• Published 6th Sep 2023
  • 1,969 Views, 114 Comments

Ranger in Equestria - Lady Umbra

​Tommy gets hit by one of Rita's spells, leaving the Rangers shocked and mourning his apparent loss. Meanwhile, Tommy wakes up in a strange land filled with talking dragons.

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"Between Worlds: Hearts Entwined and Shadows Stir"

Tommy's return to consciousness was a slow swim through a tide of disorientation. Voices, both familiar and distant, wove around him, forming an intangible choir that beckoned him back to reality. As the fog of sleep lifted, the ​Power Ranger confronted the astonishing truth: his adventures with ​Twilight Sparkle, her circle of friends, and the mystical realm of ​Equestria were the creations of a vivid slumber.

"It seems ​Rita's spell did more than I thought," Tommy conjectured, attempting to rise only to be met with a sharp jolt of pain.

"Take it easy," came Billy's concerned voice. Hands steadying him, Billy tried to coax Tommy back to a place of rest. "You've not recovered enough to be up and about."

Acknowledging the advice with a grin, Tommy's smile faltered as his gaze fell upon the figure before him. This was no ordinary recovery room attendant; it was a unicorn, hues of deep blue complimenting a short, brown mane and spectacles reminiscent of those Billy wore. Clad in a denim jacket over a dark blue tee, with khaki pants and sneakers fitting strangely upon its equine form, the unicorn was a curious sight.

“Ugh…” Tommy groaned, his head beginning to hurt. “Tw…light. Where’s…Twilight…?”

"Your Rainbow friend came by about an hour ago" The pony explained to the human. "She was relieved you were taken care of and told us to tell you that she's already awake"

In his haze, Tommy felt a bit sad that he couldn’t see Twilight soon.

“Thank you…Billy,” Tommy said, confusing the pony.

"I'm actually called Cobalt Haze," the pony gently corrected.

"Right, my apologies," Tommy said, with a hint of embarrassment. "It's just that you have the same voice as an old friend of mine."

"Seems I'm not the only one who gets that," Cobalt remarked, noting the human's comparison. "I'll make sure to inform the Doctor that you've come around."

With Cobalt's departure, Tommy was left alone with his thoughts, puzzling over the uncanny resemblance in both demeanor and voice that the pony shared with his friend Billy.

The Ranger then thought about the battle he had between him and the two villains. In all the years he’d spent as the Green Power Ranger, he never experienced a power surge like he had displayed against Scorpion and Scorpina. It was as if some unknown inner power had awakened within him and he was able to fight both of them at the same time. Tommy wondered if he would’ve actually been able to win in that fight if his friend wasn’t caught in the crossfire.

“I…I like you.”

Twilight’s words echoed in Tommy’s head, which made Tommy’s cheeks flush red with embarrassment since he reciprocated to the librarian mare’s confession by returning the same feelings in mind.

A conflict of his situation weighed heavily on him as he grappled with the thought of returning home. Duty called him back to combat the ever-looming threat of Rita's aspirations to conquer Earth, a mission that was etched into his very identity as a defender of the planet. The urgency to repair his power coin and rejoin his fellow Rangers in the ongoing struggle against evil was clear and undeniable.

Yet, his heart tugged him in a different direction. Leaving now, after such intimate emotional revelations, seemed akin to abandoning a connection that had only just begun to reveal its depth. The thought of causing Twilight any hurt was a counterbalance to the urgency of his mission, creating a conflict that was more than strategic—it was personal; it was moral. Tommy found himself at a crossroads between the call of duty and the newly discovered territory of personal affection, searching for a middle ground where the future of Earth and the integrity of his newfound bond could somehow coexist.

Tommy found himself contemplating an idea that danced on the edge of possibility. What if Twilight could join him on Earth? The spark of this thought electrified him with a mix of hope and trepidation. The mere concept of sharing his world with her, introducing her to his life as a Power Ranger, and having her by his side in the fight against Rita's forces was a fantasy that caught his breath in his chest.

