• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,969 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

  • ...

Royal Invitation

Now released from the hospital, ​Tommy was seen carrying hefty buckets filled with ​apples over his strong shoulders. His body glistened with sweat as he placed the laden buckets onto a cart. Amidst it all, Tommy was filled with gratitude towards the farmgirl who had given him a place to stay in exchange for some assistance on the farm. Her older brother, who usually took care of these chores, was currently hospitalized due to an unfortunate ​monster attack. Tommy was more than happy to lend a helping hand during these trying times.

"Tommy!" A voice called out to him when he turned to see Applejack's little sister; Applebloom and her friends run up to him.

"Hey girls, what can I do for you today?" He asked while loading the apples onto the cart.

"Well I was kinda hoping you could show my friends that thing you always do?" Applebloom hinted with a bright smile and batted her eyelashes.

"Thing?" Tommy asked, sounding a bit confused when he realized what she meant. "Ohh that thing! sure why not? Follow me."

The ranger took the three girls to a three that had been covered in ropes with several buckets placed around it and while Applebloom seemed excited her friends were a bit confused.

"So what's all this about Applebloom?" Sweetie Belle asked while Tommy did some stretches.

"Yeah I mean it's just a tree." Said Scootaloo.

"Just watch!" Applebloom said in excitement just as Tommy took a fighting stance. After taking a deep breath, the warrior lunged forward and began pounding the tree with a barrage of strikes and kicks that shook the apples from the branches and into the buckets.


When the last apple fell, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were dumbstruck while Applebloom gave Tommy a round of applause for his display.

"Wow!" both ​Sweetie Belle and ​Scootaloo exclaimed, their eyes wide with astonishment after witnessing ​Tommy's exceptional skills. The once ordinary-looking tree now stood barren; all its lush apples neatly nestled in the buckets. Tommy, on the other hand, seemed hardly winded from the demonstration, despite the intensity.

"That was awesome, Tommy!" cheered ​Applebloom, clapping her hands in appreciation. Her admiration for Tommy's combat prowess was evident in her proud gaze.

The girls exchanged glances, their young minds processing the wisdom they had just received. Feeling a sudden surge of determination, they turned back to Tommy, eyes sparkling with resolve.

"Can you teach us, Tommy?" Sweetie Belle asked, stepping forward.

"Maybe another time girls" Tommy said carrying the buckets of apples back to the cart

"Awww!" The fillies protested as he hauled the last of the buckets back to the barn.

After finishing the day's harvest, Tommy decided to take a rest by the nearby swimming hole with a cold glass of apple juice to help him relax as he bathed in the glow of the morning sun and felt a cool breeze wash over him. The air was much cleaner than that of Angel Grove and the town was a lot less noisy but despite the peaceful atmosphere he missed the hustle and bustle of his hometown and began to miss it even more.

Tommy's eyes caught the glint of his morpher lying a little separated on the ​grassy landscape. The metallic shine brought a rush of images to his mind. An array of memorabilia whirred past his eyes as he reached out, his fingers wrapping around the device with unspoken familiarity.

The tranquil surroundings of the ​swimming hole diffused into the background as Tommy let his mind delve into the past. The serene atmosphere turned into the bustling battleground against evil, and the peaceful sounds to the clamor of the chaos that was once his life.

He recalled those dark days - the bitter taste of manipulation, and the intense struggle under ​Rita's control. Every moment of that time was etched into his memory – the feeling of being a puppet, forced to act against his instincts, against his sense of right and wrong.

He was the Green Ranger then, swathed in an aura of malevolence, used as a weapon of destruction. His strength and fighting spirit were turned sour, twisted by the venomous hold Rita had over him. It was a nightmare that felt endlessly real.

But in the heart of that nightmare came a beacon of hope – his fellow rangers. They didn't abandon him; they didn’t let him continue that path of destruction. Instead, they fought, fought for him. They pulled him from the depths of the dark abyss. They severed the puppeteer's strings, releasing Tommy from Rita's control.

It was excruciating and liberating at the same time. Feeling control return to his own hands, regret washing over him like a tidal wave, Tommy had felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and relief. They had saved him, saved him from himself, from becoming a creature he despised.

Staring at the morpher gave him strength. It was his symbol of redemption, a token of his journey from Rita's marionette to a true ​Power Ranger – his savior.

