• Published 16th Mar 2024
  • 106 Views, 2 Comments

A Shadow in Lantern's Glow - Hades Shadow 92

A dark presence haunts the home of Glowing Lantern. Her close friend Hazel Nut is worried about her. So she calls for Princess Luna to help. Luna must send her expert, a zony who deals with all things paranormal and monster related

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Ch. 2 - Investigation

Chapter 2

– Investigation –

As the morning sun rose into the sky, a carriage could be seen flying over the trees of the Everfree. Pulled by two lunar guards, both dressed in the dark purple armor signifying their allegiance to Princess Luna, their destination was finally coming into sight.

“Pekahna Groves dead ahead. Should we wake our sleeping striped beauty?” One female thestral said.

“The old loopy loop?” A male pegasus grinned.

Both guards pulled up, bringing the carriage up with them before making a loop in the sky. Their passenger found himself slightly in the air before landing head first against the hard wood seat, jolting him awake from his loud snoring episode.

“Ow!” Shadow yelled.

Shadow picked himself up and looked at the front of the carriage, “What the heck!? Where’d you two learn how to fly?”

“Cloudsdale.” Both answered.

“Really? Cause I’ve seen better flying from drunken sailors shot out of a cannon.”

Both guards looked at each other and proceeded to direct the carriage downward. Shadow was confused at their actions until he saw a pecan farm. They were heading right for it but weren’t descending anymore.

“Uh hello, that’s my stop.”

“We know,” Both guards answered.

Right as the carriage was over the farm, the carriage was turned upside down by the guards, causing Shadow to fall from it and land ungracefully into one of the trees. He had barely missed hitting his head on several branches on the way down. As he hit the ground, he found himself covered in leaves.

Standing up and spitting out a few leaves, he looked to the sky, “Luna will hear about this! And what about my saddlebags you academy rejects!?”

He saw the carriage fly back around and from the sky, a small object began to fall. The morning sun blocked his vision and as he shielded his eyes, a pair of saddlebags fell on his head. Grumbling to himself, he picked up the bags and attached them to his barrel.

“Gonna glue their wings together next time I see them.”

Dusting himself off a bit more, he finally took a good look at his surroundings. Pecan trees stood in rows upon rows. So many trees that he couldn’t count them all. The leaves were all beautiful shades of yellow and orange. This farm was well cared for, all the trees seemed healthy and strong.

A path stood a few meters away, seeming to be used by workers. Shadow made his way to the path and looked in both directions. To the south was a medium sized house, one story and in relatively good condition. That must be the residence of Miss Hazel Nut.

“Alright, let’s get started.” Shadow stated, making his way towards the house.

As the front door came before him, he cleared his throat and knocked on the door. Shuffling was heard on the other side of the door, and after a few seconds, a thestral mare opened the door.

“Yeah, can I help you?” The mare spoke.

“Good morning Miss, I’m looking for a mare named Hazel Nut.”

Hazel’s eyebrow quirked, “You found her. Who are you?”

“My name is Shadow Strike. I’m here on request of Princess Luna in response to your report.”

“Princess Luna sent you!? You’re here to help Lantern!?” Hazel Nut said with gleaming eyes.

Shadow nodded, “I’m here to investigate this haunting. I need to ask you a few questions. May I come inside?”

“Oh yes please.” Hazel said, moving aside and ushering the zony into her home.

They moved into the living room and Shadow took the couch while Hazel brought some water from the kitchen. Shadow took the cup in his magic while Hazel sat down in her chair.

Shadow took out a pen and paper in his magic, “Alright then. Tell me everything you know about this haunting. What makes you think this Lantern is being haunted?”

Hazel rubbed at her foreleg, “I was at her house the other night and I got this bad feeling. Like I wasn’t supposed to be there. It got cold, like a chill went straight through me.”

“Cold temperatures accompanied by feelings of unease. That could be a sign of a spirit. Any else stand out? Sounds, smells, any other odd feelings?”