However, the reality of Twilight's significance in her own world cascaded over him, dousing the flame of his wishful thinking. Twilight Sparkle wasn't just an ordinary unicorn; she was a bearer of the Elements of Harmony, and her presence within her circle was as crucial as his was to the Power Rangers. The Elements were a cornerstone of this world's defense, its own unique force against darkness, with Twilight as one of its pillars. Removing her from that equation would be akin to him abandoning his team at the hour of their greatest need. It was an act that would leave both worlds diminished, undermining the balance of protection each group offered.

The weight of this understanding settled heavily across Tommy's shoulders. His duel responsibilities—toward his own Earth and the safety of this new realm he had come to respect—forced him to confront the impossible choice between personal desire and the greater good. It was a battle of wills within himself, a testament to the responsibilities that tugged at the heart of every hero.

​Tommy's head snapped toward the entrance as the voice broke through his heavy torrent of thoughts.

"I'm glad you're awake, I was starting to get worried considering how badly hurt you were," said the voice, resonant and laced with genuine relief.

The voice was ​Jason's, or at least it sounded remarkably similar. However, reality took a twist beyond Tommy's expectations. There stood not his comrade in arms, but a dragon formidably made of red scales and white spines who wore only a pair of black pants.

Gratitude and bemusement mingled in Tommy's voice as he said, “Thanks for not leaving me to die.” His eyes widened slightly, catching the look of surprise on his rescuer's face.

“You truly do you sound Just Emerald,” observed the Dragon thoughtfully, lowering itself to Tommy’s eye level. “Name's Crimson Charge and as the former leader of the Rangers, abandoning someone in peril runs against my very principles.”

His curiosity piqued, Tommy arched an eyebrow. “Rangers?”

The Dragon nodded, a hint of nostalgia in its voice. “We were a tight-knit band of mercenaries, my comrades and I. Our missions mostly involved defending towns or safeguarding particular people in need.”

The conversation took a turn as Tommy propped himself up to engage more directly. “What led to your disbandment?” he inquired.

Adjusting its posture, the Dragon settled on a nearby stool before recounting their tale. “Our final mission tasked us with subduing a dragon menacing the peaceful residents of Angel Canyon. Infamous and exiled from the Dragon Lands, this foe was known among the locals as Repulsa, the Dragon Witch.”

As Tommy prepared to speak of the Witch's name, the room fell silent with the unexpected arrival of Twilight. She entered, pain etched on her features, maneuvering with crutches tucked beneath her arms. She summoned her inherent magic, willing a chair into existence with a simple flick of her aura. Seated now, Twilight fixed Tommy with a stare that held a story yet to be told, her eyes sharp with unspoken words.

Tommy, momentarily caught off guard, managed to stammer out her name, "Tw-Twilight?"

“We’ll give you two some privacy,” Crimson said as they all left the room.

There was a tense silence between the two as Tommy waited for the mare to at least say something.

“So…uh…you okay?” Tommy managed to ask out of sheer awkwardness.

“You almost died,” Twilight said abruptly.

Twilight's voice, clear and sharp, pierced the quietude, her statement simple yet laden with a profound emotional weight that echoed the critical nature of what had transpired. Tommy felt the significance of her words thrum in the air, a stark reminder echoing his own recent dance with danger.

"Twilight, I..." he began, his voice faltering as he attempted to articulate a response.

“Why…?” Twilight hung her head low as her ears flopped on her head. “Why did you do that?” Tommy saw a single tear leak out of her eye and fall on her lap. “You…scared me so badly. I…I thought I was going to lose you.”

"You were injured," Tommy said to the unicorn. "I had to ensure your safety"

Twilight glared at Tommy with red teary eyes and used her magic to throw a tissue box.

“You were bleeding!” Twilight shrieked and used her magic to throw a bottle of hand sanitizer. “You fought both those monsters on your own!” Next she threw a jar of swabs at the Ranger. “You had complete disregard for your own safety!”

