> Child Of Wonder > by Artist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Bad News. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The best part about waking up every morning for Applejack was seeing the stallion who was sleeping next to her, looking down at him Applejack couldn’t help but wonder. Were they married six months already? “Good morning,” Applejack whispered. Stevie stirred a little bit before attempting to open his eyes, but then closing them immediately again, for him it was hard to keep his eyes open for very long due him being blind. “Morning.” He whispered. The past three months had been very successful for Stevie, he had gotten his music career back off the ground, and now he was making music in the clubs alongside Ray and Vinyl Scratch. “Sleep well?” Applejack asked, smiling. “Yeah.” Stevie chuckled. “Ah sure did.” Applejack got up with some difficulty, as she was 6 months pregnant. “You ok?” Stevie asked as he heard Applejack get up. “Yeah, Ah’m fine.” Applejack smiled. Six months ago, the doctors had told her that there might be some complications with the pregnancy, but Applejack didn’t think there was anything wrong, Stevie had insisted that they go to the doctor at least once a week. Applejack had strongly objected. Last week Pinkie had suggested that the girls were going to throw a baby shower for Applejack, Twilight had mentioned that she would organize something with the other girls. Then there come a knock on the door, Applejack walked over to go open the door, she saw Twilight and Pinkie standing in the doorway with big smiles on their faces and party hats on. “Hey girls, what’s up?” Applejack asked. “We have a surprise for you and Stevie.” Twilight grinned, glancing behind Applejack to see Stevie smiling as he walked toward them. “So, what’s the surprise?” the brown stallion asked when he came to the door. “We are having a baby shower for Applejack!” Pinkie chuckled as she put a blindfold on Applejack. “We’re almost there!” Twilight smiled as she lead Applejack and Stevie through town and to sugar cube corner. “Why are we going to Sugarcube Corner?” Stevie asked. “Can’t tell you that!” Pinkie chimed. Stevie let out a sigh and kept walking. Arriving at Sugarcube Corner and opening the door, Twilight flicked on a light switch with her magic, the rest of Applejack’s friends, Ray, Moonwalker and the CMC jumped, out of their hiding places and yelled: “Surprise!!” “Girls, you really through all of this together, for me?” Applejack hugged each of her friends individually. Stevie, who had been given a tactile map of what was going to take place, smiled as he ran his hoof over the small bumps on the map. “Wow, so awesome!” Stevie mumbled under his breath. “Hey dude, congrats.” Moonwalker came over and sat beside his friend. “So you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?” Twilight asked coming over to Applejack who was sitting in a comfortable plush armchair, her belly was visibly swollen. “Not yet, but we are due in two months.” The cowgirl smiled rubbing her belly. “You are nine months in, only two to go, I can’t wait!” Pinkie squealed. Ever since coming to live with the Apple family, Stevie had wondered if Twilight could make the spell that would give him his sight temporarily permanent, on one of his many trips to see Twilight, Stevie had asked her if she could make the spell permanent, but the alicorn had shaking her head. Stevie listened to his surroundings he heard, Moonwalker talking with the CMC and Spike and he heard Rainbow, telling a funny story of some sort because Pinkie and Ray were laughing. The stallion made his way over to his wife and sat on the floor beside her. “Isn’t it nice, all of us, here together?” Applejack asked. “Sure is, wish I could see it though.” Stevie sighed heavily as took off his dark sunglasses. After a while, Pinkie came over and handed Applejack a present, the cowgirl opened the present to reveal a plushy of herself contained within. “Thank you, Pinkie, Ah’m sure that the child will love it.” Applejack thanked her pink friend by giving her a hug. Next it was Twilight’s turn, she gave Applejack her present, the cowgirl opened it to review a book on how to parent a child. “Oh, thank you, Twilight.” Applejack hesitantly said. “And it even comes with a CD, so that Stevie can listen to the book while you read it.” The alicorn bubbled with excitement, grinning from ear to ear. Next it was Moonwalker’s turn to give Applejack her present. “Hope you like it, made it myself.” Moonwalker proudly boasted. Applejack opened the gift to reveal a blanket with her and Stevie’s initials embroidered upon it, next was Rarity’s turn, she had made a red and yellow jumpsuit for the infant, she explained that Spike had helped a lot with the design. “Thank you all so much girls, I just know our baby will have the best aunts and uncles in the world.” Applejack blushed as her friends hugged her. The party lasted well into the wee hours of the morning, everyone had drunk hard cider with the exception of Applejack, the cowgirl wasn’t allowed to drink even a drop of cider, which Rainbow thought to be a little silly when she first was told, but now she understood why her friend wasn’t allowed to drink cider. The next morning, Applejack woke up in pain. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Stevie asked startled awake by his wife’s screaming. “Get me to the hospital, NOW.” The cowgirl demanded. “Yes, of course.” Stevie announced getting up and banging on some pots and pans, which were strewn about the room from the night of partying. He helped the noise would wake Apple Bloom or Granny Smith or Big Macintosh, and it worked Stevie could hear Big Mac’s hoof steps approaching. The red stallion flung open the door and saw Applejack lying in bed, visibly in pain. “Get Twilight.” Applejack winced as another wave of pain shot through her. Big Mac went off again in the direction of Twilight’s castle, a few minutes later, he returned with Twilight who teleported them all to the hospital. Once inside the hospital, Applejack was examined by the doctors and put on a gurney and taken to the delivery room, while the others waited anxiously in the waiting room. A few moments later, they heard a scream, then the doctor came out of the delivery room. “How is she?” Twilight asked. “Applejack successfully gave birth to a baby girl, but there were some complications.” The doctor spoke. In Applejack’s room, Stevie once again, given his vision by Twilight, looked down at the little pony in Applejack’s hooves, he noticed her eyes were also gray, but they were not a small as his, her coat was a dark red. “What should we name her?” Applejack asked. “Melody Harmony.” Stevie smiled looking down at his little daughter. “Which one is it?” Pinkie bounced up and down pressing her face against the window of the nursery. “The one from Applejack?” a unicorn nurse asked as she approached. “Right there in the middle.” Twilight and the rest of her friends gathered to look into the nurseries window, at the small dark red earth pony lying in the center crib. “She’s simply adorable, but is she blind?” Rarity asked noticing the filly that had eyes that looked gray and cloudy. “There were some… complications.” Stevie said walking up to Rarity. Twilight looked sympathetically at Stevie, as she walked over and put a hoof on his shoulder. “Why is it so difficult for them to understand that being blind, or having a disability, may have its challenges, but it’s not like it’s the end of the world?” Stevie thought to himself as he stood there, surrounded by his friends. > My Sweet Melody > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A month ago, Melody came home, Stevie and Applejack were happy to have their little daughter, even though it was a challenge at times and many sleepless nights for the couple. If you would have told Stevie that he would be a father a year ago he wouldn’t have believed you. The gentle strum from a guitar emanated from the nursery, Stevie was sitting in a rocking chair, strumming a guitar. Melody lay in her crib and listened with interest to the noise that strange instrument made. The nursery was decorated with stars on the walls that lit up when the lights were turned off, the floor of the nursery was carpeted with a white carpet, the walls were painted a light pink, the crib stood in one corner of the room against a wall, and in another corner of the room stood the chair that Stevie was sitting in. “Oh my sweet Melody, how I love you.” Stevie whispered, putting his guitar aside and walking over to the crib. “She’s just so beautiful.” Granny Smith’s voice came from the doorway. The elderly green earth pony hobbled over to the crib and looked down at the small pony leaving within it. “Ah know, but Ah wish see her, but Twilight hasn’t found a permanent spell yet.” Stevie spoke, tears starting to form in his eyes. “Hey, now, it ain’t like you can never see her, she knows you’re there, so you can see her more than you know!” Granny Smith gently put a hoof on his shoulder. “How long were you standing there?” Stevie asked when he pulled away. “Long enough, to know that ya love her very much, and you do anything to protect her, right?” Granny answered. “Yes, I will do anything to protect Melody.” Stevie answered, wiping the tears from his eyes. That afternoon at sugar cube Corner, a large banner hung in the center of the room with the words “welcome home.” written on it in pink and dark red colors, in one corner of the room stood a table with presents and next to it stood a large cake with the words “welcome home” written in red frosting. Pinkie had thrown a welcome home party for Melody, and the girls were so happy that they were aunts, especially Twilight and Rarity who constantly wanted to spend time with their niece. “Wow, Pinkie, you really threw all this together for us?” Applejack asked the pink pony, when they sat down to have the cake, since Melody wasn’t allowed to have cake yet, she was given a bottle of warm milk. “Yeah, I sure did, I’m just so happy to be an aunt.” Pinkie squealed in delight, bouncing up and down in place. Melody was in a baby carrier next to Applejack, the baby carrier was dark red with Stevie’s and Applejack’s cutie marks emblazoned on both sides, Melody was sucking on her pacifier that Twilight had given her shortly after she had been born. “Ohh, she’s just so adorable.” Twilight cooed bending down to the baby carrier. “Come to your Auntie Twilight.” The alicorn picked up the infant and carried her to the table then she blew on Melody’s belly, making a farting noise, which made the infant laugh. “So AJ, are you gonna teach her to harvest apples?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Maybe when she’s older.” The cowgirl responded looking lovingly down at her daughter in Twilight’s hooves. “I’ll be teaching her everything I know there is to know about music, she’s going to love it, and there is no better time to start than the present.” Stevie spoke as he retrieved a hoof held device and placed it on the table, when he pressed a button, it started playing sweet music. The song it was playing was called “isn’t she lovely” which was one of Stevie’s songs he made before coming to Equestria. Ray who with Twilight’s permission had used the same spell to restore his eyesight sat next to Stevie, for Ray since he went blind at a young age, his eyesight could have been restored, but he chose not to then, after several years of living in Equestria it was only now that he had decided to have his eyesight restored. Ray had green eyes, and black fur, his cutie mark was a musical note. Ray didn’t like talking about how he went blind, but since Twilight had performed the spell to give him his eyesight back permanently, he seemed happier, after his eyesight got restored, he stopped drinking and going to bars. Since Melody had come home a month ago, Ray had spent most of his time over at the farm, babysitting her for Stevie and Applejack when they were too busy out in the orchard, but sometimes Apple Bloom would babysit her with him, on a particular nasty day where Ray needed lots of help from Apple Bloom they grew very close. Melody was a tough baby to handle, even though she couldn’t fly or do magic, she still was a very tough infant, especially when she wanted something she would cry for hours until either Applejack or Stevie figured out what she wanted, but none the less they loved her and would do anything to protect her. “Soren and I are getting married in a few weeks, you’ll be there, right, AJ?” Rainbow asked. “Sure, we wouldn’t miss that for the world!” Applejack answered putting hoof around