“Well, I thought I saw something when I looked through her window.” Hazel said nervously.

“Oh? What did you see?”

“A black shadowy claw thing, it wasn’t a hoof. It made my skin crawl.” Hazel said, a shiver running through her.

“Shadow figures, yeah that’s not a good sign. What was this shadow doing?” Shadow said, flipping to the next page.

“It… wrapped around Lantern’s shadow. Around her shoulders I think.”

Shadow looked up, “Really? Hmm. Sounds like whatever is in this house is attached to her. What can you tell me about this Lantern? Is there anypony else living in the house?”

“No, it’s just her. Her name is Glowing Lantern, she maintains the town cemetery. Her family has owned it for a long time.”

“And is this house near the cemetery?” Shadow asked.

Hazel just nodded.

“Great, that makes things more complicated. Has there been any changes in Miss Lantern’s behavior lately? Patterns, habits, etc.”

“She’s been avoiding ponies for about a month now. We used to talk every day, but now I barely see her.” Hazel said sadly.

Shadow raised an eyebrow, “Oh? What’s your relationship with her?”

Hazel immediately blushed, “Relationship? No no, I’m not in a relationship with her.”

Shadow just sat there, eyebrow still raised.

Hazel’s blush intensified, “We’ve known each other for years. I bake her pies and she helps me with my bookkeeping. I’m not good with finances.”

Shadow smirked, “Wow, she must be truly something.”

Hazel’s eyes drifted off, “Oh she is. She’s smart, gorgeous, has a great smile, and her laugh is just so..”
Hazel blushed again, realizing she was rambling about Lantern to a complete stranger. She put a hoof over her mouth and slumped against her chair.

“Wow, you’ve got it bad don’t ya?” Shadow grinned.

She sighed, “I’m not very subtle am I?”

“Not really.”

Hazel looked at him, “Are you going to judge me?”

Shadow put his notebook down, “Miss Hazel, I’m a hybrid monster hunter who has never had a marefriend or even been on a date. I’ve been discriminated against my whole life. I’m the last pony who is gonna tell you who you can love and what to do with your life.”

Hazel smiled at that, “You’re a lot more open than most ponies in this town.”

Shadow smiled, “Thank you. So, back to Miss Lantern. You said she started isolating herself about a month ago?”

“Yeah. I mean she’s always been a little introverted. But this is different. It’s like she’s afraid of her own shadow.”

“Hmm. This certainly sounds like a haunting. When you last saw her, did she have any noticeable markings on her body? Bruises, scratches, burns?”

Hazel shook her head, “No. She seemed fine physically.”

“No external wounds or markings. That’s good. Rules out a few options. Any other details you can remember?”

Hazel thought for a moment, “Well, she seemed fine when we were talking at first. Then all the sudden she changed and told me to leave. She looked so terrified for a second.”

“Did you hear any kind of noise or voice?”

Hazel shook her head, “No, I don’t think so. The wind was blowing hard that night.”

“It’s possible she’s hearing voices in her head. Not uncommon with spiritual attachment.”

Shadow put his notebook away, “Alright, thank you for your time Hazel.”

“Do you know what’s wrong with Lantern?” She asked.

“I have some concerns. Your friend sounds like she could have a spirit haunting her. What kind of spirit I can’t quite tell. From your description, she’s clearly terrified of it.”

“So, can you help her?” Hazel pleaded.

“I’ll need to see her home and talk to her. Can you show me where she lives?” Shadow asked.

“Of course, but…” Hazel hesitated.

Shadow looked at her curiously, “But?”

She got a look of determination on her face, “I wanna be there for her.”

Shadow sighed, “Hazel, I understand your feelings for the mare. But this could be dangerous. Whatever this entity is, she’s scared of it. I can’t guarantee your safety.”

“I don’t care! If that thing is hurting Lantern, then I can’t just sit here and do nothing!” Hazel shouted.

Shadow closed his eyes and thought for a moment. She was determined, and she might make Lantern more comfortable.

