Equestria Ninjas: A Shining New Digi-tude!

by WarriorofFaith18

First published

Sunset and the Ninjas bring the Digidestined and Team Shine to Equestria

Sunset is going to Equestria with the Ninjas and invited the Digidestined and Team Shine to join them. During their visit, Davis and the D-3 Digidestined learn a new way to digivolve in this new world. But when creatures of darkness appear all over Equestria, they learn of an ancient evil returning to Equestria.

Also, They'll soon learn there's more to the multiverse than they thought as they meet a dimension traveler as well as three other kids with their own Digimon.

Off to Equestria

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One day, at Canterlot High, The Rainbooms were waiting with their friends, the Ninja Turtles and Allies, and the CMCs, next to the statue in front of the school. Just then, they saw the Shine RV drove up.

“There’s the first of our guests.” Pinkie smiled as they saw Team Shine, Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl, and Serenity emerge from the RV.

“Hi, guys!” Shine Boy greeted.

“Glad you guys can make it.” Sunset smiled.

“I was really looking forward to today.” Shine Girl grinned.

Gamer looked around to notice a certain group not present. “Are the Digidestined still joining us?”

“Haven’t heard anything urgent from Izzy.” Donnie checked his T-Phone.

Suddenly, a portal opened next to them.

“Speak of the devil!” Keno said as merging from the portal were their friends the Digidestined- Davis, Yolei, Cody, TK, Kari, and Ken- along with Izzy, Mimi, Willis, and their recent member Josh who was joined by a girl his age. She had black hair with blue stripes and wore a purple sweater with a skull, blue leggings under grey striped long stockings, and a medical mask over her mouth. Following them were their Digimon partners, along with a small purple Digimon with a black mask and long arms.

“Hey guys!” Davis waved.

“Glad you all could make it.” Leo smiled.

“It’s good to see you all again.” Applebloom greeted.

“It’s great to see you guys as well.” TK nodded.

“Hi, Sweetie Belle.” Mimi smiled as she hugged the little CMC.

“Good to see you again, Mimi!” Sweetie happily hugged her back.

Shine Boy clapped hands with Josh. “Josh! It’s good to see you again.”

“It’s been a long time!” Josh nodded.

“Hey, Willis.” Casey greeted. “Glad you can make it!”

“Same. After everything I’ve heard about, I was hoping to get more acquainted to you guys.” Willis fist bumped him.

“Thanks for inviting us.” Izzy thanked Sunset.

“Thank you for coming.” Sunset thanked back.

“Yeah. When Sunset invited us to join them for a visit to Equestria, I recalled Yolei saying she’d want to visit as well.” Shine Boy recalled. “So I figured you guys would want to come along.”

“I’ve definitely been looking forward to it.” Yolei admitted. “After learning about the multiverse, I’d want to visit some of them.”

“You wouldn’t say that if you visited Gotham.” Raph walked by her.

“But we’ve had our share as well.” Gamer added. “We’ll tell you more about it in Equestria.”

Karai saw the new girl in the group. “So, who’s your friend here?”

“Oh right.” Josh cleared his throat. “Everyone, This is Marie Mox. She’s a recent additions to the Digidestined.”

Marie waved. “I was one of the kids who Oikawa used as hosts for the Dark Spores but got a Digivice after Davis’ words sparked our hopes and dreams again.”

“What’s the mask for? If you don’t me asking?” Rainbow politely asked.

“I get sick easily so I have to wear a mask. I usually take it off when eating, bathing, or anything important.” She then turned to the purple Digimon. “This is my partner, Clawmon.”

“Hi.” The said Digimon waved.

“Clawmon is a poison type Digimon who practices medicine. His Poison Claw attack can really make his opponents sick.”

“Well, Marie, it’s a pleasure to meet you and Clawmon.” Sunset shook her hand.

“Welcome to the group.” Shini added.

“Thank you.” Marie thanked.

After everyone introduced themselves to Marie, Raph noticed a couple Digidestined not present. “I take it Tai and the others aren’t gonna join us?”

“We decided it would be best a couple of us stayed behind in the Digital World in case anything like Milenniumon should happen. So Tai, Matt, Sora, and Joe decided to stay home so they’d have Omnimon, just in case.” Izzy explained.

“In fact, Tai insisted that I came with you guys to Equestria. Just to be friendly.” Josh added.

“Sounds good to me.” Marie said, causing Josh to blush.

Ken looked around before asking. “Weren’t Bebop and Rocksteady gonna join us?”

“They called yesterday. They have something urgent come up, so they had to skip this time.” Donnie answered.

“And Night Shine, I mean Luke?” Yolei corrected.

Shine Boy sighed. “I offered him. He decided to skip this and quoted that he would not ‘get caught dead as a pony’.”

“Typical.” Shini rolled her eyes. “I’d almost call him an akuma if he wasn’t on our side.”

“Anyway, everyone ready?” Sunset asked.

After Team Shine and Digidestined answered they were ready, she walked up to the Canterlot High statue. She put her hand through to reveal the portal to Equestria. “While we could’ve used Donnie or Gamer’s portal tracker, but I thought we’d take the scenic route.”

“So, this is how you got here, Sunset?” Cody asked curiously.

“Yep. Of course, originally, it opens after every thirty moons, but Twilight’s counterpart on the other side modified it that by connecting the magic journal we use to keep in contact, we can open it in case we’re needed in Equestria. Nowadays, we use Donnie’s portal tracker if we’re not near this.”

“And that portal even saved our bacon when the Triceratons destroyed our planet with the Black Hole Generator.” Applejack put in as Fugitoid looked ashamed.

“And you guys have been there so many times?” Willis asked.

“We sure have.” Mikey grinned.

“The first time I took them through, I finally made amends with Princess Celestia for my power-hungry ways.” Sunset sighed before smiling. “Thankfully, she was more proud of who I am now and we’re always happy to see each other.”

“And we’ve made many friends on the other side, Starlight included.” Karai added.

“And faced many foes there too, so I hope you guys brought your weapons.” Leo checked.

“We got that covered, Leo.” TK said as the Digidestined minus Marie held up their weapons.

Leo smiled before turning to Marie. “Even though you’ll be a pony while we’re there, Marie, we can teach you some ninjutsu if you like.”

“Sure. I would like that.” Marie nodded.

“So, anything we should know before we get going?” Serenity asked as she checked her bag.

“Well, we’ll all be ponies when get to the other side so be prepared to be on all fours.” Sunset explained. “However, we are unsure about the Digimon let alone if they can digivolve in Equestria. Also, it is unknown about what kind of pony you’ll become. Plus, you’ll meet pony versions of our friends so they won’t know who you are so be prepared to reintroduce yourselves.”

“The six of us are gonna stay here because we have stuff to do.” Rainbow spoke for her, the other Rainbooms, and CMCs.

“And it’s almost the due date for Principal Cadence to have her baby, too.” Twilight smiled.

“Oh yeah. You told us about that.” Davis recalled. “She’s your sister-in-law, right?”

“That’s right, Davis. So I’m going to be an aunt!”

“Congratulations, Twilight.” Kari commended.

“If we get back in time, maybe we’ll see them.” Yolei added.

“Then, we better get going.” Raph suggested.

“Any questions before we go?” Sunset double checked. When no one had any, she spoke again. “Okay, I’ll go in first while Shine Boy takes the rear so we know everyone gets through.”

Shine Boy thumbed up at the mention as Sunset turned to the rest of the girls. “See you girls when we get back.”

The Rainbooms and CMCs said their goodbyes as Sunset stepped through the portal.

“Ready, Veemon?” Davis asked his buddy.

“Yeah! Let’s do it!” Veemon cheered as the two jumped in next followed by Casey, Keno, and Raph.

“Well. Here goes.” Cody said as he cautiously entered next.

“Geronimo!” Armadillomon jumped in after his partner along with Love Shine, Karai, Mikey, and Shini.

Ken took Yolei’s hand. “I’ll go if you go.”

“Alright! Let’s go!” Yolei blushed as they entered as Hawkmon and Wormmon followed arm to arm.

“You wanna go next?” Izzy asked Mimi.

“You ready, Palmon?” Mimi asked her partner.

“I am if you are.” Palmon took her hand.

“Here we go.” Mimi smiled as they walked in next.

“Alright! Let’s do this, Izzy!” Tentomon said as he flew next to Izzy as they walked in the portal.

Terriermon jumped on Willis’ shoulder. “Cmon, Willis! Let’s get cracking!”

“I’m so excited!” Lopmon jumped on the other shoulder.

“Onward to adventure.” Willis joked as he followed Donnie, April, and Fugitoid in next.

Josh gestured to Marie. “Um, ladies first?”

“My. What a gentleman.” Teased Marie as she walked in followed by Josh. Keramon and Clawmon chuckled before entering next.

Shine Girl entered next as Gamer did some stretches before jumping in after.

TK held out his arm to Kari. “Shall we?”

“We shall.” Kari gestured before chuckling as they walked in while Patamon and Gatomon mimicked them and followed.

Leo turned to Shine Boy and Serenity. “See you guys on the other side!” he said before running in.

Seeing they were the last two in, Shine Boy then swept Serenity off her feet. “Let’s shine.”

Serenity laughed as Shine Boy carried her through the portal.

“Oh. I hope things go well for them.” Fluttershy hoped.

“They’ll be fine with the others, Fluttershy.” Rainbow assured.

“Yeah, they will.” Scootaloo agreed.

Meanwhile, in the library of Twilight’s castle in Equestria, Princess Twilight, Spike, Starlight Glimmer, and the Mane Six waited until Twilight saw the portal glowing.

“Here they come!” she smiled.

One by one, everybody arrived through the mirror. Like before, Sunset and the Ninjas were ponies again with the Turtles still had their turtle arms. They then turned to see the Digidestined and Team Shine as they looked at themselves in their new pony bodies.

Davis, TK, Kari, Mimi, and Willis were pegasi while Davis was dark blue, TK mint green, Kari pink, Mimi light green, and Willis plain green. Yolei, Ken, Izzy, and Josh were unicorns as Yolei was blush red, Ken dark gray, Izzy indigo, and Josh also green. Cody and Marie were both Earth ponies with Cody being yellow, and Marie was purple. All the Digimon had black eyes and were the same size as Spike.

Over to Team Shine, the four heroes were unicorns. Shine Boy was red and still wore his mask, cape, and shirt. Gamer was lime green with his shirt, goggles, gauntlets, and his katana was held on his saddle bag. Shine Girl was mint green and also wore her mask, shirt, and cape. Love Shine was the biggest being blue and wore his helmet, and heart shields. Serenity was a Pegasus with a warm pink coat and wore a saddle bag with her camera.

“Everybody, or in this place, everypony okay?” Shine Boy asked.

Everyone acknowledged they were alright as Gamer looked at his hooves. “Oh man. Look at this. Hooves for hands? Pony Tails? Is this Pleasure Island?”

“No, Gamer, we’re ponies, not donkeys.” Shine Boy mumbled.

“Thank goodness! I thought we were on Pleasure Island.”

“No offense, Games, but maybe you should not read Pinocchio anymore.” Willis deadpanned before looking all over himself. “Though this is gonna take some getting use to.”

“It’ll come in time.” Everyone watched as Twilight walked up to the newcomers. “Welcome to Equestria all of you. I’m Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.”

“So, you’re Princess Twilight!” Mimi clapped hooves with her. “We’ve heard so much about you! I’m Mimi.”

“I’m Izzy.”

“My name’s Yolei.”

“I’m Ken.”

“My name is Cody. It’s a pleasure to meet you, your highness.”

“Call me TK.”

“My name is Kari.”

“I’m Davis. I bet you’ve heard about me.”

“Name’s Willis.”

“I’m Josh.”

“And I’m Marie.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you all. Sunset told me a lot about you all in her journal.” Twilight smiled and turned to the Digimon as Fluttershy was hugging Veemon. “And these must be your Digimon.”

“They’re so cute!” Fluttershy squealed as she hugged more.

“Boy! Déjà vu.” Armadillomon mumbled.

“Still just as good.” Veemon grinned.

Twilight then turned to Team Shine and Serenity. “And you must be Team Shine. It’s a pleasure to meet you all as well.”

“The honor is ours, Princess Twilight. I’m Shine Boy and this is my brother Gamer, our friends Love Shine and Shine Girl, and my girlfriend Serenity.”

“Starlight! It’s great to see you again.” Ken greeted.

“It’s great to see you too, Ken.” Starlight smiled.

“I like your mane.” Yolei complimented.

“Thank you.” Starlight looked around. “Sunset told us that Bebop and Rocksteady weren’t joining us, but what about Night Shine?”

Gamer walked up. “He said he didn’t want to get caught dead as a pony.”

“He would.” Starlight rolled her eyes.

As everyone said hi, Davis saw his new wings. “Hey! Check it out! I’m a Pegasus! I can fly now!”

“Uh Davis? You may not want to try to fly.” Leo warned.

“Why not? I got wings. I can totally fly now! Watch this! I'm about to take this baby out to the sky!”

“Here we go again.” Casey smirked to Keno.

“This should be good.” Keno snickered.

Davis began to flap his wings to fly only about 1 foot high. “I'm doing it! I'm doing-... Uh oh.”

He ended up falling down to the ground and yelped in pain.

“Davis!” gasped Veemon.

“that's why.” Donnie deadpanned while the others laughed at Davis' failed attempt.

“Why do I displease it when it happened to me yet I find it funny when someone else does it?” Keno chuckled.

“I know, right?” Casey agreed.

Veemon hurried to his partner. “You okay?”

“Ow.” Davis mumbled.

“Glad he learned it and not Serenity.” Shine Boy breathed.

“Me too. though that had to hurt.” Serenity agreed.

Twilight walked up to Davis. “And before you ask, no. Your wings aren't broken. You're just not used to flying when you first come here in Equestria. That goes for all of you too.”

“Duly noted.” TK nodded.

“I really think they really look amazing.” Mimi said holding out her wings.

“Then I guess we'll have to work on that.” Kari figured as she looked at her wings.

“On the plus side, I can count with them like fingers. Check this.” Everyone watched as Willis moved his feathers on his wings like fingers.

“Showoff.” Davis grumbled.

“It'll come. Trust me. Keno and I went through the same thing.” Casey promised.

“Yeah it'll be worth it.” Keno added.

“Oh, and thanks for the demonstration, Davis. you're the third candidate of what Casey and Keno did when they first came here.” Rainbow smirked.

Pinkie popped up next to her. “Yeah. Serenity, Willis, Mimi, TK, and Kari now know that they have to practice flying since you failed to do so.”

“You'll get the hang of it in no time and not fall flat on your face.” Rainbow added before they both laughed while Davis glared at the two.

“You guys have cameras here in Equestria?” Yolei asked smugly.

Donnie pondered a bit. “As a matter of fact, I know a-“


There was small silence before Shine Boy held his hoof up. “Easy, Davis. We all will be learning a lot here in Equestria.”

Davis huffed before noticing something. “Hey, Guys! I got a tattoo on my butt!”

“Y’mean yer flank, Davis!” Applejack corrected. “And that’s your cutie mark, not a tattoo.”

Davis’ cutie mark was a soccer ball as everyone looked at their cutie marks.

“Hey look! Mine’s my Crest of Hope!” TK showed.

“Mine’s the Crest of Light.” Kari saw.

“I got my Crest of Sincerity for my cutie mark.” Mimi gleamed.

“My cutie mark is the Crest of Knowledge.” Izzy admitted.

“Mine’s definitely my Crest of Imagination.” Josh pointed out.

“I got the Crest of Kindness for sure.” Ken checked.

Yolei saw her mark. “Mine’s the square root of MC square. Huh. Must have something to do with me being pretty smart.”

“Must be. Cutie marks represent your strongest traits.” Twilight informed.

“So the practice sword on mine represents my kendo lessons with my grandpa.” Cody figured.

“That and it could also represent a will of justice.” Spike suggested.

“I think my cutie mark is the state of Colorado. Probably because I originated from there.” Willis guessed on his.

Marie showed her cutie mark. “My mark is a medical flask probably because of my love for health care.”

“Looks like each of our cutie marks are our insignias.” Love Shine said as Team Shine saw their cutie marks.

“And mine’s a camera with a heart.” Serenity showed hers.

“So.” Shine Boy spoke up. “While we’re getting used to our new bodies, What should we do first in Equestria?”

“Why don’t we show you around Ponyville?” Starlight suggested.

“Starlight’s right.” Twilight agreed. “Then, we can get more acquainted with each other.”

“Sounds great.” Kari smiled.

“Well, they say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Shine Boy philosophized. “Here’s four steps in.”

“Actually, walking like this isn’t as hard as flying.” April advised. “It’s not that different as crawling on all fours back home.”

“Cmon! Let’s go!” Mikey cheered. “Time to show the beauties of Ponyville!”

“Perfecto!” Yolei smiled.

“You’re all definitely gonna love it.” Shini guaranteed.

As they headed to the doors, Mimi walked up to Twilight. “By the way, Twilight, where’s that gecko friend of yours?”

“Chet? He’s off visiting another school right now.” Twilight answered.

“Really. What’s it called?” Mimi asked.

“It’s called Hogwarts. It’s a wizard school. If he’s not back by the time you guys have to head back, I’ll make sure to say hi for you.”

“That be great.” Mimi smiled as they headed out.

To Be Continued

A New Way to Digivolve

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The heroes enjoyed their visit in Ponyville meeting the inhabitants from the Cutie Mark Crusaders to Mayor Mare as well as enjoyed Pinkie’s welcome party at the Sugarcube Corner before sleeping at Twilight’s castle for the night. The next morning, they were sitting at the table eating the pancakes Spike was cooking for breakfast. As they ate, Twilight spoke up.

“So, how’s everyone enjoying Equestria so far?”

“So far so good.” Shine Boy answered. “Everyone in Ponyville is so nice and welcoming.”

“Yeah. Though a little weird meeting some like the CMCs all over, despite you warning us they’re not the same as we knew before.” Yolei added.

“Trust me, Yolei, I’ve been through that when I first went to Canterlot High the first time.” Twilight assured.

Mimi then turned to Spike. “I gotta admit. I’m impressed, Spike. You cook as good as my mom. And that’s saying something!”

“Thanks. Glad you like’em, Mimi.” Spike smiled.

As he ate, Ken then spoke up. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Well, tomorrow we’re going to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Twilight recalled.

“In the meantime, we should try Digivolving today to make sure we can just in case.” Izzy recommended.

“That’s a good idea. Why don’t we try outside the School of Friendship?” Starlight suggested.

“Starlight’s right.” Twilight agreed. “If I recalled from what Sunset wrote, your Digimon could grow giant size so better safe than sorry.”

“That and we just swept the place.” Spike pointed out.

“And we can see the Young Six again while we’re at it!” Mikey grinned.

“And Bright Eyes as well.” April agreed.

“It could give the students a good demonstration.” Fugitoid added.

“We should also try out our Shine Power as well.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“Yeah, we should.” Gamer nodded as ate a bigger bite of his pancakes before Karai put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Slow down. Chew your food.”

“Yeah, we all will do it after breakfast.” TK assured him.

“Yeah. And besides, I’ve been meaning to check in with our students while in Equestria.” Leo said.

“Everypony else will join us after we finish eating and wash the dishes.” Twilight smiled.

“Work after breakfast. My least favorite activity.” Armadillomon mumbled.

“Oh quit whining. You’re not the one with suds in his feathers.” Huffed Hawkmon while everyone laughed.


After cleaning up after breakfast, the heroes walked over to the in front of the School of Friendship as they saw Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Applejack walking up with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Hi, Everybody!” Pinkie cheered.

“Top of the morning to ya.” Applejack greeted.

“Howdy, Y’all.” Applebloom waved.

“Hey, everypony.” Donnie smiled.

“So, what’s going on today?” Scootaloo asked.

Before anyone could answer, a new voice spoke up.

“Headmare Twilight! Senseis!”

“Sandbar! Every creature! Perfect timing! Come on over! I have some new friends for you to meet.” Twilight smiled as The Young Six- Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona, Ocellus, and Smolder- walked over along with Bright Eyes and her brother Teddy.

“Bright Eyes! Long time no see!” Mikey greeted.

“Good morning, Senseis.” Bright Eyes bowed.

“How’s it going, Teddy?” Raph smiled.

“Oh you know. Same old same old.” Teddy nodded.

“Allow me to introduce you all to my students.” Twilight then began to introduce them. “This is Sandbar, Yona Yak, Silverstream, Gallus, Ocellus, Smolder, my friendship assistant Bright Eyes and her brother Teddy.”

“And these are our friends from another world and the world the Ninjas are from.” Starlight introduced next. “Those four are Team Shine. Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, Shine Girl, and that’s Serenity. And this group is the Digidestined. There’s Davis, TK, Kari, Yolei, Cody, Ken, Izzy, Mimi, Willis, Josh, and Marie. And these are their Digimon partners. Veemon, Patamon, Armadillomon, Gatomon, Hawkmon, Wormmon, Tentomon, Palmon, Terriermon, Lopmon, Keramon, and Clawmon.”

“It’s an honor to meet you all. We’ve heard so much about you guys.” Sandbar smiled.

“And whatever you heard; it better be true! Or I deny everything!” Davis declared.

“Yona saw you guys fighting big monster!” Yona boasted.

“I think every creature saw that fight, Yona.” Gallus deadpanned.

“Oh, you must mean our fight with Milleniummon.” April figured.

“Yeah, that was a tough battle. But our teamwork took him down.” Josh recalled.

“I also heard you guys have saved Equestria before as well as helped the Ninjas with Equestria magic.” Shine Boy smiled.

“Well, we had some good teachers.” Smolder chuckled.

“On both ends.” Bright Eyes added.

Ocellus shook hooves with Palmon. “Your Digimon are very cute.”

“So what exactly is a Digimon anyway?” Gallus raised a brow.

“Digimon is short for Digital Monsters who live in the Digital World.” Tentomon explained.

Scootaloo then spoke up. “Then would it be ok if we can see the digimon go big?”

“‘go big’?” Davis raised a brow. “Oh you mean digivolve?”

“Diggy- vault?” Yona raised her brow.

“Digivolve, Yona.” Izzy corrected.

“Yeah that. Could we see it?” Applebloom hoped.

“In fact, we’re going to see if we are able to Digivolve, so we can give you all a demonstration.” Davis grinned.

“Great!” Applebloom said as the others agreed excitedly.

Leo looked worried. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I think we should be okay, Leo.” Shine Boy coaxed,

“Yeah. We were gonna show these to other ponies anyway.” Gamer recalled.

“Yeah. And this’ll be a good test run.” Love Shine added.

Leo shrugged. “Okay. If you guys think so.”

“Okay, we just need you all to back up a little ways in case it works because our Digimon digivolve into big forms.” Kari advised.

The group backed up to give the Digimon enough room to Digivolve but still able to see and hear.

“How’s this?” Twilight checked.

“Prodigious.” Izzy answered.

“Pro-what now?” Gallus asked.

“I think it means we’re good.” Silverstream guessed.

“Yeah. We’re okay.” Gamer nodded.

“Okay, Davis! You’re up!” TK called.

Davis walked up. “Alright, fellow Ponies and Creatures. You're about to see ExVeemon. Ready Veemon?

“Ready, Davis!”

Davis held his Digivice as Veemon prepared to Digivolve.

Veemon digivolve to- Exveemon!

“Wait, what?” Veemon looked to see he was still in his Rookie form.

“Huh? Must be a malfunction. Let's try that again, buddy.” Davis held up his Digivice again as Veemon tried again.

“Veemon digivolve to- what?” Veemon saw he didn’t Digivolve again. “I can't digivolve?”

“Is something wrong?” Rainbow raised a brow.

“Not sure.” Sunset pondered. “This usually happens instantly.”

Yolei then pushed Davis aside. “Step aside. I’ll show you how it’s done. Hawkmon?”