her husband. Stevie nodded in agreement, Melody not knowing what was going on started to cry. “Your turn or mine?” Stevie asked his wife. “It’s my turn, this time round.” Applejack answered as Twilight handed her Melody. The music box that Stevie had brought had been turned off. “Please don’t cry Melody.” Applejack calmed her. But Melody was having none of it, she just kept crying. “Sorry girls, I think it’s time to get this one home and off to bed!” Applejack apologized as she put Melody back into her baby carrier. All of her friends waved goodbye as Applejack, and Stevie made their way home. > First day of school > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melody was six when she first started school. School was something Applejack had been afraid of for her daughter for quite a while, the cowgirl was afraid that other children would make fun of her daughter’s eyes. But Stevie constantly reassured her that everything would be fine whenever she brought it up. The morning of Melody’s first day of school, Applejack had prepared a special breakfast for her, pancakes with maple syrup made with oat flour. Melody was sitting at the dining room table when she asked a question that shocked Applejack. “Mommy, why am I different?” Melody asked in her sweet, innocent voice. Applejack was taken aback by this question. “Ah’m not sure, you were born like this sugar cube, the doctor said there ain’t nothing they can do.” Applejack finally answered after an awkward silence. “Oh.” Melody disappointedly said before continuing to eat her pancakes. “Don’t you worry, I’m sure the other kids will like you, and if they don’t, I suggest you prove them wrong!” Stevie, who had come into the room, spoke as he sat down next to his daughter. “Thanks, Daddy!” Melody said as she hugged her father. “Ready for school?” Applejack asked. “Yeah, Ah ready!” Melody answered with a slight smile. After Applejack had cleared the plates away, the small family made the way out of the house and down the road in Ponyville. “I heard that Aunt Apple Bloom would be coming to stay with us for a few days,” Melody said excitedly as they walked. Apple Bloom had moved out sometime after Melody was born, so she could make it big in Manhattan with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle was a star on Bridleway, Scootaloo had joined the Wonder Bolts and was touring Equestria with her scooter, showing off her tricks in big Arenas. Apple Bloom was the fashion designer for Sweetie Belle. Approaching the schoolhouse, Melody could hear the voices of the fillies and colts running around and playing on the playground. “I don’t know about this, I don’t think I’m ready!” Melody fretted, sitting down in the middle of the path. Applejack bent down to her and nuzzled her. “You listen to me, sugar cube, Ah understand that you’re scared, but you don’t need to be.” The cowgirl reassured her. “But who’s going to come pick me up this afternoon?” Melody asked. “You’re Aunt Apple Bloom is comin' at three to pick you up,” Applejack answered. The young filly‘s face brightened at the mention of her auntie’s name, her mother ruffled her hair and smiled. “You have fun now, ya hear!” The cowgirl nestled her daughter. Then the small family of three walked up to the school house and Applejack saw Ms. Cheerilee standing there to greet them. “Hey, Cheerilee, we are to drop off our daughter for her first day of school,” Applejack said as she noticed Melody shyly hiding behind her leg. “She is a little self-conscious about her eyes,” Stevie said when he felt Melody gently brush up against his leg. “Don’t you worry, if anyone makes fun of her, I will reprimand them accordingly.” Cheerilee said as she bent down to Melody’s level. They all went inside and Cheerilee showed Melody where she could sit, she took her seat in the front row. “I’ll see you at home, Mom and Dad,” Melody said to her parents when she was settled. Applejack felt the tears in her eyes seeing her little girl go off to school like that, but she didn’t let on that she was sad. Once Applejack and Stevie had gone, Cheerilee started the lesson. “Good morning, every pony, my name is Ms Cheerilee, and I’ll be your teacher for this year, now that you know who I am, it’s time to introduce yourselves, turn to your right, and introduce yourself to the pony who’s sitting next to you.“ Cheerilee spoke joyfully. Melody turned to her right but didn’t know what to say. “Who’s there?” She asked instead. “Hello, my name is Cozy Glow, what’s yours?” The voice asked. “My name is Melody Harmony, Stevie Wonder is my father.” Melody proudly answered. “Golly, you must be proud that you’re daddy is famous,” Cozy said, looking directly into Melody’s eyes. “But what’s wrong with your eyes, they look weird!” “Ah was born blind,” Melody answered in a southern drawl. Then Melody heard two colts snickering, she turned around and asked. “What’s so funny?” “It’s your eyes, they don’t look normal!” One of them said. The one that spoke, had gray fur and a light red mane, his friend had the same color scheme but was reversed. “Leave her alone.” Cozy glared at the two. “Oh yeah, what she gonna do, run back to her mommy!” The gray colt taunted. His friend laughed as they hoof bumped. “Hey Chance, that’s enough!” Cozy growled at him. Chance just rolled his eyes at her. “Hi, my name is Crisp Canter, what’s yours?” A colt with blue eyes and a fiery red mane with a streak of white in it asked turning to Melody. “My name is Melody Harmony, I’m new here and I’m blind.” She said the last part quite hesitantly. “Say, isn’t Stevie Wonder your father?” Crisp asked as he was quite interested. “Yeah, why do you wanna know?” Melody’s cheeks turn red. “Well, you see I’m a big fan, and I was hoping you could ask him to sign an autograph for me.” Crisp asked grinning from ear to ear. Melody’s surprised expression was replaced with one of anger, here was this colt she had just met, and now he expected her to get her father’s autograph for him, she slammed her hoof on the table. “No, I ain’t gonna get you his autograph.” She shouted so loudly that the teacher heard her and came over. “What’s wrong Melody?” Cheerilee asked. By now Melody’s eyes were watering, she burst into passionate sobbing. The teacher looked at her with sympathy in her eyes. “Ok, who made fun of her?” Cheerilee demanded from the class as she looked around, her eyes fell upon Crisp who had shrunk down in his seat, she walked over to him and glared at him. “Crisp Canter, mind telling the class why Melody is crying?” The teacher asked. Crisp let out a sigh and got up from his seat and walked toward the front of the class. “I only wanted her father’s autograph.” He told the class. “That’s better, you may sit down.” Cheerilee addressed him. When class was over, Cheerilee helped Melody to the front gate where Apple Bloom was waiting. “Hey kiddo, how was the first day of school?” Apple Bloom asked when she saw her niece. “I don’t like it here, they made fun of my eyes and one colt asked if he could have dad’s autograph, but Ah told him no.” Melody explained her troubles. “Ah know how hard it can be to be treated differently when you’re famous, your auntie Sweetie Belle is going through the same thing in Manhattan, but you shouldn’t let it get to you.” Apple Bloom said once they had arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, after a while of walking through town. Melody let out a heavy sigh when she walked into the house with her auntie following behind her. Applejack saw her daughter’s troubled expression and asked her what was wrong, Melody recounted the days events. “You shouldn’t let that get you down, Sugarcube.” Applejack finally said after listening to her daughter’s troubles. “See, even your mother understands.” Apple Bloom said hugging her niece, and then going over and hugging her big sister. Granny came into the dining room with a plate of hot apple fritters, then Applejack with the help of Melody explained what was going on at school today for her daughter, the elderly green earth pony only shook her head in disappointment. > Family reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first rays of sunlight streamed through the curtains. Applejack awoke to Melody’s hoof steps on the wooden floor of her bedroom. “Morning, Sugarcube,” Applejack mumbled, slowly opening her eyes. “Mama, Mama, you know what today is?” Melody excitedly asked bouncing up and down. “Yeah, Ah know what today is.” Applejack groggy got out of bed. “The family reunion, I am so excited.” Melody scratched. Applejack smiled at her daughter’s enthusiasm. “Ah know y’all are excited about seeing the family!” Applejack said as she walked out of her room with her daughter following her. Once downstairs, the cowgirl saw Apple Bloom and Granny Smith sitting on the couch laughing as they looked at old photos from past reunions. “Hey, y’all!” Applejack greeted her sister and grandmother. The small coffee table in the living room was full of RSVPs from all of the Apples from Appleloosa to Dodge Junction. “The Apples from Dodge Junction are a-comin’.” Apple Bloom spoke holding up one of the RSVP letters for her sister to see. “Wow, I can’t wait to see them again!” Applejack approved, walking further into the living room with her daughter following her. “Morning Melody, it’s Apple Bloom and Granny.” Apple Bloom announced. Melody ran to her aunt and hugged her. “Ah’m so excited for today Aunt Apple Bloom!” The filly spoke excitedly, jumping up and down. “Simmer down, sugar cube, there is going to be enough time for bein’ excited later!” Granny Smith calmed the filly. “Ah know Granny but Ah can’t wait!” Melody smiled from ear to ear. Then she turned to her mother and asked: “Mommy where is daddy?” “Well, he’s still sleepin’ but Ah’m gonna go wake him,” Applejack said as she made her way back upstairs to go and wake her lazy husband. From upstairs there could be heard a loud crash followed by muffled voices. “Ah’m gettin’ up.” Stevie’s annoyed voice could be heard from upstairs. “Come on, the family is waitin for ya downstairs.” Applejack huffed as she walked out of Stevie’s room. “Ah’m comin.” Stevie grumbled as he came out of his room and walked downstairs. When he got downstairs, Apple Bloom was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, she took his hoof and walked with him into the living room. Rainbow and Soren were flying together below Ponyville toward Sweet Apple Acres. “You know, Rainbow this will be the first time that I met your niece.” Soren remarked to his new wife. Rainbow looked at him and smiled. “That’s right, you’ve never met her before!” Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, the two Pegasi landed on the ground, Rainbow took her husband’s hoof. Since Rainbow was Applejack’s best friend, she and Soren were invited to the reunion. Rainbow raised her hoof to knock on the door before she could knock, a young filly ran up to the door with Applejack following her. “Auntie Rainbow is that you?” The filly asked with a huge smile on her face. “Wow Melody, you’ve grown so much!” Rainbow remarked. “Would y’all like to come inside?” Applejack asked. Rainbow nodded and walked inside with her husband at her side. Inside, Rainbow saw most of the Apple family sitting around the living room and chatting. “Hey!” Rainbow waved at the ponies sitting around the living room. “Well, hey there Rainbow and Soren, how are y’all doin’ after the honeymoon?” Granny Smith hobbling up to the couple. “We’re doing very well for ourselves, Granny Smith.” Soren said, pulling his wife into a hug. “Auntie Rainbow, can Ah have a cookie?” Melody asked. “That is something you’re gonna ask your mother.” Rainbow advised her niece. “Aww!” Melody replied with a frown. Every chance she got Melody would ask Rainbow Dash for a cookie when she came to the farm to watch her, when Applejack was busy in the Orchard and Stevie was out of town at concerts and hosting concerts across Equestria. But since it was the traditional Apple family reunion, the cowgirl didn’t ask Rainbow to watch Melody. Earlier that day Melody was told that Ray and Moonwalker would swing by sometime during the day. Ray and Moonwalker were Melody’s favorite uncles aside from Spike. Melody had loved Spike like he was her real uncle, when she was over at her aunt Twilight’s castle to learn braille, Spike would always play with her when she was done with her lesson. At breakfast that morning she had asked why her auntie Twilight could not come to the reunion, Applejack had told her that her aunt was pretty busy with her royal duties as princess, Melody understood that she was pretty busy, so she didn’t pester Applejack