• Published 11th Jan 2024
  • 613 Views, 84 Comments

Equestria Ninjas: A Shining New Digi-tude! - WarriorofFaith18

Sunset and the Ninjas bring the Digidestined and Team Shine to Equestria

  • ...

Return of Spikezilla PT 1

After spending the entire day at the School of Friendship and educating the students about the Digimon and Team Shine and getting a good night sleep, The heroes were training before going to meet Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. After practicing ninjutsu, TK, Kari, Cody, and Yolei lined up facing their Digimon partners.

“You guys ready?” TK asked.

The four nodded as they held their Digivices.

As the others watched, Keno whispered. “Let’s see if they can pull it off like Davis.”

“That’ll be the first step.” Shine Boy agreed.

“The sooner they pull it off, the sooner they can train their new forms.” April said before the four Digidestined shouted.


Like with Davis, they were engulfed in a bright shining light with their Digimon.


Yolei merged from the light, taller while wearing Halsemon’s armor with his wings.


Next to merge was Cody, who had Digmon’s armor and drills on him as he was taller too.


TK was also taller as he walked up wearing Pegasusmon’s armor.


As the light dimmed, Kari showed she was also taller with Neftimon’s armor as well.

“I love how their armor is shiny.” Rarity awed.

Spike pulled out a clipboard. “Okay, who can hear their partners? Show of hooves.”

“Yep! Cody is as amazed as I am!” Cody spoke as Digmon.

“I agree with Yolei when she says this is really weird.” Halsemon spoke in Yolei’s body.

Mikey blinked at Halsemon. “Hey, if you’re a guy and Yolei’s a girl, are you-?”

“We’d rather not talk about it, Michelangelo.” Halsemon interrupted while Raph clonked Mikey on the head.

“TK said he knew we think alike a lot, but this takes the cake!” Pegasusmon said while he looked over himself in TK’s body.

“I agree. And Kari is laughing at TK’s jester.” Kari spoke as Nefertimon.

“Looks like everyone checks out.” Spike wrote.

“And it’s safe to say the other Armor forms work just as well.” Izzy concluded.

“I agree with Izzy.” Karai nodded.

“I almost miss that golden Digi Egg we used to cure Lopmon.” Terriermon mumbled.

“Another time perhaps, pal.” Willis shrugged.

“Looking great, guys!” Davis commented before everyone separated.

“Now we can figure out how to master our new forms.” Cody smiled.

“I just wished Ken was fortunate as we are.” Yolei pouted as she looked at Ken in worry.

“Oh yeah. I forgot.” Davis worried.

Ken just smiled as he walked up to Yolei. “It’s okay, you guys. I still have my ninjutsu training so I’m not completely out.”

Everyone smiled and Yolei was about to nuzzle with Ken when Spike suddenly burped up a message and what appears to be a digi egg. It looked like an unbloomed flower with the Crest of Kindness on it.

“Excuse you.” Mimi scolded.

“This is how we keep in touch with Princess Celestia.” Twilight explained. “Though I don’t think this is from Celestia.”

“What is it?” Shine Girl asked.

“I’m not sure.” Wormmon tilted his head.

The Digi Egg floated to Ken who held his hoof up and it rested on it. “Is that..... a Digi egg? It’s got the crest of kindness on it.”

“And it’s reacting like our Armor Digi Eggs.” TK pointed out.

“What does the letter say?” Kari asked as Spike began reading the letter.

Dear Ken,

first and foremost, I want to apologize to Spike if I caused him any discomfort delivering this to you. I’m not used to this way. I had a feeling you would come across a world where you could not use Stingmon . So, I was able to have the Digi egg of kindness recreated courtesy of Azulongmon. I know you will use it well. Good luck on your journey.

Sincerely, Gennai.

Ken awed at his new Digi Egg. “Wow so this must be how Davis and the others felt when they got their Digi eggs.”

“Guess that resolves that.” Shine Boy whispered to Sunset who nodded.

“Go ahead, Ken.” Leo insisted. “Try it.”

“You ready, my friend?” Ken asked his partner.

“let’s do it!” Wormmon declared.

“I never thought I’d say this. DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!”


After the same light as before glowed, Ken was taller as he wore white with a green handkerchief around his neck, black boots, and a red helmet with bans with hearts on the end. Everyone wowed at their friend’s new form.

“You know, I think I saw a hero who looked like that in a show back in Japan.” Shini recalled.

