• Published 14th May 2023
  • 4,999 Views, 1,432 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 46

The fire happily crackled away in the middle of the small clearing just next to the lakeshore. The moons shone among the shimmering stars above, making the calm lake look like liquid silver when it hit it just right.

After today, using my dark and evil devil powers of looking tired and like my side ached to convince everypony that we should take a nap was rather easy. Mostly because I was tired and my side had hurt.

This was Midnight's first time in Sanctuary and she had a million questions. Luckily, mostly those Twilight had already asked which allowed Sparks to fill her in for me.

"Corrupting the pure Princesses, huh?" I asked Celestia quietly with a smirk as I looked up at her from my spot more or less wedged in between her and Luna with Sunset, Twilight and Midnight facing us across the fire, "Hiding so much of your personal life from your ponies? Bad Princess."

Celestia raised an eyebrow at me as she smiled, "The power of good public relations, Page."

"And the fact that you hide it when you find somepony you love has nothing to do with it?" Luna asked and looked at her with an eyebrow raised as well, "When was the last time the public knew you were married? Or had a lover, sister?"

Sunshine smiled and her wing resting on my back fluffed up slightly, "That would be... oh It has been a while since I had a public marriage," she admitted with a small fond smile, "That would be Silver Dream."

Luna looked at her in amusement, "Silver Dream, unicorn, lithe with white coat and platinum mane?"

Celestia nodded.

"I knew Silver Dream," Luna told me, "She lived fifty years before my exile."

"More has been known by the castle staff since," Celestia said in protest, "And by some other ponies. I don't sneak around in the dead of night and hide it. I just don't... announce it from the rooftops. It's better for everypony involved. They can have some semblance of normal life and I get to keep at least part of mine private."

"I'm not sure anything can be fully private anymore," Midnight pointed out from across the fire, "If an alicorn does something, everypony pays attention. Usually front page news."

I nodded, "Which is one reason why I made this place," I said and leaned against Luna's side, "Somewhere we can be away from such things, somewhere for just us, our families, our friends. It's not done yet, I need to keep adding new animals and plants, but it is good enough to be used."

Sunset stretched at the other side of the fireplace, looking at me, "Would it have killed you to add some buildings?"

I smiled at her, "Why? The weather, at least in this valley, is pleasantly warm. It may rain, but even that's not cold, especially at this time of the year. We don't need protection from the elements, we don't need to store food or hide from predators. Even the fire we have going is mostly because it's cozy."

Sunset frowned, "Rain might not be cold, wingboy, but it's still wet. I don't like being rained on."

I shrugged my wings beneath Celestias, "So do like ponies do. Build something. I made a place to allow us to just be normal ponies for a bit."

"I believe I still remember how to make a tent," Celestia said thoughtfully before looking at Luna with a small smile, "It has been a while though."

Luna nodded, "It has. And I'm not sure the plants we wove the canvas from even exist here."

"Not sure what you used," I said, "But I did make sure there are trees that have bark that can be used for something similar."

It was a pretty brilliant idea in my opinion. If you removed it from the tree, you could split the bark into thinner pieces, flexible and pretty similar to leather in material.

Celestia raised an eyebrow at me and I smiled, "What, I knew there were ponies that wanted to build once they got here just to have something familiar that wasn't just a forest. Just because I'm not providing anything already built doesn't mean I will stop anypony from building for themselves."

"So if we want a house..." Sparks said, "We have to build it here?"

"How are you with a hammer?" I asked her with a smile.

"Not the best," she admitted, "But Applejack is pretty good. Could I invite her?"

I smiled at her, "You can invite anypony you like, Sparks. In fact, inviting your friends is one of the things this place is for. I'm sure Fluttershy would love to see the rest more often even if there isn't a lot of schedule overlap."

Sparks got up and rounded the fire, "Luna, scoot over," she said and slipped in between us. Luna smiled and did so, allowing Sparks to cuddle close, kissing my cheek, "Thank you.”

Smiling, I pulled her closer and gave her a real kiss, causing Sunset to laugh and Midnight to look away.

Finally Sparks got comfortable, resting her head against my neck, watching the fire.

"You did good, I think," Celestia whispered into my ear.

I smiled at her before resting my head against Sparks mane. Sunset got up from next to Midnight and settled down next to Luna instead who put her wing around the unicorn.

We stayed like that, just watching the fire for a long time before I spoke up, "We should do something."

"And that's me leaving," Midnight said, getting up.

"Not that," I said and rolled my eyes. Well, maybe that. But not now.

"Actually," Sunset said leaning a bit forward to look at me from across Luna, "I kinda want to explore this place more. You put a lot of thought into it."

"I do like world building," I agreed, ignoring the fact that most were fairly normal animals with glowing bits on them, "And I may have hidden secrets away for ponies to find."

"What do you say, Twi? Wanna come?"

Sparks looked torn for a second, hesitating before she nodded, "Sure," she finally said and pushed herself onto her hooves, "Midnight?"

Midnight nodded, "Sounds fun," she agreed with a smile before she frowned, "We have been here for a while though, we should wake up pretty soon."

"Another hour should be fine," Celestia told her reassuringly, "I think everypony here needs some time to relax."

"And we get as much rest being here as sleeping normally," I said with a smile.

Midnight nodded, "Well, in that case," she said with a smile, looking around, "How about those hills over there?"

"Race you there!" Sunset said and disappeared in a flash of teleport. Two identical flashes later and Sparks and Midnight were gone as well.

I looked at the spots they had been in before settling down again, "Maybe I should disable teleportation magic," I mused, "Makes things too easy."

I did put in some puzzles that would make it way too easy too. Hmm, maybe I should. Or maybe just in those areas. Oh, a mineral that stopped teleportation in an area around it, that could work!

"You say that, but what if you need to go somewhere quickly?" Luna asked, looking amused, "And I thought you tried to keep this realistic."

"Realistic just means internally consistent," I said, "not a copy of the real world."

Celestia slowly stood up, wings stretched before she glanced back over her shoulder, "I for one find that lake interesting. I think I will go for a swim. It's been... so long since I bathed in a lake."

With that, she pulled back and vaded into the cool water until it reached halfway up her barrel.

"You know, I always thought she looked a bit like a swan when she did that," Luna confided with a whisper in my ear, "I never had the heart to tell her. One of the propaganda things one of our early enemies used was to depict her as a swan with a carrot on its head. She still does not like swans."

I suppressed a smile as I watched. A bit like a swan. But with her mane and tail glittering against the silvery water in the light of the moons, I thought she looked more like a sunrise.

"Let's join her, My Page," Luna said and got up, "It has been a while since I bathed in a lake as well."

That really did sound like a nice idea. In fact, that might be the best idea ever suggested in the history of ideas.

Perfect to get my mind off the speeches I held in Canterlot after the trial. I thought I was going a bit heavy on the acceptance and the importance of mental health, but Celestia thought it was good, so what do I know.

But now, I just wanted to put it all out of my mind.