“Very well.” Hawkmon stepped forward as Yolei held up her Digivice.

Hawkmon digivolve to….

“What the?” Hawkmon looked to see he didn’t Digivolve like Veemon.

“oh wow. I’m impressed.” Davis sarcastically applauded.

“Shut up.” Yolei deadpanned.

Soon after, Cody, TK, Kari, and Ken tried but couldn’t digivolve either.

“Now that’s odd.” Fugitoid pondered.

“Is everything okay?” Bright Eyes asked.

“I guess digivolving regularly doesn’t work in Equestria.” TK wondered.

“I guess we’ll never get to see it in action.” Sweetie Belle pouted.

“Hmm. I wonder if Palmon and Tentomon can digivolve as well?” Mimi pondered.

“Worth a shot since your Digivices are different models.” Donnie decided.

“Only one way to find out.” Izzy agreed.

“I want to try it out too.” Josh walked up. “Ready Keramon?”

“As always.” Keramon grinned.

“Count me in too.” Willis chimed in.

Marie also walked up. “I’d like to try too. It’ll kinda be my first time.”

“Go ahead, Mimi.” Izzy insisted as Mimi took out her Digivice and Palmon walked up.


To everyone’s surprise, Palmon did become Togemon. The Young Six and CMCs applauded to see digivolution in action.

“Impressive.” Smolder awed.

“Hate to be on the other end of those gloves.” Gallus blinked.

“Yak like!” Yona cheered.

“Your turn, Izzy.” Mimi gestured as Togemon reverted to Palmon and they stepped aside for Izzy and Tentomon.

“Here goes.” Izzy held out his Digivice.


Rarity shrieked at the sight of Kabuterimon and hid behind Applejack.

“So awesome!” wowed Rainbow.

“Cool!” Scootaloo awed.

“I think my family back home would like him.” Ocellus pointed out.

“Oh come on!” Davis griped before Mikey shushed him.

“Let’s see if Josh and the others can digivolve too before we see why you guys can’t.”

“Okay, Josh. You’re up.” Izzy backed up while Kabuterimon returned to Tentomon. Josh walked up with Keramon.

“Here we go.” Josh said as he held up his Digivice.


“I know I should be afraid of those forms, but I think they’re amazing!” Silverstream giddied.

“Yeah, I admit it. They are cool.” Gallus grinned.

“Though why didn’t the other guys digivolve?” Bright Eyes wondered.

“Maybe those thingamabobs they hold up ran out of juice or something.” Teddy guessed.

“You mean their Digivices?” Raph corrected. “But yeah that is a good question.”

“My turn.” Willis took stage as Josh walked back as Keramon changed back. “Okay, you two. Let’s give them a good show.”

“Oh yeah!” Terriermon jumped down.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while!” Lopmon giddied as Willis held up his Digivice and the two glowed.


Terriermon was now bigger with an ammo belt, blue pants, and had revolver cylinders on his arms and hands.

“Whoa! Metal!” Casey wowed.

“So… cute!” Fluttershy squealed.


Lopmon transformed into a humanoid pastel purple rabbit wearing a yellow kung fu outfit, a dark blue scarf, black shoes, red gloves, and carried two beak like metal claws in each hand.

“Whoa. That’s new.” Yolei admitted.

“At least it’s a major improvement on that form we first saw him.” TK recalled.

“I believe he was call Wendigomon.” Kari guessed.

“Yeah. When Kokomon got reconfigured after we got rid of the virus, he learned a new trick after Digivolving into Lopmon.” Willis explained.

Turuiemon turned to everyone. “I’m Turuiemon. This is my champion form when I’m not infected by a virus or anything. I fight with my martial arts skills and my Ninja Claw attack.”

“I like the martial arts look.” Cody admitted.

“They both look very cool!” Spike cheered.

“Very cool!” Smolder agreed.

“Yeah we both got it good.” Gargomon grinned as he and Turuiemon fist bumped before changing back to Terriermon and Lopmon.

“How come-!” Davis was silenced when Pinkie quickly put her hoof over his mouth.

“Shh! It’s Marie’s turn now!”

“Okay, Marie. Let’s see you Digivolve Clawmon.” Shine Boy called.

“Alright! You ready, Clawmon?” Marie asked her partner.

“Ready!” Clawmon pumped a fist.

Marie held out her Digivice. “Here we go!”


Clawmon was a now a big purple creature wearing a black hood, gray pants, a plague doctor mask, and had red wires while carrying bottles of red liquids.

“Whoa! Hardcore!” wowed Casey.

“Nice outfit.” Shini admitted.

“A little dark, but looks pretty cool!” Silverstream smiled.

“Looks great!” Applebloom nodded.

Marie introduced her partner’s new form. “Meet Plaguemon. He’s a Digimon who practices medicine. His pestilent bomb can make his opponents sick.”

Davis then spoke up. “Hey! No fair, guys! How come you guys can digivolve and we can’t?”

Gamer began analyzing with his goggles despite his hooves. “Maybe the older Digivices work better here?”

“Or you over fed Veemon again.” Mikey popped up.

“I’m pretty sure I ate like normal at breakfast.” Veemon assured.

“So did I.” Armadillomon added.

Just then, a thought came to TK. “Wait. Did you get a Digivice upgrade from Garbagemon?”

“I didn’t.” Yolei shook her head.

“Nope.” Cody answered.

“Same here.” Ken shrugged.

“Neither did I.” Kari added.

“We were too busy kicking butt. Remember, TA?” Davis deadpanned.

Izzy pondered for a second. “Huh. It would seem that the upgraded version of our digivices not only allow to mega level but allows to digivolve in a different dimensions when we came in different forms including Equestria. Some digivices, such as the d-3 model, allow them to digivolve in other dimensions while they couldn’t in Equestria.”

“That’s one theory.” Gamer agreed.

“Though…” Donnie turned to Willis and Marie. “Did you two get upgrades for your Digivices?”

“Garbagemon upgraded mine after the party.” Willis recalled.

“I did a little after meeting Josh.” Marie nodded.

“We can figure that out later.” Twilight promised.

“I wonder if we can still Armor Digivolve?” TK pondered.

“It’s worth a try, I mean if they can work pass Control Spires.” Yolei agreed.

“We’ll give it a try.” Davis volunteered. “You ready, Veemon?”

Veemon pumped his arms. “Let’s go for it!”



As Veemon began to glow, the light intensified and covered both Veemon and Davis. Everyone shielded their eyes while Mikey and Pinkie both wore sunglasses.

“Ooo! Bright!” Pinkie grinned.

“So epic!” Mikey awed.

“Wow.” Silverstream whispered.


As the light dimmed down, everyone looked and gasped. There stood what appeared to be Davis, but now he was taller and wore armor similar to Flamedramon. He then looked around.

Raph walked up to him. “Davis? Or Flamedramon?”

“I feel like I’m Flamedramon, and… Davis? Davis! Where are you?” Flamedramon looked around frantically for his buddy.

“Did it work? Where’s Flamedramon?” Davis looked around while everyone looked shocked at him.


“I’m right here, Flamedramon!” He said as Davis.

“I hear you, but I can’t find you!”

“Well, I hear you but I’m not seeing you!”

To everyone else, they could only hear Flamedramon and watched confused as he talked to himself.

“Uh is he okay?” Ocellus asked.

“Yeah! Who’s he talking to?” Teddy wondered.

“I feel Davis and Flamedramon.” April felt her head. “Maybe Davis is in Flamedramon’s head while Flamedramon is out here.”

“Like two personalities in one?” Ken guessed.

“Sounds right.” Starlight figured.

“Freaky.” Shini raised a brow.

“So are they gonna be like this? Or will they separate?” Applejack wondered.

Shine Boy noticed Flamedramon still frantically looking around. “The first thing we should do is calm him, or them, down.” He trotted over to Flamedramon. “Uh, Davis?”

Davis was able to hear him. “Yeah? You see Flamedramon?”

“If you can hear me, You uh may want to look in a mirror.”

“What do you mean? Of Course, I can hear you! Look at a mirror? Why? Do I have a zit? I scrub my face three times a day!” Davis gasped as Rarity used her horn to levitate a mirror in front of him.

Davis/Flamedramon gasped at their reflection.

“Davis?” Flamedramon gasped.

“Flamedramon?” Davis spoked before they both screamed in fright.

Casey flew over and held him. “Davis…er…. Flamedramon… whoever you are, chill!”

After Keno hurried and helped Casey to hold him down for a bit, Davis/Flamedramon finally calmed down.

“Wow. Talk about Freaky Friday pt 2.” TK whispered to Kari.

“Only it’s Wednesday.” Kari whispered back.

“So I’m in Davis’ body.” Flamedramon spoke.

“And I’m In Flamedramon’s body.” Davis muttered to himself.

“So what? Did we do some sort of fusion or something?”

Donnie walked up with his scanner. “It would seem since you can’t digivolve regularly like the others, in order for Armor Digivolving to work, you probably need both the Digi Egg and the holder to become that form. Like an emergence.”

Mikey raised his brow. “So, he’s like Flame- Davis- Mon or something?”

Flamedramon just deadpanned. “Just call me Flamedramon in this form, Mikey.”

“We should probably study more before we have you out on the battlefield.” Twilight suggested.

“Agreed. And you should practice working together before a real battle.” Izzy agreed.

Flamedramon nodded when suddenly he began glowing again. When the light stopped, he was Davis and Veemon again.

“I’m Veemon again!” Veemon noticed.

“I’m me again!” Davis cheered.

“Looks like you digivolve regularly.” Josh noticed.

“But still, we should look more into why you both fused to Digivolve.” Leo advised. “And that goes for all of you.”

“He’s right. We should be a little more careful while we’re in Equestria.” TK added.

“Guess we’ll be adding that to your training.” Karai figured.

“Still, that was great!” Sandbar smiled.

“Your Digimon look awesome!” Scootaloo cheered.

“Yona and Digimon friends!” Yona added.

“Thank you.” Kari smiled.

“Would you like us to show you guys around the School of Friendship?” offered Bright Eyes.

“Great!” Yolei grinned.

“Let’s go!” Serenity added as they all headed to the school.

“You all go ahead.” Shine Boy called. “I need to talk to Twilight, Leo, and Sunset real quick.”

“Okay.” Davis called back.

As they entered, Twilight asked Shine Boy. “So, what’s up?”

“I think we all can agree we may have to keep an eye on Davis and the others until they can master this new Digivolving Davis just pulled.”

“Agreed. Because until they can master it, they’ll have to rely on their ninja training.” Leo stated.

“And if we deal with something like Tirek or The Storm King, they’ll have to be extra cautious.” Sunset added.

“The only thing I’m worried about is Ken.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“How come?” asked Twilight.

“I’m sure Sunset has told you that Ken used to be bad like she did? Well, even if Davis and the others master merging with their Armor Digimon, Ken doesn’t have an armor form because he didn’t have a Digi-Egg. All he had with Wormmon was Stingmon as well as the DNA Digivolving he shared with Davis.”

“Too bad we can’t call Gennai while we’re in Equestria.” Sunset pondered.

“We’ll have to work on that.” Leo decided.

“Agreed.” Shine Boy nodded along with Sunset and Twilight. “But for now, Let’s check out the School of Friendship of yours, Twilight.”

“Right this way.” Twilight smiled as she led them to the school. Before he entered, Leo turned around as if he sensed something only to shrug before entering the school.

To Be Continued.

Return of Spikezilla PT 1

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After spending the entire day at the School of Friendship and educating the students about the Digimon and Team Shine and getting a good night sleep, The heroes were training before going to meet Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. After practicing ninjutsu, TK, Kari, Cody, and Yolei lined up facing their Digimon partners.

“You guys ready?” TK asked.

The four nodded as they held their Digivices.

As the others watched, Keno whispered. “Let’s see if they can pull it off like Davis.”

“That’ll be the first step.” Shine Boy agreed.

“The sooner they pull it off, the sooner they can train their new forms.” April said before the four Digidestined shouted.


Like with Davis, they were engulfed in a bright shining light with their Digimon.


Yolei merged from the light, taller while wearing Halsemon’s armor with his wings.


Next to merge was Cody, who had Digmon’s armor and drills on him as he was taller too.


TK was also taller as he walked up wearing Pegasusmon’s armor.


As the light dimmed, Kari showed she was also taller with Neftimon’s armor as well.

“I love how their armor is shiny.” Rarity awed.

Spike pulled out a clipboard. “Okay, who can hear their partners? Show of hooves.”

“Yep! Cody is as amazed as I am!” Cody spoke as Digmon.

“I agree with Yolei when she says this is really weird.” Halsemon spoke in Yolei’s body.

Mikey blinked at Halsemon. “Hey, if you’re a guy and Yolei’s a girl, are you-?”

“We’d rather not talk about it, Michelangelo.” Halsemon interrupted while Raph clonked Mikey on the head.

“TK said he knew we think alike a lot, but this takes the cake!” Pegasusmon said while he looked over himself in TK’s body.

“I agree. And Kari is laughing at TK’s jester.” Kari spoke as Nefertimon.

“Looks like everyone checks out.” Spike wrote.

“And it’s safe to say the other Armor forms work just as well.” Izzy concluded.

“I agree with Izzy.” Karai nodded.

“I almost miss that golden Digi Egg we used to cure Lopmon.” Terriermon mumbled.

“Another time perhaps, pal.” Willis shrugged.

“Looking great, guys!” Davis commented before everyone separated.

“Now we can figure out how to master our new forms.” Cody smiled.

“I just wished Ken was fortunate as we are.” Yolei pouted as she looked at Ken in worry.

“Oh yeah. I forgot.” Davis worried.

Ken just smiled as he walked up to Yolei. “It’s okay, you guys. I still have my ninjutsu training so I’m not completely out.”

Everyone smiled and Yolei was about to nuzzle with Ken when Spike suddenly burped up a message and what appears to be a digi egg. It looked like an unbloomed flower with the Crest of Kindness on it.

“Excuse you.” Mimi scolded.

“This is how we keep in touch with Princess Celestia.” Twilight explained. “Though I don’t think this is from Celestia.”

“What is it?” Shine Girl asked.

“I’m not sure.” Wormmon tilted his head.

The Digi Egg floated to Ken who held his hoof up and it rested on it. “Is that..... a Digi egg? It’s got the crest of kindness on it.”

“And it’s reacting like our Armor Digi Eggs.” TK pointed out.

“What does the letter say?” Kari asked as Spike began reading the letter.

Dear Ken,

first and foremost, I want to apologize to Spike if I caused him any discomfort delivering this to you. I’m not used to this way. I had a feeling you would come across a world where you could not use Stingmon . So, I was able to have the Digi egg of kindness recreated courtesy of Azulongmon. I know you will use it well. Good luck on your journey.

Sincerely, Gennai.

Ken awed at his new Digi Egg. “Wow so this must be how Davis and the others felt when they got their Digi eggs.”

“Guess that resolves that.” Shine Boy whispered to Sunset who nodded.

“Go ahead, Ken.” Leo insisted. “Try it.”

“You ready, my friend?” Ken asked his partner.

“let’s do it!” Wormmon declared.

“I never thought I’d say this. DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!”


After the same light as before glowed, Ken was taller as he wore white with a green handkerchief around his neck, black boots, and a red helmet with bans with hearts on the end. Everyone wowed at their friend’s new form.

“You know, I think I saw a hero who looked like that in a show back in Japan.” Shini recalled.

“All right Ken! Looking good!” Casey grinned.

“Amazing!” Donnie blinked.

“Though what are you called in this form?” Love Shine wondered.

Ken then spoke in a noble voice. “I am called Bucchiemon. As Wormmon, I Armor Digivolve with the Digi Egg of Kindness. My Heartner Beam can resolve any conflict as well as heal my allies or protect them with my Talon Arrow.”

No one noticed Yolei blushing at the new look of Ken. It wasn’t until she hummed that Karai noticed.

“You alright there, Yolei?” She asked smugly as everyone noticed her.

“I’m great.” Yolei answered dreamly before falling over, snapping out of it. The girls snickered as she got up embarrassed. “I thought there was a wall there.”

“Sure, you did.” Casey teased as he and Raph laughed like crazy. But they stopped as she growled at them with flames in her eyes.

“Okay, let’s calm down now.” Shine Boy stood between them while Bucchiemon reverted to Ken and Wormmon.

“That went well.” Ken smiled.

“I always wondered how Armor Digivolving felt like. Now I know what I missed out.” Wormmon happily bounced.

“And now you’ll be able to join our training and not feel left out.” Davis put his arm over Ken’s shoulder.

“But how will we be able to hear the others while in their digi armor Digimon?” Fluttershy wondered.

“I don’t know. But I might have to invent something that’ll help us hear them.” Donnie pondered.

“That’s a great idea Donnie. Otherwise I don’t have to send the message through Hawkmon.” Yolei said.

“OK I’ll let Donnie try to invent whatever free time you have. as for training their armor Digimon form, We can start tomorrow.” Leo promised. “Right now, let’s get everypony together so we can leave for Canterlot to meet with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.”

“Yeah! And Thorax and Ember are gonna be there too!” Spike added.

“Let’s get Gamer, Ocellus, and Smolder and head over.” Shine Boy suggested.

“Where is Gamer anyway?” asked Serenity looking around.

“He was looking at this old flying contraption Applejack and I used once.” Rarity recalled.

“Okay. Hand me that wrench, please Ocellus?”

Ocellus gave the wrench to Gamer who levitated it with his magic and began tightening something in the machine while Smolder watched.

“So you’re trying to make this thing fly?” the dragon asked.

“Yep. And make sure everything runs well and that you wouldn’t have to pedal to make it work.”

“Impressive.” Ocellus wowed.

“Well, if I have the tools, I have the talent.”

“Hey guys!” the three turned to see the heroes walk up as April spoke up. “You guys ready to go?”

“Just about finished.” Gamer said as he finished and closed the hood. “There. That should do it.”

“What exactly were you doing there, Games?” Keno asked.

“Just fixing it up.” Gamer shrugged. “I also fixed it so we don’t have to hoof pedal for it to fly.”

“Great!” Starlight blinked.

“Yeah! Let’s give it a test drive!” Davis grinned.

“We’ll have to do it later. Right now, we’re heading out to Canterlot.” Twilight reminded.


“Let’s get a move on!” Casey cheered as they walked out. Gamer shrugged before pushing the plane back before hurrying to catch up.

After taking the train, the group arrived at the train station and saw their friend Blade Swipe happily waiting to greet them.

“Yo Blade!” Mikey cheered as he high fived their friend. “Long time no see!”

“It is good to see you too, Michelangelo.” Blade grinned. “And greetings to the newcomers in the group.”

Leo stood and did introductions. “Everyone, this is our friend Blade Swipe. He’s a pony who got mutated by the Kraang.”

“Oh yes. And you had to live as an outcast because every pony shunned you for how you look.” Yolei recalled.

“Yep. And almost tried to destroy ponykind.” Blade sighed. “But thanks to my friends here, I saw the errors of my ways and now serve as a guard for Princess Celestia.”

Twilight nodded. “Blade, these are The Digidestined and Team Shine who have helped save our worlds a couple times. There’s Davis, Yolei, Cody, TK, Kari, Ken, Izzy, Mimi, Willis, Josh, and Marie and these are their Digimon partners. And these four are Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl. And that’s Serenity.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Any friend of the Ninjas and Princess Twilight is a friend of mine.” Blade shook Shine Boy’s hoof.

“Likewise, Blade.” Shine Boy smiled. “Heard so much about you from Leonardo and I am happy to call you my friend as well.”

“Thank you.” Blade thanked. “Well, the princesses are waiting to meet you all. Allow me to escort you to the palace.”

“Lead on.” Karai nodded.

As they headed for the palace, Mimi whispered to Yolei and April. “Is it wrong to think he looks cute even with his mutation?”

“I know, right?” Yolei agreed.

“Just be careful that his girlfriend doesn’t hear you say that.” April joked.

“Well, well, well. Sounds like some pony agreed with me if he’s going steady.” Mimi jestered. The three chuckled as they followed not far behind.

Soon, they opened the doors to the throne room of the castle. Blade announced them as they entered.

“Presenting Princess Twilight, the Ninjas, and friends!”

In the throne room, they saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna along with Thorax, his brother Pharnyx, and Ember happy to see them.

“It is good to see you all again.” Celestia greeted as she hugged Sunset.

“And a big welcome to the newest members of your group.” Luna added.

“Greetings to you all again.” Ember nodded.

“It has been a long time.” Thorax smiled.

“Hi.” Pharnyx waved.

Shine Boy bowed in respect followed by the rest of his team and Serenity. “Your highnesses, it is an honor to meet all four of you. My name is Shine Boy and these are my friends and teammates.”

“Thank you, but you don’t have to stay bowed for long.” Celestia assured as they stood up. “I have been told by Twilight through Sunset’s journal especially after seeing your fight with that… Milleniummon, right?” The group nodded.

“So that what that was.” Ember recalled. “The Dragons back home really enjoyed that. We almost ran out of popcorn.”

“That was interesting.” Thorax remembered. “I was almost worried at first before they closed again.”

“So we welcome you, Team Shine and Digidestined, to Equestria.” Luna assured.

After everyone introduced themselves, Ember asked an important question as she patted Veemon’s head. “So you Digimon are Digital Monsters, eh? What is this digital?”

Izzy cleared his throat. “Well, you see, Digital data, in information theory and information systems, is information represented as a string of discrete symbols, each of which can-!”

Sunset nudged him. “Uh Izzy? You may want to simplify that definition.”

Izzy saw Ember deadpanning him before Kari walked up to Ember. “Digital is data that is stored in these boxy things back home called computers and they also generate a portal to the Digimons home the Digital World.”

“Okay. That makes more sense. Thank you.” Ember smirked.

Ken and Izzy walked up to Thorax as Ken spoke. “so the changelings are insect type in Equestria?”

“You could say that. Why do you ask, Ken?” Thorax asked.

“let's just say my Digimon is kinda similar to you but a lot different.” Ken stepped aside to reveal Wormmon to Thorax and Pharynx.

“Greetings. I am Wormmon. Please to meet you.”

Izzy then join with Ken as well.

“I also want you to meet my partner. He’s also an insect type digimon.” Izzy said as Tentomon fly up to Thorax and Pharynx.

“Greetings Thorax and Pharynx. I’m Tentomon.” Pleasure to be meeting you as well.

“Hi. Nice to meet you.” Thorax greeted.

“I gotta say. You and Wormmon are ok by me. Are there more of the insect type digimons in this digital world?

“Oh yes. We have a list of them. Not sure how long it will take.” Tentomon answered.

“I also have a champion form name Stingmon. Too bad I couldn’t digivolve with Ken’s D-3 digivice.”

Mikey then popped in. “there's something that I was wondering. Can the changelings have other abilities when they change forms?”

“Nope.” Thorax said. “As I recall, when we battled Chrysalis, she changed into Leonardo who bested her in battle.”

“We’re also able to transform or what we call Digivolve.” Hawkmon spoke up.

“Transform like this?” Thorax asked before he morphed into a duplicate of Shine Boy, then Mimi, Ken, Veemon, and finally Willis before returning to normal.

“Sort of, but more like when you went from black to green after stopping Chrysalis.” Starlight explained.

“I see.” Thorax understood.

“We just learned that some of the Digimon digivolve differently in Equestria.” Shine Boy mentioned.

“How so?” Blade asked.

“Can we show a demonstration, Your highness?” Kari asked Celestia.

“If it’s safe then I will allow it.” Celestia nodded.

“Maybe just have one of you Armor Digivolve.” Sunset suggested.

“So who wants to show?” Davis asked his teammates.

Shine Boy then turned to Pinkie. “Hey, Pinkie, you got a dice with you?”

Pinkie responded by pulling a couple different dice from her mane. “Twelve sided? Three sided? Or six sided?”