about it any further. The old wooden floorboards creaked as Granny Smith and Apple Brown Betty come out of the kitchen with trays of food on their backs, Apple Brown Betty was an elderly earth pony with a two-toned green mane. “Thanks for helpin me with the food.” Granny said when she had sat her plate of apple fritters on the small coffee table. “Well, Ah’m willin to help family.” Apple Brown Betty laughed as she sat her own plate of apple cinnamon rolls on the coffee table next to the plate of apple fritters, she and Granny then sat down to enjoy some warm, apple cider and some apple fiddles. Stevie who had been sitting on a plush velvet couch cushion on the floor, reached for one of the plates, and grabbed an apple cinnamon roll as he took a bite, a wide grin spread across his face. “Looks like Stevie is enjoyin’ yerr apple cinnamon rolls, Granny Smith.” Apple Brown Betty remarked as she looked down at Stevie, who had finished the last bite of his apple cinnamon roll. Stevie had met Apple Brown Betty and the rest of the Apple family at the last reunion. The stallion nodded eagerly. “That was delicious.” “Glad you liked it.” Granny Smith smiled. Flying over Rainbow took a seat on the couch next to Apple Bloom, the yellow country mare leaned over to admire the amethyst ring on Rainbow’s hoof. “Wow, Rainbow that’s pretty!” She smiled. “Thanks Apple Bloom.” The Pegasus thanked before getting up and going to see if Granny Smith needed any help in the kitchen. Standing on the other side of the room, Applejack couldn’t help but smile at the affection her daughter was receiving from her cousins, two boys, and one girl, the boys looked almost identical, they both had a two toned yellow and white manes, their coats were a lighter shade of yellow, the girl was a light blue earth pony with a white mane. “Oh my sweet Melody, if you only knew how much joy you bring to the ponies around you!” The orange earth pony thought to herself as her eyes misted over, as she tried not to cry. If Ma and pa could see you now, they would be so proud. > Rainbow Dash moves on > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One afternoon after Melody had come home from school, Applejack had asked the family in the living room and announced that she would be going out with her friends. Melody had strongly objected to that, she didn’t want her mother to leave, but Applejack had told her that it would only be for a few hours. “Sugar, don’t worry I’ll be back later this evenin’.” The cowgirl had said when her daughter threw herself at her and didn’t want to let her leave. “But Mama, Ah don’t want you to leave, you might not come back.” Melody had cried when she felt her mother’s hoof make contact with the door. Granny Smith hobbled over and put a gentle hoof on her great granddaughter’s back gently guiding her away to sit down on the couch next to her Uncle. Big Macintosh gently holding his niece as she cried into his fur. “I’ll see you all this evenin’, and Melody, you be good for daddy and Uncle Big Mac, won’t you?” Applejack had asked her daughter, who only gave a weak nod to the question. This was the first time since Melody was born that Applejack had allowed herself some free time to spend with her friends, ever since Melody had been born Applejack hadn’t allowed herself any free time she would never let Melody out of her sight even at home. But this was a very special occasion as Rainbow Dash had announced that this would be the last time they would be in Ponyville, as she was moving to Vanhoover with Soren that week, this announcement came after they had tied the not a few years ago and were blessed with a beautiful baby colt, they named Sky Dancer, when he was three years old, they discovered that little Sky Dancer wasn’t developing like other colts his age were, so they took him to a doctor up in Vanhoover, who diagnosed him with autism and advised Rainbow to look into special schooling for him, but the only school she could find was in Vanhoover itself. Rainbow Dash was torn between two options. She could either stay in Vanhoover and get Sky Dancer the help that he needed or go back to Ponyville and continue life as normal. She had talked over this with her husband, one night after they had put Sky Dancer down for the night, Soren had agreed that it would be best if she went back to Ponyville to discuss it with her friends. The next morning, the family flew back to Ponyville, that same evening Rainbow had called a meeting at Twilight’s castle to discuss the two options with her friends. “You wanna go to Vanhoover?” Pinkie had screeched when Rainbow Dash had said that she wanted to move there. “I think it’s a nice idea, after all it would give Sky Dancer the schooling he needs.” Twilight had smiled at her friend. “Oh darling, I do think it’s a wonderful idea, but won’t you come to visit us every once in a while?” Rarity had asked with tears in her eyes. “Of course I will.” Rainbow Dash had said after giving Rarity a tight hug. “You take care of yourself now, ya hear.” Applejack had smiled at her Pegasus friend. “Of course I will, AJ.” Rainbow had said to the cowgirl. Turning to her oldest friend, Rainbow gave Fluttershy a tearful hug, all at once Fluttershy burst into tears. “Oh, Dash, I’m going to miss you.” Fluttershy cried while Rainbow held her. The very next morning, Rainbow dropped by the farm to say goodbye to her niece, when Stevie opened the door, he smelt the familiar perfume that Rainbow always wore, usually Rainbow didn’t wear perfume, but ever since she got married to Soren, and he had given her a perfume bottle on the first anniversary as a married couple, she had never gone anywhere without wearing a bit of perfume before going out. “Do come in, Rainbow, I assume you are here to see Melody.” Stevie said, as he let in the light blue Pegasus. Rainbow observed Stevie going to the bottom of the stairs and shouting up them. “MELODY, YOUR AUNTIE RAINBOW IS HERE TO SAY GOODBYE.” He shouted up stairs, in an instant an eight year old filly appeared at the top of the stairs, now wearing the same sunglasses that her father was. The filly slowly made her way down the stairs to where her father stood. “Auntie Rainbow, Ah didn’t know yerr were leavin’ Ponyville forever.” Melody said when she had reached out a hoof to touch Rainbow’s chest fur. “Your parents didn’t tell you, squirt, me and Uncle Soren need to go away for a while to give your cousin the proper schooling he needs.” Rainbow gently spoke, as she ruffled the eight year old’s mane. “It ain’t gonna be the same without you.” Stevie said, as he hugged Rainbow, his eyes filling with tears as he spoke. “But don’t you worry, I’ll come to visit as often as possible.” Rainbow said as she headed for the door. Once Rainbow had gone, Melody sat down on the floor, took off her glasses and cried, Stevie sat next to her as she cried, and held his daughter, they stayed like this for a while before Melody put her glasses back on, and promptly went upstairs without another word to her father. Melody didn’t come down until it was time for dinner that evening, at dinner, she stayed silent, not talking or eating very much even though her mother had made her favorite, Shepherds Pie. “Ah know that you miss her, Sugar, but it ain’t like you’ll never see her again.” Applejack finally broke the silence. Melody let out a heavy sigh as she abruptly got up from the table, slamming her hooves onto it before leaving. “What was that all about?” The cowgirl asked her husband. “I have no idea, maybe I should go talk to her.” Stevie said, standing up from the table. “No, give her a bit of time.” Granny Smith advised. Upstairs, Melody ran into her room, slamming the door shut, two small waterfalls running down her face as she flopped onto her bed and cried into her pillow. It was unfair, why did Auntie Rainbow have to leave, what was so special about her cousin that they needed to move to another city to give him proper education, couldn’t they give it to him here in Ponyville, and why the heck didn’t her parents tell her? Melody didn’t understand why her cousin was special, what was wrong with him, was he weird or something or maybe even insane, she let out a heavy sigh as she sat up. She desperately wanted her Auntie to come back and tell her that everything was going to be fine, but judging from how her mother had said that Rainbow wouldn’t return anytime soon there was nothing she could do. Melody slowly got up, wiping away the remaining tears and slowly going back downstairs, just in time to hear her dad and mom laugh. “Mama, why is my cousin special, is he weird or something?” Melody asked once she came back into the dining room. “Well, your cousin is autistic.” Applejack answered. “I don’t understand, is he insane or something?” Melody asked, her curiosity growing by the minute about her cousin that she had never met. “Melody Harmony Apple, you hush with that type of talk, this instant, ya hear.” Her father scolded. “But Papa, Ah don’t understand, how do ponies even get that type of disease?” Melody desperately asked, the tears now freely flowing. “I don’t know, the only special school is in Vanhoover, here in Ponyville we don’t know much ‘bout autism.” Granny Smith who had been silently listening to her granddaughter rant, finally spoke up. “But Granny, it ain’t fair, what is autism?” Melody slammed her hooves on the table. “That’s quite enough, young lady,” Her mother shouted, making Melody flinch and run back upstairs. Applejack and Stevie didn’t hear anything out of Melody’s room for the rest of the evening. A few hours later, Granny Smith was helping Applejack clean up the kitchen. Her granddaughter let out a heavy sigh as she threw down the rag she was holding. “Why does this need to be so hard, I mean there ain’t nothin’ we can do about Rainbow, but we need to make Melody understand that her cousin is better off in Vanhoover.” Applejack’s own eyes started filling with tears. “Sugar, it’s been a long night I think what we all need now is a good night sleep and in the mornin’ we can talk to Melody again.” Stevie said, coming up behind her and wrapping his hooves around her waist pulling her into a tight hug. “You’re right, I’ll talk to her in the morning.” Applejack said as she turned around and planted a kiss on Stevie’s lips. “Good night y’all.” Stevie said as he and his wife disappeared upstairs, Granny watched them go with a heavy sigh, and continued cleaning up the kitchen. The next morning in Twilight’s castle, Melody was reading her second book that Twilight had special ordered for her. The eight-year-old was sitting on one of the many velvet, plush cushions that could be found in the library, Twilight sitting next to her. “Auntie Twilight, what is autism?” Melody asked suddenly. “Well,” Twilight began. “It’s a condition that makes a pony act differently, for example they may be more sensitive to noise then other ponies would be, or they are more sensitive to touch, some autistic ponies can’t talk while others can, autism is spectrum, so there are many forms of it.” “Ok, so kind of like me? I’m also sensitive to noise sometimes.” Melody asked. Twilight chuckled at her niece’s eagerness to learn. “Not quite, you see, autistic ponies are quite a bit different from blind ponies such as yourself, some autistic ponies have special talents that no pony else has, ponies with those special talents are called Savants.” Twilight explained. “You mean like daddy?” The eight year old asked. “Yeah, except that your daddy is not autistic, even though he may have a special talent for music.” The alicorn chuckled. Melody let out a sigh as she went back to her book. “Why do you ask?” The alicorn inquired. “Mama says that my cousin Sky Dancer is autistic, auntie Rainbow moved to Vanhoover because there’s a special school, there for ponies with his condition.” Melody answered. Twilight gave an unseen nod, and flew up to one of the higher shelves of the library to get a book. “it’s true that the only school that exists for ponies with disabilities is in Vanhoover, now I don’t want to scare you or anything, but a long time ago, even before the princesses ruled over Equestria, ponies didn’t understand much about autism or any other disability, so they were put into dark and gloomy places, from which no pony ever spoke of, throughout history ponies became very violent towards ponies, who were different from them, they didn’t understand, and I feel that they never will, even after the princesses became rulers of Equestria, there were still tensions toward ponies with disabilities.” Twilight looked up from the book she had been holding. “Oh.” Melody shivered. “I don’t wanna