• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 411 Views, 54 Comments

Child Of Wonder - Artist

It’s almost been 20 years since Applejack and Stevie got married, and now they are blessed with a beautiful daughter named Melody.

  • ...

The Bad News.

Author's Note:

This is the first chapter of the sequel to it’s a wonderful life.

I suggest if you haven’t read the first two stories that you go ahead and do that before reading this one.

The best part about waking up every morning for Applejack was seeing the stallion who was sleeping next to her, looking down at him Applejack couldn’t help but wonder.

Were they married six months already?

“Good morning,” Applejack whispered.

Stevie stirred a little bit before attempting to open his eyes, but then closing them immediately again, for him it was hard to keep his eyes open for very long due him being blind.

“Morning.” He whispered.

The past three months had been very successful for Stevie, he had gotten his music career back off the ground, and now he was making music in the clubs alongside Ray and Vinyl Scratch.

“Sleep well?” Applejack asked, smiling.

“Yeah.” Stevie chuckled. “Ah sure did.”

Applejack got up with some difficulty, as she was 6 months pregnant.

“You ok?” Stevie asked as he heard Applejack get up.

“Yeah, Ah’m fine.” Applejack smiled.

Six months ago, the doctors had told her that there might be some complications with the pregnancy, but Applejack didn’t think there was anything wrong, Stevie had insisted that they go to the doctor at least once a week.

Applejack had strongly objected.

Last week Pinkie had suggested that the girls were going to throw a baby shower for Applejack, Twilight had mentioned that she would organize something with the other girls.

Then there come a knock on the door, Applejack walked over to go open the door, she saw Twilight and Pinkie standing in the doorway with big smiles on their faces and party hats on.

“Hey girls, what’s up?” Applejack asked.

“We have a surprise for you and Stevie.” Twilight grinned, glancing behind Applejack to see Stevie smiling as he walked toward them.

“So, what’s the surprise?” the brown stallion asked when he came to the door.

“We are having a baby shower for Applejack!” Pinkie chuckled as she put a blindfold on Applejack.

“We’re almost there!” Twilight smiled as she lead Applejack and Stevie through town and to sugar cube corner.

“Why are we going to Sugarcube Corner?” Stevie asked.

“Can’t tell you that!” Pinkie chimed.

Stevie let out a sigh and kept walking.

Arriving at Sugarcube Corner and opening the door, Twilight flicked on a light switch with her magic, the rest of Applejack’s friends, Ray, Moonwalker and the CMC jumped, out of their hiding places and yelled: “Surprise!!”

“Girls, you really through all of this together, for me?” Applejack hugged each of her friends individually.

Stevie, who had been given a tactile map of what was going to take place, smiled as he ran his hoof over the small bumps on the map.

“Wow, so awesome!” Stevie mumbled under his breath.

“Hey dude, congrats.” Moonwalker came over and sat beside his friend.

“So you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?” Twilight asked coming over to Applejack who was sitting in a comfortable plush armchair, her belly was visibly swollen.

“Not yet, but we are due in two months.” The cowgirl smiled rubbing her belly.

“You are nine months in, only two to go, I can’t wait!” Pinkie squealed.

Ever since coming to live with the Apple family, Stevie had wondered if Twilight could make the spell that would give him his sight temporarily permanent, on one of his many trips to see Twilight, Stevie had asked her if she could make the spell permanent, but the alicorn had shaking her head.

Stevie listened to his surroundings he heard, Moonwalker talking with the CMC and Spike and he heard Rainbow, telling a funny story of some sort because Pinkie and Ray were laughing.

The stallion made his way over to his wife and sat on the floor beside her.

“Isn’t it nice, all of us, here together?” Applejack asked.

“Sure is, wish I could see it though.” Stevie sighed heavily as took off his dark sunglasses.

After a while, Pinkie came over and handed Applejack a present, the cowgirl opened the present to reveal a plushy of herself contained within.

“Thank you, Pinkie, Ah’m sure that the child will love it.” Applejack thanked her pink friend by giving her a hug.

Next it was Twilight’s turn, she gave Applejack her present, the cowgirl opened it to review a book on how to parent a child.

“Oh, thank you, Twilight.” Applejack hesitantly said.

“And it even comes with a CD, so that Stevie can listen to the book while you read it.” The alicorn bubbled with excitement, grinning from ear to ear.

Next it was Moonwalker’s turn to give Applejack her present.

“Hope you like it, made it myself.” Moonwalker proudly boasted.

Applejack opened the gift to reveal a blanket with her and Stevie’s initials embroidered upon it, next was Rarity’s turn, she had made a red and yellow jumpsuit for the infant, she explained that Spike had helped a lot with the design.

“Thank you all so much girls, I just know our baby will have the best aunts and uncles in the world.” Applejack blushed as her friends hugged her.

The party lasted well into the wee hours of the morning, everyone had drunk hard cider with the exception of Applejack, the cowgirl wasn’t allowed to drink even a drop of cider, which Rainbow thought to be a little silly when she first was told, but now she understood why her friend wasn’t allowed to drink cider.

The next morning, Applejack woke up in pain.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Stevie asked startled awake by his wife’s screaming.

“Get me to the hospital, NOW.” The cowgirl demanded.

“Yes, of course.” Stevie announced getting up and banging on some pots and pans, which were strewn about the room from the night of partying.

He helped the noise would wake Apple Bloom or Granny Smith or Big Macintosh, and it worked Stevie could hear Big Mac’s hoof steps approaching.

The red stallion flung open the door and saw Applejack lying in bed, visibly in pain.

“Get Twilight.” Applejack winced as another wave of pain shot through her.

Big Mac went off again in the direction of Twilight’s castle, a few minutes later, he returned with Twilight who teleported them all to the hospital.

Once inside the hospital, Applejack was examined by the doctors and put on a gurney and taken to the delivery room, while the others waited anxiously in the waiting room.

A few moments later, they heard a scream, then the doctor came out of the delivery room.

“How is she?” Twilight asked.

“Applejack successfully gave birth to a baby girl, but there were some complications.” The doctor spoke.

In Applejack’s room, Stevie once again, given his vision by Twilight, looked down at the little pony in Applejack’s hooves, he noticed her eyes were also gray, but they were not a small as his, her coat was a dark red.

“What should we name her?” Applejack asked.

“Melody Harmony.” Stevie smiled looking down at his little daughter.

“Which one is it?” Pinkie bounced up and down pressing her face against the window of the nursery.

“The one from Applejack?” a unicorn nurse asked as she approached. “Right there in the middle.”

Twilight and the rest of her friends gathered to look into the nurseries window, at the small dark red earth pony lying in the center crib.

“She’s simply adorable, but is she blind?” Rarity asked noticing the filly that had eyes that looked gray and cloudy.

“There were some… complications.” Stevie said walking up to Rarity.

Twilight looked sympathetically at Stevie, as she walked over and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“Why is it so difficult for them to understand that being blind, or having a disability, may have its challenges, but it’s not like it’s the end of the world?” Stevie thought to himself as he stood there, surrounded by his friends.