• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 276 Views, 15 Comments

Equestrian girls scary story to tell in the dark - Savant 123

A series of scary stories featuring characters from equestrian girls

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Bloody pinkie

A group of girls named Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack were having a sleepover in Rarity House. Currently, all four girls are telling scary stories.

“And then they discover that the socks they wore were last season,” Rarity said as she screamed. She looked around and saw everyone with a less-than-terrified face.

“Serious rares, that is the least scary story I have ever heard,” Applejack said, much to the girl's annoyance.

“Well, I like to see you try,” Rarity said.

“Then let me tell you a story of a bloody pinkie,” Rainbow said as she tried to make her voice sound as scary as possible. ”Bloody Pinkie refers to a creature that haunts the abandoned mall. No one knows where she comes from or what she is; some say she is a demon who came from the underworld; some say she is an evil spirit; and some even say she is an alien. But one thing that people agree on is that she is pure evil. Blood Pinky is described as a girl with puffy pink hair that resembles cotton candy. She wore a clown outfit that was covered in blood, and what she loves more than anything is to hunt and kill anyone who has the misfortune to cross her path. Legends have it that if anyone dares to go to the abandoned mall that she used as her home at night, they will never return.”

“That's a load of baloney dash,“ Applejack said.

“Yeah,” Rarity said.

"I agree," Twilight said, adjusting her glasses.

"Oh, really, if you guys think bloody pinkie is not real, then why don’t we go to the abandoned mall now?” Rainbow challenges her friends.

“Really rainbow,” Applejack said. "It's late already.”

“I quite agree since I need my beauty sleep,“ Rarity added.

“I am with them too,” Twilight said.

“Come on, guys, it will only be a few minutes." Rainbow said,” Unless you scare," which she challenged.

“Fine, if we go to the abandoned mall, will you stop?” Rarity said.

"Yes," Rainbow said.
After getting into the proper clothing and sneaking out of the house, the four friends found themselves in front of the abandoned mall. All four of them won’t say it out loud, but the abandoned mall creeps them out a bit.

“Well, lead the way,” Applejack said to Rainbow, who nodded and walked into the mall with her friends following her.

As soon as the four friends entered the mall, they quickly turned on the flashing and began wandering all over the mall. After a few minutes of walking in silence, Applejack decided to speak up.

“Their nothing here; dash; let go home,” she said.

“Wait, did you hear that?“ Rainbow Dash said to her friends.

“If you are trying to scare us, you should stop.” Twilight in an unimpressed voice.

“I am being serious; I did hear something,“ Rainbow said.

“Wait, I think she is serious; I heard it too,“ Rarity said. They suddenly heard the sound of footsteps and the sound of laughter. Everyone quickly pointed their flashlight at the source and was shocked at what they saw. Not far from them was a girl with puffy pink hair that resembled cotton candy and dressed in a bloody clown outfit. But what caught everyone's attention was her deranged grin. The girl's hands then started stretching to an unnatural length towards them.

"Run!” Rainbow yells as everyone runs for their lives. Managing to avoid her hands from grabbing them. The hands stretched back towards their owners before said owner started chasing after them while laughing manically.

“This is all your fault, Rainbow,” Applejack said. ”I am going to kill you for this.”

“Don’t worry," Rainbow Dash said. “I think Bloody Pinkie got that cover.”

“Stop talking like that,” rarity said. They were near the exit until Bloody Pinky managed to jump right in front of the exit. All the girls quickly run in the opposite direction, bloody pinky still hot on their trails. Eventually they reach the mall escalator, where they run up with Pinky still chasing them. While they were running, Pinkie somehow pulled out a hatchet from her pocket and tried to throw it at them. But luckily, they were able to dodge it on time. However, she just pulls out another one and throws it at them, and each time they dodge, she just pulls out another one and throws it at them. One of the hatchets almost hit Rainbow, but she was able to duck her head on time.

While running, Applejack saw a small mall plant. She picked it up and threw it at Pinkie, hitting her and causing her to fall to the ground. While she was on the ground, all four friends managed to run into and hide in a hardware store. By the time Pinky got up and began the chase again, she had run past the hardware store. The four friends were relieved to see that.

After they believe it is safe to go out, all four friends try to move as quickly and quietly as possible and try to make it to the exit. As they were about to make it to the exit, they heard a scream, turned, and saw their friend Twilight missing; the only thing left were her glasses on the ground.

"Twilight!" everyone shouted.

“Help me!” Twilight screams. Everyone looked up and saw that Twilight was coiled up by pinky hands and being dragged to the fifth floor of the mall.

“Oh no, Twilight!“ Rainbow shouted as she and all her friends ran to the escalator and up, hoping to get to the fifth floor to save Twilight, but not before stopping at a nearby shop to pick up some knives to use as weapons. They eventually reached the fifth floor and began looking for twilight.

“Twilight, where are you?” Rainbow shouted, followed by her friends.

“Twi!” Applejack shouted, and immediately after she said that, something flew past her and landed on the floor. They looked closely at it and saw that it was a hatchet. Their turn behind them, and they saw Pinkie smiling evilly at them.

“Where is our friend, you brute?” Rarity demanded.

Pinkie just laughed before running off.

“Get back here, you Valmont!“ Applejack yelled as everyone chased after Pinkie. Pinkie ran down the escalator, with the girls still following behind her. Every so often, she would throw a hatchet at them, but they were able to dodge each one of them. Of course, there were some close calls, but regardless, they still continued to run after her. Eventually they reach the ground floor, and Pinkie just continues to run further into the mall with the others hot on her trail. She eventually ran through the door that led to the storage room of the mall. The girls just continue to chase after her as they go through the hallway of the storage room, but eventually they end up losing her.