end up like that.” “Don’t worry, all that happened a really long time ago, Now ponies are better educated in disabilities, Has anyone made fun of your eyes in school?” Twilight asked. “Yeah.” Melody answered. “That's called abysm, most likely the parents were never taught about how hurtful words can be to disabled ponies, and they never taught their children about not staring at the disabled, but you shouldn't worry about those ponies. They are just ignorant and don't know any better.” Twilight answered giving an unseen smile to the eight-year-old. “Thanks, Auntie Twilight.” The filly thanked her favorite aunt. “You’re welcome, sweetie.” Twilight replied, giving the filly a hug. “So how are you getting along with your braille reading?” Twilight asked when she let go of her niece and sat back down next to her. “It’s going good, thanks for ordering those books for me, they really helped me.” The filly smiled in the direction where she thought her aunt was sitting. “If you’ve got any more questions, you know where to find me, love you sweetheart.” Twilight said with a grin. “Love you too, Auntie Twilight.” Melody said as she hugged her. The next day, when Melody had been dropped off at school by Applejack, Cozy was waiting for her on the playground. “Hey, Melody, I got my cutie mark over the weekend.” Cozy shouted when she saw her friend walked toward her. “Cool, what is it?” Melody asked, her opaque eyes moving from side to side underneath her glasses. “It’s a..” Cozy started to say, but was interrupted by Chance laughing behind her. “Hey, now that you got your cutie mark. Why are you still hanging out with this freak?” He asked. “Because she’s my friend.” Cozy growled, defensively. “OK, but isn’t her father like retarded or something?” Chance laughed in Melody’s face. “What did you say, how dare you, I will have you know my father is a perfect angel, how dare you say something so vulgar about him?” Melody snapped, her voice growing in pitch and volume as she felt her eyes swimming with tears. “And why do you always wear those stupid glasses, freak?” Chance asked. “That’s it, you’re going down.” Melody screamed as she lunged for Chance, who cleverly stepped out of the way. As he stepped out of the way, Melody fell on her face, she could hear Chance and some other ponies laughing behind her. “What’s going on out here?” Cheerilee asked coming outside, just in time to see Melody sitting up and holding her nose, which was bleeding. “Who did this?” The teacher asked. “It was Chance, he…he called daddy retard.” Melody explained still holding her nose. Cheerilee narrowed her eyes at him, and spoke in a low voice. “Stay after class, I’m gonna have to have a talk with your parents.” Cheerilee growled as she led Melody inside and to her desk. When school was over, Cheerilee sat at her desk, Chance glaring sideways at Melody. “What’s the meaning of this?” Chance’s mother stomped into the classroom a moment later. “Spoiled Rich, please sit down.” Cheerilee said, as Applejack came into the classroom. “What happened?” The cowgirl asked, looking at Chance and Spoiled Rich out of the corner of her eye. “Mama, Chance called me a freak and said daddy was retarded.” Melody explained. “Say what?” Applejack asked leveling a stony gaze at Spoiled Rich. Spoiled Rich huffed in annoyance. “My son is a perfect angel, there was no way he could’ve said those things, Miss Cheerilee.” “Yeah, but Diamond Tiara wasn’t any better.” Applejack snapped. “Your daughter needs to be put in an asylum, she doesn’t belong in Equestria, same as her dad.” Spoiled Rich snapped. Applejack abruptly stood up and walked over to Spoiled Rich and slapped her across the face. “How dare you?” The cowgirl screeched, as she pulled melody along to the door and opened it and walked out and then slammed it behind her. Almost immediately, the tears started flowing as Applejack sat down on the ground and cried like a little child. “Mama, what’s wrong?” Melody asked, feeling her mother’s grip on her titan. Applejack didn’t immediately answer, as memories came flooding back of Apple Bloom coming home with a black eye from when Diamond Tiara had hit her. “Sugar, listen to me, next time some pony is makin’ fun ‘o yerr eyes, yerr got to tell me or Miss Cheerilee, ya hear?” Applejack said looking at her daughter with a serious look in her eyes. “Yes, mama, Ah understand.” Melody said as they started walking toward home. Once back at home, Applejack told her husband what happened to Melody at school. After a moment of awkward silence, Stevie, who had been listening spoke. “I got half of mine to go down to that school, and tell that boy how I feel.” He growled, slamming a hoof down on the table he and Applejack were sitting at. “Well, I don’t know about that I mean I don’t think he’d listen to you.” Applejack replied, putting a hoof on her husband’s shoulder. But by this point, Stevie was no longer listening to his wife as the painful memories flooded back of him arriving in Equestria and the names he got called. Freak. Doesn’t belong. Go back where you came from. Blind as a bat. Leave us alone, we don’t need you. You’re not wanted here. The fur on Stevie’s neck stood on end, as he slowly got up and made his way upstairs, once he was in his room, he let all of his emotions get the better of him as he sat down on the edge of his bed and cried. > Four years later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack sat and stared out of the train window, trying to distract herself with the blur of passing scenery. "Mom, you okay?" Melody asked, sensing something wrong. Applejack wasn't feeling fine, but she didn't want to upset Melody. She hesitated before responding. "Honestly, Ah'm not feeling fine, Melody." “"It's Dad, isn't it?" Melody frowned. Applejack let out a heavy sigh, not looking away from the window. "He'll come back eventually, won't he? The record label said four years." "You were 11 years old, Melody. There's no way you could have understood what was going on," huffed Applejack, still staring out of the window. "Mom, please stop treatin' me like a child!" complained Melody. After a pause, she continued in a quieter voice. "When dad left, I was just as hurt as you…" “Next stop, Vanhoover station.” The pony on the intercom announced. Applejack let out another heavy sigh, they were going to see Rainbow for the weekend, Rainbow’s son had graduated school and his parents were throwing him a party. “But are you excited to see Rainbow again, after so long?” Melody asked when she felt the train stop. "Yeah, Ah guess so. But it just ain't gonna be the same without Stevie," Applejack said as she helped guide her daughter out of the train Rainbow was waiting for them on the platform, her fur was starting to gray a little bit, and her multicolored mane was starting to dull out a little bit too, when she set eyes on Applejack and her niece a big smile came across her features. They found Rainbow Dash waiting on the platform. Her mane had developed a few thin streaks of gray since they last met. “Hey guys, what’s up, it’s been too long.” Rainbow said, hugging them both. “Yeah, four years, time flies.” Applejack replied with her eyes trained on the ground, not looking at her friend. “AJ, you ok?” Rainbow inquired, concerned at her friend's unusual behavior. “I’m fine.” Applejack lied. Melody just shook her head in disbelief and disappointment. “Auntie Rainbow, it’s good to see you again, how is everything goin?” Melody asked. "Awesome! Your cousin graduated just this summer!" “Yeah, so Ah heard, Ah can’t wait to see him again, last time you came to visit was four years ago at my 11th birthday party.” Melody smiled, but deep down she wished that her aunt would come more often. “Let me get those for you.” Rainbow offered, picking up Applejack's bags as she led them to her home, which happened not to be far from the station. Coming up to her house, Rainbow Dash unlocked and opened the door. The moment she did, a dark blue pegasus colt with a multi-coloured mane bolted outside, skidding to a halt in front of Melody. He looked at her, then back to his mother. A wide grin spread across his face. “Well, hey there.” Applejack began unsure of how to respond. “Hey there.” The colt repeated in a monotone voice, looking to his mother. Rainbow awkwardly cleared her throat. “His name is Sky Dancer, he’s….” She looked to her husband who had come up beside her. “Autistic.” Soren finished for her. “How come, I’ve never met him?” Melody finally asked. “Err, well, I..I..he….” Rainbow stuttered, looking at her husband for support. “Why don't you two come inside?” Soren suggested, glancing at the sky where dark clouds were beginning to form and snow began to fall gently. Applejack and Melody went inside, the orange earth pony looked around and smiled. "Mighty fine place you have here, Rainbow… uh you too Soren," Applejack commented, as she helped Melody through the front door. They found themselves immediately in the living room, an open-plan space that looked to take up over half the ground floor. The room was painted a pale gray-blue, with brightly coloured furniture dotted about. In the middle, was a rainbow rug sandwiched between two plush couches. Rainbow Dash and Soren went to sit on the yellow sofa, while Applejack and Melody clambered up onto the red one. Melody was surprised by just how soft the sofa seemed to be. "Wow! This feels really soft," she stated as she carefully prodded the furniture with her hoof, her face brightened as she felt the curves and edges of the sofa. "That's because it's made with clouds, kiddo," Rainbow Dash said. "Ah thought earth ponies weren't supposed to be able to walk on clouds.” Melody said to her aunt. "That's because it's in an enchanted fabric, to stop it from dissipating." Rainbow answered her niece. “So Rainbow, hearts warming eve is in a week, we would love it if you could join us for the annual hearts warming party at Twilight’s castle.” Applejack spoke after a long period of silence. Rainbow robbed the back of her neck with a hoof before answering. “Unfortunately we can’t come, but maybe next year.” She stuttered. “But Melody was so excited when she heard you might be joining us, Rainbow Dash, this ain’t fair, Ah can’t believe ya, why would ya do something like that?” Applejack’s eyes stung with tears as she got up and ran out of the room. “But auntie Rainbow, last time you were in Ponyville you promised you would come back for hearts warming.” Melody protested, getting up from the couch and stamping her hooves in frustration before walking after her mother. Rainbow Dash let out a heavy defeated sigh on one hoof, she didn’t wanna leave Sky Dancer, but on the other hoof, she didn’t want to disappoint her friends by not showing up. A short time later, Melody came back with a defeated look on her face and sat down in front of the couch. “Mama is real upset with ya Auntie Rainbow.” Melody sobbed, breaking down in tears. “Hey, kiddo, I’m sorry but you’re cousin can’t handle parties, his ears are really sensitive to loud noise, I really wish we could come but unfortunately we can’t.” Soren softly spoke, getting down to Melody’s level. “Ah, understand.” Melody nodded, going over to where she knew Sky was still sitting. Sky was waving his hooves in front of his eyes and making himself laugh. “Hey Sky, Ah was wonderin’ why ain’t ya comin’ to the heart’s warming party in Ponyville?” Melody asked, coming closer to her cousin. Sky Dancer briefly looked at her and then went back to his hoof flapping. “Sky, your cousin asked you a question.” Rainbow gently prompted him. “No thank you, too much noise.” Sky finally answered, looking at the floor the entire time. “Oh, is that all?” Melody questioned, putting a hoof around her cousin, Sky flinched at her touch. “Melody, sweetheart, you need to be a little careful with your cousin. He doesn't like it when ponies touch him, remember how I said he is sensitive.” Rainbow reminded her. “Oh, I understand, but why don’t you wanna go to the party?” Melody asked. “We don’t think it would be very good for him, like Rainbow said he doesn’t like loud noises.” Soren said. Melody looked dejected for a moment before smiling as she got an idea. “How about, we have a quiet party, would you like that, Sky?” Melody asked her cousin. “You like that, hmm, yes.” Sky smiled. “But where are we going to hold the party, should we have it here or in ponyville, with our friends?” Soren asked. “I hadn’t thought of that, Ah guess we should hold it in Ponyville, Aunt Pinkie can throw the party.” Melody said after a moment of thought. Right at that moment Applejack came back into the room from upstairs, her eyes