“Six sided, please.” Shine Boy levitated the die. “Here’s what we’ll do. You six pick a number between one and six. Whichever number I roll, that pony gets to Armor Digivolve.”

“I’m one!” Davis declared.

“I’ll take four.” Ken said.

“Three!” Yolei boasted.

“Six.” TK grinned.

“Five!” Kari raised her hoof.

“Guess that leaves me with two.” Cody nodded.

Shine Boy tossed the die up in the air and let it land on the floor. When the die stopped rolling, it showed five on the top.

“Five! So that means Kari does it this time.”

“Yes!” Kari cheered. “Ready Gatomon?”

“Ready.” Gatomon thumbed up.

As they prepared, Ember whispered to Pinkie. “Any way I could ask for any of those dice? I could use that to handle disputs back home.”

“I got a couple spares.” Pinkie smiled as she handed her some dice. Just then, Kari held up her Digivice.



Like before, Kari was taller and wearing Nefertimon’s armor.

“Impressive.” Celestia nodded.

“Astonishing.” Luna wowed.

“Wow!” Thorax awed.

“Most curious.” Ember smiled. “So are you Kari in this form? Or this Nefertimon you just mentioned?”

“In this form, I speak as Nefertimon.” Nefertimon explained. “Kari speaks to me through my mind. It’s like that for the rest of us who Armor digivolve.”

Suddenly, a bright light shined out of Nefertimon revealed to be a scroll as Spike unrolled it.

“Where did that come from?” Karai asked as Spike read it.

This is still new to us, Your highnesses. We hope we can master our new digivolutions soon.

“That was what Kari was just telling me.” Nefertimon admitted.

Davis yelled in Nerfertimon’s ear. “Kari?! How’d you do that?”

“She’s not deaf, Davis!” TK pulled him off just before Nefertimon shot out another message and Spike read.

“She doesn’t know. She was telling Nefertimon everything she just said when the message shot out. Also, she hears you loud and clear, Davis. She asks you not to do that again or she may hit you like Raph.”

Davis chuckled sheepishly as Yolei whispered to Mimi. “I never thought I’d hear Kari sound so aggressive.”

“Me neither. She’s not even that rough on Tai. At least from my knowledge.” Mimi agreed.

“I’m guessing the more we Armor Digivolve in Equestria, the more we learn of our new forms.” Cody guessed.

“That would be the best possibility.” Izzy nodded.

Nefertimon then reverted to Kari and Gatomon as Blade spoke up.

“Until you guys figure out your new forms’ limitations, it would be wise for you not to engage in any possible battles.” Advised Blade.

“Don’t worry. We’ll make sure they don’t.” Raph assured.

“Hopefully, we won’t need them.” Tentomon chimed in.

Twilight then spoke up. “So, whataya say we head back to Ponyville and get more acquainted with everyone?”

“Sounds good to me.” Thorax smiled.

“Eh, I still got time.” Ember shrugged.

Everyone else agreed before Celestia spoke up. “I’m afraid I have other duties to attend to.”

“As do i. another time perhaps.” Luna added.

“And I should get back to guard duty.” Blade bowed in respect.

As the heroes left the throne room saying goodbye, no one saw a wisp of black magic floating towards them.

Later, in a forest area a few miles away from Canterlot, the group was looking round while visiting with each other.

“So you Changlings use to absorb love from other creatures?” Izzy asked Thorax.

“Yep. It wasn’t until me, along with Starlight, Trixie, and Discord teamed up to save everyone from Chrysalis, the former queen, did I learn that by giving love resulted in my transformation to this.”

“Yeah. Green is definitely your color.” Mimi complimented.

“Thank you, Mimi.” Thorax smiled.

Smolder and Spike were walking ahead looking around as Smolder spoke up. “I wonder if there are any gemstones nearby.”

“I wouldn’t mind working on using our ninja weapons in our pony form.” Cody said as he tried to grip his kadachi sword.

“I wonder what else we’ll see in Equestria.” Keramon reached for a rock which pulled out along worm.

“Nothing down here but us worms!” the worm chimed.

“Oh excuse me.” Keramon smiled as he set the rock back. He then double blinked before pulling the rock up but there was no worm. He kept setting the rock down and lifting it up again.

“Do you mind?” he heard a voice and saw the rock had eyes and a mouth. “Going up and down makes me seasick.”

Keramon screamed as he dropped the rock and ran behind Josh.

“What’s wrong, buddy?” Josh asked.

“T-That rock talked!”

Yolei couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Rocks? Talking? Oh please!”

“Then it’s a good thing she never met Maud and Boulder.” Pinkie whispered to Mikey.

“For real.” Mikey said while Yolei looked at the rock.

“Well, it looks like this rock’s not answering.”

“I’m sorry. What’s the question?” Yolei turned to see the rock had the same face. “Hello.”

Yolei shrieked as she threw the rock and jumped into Ken’s arms as the rock poofed into a certain draconequus laughing his head off.

“oh. Why am I not surprised? Raph moaned.

“Well, that answers it.” Deadpanned Karai.

“What up, Discord?” Mikey greeted as they fist bumped.

“Good to see you too, Michelangelo. And you ninjas as well.” Discord smiled. “Thorax. Ember.”

“Hi, Discord.” Thorax smiled while Ember just waved.

Shine Boy cleared his throat. “So, you must be Discord, the Lord of Chaos.”

Discord suddenly appeared next to him. “Well, if I must, I must. Though I’d rather be Maryland Street. Wait no I wouldn’t. And you must be Shine Boy and that’s your team.”

He then poofed in front of Gamer. “Your brother, Gamer.” Then, Next to Love Shine. “Love Shine. Nice armor.” Then, in front of Shine Girl. “And Shine Girl.”

He then appeared next to Serenity. “And let’s not forget Ms. Serenity here. My, aren’t you pretty.”

“Uh, thanks?” Serenity nervously smiled.

Discord then appeared with long brown hair and a black leather jacket. “Wasn’t there another in your group? What was his name? Blight Lime?”

“You mean Luke? And it’s Night Shine, but he hates being called that. And he didn’t want to come not wanting to get caught dead as a pony.”

Discord burst out with laughter again. “That sounds just the way Starlight described him! He makes Raphael look like Mr. Rogers!”

“What you-!” Before Raph could finish, Discord poofed him into a red sweater.

“Oh, just take the compliment.” He deadpanned before turning towards the Digidestined. “And you must be the Digidestined she told me about. I saw your big fight in the sky on paper view.”

“Pay per view?” TK asked.

Discord responded by holding up a piece of paper which showed their fight with Milleniummon. “I have it on paper and view it. Paper view.”

He then appeared next to Davis. “So you must be Davis and this is your Digimon, Veemon.”

“That’s right, big guy. So how much did Starlight told you about me?” Davis insisted.

“That you never knew when to quit.” Discord joked.

He then bent down to Cody. “And you must be Cody and this is Armadillomon.”

“Uh yeah. Nice to meet you.” Cody politely greeted.

Discord then leaned towards Yolei. “And judging by your pretty face behind those glasses, You’re Yolei With Hawkmon.”

“Uh, yeah. I am.” Yolei stuttered, creeped out at what she was seeing.

“Good choice.” Discord nudged Ken, as the two madly blushed. “And you’re Ken, the former Digimon Emperor, and your buddy Wormmon.”

“Guilty.” Ken shrugged.

“Don’t be nervous.” Discord snapped his fingers, poofing himself in a Digimon Emperor costume. “I went through something similar, so we’re in the same boat.”

He then ripped the costume off before poofing next to TK and Kari. “And you two must be TK and Kari. With Patamon and Gatomon!”

“Yes, we are.” Smiled TK.

“You really get around, don’t you?” Kari asked.

“You have no idea.” Discord smiled before leaning between to the two and whispered. “And don’t tell Davis, but I think you two are so cute together.”

He then poofed next to Izzy. “And I believe you are Izzy with your buddy Tentomon.”

“Uh yeah. How do you do?” Izzy waved.

“Voodoo.” Discord smiled.

“Who-doo?” Davis asked.

“You do.”

“Do what?” Tentomon chimed.

“Remind me of the babe.” Discord laughed. “And speaking of babes.”

He poofed next to Mimi. “This babe must be Mimi with her friend Palmon.”

“Hi.” Mimi nervously waved.

“You must be a magnet if studs fall for your pretty face. Rowr.”

“This guy’s nuts.” Terriermon muttered.

“You’re telling me” Lopmon agreed before they jumped to see Discord next to them.

“Eh, I’ve been called worse. And you’re Willis with Terriermon and Lopmon. Curious. Why do you have two Digimon while everyone has one?”

“These two are actually twins that hatched from the same Digi Egg.” Willis explained.

“Surprised they’re not Siamese twins, but probably better that way.” Discord then poofed next to Josh. “And you’re the recent member of the team, Josh, and your buddy, Keramon. No hard feelings for scaring you, I hope?”

“Nah you’re okay.” Keramon waved off.

“I’m pretty impressed actually.” Josh admitted.

“You’re too kind.” Discord said before poofing near Marie. “And- And we have- I don’t know. Who are you again?”

“I’m Marie Mox and this is my Digimon Clawmon.” Marie introduced as Clawmon waved.

“She just joined us so that’s why you never heard about her yet.” Josh pointed out.

“Makes sense. Well, welcome aboard.” Discord shook her hoof. Just then, discord conjured a medical device to scan all over Marie.

“Uh what are you doing?” Marie asked Discord.

“Making sure you don’t have any sickness of course.” Discord explained as the device says healthy. “Just as I thought. You’re good to go. And not a single covid-19 in your body.”


"you don’t want to know." Discord waved off.

"okay then…" Marie shrugged

“So, What’s everyone doing today?”

“We were just introducing our new friends to Princess Celestia and Luna as well as Blade Swipe.” Fluttershy explained.

“We were walking back to Ponyville as we get more acquainted.” Leo added. “Would you like to join us?”

“Oh! Don’t mind if I do.” Discord smiled.

“Alright! Let’s keep going.” Twilight said as they continued their way.

As they walked through the Everfree Forest, The Digidestined and Team Shine talked about their adventures to Thorax, Pharnyx, Ember, and Discord who were all impressed while Discord floated wearing sunglasses and drinking iced tea.

“These Dark Masters sound like worthy opponents.” Ember admitted.

“Yeah. They were tough, but we beat them with our teamwork.” TK nodded.

“And you’ve been to the Dark Ocean, Kari?” Discord asked.

“Yeah, twice. But thanks to my friends I’ve been able to escape.” Kari smiled.

“You know, I once vacationed there once during my Lord of Chaos days. Worse Vacation Spot Ever! It’s so dreary and the natives are just so… needy! Would it hurt them to put in an ice cream stand? Half a star.”

As Spike and Smolder looked for Gemstones, the wisp of magic went towards an ordinary rock, merging with it to become a red gem before Spike found it.

“Bingo!” he held the stone up to everyone.

“Wow! Look at the size of that thing!” Mimi wowed.

“It’s very pretty!” Rarity awed.

“You gonna eat that?” Smolder hoped before Ember placed her hand on her shoulder.

“Now, Smolder. Spike found it first so he gets to eat it.”

“Eh worth a shot.” Smolder shrugged.

“And as much as that is pretty, I don’t think I could sew anything fashionable out of it, so Go ahead, Spike.” Rarity added.

“Thanks.” Spike smiled and began eating the gem.

“Wow. Look at him go.” Kari blinked.

“He just ate it like a taco.” TK added.

“I remember you guys telling me how dragons eat gemstones in Equestria. Well I’m seeing it and I still don’t believe it.” Shine Boy pointed out.

“I wonder if I can since I’m dragon myself?” Veemon wondered.

“One way to find out!” Smolder grinned. “Let’s look for more on our way back to Ponyville!”

The two hurried ahead as everyone walked not far behind.

Later, they were just leaving the opening of Everfree Forest when Marie noticed Spike twitching and slowing down.

“Uh Guys?” she called. “I think there’s something wrong with Spike!”

Everyone looked to see Spike kneeling.

“Spike!” Twilight gasped.

Leo and Shine Boy walked up to the little dragon in concern.

“Spike?” Leo spoke.

“You alright, little buddy?” Shine Boy asked.

“Ugh. I’m not sure. I think I have a tummy ache or something.”

“Well, he hasn’t eaten any ice cream lately. Something is definitely wrong with him.” Twilight pondered.

“Spike. I’m concerned. I think that you should-“ To Spike, Leo began to speak gibberish and Spike’s eyes widen in shock. “ok?”

Spike shook his head. “uh… could you repeat that again, Leo? I didn’t catch that.”

“I said that you should-“ Leo repeated before talking gibberish again.


“didn’t you hear what Leo said? He said that you should-“ Raph snapped before speaking gibberish too.

Spike turned to the other who voices are muffled and gibberish. Just then he began to see something sparkly on certain objects such as Leo’s medallion, davis’ goggles, gamer’s sword, etc.

“Uh Spike?” Shine Boy leaned closer.

Suddenly, Spike popped up and hissed causing the superhero to recoil in shock. His eyes glowed red as he jumped on Davis and snatched his goggles and jumped off of him to try to steal more of the stuff starting with Raph’s medallion.

“Hey! What are you doing, spike? Get off of me!” Raph cried before throwing Spike off of him. The purple dragon crawled around like a slithering Komodo dragon and went forward to Ponyville leaving his shocked friends.

“Ok. What just happened here?” Pharnyx spoke.

“I don’t know, Pharynx. I’m just as confused as you are.” Ken answered.

“Yeah. Like what in Equestria just happened?” Donnie dumbfounded.

“He lunged towards me and stole my goggles. That’s what happened.” Davis groaned.

“Whatever going on, we gotta stop by before he does something terrible.” Leo stated before noticing the horror in Twilight’s face. “Twilight? Twilight? What is it?”

“Is there something matter?” Kari asked in concern.

“We have to stop spike from stealing the stuff before he becomes big again!”

“What do you mean, “again”?” Izzy raised a brow.

Ember and Smolder would realize what Twilight was talking about as the pony princess explained as everyone searched for Spike.

“It all started when we threw Spike a birthday party. Shortly after, he got greedy and hording objects. It turns out A dragon's heart is prone to greed, a steady diet to make growth speed. Then, the resulting bigger size only makes their hunger rise. If this trait should go unchecked, if Spike continues to collect, more growth will certainly occur – he is going to turn into a monster.”

“So dragons get bigger and greedier the more things they collect? Even spike?” Donnie pieced together.

Twilight nodded. “Zecora explained everything to me when spike first experienced that since he received his gifts on his birthday by us.”

“Wow. I sometimes knew about dragon history before coming to equestria, but this is way new for me to handle!” Gamer said before they heard a shriek. “That was Sweetie Belle!”

“It came from that way!” Hawkmon pointed as he flew ahead.

“Cmon!” Davis cried as they hurried.

When they reached the outskirts of Ponyville, they saw Sweetie Belle and Applebloom helping Scootaloo keep Spike from taking her scooter. Again.

“Let go!” She cried.

“Spike! Stop!” Kari ordered.

Spike didn’t listen. “Spike want!”

“She said LET GO!” Gamer jump kicked Spike off. Spike hissed as Shine Boy joined his brother to levitate flash bangs and temporarily blind the dragon long enough to bind him.

“Now!” Shine Boy cried as Mikey, Shini, and Yolei wrapped their chains around him. Palmon joined in with her vines to immobilized Spike.

“Sorry about this, Spike.” Shine Boy sighed.

“We didn't want to do this, but you gave us no choice!” Gamer breathed.

The heroes used the chains and ropes to hold Spike and keep him from running around stealing stuff. They took the moment to catch their breath.

Applejack finished tying the knot. “There. That outta hold him for a while.”

“So what do we do now?” Mikey asked.

“If Night Shine was here, he’d say he’d hit him back to his senses.” Casey joked.

“We can't just leave him like this.” Shine Girl pointed out.

“We just need to keep him tied up and make sure he doesn't grab anymore things until he shrinks back to normal.” Twilight instructed.

Just then, Cody, Josh, Marie, and the CMC saw Spike glowing cyan blue. Josh nudged Donnie who noticed.

“uh guys? Were dragons that are greedy supposed to glow like that?”

“no...? They not supposed to glow when they're greedy.” Ember raised a brow.

“Why do you ask?” Smolder asked.

“Because it's coming from Spike.” Cody pointed as everyone saw Spike glowing.

“Ok that's weird.” Rarity worried.

Applebloom hid behind Applejack. “Should we be concerned about this?”

“Why?” Yolei asked.

“Because something's bad is gonna happen.” Sweetie backed up behind Gamer.

As he continued to glow, Spike broke free of the chain that was holding him as he began to grow bigger.

“but that's not possible.” Twilight dumbfounded. “He shouldn't be growing big after being tied up. How can he still be greedy and grow big unless-?” she stopped as she turned to Discord, who was cooking popcorn over Raph like he was a stove. “Discord. Did you do something to Spike?”

“No of course not! I mean seriously. Why would everypony assumed that I have something to do with this?” Discord muched on some popcorn.

“uh that's because, maybe, that's what you do?” Applejack glared.

Ken stood up. “Hey! We can get to that later.”

“Yeah. Can't you use your magic to turn him back to normal?” Mimi asked.

“Do I have to? I was just getting to the good part of this show.”

“DISCORD!” Raph gritted his teeth.

“Ok ok! Jeez you're no fun.” Discord tossed his popcorn and stretched his body) “alright. Stand back. This will be easy in a snap.” He snapped his fingers. But he felt shocks of magical electricity and was thrown back to the others.

“Quit goofing off and change him back!” Rainbow demanded.

“I’m not goofing off! Something’s blocking me!” Discord snapped again but kept getting shocked.

“He’s right!” April felt her head. “Something’s preventing Discord from changing Spike back!”

“He’s getting bigger!” TK cried.

Spike lunged towards the group before Shine Boy and Karai knocked him away. Everyone joined in and tried to get him to stay in control. But to the heroes’ shock, Spike grew slightly bigger.

“Woah!” Casey gasped.

“Holy-!” Shine Girl gulped.

“What the what!?” Josh jawdropped.

Soon, Spike was giant sized to everyone’s shock.

“This is like one of the movies I saw with Veemon the other day.” Davis pointed out.

“Oh yeah! Do you remember the name of the movie, Davis?” Veemon asked.

“Hmm. I think it starts with the letter G or something.”

Pinkie popped up next to him. “I think it was the movie Godzilla and then it'll turn into King Kong sometime later.”

“King Kong? What does that have to do with this?” Davis asked.

“Because Kong is a giant gorilla and was fighting against the giant monster Godzilla.”

“Share the movie talk for later! Right now, we gotta stop Spike!” Yolei declared.

“Yeah! Anyone got the Power Rangers on speed dial?” asked Mikey.

“We got something better for this!” Izzy held up his Digivice along with Mimi, Josh, and Marie.





Ember, Thorax, and Pharynx were surprised to see the digimons digivolve.

“Woah. Now that’s really cool.” Ember said in amazement.

“You’re telling me. This is incredible.” Thorax agreed with ember.

“I’m also liking tentomon’s adult form Kabuterimon. He’s looks great.” Pharynx said in awe. “I just hope that they’ll try to help.”

The four champions jumped after Spike. Despite the odds, Spike roared as he whacked them away one by one. Davis nearly dodged Chysalimon almost falling on him before falling on a couple jars of glitter and a pile of Rarity’s glittery fabric she picked up in Canterlot.

“My glitter!” Sweetie Belle gasped.

“My fabric!” Rarity shrieked.

When Davis got up, he was covered with glitter and fabric and ticked off. “Okay, Spike. You wanna play? Let’s play. Veemon!”

“Right!” Veemon ran over to Davis as Spike awed at the glitter covered Davis.

“Digi armor energize!”

Then Spike sees that the glow is getting bigger thanks to that glitter.

“Veemon armor digivolve to…”

Kari sees Spike was coming towards Davis and Veemon. “Davis Veemon watch out!”

Davis was suddenly wrapped around by Spike’s tail and lifted off the ground.

“Davis!” Everyone gasped.

“Help! I’m being grabbed by that giant dragon and I can’t get myself to pry off of him!” Davis yelled.

“Let him go, Spike!” Veemon jumped at Spike. “VEE HEADBUTT!”

Spike just smacked him away while Twilight, Ember, and Thorax flew up to him.

“Spike! I order you to stop!” Ember ordered.

“Spike! Stop! We’re your friends!” Thorax pleaded.

“Please Spike! Just try to keep in control!” Twilight shouted.

Spike responded by roaring sending the three flying.

Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl ran up and fired at the dragon with their horns.

“Willis! Grab Davis while we hold him off!” Shine Boy ordered.

But before Willis could act, Spike whacked Team Shine away and began walking away with Davis in his tail.

“Guys! help!” Davis cried.

“Where’s he going?” Casey asked. “Ponyville’s that way!”

“I think he has a bigger prize in mind, Casey!” Starlight pointed.

Twilight gasped. “He’s heading for Canterlot!”

To Be Continued

Return of Spikezilla Pt 2

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After eating a curious gem, Spike suddenly became greedy and began to go on a rampage stealing other stuff. Despite their best efforts to stop, the heroes could not stop him as he grew gigantic and stormed off with Davis towards Canterlot.

“We gotta stop Spikezilla before he destroys Canterlot!” Mikey declared.

“Eh?” Twilight raised her brow.

“Spikezilla?” Ember asked.

“Well. because he's –“ Mikey was about to explain before Raph clamped his mouth shut.

“Hold on. It's because how pinkie said it when Davis was talking about that move, so you decided to call him Spikezilla because not only he's big,but he's also a giant monster based on that monster movie?”

“Hmm. That's pretty accurate of what I was going to say.” Mikey admitted.

“Yep. Just as I thought.” Raph rolled his eyes.

“I guess you know me too well.” Mikey grinned.

“just don't let it get in your head, little brother.” Raph pointed out.

“What I want to know is how come Discord wasn’t able to change Spike back?” Fluttershy wondered.

“And forwarded the growing process of his transformation.” Donnie added.

“It’s almost like someone wanted Spike to find that gem and fixed it to make him grow no matter how greedy he was and is able to block Discord’s power.” TK pieced together.

“And must be trying to stop us as well. Why else take Davis before he could Armor Digivolve?” Keno agreed.

“We’ll worry about who later. Right now, we gotta stop Spike before he causes any damage anywhere.” Leo stated.

“If only we could study that gem he ate.” Izzy pondered.

“How about a shard of it?” Everyone looked at Gamer who levitated a shard of the gem Spike ate. “Spike coughed this out after I kicked him off the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I think if we can analyze it, we can synthesis an antidote.”

“Alright, Gamer!” cheered Mimi and Pinkie.

“We better work fast! He’s nearing Canterlot as we speak!” Yolei pointed out.

Twilight squinted her eyes. “Then we better go to…. The medical room.”

“No! Not the medical room!” Pinkie cried.

“The medical room!” gasped Starlight.

“The medical room!” Discord jawdropped.

“The medical room?” Kari asked.

“Really?” Yolei deadpanned.

“What medical room?” Pharynx wondered.

In Twilight’s castle, Twilight led the group, minus Gamer, to a bookshelf.

“I’ve been saving this in case of an emergency that is too much for a doctor or Zecora was unavailable.” She said before using her magic to pull a book which caused the shelf to move revealing a secret room that had boards, potions, and a chemistry set.

“Impressive.” Donnie admitted.

“Very impressive.” Izzy agreed.

“I’ll show you guys around later. Right now, we got to stop Spike!” Twilight declared. “We’ll be done faster if we work together. Love Shine, grab that capsule! Please.”

“Got it.” Love Shine lifted a capsule as big as Cody while Twilight analyzed the shard with Donnie, Izzy, Yolei, and Sunset helping. Everyone else helped by giving items when asked for. Mikey reached for a beacon full of orange liquid and was about to drink before Yolei smacked his hand, gesturing to him not to drink it. Before long, Ember and Thorax worked together to close the capsule and they now had a big pill.

