• Published 12th Dec 2023
  • 739 Views, 14 Comments

Repeat, Die, Live - Hidden_Night

  • ...

Particular Pegasi City

“I know what whorses are. I’m just glad that the one infraction that was made for that law was only for kissing.”

“Oh, that’s not that bad. I assume a kissing booth is illegal without proper paperworks?”

“Exactly! They needed to get approval to set up a stand with the-“

Anonymous puts a hoof on his mouth to shut him up. “Yeah yeah. Hold the details sheriff.” He turned his head back to the front, the steep mountain surrounds the both of them as nothing but a dull brown mixed with a harsh fog envelops the bottom of the range. “So, how do we get up there? Sheriff?”

He turns around to see Hitch already jumping from rock to rock to climb the hill, a lot like a mountain goat. Anonymous could only gulp in stress as he was never a physical guy, only really using magic to boost his body. “This is going to be hell.” He closed his eyes to try to absorb any hint of magic and began to run up the mountain only to slide down onto his back after just one step. “Great. Slow it is then.” He gripped a rock and slowly began to climb up, his body already regretting not being a mountain goat.

Hitch was at the top, dropping down to search the ground for any trace of his friend. Finding litter, a clue, some more searching he found a strand of unicorn hair, and a Pegasi feather. Giving it a preemptive lick then raising it away.

Anonymous wheezes as he finally climbs to the top, almost losing his grip at the end, but he catches himself by digging his hooves into the dirt and scrambling up. “Okay. I made it. That wasn’t too hard.” He rolls onto his side to fully get up and with a little hop he’s back on his hooves. He noticed Hitch being surrounded by an odd sort of fluffy creatures, these weird round bunny things. How this makes any sense as to living on a mountain range is beyond him. “Whatcha find?”

“I have found a track! It’s gone cold, well Sunny think she has escaped, she’ll think again. We will not sleep, we will not eat!” The bunnies surround him to listen to him intently.

“Maybe a nap and a light snack if we don’t find them soon? “ Anonymous had no real reason to pay attention to the bunnies as the rabbits was keeping a respectable six feet away from him at all times. His interest was caught elsewhere as he stared off to the random litter of bunnies approaching.

“But after that, nothing will stop us! Through the coldest tundras, through the hottest deserts. We will find them!” Hitch was making a speech, ether he was trying to rile himself up or make a show for the various bunnies around was, at best, a guess.

Anonymous began to drift away from the bunnies and faced the floods. His eyes widened at the sight of Izzy and Sunny holding the standard black prisoner board displayed on a large digital screen on skyscrapers. “Hey they write in English here…” His first observation, his second: “Oh shit, they’re prisoners. Glad we all have one thing in common at least.”

“Who’s writing what now?” Hitch realized no one was really paying much attention. He slowly turned around and gasped at the sight. His best friend Sunny has been arrested by the Pegasi. His heart began to race in fear of how dangerous the prisons must be. Anxiety fills his heart, but also excitement. She was definitely here, and it thrills him. “Gotcha.” He smiles, ready to get going.

“So, we doing a prison break or?…” Anonymous turns to Hitch, who still looked composed and ready to march forward.

“As much as I don’t like to bust prisoners, this is a special case.” Hitch’s voice had a distinct resolve to it. “We will get my friend Sunny, and your friend Izzy and we will save them from the Pegasi.”

“Woah. You’re fired up. Now how will we reach the city?” Anonymous felt oddly small when seeing the large screens.

“Elevator.” Hitch points off into the clouds, Anonymous had to squint to see a silhouette of a lift that connects to the city via a glass tube.

“…You know I wonder why they have one. They can fly.” Anonymous took a gander around the area, there were multiple tubes connecting to the main pathway deep into the centers plus tubes connecting to those tubes that seem to be various entry points into the city.

“I think it’s for their sick and injured. You never know about safety.”

“If they’re sick and injured and outside of the city, there’s others who can fly and carry them.”

“What if they are also sick and injured from a battle? Pegasi are known for their rowdiness and warfare.”

“I guess that’s how they got technically advanced there. I don’t think I’ve seen screens that big in Maretime.”

“Hey!” Hitch was slightly offended. “Our TVs can be that big too. We just have no use for screens that big.”

“Uh huh. Sure. Let’s just get going.” Anonymous began to walk across the mountain.

“Likewise. Getting them out of there is top priority.” Hitch quickly overtakes Anonymous in lead.

“You’re letting your sheriff show Sheriff.” Anonymous gave hitch a slight smirk. Despite rocky race relations, Hitch was a pretty alright dude. Upstanding and polite with that strong sense of justice. He reminds him of Applejack.

“Of course I should let it show. How else would authority be respected.” Hitch rubs his badge clean, letting a quick sparkle shine from the sun.

“It’s like a little Southern Hospitality.”

“Like the Apple Family?”

Anonymous flicked his head towards Hitch. “They’re around?”

“Yeah, but they live in the Deep South. We have to go by boat if we need to buy food from them.”

“Huh. Neat.” Anonymous felt odd, he was assuming this place is very similar to the other horse place. It’s not enough data to make an assumption on whether this universe was the same as the old one.