“Alright then. You can join in on the investigation.”

Hazel jumped in the air with joy, “Yes!”

Shadow cleared his throat, “But there are three rules.”

Hazel landed and listened intently.

“One, I’m in charge. If I say run, you run. If I say to leave me, you don’t hesitate.”

Hazel nodded.

“Two, don’t take anything from the house. Whatever is in there could attach itself to it. A blanket, a teacup, anything.”

She nodded again.

“And three, you need to be prepared to see a lot of horrible things. And possibly do things that might seem distasteful or morally gray.”

Hazel hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

“Good. Get whatever you need and lead the way.” Shadow said, getting off the couch.

Hazel ran into the kitchen and got a few snacks and bottles of water. She didn’t know what state Lantern was in, but she wanted to be prepared for anything.

“Oh, one more thing.” Shadow said, coming up behind her.

Hazel turned to face him.

“You got any salt?” He asked.

As the cemetery came into view, Hazel and Shadow moved through the gate.

“Just down this path is the house.” Hazel said, landing next to Shadow.

“Good. Not getting any bad vibes so far. That’s a good sign.”

“So, how did you end up working for Princess Luna? I thought she would send some guards to investigate.” Hazel said.

“Pfft, please. Most guards would pee themselves if they saw a ghost, or any kind of monster.”

Hazel giggled at that.

“As for how I ended up in the Princess’ employ, it’s a long story. All I’ll say is that she helped me out of a tight situation. Now she’s my main employer. She receives several reports on monsters, curses, hauntings, etc. I fix the problem, she pays me.”

Shadow’s explanation ended right as the house came into view. The outside seemed normal, no abnormal damage or visual signs. The front door was closed and the curtains were drawn.

“So, that’s her house?” Shadow pointed at the house.

“Yep, been in her family for generations. It’s as old as the town.” Hazel explained.

Shadow held his chin with a hoof, “Looks old fashioned. Could be a factor. Think she’s home?”

“Oh she’s home. She works late, so she’s probably still in bed.” Hazel said, landing on the front porch.

“Well, she’s in for a rude awakening.”

Shadow stepped on the front porch and immediately went rigid, his fur standing up on end. Something hit him hard, something not friendly. He looked around and saw nothing. But he could feel something sinister. He had just stepped into something’s territory. And it did not like him there.

“Shadow, what’s wrong?” Hazel asked.

“Something is definitely here. Stay close.”

Shadow knocked on the door. Neither of them heard movement inside the house. Shadow knocks again, a bit more forcefully. Still no answer.

“She should hear us. Where is she?” Hazel asked worriedly.

“We’re going in.” Shadow stated, levitating out some tools.

“What are you going to do? Pick the lock?” Hazel asked.

Shadow raised an eyebrow at her, “Would you rather I break the door down?”

Hazel shook her head, “No no. Lock picking is fine.”

The lock was simple and gave way to the zony, opening the door and letting a draft of cold air flow past the pair of investigators. Shadow put his tools away and moved inside the house. The air felt cold, like the chill of the night. The house felt forbidden, like it was wrong for him to be there.

Hazel stepped up next to him shivering, “Why is it so cold in here?”

“It’s the spirit. It’s affecting the air. It’s like this whole house is radiating a dark presence. How can she live in a place like this?”

Shadow walked to the fireplace and pulled out a jar of powder from his saddlebags.

“Hazel, get a log or something that’ll burn.”

Hazel nodded and flew out the door and around the back of the house. She knew Lantern kept her firewood out there. She picked up three logs and flew back into the house. Placing them next to Shadow.

“What’re you gonna do?” Hazel asked.

“Try and weaken this spirit’s grip on this house. It won’t get rid of it, but might help make it more tolerable here.”
Shadow placed the firewood in the fireplace, then used his knife and a flint in his saddlebag to light a fire. But even standing next to the fire didn’t help the chill in the air.