still had a few remnants of tears in them. “Hey y’all, what are y’all talkin’ about?” The cowgirl asked as she sat down on the red couch. “We’re just discussing whether we should have Sky’s graduation party here or in Ponyville, what do you think, Aunt Rainbow?” Melody asked, turning in the direction where she thought Rainbow Dash was sitting. “Well, I’m not sure, we never really took Sky anywhere outside of Vanhoover.” Rainbow admitted with a sheepish grin on her face. “So, how is Stevie doing?” Soren asked, turning to Applejack. “Honestly, I don’t know, he hasn’t written.” Applejack let out a heavy sigh. Somewhere on the cold streets of Manehatten, Stevie and his band were walking back to their hotel. “That was so awesome, we should totally do that again sometime.” One of the members smiled. He was a gray pegasus stallion, with green eyes and a guitar for a cutie mark. “Yeah, sure.” Stevie dejectedly replied. “Dude, what’s wrong? I’ve never seen you this down before.” The stallion asked. “I’m fine, Smoky.” Stevie grumbled. “Are you sure?” Smoky asked, looking at Stevie in concern. Stevie rolled his eyes and nodded, he didn’t want to admit that he was missing his family. “You should be happy, after all it’s Christmas.” Smoky smiled. Arriving back at the hotel, Smokey and Stevie headed to the bar downstairs to get something to drink, whilst the other band members went to the rooms to get some much-needed sleep. Once inside the bar, Smokey looked around and found a seat at the far end of the room, the wooden floor creaked as the two stallions walked across the room. Stevie let out a heavy sigh as he flopped down onto the chair. “Smoky, I don’t know if I can do this anymore.” “What do you mean, you don’t know if you can do this anymore, are you gonna quit the band?” Smoky asked when the waiter had brought them their beers. “I don’t know, I mean being on tour and having you by my side has been the greatest time of my life, but I miss my family,” Stevie spoke after taking a sip from his beer mug. > Aunt Scootaloo comes for a visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash was standing at the stove preparing breakfast when Applejack came into the kitchen with Melody at her side. “Mornin’ Rainbow,” The cowgirl said in greeting. “Morning Aj, morning Melody, did you sleep well last night?” Rainbow asked. “Yeah, but I think Mom was having a nightmare again,” Melody answered. Ever since Stevie had gone on tour with his band, Applejack had had nightmares of him leaving her for a better life. “Oh, you want to talk about it, Aj?” Rainbow asked, flipping a pancake over in the pan that was on the stove. “No, Ah don’t,” Applejack replied, sharply before taking a seat at the table. “Is Sky up yet?” Melody asked, sensing the tension in the room. “No, he’s not up yet,” Rainbow answered, smiling at her niece. “Oh ok, I hope he gets up soon because I want to play with him,” Melody said, as she took a seat at the table. “Well, you will have all the time in the world. Oh, and Aunt Scootaloo is coming to visit,” Rainbow said. “Sky is going to be so happy to see Scootaloo again,” Soren said, coming into the kitchen. “Ah can't wait to see Scootaloo again, Ah haven't seen her since she moved out to Apple Wood,” Applejack noted. Sky, who had come downstairs quietly, sat down next to Melody. “Aunt Scootaloo is coming?” Sky asked. “Yes, she is.” Melody smiled at him, as Rainbow set a fresh plate of pancakes on the table. “But isn't she on tour with the Wonderbolts?” Applejack asked. “Scootaloo settled down in Apple Wood, she's not on tour with the Wonderbolts anymore,” Rainbow explained. “Yeah, she doesn't want to move around too much,” Soren added, putting a hoof around his wife. Then there came a knock on the door. Rainbow got up and walked to the front door when she opened it, she was greeted with an orange pegasus wearing a red leather jacket. “Scootaloo!” Rainbow grinned, hugging her. “Rainbow, I'm so happy to see you,” Scootaloo smiled as she walked into the house. “Where is Sky? Scootaloo asked. “He's in the kitchen with Applejack and Melody,” Rainbow answered. Scootaloo stood in the doorway of the kitchen. Sky’s eyes moved to the door to see Scootaloo, he got up and walked over to her. “Hey, Sky, how are you?” Scootaloo asked, keeping her distance from him. “Aunt Scootaloo, is that you?” Melody asked, coming over. “Yeah, it is,” Scootaloo confirmed. “Is Aunt Sweetie Belle coming too?” Melody asked, hopeful. “No, it's just me,” Scootaloo told her. “Well, hey Scootaloo. Ah haven't seen ya in a few years. How are things?” Applejack asked, coming over to her. “I'm doing good, and you?” Scootaloo asked. “Ah ain't doing ok, Stevie hasn't written,” Applejack admitted. “Yeah, Rainbow told me what happened, I'm sorry,” Scootaloo sympathized. Applejack let out a sigh, turning her head away so Scootaloo wouldn't see her cry. “Mom, what is wrong?” Melody asked from across the table, hearing her mom cry, getting up and coming over to her. “Oh, sugar, Ah miss him.” Applejack wept like a little filly. Melody pulled her mom close as she cried, Scootaloo walked over to Sky and sat down in front of him. Sky sat on the floor, oblivious to what was happening around him as he played with some pieces of cloud that he had found. “What you got there, huh?” Scootaloo tried to make conversation with her nephew. “Got clouds!” Sky triumphantly declared, holding up the peace of clouds. “Nice,” Scootaloo said, smiling and reaching out a hoof to touch the cloud. Noticing this, Sky began to fuss, didn’t she know that nobody but him was allowed to touch his clouds? “Enh, no,” Sky whined, starting to rock back and forth covering his ears. Scootaloo sat quietly, a sense of uncertainty clouding her thoughts, in the background. Sky's distressed noises echoed, amplifying her feelings of helplessness. Rainbow, always attentive to her son's needs, approached them with concern etched across her face. "What's the matter?" she asked gently, her voice a soothing balm in the tense atmosphere. Scootaloo hesitated before mustering the courage to speak. "I don't understand why Sky is upset, I just wanted to share in his joy." Rainbow's brow furrowed in confusion, her eyes searching for understanding. "Is that all?" Scootaloo nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of misunderstanding. Turning to Sky, Rainbow spoke softly, mindful of his sensitivities. "Sky, sweetheart," she began, her voice tender yet firm. "Can you tell me why you're upset with Aunt Scootaloo?" Sky hesitated, his hooves still covering his ears as he struggled to find the words. "Upset with Aunt Scootaloo?" he finally managed, his voice tinged with frustration as he lowered his hooves, his eyes seeking solace in the familiar faces around him. Rainbow let out a heavy sigh as she went to get her husband from the next room, a few moments later, she returned with Soren in tow. “What’s going on?” Soren asked. “Well, I tried playing with Sky, but he wouldn’t let me,” Scootaloo replied. “Sky, honey, remember what Miss Horse Apple said, you need to share, even with Aunt Scootaloo, ok?” Soren reminded his son. Sky dropped the piece of cloud he was holding and ran off to find something else to play with. “Scootaloo you need to remember that Sky is very sensitive; he might not interact with you as you expect,” Rainbow explained, seeing Scootaloo’s confused look. “Oh, I understand,” The orange Pegasus said. "Aunt Rainbow," Melody chirped as she navigated toward what she hoped was her aunt's direction, lightly feeling the floor beneath her hooves. “We are leaving for a bit to go out.” Rainbow smiled warmly, her voice carrying a gentle reassurance. "Sure thing, Melody, you and your mom go ahead. We'll have dinner waiting when you get back." "Alrighty, come on, sugar," Applejack drawled, her hoof reaching out to guide her daughter. "We're headin' out." Once they had left, Rainbow flew back into the kitchen to clean up from breakfast and to prepare lunch, with a glance at the clock. Meanwhile in Ponyville, Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, Fluttershy, Ray and Moonwalker were sitting in Twilight’s castle discussing what they should do for Stevie’s welcome home party in a few weeks. “We could have it right here in the castle,” Twilight suggested. “Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Pinkie nodded. “Oh, I can make him a nice tuxedo, I think I still have the fabric I used for his wedding,” Rarity smiled gleefully at the thought. “Can I help?” Moonwalker asked. “Oh sure, you can, darling,” Rarity smiled at him. Ray rolled his eyes at his friend. “Ya know, you sure have been over there a lot lately, Moon, Ah’m starting to think somethin’ is going on.” “Nothin’ is going on, Ray,” Moonwalker groaned, putting a hoof to his head. “Quit being so nosy.” “Oh, I just know Stevie will be so surprised, has anyone heard from Applejack?” Ray asked. “No, she’s still visiting Rainbow, but I think she said she would come back next week or something,” Twilight answered. One week later. Tears streamed down Melody's cheeks as she zipped up her bag, each movement weighted with reluctance and sorrow. Applejack entered the room just in time to witness her daughter's silent anguish, her heart sinking at the sight of Melody's glistening eyes. "What's wrong, honey?" Applejack's voice was gentle, filled with maternal concern as she approached her daughter. Melody's voice quivered as she struggled to articulate her emotions. "I... I don't know," she whispered, her hooves shuffling nervously as she reached out for her mother's embrace. Sorrow etched into every line of Applejack's face as she drew Melody close, feeling the weight of her daughter's pain. "I know you don't want to leave, sweetheart, but we have to go back to Ponyville," she murmured, her own voice heavy with regret. "Your dad... he said he was coming back." Applejack said. "He's never coming back!" Melody's words erupted with raw emotion, a storm of hurt and longing crashing against the fragile walls of her heart. Applejack's patience wavered as she reprimanded her daughter, her own grief mingling with frustration. "Melody, that's enough," she admonished, her voice tinged with sorrow. In the hallway, Rainbow Dash paused, her heart heavy with concern as she overheard the strained conversation. With a fleeting moment of hesitation, she knocked softly on the door, her voice filled with genuine worry, "Hey, is everything okay in there?" Applejack's response was strained, her attempts to conceal the family's pain faltering under Rainbow Dash's persistent concern. "Yeah, we're fine, Rainbow," she called out, her words tinged with weariness. But Rainbow Dash refused to be placated by empty reassurances, her intuition urging her to delve deeper into the truth. "Are you sure?" she pressed, her voice a gentle melody of empathy. The weight of their shared sorrow hung heavy in the air, a silent plea for understanding and solace. "Dash, I said we're fine," Applejack's words were a brittle shield, masking the vulnerability lurking beneath. With a resolve born of compassion, Rainbow Dash stepped forward, her determination unwavering. "Clearly, you're not fine," she declared softly, her voice a beacon of unwavering support. "So I'm coming in." In that moment, the barriers crumbled, revealing the depth of Melody's despair as she sat huddled on the floor, her tears a silent testament to the ache in her heart. "Hey, kiddo," Rainbow Dash's voice was a soothing balm, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears as she knelt beside her niece. "What's wrong?" And in the sanctuary of that shared embrace, amidst the tangled threads of sorrow and longing, Melody found solace in the warmth of her family's love. “Ah’m very mad that we need to go, Ah’m don’t wanna leave, Ah don’t care if dad comes back,” Melody sobbed. “Melody, how could you say that, I mean, don’t you love your dad?” Rainbow asked, taking a back by what her niece had said. “Well, Ah guess, but it’s been so long since he left, I was very hurt when he left me and mom,” Melody embraced her aunt. The bedroom enveloped them like a comforting cocoon, its walls adorned with memories captured in framed photographs. The bed, with its soft embrace of quilts and pillows, beckoned with the promise of rest and respite from the trials of the day. Sunlight filtered gently through curtains, casting a warm glow upon the worn floorboards below. Trinkets and mementos dotted shelves and dressers, each holding a story, a fragment of their shared history. In this sanctuary of emotions, the air was thick with the weight of feelings expressed and unspoken, mingling in a delicate