• Published 16th Mar 2024
  • 106 Views, 2 Comments

A Shadow in Lantern's Glow - Hades Shadow 92

A dark presence haunts the home of Glowing Lantern. Her close friend Hazel Nut is worried about her. So she calls for Princess Luna to help. Luna must send her expert, a zony who deals with all things paranormal and monster related

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Ch. 1 - A Call for Help

Chapter 1

– A Call for Help –

The wind was sharp and brisk. The grass fluttered in the night breeze, grazing the hoof of the pony walking through it. The crunching of leaves could be heard with each step as they approached a gate leading to a graveyard. Not exactly the most glamorous place to visit in the dead of night, but this pony was determined and fearless.

She had a mission. A mission of extreme importance, a matter of life and death. She must succeed in her mission or there would be dire consequences.

Moving past the numerous tombstones and plaques, she held a basket in her mouth, taking special care that this basket did not rock or bump against anything. This basket carried precious cargo, more important than her own life.

Standing amongst the death and gloom stood a being of radiant beauty that the moon itself paled in comparison. Her dark blue coat glistened in the moonlight, highlighting the lighter fur on her underbelly. Her long light blue mane looked like a galaxy flowing in the autumn breeze. Silver chains and small jewels decorated her mane and one larger necklace resting against her chest.

As she admired the beauty from afar, she failed to notice that the mare had turned and jumped a little at her presence. Light blue eyes that shone like sapphires looked at her in shock.

“Hazel, what are you doing out here? It’s late.” The mare shouted over the wind.

A shovel glowing in a blue light was set into the mound of dirt the blue mare had been digging at. Even with all the dirt on her legs, Hazel still couldn’t stop admiring her.

Hazel set the basket down on the ground, quickly dusting herself off, making herself presentable to the mare. Her brown coat was clean and tidy, as she had bathed before coming of course. Her triple striped mane of black, green and yellow-green was also washed and in somewhat of a well groomed manner. Compared to her usual messy mane style, she thought she had cleaned up well. Her leathery wings were flawless, being a thestral meant no time wasted on preening.

“Hi Lantern, I wanted to come by and bring you a present.” Hazel said, lifting the blanket inside the basket.

Underneath the blanket was a pecan pie, the smell was strong and delicious. Her finest work if she would say so herself.

“Made it fresh just a few hours ago. I thought maybe we’d share a few slices. We haven’t had a chance to talk in a while.” Hazel said hopefully.

Lantern looked at the pie, the fresh smell of sugary pecan goodness was so strong that it made her almost drool in anticipation. She looked back up at Hazel, the thestral giving her usual fanged smile.

“Oh Hazel, you shouldn’t have.” Lantern smiled.

“Well I did, so how about we go inside and enjoy it together?”

Hazel gave her the batted eyelashes and fanged smile combo, her secret weapon. This made the unicorn mare blush furiously.

But as Lantern opened her mouth to give her answer, she quickly closed it. A visible chill went down her spine, making her whole body shake for a moment. Her eyes closed tight as she turned away.

“You need to leave Hazel.” Lantern said shakily.

Hazel’s heart sank, but she tried not to lose her smile. Surely Lantern was just kidding right?

“Come on Lantern, you don’t mean that.”

“I do mean it, now please leave!”

Lantern started walking away from the thestral, hiding her eyes behind her bangs. Hazel was shocked and went to pursue her, only to turn back quickly and pick up the pie. Lantern had picked up her pace and went into a full trot through the graveyard. A house soon came into view, Lantern’s home that sat just outside the gate of the cemetery.

When Lantern reached her front door, she quickly threw it open. Moving inside quickly, she shut the door almost in Hazel’s face.

Hazel placed the basket down to her side, “Lantern, what’s wrong?”

“Go away!”

Hazel’s ears folded behind her head, “Lantern, come on. Talk to me, this isn’t like you.”

“There’s nothing to talk about! Now please leave!”

Lantern sounded so distressed, like she was scared. Hazel tried to knock on the door lightly, but no answer. Hazel’s eyes started to tear up, the one time she tried to wear makeup and now it was starting to smear.

She picked up the basket and placed it right in front of the door.

“I’ll just leave this for you. I hope you enjoy it.”

Hazel started to leave but felt something… off. A chill went down her spine, like a wave of cold passed through her body. She felt inclined to look into Lantern’s front window, just to the side of the house. Like she was drawn to it by some force.