Shadow stood and took the powder jar in his magic, “Shield your eyes.”

Hazel pulled her wing over her eyes just in time for Shadow to throw some of the powder on the fire, making the fire turn green. Hazel looked at the fire and after a few seconds, it turned blue. The fire seemed to bend and grow for a few more seconds before settling, turning back to the usual orange color.

“That outta do it.” Shadow said, putting the powder away.

“What was that stuff you threw in there?” Hazel asked.

“Wraith Dust.”

Hazel looked confused, “Wraith Dust?”

“Spectral dust left behind after a spirit loses its form. Burning it in fire cleanses the area of the spectral energy in the air.”

After hearing his explanation, Hazel noticed that the chilling feeling she had been having ever since she stepped hoof in the house was gone.


Shadow looked around the room, “Don’t let your guard down. I only weakened it a little, it won’t last long. We gotta get Miss Lantern out of this house.”

Hazel nodded and looked to the hallway, “Her room is in the back.”

Shadow and Hazel made their way down the hallway slowly. Shadow cautiously checked every room on the way. He had also gotten some kind of weird crystal out of his saddlebags.

Hazel stood next to him, “Hey Shadow, what’s that crystal for?”

Shadow held the crystal up to her. It was about as long as his hoof and somewhat larger than a bit. Every now and then it vibrated in his magical hold.

“This crystal is designed to detect electromagnetic fields. Spirits and wraiths give off these signals, so it’s kinda like a ghost tracker.”

“Cool. Where’d you get it?” Hazel asked.

“You don’t wanna know.”

Shadow left without giving Hazel a chance to question him further. They made it to the bedroom in the back. The door was closed and seemed normal enough.

Hazel went first and knocked on the door, “Lantern?”

No answer.

She knocked again, “Lantern, are you in there?”

Still no answer.

Hazel moved her hoof to the doorknob to open it, but pulled it away almost immediately.

“Ow!” Hazel held her hoof, her eyes shut tight in pain.

“What happened?” Shadow asked.

He looked at her hoof, seeing that it had a burn on it. Nothing too serious but enough to sting. He took out a bandage and some ointment.

“This should help with the pain.”

He bandaged her hoof after applying the ointment, the sting of it making Hazel wince a little.

“What was that? It was like touching a hot pan on the stove.” Hazel said.

Shadow looked at the doorknob, it didn’t look hot but he had seen plenty of spirits use this kind of trick before. He gestured for Hazel to get behind him and gave the door a powerful buck. As soon as his legs made contact, he was flung backward past Hazel and skidded across the floor.

Shadow got up quickly and had a pissed off look on his face, “You wanna play rough huh?”

He stomped back over to the door as Hazel gave him a confused look. He took out his sword that was strapped to his side, the steel shimmering and gleaming in the light. Taking a deep breath, he focused and almost too fast for Hazel to see, he slashed at the door.

The cut cleaved the door diagonally, making it fall to the ground.

Hazel gasped, “Hey!”

“You can send Princess Luna a bill for that.”

Shadow walked over the door, noticing that feeling beginning to return.


Hazel followed him in and a shiver went down her spine, “Shadow, that feeling is back.”

“I know. That means one of two things. Either this thing is stronger than I thought, or this is its place of power.”

“Place of power?” Hazel asked.

“Spirits usually have a preferred spot or location, most likely somewhere they have close ties to. But sometimes it can simply be a weak spot between the realms.”

Hazel looked confused, “Weak spot between realms?”

“There are several realms and dimensions all around us. Barriers exist between our world and others to keep us separated. But things can weaken those barriers. Powerful magic, catastrophes, etc.”

“Do you think this thing is from another realm?” Hazel asked.

“Not sure. It could be a spirit from the dead, or something more malevolent. I can do some research on it after we get Lantern out of here. Now where is she?”

Hazel looked around the room, a room she had been in several times during her friendship with Lantern. Slumber parties, study sessions, the usual. As she continued to scan the room, she noticed something that was out of place. A blanket, sitting in the corner far away from the bed. The bed itself looked like a wreck. Lantern was always so clean, she would never let her bed look so disheveled.

