• Published 12th Dec 2023
  • 739 Views, 14 Comments

Repeat, Die, Live - Hidden_Night

  • ...

New World Generation

“Gah!” Anonymous shot straight up, his heart pounding. He was heavily breathing, his hooves shaking, his chest inflating and deflating. “God damnit. Fucking…” His eyes look around, a pleasant field spanning countless miles, a giant tree behind him, and a patch of dirt showing where he has spawned. With one final inhale he felt a need to vent, an urge to scream, but he stifled himself. He didn’t want to do that. He needed to control himself, so with deep controlled breaths his body found stillness.

“Last time I try to fight that,” his hooves find himself standing as he turns to face the tree, a reminder of a loved one, “fire horse. Yeah, she didn’t have parents who’s around.” He spits on the dirt and glances up at the leaves. It was too similar to her castle. “And this tree. Fuck this tree!” He closed his eyes and tried to demolish this tree. Only for his horn to stay fixed. No magical aura, no mana, and nothing being absorbed. He feels empty.

His eyes slowly open up to see the tree still, his eyes now wide open. Quickly, his pupils look to his forehead. The horn was there, but nothing was powering the medium. There as no magic here.

“So I’m just a normal unicorn now? Lame. I guess it wouldn’t be healthy to destroy things.” He turns away from the tree, that was planted on a hill oddly enough. His thoughts snap into his brain for a sudden moment, assign him to stop. “Wait, I was being edgy. Gotta purge those angry and angsty thoughts. With, uh…”

He scans the area, around him was grasslands. More grasslands, absolutely more grasslands, and a canyon nearby. The tree next to the canyon looked very much dead. With a glance up, he saw it was morning, or at least should be morning. He was unsure if he was facing eastwards or not.

“What the hell…did I finally reach heaven? Is this the afterlife?” He slowly trots forward, his hooves catching some stray dirt and thus began his fall to the ground face first causing his body to roll down the hill. He slid on his side once he hit the button of the hill, with a groan he stands. “Okay. Heaven wouldn’t have uneven terrain, this is definitely purgatory.” His body was dirty now, great, luckily he was already green to begin with.

“Woah woah! You’re coming with?!” A bubbly voice rang from behind him.

“Not now Pinkie…” He sighed and turned to face the other pony that probably joined him in purgatory. However he didn’t recognize her. A bright purple unicorn with a fluffy blue mane. Her eyes seem hopeful, exposing an innocence that Anonymous hasn’t seen in a while.

“I’m not Pinkie. Who’s that? Is she your friend? I assume it’s a she. I know there’s a Colt named Minty back home, but he’s so not that green.” The mare gasps heavily, “Is she your marefriend and you’re going through a messy breakup so you’re running off? If so that’s so sad!”

“…I’m getting an odd sense of déjà vu.”

“Don’t worry new friend! I’m on a journey to make more friends!”

“I guess I found the main character too. New record.” He mutters to himself before clearing his throat, “ahem, well, where are you headed?”

“I’m heading to Maretime Bay!” She flashed him a smile, her spirits are high.

“Huh. Ocean town.” He feels like there should be cat girls standing around a large blue crystal, but those ideals slowly fade once he remembers he is a horse. “Okay then, mind if I join you?”

“First friend? Yes!” As if a lightbulb went off in her head she immediately turns suspicious and step back. “Ooo. Wait! You’re not from Bridlewood. Your sparkle is something I never seen before.”

“Odd choice for a name.” Anonymous comments to himself. Bridles were a sex thing back in the previous horse world, now they’re just a normal accessory. Then again, there was a Hookerton. He didn’t notice the Mare that was staring into his own body, seemingly seeing right through him.

His brain also processed her other observations. “Also sparkle?” He asked with uncertainty.

“It’s so weird. Why does it keep moving?” She slowly creeps up and holds her face oddly close to his own. He could feel her breathing, this is uncomfortable for him.

“Hello?” He tried to break her concentration, but it didn’t work.

“It’s like a lava lamp. I can’t look away.” Her iris grows in entrancement, but Anonymous walked past her, heading over to the dirt path.

“Okay. So is Maretime Bay,” he turns to face the mare but she is staring off into the distance, “to the east?”

