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New Year's Cleansing

*Danyelle's POV*

I heard a faint ringing in my ears so I use a warp ring to get to Blitzo's house fast.


Blitzo groans "Oh great, another Extermination."

I ask "Is it that bad?"

Blitzo spoke "Exorcists from Heaven go down into hell at the end of every year and kill any demon they see."

I spoke "And since I'm not actually a demon... They might mistake me for one!"

Blitzo spoke "Yeah, so get the hell outta here if ya wanna save your ass."

I noticed that Loona was nowhere in sight.

I spoke "I'm not running away with my tails between my legs."

Blitzo asks "Look, I can find my daughter, okay?"

My right ear twitches.

I spoke "I sense that she's at Bee's place."

Blitzo spoke "Well, that’s good since that’s in the Gluttony Ring and Exorcists only target the Pride Ring."

I spoke "I should probably talk to Goddess Faust about this mess, she might be able to stop it."

Blitzo asks "Well, do you realize how crowded Hell’s been getting?"

I spoke "I was in fucking limbo for 200 years so no, I don't know."

Blitzo spoke "That’s why this is happening."

I spoke "And it's just as bad over in the Warrior-verse and Redux-verse too, so I heard from the Danyelles of those two universes."

Blitzo spoke "Let’s just get moving already!"

I spoke "Right!"

I hid with Blitzo since I was in hellcat form and I didn't want to be caught.

Then the clock tower rang as Exorcists appeared.

I kept my voice to a whisper since I didn't know if the exorcists had keen hearing or not.

I whisper "But why do they do this every year?"

Blitzo whispers "I told ya before, Hell’s getting crowded, meaning overpopulated."

I whisper "I think it's total bullshit..."

My eyes shimmer since my Latios was being chased by one of the exorcists but as much as I wanted to help him out, I couldn't.

A voice that I knew well spoke "RIOR LADNAH!!!"

A giant clock tower suddenly erupted from underground with a familiar friend on it. “You know, I have had quite enough of these Exorcists.”

It was Bayonetta! I mean, Cereza! But when a part of the tower opened up, revealing a bell, the bell rang, causing all of time to stop before gatling guns popped out of the tower and fired at the exorcist before the bullets froze in time. Then the bell stopped ringing as time flowed again, causing the exorcist chasing Latios to be shot down, and there wasn’t a stray bullet.

I spoke "Good timing Cereza!"

Cereza spoke "I may not be a demon, but killing angels are my specialty."

I spoke "I may be a cat Mobini right now but I'm not that kind of girl to give up!"

All of a sudden, a sword that worked the same way that Inuyasha's sword worked had appeared in my hands.

I gasp "What the heck is this?"

But then I started feeling stronger.

I spoke "FLARE SCAR!!!"

I slam the blade down the exact same way Inuyasha would with his Wind Scar attack as several Exorcists catch on fire.

I then smirked. “Aw hell yeah!”

Latios spoke "Ios. {Seems that sword was forged from one of Toga's fangs but it can only work for you Danyelle.}"

“Right, better make the most of it.” I nodded.

My left ear twitches before I dodge an attack.

I spoke "I wonder what else this sword can do!"

Cereza asks "Why not go all out and give it a whirl?"

I spoke "Hmm, I might need to name the sword before I can fully make it my own... I got it! Hisaiga! It means Fire-Crushing Fang in Japanese."

A voice spoke "Hey! That’s like my sword!"

Inuyasha showed up.

I spoke "But mine's more attuned to my element though which is fire. And Faust damn it Inuyasha, you can't be wandering around freely or those things will kill you since you are half demon!"

What I had just said shocked Blitzo.

Inuyasha scoffs "Come on, you think I’d miss out on the action?"

I spoke "Don't make me get Kagome."

Inuyasha froze in fear since he knew how scary Kagome can get when pissed.

Blitzo kept quiet while covering his mouth, muffling his snickers.

I snicker "You think that's funny? I pulled a prank on Sesshomaru one time but I pinned the blame on Ein."

Blitzo found it harder to keep his laughter muffled, despite trying to hide.

I spoke "Since these robo-bastards are holy aligned, let's give 'em some Chaos!"