“Okay. This is all makeshift, but theoretically it should be enough to dissolve the gem in Spike enough to cure him. All we have to do is get him to swallow it.” Twilight explained.

“Couldn’t it be easier if we get it in his-!”

“Mikey!” his brothers scolded him.

“It worked for that elephant.” Mikey shrugged. The brothers however shuddered while Team Shine and Digidestined tried their best not to remember that part whenever they watched that movie.

“We are so not watching that movie again!” Raph groaned.

Shine Boy turned to Ember, Thorax, and Pharnyx who were confused on what they were talking about. “Don’t ask.”

“Duly noted.” Discord responded as well.

“So how do we get Spikezilla to swallow it?” Casey asked.

“Maybe one of the Digimon who can digivolve could throw it in his throat?” TK guessed.

“But we may need to distract him so we can, since we got only one shot.” Willis pointed out.

“And what about us nonflyers?” Shini asked.

“That’s what Gamer’s getting right now.” Donnie said. “Cmon! He should have it ready outside.”

Everyone hurried out of the castle as Gamer pushed out the flying machine he tinkered with earlier.

“We can use this to fly in close enough to get this into Spike’s mouth.” He pointed out.

“We’ll have to organize a team to fly.” Leo pondered.

“Why not have a couple teams? There are strengths in numbers.” Discord snapped his fingers and four more flying machines appeared.

“That’ll work.” Gamer wowed. “Remind me to ask you about mass production.”

Leo quickly began instructing everyone. “Okay! Here’s what we’ll do. Everyone who can fly won’t have to go on one of those. I’ll go with Shine Boy, Applejack, and Ken with Wormmon. Donnie will take Gamer, Josh, and Keramon. Raph, take Marie, Rarity, Clawmon, and Shine Girl. Mimi and Pinkie with Palmon will go with Mikey while April takes, Starlight, Karai, and Shini. Everyone else will fly next to us.”

“Oh! I almost forgot. I invented the leftover tech pieces for the plane and convert them for ember, thorax, and pharynx.” Gamer said as he levitated three technology boxes with a button on top.

“You’re giving these to us, Gamer?” Thorax asked.

“So what’s in the box?” Pharynx wondered while examining it.

“Press the button and you’ll see. Don’t be scared if something happens. It’s just part of the process.” Gamer instructed.

the female dragon lord and the two changeling brothers press the button simultaneous and the box turns into tiny little nanites as it surrounds their bodies.

“Woah! What’s happening?” Pharynx said.

“Should I be scared?” Thorax asked in worry.

“What should we do?” Ember asked in concern.

“Just relax and let it continue. It should be over in a few seconds.” Gamer said while the others were watching.

When the nanites were done forming, it turned into some kind of suits. dark blue and pink lines for Ember, light green and black lines for Thorax, and dark green with purple outline for Pharynx.

"These look very.... impressive." Ember looked at herself.

"These are very comfy." Thorax smiled.

"And sleet." Pharnyx added.

“Let’s get ready!” TK declared as Kari and Yolei stood next to him.

“DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!” They declared.




“I’ll help too!” Izzy held up his Digivice.


Everyone got in their assigned planes while the flyers got ready as well. Willis let Terriermon and Lopmon ride on him while Thorax took Veemon on his back. Izzy and Cody climbed on Kabuterimon’s head while Sunset climbed on Fugitoid’s back. As they got ready, Applebloom spoke to Applejack.

“Applejack, can we come too?”

“Out of the question, Applebloom.” Applejack shook her head. “This is dangerous stuff.”

“But we wanna help too!” Sweetie Belle protested.

“This is too big for you three to handle.” Rarity stated.

“I’m their age and I’m helping.” Gamer pointed out.

“That’s different!” Both ponies yelled.

”The point is you three fillies can’t come with us. End of discussion.” Applejack said.

"She’s right. I’m sorry, but you three have to stay here. It’s too dangerous out there."

“Is it?” Shine Boy got their attention. “Let me ask you two something. Did Big Mac treat you like this, AJ? And how hard has Sweetie tried to prove herself a sister to you, Rarity?”

“We don’t have time-!”

“ANSWER MY QUESTION!” Applejack was interrupted by Shine Boy’s roar.

“No.” she deadpanned.

Rarity sighed. “Alright. You three can come.”

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS TO THE RESCUE!” the three cheered clapping their hooves together.

Rainbow jumped next to Scootaloo. “Hop on, Squirt! It’s hero time!”

Scootaloo climbed on her back while Pegasusmon and Nefertimon walked up.

“You two can ride on us.” Pegasusmon offered.

“Climb on, Sweetie Belle.” Nefertimon let Sweetie get on her back while Applebloom got on Pegasusmon.

Rarity and Applejack looked at Shine Boy as Rarity asked. “What was that all about, Shine Boy?”

“Because we need all the help we can get for Spike and Davis. And whether you two accept it or not, your sisters are growing up and one day they will have to do things on their own. So you need to let them grow up without you. You can still love and care for them, but you can’t protect them but support them. Take it from a big brother who’s trying to do the same with his younger brother. Now let’s go help Spike.”

“Okay. Step on the left pedal to start the engine.” Gamer instructed. As everyone’s planes started up, Discord walked up to Mikey’s group dressed as a military commando.

“Commando Discord, requesting permission to board.”

“Granted! Now let’s go!” Mikey accepted as they let him sit behind Mimi and Palmon.

“Now push the red button and press the right pedal for takeoff!” Everyone did what Gamer told them and the planes began to drive off. “Take you steering wheel and…. LIFTOFF!”

Suddenly, Pinkie spoke up. “Excuse me, I just want to say that most of us probably won’t be surviving for this.” She paused before shouting, “NOW LET’S GET TO THE SKY, BABY!”

The flying machines all took off into the sky as everyone followed Gamer’s instructed.

“It’s working!” Donnie smiled.

“BOOYAKASHA!” Mikey cheered.

“You did good, Gamer.” April complimented.

“Beats pedaling your flank off.” Applejack admitted.

“Now let’s save Spike!” Leo declared as they flew out.

“Follow them!” Twilight added as the flyers followed right behind them.

As they flew over the Everfree Forest, Shine Boy saw something on the ground in the woods.

“Leo! Down there!” he pointed, getting the lead turtle’s attention.

They looked to see a certain mutant pony guard jumping through the trees.

“Blade Swipe!” Leo called, getting his attention. “I’ll swoop down and pick you up!”

Blade nodded and hurried next to the plane. When Leo got close enough, Blade jumped on the wing and held on. As they ascended back up, Blade turned to the group. “Am I glad to see you guys! Princess Celestia saw something big heading to Canterlot and sent me to investigate!”

“Would you believe that the thing is Spike?” Josh asked as the others explained the situation to Blade.

“So, we just got to get that in his mouth. Got it!” Blade confirmed. “Though I’m surprised you’re not pedaling in this thing.”

“Gamer did that.” Shine Boy smiled. “Discord made duplicates.”

“Very impressive.” Blade admitted.

“There he is!” Everyone looked ahead to see Spikezilla about five miles away from Canterlot with Davis still wrapped in his tail.

“GUYS! HELP!” Davis cried.

“We’re coming, Davis!” Veemon called back.

Spikezilla turned around and roared, trying to swat at the flyers who dodged his swings.

Pinkie looked over at Canterlot. “Ooooo! There’s my favorite gelato shop! Can we stop for some gelato? They got some great fruit mixes!”

“PINKIE!” everyone cried.

“Could we make mine a raspberry?” Mikey asked.


“Right. Right. After we fix Spike.” He chuckled.

“CHARGE!” Ember charged as they flew towards Spikezilla. Some tried to save Davis only to dodge a blow from the big dragon.

“GOONGALA!” Casey launched some explosive pucks at Spikezilla’s face followed by Fugitoid firing lasers as Sunset and Twilight fired magic beams at him. As he flew his fyler, Mikey pushed a button and a machine gun popped up.

“Oh yeah! Now we’re talking! I found the gun!” he cheered.

Gamer heard as his eyes widened. “Oh no.”

“One giant splatter dragon coming right up.” Mikey tried to fire but nothing comes out. “hey. There's no bullets in this thing.”

“They didn’t have the specific ammo needed!” Gamer stated.

“And you gonna tell us… when?” Raph remarked.

Gamer rolled his eyes sarcastically. “Yes, Raph, I purposely knew that Spike would become kaiju size and make sure we could never- I LIKE TO SEE YOU DO BETTER, SHELL BUTT!”

“Don’t make me swing by to break your FACE!” Raph snapped.

“Like you’ll have the chance, STUPID!” Gamer threatened just before Halsemon flew between their planes.

“I have a message from Yolei to you two.” He cleared his throat. “HELLO! we still have a giant dragon to deal with so fly now, Fight later!”

“FINE!” Raph and Gamer huffed.

“Least we have our own projectiles.” Pegasusmon pointed out.

Shine boy spoke through the T-Phones. “And besides, we just wanted to get the magic out of spike's stomach, Mikey. We don't need bullets from the turrets.”

“Well, what else are we supposed to do?” Rainbow asked.

“Time to let Mikey do what Mikey does best: annoy him. Leo and I will come up with a plan to take care of the rest. Twilight, we gonna need you on this one.”

“You got it!” Twilight flew close to their plane.

“All right, Guppy. We’re going to war!” Discord boasted in a Sargent voice.

As Mikey’s group plane flew in, Shine Girl heard epic music. “Uh where did this music come from?”

“From Discord of course.” Pinkie pointed as everyone looked at Discord playing the charge song on a trumpet.

This irritated Raph again and he snatched the trumpet as he flew by.

“Hey!” Discord glared.

“Would you seriously cut that out!? You can still help us by saving Davis and prevent the destruction of canterlot! I’m also keeping this so that you wouldn’t play that thing again.”

“You think that they would be concerned about Spike.” Karai muttered bluntly.

“Hmm.” Blade hummed in agreement.

Everyone continued to fire at Spikezilla who roared back. Davis kept trying to avoid blows despite his predicament.

“Hey! Watch it!” he cried. “I’m still held prisoner here!”

In his group’s plane, Ken got up from his seat. “I think it’s time we joined in. Ready, Wormmon?”

“Ready!” Wormmon confirmed.

“Leo, could you fly near Spike’s back? We’ll try to rescue Davis while everyone distracts him.”

“You got it, Ken!” Leo thumbed up.

As they flew behind Spikezilla, Ken jumped out with Wormmon, shouting. “DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!”


As they landed near Davis, Bucchiemon merged from the light.

“Hang on, Davis! We’ll get you out!” He said as he grabbed Spike’s tail.

“Knew you’d pull through for me, Buddy!” Davis smiled.

Suddenly, Spikezilla grabbed Bucchiemon and stared at him face to face.

“Heartner Beam!” Bucchiemon fired a beam in Spike’s face as he began to look entranced. “Twilight! The capsule! Quick! I don’t know how long I can keep him like this!”

“On it!” Twilight hurried with the capsule.

“I’ll grab Davis!” Cody jumped off Kabuterimon, revealing he and Armadillomon merged into Digmon, and slid towards Davis. Suddenly, Spikezilla began to resist Bucchiemon’s beam.

“He’s resisting!” Bucchiemon cried.

Twilight Flew up to Spikezilla’s face holding the capsule over her head. “Okay, Spike. Open wide!”

But before she could throw it, Spikezilla grabbed Digmon and threw him and Bucchiemon at Twilight, causing her to drop the capsule.

“NO!” Twilight cried as Bucchiemon and Digmon separated back into Cody, Armadillomon, Ken, and Wormmon.

Suddenly, a blue wind swooped in and grabbed the capsule. Turned out it was Rainbow and Scootaloo who caught it.

“Good catch, Scoots!” Rainbow smiled as Scootaloo held the capsule.

“Man the-!” Shine Boy felt around to notice something. “Uh guys? Anybody have a parachute?”

Everyone gasped realizing that no one had a parachute with them.

“Jump for the tree!” Leo said as he tried to have the plane not crash.

Shine Boy, Applejack, Blade, Cody, and Ken jumped off trying to land in the tree. Applejack used her lasso to grab hold of the tree and grabbed Ken who grabbed Cody along with their Digimon partners. But Shine Boy missed and was about to fall to the ground when Serenity swooped in and grabbed him.

“For once, I save you.” She teased.

“Who’s counting?” Shine Boy grinned.

“We need to get Spike back to normal!” Pegasusmon declared.

He and Nefertimon flew to each other as a glow appeared on their front legs. “Golden Noose!”

“Rainbow! Over here!” Rainbow nodded and threw the capsule at Willis who caught it before speaking to his Digimon. “Lopmon! Get this in Spike’s mouth. Terriermon, cover him!”

“On it!” The two nodded as they began to glow.



At that very moment, Pegasusmon and Nefertimon wrapped their lasso around Spikezilla as Turuiemon ran up on his body while Gargomon fired his guns at him.

“Gargo pellets!”

Turuiemon was nearing the mouth before Spike broke free from the lasso sending Pegasusmon and Nefertimon flying and he grabbed Turuiemon and threw him on Gargomon, sending the two falling.

“Gargomon! Turuiemon!” Willis flew over and grabbed Gargomon while Keno and Casey grabbed Turuiemon.

“The capsule!” Sweetie Belle cried.

“Hang on!” Nefertimon swooped down and Sweetie Belle used her magic to grab the capsule. “Good work, Sweetie Belle.”

“How are we gonna get it in Spike if he’s just gonna keep swatting us like bugs?” Applebloom asked while still on Pegasusmon.

“We just gotta keep trying!” Love Shine flew by as he fired photon lasers at Spike.

Veemon jumps off of thorax to get to Davis by Spikezilla’s tail ignoring the changeling telling him to stop. He landed by the edge of the dragon’s tail and climb up to where Davis is.

“Davis! Are you ok!?” Veemon shouted.

“Does it look like I’m okay!? I’m covered in glitter and shiny fabric, grabbed by the dragon’s tail and you’re asking me if I’m okay!? No! I’m not ok! Now get me out of here!” Davis yelled in annoyance.

“Don’t worry! I’ll try to get you out before he-!”

They both heard a roar and notices veemon holding onto his tail. It stared at the small Digimon in a menacingly look.

“Notice us.” Veemon gulped.

Spikezilla roared as he swing his tail to get veemon off. He’s losing his grip and was sent flying away. Luckily, thorax was fast enough to save veemon thanks to the suit.

“You’re okay, Veemon?” Thorax asked in concern.

“Yeah. I’m okay. Thanks for asking.” Veemon moaned.

Thorax sighed in relief before looking sternly at Veemon. “You shouldn’t jump off of me and try to save Davis like that! You could’ve been seriously hurt or worse!”

“Sorry. I just wanted to save my friend.” Veemon said.

“We still need to get spike to return back to his regular self before it’s too late!”

“Right. Just hold on Davis! We’ll save you!” Veemon shouted to Davis.

“What does it look like I’m doing!?” Davis shouted angrily. Then Spikezilla’s tail shake violently back and forth to try to hit the heroes.

“Woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah! woah! “Help! Me! Somepony! Call! My! Mom!… My!” Davis shouted a when he swings by at every words.

April’s group flew past Spikezilla as Shini and Karai threw smoke bombs at Spike’s face, disorientating him. The dragon roared and used his tail, with Davis still wrapped up, and whacked the plane, breaking it in two.

“April!” gasped Donnie.

“Shini!” Mikey cried.

“Karai!” hollered Leo/Blade/Shine Boy and Gamer.

“Starlight!” Twilight worried.

Thankfully, they saw they were levitated to safety thanks to April’s power and Starlight’s magic.

“May not be parachutes, but it’s a close second.” Starlight smiled as she dusted herself off.

As they fly, a phone was heard ringing in Mikey’s plane.

“Whoops. I better take this.” Discord said as he pulled out a random cell phone and answered it. “Hello?”

“DID NOBODY EVEN THINK TO PACK A PARACHUTE?!” Yolei was screaming so loud she could be heard on the phone.

“I already got mine, so nopony never asked.” Discord grinned.

Yolei screamed in agitation and discord recoiled his head away from the phone before hanging up on her.

“Was that Yolei?” Mimi raised her brow.

“Sorry. Wrong number.” Discord shrugged.

“We’re losing teammates fast. So if you want to start insulting, Mikey, now’s the time!” Palmon insisted.

“Right! Hang on!” Mikey flew near Spikezilla to begin insulting. “Hey, Spike! Is that Davis on your tail or are you happy to see me?”

Spikezilla roared trying to swat the plane down, but Mikey managed to narrowly miss getting hit.

“Yo, Spike! Gotta call from Japan! Some giant lizard says you stole his style!”

“Now’s our chance!” Pharnyx declared as he and Thorax flew up again.

While fighting Spikezilla, Ember notice something on her left arm. It shows the holographic display on which types of fire breath should her dragon breath be.

“Hold on. What does this do?” Ember muttered to herself as she pressed the button to show the list of different kinds of fire attack. Fireball, firebomb, fire bullets, fire cracker, flamethrower, fire fists, and fire infuse. She pressed the fire cracker and the suit glows around her throat as she cough out a small fiery ball. It landed on Spikezilla’s face and exploded into some kind of fire cracker to stun him for a bit.

“Woah. Did my breath just-?”

“Spit out firecracker? Yep. It sure does.” Gamer said on Ember’s wrist while riding onto the plane. “Don’t be alarmed your suit has a built in radio so I can speak to you and the changeling brothers directly. Your suit can amplify your dragon’s breath into different kinds of firing rate according to the data from the suit that I’m looking.”

“Ok now that’s great.” Ember said in amazement.

"You’re most certainly welcome. Thorax. pharynx. You may be able to to change into forms, but the suit can amplify the changeling magic to do the exact copy of the originals. When you turn into rainbow dash, you can fly really fast. You can also learn one of the ninja’s skills when you take their forms as well."

“Really?” Thorax asked as he concentrated on his magic to transform into twilight sparkle to shoot the magic beam that is similar to the original. “Wow. Now that’s really interesting for the suit.”

Thorax changed into a BearBug while Ocellus transformed into her monster form.

Pharnyx transformed into a spider-like creature which caused Raph to shriek in his plane.

"Ok that’s a bit terrifying." Izzy blinked.

"he’s almost like me but different." Kabuterimon pointed out.

"It’s a good thing he’s on our side." Gamer mentioned.

"You’re telling me." Shine Girl agreed.

Despite being afraid, Raph tried to stay focus while telling himself to keep it together.

As Mikey kept insulting, Spikezilla kept trying to whack him as he dodged every blow. Just then, Kabuterimon grabbed the giant dragon in a full nelson.

“Quick! Get the capsule in his mouth!” he cried.

But before anyone can act, Spikezilla hit Kabuterimon off him, causing him revert to Tentomon while Izzy fell in the sky.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow grabbed him and placed him back on the ground.

“Thanks, Rainbow.” Izzy thanked before hurrying to check on Tentomon.

“Somepony throw that capsule! I’m running out of insults here!” Mikey called out.

“Hang on!” Nefertimon swooped in as Thorax and Pharnyx grabbed Spike’s mouth to try to open it. Just then, Ember flew up.

“Forgive me, Spike, but you asked for it!” Using her scepter to hit Spike’s lower jaw, slightly opening it.

“Now, Sweetie Belle!” Nefertimon ordered as she flew nearer. Sweetie Belle threw the capsule in the dragon’s mouth. As the capsule flew in, Thorax, Pharnyx, and Ember let go of Spike’s mouth. They watched as Spike tried licking the capsule out as the remaining flyers watched.

“Did it work?” Halsemon asked.

Suddenly, Spike responded by whacking Halsemon into Mikey’s plane. This was enough for Halsemon to change back to Yolei and Hawkmon.

“No! No! Not now!” Yolei griped as she struggled to levitate herself from falling only to malfunctioning and ended up falling and screaming along with Mikey and Pinkie. Mimi swooped in and grabbed Yolei while Hawkmon grabbed Palmon. “Thanks, Mimi!”

“Not bad for a flying beginner.” Mimi smiled.

Pinkie acted quickly and pulled a giant whoopee cushion out of her mane and threw it under her and Mikey and the two party lovers landed on it, making a big raspberry noise.

“Nice one, Pinkie!” Mikey thumbed up.

“I knew that big whoopee cushion would come in handy.” Pinkie smiled.

Just then, Yolei and Mimi landed next to them as Yolei asked. “Where’s Discord?”

“Up there.” Pinkie pointed up. Everyone looked up to see Discord descending in his parachute, landing next to the group.

This made Yolei crossed. “And you were going make parachutes for all of us when?”

“No pony asked.” Discord simply answered, irking Yolei more.

“I don’t get it! It should of worked!” Twilight worried.

“It must’ve not fully digested!” Donnie guessed.

Davis could not take the swinging and the shaking anymore. “I’m starting to feel a bit nauseous! Ah! Ah! I think I’m gonna throw up!” Davis shouted as his head is turning green.

"If you have to throw up, Davis, do it off camera! For parents sake!” Pinkie called.

“There!” Everyone looked at where Pegasusmon pointed and saw something shined in Spike’s mouth.

“We gotta get it down his throat!” declared Gamer.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders! I got an idea!” Applebloom turned to Pegasusmon. “Can you and Nefertimon make that golden noose thing?”

“I think we can manage.” Pegasusmon nodded.

“Good. Sweetie Belle, can you use your magic to blast it in there?”

“If I can get a clear shot.” Sweetie Belle stated.

“Good. Scootaloo! Rainbow Dash!”

“Way ahead of you, Bloom! C’mon, Squirt!” Rainbow flew past Spikezilla and she and Scootaloo made faces at the giant dragon.

As Spike roared, Pegasusmon quickly turned to Nefertimon. “Now!”

“GOLDEN NOOSE!” Pegasusmon and Nefertimon used their rope around Spike’s upper jaw keeping it open.

“Sweetie Belle, NOW!” Sweetie Belle looked and saw the capsule dangling over Spike’s throat.

"Ok Spike. It’s time to take your medicine!" She shouted as she shot a magic blast from her horn, hitting it in his throat.

“Direct hit!” she cheered. After Pegasusmon and Nefertimon released his jaw, Spikezilla gulped before letting out a big belch. Then, as quickly as he got bigger, Spike began shrinking back to normal.

“It’s working!” Shine Boy cried.

Shortly after, Spike shrank back to normal, unconscious, releasing Davis in the process.

“Alright! Spike’s back to normal!” Davis cheered before noticing they were still in the air. “Oh no! Spike’s back to normal!”

Davis tried to fly. unfortunately, he could not stop himself and Spike from falling fast. “HEEEEEEEEEEELP!”

“I gotcha!” Ember flew in and grabbed Davis while Thorax grabbed Spike.

“Davis!” Veemon cheered. “Are you okay?”

“If by okay, you mean queasy from being carried by Spike all afternoon, then I’m fine.” Davis groaned.

As everyone landed, Yolei griped. “Seriously? Did nobody think to bring a parachute?”

“Why don’t we ask Mr. Forget-to-load-ammo.” Raph bluntly pointed to Gamer.

“Well, did you remember one yourselves?” Gamer glared, not getting an answer. “That’s what I thought.”

“Enough of that!” Twilight barked before looking at the unconscious Spike. “Spike? Spike. Please say something.”

It wasn’t long before Spike groaned as he opened his eyes. “Uuuuh, Twilight? Leo? Guys, what’s going on?”

“Spike!” the pony princess hugged him as everyone smiled.

Spike then noticed Ember, Thorax, and Pharynx’s new look with their suits. “Woah. That’s a new suit."

“You can thank Gamer for that. Those things really do help us out.” Thorax said.

“I’m actually beginning to like this technology.” Ember said in astonishment while looking at herself.