“All right Ken! Looking good!” Casey grinned.

“Amazing!” Donnie blinked.

“Though what are you called in this form?” Love Shine wondered.

Ken then spoke in a noble voice. “I am called Bucchiemon. As Wormmon, I Armor Digivolve with the Digi Egg of Kindness. My Heartner Beam can resolve any conflict as well as heal my allies or protect them with my Talon Arrow.”

No one noticed Yolei blushing at the new look of Ken. It wasn’t until she hummed that Karai noticed.

“You alright there, Yolei?” She asked smugly as everyone noticed her.

“I’m great.” Yolei answered dreamly before falling over, snapping out of it. The girls snickered as she got up embarrassed. “I thought there was a wall there.”

“Sure, you did.” Casey teased as he and Raph laughed like crazy. But they stopped as she growled at them with flames in her eyes.

“Okay, let’s calm down now.” Shine Boy stood between them while Bucchiemon reverted to Ken and Wormmon.

“That went well.” Ken smiled.

“I always wondered how Armor Digivolving felt like. Now I know what I missed out.” Wormmon happily bounced.

“And now you’ll be able to join our training and not feel left out.” Davis put his arm over Ken’s shoulder.

“But how will we be able to hear the others while in their digi armor Digimon?” Fluttershy wondered.

“I don’t know. But I might have to invent something that’ll help us hear them.” Donnie pondered.

“That’s a great idea Donnie. Otherwise I don’t have to send the message through Hawkmon.” Yolei said.

“OK I’ll let Donnie try to invent whatever free time you have. as for training their armor Digimon form, We can start tomorrow.” Leo promised. “Right now, let’s get everypony together so we can leave for Canterlot to meet with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Yeah! And Thorax and Ember are gonna be there too!” Spike added.

“Let’s get Gamer, Ocellus, and Smolder and head over.” Shine Boy suggested.

“Where is Gamer anyway?” asked Serenity looking around.

“He was looking at this old flying contraption Applejack and I used once.” Rarity recalled.

“Okay. Hand me that wrench, please Ocellus?”

Ocellus gave the wrench to Gamer who levitated it with his magic and began tightening something in the machine while Smolder watched.

“So you’re trying to make this thing fly?” the dragon asked.

“Yep. And make sure everything runs well and that you wouldn’t have to pedal to make it work.”

“Impressive.” Ocellus wowed.

“Well, if I have the tools, I have the talent.”

“Hey guys!” the three turned to see the heroes walk up as April spoke up. “You guys ready to go?”

“Just about finished.” Gamer said as he finished and closed the hood. “There. That should do it.”

“What exactly were you doing there, Games?” Keno asked.

“Just fixing it up.” Gamer shrugged. “I also fixed it so we don’t have to hoof pedal for it to fly.”

“Great!” Starlight blinked.

“Yeah! Let’s give it a test drive!” Davis grinned.

“We’ll have to do it later. Right now, we’re heading out to Canterlot.” Twilight reminded.


“Let’s get a move on!” Casey cheered as they walked out. Gamer shrugged before pushing the plane back before hurrying to catch up.

After taking the train, the group arrived at the train station and saw their friend Blade Swipe happily waiting to greet them.

“Yo Blade!” Mikey cheered as he high fived their friend. “Long time no see!”

“It is good to see you too, Michelangelo.” Blade grinned. “And greetings to the newcomers in the group.”

Leo stood and did introductions. “Everyone, this is our friend Blade Swipe. He’s a pony who got mutated by the Kraang.”

“Oh yes. And you had to live as an outcast because every pony shunned you for how you look.” Yolei recalled.

“Yep. And almost tried to destroy ponykind.” Blade sighed. “But thanks to my friends here, I saw the errors of my ways and now serve as a guard for Princess Celestia.”

Twilight nodded. “Blade, these are The Digidestined and Team Shine who have helped save our worlds a couple times. There’s Davis, Yolei, Cody, TK, Kari, Ken, Izzy, Mimi, Willis, Josh, and Marie and these are their Digimon partners. And these four are Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl. And that’s Serenity.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Any friend of the Ninjas and Princess Twilight is a friend of mine.” Blade shook Shine Boy’s hoof.

“Likewise, Blade.” Shine Boy smiled. “Heard so much about you from Leonardo and I am happy to call you my friend as well.”

“Thank you.” Blade thanked. “Well, the princesses are waiting to meet you all. Allow me to escort you to the palace.”