Hazel moved closer to the blanket and could clearly see a bulge in it.

She moved a hoof to press against it, “Lantern?”

Lantern screamed from under the blanket and thrashed at whoever it was that woke her up. She kicked out her legs so violently, her eyes closed with tears streaming down them.

“Get away! Get away!”

Shadow moved to help Hazel, “Miss Lantern, please cal…”

Shadow didn’t get to finish his sentence before a blue hoof socked him right in the jaw, sending him on his back holding his jaw in pain.

Hazel knew she needed to act. She got on top of Lantern and avoided her legs, “Lantern! It’s me!”

Lantern’s eye opened suddenly. She looked at the face above her through the tears that blurred her vision. When she got her focus back, she could see Hazel above her.

“Hazel?” Lantern choked out through her sore throat.

“Yes, Lantern it’s me.” Hazel said softly.

Lantern was shocked to see the thestral, but shock soon turned to relief. She buried her face in the mare’s chest and sobbed. This in turn shocked Hazel, but only for a moment. She held the unicorn’s head and gently petted her mane.

“It’s ok Lantern, I’m here.”

When Lantern’s sobs started to fade, she pulled away from Hazel just enough to look her in the eye.

“What are you doing here?”

“I was worried about you. I couldn’t stay away.” Hazel said, smiling at her.

Lantern smiled too, but only for a moment. Her smile soon turned into a look of dread. She tried to push Hazel away.

“You need to get out of here.” Lantern said frantically.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Hazel said sternly.

“Please! You’ll get hurt. I couldn’t live with myself if he hurt you.”

Lantern struggled but Hazel had a tight grip on her, “Who is he?”

Lantern froze and put a hoof to her mouth.

“Ugh, ow. Am I ever gonna catch a break?” Shadow said, picking himself off the floor.

Lantern gasped, finally noticing the other presence in her room, “Who are you?”

“This is Shadow. Princess Luna sent him here to help you.” Hazel said reassuringly.

“Princess Luna? But why?” Lantern asked.

Hazel held her and looked her in the eye, “I know there is something in this house. I won’t let it hurt you anymore.”

“You can’t stop it, no pony can. Just leave me alone, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Miss Lantern, I assure you I can help.” Shadow said, moving to sit next to the mares.

“How? And why should I trust you? I don’t know you.” Lantern said.

“That’s fair. You don’t know me. But you know Hazel. You trust her don’t you?”

Lantern bit her lip and looked down. She did trust Hazel, more than anypony. But she was so scared.

“I can protect both of you. I can help free you of whatever spirit is haunting this place.” Shadow said, trying to look her in the eye.

Lantern avoided his gaze, “I want to believe you.”

Lantern suddenly went rigid, her body shivering so much that Hazel could feel it. Lantern buried her head into Hazel’s chest, screaming like she was under attack.

“What’s wrong with her?” Hazel asked frantically.

“The spirit is here. Hold still.” Shadow said, digging into his saddlebags.

He pulled out the bag of salt that he had gotten from Hazel’s house. Before Hazel could ask what he was going to do with it, he started pouring it on the floor. He went around the two mares and made a circle of salt on the floor.

“Alright, that should be good. Whatever happens, do not leave that circle until I say it’s safe.”

“What’s salt gonna do!?” Hazel asked.

“Trust me!”

A loud thump came from the hallway of the house, making Hazel jump and Lantern scream more. Another thump came, closer this time. It sounded like something huge was walking down the hallway.

Shadow got his sword ready in his telekinetic grip, while also pulling out a small bag from his saddlebag.

He stood ready, “Come on, show yourself.”
Silence fell over the room as Shadow stood his ground. His eyes darted to every side of the room and to the hallway. He looked for any kind of movement.