“Yep. If you guys want, I can convert them into necklaces or a watch so that you may use it again. Only adding more upgrades would suffice." Gamer offered.

"I look forward to that." Pharynx grinned.

“Hooray. Spike is back to normal and Davis is feeling a bit queasy. This calls for a celebratory song.” Discord grinned as a trumpet appeared in his hand and starts to play a victory song.

“Okay seriously! THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT!” Raph glared as he snatched it again and tore it apart through the mouth of the trumpet.

“Hey!” Discord cried.

“Finally!” Raph dusted his hands.

Discord however smirked. “You know I can always make more.”

Raph’s eyes wide eyed hearing that. “What!? Don't you even think about it!”

“I am!”

“don't you dare!”

“Too late.” A new trumpet appeared in Discord’s hand and Raph screamed in annoying defeat.

Mimi whispered to Fluttershy. “Is he always this acentric?”

“And this is only his good days.” Shrugged Fluttershy.

“Would that before or after he thinks about giving parachute?” huffed Yolei.

Discord then stopped playing and sneered. “Oh, just shut your mouth, Yolei! Or better yet,” he then grabbed Yolei's mouth. “Get rid of it!” he then pulled it off like a sticker.

Yolei looked to where her mouth was at in shock, and this surprised the others while Gamer was disturbed to see that. Discord laughed in amusement while holding Yolei's mouth.

“oh, ho ho ho! I just love taking things apart.”

Then, the mouth came to life and began to bite Discord's cheek. “Yeouch! Ah! Get it off, guys!”

“Not a chance, Discord.” Rainbow laughed.

“that's what you get for taking off her mouth.” Applejack snickered.

Gamer laughed as well and Discord tried to pull it off while Yolei was shown to be angry when she can still control her own mouth.

“Yolei!” Discord screamed in pain.

“Please just give her mouth back.” Ken asked politely.

“Since you asked politely.” Discord yanked of the mouth and slapped it back on Yolei. “Happy?”

“Retteb hcum. Taerg! Sdrawkcab gniklat mi won! Etad ngierof a ekil dnuos I won!” Yolei spoke.

“Whoops.” Discord took the mouth and flipped it over. “Put it on backwards.”

After feeling her mouth, Yolei huffed. “I suppose I should be grateful.”

“You’re welcome!” Discord huffed back before speaking to himself. “I’m gonna have fun with this one.”

Back to the group, Spike sighed in regret. “I’m really sorry for the trouble I’ve caused.”

“It’s okay, Spike.” Twilight smiled.

“The important thing is you’re back to normal.” Rarity added.

“Take it from a Digimon who went through the same thing. It’s understandable.” Lopmon assured as he jumped on Willis’ shoulder.

“Very understandable.” April added as Karai nodded.

“Though I think from now on, I stay away from red gems. They’re bad news!”

Everyone smilled at Spike’s joke before Blade spoke up.

“Well I need to head back to Canterlot and report back to Princess Celestia.”

“Thanks for the help, Blade.” Leo waved as everyone waved to Blade as he left.

"And I conquered Pharynx's big bug form without breaking down. I think I actually conquered my fear of bugs!" Raph claimed. but suddenly, there was a snort behind him. He screamed as he ran away and behind which caused the others to laugh, seeing it was Pharynx who smirked.

"So much for conquering fear of bugs. Huh Raph?" Mikey chuckled.

"Just- shut up Mikey!" Raph shuttered.

Applejack and Rarity walked up to Applebloom and Sweetie Belle as Applejack spoke. “Applebloom. I wanna apologize.”

“What for, Applejack?” Applebloom asked.

“For not letting you come with at first. I did it because I wanted you to be safe. what I didn’t see was that yer growing up and one day you all will have fend for yourselves. And in the end, you three end up saving the day. For that, I’m sorry.”

“I wish to apologize too Sweetie Belle. You all did very well today.” Rarity added.

The two responded by hugging their sisters as Sweetie Belle smiled. “Thanks, Rarity.”

“Apology accepted.” Applebloom added.

Smolder and Ocellus smiled at the sight while Rainbow gave Scootaloo a friendly nugie.

Then Twilight noticed Shine Boy pondering. “What’s on your mind, Shine Boy?”

“I just can’t stop feeling like this was a setup.” Shine Boy shared.

“How so?” Sunset asked.

“It seems too much of a coincidence that that gem Spike ate made him go greedy and when we tried to stop him, he ended up growing anyway.”

“That’s right!” Starlight agreed. “And how he grabbed Davis to stop him from Armor Digivolving with Veemon.”

“Well I know that Spike sees something that he likes to take when he becomes a greedy giant dragon.” Twilight pointed out. “But it’s also strange somehow.”

“Like someone knows about us.” Kari pointed out.

“Which means that someone might be after us.” TK added.

“And this was just the beginning.” Leo worried.

Unknown to anyone, the same wisp of dark magic was floating above them. "so they managed to neutralize my magic on the dragon. No matter. This is only just the beginning of their end." The female voice said as the wisp floated away as a female voice could be heard cackling.

To be Continued

Too hot to Yak/ High tide for Griffins!

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The following morning, Fluttershy was leading Kari and TK along with Gatomon and Patamon down the halls of the Friendship School.

“Thank you both for joining me in checking on a student.” The shy pony thanked.

“Happy to join, Fluttershy. Always glad to meet new faces.” TK smiled.

“So who are we meeting?” Kari asked.

“She’s from another universe like you guys. Her name is Permafrost and was adopted by Blade Swipe. Since she came, she’s been enjoying her new life.” Fluttershy opened a door to a classroom to reveal a light blue pony with a white mane and a blue coat. She was happily using her magic to make snowflakes and ice models as other ponies and creatures applauded her performance.

“Oh yeah! I remember her.” TK exclaimed. “Static told me about her when we were at Shine Boy’s birthday party.”

“I’m glad she’s enjoying her life here in Equestria.” Kari added.

“Oh yes. She’s very happy here.” Fluttershy leaned next to them. “Just a warning, she’s a bit sensitive about her past life and has some freakouts being reminded who her stepdad who left her in the street.”

“Thanks for the warning.” Kari nodded.

As she finished her performance, Permafrost waved goodbye to the leaving students as she saw the three and walked over to them. “Hi, Fluttershy.”

“Hi, Permafrost.” Greeted Fluttershy. “I’d like to introduce you to a couple friends who are visiting today. This is TK and that’s Kari and those are their partners Patamon and Gatomon.”

“Nice to meet you.” TK smiled as he shook Permafrost’s hoof.

“You too.” Permafrost greeted. “So you are two of the Digidestined who were visiting the school a couple days ago. And these two are Digimon?”

“Yes we are.” Patamon nodded.

“You got a pet of your own?” Gatomon asked.

“Not yet.” Permafrost walked over to a big egg on a pillow. “I got this dragon egg from Ember and Smolder shortly after Blade Swipe brought me here when he adopted me. You see, I’m from another world as well.”

“Yeah. We met your friend, Static, at our friend’s birthday party.” Kari recalled.

“Oh yeah. I remember signing the birthday card Chet took to.” Permafrost smiled. “Yeah, Static is a good friend. He has helped me when I was living on the streets.”

Kari placed her hoof on Permafrost’s shoulder. “It’s okay if you don’t wish to talk about. We understand.”

“Thank you. It hasn’t been so bad since Blade brought me here.” Permafrost smiled.

Suddenly, the four noticed a couple glows near them.

“Hey, TK. Why are you glowing?” Patamon pointed.

“Kari too!” Gatomon blinked.

They looked to see not only TK and Kari, but Fluttershy and Permafrost’s cutie marks were glowing.

“Our cutie marks are glowing!” gasped Permafrost.

“What’s going on?” Kari wondered.

“We must be summoned for a Friendship mission.” Fluttershy concluded. “Let’s head to Twilight’s castle and check the friendship map!”

“Lead the way, Flutters!” TK grinned as they hurried out.

When they arrived to the Friendship Map, they saw everyone else had arrived as well along with Starlight’s friend Trixie Lunamoon. Their cutie marks were glowing brightly as well.

“You guys too, huh?” Raph pointed to their cutie marks.

“Cool! Your butts are glowing too!” Davis chimed, irritating Applejack before hitting Davis in the flank. “Ah!”


“What’d I do!?” Davis exclaimed while Mikey and Casey laughed.

“You guys have Friendship Problems too?” Shine Boy spoke. “What’s going on?”

“Must be a big problem if it needs all of us.” Karai figured.

“Well, first let’s find out where.” Twilight watched as visions of everyone’s cutie marks floated above the table map.

To everyone’s surprise, the cutie marks separated into groups and floated above four different locations. The cutie marks of Leo, T.K., Cody, Josh, Shine Boy, Pinkie, Raph, Karai, and Keno were floating above Yakyakistan. Kari, Mimi, Shini, Shine Girl, Permafrost, Ken, Fugitoid, Fluttershy, and Spike’s marks were above the Dragons Land. Izzy, Starlight Glimmer, Willis, Love Shine, Twilight, Rarity, and Trixie’s marks floated above the Changeling Hive while Davis, Yolei, Marie, Gamer, Serenity, Mikey, Donnie, Casey and Rainbow’s mark were above Griffonstone.

“Four different problems at once?” Twilight jawdropped.

“That’s a first.” Spike muttered.

“Wait a minute! What if Discord is fooling us like last time?” Raph suspected.

“He Pinkie Promised that he wouldn’t do that again.” Starlight assured.

“Hmph. Well he better be. Otherwise, I don't wanna have to deal with this crazy stuff again.” Raph muttered.

“Not making me like him any more than I do now!” Yolei huffed, unaware Discord’s hand popped up behind her head holding a sign that said ‘I’m not doing this.’ Then turned the sign over and it then read ‘Ken x Yolei, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!’ before disappearing without anyone noticing it.

“So, what are the locations?” Shine Boy asked.

“That’s Yakyakistan, the homeland of the Yaks like Yona.” Pinkie pointed to her group’s location.

“And that’s the Dragons Land.” Spike pointed to his group’s destination.

“We’ll be heading to the Changeling hive.” Twilight pinpointed her group’s point of direction.

“While the rest of us are heading to Griffonstone.” Rainbow noticed her group’s destination.

“Alright, guys, let’s get ready.” Leo said as everyone headed out with their groups.

Soon, everyone was ready in their group for their Friendship Problems. TK looked over to Kari and Permafrost.

“I guess we won’t be getting acquainted until we get back.” He shrugged.

“I guess not.” Sighed Permafrost.

“But you can get along with our friends who are coming with you.” Kari smiled.

Permafrost smiled back. “That is true.”

Shine Boy hugged Serenity goodbye. “Good luck on your end.”

“You too.” Serenity said before pecking him.

Leo then spoke to the groups. “Remember, have your T-phones ready in case things escalate on your ends. Also, listen to Twilight and her friends. They know these lands better than any of us.”

“You got it, Leo!” grinned Davis.

“May you all succeed in your friendship missions.” Twilight concluded.

And with that, the groups headed out to their locations.

Davis, Yolei, Marie, Gamer, Serenity, Mikey, Donnie, Casey and Rainbow were climbing up a mountain area making their way to Griffonstone.

Yolei was griping as they climbed. “Augh! How much further do we have to go? We’ve been walking for hours!”

“We should be getting close.” Rainbow said as she led.

“Bet you wish you were a Pegasus pony like us, Yolei!” taunted Davis.

Yolei growled. “Keep it up, Davis, and I’ll make you an earth pony personally!”

"Oh please. You don't even know a spell that could turn me into an earth pony."

"Oh really? When the time comes that I finally get to learn that kind of magic spell, then I'll gladly be able to cast it's magic starting with you! That way, you'll know what it's like not being able to fly and have to rely on walking from now on!"

“That’s enough.” Serenity stepped between the two.

“It’s getting so you can’t take her anywhere.” Gamer whispered to Donnie.

“Makes you wonder how Ken handles her.” Donnie nodded before noticing on his device. “Hmmm.”

“But seriously, though. Are we there yet?” Mikey popped up.

Marie looked up and noticed something. “Uh guys? What’s that?”

Everyone looked up to see a shadow with wings above. Before anyone could ask, the shadow swooped in and tackled Casey to the ground, revealing to be a brown familiar griffon Rainbow knew.

“Who are you?” she demanded. “And why are you heading to Griffonstone?”

“Get off, yo!” Casey struggled to get free.

“Get off of him, you big bully!” Davis cried pulling his Digivice out.

The griffon glared at him. “I was a bully once. Wanna see how bad I was?”

“Whoa! Stop right there!” Rainbow sped right between the two.

The griffon’s face softened to see the cyan pony. “Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, Gilda. Long time no see.” Rainbow held her hoof up while Gilda fist bumped it with her claw. “Yeah. These guys are with me.”

That was enough for Gilda to get off Casey. “Sorry about that. It’s kind of a griffin thing.”

“No prob. You’re tough!” Casey smiled.

Rainbow spoke to the group. “Everyone, this is Gilda Griffin, a friend of mine. Long story. Gilda, These are my friends, Donatello, Michelangelo, and the pony you tackled is Casey Jones.”

“So, you’re the famous ninjas who defeated the Storm King. I’ve heard about you from Rainbow and Gallus’ letters.” Gilda said before looking at the newcomers. “And who’re they?”

“These are a couple of recent friends visiting. This is Davis and his buddy Veemon, Gamer, Serenity, Marie and her partner Clawmon, Yolei and her partner Hawkmon.”

“How do you do?” greeted Gilda. “So what brings you all to Griffinstone?”

“We were called upon by the friendship map for a friendship problem.” Serenity explained.

Gilda pondered. “Hmm. Nothing out of the ordinary I’m aware. Come with me.”

As she led the group to Griffonstone, Gilda explained to the group. “You see, Rainbow and I go way back to flight school. You see, I attended the Junior Speedster Flight Camp. That’s how I met Rainbow Dash and we were tight friends. As I grew up, I focused on being cool. One day, I visited Rainbow in Ponyville and while I was nice to Rainbow, I threatened her other friends like garbage behind her back.”

“So that’s what you meant by ‘was a bully’.” Veemon figured.

“Exactly. Of course, Pinkie Pie set me up and I got exposed in front of Rainbow. It ended up severing our friendship.”

“We hadn’t seen Gilda until Pinkie and I first came to Griffonstone looking for the lost treasure. Despite her grudge, she agreed to help. And even though we lost the treasure, we made amends.” Rainbow explained.

“So, you still live in Griffonstone?” asked Donnie.

“Yep. But I’m saving bits by selling scones so I can move out.” Gilda nodded. “Here we are.”

Everyone looked to see a rundown village where damaged houses were on nests.

“Looks like a tornado hit here.” Yolei noticed.

“That’s how it usually looks.” Gilda shrugged.

“Oh! Sorry.”

Just before Gilda could lead the group to Griffinstone, Mikey held up his hand.

"Hold up, dudes! I got a feeling... we're being watched." he stated.

Before anyone could answer, they heard a noise behind a slope.

"They're behind there." Yolei whispered.

"No one's getting the drop on us!" Davis smirked. "Let's go, Veemon!"

"Right, Davis!" Veemon nodded.

the two screamed as they jumped over the slope. The group heard a small struggle before a couple figures rolled in sight. As they were revealed, Davis and Veemon were pinned by....

"Gallus?!" Everyone gasped.

"If this is how you greet your friends, Davis, I hate to see how you greet your enemies." Gallus grinned while Gilda laughed.

"Gallus! What're you doing here?" Donnie asked.

"When I heard you were heading home, I wanted to come with and help. Would've caught up if I hadn't had a tagalong."

"Who?" Suddenly, Casey was startled by an artic bluish grey griffin that popped up in front of him.

"Hello!" She smiled.

"Hi, Gabby." Gilda greeted.

“Hi, Gilda!” the griffin waved.

Casey got up as he recovered from the surprise. “Where the heck did you come from?”

“Just now. Since I followed Gallus all the way from Ponyville after helping out with crusaders along with finishing my mail delivery. They told me how spike became a giant dragon after eating that contaminated magical gem and how they along with new ponies that I haven't seen before flew in a new kind of plane that is new to me to cure him. Now that I'm up to date here, I'm here to introduce myself.” Gabby explained.

“it's Gabby right?” Davis held out his hoof before Gabby rapidly shook it.

“yep. My full name is Gabriella, but you can call me Gabby cause I know we're gonna be friends. I also have some questions. Staring with why does two of the green ponies stand on their back legs?”

Mikey leaned towards Gamer and Serenity. “She's just like Pinkie but in griffon form.”

“Kinda reminds me of when we met the other Digidestined.” Clawmon scratched his head.

“Well, it was pretty exciting.” Marie assured her partner.

“It’s a long story.” Donnie shrugged.

As Donnie explained everything to Gabby, Davis spoke to the others. "hey guys. do all griffon that has names that starts with a letter G?"

“Now that you mentioned it, I’m beginning to see that now.” Mikey agreed.

“Oh, you're realizing just now?” Gilda grinned.

“I didn’t mean anything bad about it. I'm just curious." Davis explained in his defense.

“It’s cool, Davis.” Gilda waved off.

“So…. How do we find this friendship problem?” asked Serenity.

“Well, since we got Gallus and Gabby here, let’s split into three groups and look around.” Donnie suggested.

“Probably the best option.” Gilda nodded. “We’ll meet back at my scone stand in a bit.”

“Scones?” Veemon’s eyes widened.

“We’ll tell you when we get there.” Gallus promised.

“C'mon! Let’s go find our friendship problem!” Yolei declared.

“Yeah!” Mikey and Gabby cheered.

The group split into three and looked around Griffonstone. Gilda led Rainbow, Yolei, Hawkmon, and Donnie while Gabby went with Casey, Mikey, and Serenity and Gallus took Gamer, Marie, Clawmon, Davis, and Veemon with him. Most of the griffins gave each group the cold shoulder and told them get lost. Luckily, the griffons managed to prevent any tussle from happening.

Later, they met at Gilda’s scone stand as planned.

“Anything on your end?” Rainbow asked Gallus’ group walked up.

“Nothing.” Gallus deadpanned.

“Yeah, no offense to you three, but these griffons seriously have issues.” Yolei muttered.

“None taken.” Gilda, Gabby, and Gallus nodded.

“Yeah, that’s what every creature criticizes about us.” Gabby shrugged.

“I'll say. I even asked one griffon who's apparently in a garbage can about some history, but all he can tell me was scram and slammed the garbage rudely in front of me.” Gamer recalled.

“Do you think he has a home that it's smaller on the outside but bigger in the inside? Oh and also has a portal to some kind of grouch land like the one I saw on video tape?” Mikey wondered.

“We’ve really got to question your selections for movie night, Mikey.” Donnie facepalmed.

“Unfortunately, that’s regular griffon behavior around here.” Gilda rolled her eyes before giving everyone a scone. “Here, Have a scone.”

“Thanks, Gilda.” Davis thanked as he accepted his.

After everyone got a scone, Veemon took a big bite into his before recoiling in pain.

“YEOW!” he cried.

“What’s wrong with you?” Davis asked.

“My scone is harder than a rock!” Veemon rubbed his jaw as Gilda took his scone.

“Huh. Thought I got rid of the rock ones. Here. This one’s softer.” She handed the blue Digimon another scone.


“If this is normal griffon behavior, then what’s the friendship problem?” Serenity pondered.

“Well, we were called here for something.” Donnie agreed.

“Well, we could ask Grampa Gruff.” Suggested Gallus, though a little unsure.

“Grampa Gruff?” asked Marie.

“He’s the leader of the griffons.” Gabby explained.

“Though fair warning, he’s kind of a grouch.” Warned Gilda.

“Oh joy.” Yolei rolled her eyes.

“Well, we might as well give it a try.” Donnie shrugged.

“I see no alteration.” Gamer pondered.

“Follow us.” Gilda led the group.

Soon, they arrived at tall house like structure.

“Here we are.” Gallus spoke.

“Great! I’ll knock.” Davis trotted up and knocked on the door.

The door quickly opened as Grampa Gruff poked his head out coughing. “WHAT DO YOU WANT? Oh it’s you lot.”

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. “Grampa Gruff, we were called here to Griffonstone for a friendship problem and wondered if you noticed anything arousing around here.”

Grampa Gruff looked around a bit. “What do I look like, a weather griffon? Why would I want to know what goes on around here?”

As he coughed a bit, Gamer was the next to speak up. “Uh, sir? You may want to get that cough checked or something. You might be getting a coughing fever.”

“Mind your own business!” Gruff snapped.

“Sorry for caring.” Gamer muttered before Gabby helped him up.

“Don’t take it personal. He’s like that with everyone.”

At last, Yolei lost patience. “Listen, Gramps! I’ve had just about enough of every griffin’s grumpy attitude other than Gilda, Gabby, and Gallus when we first got here! We only came to this kingdom because the map called us here to solve a friendship problem! The sooner we find the reason we were called here, the sooner we can leave you alone with your whooping cough, so you can either help us look around to speed it up or just sit here and cough off your-!”

“YOLEI!” Hawkmon quickly flew in between her and Gruff. “My apologize, Mr. Gruff. What my friend here means is that we would appreciate it if you could help us find the real reason we were and once we resolve it, we’ll be heading back to Ponyville.”

Gruff pondered a bit. “Well, since you asked nicely….. NO! NOW BEAT IT!”

And with that, he slammed the door, startling everybody.

“Ain’t he a ray of sunshine.” Deadpanned Serenity.

“Oh dear. I tried to be nice and friendly and this is the thanks I get?” Hawkmon huffed. “this really makes my feathers ruffled.”

“Well, to be fair, we did tell ya guys.” Gallus recalled.

“Yeah. Yeah.” Davis waved off. "we get that."

“Well, we’re back to square one.” Rainbow sighed.

“So, what now?” Yolei asked.

"How are we going to find the problems when the other griffons are going to keep being rude towards us?" Gamer asked.

"I don't know, Gamer. Maybe we could try-"

“Uh guys?” Donnie was interrupted as everyone looked over to Casey who felt something touch his nose. “You feel that?”

“Feel what?” Mikey asked before something touched his nose. “Oh wait. Now I did.”

"Oh man. Don't tell me that they're actually spitting at us now?" Clawmon groaned.

"I don't see any griffons flying in the sky. It felt like... Raindrop?" Rainbow said as she felt something fell on her too.

"Raindrop? Oh this is just great! It just can't get any worse, can it?" Yolei exclaimed.

Just then, raindrops were starting to fall in Griffonstone. Yolei begins to frown.

"Obviously it can." Yolei said in irritation.

Serenity reached in her knapsack and pulled out an umbrella and held it over her and Marie. Gamer pushed a couple buttons on his gauntlet and a force field appeared above while big enough to cover the others.

“Odd.” Gilda held her claw out. “It didn’t feel like raining earlier today.”

“Nice force field, Gamer!” Gabby smiled.

“Thanks, Gabby.” Gamer nodded. “Usually I use it for shielding, it doubles as shelter in case I don’t have my rain gear.”

“Is it me or is it raining heavier by the minute?” Donnie wondered.

”Well if the rain weren’t that bad, I’d settle for playing in the mud with Davis back at home.” Veemon said in excitement. “But then again, having to get mud off of your ears is the worse part. Is this really normal?”

“I don’t think that this is normal for this rain. Trust me, I usually did weather for Ponyville.” Rainbow stated.

”How long is this rain going to stop?” Marie asked. “I don’t think my clothes can take it like that.”

Mikey then noticed something. “Look up there. I think it's a bird. I think it's a plane.”

“What?” Yolei wondered.

Donnie’s eyes widened as a giant shadow was seen in the clouds. “uh I don't think it's neither bird or plane.”

“And I believe birds cannot fly into the storm clouds.” Hawkmon added.

“And I don't think planes can get through either because they'll get zapped in these storm clouds.” Gamer feared.

“Well, what's in the clouds anyway?” Veemon asked.

“Wait. There's something coming out of it.” Gallus pointed.