“Lead on.” Karai nodded.

As they headed for the palace, Mimi whispered to Yolei and April. “Is it wrong to think he looks cute even with his mutation?”

“I know, right?” Yolei agreed.

“Just be careful that his girlfriend doesn’t hear you say that.” April joked.

“Well, well, well. Sounds like some pony agreed with me if he’s going steady.” Mimi jestered. The three chuckled as they followed not far behind.

Soon, they opened the doors to the throne room of the castle. Blade announced them as they entered.

“Presenting Princess Twilight, the Ninjas, and friends!”

In the throne room, they saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna along with Thorax, his brother Pharnyx, and Ember happy to see them.

“It is good to see you all again.” Celestia greeted as she hugged Sunset.

“And a big welcome to the newest members of your group.” Luna added.

“Greetings to you all again.” Ember nodded.

“It has been a long time.” Thorax smiled.

“Hi.” Pharnyx waved.

Shine Boy bowed in respect followed by the rest of his team and Serenity. “Your highnesses, it is an honor to meet all four of you. My name is Shine Boy and these are my friends and teammates.”

“Thank you, but you don’t have to stay bowed for long.” Celestia assured as they stood up. “I have been told by Twilight through Sunset’s journal especially after seeing your fight with that… Milleniummon, right?” The group nodded.

“So that what that was.” Ember recalled. “The Dragons back home really enjoyed that. We almost ran out of popcorn.”

“That was interesting.” Thorax remembered. “I was almost worried at first before they closed again.”

“So we welcome you, Team Shine and Digidestined, to Equestria.” Luna assured.

After everyone introduced themselves, Ember asked an important question as she patted Veemon’s head. “So you Digimon are Digital Monsters, eh? What is this digital?”

Izzy cleared his throat. “Well, you see, Digital data, in information theory and information systems, is information represented as a string of discrete symbols, each of which can-!”

Sunset nudged him. “Uh Izzy? You may want to simplify that definition.”

Izzy saw Ember deadpanning him before Kari walked up to Ember. “Digital is data that is stored in these boxy things back home called computers and they also generate a portal to the Digimons home the Digital World.”

“Okay. That makes more sense. Thank you.” Ember smirked.

Ken and Izzy walked up to Thorax as Ken spoke. “so the changelings are insect type in Equestria?”

“You could say that. Why do you ask, Ken?” Thorax asked.

“let's just say my Digimon is kinda similar to you but a lot different.” Ken stepped aside to reveal Wormmon to Thorax and Pharynx.

“Greetings. I am Wormmon. Please to meet you.”

Izzy then join with Ken as well.

“I also want you to meet my partner. He’s also an insect type digimon.” Izzy said as Tentomon fly up to Thorax and Pharynx.

“Greetings Thorax and Pharynx. I’m Tentomon.” Pleasure to be meeting you as well.

“Hi. Nice to meet you.” Thorax greeted.

“I gotta say. You and Wormmon are ok by me. Are there more of the insect type digimons in this digital world?

“Oh yes. We have a list of them. Not sure how long it will take.” Tentomon answered.

“I also have a champion form name Stingmon. Too bad I couldn’t digivolve with Ken’s D-3 digivice.”

Mikey then popped in. “there's something that I was wondering. Can the changelings have other abilities when they change forms?”

“Nope.” Thorax said. “As I recall, when we battled Chrysalis, she changed into Leonardo who bested her in battle.”

“We’re also able to transform or what we call Digivolve.” Hawkmon spoke up.

“Transform like this?” Thorax asked before he morphed into a duplicate of Shine Boy, then Mimi, Ken, Veemon, and finally Willis before returning to normal.

“Sort of, but more like when you went from black to green after stopping Chrysalis.” Starlight explained.

“I see.” Thorax understood.

“We just learned that some of the Digimon digivolve differently in Equestria.” Shine Boy mentioned.

“How so?” Blade asked.

“Can we show a demonstration, Your highness?” Kari asked Celestia.

“If it’s safe then I will allow it.” Celestia nodded.

“Maybe just have one of you Armor Digivolve.” Sunset suggested.

“So who wants to show?” Davis asked his teammates.

Shine Boy then turned to Pinkie. “Hey, Pinkie, you got a dice with you?”

Pinkie responded by pulling a couple different dice from her mane. “Twelve sided? Three sided? Or six sided?”