Get out

A plate came from the doorway, flying right for Shadow’s head. He blocked it with his sword and it shattered. The shards missed him and landed harmlessly on the floor.

More plates soon followed, Shadow blocking every one of them. He made sure that no plates or shards made it past him. When the plates stopped coming, he lowered his guard.

“Throwing plates? Is that all you’ve got?”

Suddenly, a powerful force hit Shadow on his side, sending him across the side of the room and into the bedroom window. His head hit the window itself and it shattered. The glass cut him across the side of his head but nothing too deep.

Shadow stood against the window sill, dazed but slowly gaining his composure. He turned to check on the girls. A strange mist was slowly creeping towards them. He pushed himself off the window sill but stumbled a little. His vision was a little blurry.

Hazel watched as the mist came closer to them. She held the terrified Lantern tight in her forelegs. Fanning out her wings for more protection, she wrapped them around Lantern.

“You can’t have her!” She screamed.

As the mist drew closer, it reeled back with the sound of a hiss. It tried again to come closer but yet again it was forced back. Hazel heard scratching sounds and looked down to the floor. Claw marks dragged across the wooden planks. Just outside of the ring of salt around them.


The claw marks stopped and the mist seemed to turn direction towards the source of the yell.

Shadow threw the small pouch across the room at the mist and for a second, it glowed with the white light of his magic before exploding into a cloud of white dust.

Hazel coughed and rubbed at her eyes, they stung from whatever that was. When her vision came back, the mist had dissipated.

She then felt a foreleg grab at her shoulder, making her turn to see Shadow.

“Get up, grab Lantern! We gotta get out now!”

Hazel nodded frantically and tried to get Lantern on her hooves. The mare screamed and fell to the ground again.

“Lantern, we have to go!” Hazel said, trying to pull her up.

“No! I can’t leave!” Lantern cried.

“Oh to Tartarus with this!” Shadow yelled.

Lantern soon found all four of her hooves off the ground as she was placed on Shadow’s back by his magic. Hazel normally would have yelled at a stallion carrying her crush like that, but she was too scared to voice her disdain.

Shadow and Hazel ran out of the bedroom and through the hall, Lantern kicking and screaming on the stallion’s back. The front door was in view and the feeling of dread and cold came back in the largest wave yet. Shadow had to push Hazel to go faster, jumping out of the front door and onto the path.

Hazel looked back at the house, seeing the mist, much larger than it had been before, pour out of the door.

“Don’t look back, keep running! It can’t reach too far from the house!” Shadow yelled.

Hazel flapped her wings and took to the air, flying above Shadow as he ran. He sure was fast, even when carrying a pony on his back.

As they reached the exit to Lantern’s family property, they could stop and take a breath.

Hazel looked to Lantern, seeing that she had passed out.

“What happened? Will she be ok?” She said, looking over the mare frantically.

“She’ll be fine. The stress must have made her pass out. We need to get her far away from his place.” Shadow said.

“We can take her back to my place.”

“Good idea. We can let her rest and I can start to piece this puzzle together. I have a feeling she knows more about this spirit.” Shadow said, looking back at the property.

Hazel nodded and started to move in the direction of her home before she heard Shadow groan a little. She looked back and saw him adjusting Lantern on his back.

“What’s wrong?” Hazel asked.

“Nothing. She’s just a little heavier than I anticipated.” Shadow said.

Hazel’s eyes flashed with rage and she ran over and slapped the stallion across the face with her wing.

“Ow! What was that for?” Shadow asked, his cheek sore.

“She is not fat. She is perfectly fit and beautiful. Hmph! Stallions!” Hazel said.

She turned to walk again, leaving Shadow dumbfounded. He looked at her as she walked away and rolled his eyes.

“I didn’t even say she was fat. I swear, I’ll never understand mares.” Shadow said, slowly walking down the path.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, Hades here.

I'm slowly getting back into it. Here's another new chapter. Shadow takes a lot of abuse huh? XD

What do you think is in that house? Will Lantern be ok?

See you all next time

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