“I think it's a...” Something big came into view. Gilda's face turned into a shock. “it's a.”

Everyone, including the griffons, watched as a giant bird monster comes out and let out a loud, shrieking roar that is of a Kaiju. They all cover their ears and Mikey spoke up. “Ok. It's definitely a bird now.”

“It’s more than a bird, Mikey!” Gabby shuttered. “It’s a Tsunamatross!”

“A sunama- what?” Davis double took.

“A Tsunamatross.” Gallus corrected. “But they were just legend!”

“Apparently, no one told him!” Yolei stated.

Gamer then noticed something. “You don’t think our friendship problem is The Giant Claw there, do you?”

As the Tsunamatross flapped it’s wings, winds began to pick up as everyone braced it.

“Nobody likes a showoff!” Gilda sneered.

“This kinda reminds me of our final battle with the Storm King!” Casey pointed out.

Donnie then realized something. “You don’t think the Storm King had a pet that was nowhere to be found and has come for revenge for destroying the storm king.”

“Why don’t we ask him?” Mikey asked as he climbed the houses.

“Oh yeah. Let’s ask the murderous Rodan lookalike. Great thinking, Mikey.” Yolei deadpanned.

Mikey ignored her and began to shout to the Tsunanatross. “HEY! Mr. Tsunamatross! Are you here to get revenge on them for destroying the storm king?”

The giant bird responded by squawking loudly and firing lightning at Mikey, shocking him. As he landed back to the ground, the group ran up to him.

“You okay, Mikey?” Veemon asked.

“Was that a yes or a no?” Mikey spewed out black smoke.

Gamer calculated on his gauntlet. “I think I can translate on my gauntlet. I think I got it!”

“What did it say?” Gabby wondered.

“According to my translator, it said that he's not here for the storm king. He's here to cause havoc on Griffonstone by using heavy rain clouds and severe thunderstorm. This place will be nothing but a wasteland.” Gamer jawdropped.

“Like Tatarus it will!” glared Gilda before flying towards the bird.

“Wait up!” Rainbow sped up to her side.

But before they could hit the Tsunamatross, lightning covered the giant bird shocking the two. The group rushed to the two where they crashed.

“You guys okay?” Gabby asked in concern.

Gilda responded by spitting the ground. “Peachy.”

“Big mistake, Rodan!” Casey put his mask on and flew towards the Tsunamatross with Gallus by his left with his swords. “Goongala!”

Gamer watched as the bird generated lightning all over its body again and shocked the two back to the ground. “Hmmm.”

“Every time someone attacks it, it just…. Zaps us down!” Mikey pointed as he and Davis helped Casey and Gallus up.

“That seems to be its defense mechanism while winds and storms are its offense!” Donnie pointed out.

“Anyone got a kite?” Everyone deadpanned at Mikey’s question.

“What we need is a lightning rod.” Gamer explained. “If we can use to take away its electric shield, it might be enough to attack. Anybody got an electric form?”

“I do.” Davis raised a hoof. “Veemon and I can become Raidramon and be able to counteract that lightning!”

“I can back him up with my medallion.” Donnie added.

“While the rest of us dish out a little payback!” Rainbow grinned.

“Exactly.” Gamer nodded before turning to Serenity. “You still got that electric tonfa I gave you in Anaheim, Serenity?”

Serenity responded by pulling it out of her bag. “Right here.”

“Slap it on your arm.”

Serenity nodded before complying. As she put it on her front leg, the handle opened up and clamped on it. “Nice!”

“When I heard we were going to Equestria, I made some modifications to it just in case.”

“I hope you do become my brother-in-law. Because I love you as much as I love your brother.” Serenity smirked.

Gamer then turned to Gilda and held up a familiar box. “I also got something you can use, Gilda. It’s a little something I gave to Thorax, Ember, and Pharynx.”

Gilda accepted the box. “Okay. What do I do?”

“Push the button and relax.”

Gilda did as Gamer told her. She looked startled as nanites started covering her body like Thorax, Ember, and Pharynx.

“Just relax and let the nanites do their work.” Gamer assured.

Before long, Gilda was now wearing a brown suit with yellow stripes after the nanites finished forming.

Gilda looked herself over. “Not bad. Not bad at all. Thanks, little guy.”

“So awesome!” Gabby awed. “Any chance I can get one too?”

“Sorry. That was my only one.” Gamer shrugged. “But we survive this and I think can make one for you, Gabby.”

“Great!” Gabby perked up.

“In the meantime, let’s fry this bird!” Yolei declared as she, Marie, and Davis held their Digivices while she and Davis shouted together.





Like before, Davis and Yolei stood taller wearing their Digimon’s armor alongside Plaguemon.

“Oh! Wow!” Gabby awed.

“Impressive.” Gilda admitted.

Donnie than activated his medallion and was in his mystic form as he spoke. “Okay. Raidramon, you take the left while I take the right. The rest of you will scatter and coordinate your attacks.”

“Let’s save Griffonstone!” Raidramon growled.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey declared as they all charged towards the Tsunamatross.

Just then, some of the griffons that were trying to get inside were caught in the wind. Raidramon and Halsemon notice them before swooping in the save them.

“We got ya!” Raidramon shouted as he grab two of the griffon children.

“We’re not looking for gratitude if you must know. Just stay indoors and do not come out!” Halsemon told the other two griffons. The one griffon named Greta nodded as she went inside along with the other saved griffon.

“They should be ok. Let’s get back in the sky!” Raidramon stated while Halsemon followed him.

Like the last attempts, the bird covered itself with lightning. Only this time, Donnie used his staff to conduct the electricity while Raidramon absorbed some electricity with his horn. Once the electricity left the Tsunamatross, everyone else attacked it. Casey swung some exploding pucks that exploded on impact. Rainbow and Gilda tagged team their attacks while Plaguemon threw viles that also exploded.

“TEMPEST WING!” Halsemon countered the Tsunamatross’ winds with his attack as Gallus flew and sliced at the giant bird, causing to screech in recoil.

Gabby flew around as Gamer rode on her back.

“I think we’re winning!” the griffin cheered.

“Now all we gotta do is find a weak spot to finish it. Hold on!” Gamer saw some symbols glowing on the Tsunamatross. Two were on its wingspan, one on its long tail, and a fourth on its upper back. Gamer analyzed them with his goggles. “I think I found it.”

“What are they?” Gabby wondered.

“I think they’re sigils, magical symbols and they might be the bird’s source of power. Guys! I got a plan!” Gamer spoke in his intercom.

“How can I hear you from over here?” Gilda looked around.

“Your suit has a built-in radio for contact.” Gamer explained. “Now, I found four sigils on the creature’s back! One on each wingspan, one on the tail, and a fourth on the center back. Once Donnie and Raidramon clear the lightning, focus your attacks on the symbols!”

Rainbow turned to Gilda. “Cover me! I’m gonna hit it with a Sonic Rainboom!”

“I’ll save you some!” Gilda nodded as Rainbow sped upward.

As everyone charged at it, the Tsunamatross charged up to protect itself only for Raidramon and Donnie to redirect it at the sigil on it left wing. Marie rode on Plaguemon as he threw viles that exploded red mists. As it screeched in pain, Casey launched a couple exploding pucks at the sigil on the right wing. As they exploded, Gallus slashed the wing with his swords. Gamer jumped off Gabby and drew his sword while joining Gilda, Mikey, Halsemon, and Serenity in attacking the sigil on the tail. As Gabby swung around, Gamer was able to jump back on her back just before Rainbow smacked the Tsunamatross on the back with a huge Sonic Rainboom. The giant bird screeched in pain as it began to fall.

“We need to make sure it doesn’t land on Griffinstone!” Donnie cried.

“Push it to the cliff!” Halsemon instructed Raidramon and Plaguemon.

“You got it!” Raidramon nodded. “THUNDER BLAST!”



Halsemon and Raidramon fired their attacks and Plaguemon slashed at full blast enough for the Tsunamatross to fall off the ledge. Everyone landed next to the ledge to watch it fall into the rocks below as Casey and Gilda helped a dazed Rainbow up. Everyone looked to see the Tsunamatross lying unconscious before the same black wisp of magic that controlled Spike floated away. The Tsunamatross then turned into a regular bird before waking up and flying away.

“You mean to tell me it was just a regular bird this whole time?” Casey jawdropped.

“Yolei would agree with you on that, Casey.” Halsemon added.

"So the bird was corrupted by this mysterious magic to transform into this giant rampaging Kaiju with the power of storm?" Mikey asked in disbelief.

"It would appear so. It's almost like what happened to Spike, but this time it was a bird." Donnie agreed with Mikey.

“That was pretty intense!” Gabby breathed. "Is this what you normally do when you fought monsters and bad guys?"

"It's kind of a hobby for us." Mikey nodded.

“Anypony, or griffon, curious where that magic came from?” Serenity asked before Raidramon and Halsemon separated back to Davis, Veemon, Yolei, and Hawkmon while Plaguemon reverted to Clawmon.

“Well, maybe Twilight could look it up.” Donnie suggested.

Gabby then looked at Davis and her eyes widened. "Woah Davis. What happened to you mane?"

Everypony and griffons looked at Davis to see that his mane and tail are all poofed up from the electricity.

"Oh my mane and tail is all fried up from using the electricity and the lightning Donnie and I redirected to the giant bird monster. It happened to me the first time when I got the digi egg of friendship and I rode Raidramon. No big deal." Davis explained.

Just then, the ponies began to glow again.

“Hey! Our butts are glowing again!” Davis cried.

“Flanks, Davis.” Gamer deadpanned, not seeing Gilda and Gabby snickering.

Rainbow dash then kicks Davis in the same spot that Applejack did. Davis yelps in pain.

"Rainbow Dash! Would you please stop doing that!" Davis yelled.

"Then you stop saying 'butts'!" Rainbow dash yelled back.

“And more to the point, our cutie marks are too!” Gamer said gaining their attention.

“That usually means we’ve solved our Friendship Problem.” Rainbow said.

“So we were called to beat Big Bird?” Mikey double took. “Fluttershy might not want to hear that.”

“I know I’m new at Friendship Problems, but do you think that Friendship map of you guys’ might know something about this?”

Everyone looked curiously at Marie as Donnie asked her. “What do you mean, Marie?”

“Like what if it’s trying to warn us about a threat that might be coming.”

“Maybe she’s right.” Mikey figured. “Remember when we used the map to find the Pony of Shadows? It’s possible we might be dealing with something like that.”

“Hmm. It might be possible, Mikey.” Donnie pondered.

“So what now?” Yolei asked Donnie.

“Now that our Friendship Problem is solved, I suggest we head back to Ponyville and ask Twilight when she’s back from her end.”

As Gilda led the group through Griffonstone, the griffons who saw the fight cheered or cawed to the group for saving their home. Yolei looked up to see Grampa Gruff looking at them and, despite not smiling, nodded at them before slamming his window shut and smirked to herself. Soon, They made it to the outskirts of Griffonstone as Gilda faced the group.

Rainbow spoke to her friend. “Thanks for helping us, Gilda.”

“I should be thanking you guys for saving our home.” Gilda smiled. “You ponies are all right with me. I hope I see you lot again.”

“I think we’ll see each other again.” Davis grinned.

“If we ever need help, we’ll give you a call.” Gamer promised. “And keep the suit. You might need it.”

“Thanks, Games. It really looks good on me.” Gilda patted the suit that was now a necklace. “And if you need me, I’ll be faster than you can say Griffonstone.”

“You could even visit Ponyville sometime for a visit.” Gabby smiled.

“I would like that.” Gilda smiled back before Gabby hugged her and she reluctantly hugged back. She then tussled Gallus’ head. “You take care too, Gallus.”

“Right back at ya.” Gallus nodded before the group left for Ponyville as they waved goodbye to Gilda one last time.

Meanwhile, In the the mountain areas, Leo, T.K., Cody, Josh, Shine Boy, Pinkie, Raph, Karai, and Keno were making their way to Yakyakistan. Each wore winter apparel as they trekked through the snow.

“Hey, Pinkie!” Keno called out to the pink pony leading the group. “How much longer until we arrive at Yakyakistan?”

“Not long now!” Pinkie smiled. “The village should be after this hill!”

“You know, I just realized, this’ll be our first time visiting Yakyakistan.” Karai pointed out.

“You’re right.” Leo agreed.

“Looks like it’ll be a new experience for most of us.” Shine Boy walked up.

“It was nice of Rarity to give us these winter clothes before we left.” Cody pointed out.

“Yeah. We didn’t think we needed them while visiting Equestria.” TK added.

“Tell me about it.” Patamon shivered in TK’s vest.

“Curious to meet the Yaks we’ve been told about.” Josh wondered.

“Yona’s told us they’re pretty strong.” Raph punched his wrists. “Maybe I can wrestle one before we go back.”

“I hope they’re as friendly as Yona.” Keramon hoped as he rode on Josh’s back.

“Hopefully that ain’t the Friendship Problem.” Armadillomon yawned.

“We’re Here!” Pinkie cheered as the group looked to see a village below. Inside the wall that circled it were houses with straw roofs and giant yak statues made of wood. In the center was a large fire pit with two torch posts next to it.

“Looks homely enough.” TK shrugged.

“And warm.” Armadillomon nodded.

“Let’s go!” Cody was ready to move before Leo stopped.

“Hold on, Cody. We better tell our stowaway we’re here.”

“Stowaway?” Josh raised a brow.

Leo nodded before turning to a slope. “Come on out, Yona! We know you’re there!”

Everyone saw Yona walking out from behind the slope groaning. “How Senseis and friends know Yona follow?”

“We heard you grunting about two hills ago.” Karai grinned. “But give you credit for being well hidden for this long. You have been training.”

“Why’d you follow us, Yona?” TK asked.

“When Yak and friends heard you go for Friendship Problem in homes, Friends decide to follow and help.”

“Then it’s safe to say Gallus and the others did the same with Davis and the others.” Raph concluded.

“I don’t see any problem with her helping us.” Shine Boy pondered.

Pinkie popped up. “Yeah! She might know something I don’t about Yakyakistan.”

“I guess you’re right.” Leo shrugged. “Okay, Yona. As long as you stay close to us, You can help.”

“Yak promise!” Yona nodded.

“Alright! Now let’s go find our Friendship Problem.” Keno smiled as they headed towards the home of the yaks.

Before long, the group was walking around Yakyakistan. They were looking around to see the yaks do their usual things. The newcomers were especially amazed.

“This is amazing!” Cody wowed.

“I’ll say.” Armadillomon agreed.

“I’m very impressed.” Josh looked around.

“I like the quilts the yaks are wearing.” Keramon pointed to the quilts the yaks had strapped to their backs.

“Yep. Quilts keep yaks warm. And fashionable too!” Yona smiled.

“Like the décor.” TK pointed to wood carvings of yaks holding torches.

“Kinda reminds me of the winter campouts I went to.” Shine Boy noted.

“You went camping in snow, Shines?” Raph asked him.

“Yep. It’s a boy scout thing.”

“Never knew, but I can see you doing that.” Karai smiled.

“It’s really pretty fun when you’re prepared.” Shine Boy shrugged.

Leo looked around to see yaks behaving normally and waved back at those that waved at the group. “Nothing out of the ordinary here.”

“Yep.” Pinkie agreed. “All the yaks are behaving normally.”

“Maybe it was a false alarm?” Patamon suggested.

“If it is, I suggest we pay Discord a visit on the way home!” Raph punched his hands.

“And what if it’s not Discord, Raph?” Keno pointed out.

“Just want to make double sure.” Raph smirked.

“Ninja ponies! Pink pony! Yona!” the group turned to see a big yak with hair covering his eyes, gold rings on his horns and beard, a gold satch under his green quilt and tail, and a black crown with green gems walk up to them. “Yak happy to see friends again.”

“Hi, Prince Rutherford.” Pinkie greeted.

“Greetings, your yakness!” Yona smiled.

“Prince Rutherford, it is good to see you again.” Leo bowed.

“Yak remembers most of you, but who other ponies Not familiar with?” Rutherford pointed to the newcomers.

Pinkie cleared her throat. “Everypony, this is Prince Rutherford, ruler of Yakyakistan. Rutherford, these are recent friends visiting with the ninjas. There’s Shine Boy, TK, Patamon, Cody, Armadillomon, Josh, and Keramon.”

“Hi.” Everyone greeted.

“Welcome to Yakyakistan. Any friend of pink pony and ninja ponies and Yona are welcome at Yakyakistan.” Rutherford smiled.

“Thank you.” Cody bowed.

“Excuse me, Prince Rutherford, but have you seen any unusual behavior recently?” TK asked.

Rutherford pondered for a bit before looking up. “Yaks behave like yaks. But there is something different.”

“How so?” Leo wondered.

“Come with yak.”

As Rutherford led the group, everyone began noticing something odd.

Josh breathed out he felt warmer than before. "Hey guys? Is it getting hot all of a sudden or is it me?"

"Actually, I'm starting to feel a bit hot too. Literally." Raph agreed with the young Digidestined.

“Odd. I’m beginning to feel warmer.” Shine Boy spoke.

“Good. It’s not just me.” Keno pointed out.

“This doesn’t feel right.” Cody pondered.

“Cody’s right. It’s usually cold up here.” Pinkie recalled.

“Puzzles yak too. It was cold days ago. Then, next day warmer, especially in this direction.” Rutherford pointed.

“Have yaks figured out what causing heat?” Yona asked.

“Prince sent yaks to investigate, but yaks found nothing before returning sweating.”

“Think it might be global warming?” TK wondered.

“In Equestria? Doubt it.” Karai waved off.

“Kinda wish April was here, but I got a funny feeling that something, or somepony, is behind this.” Shine Boy looked around.

“Same.” Leo agreed. “This could be our friendship problem.”

“Look out!” Suddenly, Karai and Josh tackled Leo and Shine Boy just before a giant boulder landed on them.

“Where did that come from?” TK gasped.

“Who joker throw rocks at Sensei?” Yona demanded.

“This joker!” Her answer came in the form of laughter. They all looked to see a tall creature made of rocks as steam gushed from his body.

“It’s some kind of lava monster!” Pinkie gasped.

“Not just any lava monster! THE lava monster!” roared the creature as he fired more boulders at the group who scattered and laughed. “I love the smell of burnt yak hair in the morning!”

“Attacking these yaks is a terrible thing to do! What have they ever done to you?” Cody demanded.

“Nothing personal. Just ordered by my mistress to destroy this land and all its inhabitants so she can rule Equestria.” The lava monster explained.

Everyone was surprised by that statement until Keramon spoke.

"Hold on. You're saying that your mistress was the one who sent you to Yakyakistan and commanded you to attack?"

"Who exactly IS your mistress?" Patamon asked.

"Wait a minute. Did I just spill out the secrets?" The lava monster asked in confusion.

"Yep." Yona nodded.

"You did." Pinkie added.

"Loud and clear." Raph nonchalantly agreed while crossing his arms while everyone else says otherwise.

The lava monster smacked himself on the head. “Ah cracked pebbles! It's a terrible habit! Pretend you never heard that!”

"Man, for a monster who's all big and have dangerous lava, he sure is not bright." Armadillomon said.

“Yeah. This guy’s an even bigger bigmouth than Davis.” Raph remarked.

"I heard that, pony freak!" The lava monster yelled which irked Raph. "Look. I don't have time for a little talk! I'm here to destroy everything in this land by covering all in lava! So you can either stand aside and let me do my job or else you can join them in a hot, fiery grave!" The creature finished as it chuckles evilly.

"Alright. I've had just about enough of this jerk!" Raph said as he and Leo drew their weapons.

"For once, Raph, I agree with you." Leo added.

“So if we beat him, we can find out about his mistress by making him blurt it out!” Karai smirked.

“Any bet this lava guy’s our friendship problem?” TK wondered.

“Friendship problem or not, TK, we can’t let this jerk harm Yakyakistan and the yaks that live there.” Shine Boy levitated his staff.

“He’s right!” Leo aimed his swords. “We have to stop him from harming anypony or yak!”

“Yaks fight for Yakyakistan!” Rutherford snorted.

“Yona fight too!” Yona cried as she pulled out her mace.

“We all do!” added Josh.

TK pulled out his Digivice. “Ready, Patamon?”

“Ready!” his Digimon partner nodded.

“Let’s cool this hothead!” Cody pulled out his.

“I’m with you!” Armadillomon agreed.




As TK and Cody stood in the Digimon’s armor, Josh held up his Digivice. “I can’t you boys have all the fun.”


“Alright everypony. We have to take this lava monster down before it destroys yakyakistan. Let's go!” Leo cried.

“Yaks! CHARGE!” Rutherford hollered as his yaks by his side charged at the lava monster. But the monster grabbed these two to throw them aside and catches Rutherford as he got close.

“Aww. Now that wasn’t very NICE!” he laughed before hitting Rutherford to the ground.

“And what you’re doing is better?” Raph taunted.

“ROCK CRACKIN!” Digmon attacked the lava monster with his drills before the lava monster hit him away. Keno and Karai attacked his sides before they flipped away to dodge.

Raph then used his medallion to morph his arms into steel as the lava monster scoffed. “Metal? Really?”

“Really!” Raph punched him with his fists cracking some of the stone before the lava monster knocked him aside. Shine Boy fired his Shine Power at the monster before getting pushed back while Pinkie fired her cannon.

“This guy is really tough!” Keno said as he watched Yona whack it with her mace while Pegasusmon and Chrysalimon double teamed him with their attacks.

“Maybe if we take out it’s lava shielding.” Leo used his medallion to fire a stream of water at the lava monster. After some steam rose, the shielding were still hot.

“Ha! It’ll take more than just a blast of water to get through my lava shielding!” The lava monster boasted. “You need like a pool of it to get to me! D’oh! Da-! Aw! SAID IT OUT LOUD AGAIN! Pretend you never heard that!”

“Good to know! ROCK CRACKING!” Digmon drilled the ground causing the lava monster to lose his balance.



Pegasusmon and Chrysalismon tag teamed to have the lava monster fall into the hole.

“Now Leo!” Shine Boy cried while Leo used his medallion to fill the hole with water. The lava monster groaned in pain as his lava shielding steamed away.

“What the-? I can’t get out!… did I say that out loud?” The lava monster asked stupidly.

“Yeah. You sure did. Get him!” Pinkie yelled as she threw snowballs at him. Rutherford, Yona, and the other yaks joined in and threw more snowballs at the lava monster who tried to shield himself.

“Uh oh. Ice attacks? Oh man! If that hits my stone lava heart, I’ll be gone for good!… Gah! There I go! Giving away my secrets again!”

“Good to know.” Karai smirked.

Josh looked down and saw the lava monster protecting his torso. “His stone heart must be in his chest!”

“So we get it open and destroy it.” Shine Boy concluded.

“Keep him in the water!” Raph ordered.

Keno and Karai joined the yaks in throwing snowballs at the monster as Pegasusmon and Chrysalimon fired their attacks to stop him from going to shore along with Shine Boy.

“Yona, come with me!” At that very moment, Digmon along with Yona on the lava monster’s chest as Yona readied her mace.

“Get off!” The lava monster tried to shake them off but the two still held on.

“ROCK CRACKING!” Digmon used his drills to crack the chest, revealing the lava monster’s shiny stone heart. “Now, Yona!”

“YAK SMASH!” Yona declared before slamming her mace on the shiny stone, breaking it.

“Nooooo!” Shouted the lava monster as he began to crumble.

As Digmon and Yona jumped back to shore, Shine Boy jumped on the crumbling lava monster.

“Alright rock lava monster. Now talk!” he demanded. “Who are you working for?”

The rock creature laughed evilly at Shine Boy. “Even if I tell you about who I’m working for, you dumb creatures are going to perish alongside your homelands."

“WHO are you working for!? ANSWER ME!” Shine Boy continue to shout angrily.