“It’s to the west.” She got herself under control eventually, with a little shake of her head a new renewal was born. “We can make way more friends in Maretime Bay, let’s go!” She began her walk with a quick hop to the west, leaving the tree behind.

“The cycle continues. At least the objective is clear, make friends. Just like the last world.” Anonymous smiles, but dread slowly fills his heart. There’s no magic here, he is defenseless without his spells. It stung badly. Though, through it all he knows that finding another person—or pony—would be enough to calm his fears. It worked last time.

With a slow jog he began to follow the mare, the journey set before the two of them. They didn’t converse much as Anonymous didn’t talk all too much. The mare however was very excited, she never dropped a smile as they kept their pace steady.

“I realize now I never asked for your name.” Anonymous decided to take a quick peek at her cutie mark, a button with a pin.

“I’m Izzy Moonbow. The one and only.” Her name eluded him, she had a relatively normal human name. With the knowledge of his past experiences he could infer her family was probably aligned with the moon.

“I’m Anonymous Incognito.” He never changes.

“Are you hiding your name, or is that what your actual name is?”

“It’s my actual name, yeah.”

“Wow, your parents really must want you to stay hidden.” She chuckles to herself, the thought humorous. It was also kinda funny to Anonymous, thinking of parents who wanted to evade taxes, so a smile grew on his face.

“Or hidden in plain sight.”

“Oooo, like a spy!” She puts on a serious face and pretends to be sneaky, jumping behind some rocks that were large enough to obscure her body before jumping into some grass.

“Not much of a good spy if he uses his real name.” The antics on view were heartwarming. The innocence of starting a new quest combined with his party member was exciting.

“But no one would expect it, that’s the best name.” Izzy pops out of a bush, brushing some stray leaves off of her fluffy hair.

“You got me there.” He chuckles, having to grab a leaf from off of her horn using his hoof.

The two continues their jokes and banter for quite some time. Anonymous hasn’t felt this content in a while.

The morning sun slowly sets onto a noon heat. The once flat grassy plains now lead to a rocky terrain, the moss on the rocks, and a gently flowing river leads to nice scenery for a small break. The two find themselves sitting on a rock skipping stones on the pond. Izzy was oddly adept at this activity, even surpassing Anonymous’ experience.

“What kind of friends do you think we’ll meet in Maretime Bay?” Izzy looks over at Anonymous. Her voice full of doubt.

Anonymous wasn’t expecting this to be set up so soon. The doubt phase of entering a new adventure with a novice was an annoyance, now it’s just a little sad. He can’t help but feel for those adventures now. “I dunno, maybe someone nice hopefully. Someone to give me a job. Why do you ask, are you getting cold fe-uh hooves?”

“Maybe. I’m just wondering, it’s been a while since I got the news. Do you think they’ll still welcoming new friends in Maretime Bay?” Izzy wasn’t smiling, but it wasn’t a frown either. She looked like she needed something to reaffirm her actions. With a flick of her hoof she skipped the small pebble eight times across the river.

“I think they have to. They’re by the ocean, so they must have boats, and boats mean trading.” Anonymous used what he knows, but really he knows nothing. “And I assume when they trade, they make friends along the way.” He casts a stone, almost beating Izzy’s amount of skips on the water, but only got seven.

“That makes so much sense.” Izzy’s booped her forehead and blew a raspberry. “Then let’s go! The faster we get there the faster we make new friends.” She decided to just toss the biggest rock she can find into the river, causing a big splash.

“No self deprecating, this is good. She’s mentally healthy, either that or weird.” He mutters to himself. “Then let’s go then.” He announced and stands up, the two continue their journey.

Anonymous felt that journey was about one, maybe two hours, considering the sun hasn’t gotten merciful with how much it’s shining in his eyes. The sun was at least still most of the day in the other world. It was now clear to him that it was a luxury. The astrophysics are back to being normalized now.

“We’re almost there! I can smell the salt!” Izzy was at least in high spirits. Anonymous how ever felt a slight envy towards her. That hair helps with keeping the sun out of her eyes.