“Six sided, please.” Shine Boy levitated the die. “Here’s what we’ll do. You six pick a number between one and six. Whichever number I roll, that pony gets to Armor Digivolve.”

“I’m one!” Davis declared.

“I’ll take four.” Ken said.

“Three!” Yolei boasted.

“Six.” TK grinned.

“Five!” Kari raised her hoof.

“Guess that leaves me with two.” Cody nodded.

Shine Boy tossed the die up in the air and let it land on the floor. When the die stopped rolling, it showed five on the top.

“Five! So that means Kari does it this time.”

“Yes!” Kari cheered. “Ready Gatomon?”

“Ready.” Gatomon thumbed up.

As they prepared, Ember whispered to Pinkie. “Any way I could ask for any of those dice? I could use that to handle disputs back home.”

“I got a couple spares.” Pinkie smiled as she handed her some dice. Just then, Kari held up her Digivice.



Like before, Kari was taller and wearing Nefertimon’s armor.

“Impressive.” Celestia nodded.

“Astonishing.” Luna wowed.

“Wow!” Thorax awed.

“Most curious.” Ember smiled. “So are you Kari in this form? Or this Nefertimon you just mentioned?”

“In this form, I speak as Nefertimon.” Nefertimon explained. “Kari speaks to me through my mind. It’s like that for the rest of us who Armor digivolve.”

Suddenly, a bright light shined out of Nefertimon revealed to be a scroll as Spike unrolled it.

“Where did that come from?” Karai asked as Spike read it.

This is still new to us, Your highnesses. We hope we can master our new digivolutions soon.

“That was what Kari was just telling me.” Nefertimon admitted.

Davis yelled in Nerfertimon’s ear. “Kari?! How’d you do that?”

“She’s not deaf, Davis!” TK pulled him off just before Nefertimon shot out another message and Spike read.

“She doesn’t know. She was telling Nefertimon everything she just said when the message shot out. Also, she hears you loud and clear, Davis. She asks you not to do that again or she may hit you like Raph.”

Davis chuckled sheepishly as Yolei whispered to Mimi. “I never thought I’d hear Kari sound so aggressive.”

“Me neither. She’s not even that rough on Tai. At least from my knowledge.” Mimi agreed.

“I’m guessing the more we Armor Digivolve in Equestria, the more we learn of our new forms.” Cody guessed.

“That would be the best possibility.” Izzy nodded.

Nefertimon then reverted to Kari and Gatomon as Blade spoke up.

“Until you guys figure out your new forms’ limitations, it would be wise for you not to engage in any possible battles.” Advised Blade.

“Don’t worry. We’ll make sure they don’t.” Raph assured.

“Hopefully, we won’t need them.” Tentomon chimed in.

Twilight then spoke up. “So, whataya say we head back to Ponyville and get more acquainted with everyone?”

“Sounds good to me.” Thorax smiled.

“Eh, I still got time.” Ember shrugged.

Everyone else agreed before Celestia spoke up. “I’m afraid I have other duties to attend to.”

“As do i. another time perhaps.” Luna added.

“And I should get back to guard duty.” Blade bowed in respect.

As the heroes left the throne room saying goodbye, no one saw a wisp of black magic floating towards them.

Later, in a forest area a few miles away from Canterlot, the group was looking round while visiting with each other.

“So you Changlings use to absorb love from other creatures?” Izzy asked Thorax.

“Yep. It wasn’t until me, along with Starlight, Trixie, and Discord teamed up to save everyone from Chrysalis, the former queen, did I learn that by giving love resulted in my transformation to this.”

“Yeah. Green is definitely your color.” Mimi complimented.

“Thank you, Mimi.” Thorax smiled.

Smolder and Spike were walking ahead looking around as Smolder spoke up. “I wonder if there are any gemstones nearby.”

“I wouldn’t mind working on using our ninja weapons in our pony form.” Cody said as he tried to grip his kadachi sword.

“I wonder what else we’ll see in Equestria.” Keramon reached for a rock which pulled out along worm.

“Nothing down here but us worms!” the worm chimed.

“Oh excuse me.” Keramon smiled as he set the rock back. He then double blinked before pulling the rock up but there was no worm. He kept setting the rock down and lifting it up again.

“Do you mind?” he heard a voice and saw the rock had eyes and a mouth. “Going up and down makes me seasick.”

Keramon screamed as he dropped the rock and ran behind Josh.