I launch a Chaos Scar at the exorcists, shredding dozens of them!

“Nice!” I smirked.

Inuyasha spoke "They're worse than Naraku!"

I spoke "And Pucci..."

But then I shook myself out of it as I kept fighting.

Latios fired a demonic Luster Purge at one of the exorcists.

Cereza then brought out Color My World before firing at exorcists.

I spoke "Let's get dangerous!"

A puff of blue smoke appeared. “I am the terror that flaps in the night! I am the little imp who will tear your machine apart! I am Darkwing Duck!”

I saw a costumed anthro duck, but I saw through that. “Really, Rei?”

The duck then transformed back into Rei. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Sludge Bomb!”

Rei threw a giant ball of purple slime at a group of Exorcists before it exploded, and it was super effective.

A Mew pops out of one of the pokeballs I had on hand before using Psychic to throw the Exorcists about.

Rei spoke "If ya ask me, these Exorcists are like fairy/ghost dual-types."

I spoke "And since I'm not a Pokemon, I can only use fire attacks."

Rei asks "Doesn't attacking physically with your sword count as a steel-type attack?"

I spoke "Steel-Fire actually."

Rei asks "Yeah. Shall we continue this party?"

I spoke "Yeah!!"

After the exorcists were driven off, I hear the sound of fireworks.

Blitzo spoke "Welp, that's Charlie tellin' the Pride Ring it's okay to come out."

Then I noticed the clock tower's counter now being 365 days.

I spoke "Guess someone forgot to tell her about February 29th..."

“Ya mean leap day?” Rei whispered to me.

I whisper "Yeah since it only happens once every 4 years."

“Uh-huh.” Rei nodded.

My right ear twitches since I heard wings flapping but they weren't my wings.

“Huh?” I wondered.

Latios spoke "Ios! {That's Lucifer himself!}"

A voice asks "What was that all about, I wonder?"

A demon landed before his wings withdrew into him.

Latios spoke "Ios. {Lucifer, this catgirl came to help us out when those damned exorcists attacked.}"

Lucifer sighs "Adam still insists on doing this to keep Hell’s population under control, huh?"

I spoke "I swear... That guy's as stubborn as Gajeel... If not more..."

Lucifer spoke "He’s also a bit crazy, thinking I was planning to build a demon army and take over where I fell from."

I laugh "I swear that guy's got a fifty foot pole shoved up his ass!"

Lucifer chuckles "Heh, maybe longer than that."

I spoke "I heard the countdown clock and came to warn Blitz about the cleansing."

Lucifer spoke "Guess not all demons noticed the clock tower’s counter being zero."

Latios spoke "Ios. {Not many would understand what the crap I'm saying since I was once a normal Pokemon.}"

I spoke "Many folks call me Alpha-Queen or Nekomata of Redemption."

Lucifer spoke "…Somehow, I see you getting along with my daughter quite well."

I spoke "I got the Nekomata of Redemption title since I had reformed Gilda early on. I understood her on an emotional level since I knew what it was like to lose contact with a friend. I also helped Moondancer and Starlight out as well."

Lucifer sighs "Listen, the Sinners down here had their chance in life, but they got their punishment, that being sent down here. Not like you can undo what’s already been done."

I spoke "If I can reform someone like Belladonna, then it should be easy to reform them."

I whistle loud in a tone only Belladonna could hear before the devil dog showed up.

Belladonna gasps "What is it? Wha?! Lucifer?!"

I snicker since I had totally embarrassed Belladonna.

Belladonna asks "What’s going on?"

I was laughing too much to even talk.

Lucifer asks "How’s Firebrand?"

That made Belladonna blush more.

I was soon yowling in laughter.

I soon calmed down.

I spoke "I should get going now."

Lucifer spoke "Very well."

I spoke "Oh and Lucifer, you should let your daughter know that leap years are a thing since they only happen once every four years."

Lucifer spoke "Ah, thank you for the heads up."

I spoke "No problem, I'll have a word with Goddess Faust about those exorcists the next time I see her. She and Annabelle are the ones that truly rule over heaven. And take care of my Latios since I know he's unable to pass on to heaven."

After hugging Latios, I head through the warp ring back to Maretime Bay.
