• Published 14th May 2023
  • 4,998 Views, 1,432 Comments

Eclipse - Hiver

Page is stuck. He never wanted to be a Prince. Ponies plot against him. Mostly for his own good.

  • ...

Chapter 36

The doors to the outside were open to the night. A slight wind from the outside brought the scent of flowers into the room.

The moon shone outside among the sparkling stars.

Luna smiled, glancing over at me before looking smug and going back to reading the paper before her in the light of her lamp.

I grumbled slightly and shifted slightly to get more comfortable, Celestia's wing tightening across my back, “Ignore her,” she said softly against my ear, “They will all be smug for a while.”

“I’m just glad it will be a while before I run into Cadance next,” I admitted quietly, ”Hopefully she'll have most of it out of her system by then.”

Celestia looked amused, “Lucky me, she’s coming to Canterlot next month.”

I grinned up at her, “Oh look, I’m leaving in a few days. Suddenly it’s not looking too bad.”

“Bat!” Celestia laughed and bumped her nose against mine, “Luna, your husband is being mean!”

“Don’t pull me into this,” Luna answered with a grin, “Now he’s your problem too, sister.”

I looked between them before sticking my tongue out at them in turn. Then I settled back down, rolling onto my back with a small sigh, “...Leaving in another couple of day,” I said as I got myself comfortable.

“Are you certain you can’t stay longer?” Celestia asked softly, looking down into my eyes.

“...I have been away long enough as is,” I admitted with a sigh, “But I wish I could.”

Celestia nodded, “We do still have Sanctuary,” she admitted, “We can move our lessons there. Twilight and Sunset can join us too when they wish.”

“That sounds nice,” I admitted, running my hoof along her wing, “But I’m not sure they can handle our lessons.”


I smiled at her, “Mmm. You know, in case we get ideas for some practical demonstrations. There are some subjects we haven’t covered fully yet.”

“Is that so?” Sunshine asked with a small smile, “Is there any in particular you have in mind? I’m sure we can work them in.”

“Maybe I can,” I said, looking up into her eyes with a small grin, “If you think you can handle them.”

Celestia raised her wings in display, spreading her feathers, “I believe I may be able to do so. I may have some ideas for lessons already.”

“Really?” I teased, “that was fast. Or had you thought about them before?”

“Some… but the lessons may be pretty hard. Do you think you can deal with it?”

“As long as you can. Will there be an exam?” I asked with a smile up at her, “Is there a reward if I pass?”

Celestia smiled, her nose touching mine as she looked into my eyes, “I think we can work something out.”

“Oh for buck sake!” Luna groaned, “And I thought you two were bad before!”

I grinned as Celestia laughed and pulled back to smile at her,

“Luna, put those papers away and join us. Those can wait until tomorrow night,” she said with a smile.

Luna put the paper down and slipped off her chair, “I wanted to give you two some room.”

“Buck that, I want my Luna,” I said with a smile before I frowned and rolled onto my stomach, looking around, “But I’m not sure we all fit on the cou-yelp!”

To my surprise, I found myself pulled up by my tail, hanging from Luna's magic as she trotted towards the bedroom, floating me behind her.

“I can walk you know,” I complained as I pulled my legs to myself and wrapped my wings around myself.

“But this seems so much faster,“ Celestia teased and walked along behind me.

“So it is,” Luna agreed with a smile before she looked at Celestia, “Are you sure, sister, that you do not want to have time alone with Page? Your relationship is new and they are leaving soon.”

Celestia smiled, “Is it really?”

“Oh no, spending the evening spending time with the most beautiful mares in Equestria, oh woe is me.”

“Well, in this way in any case,” Luna answered, ignoring me as she turned to Celestia, “Things are different now.”

Celestia shook her head, “Luna, we have had the same husband before.”

Luna smiled, “I’m well aware, sister. But it is different this time which is part of why you were being dumb. For one thing, we actually like this one and it’s not simply politics.”

“I don’t know,” Celestia admitted, “I seem to remember him growing on both of us in the end.”

“...Admittedly, he did turn into a nice pony,” Luna admitted, “But I never loved him. Not like this.”

“Neither did I,” Celestia said softly and then gave Luna a hug, “Which is why I worried.”

“Was dumb, you mean,” Luna teased her.

“...Excuse me,” I said, “Please don’t drop me.”

“Don’t worry, I have you exactly where I want you,” Luna said with a grin over Celestia's shoulder.

“Oh, I think I can come up with some better places,” Celestia said and let go of the hug to smirk at me.

“Now when you mention it, so can I,” Luna agreed with a soft laugh.

Oh dear.

Celestia suddenly grinned and leaned in, “Do you remember-” she said, starting to whisper into Luna's ear.

Luna blinked and looked thoughtful before she nodded, “I believe I do,” she finally said before she looked at Celestia with a smile, “Oh, that’s a good idea, sister.”

Suddenly I felt very worried.

Luna set me back down on the floor, “Stay,” she said and entered the bedroom. Celestia smirked at me before following.

I rolled onto my hooves at the door closed.


Very worried indeed.

I waited, spending the time running my magic through my mane and brushing my coat down. The door opened once more and I swallowed, gasping at the sight.

Luna exited the bedroom, but she looked…

.,..She looked like she was made from the night sky, filled with stars. It wasn’t just on the surface, it was like a part of the galaxy, depth and all. Stars shimmered through her. Luna looked like a part of the night sky having come alive.

Celestia followed her out and I had to avert my eyes. She shone like before, wings glowing and white coat shining. She lit up the previously dim room like a sunrise, her light shimmering through the dark of Luna’s night sky, her light making Lunas nebula shine..

I think I have goosebumps.

“I do believe he likes it,” Celestia teased as she walked up next to me, and I felt her magic settle my day goggles across my eyes and tighten around the back of my head.

“So he does,” Luna agreed and approached, nosing at my ear, “This was an excellent idea, sister.”

“Buck likes it,” I breathed, looking between them in awe, “I feel like starting a religion.”

Luna laughed softly and gave me a soft kiss, “Which is one of the reasons why we stopped doing this. But I think that perhaps we can at times show them to you.”

“Perhaps you more than me,” Celestia pointed out, her glowing wing settling across my back like a sunbeam, “Mine can actually hurt him.”

“I can echolocate, I don’t need eyes,” I pointed out most reasonably. At least I felt it was.

Even with the day goggles on I couldn’t look directly at Celestia's wings for very long and I had to look away, her eyes and horns blazing among her shining mane. Which caused me to gaze up at Luna. Which wasn’t exactly a downgrade. The sunlight was glowing through her now no longer flowing mane, making it glow and shimmer like a nebula.

Luna laughed and gave me a small kiss, “My silly Page.”

I moved against her in turn. It was like kissing the universe and it made my wings tingle. Celestia moved to brush a glowing wing along my back and lowered her muzzle to my ear, giving the tip a lick which sent a shiver along my spine all the way to the tip of my tail.

None of us got any real rest that night.