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Pizza Eating Contest!

*Lan's POV*

Various folks were chatting up a storm when portals opened up, revealing a larger than normal two-tailed Mew with a colony of Mews following her.

Even a trio of alicorn-Abyssinian hybrids from the Warrior-verse arrive just as another nekomata-gryphon hybrid arrives from the Redux-verse.

I ask "Hey Maylu, what's with that colony of Mews?"

Maylu spoke "Two of them look like us."

Nashi spoke "Not to mention, two of them look like my parents."

Warrior-verse Lan spoke "Talk about weird...."

But then four blurs of red, blue, purple and orange rushed by.

Warrior-verse Danyelle and MegaMewverse Danyelle were confused.

A male calico Mew with a red tail spoke "We don't have mutants in our universe."

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "Or in my universe."

Maylu spoke "Still, we should see what’s going on."

Vince spoke "Agreed and someone oughta stop Natsu from beating up his counterparts."

“Oh man…” I facepalmed.

A male Mew with black and dusty blonde fur spoke "And here I thought MY dad was a blockhead."

Nashi spoke "Wait, you remind me of someone…"

MegaMewverse Nashi spoke "That's Ziggy, he's an idiot... Just like his father."

Nashi spoke "What the?! You’re me, but as a Mew!"

MegaMewverse Redtail spoke "My mom had to give my universe's Natsu a stern talk about things back when I was a baby."

Ziggy spoke "MOM!! Nashi called me an idiot!"

MegaMewverse Nashi scoffs "Wuss."

Nashi got a bead of sweat at that.

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "My younger brother can be an idiot at times..."

We kept moving to what was going on.

Danyelle spoke "I do recall seeing a bunch of Mew in the Warrior-verse when that universe's Twilight pulled off an ascension spell..."

That comically made me trip and slide across the ground on my face.

Redux Danyelle spoke "That's nothing compared to the one time Newlestia and my universe's Celestia both pulled a prank on Luna!"

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "That may be so but Golden Ingot was an idiot!"

Danyelle and Redux Danyelle spoke "As was Ein."

But then a Mew version of Danyelle showed up. "Hi."

Nashi spoke "But there is one thing that I can easily agree on with two of my counterparts... Gray is an icebrained stripper..."

Griege spoke "Oh yeah, Nashi? Your pops' an idiot."

Nashi, Redux Nashi, MegaMewverse Nashi and Warrior-verse Nashi growl "You take that back!!"

Griege spoke "*Readies himself* Make me, dragon-breath."

The three dragons and the Fire-Cosmic type Mew gang up on Greige and attack him.

Luke and Layla spoke "You had that one coming Greige."

"...Should we keep going?" I asked.

Patch spoke "Good idea dad."

Stella was looking up at the sky while thinking about her husband.

Danyelle asks "Still thinking about him, sweetie?"

Stella spoke "*tears in eyes* I haven't seen him in years though mom... I don't know if he's alive or not..."

Danyelle spoke "Hey, don’t give up on him."

Stella spoke "It's been 224 years mom... I don't know if he's alive now."

Danyelle spoke "*Grabs Stella by the shoulders* Stella, look at me."

Geo spoke "You're not making it any better grandma, I don't know if my dad is even alive."

But then some wind whooshed by.

A tomcat spoke "Hey Stella, long time no see."

A male cat mobian was seen.

Stella asks "Who are you?"

The tom asks "What? You really don’t remember me, Stella?"

Stella growls "My husband went missing 204 years ago, back when I was still pregnant with Geo!"

The tom asks "Say what? 204 years?! How hard was I hit in the head to knock me out for that long?"

Ziggy calls out "Talk about being dense! And it's bad enough my dad hates bugs..."

Danyelle spoke "Sounds like someone was in hyper-sleep the whole time."

Twilight asks "Don't you mean stasis?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Stella growls "But my husband was mortal..."

The tom asks "Huh? Whaddya mean, Stella?"

Geo growls "My dad was an astronaut!"

The tom spoke "Stella, I’m telling you, it’s me, Highfall the Cat."

Stella snarls "My husband's name was Kelvin!"