"Twilight!" Tommy's voice cut through the stillness, arresting the unicorn's attention and rooting her in place. Gripping the sentiment with earnest gravity, he pressed on, despite his body's protest. He swung his legs over the bed, attempting to rise, but the effort proved too much and he crumbled to his knees.

"Tommy!" The urgency in Twilight's cry was palpable, a mix of concern and alarm.

As he painstakingly readjusted himself onto the hospital bed, Tommy spoke with a conviction born from a life profoundly transformed. "Since breaking free from Rita's spell, I've learned the true essence of being a Power Ranger—it’s about selflessness, about defending the innocent even at personal cost. The protection of civilians comes before our own," he explained, his voice unwavering, an oath to his vocation.

“Is that all I am to you?!” Twilight cried.

“Twilight, I-,” Tommy tried to say.

“What part of I like you didn’t understand?!” Twilight asked through her tears. “I meant it, and I still mean it! I like you! I love you! Don’t you love me back?! You said so yourself!”

"I do love you, Twilight!" Tommy declared, his voice resonating with a fervor that left no shadows of ambiguity. Twilight was visibly taken aback, her eyes wide with amazement at the heartfelt confession. "The thought of you hurt—it's excruciating. Your safety eclipses my fears, my concerns. My love for you outshines everything else!" His words, steeped in unguarded emotion, lingered in the charged silence.

Gently grasping Twilight's hand in his own, Tommy gazed earnestly into her eyes. "I can't bear the idea of you in pain," he continued, the Ranger's gaze steady and true. "You can hate me if you want, but know that my every thought was for you, and you alone."

Twilight choked on her voice as she lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Tommy’s neck and hugged him close. She cried on his shoulder as Tommy hugged her back and let her cry it out.

“You mean it?” Twilight sobbed. “You really love me too?”

"If loving you means stepping away from being a Power Ranger," Tommy began, his voice laced with candor, "Then I would give up my Power Coin without a second thought."

Twilight leaned back and leaned her forehead against Tommy’s as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

“I suppose…we’re now more than friends, right?” Twilight said after finally calming down.

“Seems like it,” Tommy said with a smile.

“I’ve never had a coltfriend before,” Twilight admitted. “Didn’t you have a marefriend back in your world?”

"Not exactly," Tommy conceded, his thoughts drifting to his teammates. "Kimberly might have had some feelings for me, but I didn't reciprocate them in the same way."

"Excuse me?" came a soft voice, interrupting their conversation. "Am I interrupting something?"

They both turned toward the entrance and were met with the sight of a mare entering the room. She carried an air of gentle professionalism, her olive-red coat contrasted by her hazelnut brown mane and tail. Adorned with a single hoop earring on her left ear, she was dressed in a nurse's uniform that modestly reached her thighs, designed with a tasteful neckline that suggested her figure without revealing too much.

"N-No ma'am" Tommy said as he and Twilight separated from each other

"I'm here to change your bandages and even applied more medicated cream for your burns" the Nurse said with a smile

“Oh, of course,” Tommy said as the nurse approached him.

“You two can keep up with your conversation, just pretend I’m not here,” the nurse said as she got to work with Tommy.

“Um…Twilight?” Tommy said.

“Yes?” Twilight said.

“Since we’re now a…couple, do you maybe wanna go on a …date?” Tommy offered sheepishly.

The nurse offered a warm smile. "That's adorable," she remarked kindly.

Twilight's face brightened at the thought, though she cast a rueful look at her cast. "I'd love that," she said, "but it seems I'll be out of commission for a bit longer."

Tommy, receiving treatment from the mare, nodded in agreement. "And our injuries seem like they'll keep us here for some time."

"Oh sweetie" The nurse let out a light, reassuring laugh. "Actually, you both should be ready to leave in two to three weeks," she informed them.

"Really?" Twilight's face lit up with excitement.

The nurse met Twilight's gaze, her expression sincere. "Would I mislead you, dear?" she said as she skillfully changed Tommy's bandages. "But this young man here," she nodded at Tommy, "will need assistance applying ointment to the burns on his back."

“I can do that!” Twilight said but shrunk away from embarrassment. “I mean, I can. Since he’s my…coltfriend.”

