• Published 7th Feb 2024
  • 378 Views, 35 Comments

Starlight’s Dimensional Drama: A World Tour To Remember - Starlight Fan

After being banished into another dimension thanks to Cozy Glow, Starlight Glimmer is now swept in an unforgettable World Tour.

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Walk Like An Egyptian Part 1

Starlight sat in between Ezekiel and Noah as the plane began preparing for lift off. Both didn’t seem to be ready to converse but after a moment of silence, DJ finally spoke.

“Every second, we’re getting closer to adventure… and further from mama.” DJ sighed solemnly.

“Cody Emmet Jameson Anderson, I also happen to know that your birthday is April First, you’re my very own April Fool.” Sierra sighed wistfully as she leaned towards Cody at the other side of the table.

Well that wasn’t creepy at all.

Suddenly a dinging noise brought Starlight to attention and she was surprised to see Chris wearing a tuxedo and top hat, “Whenever you hear that friendly little bell. It’s musical number time. So… let’s hear it.”

“But what are we supposed to sing?” Courtney asked curiously.

“You have to make it up as you go. Wouldn’t be challenging otherwise, now, would it?” Chris smirked.


(Song begins)

“Up, up, up, up!”

Courtney, Starlight, Sierra, Lindsay, and Izzy sang together with only Courtney and Starlight smiling as they sang.

“Sing, sing, sing, sing.”

Harold, Cody, DJ, and Tyler sang along.

“We’re flying.”

The girls minus Gwen sang together.

“And singing.”

The boys minus Duncan joined the chorus.

“We’re flying and we’re singing!”

Everyone except Gwen and Duncan sang at the same time.

We then cut to Sierra pushing a drink compartment with Cody sitting on top of it.

“Come fly with us!” Sierra sang happily.

“Come fly with us!” Sierra and Cody sang in unison.

“We’ve got a lot of crazy tunes to bust, haha!” Izzy laughed as she jumped out of the luggage compartment.

“Come fly with us!” Bridgette sang as she stood on the couch of first class.

“Come fly with us!” Lindsay smiled as she stood on the first class seat.

“It’s a pleasure and an honor and a must.” Alejandro grabbed the two blondes’ hands and pulled them towards him causing them to blush and giggle into their hands much to his satisfaction.

We then see Duncan lounging on a bench and staring blankly into space.

“Dudes this is messed. You’re singing in a plane.” Duncan spoke in monotone.

“What did you expect Chris is freaking insane?” Harold sang incredulously as he swung his nun-chucks around before accidentally hitting himself in the face and stumbling backwards.

“Yeah, but guys, you’re singing in a plane.” Gwen said angrily.

“Haven’t you always wanted to,” Courtney sang happily as she danced around Gwen and Duncan before tapping away, “It can’t just be meeeeeeeee.”

“Come fly with us.” DJ began dancing around the first class bar with Leshawna who began singing along, “Come fly with us.”

The plane began shaking as Heather sat in the cockpit with Chef lazily looking through the sky.

“Do you know how to steer this thing?!” Heather asked incredulously.

“I try.” Chef shrugged.

We then see Ezekiel at the cargo hold rising from inside a suitcase while singing his own solo, “They think they can eliminate me and depart, but this stowaway’s got winning in his hearrrrrrt.”

Little did he know was that Starlight was watching this go down with a shocked look on her face.

“Come fly with us! Come die with us!” Noah sang as the camera cut to him looking through a window.

“We’re flying! I hate flying! Stop the plane!” Owen frantically freaked out before Noah shushed him.

We then see Gwen and Duncan crossing their arms as Sierra, Cody, Heather, and DJ began singing, “Come fly with us! Come sing with us!”

“No!” Gwen and Duncan denied before Chris walked over.

“You guys want a copy of the season three rule book because in order to survive instant elimination-“ Chris began showing a rule book before Bridgette took it.

“All contestants must sing in each show.” She chorused.

“Duncan do it. Let’s go.” Courtney commanded the punk.

“Gwen, sing it. Don’t go.” Cody begged the goth.

“Well, I don't wanna go home.” Gwen looked away awkwardly before gaining a determined look and awkwardly singing, “Come fly with us! Come fly with us! Come and fly with us!”

“Duncan, c’mon. Please.” Courtney begged.

“This suuuuuuuuuuuuucks.” Duncan finished.