“What’s wrong, buddy?” Josh asked.

“T-That rock talked!”

Yolei couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Rocks? Talking? Oh please!”

“Then it’s a good thing she never met Maud and Boulder.” Pinkie whispered to Mikey.

“For real.” Mikey said while Yolei looked at the rock.

“Well, it looks like this rock’s not answering.”

“I’m sorry. What’s the question?” Yolei turned to see the rock had the same face. “Hello.”

Yolei shrieked as she threw the rock and jumped into Ken’s arms as the rock poofed into a certain draconequus laughing his head off.

“oh. Why am I not surprised? Raph moaned.

“Well, that answers it.” Deadpanned Karai.

“What up, Discord?” Mikey greeted as they fist bumped.

“Good to see you too, Michelangelo. And you ninjas as well.” Discord smiled. “Thorax. Ember.”

“Hi, Discord.” Thorax smiled while Ember just waved.

Shine Boy cleared his throat. “So, you must be Discord, the Lord of Chaos.”

Discord suddenly appeared next to him. “Well, if I must, I must. Though I’d rather be Maryland Street. Wait no I wouldn’t. And you must be Shine Boy and that’s your team.”

He then poofed in front of Gamer. “Your brother, Gamer.” Then, Next to Love Shine. “Love Shine. Nice armor.” Then, in front of Shine Girl. “And Shine Girl.”

He then appeared next to Serenity. “And let’s not forget Ms. Serenity here. My, aren’t you pretty.”

“Uh, thanks?” Serenity nervously smiled.

Discord then appeared with long brown hair and a black leather jacket. “Wasn’t there another in your group? What was his name? Blight Lime?”

“You mean Luke? And it’s Night Shine, but he hates being called that. And he didn’t want to come not wanting to get caught dead as a pony.”

Discord burst out with laughter again. “That sounds just the way Starlight described him! He makes Raphael look like Mr. Rogers!”

“What you-!” Before Raph could finish, Discord poofed him into a red sweater.

“Oh, just take the compliment.” He deadpanned before turning towards the Digidestined. “And you must be the Digidestined she told me about. I saw your big fight in the sky on paper view.”

“Pay per view?” TK asked.

Discord responded by holding up a piece of paper which showed their fight with Milleniummon. “I have it on paper and view it. Paper view.”

He then appeared next to Davis. “So you must be Davis and this is your Digimon, Veemon.”

“That’s right, big guy. So how much did Starlight told you about me?” Davis insisted.

“That you never knew when to quit.” Discord joked.

He then bent down to Cody. “And you must be Cody and this is Armadillomon.”

“Uh yeah. Nice to meet you.” Cody politely greeted.

Discord then leaned towards Yolei. “And judging by your pretty face behind those glasses, You’re Yolei With Hawkmon.”

“Uh, yeah. I am.” Yolei stuttered, creeped out at what she was seeing.

“Good choice.” Discord nudged Ken, as the two madly blushed. “And you’re Ken, the former Digimon Emperor, and your buddy Wormmon.”

“Guilty.” Ken shrugged.

“Don’t be nervous.” Discord snapped his fingers, poofing himself in a Digimon Emperor costume. “I went through something similar, so we’re in the same boat.”

He then ripped the costume off before poofing next to TK and Kari. “And you two must be TK and Kari. With Patamon and Gatomon!”

“Yes, we are.” Smiled TK.

“You really get around, don’t you?” Kari asked.

“You have no idea.” Discord smiled before leaning between to the two and whispered. “And don’t tell Davis, but I think you two are so cute together.”

He then poofed next to Izzy. “And I believe you are Izzy with your buddy Tentomon.”

“Uh yeah. How do you do?” Izzy waved.

“Voodoo.” Discord smiled.

“Who-doo?” Davis asked.

“You do.”

“Do what?” Tentomon chimed.

“Remind me of the babe.” Discord laughed. “And speaking of babes.”

He poofed next to Mimi. “This babe must be Mimi with her friend Palmon.”

“Hi.” Mimi nervously waved.

“You must be a magnet if studs fall for your pretty face. Rowr.”

“This guy’s nuts.” Terriermon muttered.

“You’re telling me” Lopmon agreed before they jumped to see Discord next to them.

“Eh, I’ve been called worse. And you’re Willis with Terriermon and Lopmon. Curious. Why do you have two Digimon while everyone has one?”