"You two are Adorable" the Nurse laughed as she gathered her stuff and left

“Is that what it’s called in this world?” Tommy wondered. “Boyfriend is coltfriend?”

Twilight merely nodded, a blush spreading across her cheeks at the terminology. "Yes, that's the term we use here," she explained with a sheepish smile. "You're quite the coltfriend, despite the circumstances."

“And you’re quite the marefriend,” Tommy said back and held her hand. “But I couldn’t ask for a better mare to be with.”

Lord Drakkon's contemptuous gaze fixated on the swirling maelstrom of the portal before him. The mere concept of love elicited a scornful snarl from within the confines of his helm.

"Love," Drakkon uttered, the word little more than a growl. "A pitiful crutch for the weak, the very architect of their undoing."

His rumination was cut abruptly short as Scorpina emerged, stumbling through the portal, her form a tapestry of battle scars and arrows lodged cruelly in her back.

"You've managed to crawl back, Scorpina," Drakkon observed, his voice devoid of concern for the battered warrior. "And Scorpion? Where has he fallen?"

Scorpina, laboring to catch her breath, reached forth a trembling hand. "The mine... it collapsed on us," she managed to convey, her hand clutching a gleaming crystal. "But the crystal, I secured it."

"Deliver it to Repulsa at once," Drakkon commanded, then a sudden thought struck him like a bolt—echoes of the crimson dragon's words. "I must speak Finster. We have urgent matters to discuss."

With an air of indifference, Lord Drakkon descended from his austere throne, his boot pressing down upon Scorpina as she lay injured on the ground. Her cry of agony was met with deafening silence from the tyrant who proceeded unflinchingly towards Finster’s den of creation.

“Finster, I require monsters,” Drakkon declared, asserting his presence in the lab.

Finster, visibly unnerved, responded hastily, “At once, my lord. What nature of beast shall I craft for you?”

Drakkon's response was ice. “Your ears fail you. Not one beast—I demand a two of them.”

“Understood, my lord!” Finster quaked, yet found a sliver of boldness to inquire further, “Might I know the types you wish to summon?”

Without halting his stride, Drakkon specified, “A warrior of might and a scout of stealth,” and continued on his path.

“Immediately, sir!” With renewed urgency, Finster set to work, conjuring the horrors that would soon be unleashed at Drakkon’s behest.

Before Drakkon, Finster unveiled his latest creations, led by a daunting figure towering three meters in height. This warrior emanated a presence that was both noble and formidable.

"This is Benkeimaru," Finster announced, as the mountainous creature stepped forth. Benkeimaru inclined deeply, his form of reverence befitting his feudal inspiration.

"To serve a warrior of your caliber is my honor," boomed Benkeimaru, his voice resonating like rolling thunder.

Adorned with a malevolent twist on the classical kabuto helmet, Benkeimaru's headgear sported a terrifying menpo mask that obscured his lower face. Only his eyes were visible, shining with an intimidating, otherworldly glow. Atop the helmet sat an ornate crest, pulsating with an eerie luminescence.

His torso was clad in armor akin to the ancient o-yoroi, with plates layered for both protection and aesthetic dread, crafted from an otherworldly material that shimmered, hinting at its reactive nature. His formidable pauldrons spiked skyward, etched with dynamic kanji that seemed to animate with the flow of his powerful energy.

Benkeimaru's arms were sheathed in armor designed to be both defensive and offensive. The gauntlets featured integrated energy channels, allowing for the deployment of protective barriers and the launch of potent energy strikes.

Suspended from Benkeimaru's waist, a kusazuri, reminiscent of a warrior's skirt, featured layers of flexible, jointed paneling, allowing for a graceful yet formidable silhouette. The leg armor, emulating the imposing scales of a legendary dragon, offered a balance of mobility and defense, and the greaves, adorned with fearsome claws, reinforced his combat footing.