His grip tightened around the morpher, and a resolute look swept across his face. The past might've been dark, but it shaped him, grounded him, and he was ready for any challenge that lay ahead. Lying there beside the swimming hole, holding the morpher, Tommy knew he had a responsibility, a calling he had to answer – not out of manipulation, but out of his own free will. Tommy was no longer a pawn; he was a player in this game of defending peace and justice. And he was ready to play his part once again.

As ​Tommy held onto his Morpher, reminiscing about his past and embracing his new purpose as a Power Ranger, he was startled by a sudden presence behind him. He turned around, caught off guard, only to find ​Applebloom standing there with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Hey there, Tommy," Applebloom whispered, trying to stifle a giggle, "You've been lost in thought for quite a while. You wouldn't believe what happened while you were reminiscing."

Tommy arched an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "What is it, Applebloom? What's going on?"

"Well," she continued with a playful glint in her eyes, "​Twilight Sparkle, came looking for you!"

"She did?" Tommy asked, receiving a nod. "Do you know why?"

"Only that I was supposed to tell you to meet her at the Library"

Tommy made his way into the ​Golden Oaks Library, eyes scanning the room before landing on ​Twilight. She was engrossed in her task, attentively studying ​Fossil Frenzy's bones suspended in a soft purple glow of her magic, while feverishly referring to a multitude of books scattered around her. Tommy's gaze moved to a small purple dragon bustling around nearby, assisting Twilight in her fascinating endeavor.

"Twilight?" Tommy called out, causing the unicorn to shift her attention towards the ranger.

"Oh, Tommy!" Twilight replied, her voice bristling with anticipation. "There is good news. I think we may be able to get you home sooner than anticipated."

"Really?" A surge of hope welled up in Tommy's voice.

"All thanks to ​Pinkie's brilliant idea!" Twilight explained with an encouraging smile. She gestured towards the suspended bone at the center of the room. "I believe using the remains of that Bone Monster as a conduit. It could help in channeling the same magic that originally transported you here."

She turned to face Tommy, her intensity balancing on the edge of anticipation and uncertainty, "So now we just see if it works. Cross your fingers."

Tommy watched with bated breath as ​Twilight Sparkle, the gifted unicorn, started the process. Concentrating, she began to channel her magic into the bones of the ​Fossil Frenzy, which now served as the conduit for the spell. A bright glow enveloped the library as the energy accumulated, gradually forming a shimmering portal that looked strikingly similar to the entrance to the ​Angel Grove Gym.

"Fantastic, Twilight!" Tommy couldn't suppress his exhilaration, his heart pounding in his chest. "Thank you so much for this!"

Before he could take a step forward though, a sudden tremor shattered the tranquil atmosphere. The portal began to ripple and distort, flickering ominously as it struggled to hold its form. Twilight's eyes widened with alarm.

"No!" she cried out, fighting to stabilize the portal. But it was too late. With a deafening roar, a shockwave exploded from the faltering portal, the force of which sent both Tommy and Twilight sprawling onto the library floor.

The portal snapped shut, left behind was only the echo of a portal that held promise, now a vague reminiscence. They stared at the spot where the portal once stood, the silence that followed the shockwave was deafening. They had been so close, yet the unstable portal had closed, dashing their hopes of a swift return to the Angel Grove Gym.

Regaining composure, ​Twilight staggered to her hooves. A look of disappointment etched across her face, the usually bright eyes clouded with regret. Gathering her thoughts, she turned to ​Tommy, who was slowly picking himself up.

"I'm sorry, Tommy. I believed the ​Fossil Frenzy's bones would suffice, but precise interdimensional magic is... it's..." She hesitated for a moment, the words trailing off. Summoning strength in her voice, she continued, "It's unpredictable."

Glimmers of hope still danced in Tommy's eyes, shadowed with concern. He gave a nod of understanding.

"I need a stronger conduit," Twilight confessed, "Something that can withstand and harness the magical turbulence. That something is the ​Crystal."

"The Crystal from the book?" Tommy echoed, his brows furrowed.

"Yes," Twilight replied earnestly. "But procuring the right one would not be easy," she added cautiously, "They are hard to come by, especially the one I need."

"Maybe Princess Celestia could help" Spike offered

Twilight considered ​Spike's suggestion for a moment, her brows furrowed in contemplation. She realized that seeking help from ​Princess Celestia could indeed be a viable option in her quest for the right Crystal. With a small smile, she turned to Spike and nodded.