“These two are actually twins that hatched from the same Digi Egg.” Willis explained.

“Surprised they’re not Siamese twins, but probably better that way.” Discord then poofed next to Josh. “And you’re the recent member of the team, Josh, and your buddy, Keramon. No hard feelings for scaring you, I hope?”

“Nah you’re okay.” Keramon waved off.

“I’m pretty impressed actually.” Josh admitted.

“You’re too kind.” Discord said before poofing near Marie. “And- And we have- I don’t know. Who are you again?”

“I’m Marie Mox and this is my Digimon Clawmon.” Marie introduced as Clawmon waved.

“She just joined us so that’s why you never heard about her yet.” Josh pointed out.

“Makes sense. Well, welcome aboard.” Discord shook her hoof. Just then, discord conjured a medical device to scan all over Marie.

“Uh what are you doing?” Marie asked Discord.

“Making sure you don’t have any sickness of course.” Discord explained as the device says healthy. “Just as I thought. You’re good to go. And not a single covid-19 in your body.”


"you don’t want to know." Discord waved off.

"okay then…" Marie shrugged

“So, What’s everyone doing today?”

“We were just introducing our new friends to Princess Celestia and Luna as well as Blade Swipe.” Fluttershy explained.

“We were walking back to Ponyville as we get more acquainted.” Leo added. “Would you like to join us?”

“Oh! Don’t mind if I do.” Discord smiled.

“Alright! Let’s keep going.” Twilight said as they continued their way.

As they walked through the Everfree Forest, The Digidestined and Team Shine talked about their adventures to Thorax, Pharnyx, Ember, and Discord who were all impressed while Discord floated wearing sunglasses and drinking iced tea.

“These Dark Masters sound like worthy opponents.” Ember admitted.

“Yeah. They were tough, but we beat them with our teamwork.” TK nodded.

“And you’ve been to the Dark Ocean, Kari?” Discord asked.

“Yeah, twice. But thanks to my friends I’ve been able to escape.” Kari smiled.

“You know, I once vacationed there once during my Lord of Chaos days. Worse Vacation Spot Ever! It’s so dreary and the natives are just so… needy! Would it hurt them to put in an ice cream stand? Half a star.”

As Spike and Smolder looked for Gemstones, the wisp of magic went towards an ordinary rock, merging with it to become a red gem before Spike found it.

“Bingo!” he held the stone up to everyone.

“Wow! Look at the size of that thing!” Mimi wowed.

“It’s very pretty!” Rarity awed.

“You gonna eat that?” Smolder hoped before Ember placed her hand on her shoulder.

“Now, Smolder. Spike found it first so he gets to eat it.”

“Eh worth a shot.” Smolder shrugged.

“And as much as that is pretty, I don’t think I could sew anything fashionable out of it, so Go ahead, Spike.” Rarity added.

“Thanks.” Spike smiled and began eating the gem.

“Wow. Look at him go.” Kari blinked.

“He just ate it like a taco.” TK added.

“I remember you guys telling me how dragons eat gemstones in Equestria. Well I’m seeing it and I still don’t believe it.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“I wonder if I can since I’m dragon myself?” Veemon wondered.

“One way to find out!” Smolder grinned. “Let’s look for more on our way back to Ponyville!”

The two hurried ahead as everyone walked not far behind.

Later, they were just leaving the opening of Everfree Forest when Marie noticed Spike twitching and slowing down.

“Uh Guys?” she called. “I think there’s something wrong with Spike!”

Everyone looked to see Spike kneeling.

“Spike!” Twilight gasped.

Leo and Shine Boy walked up to the little dragon in concern.

“Spike?” Leo spoke.

“You alright, little buddy?” Shine Boy asked.

“Ugh. I’m not sure. I think I have a tummy ache or something.”

“Well, he hasn’t eaten any ice cream lately. Something is definitely wrong with him.” Twilight pondered.

“Spike. I’m concerned. I think that you should-“ To Spike, Leo began to speak gibberish and Spike’s eyes widen in shock. “ok?”

Spike shook his head. “uh… could you repeat that again, Leo? I didn’t catch that.”

“I said that you should-“ Leo repeated before talking gibberish again.


“didn’t you hear what Leo said? He said that you should-“ Raph snapped before speaking gibberish too.

Spike turned to the other who voices are muffled and gibberish. Just then he began to see something sparkly on certain objects such as Leo’s medallion, davis’ goggles, gamer’s sword, etc.

