• Published 23rd Jan 2023
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My Little Pony: Dark Star - WestRail642fan

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Chapter #20: Forgotten

Chapter Twenty.

"YOU BROKE MY NOSE!" The smaller pegasus screamed like a banshee as she stumbled backwards, tripping over and landing on her flanks.

"Pipp! I'm so sorry!" Zipp shouted, quickly jumping onto her hooves.

"Don't touch me!" Pipp sobbed, her voice now sounding like she had a cold. Izzy and Sunny pushed past Zipp, quickly attending to Pipp.

"Um, gotta go your majesty!" Zoom said, quickly hanging up on the Queen.

"I-I-I..." Zipp stammered, before looking down at the hoof that caused this, blood staining the white fur around it. "I'm so sorry..." She whispered.

"Save it, would ya?!" Izzy snapped at Zipp, the pegasi's ears falling flat against her head. Izzy quickly turned her attention back to Pipp.

"Izzy... I..." Zipp tried to reason with the unicorn but Izzy just ignored her, she returned her gaze back to her hooves.

Hitch approached Zipp "Zipp? I know you did not mean to hit Pipp." He said, trying to reassure the pegasus, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

Zipp backed away from everyone, "I-I can't..." She stuttered, quickly spreading her wings and taking off with such speed that the air crackled like thunder.

"Zipp!" Hitch shouted, trying his best to run after her from the ground but to no avail.

"Leave her to me, Sheriff." Zoom spoke, quickly removing all her armour and taking off after Zipp.

Hitch sat down on the dirt, watching helplessly as Zipp became a white dot in the distance.

"Hitch? Are you ok?" Dazzle Feather calmly asked, sitting down next to the earth pony.

"No, Dazzle..." He signed, "I am not. First, Pipp runs away in the middle of the night with a human, and now we find out that the two were... very intimate last night." He paused, "I feel like I'm out of my depth. I'm the Sheriff, I'm supposed to keep everypony safe, and I can't even do that right!" He shouted into the sky in frustration.

Dazzle placed her wing over Hitch to comfort him, "Well, if it makes you feel better, we aren't in Maretime Bay, you aren't the sheriff here. So loosen up a little." She playfully punched Hitch on the shoulder.

"Oww..." Pipp flinched. Despite using her magic, Izzy wasn't gentle with the cotton swabs.

"Sorry, Pipp..." Izzy winced as she continued to apply the cotton swab to remove the blood and attend to the wounds.

"Sorry my sister had to go full-on beast mode, she was just really concerned for my safety." Pipp tried to sniffle, only making the pain worse as she started to regret her actions, looking at the ground as Sunny cuddled her.

"Pipp, you should have thought about your actions. Now you left your older sister physically and mentally broken and don’t forget your mom who’s worried sick about you too." Sunny spoke softly, nuzzling Pipp's cheek.

"But I talked to my mother the night before..." Pipp reached under her wing and pulled out her phone, relieved to find it hadn't been broken in the fight, quickly opened the call and practically shoved the screen in Sunny's face, "See, me and mom talked for nearly an hour in a video call. She was supposed to tell you all in the morning..." Pipp showed Sunny the call log, timestamped at 2 am yesterday morning.

"Zipp didn't tell us anything about it then if your mom did call her." Izzy blurted out as she used up the last of the cotton swabs, Pipp's nose finally stopped bleeding, but her eyes were already turning purple from bruising, "That's the best I could do I'm afraid with the limited supplies we have." Izzy spoke glumly as she tossed the last swab away in a plastic bag.

"I believe you should go and apologise to Zipp, please Pipp? At least do that for your sister." Sunny said. While holding Pipp close and giving her a reassuring hug.

"But why should I apologise to her? I'm a grown mare, I can make my own decisions." Pipp tried to stand up, but nearly stumbled, still too dizzy.

"Even if you're a grown mare, Zipp's still your older sister and she’s worried for you." Sunny added, raising her eyebrow.

"Ok ok, I get it." Pipp finally stood up, hooves still wobbly, "But I'll have to wait until she comes back, no way I'm flying in this state." She groaned, her head felt like it was splitting open.

"Thank you for doing the right thing Pipp…" Sunny smiled as she hugged Pipp tightly.

"Yeah yeah... But first, I need to get this blood off me..." Pipp groaned, looking down at her chest fluff, stained with blood, "My trailer still has enough freshwater in the tank for a shower." Pipp gestured to the blood all over her face and chest.

"I'll come with you Pipp, i brought some extra soap if you need them." Izzy smiled, "I need to wash my hooves anyway." She looked down at the dried blood that covered her fur.