dance of sorrow and hope. Melody walked over to the bed and threw herself upon it, then she burst into passionate sobbing. Applejack could only shake her head at her daughter's childish behavior and she walked over to her and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “Sugar, Ah understand this is hard for you, but it’s ok,” The cowgirl spoke softly. A few more minutes of coaxing and calming later, Applejack finally got Melody to stop crying, and tell her what was wrong. Why don't you tell me what's on your mind?" Applejack finally broke the silence after what seemed like ages. "Daddy isn't coming back, is he?" Melody's voice trembled with uncertainty. "Well, honestly, I'm not sure. Twilight wrote to me yesterday, saying we needed to head back to town because Stevie was coming home," Applejack replied, her tone heavy with concern. With that, mother and daughter exited the house, dragging their bags along, while Rainbow lent a hoof with the luggage as they headed to the train station. Once on the train, they found their seats and sat down, Applejack let out another heavy sigh, as she looked out the window as the scenery passed by. > The party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few weeks later: Arriving at Twilight’s castle, Applejack and Melody were greeted by the purple princess and led inside, the inside of the castle’s front room was decorated with streamers and balloons courtesy of Pinkie Pie. “Wow, Pinkie really outdid herself,” Applejack marveled at all of the decorations. “Follow me, we’ll be waiting for you in the map room,” Twilight said, smiling brightly as she walked off in the direction of the map room. Melody and Applejack followed her. Applejack continued looking at her surroundings, describing them for her daughter as they went. There was a three-tiered frosted cake that stood on a table in the middle of the room, it was yellow and red. Twilight opened the door to the map room where they were greeted by four of the bearers of the elements of harmony and Ray. “So glad you could make it,” Ray spoke, turning to them. “Uncle Ray, Ah’m happy to see you,” Melody said, as she came further into the room with a big grin on her face. “Me too,” Ray smiled, then he turned to Applejack who had come into the room as well, and whispered, “I just hope she'll be happy to see her dad again,” which earned him a grimace from the cowgirl. “Don’t you ever know when to stop?” Twilight harshly whispered when she saw Applejack’s expression. Ray just shrugged it off and continued his conversation with Rarity. “Auntie Twilight, where is Uncle Moonwalker?” Melody asked. “Oh, I am not sure,” Twilight replied with a sigh. “He’s not here, darling but he will come when he is done with what I had planned for him to do,” Rarity bubbled as she walked up to her niece. As a sudden knock echoed through the quiet halls, Twilight's attention snapped to the front door. She felt a rush of excitement, tinged with curiosity, as she wondered who could be visiting at this hour. With a gentle swirl of her magic, the heavy door creaked open, revealing the figures standing in the doorway. Stevie guided by Smoky walked through the door of the castle, Smoky guided him into a sitting position on the floor. She stood up and walked over to him, she guided him toward a chair next to his daughter. “Well, this is a nice surprise,” Rarity was the first to break the awkward silence that followed after Stevie had sat down. “Yeah, it’s nice, ain’t it, AJ?” Stevie attempted to make conversation with his wife. “Ah guess so, but it’s not like you know how that feels.” Applejack turned and gave her husband an icy glare that he couldn’t see. “Applejack, please I wasn’t gone that long.” Stevie protested. “Well, maybe y’all should’ve never come back, ya were gone for four years without even one letter, how do you think I feel!" Applejack yelled as she began to cry. To Melody, it seemed like crying was something her mother had done a lot of lately and she didn’t understand why, did something happen 4 years ago that made her father leave, why was no pony telling her anything? “Daddy, why did you leave?” Melody asked. “I was ashamed of having a daughter who is blind, like me, ok?” Stevie yelled, throwing down his glasses. Look at my eyes, do they look normal to you, NO they don’t, I never liked it in Equestria, but do you think I had a choice of coming here, no, I didn’t.” Ray went over to his friend and tried laying a hoof on his shoulder. Stevie just shrugged it off. “So, it was true what you told me all those years ago, ya still don’t love me, but ya only married me so we could have a kid together?” Applejack asked. “That’s right, I should’ve left you a long time ago,” Stevie stormed out of the room, leaving the rest of the party guests in shock. When Stevie had gone, Applejack sat down on the floor and cried. Smokey and the rest of the band members slowly filed out of the room, leaving behind a somber atmosphere. Smokey shot one last glance at Applejack before departing. "I don't understand, Mom. I thought Dad loved us," Melody's voice quivered as tears welled up in her eyes, mirroring Applejack's sobs. "Melody, honey, I know this is hard to grasp right now. Let's step away for a moment," Twilight gently intervened, guiding her niece away from the emotional scene. Confusion and sadness clouded Melody's thoughts as they walked down the hallway together. "Aunt Twilight, why did Dad leave us?" Melody's voice trembled with sorrow, her heart heavy with unanswered questions. Stopping at the end of the hallway. Twilight paused, her expression reflective as she considered her response. "I know this is difficult, Melody. Your dad's decision hurts, but sometimes we can't understand why ponies do what they do. All we can do is support each other and find our ways to heal." Meanwhile, back in the map room, Applejack was sitting on the floor with Fluttershy having wrapped a wing around her, trying to comfort her friend to the best of her ability. Pinkie looked dejected as she sat on the floor, looking around at all the destruction that was caused, the cake, that moments before stood on the table now was all over the walls, the pink pony looked like she had been crying or was ready to cry. Rarity went over to Pinkie and gently laid a hoof on her shoulder. “This is my fault, I’m a terrible party planner,” Pinkie sobbed as Rarity held her. “You shouldn’t blame yourself, in the few years I’ve known you you’ve been a great party planner,” Ray said, coming over. “Thanks, Ray I appreciate it.” The pink pony managed a smile. “How could everything go so wrong?” Applejack thought to herself as she sat on the floor with Fluttershy by her side. “Ma and Pa would be ashamed of me if they knew.” She thought. “Ah can’t believe this happened, Ah know that if Ma and Pa were still alive, they would be mighty disappointed in me,” Applejack said out loud to no pony in particular. “Oh, my dear, I'm sure that's not true," Rarity said soothingly as she trotted over, her elegant mane swaying gently with each step, leaving Pinkie and Ray to engage in their conversation. "Thank ya, Rarity," Applejack sniffled, her voice trembling slightly as she pushed herself up from the floor, her hooves shuffling nervously. "Anytime, darling. You know I'm always willing to help," Rarity replied with warmth in her voice, her azure eyes filled with genuine concern as she enveloped Applejack in a comforting hug, her soft fur offering reassurance amidst the emotional turmoil. The next day in school, Melody and Cozy were telling stories about what they did over the weekend. “We had a party, it wasn’t a pleasant one because Daddy yelled at Mommy again,” Melody said. “Oh dear, may I ask why?” Crisp, who was sitting to Melody’s right, asked. “Sure, Ah’m not quite sure why but ever since dad left mom has been real odd, but don’t ask me,” Melody explained. “So, what did ya do over the weekend?” Melody asked Crisp Canter. “Well, my parents and I went to dinner at this fancy restaurant in Canterlot,” Crisp told her. “That must’ve been a blast, ya know my Aunt Twilight is from there,” Melody excitedly bounced up and down in her seat. “Really?” Crisp asked. “She sure is.” The filly answered, smiling brightly. Ms Cheerilee walked into the classroom and stood in front of the class. “Settle down, today we’re going to do something really exciting, I asked each of you to pair up with some pony, and we will learn what it feels like for blind ponies to get around, Melody I trust you have your braille book?” Cheerilee asked. “Sure do, Ah’m real excited for today,” Melody smiled. "Hey, you um, wanna be partners?" Chance's request was tentative, his apprehension palpable. Melody offered a warm smile, turning her head in his direction. "Yeah, sure, but why the sudden kindness?" Her curiosity hung in the air. "Let’s just get this over with," Chance muttered under his breath, a flicker of reluctance evident. Melody, though sensing the sarcasm, brushed it off, attributing it to pre-obstacle course jitters. She extended a hoof towards him. "Alright, let's tackle this together." "Alright, Chance, here's the plan," Melody said, her voice brimming with determination. "I'll lead, and you follow my lead, okay?" Chance nodded, his uncertainty evident in the way he shifted his weight. "Got it." Melody and Chance took their first steps through the course together, Melody was reveling in the cheers from her classmates, she and Chance navigated through the course with ease. "Great job, Chance!" Melody encouraged her voice as a beacon of support as they progressed. Cheers erupted from the class, Melody could hear Cozy cheer the loudest out of all of her classmates.. "Well done, Melody and Chance!" Ms. Cheerilee's voice said, her voice filled with pride. "You two make an excellent team." "Thanks, Melody," Chance said, gratitude laced in his voice. "I couldn't have done it without you." Melody returned the smile, feeling a bond strengthening between them. “Maybe we can be friends?” She asked. “I don’t think so, this doesn’t mean we’re friends.” Her bully laughed and walked away. Melody sat down on the ground dejected, she thought that he could be her friend. > First night lonely > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melody walked through the door of Sweet Apple Acres after a long day at school. She made her way through the living room to the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. “Mama, are ya here?” Melody called out. “She ain't here, Ah don’t think that she’s coming back for a while,” Melody heard Big Mac’s voice come from the back door, as he came in the house. “Uncle Big Mac, Ah’m glad you’re here. I need your help, so there’s this boy who sits behind me in class. And he ain’t all that nice to me, but Ah think that he likes me,” Melody explained, as she heard her uncle sit down across from her. “Well, Ah ain’t much for romance, but Ah know that if a bully likes you, he’s usually mean to you because he doesn’t understand his feelings,” Big Mac said. “Well, yeah, but how do I get him to stop?” Melody asked. “Did he say he likes you, 'cause if he didn’t you can’t just assume that he likes you,” Big Mac asked. Melody rubbed the back of her head with a hoof, grinning sheepishly. “Well, it ain’t entirely true that he likes me.” “Ya know, that reminds me of the time your mother came to me in tears after a particularly bad argument with your dad. Ah didn’t know what to say. Ah told them that they should go to counseling,” Big Mac got up and walked to his niece’s side of the table and placed a hoof around her neck. “Now, listen if you ever get married to a nice stallion, but his friend says that the stallion doesn't love you, for pony’s sake, don’t do what your mama did. And don’t go marry him just because he said that his friend was lying, because your uncle Ray lied so that your mama and daddy could be together. But the truth is your daddy doesn’t love your Mama,” Old Granny Smith hobbled into the room. “Eeyup," Big Mac nodded in agreement, his broad chest heaving with each breath. "But I'm only 12, Granny," Melody's voice quivered with uncertainty, her young eyes wide with innocence, "why in the wide world of Equestria would I need datin' advice?" The old wooden floorboard, worn by the passage of time and countless hooves, groaned under Granny's weight as she ambled closer to Melody, her steps deliberate and measured. "Now there ain't nothin' wrong with gettin' a little datin' advice now and then," Granny's voice, weathered and wise, enveloped the room like a warm blanket on a chilly Hearth's Warming Eve. Melody shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her ears flicking back and forth in contemplation. With a gentle sigh, she rose from her perch, her hooves grazing against the wooden floor as she mulled over Granny's words. "I'm worried about Mom; she seemed upset at the party," Melody fretted. "I understand, but I don't reckon there's much we can do about it," Big Mac replied, striding over to his niece. “Just give them time, Ah know that they're gonna get over it,” Granny added. Melody’s eyes moved under her glasses as she thought about what Granny said then she walked to the door, and turned to her grandmother and Uncle, taking her glasses off, for her grandmother and Uncle to see her cry before she ran out of the front door. Inside, Granny and Big Mac looked at each other in concern. Melody hurried through town, her tears streaming down her face, though she couldn't see the curious gazes of passersby hidden behind her black glasses. She made her way to Sugarcube Corner, she was hoping that Pinkie Pie could help her. Arriving at Sugarcube Corner, she headed into the store. “Aunt Pinkie, Ah need your help,” Melody called out, sobbing behind her thick glasses. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart but Pinkie and Cheese left for the hospital, so Pinkie could have her baby,” Pumpkin Cake said, coming out from the kitchen. Pumpkin Cake and her brother Pound Cake had taken over the bakery from their parents, Pinkie moved out and she and her husband had their own place. “But maybe I can help you, what’s wrong?” Pumpkin asked, sitting down on the floor next to the 12-year-old. “Well, it all started when,” Melody began as she recounted the story about what happened at the party. “And that’s how it happened.” She finished. “Oh my, sorry. I hope your Mom and Dad can resolve their issues,” Pumpkin said when Melody had finished telling the story. “Yeah, I hope so too, but Ah’m kinda scared that dad is goin’ leave for good, Ah don’t want that to happen,” Melody started sobbing uncontrollably. “I’m sure he won’t, I know your dad and I also know he would never do that,” Pumpkin soothingly whispered. “You don’t know the half of it, he already left, then came back, what says that he ain’t gonna do it again,” Melody cried even harder. “How about some cupcakes?” Pound, who came to see what was going on, asked. Melody wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded. “Come on, I’ll show you to a table,” Melody heard Pumpkin get up. Getting up from the floor, Melody allowed herself to be guided to a table, while Pumpkin guided her. She listened to the many ponies that were in the bakery, she could hear laughter, and she could hear children begging for sweets from their parents. But two particular voices stood out to her the most, as they walked past. “Hey, look over there, there’s that blind earth pony I was telling you about from school, apparently her father is a musician or something,” One of the voices snickered, the voice was distinctly male. “Yeah, I remember you telling me about her, wow I mean look at her, what a snob.” The female voice laughed. Melody felt her eyes stinging with tears once again at the words that they spoke, but she didn’t let them or Pumpkin see her cry. “Hey, Melody, what’s wrong crybaby?” The distinctly male voice asked. “Leave me alone, Chance, and what I assume is Diamond Tiara?” Melody fumed. “So what, you do realize that your precious daddy is not coming back, right, he never wanted you, and he never even wanted to marry your mama, but he was forced to,” Diamond called, her voice laced with the same venom that Chance used every time he bullied Melody. “Don’t listen to them, they are just full of hot air,” Pumpkin said, as they reached the table. “Thanks, Pumpkin, but they are right about one thing, Daddy never did love Mommy,” Melody said, sitting down at the table. “You’re welcome, you shouldn’t worry about them, very often bullies just don’t know when to stop,” Pumpkin said softly as her brother came out of the kitchen with a tray of cupcakes. “Here are your cupcakes,” Pound said before he and his sister disappeared into the kitchen. As the cupcakes were placed in front of her Melody smiled. Applejack sat in Twilight’s castle in the throne room, explaining her troubles to Twilight who was listening attentively to her friend's rant. “And Ah don’t think that Melody is gonna forgive me,” Applejack cried, slamming her hooves on the table. “HE’S GONE, HOW DO I TELL HER THAT HER DAD IS NOT COMING BACK?” “Applejack, Melody’s a smart girl, I’m sure she’ll figure it out,” the purple princess calmly said. Twilight yawned and looked at the clock which read half past midnight. “It’s time for me to go to bed, tomorrow I have a meeting with the delegates from Western Equestria.” “Twilight, Ah miss him,” Applejack cried. “I know Aj, tell you what, I’ll let you sleep here,” Twilight replied, hugging her friend tightly. “Thank ya Twilight,” Applejack said. Applejack's heart weighed heavy as she trudged towards the guest room Twilight had so kindly prepared for her. Each step felt like a trek through treacherous terrain, navigating the tangled mess of emotions within her. "Oh, Melody, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me," she whispered inwardly, the words echoing like a mournful lament in the depths of her soul. Applejack trotted into her room and gently closed the door behind her. Taking a moment, she made her way over to the bed and settled down upon it. "Ah reckon it's time to clear my head," Applejack murmured, her voice soft yet determined. The cowgirl let out a heavy sigh as she flopped on the bed, feeling the weariness of the day settling over her. With a gentle click, she turned out the lights in her room, casting shadows that danced along the walls. Outside, in the quiet darkness of Ponyville's night, the stars twinkled softly, painting the sky with their gentle glow. > Sleepover at Aunt Fluttershy’s > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Dash home, Rainbow was getting Sky ready for going to Ponyville, she had packed his things the night before, his saddle bags were sitting at the door, and now she and her son were sitting at the kitchen table with an open social story in front of them. “Ok, so, we are going to go see Aunt Fluttershy in Ponyville,” Rainbow said as she flipped the page to a picture of Fluttershy. Sky nodded and smiled as his mother continued, explaining what they were going to do. “Then you will sleep over at Aunt Fluttershy’s house and your cousin Melody will be there,” Rainbow continued, flipping to the next page on which could be seen two pictures, one of Melody and one of Fluttershy and the sign for sleep above it. Seeing her son’s smile, Rainbow continued her explanation of what was going to happen once they got there. “After the sleepover, mommy will go to Aunt Applejack’s farm, for a talk with her, Sky cannot come with mommy,” Rainbow continued. “When mommy is gone will Sky be upset?” Sky shook his head at her question. “Won’t be upset when mommy is gone,” He said with a blank look in his eyes as he looked up at his mother. “There’s a good colt,” Rainbow said, getting up and walking around the table to her son, who was oblivious to the world around him or even to the fact that his father had come into the room moments ago and was standing in the doorway. “Have fun with Aunt Fluttershy tonight, kiddo,” Soren told his son. “Come on kid, let’s go,” Rainbow said to Sky as she walked to the front door, as her husband walked up and hugged her goodbye. “Let’s go,” Sky repeated, running up to his mother and following her out the door. Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Melody was also getting ready to go to Fluttershy’s cottage. As Applejack stepped into the room, her footsteps creaking softly against the wooden floor, she called out to her daughter, "Hey there, Melody, are you ready to head over to Aunt Fluttershy's?" Melody, sitting on her bed, perked up at the familiar sound of her mother's voice. "Hey, Mom! Yeah, I'm all set. Just need to grab my saddlebag." Applejack's warm smile was evident in her voice as she moved closer. "Well, hurry on up then. I'll be waitin' for ya downstairs." Melody nodded, her grin evident even though her mother couldn't see it. "Got it, Mom. I'll be down in a jiffy.” With that, Applejack turned to leave, her hoofsteps gradually fading away as she descended the stairs. Melody wasted no time in gathering her things, her anticipation palpable as she prepared for another day of fun with her friends in Ponyville. She knew the way around her room like the back of her hoof, so she swiftly grabbed her saddlebag and followed the sound of her mother's hoof steps down the stairs, eager for the adventures that awaited her at Fluttershy's cottage. Coming out of her room, Melody headed down the stairs, with her saddlebags on her back. Granny Smith and Big Mac were sitting in the living room, lost in conversation, they didn’t notice Applejack come down the stairs, followed by her daughter. “Sugar, y’all just have fun tonight, don’t ya worry about Dad none, ya hear?” Granny smiled when she saw Melody. Melody felt Granny's warm presence as she approached, her ears picking up the familiar sound of her hooves on the wooden floor. Granny's voice carried reassurance and affection, as always. Melody could almost feel the gentle touch of Granny's hoof on her shoulder as she spoke. Despite her blindness. Melody's other senses painted a vivid picture of the scene: the cozy atmosphere of their home, the scent of freshly baked treats, and the anticipation of an evening filled with laughter and joy. “Thank ya, Granny, Ah’ll be sure to say hi to Sky Dancer for ya,” Melody spoke embracing her grandma. “Thank you, hun,” Granny said, smiling. “You’re welcome,” Melody smiled back. “Sugar, it’s time we got goin’ ok?” Melody heard her mother’s voice from behind her. With a quick hug and a kiss from both her grandma and uncle, Melody made her way to the front door of the farmhouse, and with a glance around the home, Applejack and her daughter left and closed the door once they had gone. Granny Smith and Big Mac went back to what they were doing, Granny went back into the kitchen to check on the apple pies that she had put in the oven, and Big Mac went back out into the fields to harvest the rest of the apples and carrots. As the sun began to sat on the horizon, Fluttershy sat in her cottage, equally awaiting the arrival of her guests. Glancing out of her window, she saw a small streak of color, when it got closer, she saw that it was Rainbow Dash and Sky Dancer. As Rainbow Dash and her son came to land, Fluttershy greeted them. “You made it, now we just need to wait for Melody and AJ to get here,” The yellow Pegasus said excitedly. After Rainbow Dash and Sky got comfortable on Fluttershy’s couch, there came a knock on the door, the yellow Pegasus went to open the door and saw Applejack and Melody standing there, Fluttershy greeted them and let them inside. “Well, you kids have fun, we’ll pick you up in the mornin’ ya hear?” Applejack addressed her daughter before heading back out the door. “I better stay here just in case, I mean Sky has only been away from home once, and that was on a class field trip,” Rainbow worried. “Rainbow, I promise he will be in good hooves, you don’t have to worry,” Fluttershy calmly spoke. Rainbow got up and zoomed up into Fluttershy’s face with a look of existential dread on her face. “What if something really bad happens,” She asked, a look of realization washed over her. “Rainbow Dash, you don’t need to worry, just go have fun with Twilight and the others,” Fluttershy said, literally pushing her best friend out the door and closing it behind her. “So, Aunt Fluttershy, what are we doing tonight?” Melody asked, turning in the direction of her Aunt. “Um, I don’t know, whatever you want to do, I guess,” Fluttershy replied. "Hey Aunt Fluttershy," Melody murmured, her voice tinged with vulnerability as she settled onto the soft carpet of her aunt's living room. "I need to talk to you. It's been three months since Dad left us, and... I'm starting to think he's not coming back." Fluttershy's heart clenched at the sadness in her niece's eyes. She knelt beside Melody, wrapping her hooves around the young pony in a gentle embrace. "Oh sweetheart, I know it's hard, but try to hold on to hope. Sometimes things take time to work out." Tears glistened in Melody's eyes as she returned her aunt's hug, finding solace in the warmth of her embrace. "Thank you, Aunt Fluttershy," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and a hint of relief. Fluttershy held her niece close, silently promising to be there for