Peering into the house, she saw Lantern’s silhouette against the wall, the moonlight giving it a clear form. Then something appeared next to it that made Hazel jump back in fright.

A shadowy claw came from around Lantern’s shoulder, wrapping around her shadow. Lantern started sobbing loudly as the claw wrapped around her shadow.

Hazel moved away from the house, down the steps of the porch and out of view of the window. What was that? Was somepony in the house with her?

No, that claw didn’t belong to a pony. It was something else. Something dark.

Hazel flew into the night, racing away from the house.

“Sister, give us strength…”

Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night, sat upon her throne. Night court had just ended and she was truly exhausted. How come all the more annoying nobles came during her time in court?

“Tea, Princess?” A purple unicorn with glasses levitating a tea cup approached the throne.

“Achelois, thou are a blessing.” Luna said, accepting the cup gladly.

Luna sipped the tea, sighing as she slumped back against her throne.

“A thousand years have not changed how tiring these nobles can be. How our sister managed this on her own for so long is beyond us.”

Achelois adjusted her glasses, “Yes, nobility does bring with it an air of frustration.”

“At least in our day, nobles understood the meaning of “no”. We swear, Blueblood is by far the worst. If we hear one more word about his little spat with that diplomat from Saddle Arabia, we shall banish ourselves to the moon.”

Luna finished her cup and levitated it back to her assistant.

Achelois took the cup, “As much as I understand your irritation with the young prince, please do not take such drastic measures. If you leave, I will be forced to return to the Royal Archive Collection. Despite appearances, I do not wish to have my muzzle stuck in a book for the rest of my life.”

Luna laughed.

“Have no fear our dear assistant, we shall not leave you to that most gruesome fate.”

Achelois joined in the laughter, both mares simply enjoying the moment. But of course that meant it was destined to be disrupted.

The door to the throne room opened, a member of the lunar guard moving quickly across the red carpet.

He was out of breath when he reached the base of the throne, “Princess, I have… urgent news.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, “Speak Private Nocturne.”

“We’ve received a report from the village of Pekahna Groves.”

Achelois put her hoof on her chin, “Pekahna Groves? The small village on the southwestern border of the Everfree?”

“We recall hearing about this village from our sister. She claims there is a large pecan orchard there.” Luna stated.

“Correct Your Highness. And it is actually the patron of that orchard that has asked us to investigate something.” Private Nocturne said.

“Oh? What would this patron ask us to investigate?”

“She believes another resident of the village is being… haunted Your Highness.”

Both Princess Luna’s and Achelois’ eyes widened at this statement. A haunting, in such a small quiet little village?

“Did you get a written statement, Private?” Luna asked.

“Yes Your Highness.”

Private Nocturne handed over a parchment to the Princess, who took it straight away and read its contents thoroughly. She absorbed all the details like a sponge. A haunting in this day and age was rare in Equestria. However with the village being so close to the Everfree, anything was possible.

“Achelois.” Luna spoke.

“Yes, Your Highness?” The assistant bowed.

“This is a matter for our dear friend. Please bring him here.” Princess Luna commanded.

“At once.” Achelois said, teleporting away.

“Yeah, well next time you decide to put a cragadile in your rock garden, don’t come crying to me, prick!” A stallion yelled out as he was thrown out of a rather expensive looking house in Canterlot.

“Merciful Luna, I hate this city…” He said, grumbling to himself.

As the stallion walked into the light of the street lamp, his form came into full view. A zony, half zebra and half pony. A horn adorned his forehead, signifying his pony heritage. His coat was a reverse color scheme for a zebra, more dark gray fur than white. His cutiemark was a mix of a zebra glyph and twin swords crossed over the glyph. At his side was a sword and strapped to his leg was a dagger.

His name was Shadow Strike.

His golden brown eyes closed as he took a breath to calm himself.

“Alright, I need a drink after that bullshit.”

“I’m afraid your trip to the bar will have to be postponed, Shadow.” A mare’s voice said from behind him.

He jumped and drew his sword, swinging it around and stopping just short of Achelois’ neck. When he realized who it was, he quickly pulled the sword back a little.

“Achelois, how many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me like that? I could have cut your head off!”

Achelois simply moved his blade away with her hoof and adjusted her glasses with a slight grin, “If you were a bit more aware of your surroundings, you wouldn’t have that problem.”