"You're right, Spike. Asking for Princess Celestia's assistance might be our best chance," Twilight acknowledged, her voice filled with gratitude for his suggestion.

Turning her attention to ​Tommy, Twilight offered him a warm smile. "While Spike sends a letter to Princess Celestia, would you like something to eat, Tommy? I have a well-stocked kitchen, and I believe it would help us gather our thoughts and recharge."

"I'd like that Twilight" Tommy said following Twilight into the kitchen

Twilight used her magic to take various items from the refrigerator, the unicorn effortlessly made two sandwiches for herself and Tommy. With that, Twilight and Tommy settled into the kitchen, ready to savor a delicious and comforting meal while they planned their next steps in their search for the elusive Crystal.

As ​Twilight and ​Tommy sat at the table, enjoying their meals, ​Spike joined them with a small bowl filled with colorful gems. The baby dragon's eyes gleamed with excitement as he prepared to dig in. However, just as he was about to take a bite, his cheeks suddenly puffed up, and an unexpected sound escaped his lips—an adorable, little burp.

"Pardon me," Spike chuckled sheepishly, a slight blush tinting his scales. But then, to everyone's surprise, two neatly rolled letters shot out from his mouth and fluttered onto the table.

Twilight and Tommy exchanged curious glances before Twilight reached out and picked up one of the letters with her magic. The letter was elegantly sealed with the royal insignia of the ​Canterlot Castle, indicating that they were from none other than ​Princess Celestia herself.

"I guess Princess Celestia wasted no time in sending a response," Twilight mused with a mix of excitement and intrigue. She carefully opened the first letter and began to read its contents aloud, her voice filled with anticipation.

"Dear ​Twilight, I am certain you are filled with the same anticipation as I am for the upcoming wedding in ​Canterlot," Twilight read, her tone steady despite the surprise.

"Wedding?" Twilight questioned, her eyebrow arched in surprise.

"I will be presiding over the ceremony, and it would please me greatly if you and your friends could help with the preparations for this remarkable occasion," Twilight read what the letter said. "​Fluttershy and her cherished songbird choir, I envision, would be perfect for creating the musical ambiance."

Spike thoughtfully observed, "Given Fluttershy's nature, she'd view this task as a great honor," while munching on his precious gemstones.

Twilight continued, "For the reception, the person I can most envisage being suited for the job is your friend ​Pinkie Pie. As for the catering, I believe no pony is more competent than your friend ​Applejack. If you could ask her to provide a sample of cake... for testing, of course."

A gleeful smirk graced Spike's features at the idea, biting into his crunchy emerald in delight.

"Rainbow Dash will have the distinct honor of performing her Sonic Rainboom when the bride and groom exchange their vows," Twilight read on.

Spike chimed again, between mouthfuls of gems, "Rainbow will be just ecstatic about that."

Tommy inquired curiously between bites, "Sonic Rainboom?"

"It's a spectacular trick Rainbow Dash is known for," Twilight elucidated.

"Rarity has been given the responsibility to design the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids," Twilight continued, the intrigue evident on her visage. "As for you, my dear Twilight, your role is the most crucial one -- ensuring everything proceeds as planned. Here's hoping to meet you all very soon. Yours, Princess Celestia."

Twilight remained engulfed in thought as she carefully examined the letter again. "I just can't wrap my head around it," she confessed.

"What appears to be the problem, Twilight?" Tommy inquired with visible concern, as he observed Spike started to read the other letter.

"Well, she wishes for me and my friends to assist with a wedding, yet fails to mention who the bride and groom are."

"Umm...Twi," Spike interjected carefully, passing over the second letter to Twilight. "I think you should have read this one first."

"Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the marriage of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and..." the revelation turned Twilight's complexion pallid. Her voice faltered as she finished the sentence out loud, "...M-My brother."

"You have a brother?" ​Tommy inquired, directing his question to ​Twilight.

"Yes, I have a brother. A brother who, mind you, neglected to inform me about his wedding," Twilight responded, a hint of frustration coloring her tone. "He could have at least sent me a letter, or better still, made an effort to personally deliver the news!"

Twilight withdrew from the table, her indignation rising. Using her magic, she animated her food as though it were a talking puppet, "Would it have been so difficult for him to simply say, 'Hey Twilight, just wanted you to know I'm making a substantial decision that'll change everything. But never mind, you'll find out when you receive the invitation.'?" Her tone was laden with sarcasm as she mimicked her brother's hypothetical communication.

