• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 276 Views, 15 Comments

Equestrian girls scary story to tell in the dark - Savant 123

A series of scary stories featuring characters from equestrian girls

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The dark web

In the room of a young teenage girl named Rainbow Dash, said girl was on her computer when her room door opened, and in came her little sister Scootaloo, who was walking in.

“Hey, what are you doing?“ Scootalo said as she walked next to rainbow dash and saw what looked like a website that was selling many different types of weapons, masks, and other items. "What is this?”

“It's a website that sells serial killer weapons and items,” Rainbow Dash answered.

"Cool, where did you find that website?“ Scootoolo asks her big sister.

“On the dark web,” Rainbow Dash answered.

“The dark web,"Scootoolo said in surprise, “isn’t that those bad websites that people said not to go to?”

"How do you know that squirt?“ Rainbow Dash asks her little sister with a raised eyebrow.

“My school had an assembly where their discuss the danger of going to the wrong website,” Scootoolo answered. ”In addition to that, I heard my horror story of the dark web.”

“Well, it would be dangerous if you knew which website to avoid,“ Rainbow Dash said.

“So what kind of website do you go to on the dark web?” Scootoolo asks for a rainbow dash.

“I mostly go to the more interesting websites while avoiding the more disturbing ones,” Rainbows said as she showed Scootoolo the different websites she went through. “Such as a website that contains conspiracy theories about the moon landing, a website that is a dating website for serial killers, a website that is about a cult that worships some moon goddess called nightmare moon, who the cult believes will bring eternal night to the world, and my personal favorite, a website that contains fan fiction for the infamous serial killer Sombra.”

“Wow, that is so cool,” Scootoolo said.

“I know right, and that is just the tip of the iceberg,“ Rainbow said.

“Can I try, please?“ Scootoolo begs Rainbow.

"Sure," Rainbow said as she got out of her chair to let her little sister sit on it. Scootoolo then went and looked through the multiple links on the website until she stopped at a link that caught her attention. She clicked on the link, and it took her to a website called Santa List. On the page, it said,You got someone you want to get rid of? Well, just add them to the list, and Santa will get rid of them.

"What is this?" Scootoolo asks Rainbow Dash.

“It looks like one of those hit men sites,” Rainbow said as she observed the website, ”one that seems to use a Christmas theme. It’s best we exit this site.” She grabbed the mouse and exited the site, and after that, she and Scootoolo continued to browse through the dark web for a while.
The next day, Scootoolo was skating on her way home on her skateboard when someone suddenly stretched their legs out, causing her to trip onto the ground. She then looked behind her and saw the last three people she expected to see. The dazzlings. The school's most hated and biggest bully.

“Well, look what we have here, girls,” Adagio said to her two friends as she smirked at the young girl. “A new skateboard we can sell on the internet for a quick buck,“ she said as she grabbed the skateboard.

“Hey that, my,” Scootoolo said as she tried to grab her skateboard from her, but Aria just pushed her away.

“What are you going to do about it, shrimp?“ Aria mocked as all three girls left laughing.

Scootoolo got up from the ground and glared at all three of them. She hates them more than anything in the world. Especially how the three girls would always target her and her friends, specifically just because their sisters were the ones who always stood up to them. She wishes she could get rid of them. An ideal suddenly struck her as she ran back home.
In her room, Scootoolo was on her laptop and was accessing the dark web. After finding the link she was looking for, she clicked on it. The link led her to the website Santa List. On the bottom of the website is the word click here to add list. Scootoolo, due to her mind filling with rage and not thinking clearly, clicked on it without a second thought. After clicking on it, there was now a forum that asked her to fill out information such as how many people she wanted to get rid of, their names, ages, addresses, and pictures. Scootoolo, fill it all up and download the picture of the dazzling she got from social media on it. After that was done, she was taken to a new page that had a list of ways she wanted to get rid of them. She was tempted to pick up the one-call elf toys, but the one-call Krampus punishment got her attention. So she selected it, and immediately she clicked the confirm button. After clicking the confirm button, there was a warning asking her if she was sure she wanted to proceed. She just clicked yes. After that was done, she exited the dark web.

“Scootoolo, come down; it is time for you to help me with the groceries,“ Scootoolo heard her mom call her.

"Coming, mom," Scootoolo replies before going down.
In an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, a woman with teal-colored hair has just gotten a notification on her computer that a new target has been added to the list. She checks it out and looks over the person's information and the way they want them to die.

“So they want the krampus punishment,“ she said. ”Well, they picked my favorite method."

“Chrysalis, do we have another customer?“ a woman voice said to the woman, now known as Chrysalis.