her every step of the way through this difficult journey. Sky Dancer, who was sitting beside them on the couch with a bit of cloud in his mouth, hummed softly to himself, not noticing his aunt and cousin talking. Fluttershy looked over to see that her nephew had a piece of cloud in his mouth and was constantly chewing on it. “Um, Sky, sweetheart, clouds are not for eating,” Fluttershy tried to take back the cloud, only for her nephew’s eyes to fill with tears. Sky let out a high-pitched scream that could be heard all across Ponyville. “Oh no,” The yellow pegasus thought to herself as she watched her nephew scream. “What’s happening?” Melody asked, covering her ears. “I think because I told him not to eat the cloud, he is mad at me,” Fluttershy answered. “Don't eat clouds, shouldn’t do that,” Sky screamed at the top of his lungs, pounding his hooves. “Sky Dancer, that’s enough, we were supposed to have a nice quiet evening,” Fluttershy raised her voice, but didn’t yell. Almost immediately Sky quieted down except for a few hiccups the entire room went silent. Fluttershy went over to her nephew and sat down in front of him. “Sky, I’m sorry if I scared you, but I told you not to eat clouds, you can eat food but not clouds, ok?” Fluttershy gently spoke. “Eh, noise?” Sky asked. “Noise is gone now, Auntie was just frustrated because you didn’t listen,” Fluttershy spoke softly. “Yeah, Sky should listen to Aunt Fluttershy, ok?” Melody smiled when she had recovered from the shock of hearing her cousin screaming. Sky, seeing that his cousin was upset, walked over and hugged her. “Aww, thank you, Sky, I needed that,” Melody said, returning the embrace. Fluttershy looked on as the two cousins hugged, she smiled softly, going upstairs to prepare their beds. After a few moments of hugging, Sky pulled away and looked around for Fluttershy. “Aunt Fluttershy?” Melody called, sensing Sky’s discomfort. “I’m upstairs,” Fluttershy called from upstairs. When Melody and Sky went upstairs to see what was taking their aunt so long, Sky stuck to Melody like glue. “Aunt Fluttershy, where are you?” Melody asked. “I’m in the bedroom to your left,” Fluttershy responded, Hearing her aunt's voice come from the left of her, Melody turned and went into the room, Sky looked at his new surroundings in curiosity and wonder. “Come on, I’ll tuck you into bed and tell you a story,” Fluttershy softly, spoke as Melody and Sky climbed into separate beds, tucking them in, their aunt gave them each a kiss. She sat down beside the beds and started telling them a beautiful bedtime story about a faraway land and about the shaman, who lives in the Everfree Forest. “And this shaman, is she evil?” Melody asked when Fluttershy had finished her story. “No, she isn’t, she’s nice,” Fluttershy answered. “You know her?” Melody asked in surprise. “Yeah, me and your mom and our friends once crossed paths with her,” Fluttershy replied, before getting up and turning out the lights to the room and walking out the door, shutting it behind her. Melody and Sky settled in for the night and fell asleep. Somewhere deep in the Ever Free Forest, something dark and creepy was lurking in the shadows, the only thing visible were two red eyes, they were staring toward Fluttershy’s cottage. The two red eyes blinked and then retreated back into the forest, and a low growl could be heard throughout the forest. Unknown to the ponies that was sleeping in the cottage, and unknown to all of Equestria, something big and something evil was coming. > A Visit From Uncle Spike > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, the sun rose over Sweet Apple Acres, the cozy Homestead feeling very inviting to visitors. Rainbow Dash observed her friend's unease and gently asked, "AJ, is everything alright?" Applejack hesitated for a moment before grumbling, "Well, I'm feelin’ a bit worried ‘bout Melody, she ain’t home yet.” Rainbow tried to reassure her, "I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about. She's probably just running a little late." As if on cue, the front door creaked open, and Melody stepped into the living room, casting a bright smile that immediately lifted the tension in the air. Applejack looked at the clock that read 10:12, the cowgirl shook her head and walked over to her daughter. “Melody Harmony Apple, Ah thought Ah told ya to be home at a specific time,” Applejack expressed with concern, while Melody responded with a dismissive roll of her eyes. Melody grumbled and rolled her eyes as she ascended the staircase, "Uhh, why should I listen to you?” “Melody you come back here, this instant, ya hear!” Applejack shouted. Applejack looked at Rainbow for help, but she simply shrugged. Rainbow empathized with Applejack's exasperation. "I don't know what to tell you, teenagers can be really difficult," she told her. "Sky is going through this phase where he won't listen to a word I say, so I get what you're going through." "Speaking of, ain't it time for you to pick him up?" Applejack asked. "Oh, you're right," Rainbow said as she made her way to the door and then took off into the sky, leaving Applejack alone with her thoughts. Applejack let out a heavy sigh and walked upstairs, her thoughts about her failed marriage swirling in her mind like a tornado. At Fluttershy’s cottage, Sky was sitting on his bed with Fluttershy sitting next to him, trying to convince him to get up. “No!” Sky screamed, throwing his pillow and his blanket across the room. “Sky, please don’t be like this, I’m sure that Rainbow will be here any second now.” Fluttershy pleaded with him. “Don’t do that, you want to go? No, you don’t, you don’t!!” Sky who by this point was getting more and more frustrated screeched at the top of his lungs. When Rainbow got closer to the cottage, she could hear her son refusing to leave. As Rainbow touched down on the soft grass, she made her way to the old oak door of the cottage, she raised her hoof to knock but hesitated, after a few moments of contemplation, she finally knocked, after a few moments of waiting anxiously, her best friend opened the door and let her inside. “Sky is just upstairs, he’s refusing to leave,” Fluttershy looked worried. Rainbow Dash flew upstairs to Sky’s room, after a few minutes of coaxing and calming, Sky finally gave him and went with his mother. Spike flew through town, on his way to Twilight’s castle, being newly appointed as The Dragon Lord was a difficult job, so Spike was happy that he could go to Ponyville from time to time to see his friends. "Spike, it's so good to see you! How have you been?" Twilight asked with a warm smile, embracing him with her hooves. "Great, I've been teaching the dragons about ponies,” Spike explained excitedly. “Well, that’s nice, oh, by the way, before I forget Rainbow Dash and Applejack are coming over with their children,” Twilight smiled, as she and Spike went inside. “Cool, I can't wait to see Melody and Sky again!” Spike grinned. As the gentle afternoon sun filtered through the windows of the lodge and elegant throne room, Twilight and Spike were deep in conversation, though as the hours passed the purple alicorn looked at her companion with a serious look in her eyes. “Spike, I think that we need to talk about Applejack,” Twilight’s face suddenly turned serious as she looked at him. “OK, what about her?” He asked. "We must come up with a solution for Stevie to be less busy with his music. He has been away for a long time but, I'm beginning to doubt if he'll ever come back. Although he did return briefly," the purple alicorn expressed. “Yeah, but I don’t think AJ was very happy to see him, especially since he was gone for four years without so much as a letter, so I can understand that AJ was very upset about that, didn’t you tell me in our last letter that Stevie had told Applejack that he didn’t want a daughter?” Spike questioned, sipping his tea. Twilight nodded, “But I’m hoping that we can resolve that, also didn’t I tell you that Ray got his eyesight restored?” “Twilight, I haven’t been gone that long, I only became Dragon Lord four years ago,” Spike said, laughing. “So I would remember that you restored Ray’s eyesight.” “Right, sorry I keep forgetting that,” Twilight nervously laughed. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, Twilight went to see who it was and returned a short while later with Rainbow Dash and Sky. “Spike, look who’s here,” Twilight said as she led them into the throne room. “Hey, Rainbow and Sky, how have you been?” Spike asked. “We’ve been doing awesome, Sky graduated school, and now we are thinking of getting him a job here in Ponyville, but we’re not sure if we’re gonna move back here,” Rainbow admitted. Spike smiled and nodded, turning his attention to Sky with a warm expression on his face. "Well, that's nice," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation and a hint of curiosity. “That's nice,” Sky repeated, briefly glancing at the floor. Then there came another knock, Twilight teleported away to open the door to Applejack and Melody. “Mama, why did Ah have to come, Ah love Aunt Twilight but she can be so boring sometimes with her lectures about pony anatomy, Ah don’t give a hoot about it,” Melody complained when Twilight had opened the door. “Now, you listen here, watch your language, young mare, do you understand me?” Applejack scolded, before realizing that the door was open and Twilight was standing in the doorway. "Sorry you had to hear all of that," Applejack apologized to Twilight. “It’s fine,” the lavender alicorn replied. I understand how hard it is to raise a teenager.” “Yeah, I bet you do,” Spike commented as he walked over. Twilight just rolled her eyes at his comment and led the two earth ponies inside. “Uncle Spike?” Melody asked. “Yeah, that’s me, it’s good to see you again,” Spike said, embracing his niece. “I guess I’ve been doing fine, though I don’t care that Dad left!” Melody spoke harshly. “Melody, you better take that back. You used to love hangin’ out with your father," Applejack scolded sternly, her voice carrying a hint of disappointment. “Yeah, well Ah ain’t that young filly, no more, ok?” Melody screamed. Twilight watched her niece run off, then she turned to Applejack with a questioning look in her eyes. Applejack let out a sigh, “It’s been like this ever since Stevie left, Ah don’t know what to do.” “Oh, I’m sorry, maybe I can go talk with her,” Twilight offered. “Thank ya, Twilight,” Applejack replied. Twilight simply nodded. Melody ran to the only room in the castle, where she knew there would be quiet. “Melody, wait we can talk about this,” Twilight called, going after her. “No, there ain’t nothing worth talkin’ ‘bout, just leave me alone,” Melody called back over her shoulder. Twilight lit up her horn and teleported in front of her niece. “Melody, that’s enough, you need to learn that not everything revolves around you, do I make myself absolutely clear?” Twilight challenged. “No, you can’t make me, I’m not gonna listen to you, you’re not my mother!” Melody screamed, her eyes stinging with tears as she ran in the direction where she came. Twilight rolled eyes, walking up to where her niece sat on the floor, sobbing. “I’m sorry that I was hard on you, but you need to learn that even if your father is not here right now, your mother is trying her best,” Twilight spoke gently, draping a wing around her niece as Melody cried. “Aunt Twilight, it’s not just because dad left us, I’ve been having nightmares about the day I was born!” Melody confessed, as she continued to whimper. “Oh, did you tell your mom?” Twilight asked. Melody shook her head as she got up and walked to her mother, watching her go the lavender alicorn couldn’t help but smile. As Twilight watched Melody and Applejack talking, Spike came up to her. “Hey Twilight, I heard that there was a monster spotted in Ponyville last night. I think I might know where it came from, I think it might have come from somewhere in the middle of Equestria. I sent a letter to Princess Celestia, and she wrote back that she did take care of it,” Spike confirmed. “So there’s no need to worry.” Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Well, that’s good, at least now we have one less problem to deal with, but I’m worried about Melody, she told me that she’s been having nightmares from the day she was born.” “Oh, that’s not good.” Spike said, walking off to go talk with Rainbow. Twilight let out a heavy sigh as she watched him go, why couldn’t he just see that that was a bad thing. “But at least the monster is taken care of, so what is the worst that can go wrong?” Twilight asked herself, as she watched her niece and Applejack hug.