“Yeah!” Starlight and the rest of the contestants ended off the song.

(Song Ends)

“Enough singing, fruitcakes.” Chef spoke from the intercom, “Strap yourselves in. We are now beginning our descent into Egypt.”

“Musical numbers,” Chef muttered, not realizing the intercom was still on, “worst idea ever! Chris is such an idi-“

Chris gasped in offense before Chef spoke again, “Hey! Why’s the PA light still on? Oh sh-“

“We’ll be right back.” Chris narrowed his eyes as Starlight worried for the fate of Chris’ assistant.

After a while, Starlight and the rest of the contestants finally made it to Egypt standing near a starting line where Chris was sitting on an Egyptian throne being carried by two of his interns.

"You guys ready for a little fun, huh? Wow, it's a score-ture around here, huh?" Chris said happily before saying, "I call today's challenge: Pyramid Over Under."

"An 11-hour flight, Chef's in-fly cuisine, a forced musical number, now we've got a challenge?" Leshawna said angrily.

"Don't you just love this game?" Chris asked before explaining the challenge, "Pyramid over under means you choose how you'll get to the finish line, either over or under the pyramid, got it? On your marks get set go." Chris blew the air horn.

Starlight began running with the rest of the contestants to the pyramid and decided to follow Noah, Owen, and Izzy inside the pyramid when the four of them stopped along with Ezekiel, Owen, Cody, Harold, DJ, Leshawna, Heather, and Sierra when they see there are three pathways open.

“Oh great. Our friendly neighborhood host dude failed to mention there were different paths.” Noah said in annoyance.

“Hey Sierra, which way should we go?” Heather asked in a falsely sweet tone much to Sierra’s happiness.

“Me?!” Sierra asked happily before humming in thought.

“How do we know which way is right?” Owen asked curiously.

“Yeah, it could be any of these paths.” Starlight agreed.

"I know, okay, I saw this in a spy movie once, you lick your finger and hold it up to find the airflow." Izzy said before licking her finger, "Mmm, the sand really crunches in your teeth, fun, DJ, give me your hand."

"Don't do it, DJ, you might catch a case of crazy, come on, Harold." Leshawna told DJ and Harold before DJ and Harold follow Leshawna as they walk into the middle path with Ezekiel following them for some reason.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, let's take the scary mummy door!" Izzy proclaimed as she pointed to the left path.

Noah and Owen shrugged as they went to follow Izzy. Starlight shuddered, she really hoped Izzy knew what she was doing.

To Starlight’s annoyance; the path Izzy chose was pretty dark. Not that it would’ve made a difference even if she had chosen a different path but the path was dark all the same.

Starlight tried using her horn and to Noah, Owen, and Izzy’s surprise, a dim teal light began surfacing the room much to Owen and Izzy’s awe.

“Wow! That is so cool!” Izzy said excitedly, “I thought you lost all your magic.”

“I didn’t.” Starlight admitted with a chuckle, “My magic’s been slowly coming back ever since I first came here but I don’t think I’ll be as powerful as I used to be.”

“Either way, thanks for lighting up the room. Now we just gotta find a way out of this place.” Owen smiled before the group continued walking along.

Eventually Starlight, Owen, and Noah had lost Izzy during the journey much to Owen’s dismay as he started frantically calling out her name, “Izzy!”

“Dude, she’s lost. We gotta go.” Noah told the blonde.

“Aw, poor Iz.” Owen said solemnly.

“Poor Iz?!” Noah asked incredulously, “She kept insisting we go around in circles because she ‘smelled something lucky’.”

“Oh, I think that might’ve been my fault.” Owen chuckled nervously before farting, “Airplane food.”

Starlight’s face turned green for a moment before shaking it off and turning to Noah, “You sure we should go without her? Izzy could be in danger?”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Noah reassured the unicorn as he walked ahead, “I’ve seen her participate in this show and she’s survived a whole lot worse.”

“Okay… if you say so.” Starlight gulped before sharing an awkward glance with Owen before both of them start following Noah.

After a while, the trio of oddballs finally reach the exit of the pyramid and see Ezekiel, Leshawna, DJ, Harold, Lindsay, and Bridgette on the left of the finish line while Alejandro and Tyler were standing on the opposite side of them. Tyler was currently brushing sand off of him.