Hitch turns to face Anonymous when he suddenly begins to slow down. The look upon Anonymous’s face was concerning. He was staring off into the distance with a blank stare, his pupils looked empty. “You good buddy? You look like you’re lost in thought.”

“Just thinking. Little homesick. I think.” Anonymous only gave off fractions of what he was feeling, but felt himself snap back into reality when he sees Hitch fully stopped and facing him.

“I don’t think you are. I have done many things as sheriff. Knowing when someone else has lost something dear to them is one of them.” Hitch placed a hoof on Anonymous’ shoulders. His voice was low, concerned.

“Let’s just say, I can’t exactly go back home. Even if wanted too.” Anonymous felt happy, this guy who he only knew for half a day was concerned over him. A unicorn he arrested for being a unicorn. He felt magic in his soul ignite, that familiar feeling he has never forgetting ever since Twilight introduced him to it. Friendship Magic.

“When you’re ready. Let’s talk about it.” Hitch gave an easy smile as he turned to walk to the elevator. Anonymous silently followed.

“He’s an element…” Anonymous mutters under his breath. His body has magic, not a lot, it’s enough to cast one or two minor spells. This journey may be worth it. If he could build up enough magic he could reasonably travel back to Twilight. He just hopes he won’t be late. If magic was the reward for solving horse racism, it was worth.

Anonymous looked up at the elevator. It was huge, and seeming also hides within the mountain. “Huh. I guess if they have to trade for outside goods they just use the elevator.”

“We just need disguises.” Hitch looks around, the rocky landscapes have nothing for the two of them.

“True. I guess. It’s a Pegasus city so fake wings?”

“Now I just need some card board and…” Hitch looks at Anonymous and stared up at his horn. “Right. Forgot about that. You guys don’t use that thing too often do you?” He points to the horn on Anonymous’ head.

“What does that mean?” Anonymous looks up at his horn.

“Lasers? Mind reading? That sort of thing.” Hitch sets his hoof down as he just stared at the horn. “Can’t you. I dunno, can help levitate me to pretend I’m a Pegasus.”

“From experience a pony is really heavy to hold, but the ground beneath you can be lifted to hold you up. Something to do with your body moving more than the ground.”

“Oh, but lasers are still a thing.”

“Sure, if you’re boring! C’mon get some imagination.”

“Then uh, how many lasers can you shoot before you get tired.”

“One or two.”

“…Really?” Hitch wasn’t sure if this was a different type of joke.

“Depends how much I can do, besides Violence isn’t the answer here, we need to be sneaky! Blend in! Hide among the masses. Find the nearest politician and take them out.”

“Woah!” Hitch recoils at the thought of taking another ponies life, even if it is a Pegasi. “We are not killing any pony.”

“On a date you weirdo.”

“Oh. When you said politician I assumed…”

“Yeah. Yeah. I get it.” Anonymous waves him off.

“Wait, date a politician? There’s no politician in the Pegasi city, they’re a monarchy.”

Anonymous smiled, his experience will prove useful. “Even better! If Izzy and Sunny are in there, they must be in maximum security. The whole racism thing is probably just as strong if they made it to the news.”

“That does make sense, maximum security should be…in the castle? The dungeons?”

“Yep. That’s what they’re called. Either that or maximum security.”

“Sunny won’t last a day in there!”

“Relax, they’re not going to put her with the other Pegasus, maybe. Hopefully….” Anonymous stared at the elevator. He pressed a button next to the door and waited for it to fall to their level. “Yeah. We should get going.”

“Wait, is your plan to actually try to seduce a monarch as a unicorn? You can’t exactly hide your horn that well.”

“That’s what you think, but you see my capabilities are beyond what you think.” Anonymous lights up his horn using the small amount of magic he has gained from Hitch.

“Hey! Watch that!”

“Just hold still. This will only work for about twelve hours.” Anonymous grunts, using this little magic will put him into a destitute state, but anything to save their friends.

Hitch quickly covers his eyes from how bright Anonymous’ horn is glowing.

“Almost. Got it. Disguise Self!” He calls out, a flash of white covers the two of them. Anonymous pants heavily as he felt his horn and eyes burn from the lack of magic coursing through him. “Did I do it?” He asked, looking at Hitch. Who now is sprouting some new appendages.

“Wait did you turn me into a Pegasus?!” Hitch imma began to panick. His entire life suddenly thrown upside down as he circles around in place trying to figure out how he got wings.

“Relax. It’s only an illusion. It’s really handy for infiltration. Plus, my horn is gone and I also have wings.” Anonymous flexed one of his new green wings. His horn was still there physically, it was just invisible.

“But how will we…right you said twelve hours. That’s about…10 Pm until our wings fade.”

“Correct. Glad you’re also a detective. Let’s go Sheriff. Lift’s here.” A soft him of the elevator lands at the bottom of the pillar. The golden doors keeping them out open up.

It was time to rescue their friends.

Author's Note:

Edited to remove Hitch as dude-bro upon re-reading my dialogue.