The rock lava monster chuckled before answering, “The one who is causing all that havoc and destruction all over Equestria is none other than Tem-“ then he broke apart before he could finish that name.

“No!” Shine Boy yelled before grunting in frustration. “Darn it! Now we’ll never know!”

Shine Boy managed to swim back to the others and Karai and Leo helped him out just as the water froze up. Just then, the ponies and yaks were surprised to a black magical stream was coming out of the pool where the rock lava monster was as it goes away in the sky.

"Ok. Now that was something." Karai said in a surprised tone.

"I'll say." Leo said in agreement.

The yaks all cheered as Rutherford smiled to the group. “Temperature appears to be normal thanks to ponies.”

“The honor was ours, Prince Rutherford.” Leo bowed.

“I’m just sorry we didn’t figure out who sent him.” Shine Boy sighed.

“Don’t worry, Shines.” Karai patted his shoulder. “I have a feeling we’ll have another chance soon.”

“We only know it starts with a ‘Tem’. Maybe Twilight knows something.” TK suggested.

“Hopefully they don’t send anymore lava monsters. That guy was annoying.” Raph griped.

“I agree with ya, Raph.” Josh agreed. “He was such a blabbermouth.”

“At least our teamwork stopped him from destroying Yakyakistan.” Cody smiled.

“That’s right!” Pinkie bounced. “And we saved all these yaks as well.”

“Hey guys, look!” Keno pointed. The ponies looked to see their cutie marks glowing.

“Hey, your cutie marks are glowing again.” Patamon pointed out.

“What does that mean?” wondered Keramon.

“It means we solved our friendship problem!” cheered Pinkie.

“I guess that lava monster was the friendship problem.” Shine Boy guessed.

“Guess so.” Armadillomon nodded.

Leo turned to Yona. “You did good too, Yona. We’re all very proud of you.”

“Yona happy that Senseis’ happy.” Yona smiled.

“This calls for celebration! Ponies join Yaks for Yickslurbertfest!” Rutherford declared.

Shine Boy looked over to Leo. “I think we got time.”

Leo nodded. “We’d be honored to join.”

“Sounds like fun!” Armadillomon smiled as the yaks cheered.

“This is more different than I thought.” He deadpanned as he watched yaks smashing wooden furniture.

“Fun, right?” Yona smiled at the ponies trying to smash furniture.

"well I don't know how breaking wooden furnitures is considered fun, but I'm not complaining." Keramon said while watching Josh break the chair.

"I thought Yickslurbertfest was the name of the drink. But when you and the yaks showed us to what it is, I never thought that you were able to grab things that are no good and smash them." Cody said while trying to break the table with his hooves without hurting himself.

“I think it’s a good way to ease off some tension.” Shine Boy figured.

“On the bright side, the cakes are good.” Keno smiled sitting at a big banquet table eating a cake.

“I think I’m gonna save mine for later.” Raph shrugged.

“Maybe some furniture breaking could work up an appetite, Raph.” TK suggested.

“Maybe.” Raph turned to see his plate empty all of the sudden. “What the-? who the heck ate my cake!?”

They all turned and saw Pinkie with her mouth stuff full of cake that she had taken in one bite.

“I don’t know.” She muffled.

Raph groaned while facepalming in annoyance of Pinkie’s antics.

To be Continued

Jive in the Hive/ Cold time in Dragon land!

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Earlier that day…..

In Sweet Apple Acres, Izzy was under an apple tree typing on his laptop which surprisingly easy with his hooves. Just then, Shine Boy, Serenity, and Gamer walked up.

“Hey, Izzy.” Shine Boy greeted.

Izzy looked up. “Oh hey, guys. When Applejack told me we had enough apples for today, I figured I’d do some research.”

“Yeah. About that. How are you keeping your laptop charged without electricity?” Serenity asked.

“Princess Twilight showed me a spell to replenish the battery. She uses it on her T-Phone.”

“Makes sense.” Gamer then looked over Izzy’s shoulder. “So whatcha researching?”

“I’ve been trying some cross references on that gem Spike ate that made him grow big. The shard we used to make an antidote turned to stone. Maybe, I can find a clue to where it originated from.”

“I hope it doesn’t take too long that you miss out on our stay in Equestria.” Tentomon chimed in as he walked by carrying a basket of apples following Applebloom and Big Macintosh who were doing the same.

“Eyup.” Big Mac agreed.

“I’ll stop in a bit. Besides, we should share theories with Twilight and Donatello later today, Gamer.”

“Agreed.” Gamer nodded.

“In the meantime, I made you all apple fritters.” The ponies looked to see a violet unicorn with curly purple mane and tail who levitated a tray with apple fritters walking up next to Applejack.

“Thanks, Sugar Belle.” Thanked Serenity as they all took a fritter and took a bite.

“You’re very welcome.” Sugar Belle smiled.

“We figured y’all deserve a break after working hard all morning.” Applejack explained.

“Eyup.” Big Mac agreed.

Izzy took a bite of the fritter. “Mmm. This is good.”

“I’ll say. It’s delicious!” Gamer said while chewing.

“I could eat this all day long!” Tentomon said as well.

“This is good stuff. You and sugar belle of course.” Shine boy complimented the apple siblings and Sugar Belle.

"Thank you, Shine Boy." Sugar Belle smiled. "Looks like my baking lessons with Mrs. Cake are really paying off."

"You always did bake wonderful things." Big Mac complimented as the two smiled.

After a while of talking and eating fritters, Shine Boy, Serenity, Gamer, Izzy, and Applejack’s cutie marks began to glow.

“Hey, what’s going on?” gasped Serenity.

“Why are we glowing?” Gamer wondered. “Kinda reminds me of a show we used to watch about those bears.”

“It could only mean one thing.” Applejack guessed. “We’re being called for a friendship mission!”

“Prodigious!” Izzy got up.

“You guys go on ahead.” Big Mac told them. “If anything, Applebloom and I can finish.”

“Thanks, Big Mac.” Shine Boy thanked as the group left waving goodbye.

“Cool! Your butts are glowing too!” Davis chimed, irritating Applejack before hitting Davis in the flank. “Ah!”


“What’d I do!?” Davis exclaimed while Mikey and Casey laughed.

“You guys have Friendship Problems too?” Shine Boy spoke. “What’s going on?”

“Must be a big problem if it needs all of us.” Karai figured.

“Well, first let’s find out where.” Twilight watched as visions of everyone’s cutie marks floated above the table map.

To everyone’s surprise, the cutie marks separated into groups and floated above four different locations. The cutie marks of Leo, T.K., Cody, Josh, Shine Boy, Pinkie, Raph, Karai, and Keno were floating above Yakyakistan. Kari, Mimi, Shini, Shine Girl, Permafrost, Ken, Fugitoid, Fluttershy, and Spike’s marks were above the Dragons Land. Izzy, Starlight Glimmer, Willis, Love Shine, Twilight, Rarity, and Trixie’s marks floated above the Changeling Hive while Davis, Yolei, Marie, Gamer, Serenity, Mikey, Donnie, Casey and Rainbow’s mark were above Griffonstone.

“Four different problems at once?” Twilight jawdropped.

“That’s a first.” Spike muttered.

“Wait a minute! What if Discord is fooling us like last time?” Raph suspected.

“He Pinkie Promised that he wouldn’t do that again.” Starlight assured.

“Hmph. Well he better be. Otherwise, I don't wanna have to deal with this crazy stuff again.” Raph muttered.

“Not making me like him any more than I do now!” Yolei huffed, unaware Discord’s hand popped up behind her head holding a sign that said ‘I’m not doing this.’ Then turned the sign over and it then read ‘Ken x Yolei, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!’ before disappearing without anyone noticing it.

“So, what are the locations?” Shine Boy asked.

“That’s Yakyakistan, the homeland of the Yaks like Yona.” Pinkie pointed to her group’s location.

“And that’s the Dragons Land.” Spike pointed to his group’s destination.

“We’ll be heading to the Changeling hive.” Twilight pinpointed her group’s point of direction.

“While the rest of us are heading to Griffonstone.” Rainbow noticed her group’s destination.

“Alright, guys, let’s get ready.” Leo said as everyone headed out with their groups.

Soon, everyone was ready in their group for their Friendship Problems. Gamer spoke to Izzy.

“I guess that research will have to wait.” He shrugged.

“True, but this could also be an opportunity to find new info.” Izzy figured.

Tentomon buzzed past his partner. “That and we can visit more of Equestria.”

“I can multitask.” Izzy smiled.

Leo held Twilight’s hooves. “See you when I get back.”

“Good luck on your friendship problem.” Twilight smiled before the two kissed.

“Get a room, you two!” Trixie called to them, irking Twilight.

Mimi talked past Trixie smugly. “What’s the matter, Trixie? Jealous?”

“Oh please! The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t know the meaning of the word jealous.” Trixie scoffed.

“Really?” Palmon asked.

“She’s totally jealous.” Mimi whispered to her partner.

“I’M NOT JEALOUS!” Trixie bellowed while Mimi and Palmon smirked.

“Knock it off!” Raph called the two. “Leo wants to talk to everyone before we go!”

Leo then spoke to the groups. “Remember, have your T-phones ready in case things escalate on your ends. Also, listen to Twilight and her friends. They know these lands better than any of us.”

“You got it, Leo!” grinned Davis.

“May you all succeed in your friendship missions.” Twilight concluded.

And with that, the groups headed out to their locations.

Izzy, April, Starlight, Willis, Love Shine, Twilight, Rarity, and Trixie were making their way to the Changling Hive through the forest. On their way, April sensed they were being followed and they discovered they were followed by Ocellus. However, they decided to let her join them because it was her home they were going to. As they neared the Changling hive, Ocellus spoke to the group.

“Thanks for letting me come with you guys.”

“No problem, Ocellus.” Starlight smiled. “Though it’s great to see your training being paid off, next time just ask.”

“So, Starlight, You and Trixie have been to the Changling hive before?” Willis asked.

Before Starlight could answer, Trixie popped up between them. “Yes, Wilbert.”

“That’s Willis.”

“Whatever. In fact, it was thanks to The Great and Powerful Trixie and Starlight Glimmer that Pharynx could convert into his present form.” Trixie declared.

Starlight deadpanned. “You mean the advice you gave Thorax resulting him banishing Pharynx from the hive nearly leaving it defenseless to the maulwurf.”

Trixie just waved it off. “Details! The point is we helped Thorax convince him to transform.”

Love Shine whispered to Rarity. “If Shine Boy and Gamer’s older brother was here, he’d probably bid Trixie against Davis to see who’s the braggiest.”

“After everything Starlight told us, I’d believe it.” Rarity shrugged.

“Here we are!” Twilight announced.

The group walked up to see a big rock like castle covered in greenery.

“Prodigious!” awed Izzy.

“Homey if I do say so myself.” Tentomon agreed.

“Very beautiful.” Rarity added.

“Reminds me of my mom’s flower bed.” Love Shine looked around.

“Kinda reminds me of home, eh Willis?” Terriermon figured.

“Mmm. Yeah. Just like the fields we played in.” Lopmon reminisced.

“Yeah. Good times.” Willis nodded.

“At least it’s better than when Chrysalis ruled here.” Starlight pointed out.

“And she was a bad guy? Or girl?” Tentomon corrected himself.

“Yep. She tried to rule Equestria. Twice!” Twilight recalled. “First by disguising herself as my now sister-in-law Cadence and then captured all of us.”

“And while Thorax was able to convince the other Changelings to reform, Chrysalis refused to change and left plotting revenge.” Izzy pointed out.

“Yep.” Sighed Starlight.

“Wait. That wasn’t there before.” Everyone looked towards where Trixie was pointing to. Near the hive was a giant webbed cocoon-like wad.

“What the hay is that?” April jawdropped.

“You don’t think that’s a spider’s nest, do ya?” Willis asked.

“Good point. I’m voting no.” Rarity quickly answered.

“Whatever it is, it could be threatening the other Changelings!” Ocellus worried.

“Don’t worry, Ocellus. We’ll do everything we can to help them.” April assured her.

“Okay, everypony. Let’s find Thorax. Maybe he might know what’s going on.” Twilight suggested.

“Agreed.” Starlight nodded.

“Let’s go!” April said as they headed toward the hive.

The group had entered the hive and were looking around when suddenly.

“HALT!” Trixie jumped as eyes opened on a rock she passed by. “Who is trespassing on this kingdom?”

“Pharynx?” Starlight gasped.

“Oh it’s you, guys!” Sure enough, it was Pharynx, who transformed from the rock.

“Pharynx, what’s going on?” Ocellus worried.

“Everything okay?” Love Shine asked.

“You guys couldn’t have come at better time.” Pharynx stood up. “Come! I’ll take you to Thorax. He’ll explain everything.”

“Of course.” Twilight nodded as they followed the changeling.

As they saw Thorax, he was on his throne looking worried. When he saw the group, he gasped in relief.

“Starlight! Twilight! Everypony! Boy, am I glad to see you.” He got up to greet them.

“Thorax.” Twilight walked up. “What’s going on?”

“And what’s with the nest nearby?” Izzy pointed to the spider nest in the distance.

“No idea. A couple days after Pharynx and I returned after we helped cure Spike, that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. I sent a small group of Changelings to investigate, and they never came back.”

“Neither did the group who went out after them.” Pharynx added.

“I didn’t know what to do and now you guys showed up.” Thorax pointed out.

“Well, we were brought here for a Friendship Problem.” Twilight explained. “And I think I know what the problem is.”

“Twilight’s right.” April agreed. “Whether that thing is our Friendship problem of not, we can try to rescue the other Changelings.”

“You’d really do that?” Thorax perked up.

“But of course!” Rarity assured. “It’s the least we can do.”

“And what’s to stop that thing from attacking others?” Love Shine stated.

“Pharynx and I will go with you.” Thorax stood tall. “As ruler, it’s my responsibility to help those Changelings.”

“You are more than welcome to come.” Twilight patted his shoulder.

Pharynx turned to a couple Changelings. “You two guard the hive while we’re gone!”

“Yes sir!” the two nodded.

“Well then, the great and powerful rescue begin!” Trixie declared as they headed out.

“Save the theatrics for when we get there.” Willis deadpanned as he dragged her by the cape.

“Okay! Okay! Quit pushing, Wally!” Trixie glared.


“Whatever!” Trixie snared.

Soon, the group stood outside of the nest ready to enter. Twilight then turned to the group.

“Remember, everypony, stay together. We don’t know what’s in there.”

“We know, Twilight. We all will stick together.” Starlight assured her.

Love Shine turned to Ocellus. “You sure you’re up to this, Ocellus?”

“Yeah. I think so.” She blushed.

“Just remember your training and you’ll be fine.” April coaxed.

“Let’s go.” Willis said as they entered in the web.

Rarity was the last to enter and was beginning to debate and think about going back when Trixie pulled her in.

Soon they were trekking inside the web. The place looked like nighttime so Twilight, Starlight, April, and Love Shine to light their horns up.

“Well, this looks inviting.” Trixie deadpanned.

“Tell me about it. They could’ve at least given us horderves.” Terriermon joked.

Thorax looked around feeling a little afraid before accidentally bumping into Pharynx, who only rolled his eyes as Thorax sheepishly waved at him. Ocellus was equally afraid as she bumped into Love Shine who politely patted her head as if silently saying ‘it’s gonna be okay’ giving her some relief. Rarity shuddered before clearing her throat.

“Oh well. No pony here. Let’s head back to the Changeling Hive and strategize our next move-!” she was about to leave before Trixie yanked her back.

“Will you stop! you’re making Trixie nervous.” Trixie then realized what she said. “Not that Trixie is afraid to begin with.”

“There’s something in here. I feel it.” April felt her head.

Tentomon flew next to Izzy. “Uh I get this strange feeling that we are being watched.”

“Yeah. I feel that way too.” Izzy agreed.

“Izzy? Tentomon?”

“Yeah, Rarity?” the two asked.

“Shush!” Rarity scolded.

“Every pony!” Everyone turned to Ocellus, who was a little further ahead with Willis next to her. “Over here!”

“Come see what Ocellus found!” Willis added.

The group hurried to the two and gasped. There, wrapped in a cocoon dangling from above, was one of the missing Changelings unconscious.

“We better check him to see if he’s alive before we get excited.” Pharynx suggested.

Twilight flew up next to the Changeling and felt his neck before smiling. “It’s okay. I got a pulse. He’s just unconscious.”

“Look over there!” Terriermon pointed.

Everyone looked to see seven more Changlings unconscious and cocooned.

“It’s the other Changelings! And the search party!” Thorax smiled as they hurried towards them and he, Twilight, Pharynx, Willis, and Tentomon checked their pulses. As they did, Ocellus recognized one of the Changelings.

“Daddy?” she gasped. “Is he…?”

“Don’t worry. He’s still alive, just out cold.” Tentomon assured.

“They all are.” Twilight added.

“Great! Let’s cut them down and get out of here.” Starlight smiled before Love Shine noticed something above them.

“Uh, guys?” he spoke. “You might want to look up.”

Everyone looked up and were shocked at what Love Shine’s flashlight shown. Above them were big green creatures with one big eye and grass leaves like legs as they crawled around the walls like spiders.

“It can’t be!” Twilight blinked as Love Shine stopped Rarity from shrieking.

“What are they?” Izzy asked as Starlight shushed Trixie up.

“They’re Daddy Long Leaves!” Thorax said. “They’re leaf creatures like spiders. Their poison isn’t lethal but can numb a Changeling’s body.”

“But they don’t swarm in bunches let alone eat or attack Changelings. What is going on here?” Pharynx stated.

Suddenly, the Daddy Long Leaves stopped moving and stared down at the group.

“I think they see us.” Lopmon gulped.

“Can we freak out now?” Trixie shivered.

Suddenly, the Daddy Long Leaves began jumping down towards the group and started hissing at them, causing both Rarity and Trixie to scream in fear.




Twilight, April, Starlight, Izzy, and Love Shine fired magic blasts from their horns to help the Digimon repel the Daddy Long Leaves before they could grab the group while Willis, Thorax, and Pharynx hit any that got passed the attacks away.

“Kinda reminds me of when we fought Dregg on his home planet.” Twilight told April as she slashed with her karmayari spear.

“Dregg!? Who’s that!?” Trixie exclaimed while avoiding the daddy long leaves.

“Long story!” Twilight shouted. “We can’t let ourselves get captured!”

“At least I’d rather fight these instead of the Vreen.” April said as she levitated her tessen to slice a couple more Daddy Long Leaves.

Starlight used her magic to levitate her bow and fire arrows at the leafy spiders before something shook the ground. “What was that?”

“Look!” gasped Thorax as the Daddy Long Leaves began to back away.

There stomping towards the group was a giant blue mole like creature as it roared at them.

“What in the world is that!?” Love shine asked.

“It’s a Maulwurf!” gasped Trixie.

“Something’s different about it!” Pharynx noticed his eyes spaced out.

“Think he’s responsible for the Daddy Long Leaves?” Love Shine bet.

“Not sure.” Izzy pondered.

“Over there!” April pointed.

Behind the Maulwurf was a giant plant-like monster where the sun shown in the cocoon.

“It looks like… A Biovine!” Pharynx gasped.

“But I thought those were legendary!” Ocellus cried.

“Not the flowers I’d want.” Starlight remarked.

“Y’know, I think I saw that thing in a movie once.” Love Shine muttered.

April felt her head. “That plant seems to be the one controlling the Daddy Long Leaves.”

“So we take it out and the Daddy Long Leaves will be free from its control.” Izzy concluded.

“Sounds simple enough.” Tentomon shrugged.

“Doesn’t explain the Maulwurf.” Pharynx pointed out. “They’re not plant related like the Daddy Long Leaves.”

Rarity was trying to pull herself together. “Ooh. I got to do something.” She took a deep breath as she spoke to herself. “Alright Rarity. You will be brave. You will be tough. Now all I have to do is go out there and help out- Ahh!”

“What's wrong, Rarity?” Willis asked.

“That!” She shrieked as she saw and pointed at a plant-like spider that has one orange eye on its body that is the size of a Maulwurf that appears next to the giant plant monster.

“Ahhh! It's a spa... a spee... a spid-d-d-d… an arachnid!” She then gave a loud shriek as everyone covered their ears.

“What is that thing?” Terriermon cried before Rarity stopped shrieking.

“It’s an Arachnispore!” Cried Thorax. “A giant plant spider that can control giant creatures, but I thought it was only a legend!”

“Anybody feel like that line has been used a lot lately?” Lopmon asked.

“Okay. So we got these pony sized Daddy Long Leaves, a Maulwurf possessed by that bigger spider, which is controlled by that Biovine, and we have Changelings to free.” Starlight deadpanned. “Anyone got a plan since Leo isn’t here?”

“I do.” Izzy stood up as he drew his sickle spear. “I’ll have Tentomon deal with the plant monster. Love Shine, Thorax, Willis, and Pharynx get the Arachnispore off the Maulwurf while the rest of us fend off the Daddy Long Leaves. Rarity, you take Trixie and Ocellus and free the Changlings and get out of here.”

“Eh. Better than no plan.” Starlight smiled.

“Let’s do this!” April declared.

“Leave it to me!” Tentomon flew up as Izzy prepared his Digivice.


“Terriermon! Lopmon!” Willis held up his Digivice. “Let’s show’em how we tend the garden back in Colorado!”



Pharynx turned to Thorax. “I think we should activate those suits Gamer gave us.”

“Oh yeah. Almost forgot about those.” Thorax smiled.

The two pushed the buttons that activated the nanites which morphed into their suits from before.

“Since Leo’s not here…” April levitated her tessen. “Let’s take’em down!”

Kabuterimon flew towards the Biovine while Gargomon and Turuiemon tag teamed with Thorax and Pharynx against the Maulwurf and trying to aim for the Arachnispore. April, Twilight, Starlight, Izzy, and Willis dealt with the Daddy Long Leaves as Rarity, Trixie, and Ocellus hurried to the captured Changelings.

Trixie felt one of the caccoons. “So how do we free them?”

“Well, first, we should get them down gently.” Rarity blasted a beam from her horn to free a cocoon and levitated down gently. “Or maybe you can help out so we can leave sooner!”

Trixie rolled her eyes as she helped free the cocoons.

“ELECTRO SHOCKER!” Kabuterimon fired his blast of electricity at the Biovine. As the smoke cleared, the plant responded by firing a bright blast at Kabuterimon who barely dodged.

“I don’t burn but I still shed!” he growled.

“GARGO PELLETS!” Gargomon fired at the Maulwurf who roared in pain before Thorax and Pharynx double punched it in the gut.

“NINJA CLAW!” Before the Maulwurf could attack with his claws, Turuiemon blocked it with his claws. Pharynx then changed into the purple giant bug he turned into when dealing with Spike. He then hit the Maulwurf causing it to recoil.

“Is it me or is the Maulwurf stronger than last time?” Thorax wondered.

“We got to get that Arachnispore off it!” Pharynx stated.

Over to the Changelings, Ocellus used her tessen to free the Changelings from their cocoons after Rarity and Trixie broke them down. As the Changlings wobbled as they tried to stand, Ocellus spoke to them.

“Please, we got to hurry! I know the Daddy Long Leaves’ poison have made you all weak, but we got to get out of here and back to the hive!”

Just before a Daddy Long Leaf could tackle her, Love Shine sliced it with his photon blade. “She’s right! You got to get outta here! Trixie! Rarity! Hurry!”

He then went back while Ocellus led the Changlings who gathered enough strength to hurry and follow her to the exit. Trixie followed behind as Rarity looked back to see the others fight the leafy spiders.

“Rarity! What are you waiting for? Let’s get outta here!” Trixie called.

Rarity then looked determined. “GO! You help them get back! I’m through acting like a coward! GO!”

“Your funeral.” Trixie deadpanned before hurrying with the Changelings.