Zipp flew as fast as she could, the cold wind blowing against her face. Tears practically froze her cheeks due to how high up she was flying. Still broken over the fact her sister and unicorn friend lashed out at her. Zipp came to a stop near a very tall oak tree, she gently landed on one of the thicker branches.

"I'm sorry Father, I failed to protect Pipp. I broke my promise." She sobbed into her hooves, her ears twitching as the wind rustled the leaves near her.

"Zipp!" She heard Zoom's voice call out in the distance.

"Shit..." Zipp said, quickly wiping the tears from her eyes as Zoom quickly found her, the older pegasus gently hovering above the branch, H-hey Zoom..." Zipp said, trying to put on a brave face.

"You were crying, weren't you?" Zoom asked, gently touching down on the branch.

"Wha? No, I wasn't!" Zipp scrunched her face up as Zoom pulled out a makeup mirror and pointed it at Zipp, showing her how bloodshot her eyes were, "Oh..." She frowned, "Okay fine you got me I was crying alright please do not tell Pipp this!" Zipp begged, practically shaking Zoom.

"Your secret is safe with me. I saw nothing." Zoom spoke, before doing a zipping motion across her mouth, "Now." Zoom added, wrapping a wing around Zipp, bringing her closer, "What's got my little marshmallow so upset." She smirked as she felt Zipp's skin heat up with embarrassment.

Zipp blushed hard, remembering the nickname Zoom had given her when she was 4 years old, all due to her fur being fluffier than other foals her age, "Zoom... Not that nickname again." She placed her hoofs on her face to cover her blush.

"Well, you gonna tell me?" Zoom gave Zipp a toothy grin, "Or am I gonna have to tickle it out of you?" She added.

"Yo-you wouldn't dare." Zipp looked at Zoom, glaring at the older pegasus.

"Oh." Zoom flared out her wings, "I would." Without warning, she tackled Zipp, tickling her with her feathers.

"Ok! Ok! I yield!" Zipp screamed between fits of laughter, "Okay, I give up, I surrender HAHAhahaha, just stop!" Zipp begged Zoom, the pair freezing as the branch buckled down a few inches.

"Uh..." Zoom and Zipp said in unison as the branch cracked some more. The pair took to the sky like a pair of startled pigeons as it broke free, tumbling to the ground, crashing through more branches on the way down. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Come on, Marshmallow, let's go back to the others." Zoom flicked her head in the direction she and Zipp had come from.

"I-I-I'm not going back. Everyone will hate me." Zipp looked down, gently gliding to the ground.

Zoom followed and glided down next to her, "What? No. No one will hate you." Zoom turned to Zipp, placing both hooves on her shoulders, "Look, what happened back there with Pipp, it was an accident. I know you wouldn't break her nose on purpose." Zoom added, "I looked after you for many years from the day you were a tiny foal to the mare standing before me and I know you would not hurt your younger sister physically. Now, come on." She sat down, patting the ground next to herself, "Tell old Auntie Zoomy what's wrong."

"What? N-nothing's wrong." Zipp said, shifting her eyes left to right in quick succession.

"Really?" Zoom raised her eyebrow, "Because, since we arrested Opaline, you've been off. Not your normal, happy-go-lucky self." She wrapped her wing over Zipp's back, "Now, what's really wrong?"

Zipp let out a deep sigh, "Dad's anniversary was on the same day we defeated Opaline, and I had completely forgotten. I was too focused on finding Sparky that I didn't even light the memorial candle I had Izzy make for me. I feel like I insulted his memory by forgetting him." Zipp began to cry again.

Zoom’s ears dropped as soon as she heard Zipp begin to cry once more, "Zipp. I'm pretty sure, given the circumstances that your dad would forgive you for forgetting it. It's within Zephyr's nature to focus more on saving someone than on a day." She hugged Zipp tightly with her wings, "Your dad would want you to stay strong for your sister and your mother." She added whilst rubbing Zipp's back gently.

"T-thanks Zoom..." Zipp sniffled, wiping a tear from her eye with a feather.

Zoom continued to hug Zipp with her wing and rub her back, "It's ok to let it all out. Bottling up your emotions isn't healthy. I once heard a legend of a unicorn that did that and her bottled-up anger nearly destroyed a town." She added.

"You're referring to Starlight Glimmer aren't you?" Zipp tilted her head. "She was one of the most powerful unicorns back in the ancient days of Equestria." She added.

"Eh?" Zoom shrugged, "The story I was told never named the unicorn, so maybe?" She added, looking at Zipp's disappointed face, "Hey now, history was your father's thing, not mine. I'm no history nerd!" She continued, Zipp let out a soft giggle.

"Zoom..." Zipp looked down at her hooves, "Could you give me a piggyback ride back to the others, like you used to do when I was a foal?..." She asked, her cheeks flushing a light red.