“Where are you?” Rainbow shouted in anger. They then heard laughter and followed it to its source. The sound led them to a room. “Come on, everyone, get ready.” She got her knife ready along with everyone else.

“Charge!” Rarity shouted as everyone ran through the door of the room, only to find nothing.

“Hey, where is she?” Applejack said, and as soon as she said that, a pair of arms stretched from the dark ceiling of the room and grabbed both rarity and rainbow and pulled them up into the celling.

“ AAAAhhhhh” Both Rainbow and Rarity screamed, catching Applejack's attention as she turned and saw her two friends being dragged up into the celling, where the darkness of the celling made them disappear from view. Applejack immediately got her knife up, as even though she is terrified, she is still determined to face Pinkie to save her friends.

Pinkie jumped down from the celling and landed in front of the room door, blocking the only exit of the room.

“Let go of my friends now,” Applejack said. Pinkie's only response is to laugh evilly. Applejack, now angry, rushed at the pink-haired demon and pushed her onto the ground as she stabbed her many times in the chest over and over again. After one final time, Applejack stood up and took the knife off her chest. She sighed in relief, believing it was over. However, her relief was short-lived when she heard insane laughter. She followed it to its source and saw it was pinky still laughing. The demonic girl just stood up like nothing happened. Applejack backs up in fear of seeing this.

“What are you?” She said it with a voice full of fear. Pinky just responded by stretching her hands towards her and coiling her with them, and immediately everything went dark for the girl.
Applejack woke up with a headache. She rubs her head as she looks around her surroundings.

“Where am I?“ Applejack said as she saw she was in a cage, which is a bit small as she needs to sit down to not hit the celling of the cage. However, what got her attention was that she was naked. ”Where are my clothes?” She moved to the front of the cage and saw that, in front of the bars, she was in a storage room of some kind. No doubt, the mall.

“Applejack,“ a voice said, catching the girl's attention. She followed the voice and saw her friends were in similar cages towards her, and like her, they were stripped naked.

“What happened?“ Applejack asked her friends.

“We don’t know; we just woke up like this,” Rainbow said.

“Where is Twilight?“ Applejack said after noticing that she was missing:.

“We don’t know,” rarity said.

Suddenly, everyone heard a door open and someone walking in. They all turned and saw Pinky walking in, and following her was a red-skinned demon wearing a red and yellow dress with hair of similar color.

“Well, it seems you girls have woken up,” the demon said.

“Who are you, and what have you done with Twilight?“ rarity demand.

“Oh, how rude of me,” the demon said. “I am Sunset Shimmer, the princess of the underworld, and as for your friend, well, she is find; after all, I always take care of my pets.”

“Pets?” Rainbow said.

“Yes,“ the demon now known as Sunset said,"you see, in the underworld, humans are considered popular pets, hence why I sent Pinkie here to the surface world to hunt down and capture any humans that she managed to find, and thanks to human nature and their desire to explore and investigate the supernatural, we always have a large supply of them as they always decided to investigate the mall to see if the story of Bloody Pinkie is true.”

“But she was throwing hatchets at us early,“ Rainbow said. ”If she was meant to capture humans, then why did she try to kill us?”

“Oh, those hatchets were enchanted to not kill anyone that got hit by them but instead knocked them unconscious,“ Sunset said. ”Anywhere, all of you are going to be sent to the underworld and sent to my mother, Queen Celestia, my aunt Luna, and nightmare to be their new pets.”

“You can’t do this to us,” Applejack protests as she punches the cage to force it open.

“Oh, but I can,“ Sunset said. "In fact, we have been doing this for centuries. My mother has been capturing humans and selling them as pets in the underworld market, and so has her mother. We have been doing this since the Middle Ages, and we will continue to do it. Don’t worry, though, because my mother and aunts always took care of their pets. In fact, you should be flattered since you get to be pets of the royal family of the underworld. Now it is time for me to send you to your owners.” Sunset snapped her fingers, and a portal opened, and out came three large demon-like creatures that picked up each of their cages with ease and began walking into the portal. The portal closes as soon as they enter it.
In the castle of the underworld, Twilight Sparkle sat in her cage, which is located in her new owner's room, naked. She sat in the cage in fear of what her new owner had planned for her. The room door opened, and in came sunset. She walks towards twilight.

Twilight can’t help but shiver in fear from seeing the girl get close to her.

“Ah, don’t be scared,” Sunset said as she patted twilight head. “Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”

“Please let me and my friends go home,” Twilight begged the demon girl, who just smiled evilly at her.

“But you and your friends are already home, my dear,” Sunset said as she continued to smile evilly. “You already with your proper owners, and I promise I will take great care of you.”

Twilight just looks down in sadness and despair, knowing that this is her and her friends fate to be pets for the rest of their lives to the demons that have kidnapped them.
The end

Author's Note:

In case you couldn’t tell bloody pinky name is base on the ghost Bloody Mary and her ability to stretch her arms came from the creepypasta cartoon cat.

This quotes is something I got from regular show death bear.
“This is all you fault rainbow” Applejack said.”I am going to kill you for this .”

“ Don’t worry “ rainbow dash said “ I think bloody pinkie got that cover.”

And the scary story rarity said was a reference to the scary story she told in the camp everfree special

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