• Published 7th Feb 2024
  • 378 Views, 35 Comments

Starlight’s Dimensional Drama: A World Tour To Remember - Starlight Fan

After being banished into another dimension thanks to Cozy Glow, Starlight Glimmer is now swept in an unforgettable World Tour.

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Starlight’s Discovery

Author's Note:

We are now in the Total Drama universe. This takes place before Celebrity Manhunt.

Starlight felt woozy.

That was the first thing that came to her mind when she woke up.

The last thing she remembered was that Cozy Glow had trapped her into a magical orb for days and the students came to save her and then she…

Starlight’s eyes immediately widened when she realized what happened.

She actually fell into the portal.

She then realized she was tied to some sort of chair in some sort of green and orange room much to her horror. What had she gotten herself into. She tried using magic to teleport but found she was still drained and could barely light her horn.


Suddenly, the door opened and Starlight watched as some scrawny tan skinned human boy with brown hair, wearing sunglasses and a red sweater vest walked in and sighed in relief.

“Oh good, you’re awake. For a moment I thought you were dead.” He spoke in a relieved but dry tone.

Starlight just glared at the human, she knew most humans were harmless given her adventure in Sunset’s world but considering she was tied up, she felt she had a right to be angry.

“Yeah… sorry about the binds. My bosses found you laying unconscious downtown and didn’t want to risk the chances of you attacking. Apparently you came falling from the sky in a portal and caused a huge panic and it’s not everyday you see a unicorn on Earth.” The human explained awkwardly.

Well now Starlight felt a little guilty for being so hostile, only a little though. So much for keeping a low profile in this new world.

Wait… new world.

“Oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap.” Starlight cried out in shock and horror.

“Geez, calm down.” The boy rolled his eyes, “As far as the media knows, this happened because of an experiment gone wrong in Area 51. No other portals have shown up so the panic’s died down.”

“No, you don’t understand. I’ve lost everything! I’m trapped here!” Starlight cried out hysterically as tears began flooding out of her eyes.

Suddenly the door opened up and what seemed to be a middle-aged man with black hair and a blue shirt walked in seemingly annoyed.

“Noah! I thought I told you to check up on that… thing, not scare it!” Chris said angrily.

“It’s a unicorn Chris and I didn’t do anything.” The boy known as Noah quipped angrily to the man known as Chris, “She started crying on her own.”

“Geez, what’s her deal?” Chris asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Apparently she’s trapped here. She’s obviously not from this world and has no way of getting back to her own.” Noah explained.

“Huh?” The middle-aged man hummed before putting a finger to his chin, this could easily be a problem. If this unicorn was left unchecked she could cause a whole lot of chaos.

Wait a minute… she could cause a whole lot of chaos.

Chris McLean had a very fun idea of what to do with her.

“Noah, keep the pony calm. I have to pitch an idea to Chef.” Chris said happily before leaving the room much to Noah’s annoyance.

“Oh yeah, leave my scrawny self with the emotionally volatile extraterrestrial. Great choice.” Noah muttered to himself before turning over to Starlight who was struggling to not cry. For some reason, he actually grew to feel bad for the unicorn, yeah her crying was a little annoying but if what she was saying was true, then she was really trapped in a whole new world, scared and alone without anyone to help her.

Noah couldn’t help but feel some pity.

“Look… I understand you’re going through a lot right now.” Noah sighed as he faced Starlight who looked up to see Noah’s sympathetic gaze.

“You probably had some really close friends and family back in your dimension, so I got that right?” Noah guessed.

“Yeah, that’s the basic gist of it.” Starlight sighed.

“I’m not the most emotional guy around but I understand how you feel. If I were separated from my family via dimensional rift, I’d probably lose it.” Noah admitted reluctantly before speaking again, “Look, it may be none of my business, but how did you even get stuck here?”

“Well, it’s a long and complicated story.” Starlight admitted sheepishly.

“Hey, considering what’s going on, I’ll believe anything.” Noah smirked back.

While Noah was getting to know Starlight’s past, Chris and Chef were having a discussion outside the green room about what to do with her and Chef was not pleased with Chris’ newest idea.

“What?” Chef asked incredulously, “People will lose their minds if they see her Chris. Are you out of your mind… well more than usual?”

“Oh come on Chef. The media already is aware of her existence. Either way, she’ll be a ratings gold mine if we let her on the show. A real life unicorn appearing on our show would be HUGE.” Chris smiled ecstatically before adding, “And besides, it’s not like she’s got anywhere else to go.”

“Dammit Chris, I guess you have a point.” Chef sighed before glaring sternly at his friend, “But you’re the one who has to explain this idea to the producers.”

“Dude, I’m very okay with that. Don’t need to be a drama queen about it.” Chris scoffed in mild annoyance before smiling again, who knows if it was fate that led him to this new development but Chris certainly wasn’t complaining.

Noah was kinda shocked to hear about how Starlight got stuck in their dimension to be honest.

“So let me get this straight, this evil filly tricked everyone your ‘friendship school’ and was seeking to drain the magic from your entire world and that’s how you got stuck here?” Noah asked incredulously before rubbing his head in astonishment, “Man, if you weren’t a living unicorn right in front of me I’d assume you were crazy.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much what happened.” Starlight nodded.

“Well from what you told me, your friends sound like decent people, albeit sappy as hell, what astounds me is that you befriended a princess and six heroines of all things. How’d you do that?” Noah asked curiously.

“Uh… well…” Starlight gulped, she wasn’t sure if she could share that story yet.

Suddenly, Chris McLean walked in again with a smile and spoke up, “Okay, I’ve talked with Chef and the producers and here’s what we’re going to do. Starlight, you’re gonna be with us for quite a while but we have some things to discuss. Noah, you can go now.”

“I guess I’ll have to answer that later.” Starlight smiled awkwardly before Noah shrugged.

“Whatever.” Noah said before walking off, “I did my part. See ya around Starlight.”

As Noah left the green room and roamed the hallways, he had a skeptical look on his face. Starlight seemed nice and he had no doubt he was being genuine in her story she told, but there was definitely something off about her, her reaction to his question about how she befriended the “Elements Of Harmony” proved that.

“What is she hiding?” Noah wondered.