“Uh Spike?” Shine Boy leaned closer.

Suddenly, Spike popped up and hissed causing the superhero to recoil in shock. His eyes glowed red as he jumped on Davis and snatched his goggles and jumped off of him to try to steal more of the stuff starting with Raph’s medallion.

“Hey! What are you doing, spike? Get off of me!” Raph cried before throwing Spike off of him. The purple dragon crawled around like a slithering Komodo dragon and went forward to Ponyville leaving his shocked friends.

“Ok. What just happened here?” Pharnyx spoke.

“I don’t know, Pharynx. I’m just as confused as you are.” Ken answered.

“Yeah. Like what in Equestria just happened?” Donnie dumbfounded.

“He lunged towards me and stole my goggles. That’s what happened.” Davis groaned.

“Whatever going on, we gotta stop by before he does something terrible.” Leo stated before noticing the horror in Twilight’s face. “Twilight? Twilight? What is it?”

“Is there something matter?” Kari asked in concern.

“We have to stop spike from stealing the stuff before he becomes big again!”

“What do you mean, “again”?” Izzy raised a brow.

Ember and Smolder would realize what Twilight was talking about as the pony princess explained as everyone searched for Spike.

“It all started when we threw Spike a birthday party. Shortly after, he got greedy and hording objects. It turns out A dragon's heart is prone to greed, a steady diet to make growth speed. Then, the resulting bigger size only makes their hunger rise. If this trait should go unchecked, if Spike continues to collect, more growth will certainly occur – he is going to turn into a monster.”

“So dragons get bigger and greedier the more things they collect? Even spike?” Donnie pieced together.

Twilight nodded. “Zecora explained everything to me when spike first experienced that since he received his gifts on his birthday by us.”

“Wow. I sometimes knew about dragon history before coming to equestria, but this is way new for me to handle!” Gamer said before they heard a shriek. “That was Sweetie Belle!”

“It came from that way!” Hawkmon pointed as he flew ahead.

“Cmon!” Davis cried as they hurried.

When they reached the outskirts of Ponyville, they saw Sweetie Belle and Applebloom helping Scootaloo keep Spike from taking her scooter. Again.

“Let go!” She cried.

“Spike! Stop!” Kari ordered.

Spike didn’t listen. “Spike want!”

“She said LET GO!” Gamer jump kicked Spike off. Spike hissed as Shine Boy joined his brother to levitate flash bangs and temporarily blind the dragon long enough to bind him.

“Now!” Shine Boy cried as Mikey, Shini, and Yolei wrapped their chains around him. Palmon joined in with her vines to immobilized Spike.

“Sorry about this, Spike.” Shine Boy sighed.

“We didn't want to do this, but you gave us no choice!” Gamer breathed.

The heroes used the chains and ropes to hold Spike and keep him from running around stealing stuff. They took the moment to catch their breath.

Applejack finished tying the knot. “There. That outta hold him for a while.”

“So what do we do now?” Mikey asked.

“If Night Shine was here, he’d say he’d hit him back to his senses.” Casey joked.

“We can't just leave him like this.” Shine Girl pointed out.

“We just need to keep him tied up and make sure he doesn't grab anymore things until he shrinks back to normal.” Twilight instructed.

Just then, Cody, Josh, Marie, and the CMC saw Spike glowing cyan blue. Josh nudged Donnie who noticed.

“uh guys? Were dragons that are greedy supposed to glow like that?”

“no...? They not supposed to glow when they're greedy.” Ember raised a brow.

“Why do you ask?” Smolder asked.

“Because it's coming from Spike.” Cody pointed as everyone saw Spike glowing.

“Ok that's weird.” Rarity worried.

Applebloom hid behind Applejack. “Should we be concerned about this?”

“Why?” Yolei asked.

“Because something's bad is gonna happen.” Sweetie backed up behind Gamer.

As he continued to glow, Spike broke free of the chain that was holding him as he began to grow bigger.

“but that's not possible.” Twilight dumbfounded. “He shouldn't be growing big after being tied up. How can he still be greedy and grow big unless-?” she stopped as she turned to Discord, who was cooking popcorn over Raph like he was a stove. “Discord. Did you do something to Spike?”

“No of course not! I mean seriously. Why would everypony assumed that I have something to do with this?” Discord muched on some popcorn.

“uh that's because, maybe, that's what you do?” Applejack glared.