“Yeah we are near the ocean now.” Anonymous looks over the the horizon. There it was, Maretime Bay. The lighthouse near the edge, a small docks area near the bottom, it was oddly bright. The colors on display create a town that looks idyllic. However, something was concerning him. This looked modern, a little too modern. The tram lines that run through the streets, light posts dotting the roads, and the huge building built on the apex of some hill. He has no idea what year it is.

“C’mon let’s go!” Izzy grabs Anonymous and pulls him with her, causing him to yelp in surprise. “This is so exciting. I can’t wait to make so many new friends!” She was fast, the boundless energy unleashed. “I’ve been waiting for so long and I’m finally here!”

Anonymous slips out of her grasp, falling down to the brick road underneath him. “Ow.” He rubs his nose with his hoof and looks up to see Izzy approach a group of three stallions talking about something. They were all earth ponies, or just normal ponies.

“Hi friends!” Izzy announces to the group, who all turned to smile at her, but they all glanced at her horn, a silence ensued. Izzy thought they were doing a goof. “Hello? New friends?”

The middle one of the pact made the first yell, jumping back away from Izzy and yelling. “UNICORN!” The other two quickly scattered jumping off the sides of the elevated bridge area, whilst the one in the middle slipped on the brick road until he took off.

“Well that is…interesting?” Anonymous pushed himself off the floor and walks over to Izzy.

“Don’t worry, it’s just what Earth Ponies do. Let’s see if there’s one willing to make a friend.”

“I…” He was caught off guard by the sudden racism, it seemed too casual for that to be a normal remark. “Right.” He coughed into his hoof as he continued to walk. Heading down deeper to be near the water.

“Woah! Nothing!” Izzy smiles as she looks off into the ocean.

“Yep. The ocean, it’s salty though.” Anonymous smiles, it was quite peaceful. Though he heard more screams of terror from behind him. He peeked and saw some more ponies run away from them. “Or is it a sea?”

Izzy didn’t pay this any mind and kept her smile up, walking down the street dead center.

“Wait. I didn’t think you should be walking on the tram line!” Anonymous tried to call out, but once he looked at the incoming tram, the driver stopped the car and promptly hopped out. “Never mind then.” Anonymous lost track of Izzy for a moment, having to dart his view around to try to find her. Only for his eyes to lock onto some sort of propaganda. The shadowy figures of unicorns, horns glowing with a red light as the white pony in the center cowers in fear. “I have discovered horse racism inside of horse world. Is this my quest now? Solving this stuff?”

“UNICORN!” Another yell broke his thoughts, only this time with excitement. Anonymous thought it was about time they found someone who isn’t racist—tribalism?—so they got that going for them. That was unfortunately followed up by more screams of terror. Anonymous even saw a dude jump into the sewers just to get away.

He made his was over to the duo, the mare who Izzy was probably introducing herself with had her jaw drop. “Fantastic. Someone who isn’t…” As Anonymous approached the two, he felt like they were being watched, so eh turned his head to the blue cart. A quivering stallion hidden behind it. “I see you.”

The guy squealed, and yelled “It’s an another unicorn!” He followed up his words with a graceful swan dive into the water.

“…you’re seen? Sea? I can’t make a good pun off of that.” He grumbles in failure of his own joke.

“Oh is that why they call it the sea, because you can see it?” Izzy walked up next to Anonymous.

“Two unicorns?!” The same voice, but even more excited. Anonymous turned to face the new friend.

“Oh hey new friend, meet Anonymous!” Izzy puts a hoof to Anonymous’ chest, it felt weird to he introduced but he did say a hello.

“Unicorn attack! A new voice this time. Anonymous and Izzy turned their heads to follow the yell. A yellow stallion pressed a button next to him. Suddenly there was alarms, and even more turmoil surrounding them. “This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!” He yells, seemingly charging into the direction of the two of them.

“Well this is surprising.” Anonymous said, the chaos around them would’ve been great for a friend of his. He was half paying attention as the chaos swirls around him, his eyes closed as he tried to absorb any sort of magic around. It only ended up with nothing.

“I gotta get you two out of here!” The mare puts her head on their shoulders and got them to start running.