Shadow growled and put his sword away, “What do you want, Achelois? If it’s another job, tell Luna I’m tired and to call me back in a week.”

“The Princess requires your presence now, Shadow. An urgent matter has come to her attention.”

Shadow rolled his eyes, “Yeah, and I have an urgent matter too. It’s called rest and relaxation. Whatever it is, it can wait.”

Shadow started to walk away, when Achelois teleported in front of him.

“Shadow, this is no time for your foolishness and stubborn attitude.” She scowled at him.

“Don’t give me that look, Achelois. I just got done with a job. What could possibly be so urgent that I can’t get a single night’s sleep?”

She stood her ground, “A young mare’s life may be at stake.”

Shadow’s eye quirked, “Ok. I’ll bite. What’s going on?”

“Not here. Come with me.” Achelois said while charging her horn.

Shadow’s eyes widened, “Wait no no no no!”

Too late, he was caught in the teleportation and whisked away by the unicorn.

Princess Luna finished her tea and was sitting it down on the stand near her throne when the sound of a teleport spell caught her attention. There stood her assistant and her guest.

“Ah Shadow, I’m glad Achelois could find you.”

“I simply had to follow his bellowing in the streets.” Achelois said, refilling the Princess’ teacup.

Shadow glared, “Hardy har har. And you know I hate teleporting!”

Achelois didn’t even respond, taking a seat by her Princess’ side.

“Now Shadow, we must discuss your next assignment.” Luna said, looking down at the zony.

Shadow sighed, “Alright, let’s hear it.”

Luna floated the statement from Private Nocturne, “This is the statement taken from the mare who alerted us to this incident.”

Shadow took the scroll in his magic and read the contents, “Hmm. Pekahna Groves. I haven’t been to that region. The witness is a mare named Hazel Nut, who owns a pecan farm. Hmm, how ironic.”

Luna nodded, “Correct. She believes her friend is being haunted by some foul creature.”

“Hmm, not much to go on in this statement. A shadowy figure in a house isn’t exactly compelling. I’ll need more information from her. Once I know what I’m dealing with, I can determine the severity of the situation.”

Shadow put the scroll in his saddlebags.

He turned back to the Princess, “I’m guessing I’ll be leaving right away.”

“While we would normally request you to go immediately, arriving in the middle of the night will cause a scene. We will provide you a carriage first thing in the morning. Upon arrival you will seek out this Hazel Nut at her farm.”

“Wow, I get a full night’s sleep before going on another mysterious job possibly involving a malevolent force bent on causing misery to the innocent? You getting soft on me Luna?” Shadow grinned.

“We were going to offer you a room, but after that comment we have changed our mind. Return here at dawn Shadow.” Luna said, lighting her horn.

Shadow’s eyes widened, “Not again!”

He tried to escape it, but he was not fast enough. He soon found himself above the palace fountain, landing face first into the icy cold water. Quickly pulling himself out of the fountain, he shivered and turned to glare in the direction of the throne room.

“Was just a joke.” He grumbled before walking off to find a hotel.

Crying filled the halls of the house, sounding like the echoing of a forsaken spirit filled with sadness and despair. Candle light was the only thing illuminating the room. A mare sat in the room, huddled under a blanket in terror.

“Please, leave me alone.” Lantern whimpered.

A raspy growl rang out across the room, the blanket that was her protection ripped right by her flank. She jumped and moved further in the corner of her room. The blanket wrapped into a new protective cocoon.

“Lantern…” A distant voice said softly.

She froze at the sound of the voice, her blood running cold in her veins. She looked down at the one thing that was giving her comfort. Cradled in her hooves inside the blanket was the pecan pie Hazel had brought her. Everytime she felt scared, she took a bite. The taste and warmth made her feel safe.

She wished Hazel was there to enjoy it with her. She wished Hazel could save her. But she couldn't risk Hazel’s safety. This was all her fault, and this was her punishment.

“Hazel…” Lantern whispered while she cried herself to sleep.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone

So this story is a few things. One, a chance to restart my creativity. I've been stuck with all my stories for a while and haven't had the motivation to write. I figured trying something new will get me back into the groove.

Two, this story also counts as a prequel of a new project I will be starting. An anthology staring my OC Shadow Strike, and my girlfriend's OC Sketch Heart. A group of short stories to tell their life story and how they made each other's lives wonderful, just like with myself and my girlfriend.

I hope you enjoy this story and all those to come.

See ya next time,