Rarity ran towards the others fighting with the Daddy Long Leaves fighting with her magic blasting them hysterically. They splattered green goop upon being destroyed. “ICKY! LAZY! CREEPY! MONSTROSITY!” She continues to attack them with her martial art skills as she kick one of their chest to pierce it and stomp their heads to crush them with her hooves while trying her best not to be disgusted in being dirty.

“Rarity?” Twilight raised her brow while the others looked equally confused.

“What got her uptight all the sudden?” Starlight asked.

“I think she just wants those things gone more than ever.” April guessed as Love Shine shrugged.

“Back OOOOFFF!” Rarity blasted a beam towards the Daddy Long Leaves causing them to run and hide. After panting, Rarity saw the others looking at her and straighten herself up while being slightly being covered in green goo. “Sorry. Just had to work off some tension.”

“And I thought Mimi had issues.” Izzy mumbled.

“NINJA CLAW!” Turuiemon slashed at the Arachnispore trying to get it off of the Maulwurf while Thorax and Pharynx, as bigger bugs, fought the Maulwurf to distract it.

Gargomon jumped in and began whacking it. “BUNNY PUMMEL!”

Meanwhile, the others watch as the Biovine shoots at Kabuterimon knocking the bug Digimon down.

“Kabuterimon!” cried Izzy.

“That Biovine is too strong!” gasped Willis.

“How is it firing at Kabuterimon?” wondered Love Shine.

April observed as the Biovine fired another beam as Kabuterimon dodged. “Let’s see… those beams look like sunlight… and it’s under the only beam of light shining down in the cocoon…”

“That’s it!” Twilight caught on.

“It’s photosynthesizing its attacks!” the two concluded.

“Photosynthesizing? I remember Sunburst told me about that!” Starlight recalled. “That’s how plants turn sunlight into energy so they grow, right?”

“Exactly!” Izzy confirmed.

“So its using its source of energy as attacks.” Love Shine guessed.

“If we block the sun, we can weaken it enough for Kabuterimon to finish it off!” Willis added.

“Right!” Rarity pumped a hoof.

“First things first.” Izzy levitated his Digivice. “Kabuterimon! Digivolve!”


As Kabuterimon digivolved into his ultimate form, Izzy’s cutie mark glowed as his Digivice turned purple.

“Amazing!” awed Twilight.

“Woah! Now that’s way cooler!” Pharynx said in amazement.

“They evolved or digivolve into the next level?” Thorax asked. “I have no words on how amazing Tentomon is becoming!”

“I know, right?” Starlight smiled.

April saw giant leaves at the trees nearby. “Quick! Grab those giant leaves! I got a plan!”

MegaKabuterimon used his shell to ram the Biovine, who roared and was about to attack with its sun blast before a shade loomed over it. It looked up to see Twilight and April levitated giant leaves to block the sun.

“No sun. no power!” April smirked.

The Biovine responded by having its roots crawl to them. But before they could ensnare the two, Love Shine ran up and slashed the roots with his photon blades.

“Keep blocking that sun!” he cried as Starlight, Izzy, and Rarity levitated more leaves as Willis flew up with a leaf blocking the last the sun.

“Now!” Izzy called to MegaKabuterimon.

“HORN BUSTER!” MegaKabuterimon fired an electric attack from his horn at the Biovine which roared in pain, combusting into flames.

Back at the Maulwurf, Turuiemon and Gargomon finally got the Arachnispore off the giant creature. As the giant spider got back up, it was ready to attack when Turuiemon flipped over it slashing at it.

“NINJA CLAW!” He then saw MegaKabuterimon burning the Biovine. “Get him into that flame!”

“GARGO PELLETS!” Gargomon fired at the Arachnispore as Thorax and Pharynx became duplicates of him and helped fire. Their fire power was enough to force the Arachnispore into the flames burning along with the Biovine. As the two burned to ashes, the flames died down when a wisp of black magic merged from the ashes and flew away, but not before disintegrating the cocoon making everything look like nothing happened.

“What was that?” Izzy asked.

“I’ve never seen magic like that before.” Twilight blinked.

“All I know is that something felt off about it.” April felt her head.

“Anypony else feel like this’s only the beginning?” Love Shine spoke.

“Whatever it is, I don’t like it!” Pharynx huffed as he and Thorax turned back to themselves.

“The important thing is we saved the missing Changlings and stopped this menace.” Thorax smiled.

“And the Daddy Long Leaves are heading back to their regular nesting grounds.” Starlight pointed to the leafy spiders leaving into the forest.

“Though who do you think controlled them? The Arachnispore or the Biovine?” Izzy pondered.

“Whichever it was, we destroyed it.” Willis smiled.

“What about the Maulwurf?” Rarity pointed to the Mualwurf as it got up. It looked around confused. It saw MegaKabuterimon looming over it.

“Uh… boo.” Megakabuterimon told the Maulwurf.

It shrieked in fear before running far away and begins to dig underground to get away from the giant Digimon. It was long gone when MegaKabuterimon reverted to Tentmon as Gargomon and Turuiemon return to Terriermon and Lopmon.

“Guess that answers that.” April smiled.

Tentomon plopped down. “I must be more tired. You all look like you’re glowing.”

Everyone looked to see their cutie marks were indeed glowing.

“Is this natural?” asked Willis.

“It means we solved our Friendship Problem!” Twilight cheered followed by everyone else.

“Let’s head back to the hive and get Trixie and Ocellus.” Love Shine suggested.

The group agreed and headed back. Back at the hive, the group awaited as another Changeling walked out of a room.

“I gave each Changling the antidote to the poison. They’ll be better in the morning.” She smiled.

“Can I see my daddy?” Ocellus asked.

“You can but keep it short. He needs his rest.”

As Ocellus entered, Twilight turned to Thorax. “Once she’s ready, we’ll be heading back to Ponyville.”

“I can’t thank you all enough for helping us.” Thorax thanked.

“Hopefully, this won’t happen again.” Trixie huffed.

“If it does, we’ll just have Rarity go ballistic again.” Joked Willis.

Rarity flipped her mane. “Well, a lady can take only so much before putting her hoof down. She then looked at herself and she’s still being covered in goo from all the fighting with daddy long leaves. “Ugh. I am SO getting a nice, long bath when we return home.”

“In the meantime, we’ll try to figure out what caused all this and prevent it from happening again.” Izzy spoke.

"While we wait for Ocellus, I think I'll help myself to some of the dishes the Changlings made." Tentomon flew to the table and started eating some of the food the Changelings, much to the ponies disgust.

“If you need help, let us know.” Pharynx offered.

“And we’ll help you should something like this ever happens again.” April promised.

“That’s a promise.” Love Shine confirmed as they waited for Ocellus before heading back.

In the canyons, Kari, Mimi, Shini, Shine Girl, Permafrost, Ken, Fugitoid, Fluttershy, and Spike were making their way to the Dragon’s land to solve their Friendship Problem. As they climbed the hills, Spike was telling the group about his adventures in the Dragon Lands as he rode on Shine Girl.

“And that was how Raph, Rainbow, and I obtained Flash Magnus’ shield.” He finished.

“Yeesh! Who knew how mean dragons can be?” Shine Girl winced.

“I bet they would think Veemon was a pushover if Davis was with us.” Gatomon mentioned as she rode on Kari.

“Still, better than some of the Bang Babies I dealt with back home.” Permafrost shuttered.

“Well, Karai and April were here last time to resolve an argument between Ember and her father, the former Dragon Lord before her.” Shini recalled what Karai told her.

"I wonder how big the former dragon Lord is?" Mimi wondered.

"Oh. He's way bigger when April and Karai told us about it." Fugitoid answered.

“Well, hopefully, Ember can help us find our Friendship Problem.” Fluttershy hoped.

“Well I just we don’t run into Garble again.” Spike huffed.

“He sounds like Ken had more class when he was the Digimon Emperor.” Wormmon put in.

“Even I can’t deny that.” Ken agreed.

Kari then sniffed the air. “Pew! You guys smell that?”

“Okay, who blew a big one?” Palmon waved.

“Actually, this kind of reminds me of when we found those dirty hot springs with that refrigerator full of eggs.” Mimi remembered.

“You know, I don’t know which world fascinates me more. Equestria or the Digital World?” Fugitoid said.

Spike smelled the air. “It’s brimstone. We’re almost there! Should see it over that hill!”

Shine Girl then noticed something in the sky. “Hey, guys! Look up there!”

They all looked up to where she pointed to see a figure flying towards them.

“It’s getting closer!” Shini noticed.

Just when everyone drew their weapons, the figure tackled Spike off Shine Girl’s back and on his back.

“Hey!” Shine Girl cried.

Everyone stood ready as the dust cleared. To their surprise, and relief, the figure who tackled Spike was Smolder.

“Smolder?!” gasped everyone.

“Hi.” She greeted.

“Smolder, what are you doing here?” Spike asked as she let him up.

“Well, me and the others overheard you guys were going home to solve Friendship Problems, we wanted to help. Ocellus went with the group to the Changeling Hive, Gallus followed the group to Griffonstone, Yona had gone with the group to Yakyakistan, so I followed you guys.”

“It could be dangerous, Smolder.” Kari warned.

“So? I’m a ninja dragon.”

Everyone looked at each other before Fugitoid spoke up. “Very well, Smolder. You can come. But stay close to us.”

“You got it!” Smolder smiled.

“Now that that’s settled, let us head to the Dragon Lands.” Fugitoid smiled.

As they headed closer, Fluttershy began to warm herself up. “Um, isn’t it supposed to be warmer in the Dragon Lands?”

“Oh good it’s not just me.” Mimi shivered.

“I’m with fur and I’m freezing my tail off!” Gatomon huffed.

“Usually, yes.” Spike rubbed his arms. “I don’t think we took a wrong turn and ended up in Yakyakistan.”

“No. This is definitely the way home.” Smolder looked at the black clouds above. “Those are definitely smog clouds.”

“Even my powers couldn’t freeze a hot place like this!” Permafrost admitted.

“How strange.” Shini wondered.

“Guys! Up here quick!” Everyone heard Ken cry on the top. The moment they made the top, the group gasped to find the Dragon Lands with snow and ice. Even the lava beds were cooled to stone as dragons everywhere were trying to warm themselves.

“Well, this is unexpected.” Fugitoid observed.

“What the heck happened here?” Spike jawdropped. “No way such cold could freeze this place!”

“Maybe the lava flow lowered and it’s like a mountain here.” Shine Girl guessed.

“I don’t know. It was warm enough to melt boulders here last time I was here.” Smolder looked around.

“Spike! Smolder! Everyone!” Everyone looked to Ember fly up to them. “Am I glad to see you!”

“Ember! What’s going on?” Kari asked.

“Your guess is as good as mine.” Ember explained as she landed. “Everything was fine when I returned from the last time we met. Then, we woke up. It’s cold enough to freeze your tail off! I've never seen anything like it!”

“How odd.” Fluttershy pondered.

“Despite our predicament, What brings you all here?” Ember tried to be polite.

“We were brought here for a Friendship Problem and the map pointed us here.” Spike explained before realizing something. “Hey. Maybe the map knew about your ice problem and wanted us to find who’s responsible and fix it.”

“I hope so. I was never taught on what to do if this ever happened.” Ember looked around.

“Well, where does the lava originate from?” Mimi blinked at her question. “Oh great. Now I’m starting to sound like Izzy.”

“Well, you have been hanging out with him recently.” Palmon pointed out.

Ember pondered before sighing. “Let’s ask my father, the former Dragon Lord. Maybe he knows something I don’t. Follow me.”

Ember led the group through the now snowy Dragon Lands. They all watched as some dragons try to warm themselves up while others go by their normal lives.

“I guess this is normal dragon behavior, Spike?” Gatomon asked.

“Yep.” Spike nodded. “You see dragons were usually lived by strength and greed.”

“Hate to have them with a dark ring.” Ken cringed.

“Back when my father ruled.” Ember continued. “Then we had our usual dragon games to pick the new Dragon Lord. I put on the dragon armor color my scales green so that I can compete the gauntlet of fire behind his back because he said it takes a big and strong dragons to participate in this game. Spike won but gave me the scepter and I rule. Because of Spike’s generosity, I wanted dragons to learn about friendship and live with other creatures.”

“And I’m the representative of the dragons at the School of Friendship.” Smolder boasted.

As they passed two dragons arguing over gems, Mimi saw a pile of gemstones and saw a couple of gems that made her awe. She crept up to the pile and was about to grab a couple when she heard a snort behind her. She turned to see the dragons glaring at her and chuckled nervously.

“STAY AWAY FROM MY LUNCH!” one dragon roared sending her tumbling back to the group.

Ember stood forward. “Everything okay here?”

“If that pony stays away from my gems, we won’t!” the dragon huffed.

“I will talk to her.” Ember assured them as they stomped away.

“You okay, Mimi?” worried Palmon as Kari helped Mimi up.

“I just wanted a gemstone for a souvenir.” Mimi groaned.

“Well, we did warn you.” Smolder recalled.

“Come on.” Ember gestured.

Fluttershy saw some dragons trying to keep the dragon eggs warm. “We got to get it warm soon or those dragon eggs won’t hatch.”

“First we got to find the source.” Shini added.

“Here we are.” The group stopped in front of a giant cave as Ember walked up to the entrance and called in to it. “Dad! You home?”

“WHAAAAT?” yelled a booming voice, causing Wormmon to hide behind Ken and Mimi and Fluttershy to hug each other as the former Dragon Lord Torch stomped out. “CAN’T YOU SEE I’M FREEZING MY-! Oh. Ember. It’s you.”

“I remember Karai and April telling me he was huge, but never expected him this huge.” Shini whispered to Spike.

"He's almost the size of a mountain." Gatomon whispered in shock.

"Remind me not to get on his bad side." Wormmon said while shaking a bit.

“Kinda reminds me of ShogunGekomon. But less of a frog and more of a dragon.” Mimi gulped.

Torch saw the group of ponies and bellowed. “WHY ARE THERE PONIES IN OUR LANDS?”

Spike hurried up. “They’re with me, your former greatness.”

Torch looked down at the little dragon. “Oh, Spike. Very well. Why are you here? Do you know why the Dragon Lands is so cold?”

“We were hoping you’d tell us.” Ken smiled.

“We came here for a Friendship Problem when we saw this place so snowy. There’s a possibility that this cold could be our problem.” Spike explained.

“We were wondering if you knew where the lava usually flows from.” Ember added.

Torch breathed. “Maybe I do.”

“Of course, whoever is responsible might think they could take on the former Dragon Lord, believing you’re a has been.” Mimi commented.

“They said WHAT?” Torch roared.

“Mimi. What are you doing?” Spike whispered.

“They might be thinking you’re nothing but a wash up. Weak matches. Out of style. And that your daughter is doing a better job at ruling.” Mimi kept going.

Torch roared before speaking calmly. “Okay, that last part I might agree with, BUT THEY WILL RUE THE DAY THEY MOCK TORCH!” He then began flapping his wings. “Come with me.”

As they followed him, Ember spoke to Mimi. “How’d you know that would work to getting my father to help us?”

“I learned how to use that and my charm to make Digimon help me and my friends in the past.” Mimi explained.

“You’d be surprised how many Digimon had a crush on her just by looking at her.” Palmon added.

Mimi then spotted two dragons talking and saw a pile of gemstones behind them and gleamed.

Before long, Torch landed and turned to the group. “This is where lava is flown which streams down to our Dragon Lands. What in blazes!”

Everyone looked where Torch glared and gasped. There, near a lava port, was a big lengthy lizard with ports on its back absorbing the lava from it.

“It can’t be!” Ember widened her eyes.

“I uh don’t suppose that’s another dragon?” Shine Girl asked.

“No. it’s… a Magmalander!” Spike shivered.

“A Magmalander?” gasped Kari.

“What’s a Magmalander?” asked Wormmon.

“I’ve heard of them. They’re legendary creatures said to have fought over heated areas with dragons centuries ago.” Fluttershy explained.

“I’ve heard of them too, but they were only bedtime stories.” Ember nodded.

“Seems a lot of legends are happening lately.” Ken muttered.

“HEY YOU!” Torch roared getting the Magmalander’s attention. “HOW DARE YOU ROB US OF OUR LAVA AND MOCK THE FORMER DRAGON LORD TORCH! GET OUT!”

The Magmalander responded by firing a hot rock at Torch. It didn’t hurt him, but it made him very angry as he fought the lizard. As Torch struck, the Magmalander covered itself with lava to protect itself from attacks. It then ate a rock and fired lava at the former Dragon Lord who fell on his back.

“So that’s why it’s absorbing the lava. It’s how it attacks and defends.” Ken pointed out.

“We gotta help my dad!” Ember readied her scepter.

“But how?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t suppose any of you got a water form with your Digivolution stuff?” Smolder winced.

“Only Cody. And he’s in Yakyakistan.” Kari mentioned.

“Maybe Not.” Everyone turned to see Shinigami use her magic to form a big snowball. “But we can still fight.”

“I’m with Shini.” Mimi agreed. “The dragons need their heat so we won’t give up!”

"I'll help." Permafrost nodded.

“And I believe I have an extinguisher Twilight’s counterpart equipped to me when she built me a new body.” Fugitoid checked as his arm morphed until it formed a nozzle. “Ah! There it is.”

“And I still got that suit Gamer gave me.” Ember pushed her necklace which activated her suit Gamer gave her.

“Let’s turn it up a notch!” Ken declared as he and Kari took out their Digivices and shouted. “DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE!”



As the two merged with their Digimon like before, Mimi stood with her Digivice. “A lady can only take so much before putting her foot down!”


“As Shine Boy would say, Let’s shine!” Shine Girl declared.

Everyone scattered around the Magmalander after it knocked Torch on his back. Smolder spun her fundo and whacked the Magmalander on the back before flying away. Mimi, Shine Girl, and Shini made enough snowballs which Fluttershy and Spike drop on the Magmalander as they fly pass it. Ember flew on the Magmalander breaking the hardened lava off the creature.

“ROSETTA STONE!” Nefertimon fired her stone tablets at other weak parts as Fugitoid sprayed his extinguisher on the lava shield with Permafrost helping with her ice power.

Togemon then held a giant snowball and threw it on the Magmalander covering it in smoke.

“LIGHT SPEED JABBING!” As the smoke cleared, the Magmalander was scene thrown off the lava with Togemon jumping out as well.

“Did we get it?” Spike asked.

“No. It’s getting back up!” Fluttershy pointed as the Magmalander was getting back.

Torch managed to pick himself up. “We need to keep it from getting back in the lava port! It’s the only way for the lava to return to the Dragon’s land!”

Bucchiemon flew up right in front of the lizard. “HEARTNER BEAM!”

He fired his beam at the Magmalander’s face. Flinching at first, the lizard began to resist.

“He’s resisting my beam like Spike did!” Bucchiemon sweated.

“It’s enough for me to do THIS!” Torch ran up and tail whipped the Salamander away from the lava port.

“Go Dad.” Ember smiled before seeing the Magmalander getting back up again. “It’s still moving!”

“And our ammunition is melting!” Shini pointed to the now melting snow.

“I’ll try to keep it cool with my powers long enough to finish it.” Permafrost fired a beam from her horn trying to keep the snow cool.

“Then let’s hit’em with everything we got!” Shine Girl stated.

Mimi turned to Togemon. “Togemon! You better digivolve again!”

“I hear ya!” Togemon glowed as Mimi’s Digivice and cutie mark glowed simultaneously.


“Woah.” Ember said as she observed Lillymon.

“Now this is really something.” Smolder said in amazement.

“She’s so beautiful!” awed Permafrost.

Both Torch and Spike jawdropped at the ultimate pixie Digimon before Torch shook it off. “Time to end this!”

“Every creature! Lure it at that big boulder there!” Nefertimon pointed to a giant round boulder near where the Salamander stood.




The Digimon all fired their attacks along with Shine Girl firing her Shine Power from her horn causing the Magmalander to back up closer. Smolder and Shini used their ninja weapons to strike at its feet. Spike and Ember fired fireballs with Ember’s fire that was now access to explode on contact like a cannonball thanks to the suit while Fugitoid kept spraying extinguisher and Permafrost fired icicles at it. The Magmalander roared in pain before it noticed a shadow looming over it and looked up to see Torch lifting the boulder over his head.

“Never. Take on. A dragon!” he roared before throwing the boulder crushing the giant lizard. Everyone gathered at the lifeless Magmalander as it laid under the boulder.

“Is it…. Dead?” Smolder asked.

“Hard to say.” Shine Girl answered, trying not to make Fluttershy cry.

“Look!” Everyone looked where the shy pony pointed to see the Magmalander twitching.

“It’s alive!” Spike gasped.

Then, a black wisp of magic oozed from its mouth and floated in the sky before floating away.

“What is that?” asked Lillymon.

“I was hoping someone might know.” Ember added.

“Guys! Look at the Magmalander!” Bucchiemon pointed.

Everyone looked and, much to their surprise, the Magmalander was now a tiny lizard as it got up looking around.

“The Magmalander’s… just a normal lizard?” Spike jawdropped.

“I guess it’s safe to say whatever the black magic was causes weird transformations into dangerous creatures.” Permafrost guessed.

“I think you might be right there, Permafrost.” Shine Girl agreed.

Fluttershy picked up the lizard. “Don’t worry, little one. I can give you a nice home where no pony can harm you again.”

“Look! The lava!” Spike pointed to the pit as lava began oozing out of it.

Soon, the Dragon Lands were warm again and back to normal. Nefertimon and Bucchiemon separated back to Kari, Gatomon, Ken, and Wormmon while Lillymon reverted to Palmon.

“Thank you all for helping to defeat that Salamander.” Ember thanked.

“It was our pleasure, Ember.” Fugitoid nodded.

“And thank you for helping us too, Mr. Torch.” Permafrost looked up at the former Dragon Lord who blushed.

“Yeah, well, My daughter may be in charge, but I can still help my home. Not bad for a has been, right?”

“Not bad at all.” Mimi grinned as she hoof bumped with Shini.

Just then, the ponies’ cutie marks began glowing again.

“You’re glowing again, Ken.” Wormmon pointed.

“Is that a good thing?” Ken asked.

“It means we solved our Friendship Problem.” Fluttershy smiled.

“We did it!” cheered Kari.

The group cheered.

Torch yawned. “Now that that’s taken care of, I’m going back to my cave.”

“Good night, Dad.” Ember waved as Torch flew away.

“Well, I guess we’ll be heading back to Ponyville.” Shine Girl figured.

“We should tell Twilight about that black magic.” Ken added.

“If you learn anything, let me know.” Ember requested. “Whoever was responsible for the Magmalander has made a powerful enemy this very day! So I will help you if needed.”

“We’ll certainly let you know, Ms Ember.” Fugitoid promised.

Just when the group were ready to leave, one of the dragons tapped Mimi on the shoulder to get her attention. She looked at them and they were glaring at her.

“What?” she asked.

“Uh, Mimi?” Smolder spoke up. “Did you happen to have snuck a couple gemstones from one of their piles earlier?”

The dragons responded by holding out their claws as they demanded to return the gems over to the dragons.

“Oh, come on! Can I at lease bring some of them home with me? They would make a fine jewelry for my collection.” Mimi pleaded.

“Mimi. Just give em back.” Spike deadpanned.

“Aww. Maybe just one gem with me?” Mimi batted her eyes.

But the dragons kept glaring at her. Then Mimi sighed and gave them back to the dragon. “Ok fine. Just take them back.”

“We better get a move on before she grabs more.” Shine Girl suggested before the group laughed.

As Ember waved the group goodbye, Spike whispered to Mimi. “Don’t worry. You can come with me and Rarity next time we go exploring in caves for gems.”

“Sounds like fun!” Palmon smiled. “Maybe you’ll find your souvenir yet, Mimi!”

“Sounds great.” Mimi nodded as they headed back to Ponyville.

To be Continued.