“These guys take their games seriously.” Izzy smiles, seemingly oblivious to the situation, still running as does Anonymous following close to the second mare, allowing him to get a decent look at her. Her purple hair, orange coat, cool shoulder bag, and those pins look familiar, though too much movement for him to get a good look. She seems nice, or at least a good devil’s advocate.

“They’re not playing, they’re terrified.” The orange girl called out

“Of unicorns? Why?” Anonymous asked, looking ahead, wondering why they’re about to go into a large circle.

“Because earth ponies hate unicorns.”

“Really? That seems a little harsh.”

“A little? I walked by a poster that was a little more than harsh.”

“I guess you’ve seen those, I’m sorry this isn’t how it’s supposed to be!” The orange mare suddenly stops as a green sticky substance flies past her and lands on a sign. A sudden extra wave coats the ground around the two of them.

“Sticky stuff?” Anonymous titled his head at the object.

“Gooey too.” Izzy extends a hoof to touch one of the goopy substances, but Anonymous gently pushed it away from the stuff.

“Let’s go!” The orange mare leads the two of them, weaving through fire and the reloading process like an expert. It was odd, how was she good at dodging chain fire and timing when they’re reloading was a mystery to Anonymous. Izzy kept a happy disposition throughout, bouncing up and down through the rain of the green stuff. Anonymous just did his normal routine, following the orange girl’s lead.

The two of them ducked alleyway to alleyway, eventually circling back to the crossroads where they met.

Anonymous skids to a stop on his hooves as he looks around, feeling this place was familiar. “Wait, why did we circle back?”

“Ooo. I haven’t seen this one yet!” Having caught his attention, Anonymous followed Izzy’s gaze. ‘Judgement Neigh’ is a movie apparently, out now.

“They have an Arnold Swar-“ His sentence was cut by a metal box slamming shut around him. It was comforting somehow, no sound, no alarm. Actually, cut back on the no alarm being a benefit, there’s suddenly an alarm ringing above him and it’s making Anonymous mad.

“Oh wow! What’s that? Where did you get those metal box things!” Izzy’s voice can be heard, muffled but the little hole above him was able to bring some noise.

“This what?” Anonymous

“Sunny!” The masculine voice over to Anonymous’s right called out. He could hear sounds of stomping, then some more yelling but it’s all muffled. The sound of the alarm above him drowned out any goods he might hear. It’s times like these Anonymous wishes he had his magic back, because now he’s trapped by racist ponies out for him to be captured alive for whatever reason.

“Well. Fuck.”

“Wait, Sunny! Sunny!” He could hear the voice call out.

“Did they leave me behind? Shit.” Anonymous’ very good day was now replaced with a very bad now now. At least it wasn’t boring, now he can wonder how his execution would go. This place is oddly modern for horses.

The alarm dies down, finally allowing Anonymous to hear.

“Well, we have one. Leave him here for now, Sprout to the lighthouse.”

“Aw what? I’m stuck here now?” Anonymous tried to call out, but he felt he was being ignored on purpose.

“I’m sorry, but we can’t risk you shooting lasers or mind reading us, so we’re going to keep you there until we can get the shield? We have to go, Sprout? Sprout!” He heard the voice walk away in search of who is probably his partner.

“The shield? What does that mean?”

Anonymous was now in a sheriff prison cell with a tennis ball on his horn. “Welp. When in prison, make prison wine. I don’t have a prison bitch…” he mutters to himself, now having to stand over the single toilet in the jail cell.

He was brought into the jail by some pink unicorn with blonde hair, and the biggest Earth Pony they had around. Their sheriff was busy dealing with the ‘problem child’ outside of her house.

The duo had hazmat suits on, a strange helmet that beeps, some extra green sticky stuff to keep Anonymous from running. Having been dragged into a cell he wondered how they had the keys to the prison cell was only Anonymous’ best guest, but hey. This isn’t a bad first impression of this world. He might like it here.

Hopefully the others will come back for him, right?

Author's Note:

Ok. Gen 5.

It’s a guilty pleasure of mine. So here’s a funny side order.

Same Anonymous, anything canon here isn’t cannon to the other story.

This time I’m going to become a very cool writer and pump this stuff full of love.