at the two before following Allura away, and only a few seconds after this, the bots started to walk after them. “Time for a cosmic awakening,” the Stardust bot declared. “It is written in the stars.

We will hit hard,” the Roman bot declared as they walked off. “And hit often.

“Hey, what’s going on?” Sunny asked with an eyebrow raised. “Everyone is going to Time Warp Square,” the Big Show bot explained. “World champion Big Show, Allura and their destruction bots are about to spring a trap on some puny humans from the past. Ha ha ha…”

And just like that, the Big Show bot walked off, and when this happened, Sunny suddenly realized what this meant. “A trap?! Oh no... our friends and George's family are heading into a trap and they don't even know it!”

“We need to get out of here!” George told the other prisoners desperately. “We need to help them!”

“What can we do?” Mr. McMoon asked bluntly. “We're just people. People can't do anything.”

“That’s right,” Mr. Spacely nodded. “The robots took our buttons away!”

But before Sunny could say anything, George stepped forward and spoke for her. “You're wrong! Our ancestors used to do everything-- they cooked for themselves, they cleaned for themselves, they even walked everywhere!”

This led many of the people in that cell to shudder at the mere thought of doing things for themselves. But George was not at all finished with his pep-talk. “We live in a future so great,
we don't have to do anything. And if we want to get back to doing nothing, today we have to do something!”

Sunny had to admit... she was a little jealous of that pep-talk. But, while everyone else merely stared at George for a moment, they then chose to LAUGH at George, surprising and annoying Sunny, while dejecting George’s spirits at the same time.

That's when Mr. McMoon finally stood up. “What can we do? We're stuck in this cell.”

“Another stinker of an idea from Jetson,” Mr. Spacely scoffed before looking toward Mr. McMoon. “Trust me. I work with this guy-- he's got a million of them.”

“You can't just dismiss the idea before it's even been said!” Sunny scolded the two businessmen. “Besides, George probably has an idea on how to get us all out of here... right, George?”

George spoke not a word, but turned toward the bars of the cell, grasping them tightly before he began to try and pull the metal bars apart and provide an exit for everyone.

He continued to strain... and pull... and strain and pull some more.

But even with all of his struggling, George hadn't pulled the bars apart, and he panted tiredly from his attempt. “Wow... for a second there, I thought he was gonna do it,” Mr. McMoon commented with a blink, causing Mr. Spacely to scoff. “Huh... classic Jetson.”

And then, with depressed looks on their faces, everyone turned their backs on George, with Sunny being the only one still facing her friend. However, despite knowing that Sunny was there, George sighed, his confidence completely down the drain. “Who am I fooling, Sunny? They’re all right, and maybe Allura is too-- maybe I am just a joke.”

Sunny never heard George speak in such a downtrodden tone before, and instantly knew that she had to say or do… something to help her friend.

So, she approached the downtrodden patriarch of the Jetson family and sat down next to him. “You know, George, I wasn’t always listened to the first time either,” she said. “Before magic returned to Equestria, I was always mocked and considered different for believing that all three pony kinds could be friends again. And even when I became the alicorn, I thought nopony else would understand.”

“That sounds pretty hard,” George told the earth pony mare with a concerned frown. “And you must’ve felt pretty alone half the time, too.”

“I did feel alone… at first,” Sunny admitted with a soft smile. “Then I learned that I'm only alone if I keep all my worries to myself. But if I share my worries with ponies who care, they will always be there for me. Just like I’ll always be here for you and your family-- my friends will too. You just have to have the confidence and hope to never give up in yourself or in what you’re trying to achieve. I know that we can do this, George… but the question is, do you believe we can?”

George considered everything the earth pony mare was saying, and after contemplating a few moments, realized she was right and smiled. “Thanks for the boost of hope, Sunny-- you’re absolutely right. We can do this, but only together. Mind giving me a hoof?”

“You got it!”

George and Sunny each took a side of the bars and pushed with all their might, and after a few seconds of struggling, the bars finally moved. “Hey!” George said in delight. “We did it!”

“Uh… George?” Sunny pointed outside the cell, revealing that it was really Rosie who had pushed the bars apart. “Don’t worry, Mr. J,” she said quietly. “It’ll be our secret.

“Let’s get you two out of here, George,” Mr. McMahon said, causing Astro to bark in agreement, and causing George to smile. “Thanks, Rosie. Thanks, Mr. McMahon.”

“Hey, fellas!” Sunny called to the other prisoners, who turned and gasped when they saw that the bars had been moved. “Who wants to help us save the future?” George asked before realizing something. “Well, technically, it's the present. Who wants to help me save the present?”

However… even after all that, no one would step forward. Sunny sighed, gazing at the crowd with disappointment. “I guess Big Show and Allura were right about one thing… the future CAN be full of wimps. We’ll be saving your home if you need us. Come on, guys.”

Sunny leapt out of the cell first with George right behind, and the two of them, Rosie, Astro and Mr. McMahon set off in the other direction to escape and rejoin their friends and family…

…and hopefully, they could get to Time Warp Square before they could fall into Big Show and Allura’s trap.