“Yes, we do miss Luna,“ Chrysalis answered, the owner of the voice now known as Luna. ”Their request is the krampus punishment.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Call Discord and give him the information,“ Luna said.

“Yes, miss Luna,“ Chrysalis said to Luna as she got to work on her computer to call Discord.
In the house of a small neighborhood, a man was eating some popcorn and watching a movie when he heard his phone ring as it received a notification. He picked it up and discovered it was for a job. He left his chair and went to his garage, where he put all the things he needed for his job in the trunk of his van before going into it himself. He clicked on his garage door remote and drove outside onto the driveway. He looked to his left and saw his neighbor's daughter Fluttershy playing with her pet rabbit angel in her front yard. She saw him and waved at him. He waved back at her happily before driving off to do his work.
In the night of the city, the dazzling were at their usual hangout place under the city bridge, smoking cigarettes and enjoying themselves with some alcohol. Currently, Adagio was sitting down on a wooden box, texting her latest boyfriend, while Aria and Sonata were playing cards.

"Are you still dating that flash sentry guy?” Aria asks, not even looking at Adagio.

“Yeah, but I am thinking of breaking up with him tomorrow. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he is a good boy toy and a great source of income for me, as I can get him to buy me whatever I want. But he is starting to bore me.” Adagio said.

“King me” sonata said,

“Sonata, we are playing cards, not chess,” Aria said to Sonata.

Suddenly, a bright light covered them. All three girls turn to the source and discover it came from the headlight of a van.

"Who is this guy?” Aria asks.

“No clue,“ Sonata said.

“Hey buddy, buzz off, this spot is taken,” Adagio said to the person in the van. But the person did not move at all. Adagio suddenly feels like something is wrong and reaches for something in her pocket. The van lights turn off as the person parks the vehicle. The door of the driver seat opened, and out came a man dressed as krampus who was also holding three giant sacks and a handheld gun in his hands. Seeing this adagio, brings out the gun from her pocket and points at him.

“Not another step,” Adagio threatened, but the man just continued to walk towards them. Seeing this adagio shoot him in the chest only for him to continue walking unfazed must to the suprise of the three girls. Unknown to them, however, is that the man is wearing a bulletproof vest under his custom. The man then raised his gun and shot all three with a tranquilizer dart, knocking all three girls out. He then proceeded to put all three in each bag, take them back into his van, and drive off.
A week has passed, and the dazzling have been missing, and no one knows where they are. The police searched everywhere but were unable to find them. Until someone finds their bodies in the forest somewhere. Their bodies were stuffed in a sack, and their bodies were covered with whip marks and large cuts. After further investigation of the body, the police concluded that the three girls were tortured for days before they died from their wounds. Nobody knows why or who did this. Nobody but a certain girl who is now full of guilt over what she did.

She didn’t know what she was thinking. She was too full of anger at the time to fully register what she did, but after seeing what she did, she couldn’t help but be filled with regret since, as bad as the dazzling were, even they did not deserve that. Scootoolo was currently walking home from school when suddenly a van started driving slowly beside her. The window slides down, and a man looks at her.

“That would be five thousand dollars, kid,” he said, looking at her.

“ What?” Scootoolo said in surprise as she looked at the man, "What do you mean, and who are you?” She asked with her voice full of fear.

“The name is Discord, and I am telling you the amount you own for me to get rid of those three girls,“ the man now known as Discord said. Realizing who this man was, Scootoolo is now full of fear.

“And what happens if I cannot pay?” Scootoolo asks in a fearful voice as she continues walking with the man still driving beside her.

“Trust me, kid, you don’t want to know what would happen.“ Discord said, "The last person to not pay us, well, let's just say he not only stopped being our customer but also stopped being anyone else's customer. So pay up.”

“I don’t exactly have the money right now, so do you take an IOU?" Scootoolo asked nervously. The man just looked at her with a stoic expression.

“Well, then it was nice knowing you, kid,” the man said as he grabbed Scootoolo through the window of the van. She tried to scream for help, but Discord put a rag over her mouth, stopping her from calling for help and causing her to fall asleep.
Scootoolo was reported missing for seven weeks and was eventually found under a bridge. She has been dead for a long time, and further investigation has revealed that all her organs were missing, and to this day, the culprits have not been found.
The end

Author's Note:

While I did write a story on the dark web I must warn you to never ever in under circumstances go theirs. Seriously I heard many horror stories about it and I will tell you to never go their and do not ignore my warning seriously that is how most horror movie and stories stared with people ignoring warnings.

Leave a comment on what you think on my story and don’t forget to check my other story.