“Owen, Starlight, Noah, glad you could join us. Go stand with Alejandro and Tyler, you three are on team two.” Chris smirked.

“Awesome! Hey guys!” Owen said happily as he gave a high-five to Tyler.

“Hey dude.” Tyler said happily before turning to Starlight with a smile, “Oh hey. Looks like we’re on the same team!”

“Hm, I guess so.” Starlight smiled back before turning to Alejandro.

“You’re Alejandro right? Nice to properly meet you?” Starlight held a hoof out to shake which Alejandro smirked at and shook.

“Ah, nice to meet you as well Starlight. I trust we’ll all be a great team.” Alejandro complimented.

Suddenly, Sierra came running out of the pyramid with Cody in her arms and Heather following her.

“Oh I'm so happy we found you, Heather aren't you so happy?!” Sierra said happily to both the geek and the Queen Bee.

"I'm so happy I could scream." Heather glared at Sierra as she ran.

The three of them crossed the finish line which caused Sierra to begin cheering and embracing Cody, “We did it! Group hug! Come on Heath, you too.”

Heather rolled her eyes before reluctantly smiling and joining the group hug with Sierra and Cody.

"And hugs over, Sierra, you're on team two, as for Heather and Cody you're on team three." Chris said happily as Sierra walked over and waved to her new team and Heather and Cody stood on the right side.

"In Egyptian it's-" Harold began before Chris interrupts him, "No one cares Harold."

"Where's Gwen?" Cody found himself asking, before Heather looked at him annoyed, "Not that I care, just curious."

Starlight looked at the top of the pyramid and pointed upwards, “Uh… she’s up there.” She said awkwardly as she watched Gwen and Courtney argue while being tied to Duncan.

"Oh kiiiiiids." Chris said in a sing-song voice through his megaphone towards the three argumentative teens before the music bell dings, "Remember that tune? Time for whoever’s not done yet to give a musical reprise."

"You said one song per episode!" Duncan yelled out.

"Yeah, but this is a musical reprise, so if you don't sing, you're out." Chris smirked.

"You know what no!" Duncan told Chris and he began hopping off the pyramid dragging Gwen and Courtney along with him, making Starlight cringe at the sight. "No no no no no no!”

“Three hours of these two squawking and you want me to sing?! Forget it!” Duncan yelled out furiously.

“Dude, it’s in your contract.” Chris shrugged happily.

“Eat it McLean!" Duncan screamed as he cut the rope connecting him, Gwen, and Courtney, "If you need me, I'll be on the plane waiting for a ride home, because I'm out, done, I quit!"

Gwen and Courtney gasped as Duncan walked off into the distance. Starlight wouldn’t admit it but she was also shocked. Duncan made the final four twice during his runs in Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action, so she was surprised to see him being so willing to quit.

After that, Starlight soon saw Izzy walking like a mummy while also being wrapped up like one as she walked over to the finish line and stood next to team three. She didn’t get what was going on but she wasn’t going to question it.

“Okay teams, talk amongst yourselves and determine a team name, you have three minutes, while I enjoy this ice cream cone." Chris instructs.

Starlight soon went into a huddle with Sierra and the boys, trying to come up with a team name.

“So what should we name our team?” Starlight asked curiously. As they talked, she could hear the words “Team Victory” and “Team Amazon” being chanted from teams one and three respectively. Wow, that was fast.

“I was thinking we name our team, team number one.” Tyler said.

“I’m not sure if that’s the most creative name Tyler.” Noah criticized.

“Got it!” Sierra cried out before yelling, “Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Hot.”

“What?!” The boys asked.

“Alright, best team name ever.” Chris smirked before speaking again, “Team Victory you win a stick," Chris said tossing Bridgette a stick, "As for Team Chris Is Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Hot…"

"I believe there were only four Reallys." Alejandro interrupted.

"you win a goat," Chris continued as a goat ran over and rammed Tyler making the jock fall over.

"and Team Amazon you win a camel." Chris said with a smirk as an intern walked a camel on a leash towards the newly named Team Amazon.

"So the guys who come in last get a camel and we get a stick?" Leshawna said angrily.

"All will be explained, if I feel like it, next time on , right her on Total...Drama Woooooorld Tour!" Chris said to close off the episode as Starlight wondered what advantages each team could end up gaining.

Author's Note:

Not much happened this episode but this is only an introduction episode. There will be more to come later.