Danyelle spoke "*Bead of sweat* Uh, Stella? I think that is Kelvin."

Stella growls "And HOW would you know mom? You don't have your dimensional scream anymore!"

Danyelle spoke "I think Kelvin has a small bit of amnesia."

But then Highfall yelped and held his head in pain after hearing “Kelvin”.

Redux Danyelle spoke "Shadow was worse..."

Highfall spoke "My… head! Gyah!"

MegaMewverse Roll growls since she sensed dark energy inside the tomcat.

Highfall spoke "Please… Help me…"

Danyelle spoke "But how? I can't use Chaos Heal anymore and I have NO idea where Maria is."

But then a flash occurred before it faded, revealed to be Maria, having used Chaos Control.

Redux Danyelle "My universe's Maria doesn't know how to use Chaos Control."

A black furred female serval Mobian with the exact same hat and clothes as Kaban snuck up on another serval Mobian from behind.

Maria asks "Am I too late?"

Danyelle spoke "*nose twitching* He smells like hedgehog..."

Warrior-verse Danyelle used a dispel illusion spell to cause the tomcat to revert back into a black hedgehog male with blue eyes and yellow stripes.

Maria gasps "Kelvin?"

Kelvin?/Highfall? spoke "Please… help… me…!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "CHAOS HEAL!!!!"

Kelvin?/Highfall? screamed as dark ooze with star-like dots pours out of his mouth.

Geo hisses "WHAT IS THAT?"

Warrior-verse Twilight threw up.

Twilight spoke "Definitely not corruption, that’s for sure. But no sense in worrying about it now."

Twilight then blasted all of the dark ooze, destroying it as Kelvin was back to normal, but he was coughing after that ooze came out of him earlier.

Pibby spoke "Well, it felt like corruption to me though!"

An adult Emerald Glow spoke "Either way... it was gross.."

Kelvin spoke "*Pant! Pant!* Thanks, you guys… Sorry about putting you through so much trouble."

Danyelle spoke "You oughta thank Redux Danyelle, she's the one who healed you."

A teary eyed Maria hugs Kelvin.

Kelvin spoke "*hugs Maria back* I missed you too, Mom."

Geo asks "Why do I feel spiky all of a sudden?"

Kelvin spoke "Oh, right. About that…"

Anzu had thrown up since she was sick to her stomach.

Kelvin asks "What the…?"

Anzu spoke "I don't want to talk about it."

Danyelle asks "Uh… How about we check out the pizza eating contest before it starts?"

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "I'm so in the mood for curry..."

Danyelle asks "You don’t like pizza?"

We kept moving forward as Kelvin caught up with his wife and son.

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "Blame my brothers."

Danyelle giggles "Don’t I know that."

Redux Danyelle spoke "My adopted brother is just as bad when it comes to chili dogs like any other Sonic. Just don't get me started on the number of grandkids he has now!"

Danyelle asks "I’m scared to ask, but how many?"

Redux Danyelle spoke "Last time I checked, 30. I think one's a Glayveon. Oh, that's a Glaceon-Syvleon hybrid in case you didn't know."

“Really? Only 30?” I asked in surprise.

Redux Danyelle spoke "I think my universe's Jazz married an Eevee though hence the Glayveon."

MegaMewverse Danyelle spoke "My universe's Flurry tends to switch between alicorn and Glayveon forms at random times."

“Huh. Funny. Seemed like more.” I wondered.

Redux Danyelle spoke "You're one to talk! You're a freaking Alpha-class Mobian!"

We soon arrived at the contest.

MegaMewverse Lan's fur was sticky due a melted cheese prank that Ein had pulled.

MegaMewverse Lan spoke "I'm gonna KILL THAT IDIOT!!!"

“Some people never change.” I deadpanned.

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "I agree, Golden Ingot was a jerk."

“Welp, we’re here.” I said.

Nashi had dropkicked Griege into Kayla.

Danyelle asks "What’s going on?"

Nashi spoke "He made a Mew cry."

Danyelle asks "*Eyebrow raise* And why did you do that?"

Nashi giggles "Remember what happened with Estelle? She and Yuri are dating now."