The color scheme of Benkeimaru's armor was a study in war's gravitas: the dark iron gray evoking the unyielding nature of conflict, while deep crimson hues whispered of valor and sacrifice. Brilliant gold accents heralded his exalted rank, interspersed with flashes of neon green and cobalt, hints at the arcane power coursing through his form.

Completing this fearsome visage, Benkeimaru wielded a formidable Japanese glaive, a versatile weapon designed for engagement both at a distance and in the brutal dance of close combat.

Drakkon's gaze shifted to the second, slightly less towering being. "And who might you be?" he inquired, addressing the creature that stood at an imposing height of two meters.

With a sibilant tone, the entity replied, "Prowler."

A perfect fusion of predatory instinct and advanced stealth technology, Prowler loomed with a sleek, shadowy exoskeleton expertly treated to absorb light rather than reflect it, ideal for eluding detection. Its form was etched with patterns that mimicked digital camouflage, infused with subtle strands of iridescent fibers. These seemingly living threads danced across its form, enabling it to blend effortlessly with the urban terrain or the void of the night.

Bio-luminescent tracers streamed along Prowler's appendages, pulsating faintly as if in sync with the creature's silent heartbeat, highlighting its stealth capabilities. In the depths of concealment, these lines could vanish, as if Prowler itself was no more than a whisper in the dark.

The creature's visage was sharp and angular, a face carved for the hunt, with multifaceted eyes that shimmered with intent and afforded it a panoramic view of its surroundings. Protruding from Prowler's scalp, a set of sensor-laden tendrils acted like living radars, delicately capturing the essence of the environment.

Claws that could challenge the hardest alloys ended Prowler's limbs. They were built both for precision in sabotage and the capacity to cleave through the sturdiest materials with deft ease. Prowler moved with a spectral elegance: silent and seamless, an apparition capable of unsettling the sturdiest hearts.

An audible hum accompanied Prowler's presence, the trademark sound of its pulsating energy core that not only fueled its myriad of high-tech augmentations but also powered an almost ethereal cloaking device, rendering Prowler nearly invisible to the naked eye.

"I have tasks suited to each of your unique talents," Drakkon declared, considering the formidable duo that now knelt before him.

Drakkon directed his command toward the stealthy Prowler with a keen sense of urgency, "Scour the expanses of Equestria. Your quarry is Repulsa the Dragon Witch. Locate her and return to me posthaste."

Acknowledging the task with a succinct nod, Prowler affirmed, "Under your command, my Lord," and vanished into the portal.

A ripple of surprise touched Finster's demeanor upon hearing the witch's name. "My lord, are we to understand there is a counterpart to the notorious Rita in this realm?" he inquired, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Drakkon, ever measured, responded to the artisan of monsters, "It's a conjecture at this stage." Without further ado, he turned his attention to the mighty Benkeimaru. "And you, warrior of might and shadow," he beckoned.

Benkeimaru, eager for his decree, questioned, "Your command, my Liege?"

A sinister resolve hardened in Drakkon's tone, "Seek out Tommy Oliver. He is your target. Eradicate him." Standing tall, the armored giant acknowledged the grim directive and stepped through the portal, mission-bound.

Sinking into the ominous silence of his throne, Drakkon's attention returned to the unsuspecting figures on the horizon — a pony and his nemesis. The corners of his mouth curved upwards, a smile hidden beneath his helmet as he mused, "Patience, Tommy. The gates to Equestria will soon open to me."

Author's Note:

In a relentless turn of events, Drakkon has dispatched a pair of monsters to Equestria, giving our weary Ranger scarcely a moment's respite from his recent clash. It seems a hero's work is never done. Can respite ever find its way to our embattled champion? Stay tuned.

Now for some clarification in regards of the monsters height. 3 meters is about 9.8ft and 2 meters is 6.5ft

So only a limited few of you have managed to discover 1 of the 2 Easter Egg's I left in the Previous Chapters. Tick Tock my Lovelies, you must find it before the end of this little arc.

Your support is greatly appreciated - please leave a comment and show your appreciation by leaving a comment. With your help, Me and Valiant Charge hope to secure the number one featured spot."