"Umm Twilight you okay?" Tommy asked as she continued her rant.

"Princess 'Mi Amore Cadenza'? WHO IN THE HECK IS THAT?!?" She huffed with steam jetting out her nostrils showing just how annoyed she was before finally calming down and noticed everyone's stares.

"Sorry everyone. It's just that Shining Armor and I have shared everything with each other, he's my BBBFF!" She explained with the last part being a bit vague.

"Big Brother Best Friend Forever?"

"Ohhh!" Tommy acknowledged with a nod and then stood, making his way towards the irritated unicorn. "Twilight, I'm certain your brother must have his reasons for keeping you in the dark," he reassured her.

"Well, he'd better," Twilight retorted, simmering with frustration.

"How's about this," Spike interjected, aiming to forestall another outburst. "Why don't you go and inform the others about the wedding? Meanwhile, Tommy and I can head to Rarity's."

Before Tommy or Twilight could utter a word, Spike grabbed the human's wrist and quickly dragged him out of the library

"Soo..why are are we going to Rarity's?" Tommy asked while the little drake pulled him along.

"Rarity insisted, she said you were in desperate need of a new wardrobe and a shave." Spike said with a friendly smile as they headed to a building in the shape of a giant carousel.

"Here we are! Carousel Boutique, home of the most radiant beauty in all Equestria~." Spike swooned with little hearts floating around him as he knocked on the door.

"How old are you Spike?" ​Tommy inquired, a curious arch to his brow.

"Don't Judge," Spike responded defensively, as he and Tommy stepped into the Boutique.

"Welcome to the ​Carousel Boutique!" ​Rarity greeted with a melodious lilt, as she made her approach. "Oh, what brings you two to my establishment today?"

"​Twilight's brother is getting married..." Spike began, but was promptly cut off by Rarity.

"WHAT?!" Rarity shrieked in disbelief. "Twilight has a brother?!"

Spike managed to continue, bracing himself for the resulting echo, "And ​Princess Celestia wishes for you to undertake the task of designing the bridal and bridesmaid dresses."

"P-princess Celestia wants me to...w-wedding dress...for a Canterlot wedding I uh...I WOO!!" Rarity swooned and hit the floor with a wide smile on her face after receiving the big news before quickly regaining her composure.

"Ahem! Apologies, I got over excited. Now what can I do for you two gentlemen today?"

"Spike said you wanted to give me some new clothes." Tommy answered, reminding the fashionista of her offer to help.

"Oh yes, please follow me."

Nodding with enthusiasm, ​Rarity pulled out a tape measure from around her neck and started to take meticulous measurements. Be it ​Tommy's arms, his chest, or his waist, every inch was accounted for. She scribbled down the numbers onto her sketchbook, a thoughtful hum escaping her lips.

"Alright, Tommy," Rarity declared after finishing the measurements. "I believe we have a solid start. Now, let's get down to the details."

Rarity swiftly skimmed through a wide selection of green fabrics laid out in her workshop. She held some against the light, felt others between her hands, and finally made her choices- luxurious, soft materials showcasing several shades of green.

She then guided Tommy towards a comfortable chair, inviting him to sit while she began her work. "Now, this might take some time. Patience is the key to perfection, dear."

As Rarity began her process of transforming fabrics into art, ​Spike pulled out a sketch of a Dragonzord's emblem from his pocket. The symbol was reminiscent of the one embedded in Tommy's Dragonzord Power Coin.

"Rarity, think you could have this symbol included in one of the designs," Spike handed the sketch to Rarity.

"Marvelous!" Rarity exclaimed, her eyes marveling at the sketch. Ensuring that this symbol will land meticulously on one of the green shirts, she continued with her work, her enthusiasm blooming.

"I say Spikey Wikey, you are quite the artist."

"Spikey Wikey?" Tommy chuckled as the little drake blushed.

"Oh! I almost forgot, here ya go Tommy." Spike handed the ranger back his power coin and as one might guess, Tommy was relieved to have it in his hands again.

"I kept it safe until you got better."

"Thanks little buddy."

Author's Note:

Chapter Four is now complete. And if I'm being honest this feels more like more filler but at least we have a plan for what we're doing next. I'm so excited to write the next chapter I can't contain myself

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