Ken stood up. “Hey! We can get to that later.”

“Yeah. Can't you use your magic to turn him back to normal?” Mimi asked.

“Do I have to? I was just getting to the good part of this show.”

“DISCORD!” Raph gritted his teeth.

“Ok ok! Jeez you're no fun.” Discord tossed his popcorn and stretched his body) “alright. Stand back. This will be easy in a snap.” He snapped his fingers. But he felt shocks of magical electricity and was thrown back to the others.

“Quit goofing off and change him back!” Rainbow demanded.

“I’m not goofing off! Something’s blocking me!” Discord snapped again but kept getting shocked.

“He’s right!” April felt her head. “Something’s preventing Discord from changing Spike back!”

“He’s getting bigger!” TK cried.

Spike lunged towards the group before Shine Boy and Karai knocked him away. Everyone joined in and tried to get him to stay in control. But to the heroes’ shock, Spike grew slightly bigger.

“Woah!” Casey gasped.

“Holy-!” Shine Girl gulped.

“What the what!?” Josh jawdropped.

Soon, Spike was giant sized to everyone’s shock.

“This is like one of the movies I saw with Veemon the other day.” Davis pointed out.

“Oh yeah! Do you remember the name of the movie, Davis?” Veemon asked.

“Hmm. I think it starts with the letter G or something.”

Pinkie popped up next to him. “I think it was the movie Godzilla and then it'll turn into King Kong sometime later.”

“King Kong? What does that have to do with this?” Davis asked.

“Because Kong is a giant gorilla and was fighting against the giant monster Godzilla.”

“Share the movie talk for later! Right now, we gotta stop Spike!” Yolei declared.

“Yeah! Anyone got the Power Rangers on speed dial?” asked Mikey.

“We got something better for this!” Izzy held up his Digivice along with Mimi, Josh, and Marie.





Ember, Thorax, and Pharynx were surprised to see the digimons digivolve.

“Woah. Now that’s really cool.” Ember said in amazement.

“You’re telling me. This is incredible.” Thorax agreed with ember.

“I’m also liking tentomon’s adult form Kabuterimon. He’s looks great.” Pharynx said in awe. “I just hope that they’ll try to help.”

The four champions jumped after Spike. Despite the odds, Spike roared as he whacked them away one by one. Davis nearly dodged Chysalimon almost falling on him before falling on a couple jars of glitter and a pile of Rarity’s glittery fabric she picked up in Canterlot.

“My glitter!” Sweetie Belle gasped.

“My fabric!” Rarity shrieked.

When Davis got up, he was covered with glitter and fabric and ticked off. “Okay, Spike. You wanna play? Let’s play. Veemon!”

“Right!” Veemon ran over to Davis as Spike awed at the glitter covered Davis.

“Digi armor energize!”

Then Spike sees that the glow is getting bigger thanks to that glitter.

“Veemon armor digivolve to…”

Kari sees Spike was coming towards Davis and Veemon. “Davis Veemon watch out!”

Davis was suddenly wrapped around by Spike’s tail and lifted off the ground.

“Davis!” Everyone gasped.

“Help! I’m being grabbed by that giant dragon and I can’t get myself to pry off of him!” Davis yelled.

“Let him go, Spike!” Veemon jumped at Spike. “VEE HEADBUTT!”

Spike just smacked him away while Twilight, Ember, and Thorax flew up to him.

“Spike! I order you to stop!” Ember ordered.

“Spike! Stop! We’re your friends!” Thorax pleaded.

“Please Spike! Just try to keep in control!” Twilight shouted.

Spike responded by roaring sending the three flying.

Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl ran up and fired at the dragon with their horns.

“Willis! Grab Davis while we hold him off!” Shine Boy ordered.

But before Willis could act, Spike whacked Team Shine away and began walking away with Davis in his tail.

“Guys! help!” Davis cried.

“Where’s he going?” Casey asked. “Ponyville’s that way!”

“I think he has a bigger prize in mind, Casey!” Starlight pointed.

Twilight gasped. “He’s heading for Canterlot!”

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Can our heroes stop Spike and save Davis? Find out Next time!

Fun Facts-

-Thanks to an anonymous user who helped me with the dialogue in this chapter.

-Bucchiemon was the official form of Wormmon for those who never follow Digimon.

- the flying machine Gamer was working on is from MLP Friends Forever issue 8.

Next Time: Return of Spike-zilla, part 2!