Danyelle asks "Say what?"

Amy spoke "It came as a shocker for me!"

Renee spoke "Same!"

Thorax spoke "I don’t understand."

Gadget spoke "Me neither but I think we should leave things be."

Myuri was deoressed.

Danyelle asks "Another one?"

Holo spoke "It's not that Danyelle, Myuri's lonely."

Danyelle spoke "Oh geez… Guess Cadence’s work is never done."

Holo baps Danyelle on the head.

Holo spoke "You forget, Myuri and I are much older than Cadence."

Danyelle asks "Can we please at least try to stay positive?"

A voice that Danyelle hadn't heard since Shirou's arrival was heard.

A blind Pegasus mare titters "Forgetting somepony?"

Danyelle asks "Snowdrop? You're back?"

Snowdrop spoke "Immortal as well! But it didn't fix my blindness."

Danyelle gasped at that.

Snowdrop spoke "But I've been training myself to sense my surroundings from air currents."

Danyelle's tail fur fluffed up since she had remembered something.

"What?" I asked.

Danyelle asks "Hey Jotaro, wasn't there a Stand user that could read air currents?"

Jotaro spoke "Tch. You idiot, of course there was, but Pale Snake killed the user since he knew his real identity. Snowdrop isn't a stand user, she's just been training herself as a pegasus."

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "Don't call me an idiot!"

Redux Danyelle spoke "Calm down."

MegaMewverse Danyelle exclaims "What are we waiting for?!? Let's go see that contest!"

We continued moving forward to see it.

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "One thing I've always hated about newleaf was fleas..."

Redux Danyelle spoke "My universe's Zoey had fleas one time."

Danyelle: Can we not talk about fleas right now?

Zoey spoke "You're one to talk Danyelle, remember that huge tick you had at the base of your tails last spring? You had to get Blizzardstar to remove it!"

Danyelle spoke "We agreed never to speak of it again!"

Zoey spoke "I made no such promise!"

The two she cats were now in a fight cloud.

Corina spoke "Idiots will be idiots."

“Well, we’re just about at the contest.” I said.

MegaMewverse Danyelle spoke "I'm gonna stay out of that catfight."

Redux Danyelle spoke "Smart."

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "That reminds me! MeadowClan got two more immortal chakats, courtesy of Swiftrunner. Their names are Rubygaze and Mosspelt."

Redux Danyelle asks "Hmm?"

Warrior-verse Danyelle spoke "They're hir children."

Redux Danyelle asks "Really?"

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf was on edge since she had gotten a nasty vision.

Redux Danyelle groans "Ugh! What now?"

Warrior-verse Featherwhisker spoke "It was a warning..."

Redux Danyelle asks "Can’t you guys catch a break?"

Warrior-verse Featherwhisker spoke "We healers of MeadowClan are the only ones that can clearly read the signs from StarClan."

MegaMewverse Spottedleaf spoke "I also got the same warning."

Apple Butter spoke "Ah also got that same warning!"

Danyelle asks "Redux me, did your universe's Spottedleaf get the same warning?"

Redux Danyelle asks "Can we please not?"

Bluestar spoke "This warning is far more serious than a contest! Lives could be lost!"

Warrior-verse Spottedleaf spoke "I don’t wanna hear it, Bluestar!"

Bluestar growls "Good freaking grief... You have me mistaken for a different Bluestar."

Redux Spottedleaf spoke "That vision is nothing but a bad dream. It’ll never come to pass. I’ve lost too much already. I can’t lose anymore."

Redux Danyelle asks "Mind telling us what it was at least?"

Redux Spottedleaf spoke "I… I can’t."

Frostleaf spoke "You have to tell them. The future of all five universes depend on the outcome."

Redux Spottedleaf spoke "No… It’s too much. I don’t think any of us can tell them. And it doesn’t happen in years."

Mossfire spoke "You can't keep things like this bottled up long. It won't do anycreature any good."

Warrior-Verse Spottedleaf spoke "No, she’s right. It won’t happen in years, so worrying about it now won’t do us any good."

Tidefur spoke "MOM! I got a thorn in my foot!"