"Sure thing Marshmallow!" Zoom smiled, scooping Zipp up onto her back with little effort before breaking out into a sprint.

"Whoa!" Zipp let out, wrapping her hooves around Zoom's neck as the blue pegasus started to flap her wings.

"Hang on." Zoom giggled as she left the ground, soaring above the treetops.

"So..." Izzy spoke, holding her hooves under some warm water, "You and the human, eh?" She looked smugly at Pipp as the pink pegasus stood in the hot shower, gently scrubbing away the dried blood from her nose.

"His name is David." Pipp said, placing down the sponge she was using, she turned towards her unicorn friend, "But yes, Izzy. We did have sex ok?" She sighed, saying it out loud made her realise how weird it was to everyone else. She, a princess, had sex with someone who wasn't a pony. Sure, he's royal technically, but now it just felt wrong to her, but also so so right, "And before you ask, no, I don't regret it." Pipp pointed a bottle of shampoo at Izzy before squeezing out more of the slimy liquid onto her sponge.

"Hey." Izzy shrugged, "Your love life is none of my business." She continued, turning off the faucet, "But I will admit. I didn't exactly expect you to be the romantic one."

"Hey!" Pipp shouted, voice cracking, "What's that meant to mean?" She added, scrunching up her face.

"I mean, whenever you're not performing on stage or streaming, you're always at Mane Melody. I just didn't think you'd have the time for a love life." Izzy smiled nervously, "No offence." She added.

"That... Makes sense I guess..." Pipp frowned, turning off the shower, "Look Izzy. I don't want to fight about what happened last night." Pipp sighed as she began to dry herself off.

"It's ok, I understand." Izzy smiled, assisting Pipp in getting dry. The pair stopped when they heard shouting from outside.

"Is that? Sprout?" Pipp asked, leaning towards the window.

"Oh no..." Izzy frowned, peeking through the curtains.

"Sprout! Stop it!" Sunny begged her cousin, watching the red stallion approaching David, who looked to be in a state of shock from the fight earlier.

"You! Human. How dare you steal property from my mother's business!" Sprout shouted, before smacking David across the face.

"Sprout!" Hitch shouted, "Did you not hear a word of what I said days ago. Your mom dropped the charges!"

"I don't care, Sheriff." Sprout glared at David as he fell to his side, rubbing his cheek, "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this." Sprout chucked, as he went in for a second hit, he found his leg stuck in the air, "Hey! What gives?"

"Don't you fucking dare!" Pipp shouted, pinning Sprout's leg in the air. She gritted her teeth as she punched Sprout in the face, making the stallion stumble backwards.

"Whoa..." Izzy said from the trailer door, "Nice punch, Pipp..." She spoke under her breath.

"I say you deserved that." Sunny frowned at Sprout as he rubbed his cheek.

"You ok?" Pipp asked David, kneeling down next to him, nuzzling his cheek lovingly. She glared at Sprout who quickly scurried away back to the safety of the Sprouticus.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, besides a bruise on the face." David said in a calm tone, "I can understand him being angry at stealing that tanker..." He rubbed the sore spot on his face.

"My my. It really is you, Mr Wyne." Opaline spoke calmly, stepping out from the Sprouticus.

"Opaline?" David asked, puzzled. Pipp's eyes shrank.

"Opaline?!" Pipp shouted, instinctually placing herself between the alicorn and the human, "Wait... David? Do you know her?!" Pipp's vision snapped to him as he slowly stood up.

"Yes, well sort of. She's one of Shooting Star's best friends." He shrugged, "I'll be honest though, I never really interacted with her much." He added, Opaline nodded, "But, it's nice to see a familiar face," He hugged Opaline tightly, "Even if it has changed." He looked down at her tattered wings.

"The guy's a lunatic." Dazzle whispered to Hitch, the pair watching as David hugged Opaline without fear.

"Hey, guys..." Zipp's voice called out as she hopped off Zoom's back as they landed in the clearing, "Whoa, what did I miss?" She asked, looking around, on one side of the clearing, Sunny was giving Sprout what sounded like a good tongue lashing and David and Opaline were in a hug while Pipp looked both angry and shocked, "Yeah... Totally missed a lot." Zipp added as she walked towards Sunny, "What did the douchebag do this time?" She asked while placing her hoof around her orange friend.

"Well, this douchebag decided to act like a big stallion and hit the human, only for him to get this flank hooved to him by Pipp." Sunny pinched her nose in frustration.

"Heh, so that explains his split lip." Zipp chuckled, leaning in and gently wiping some of the blood from Sprout's face, "You know if you had kept your mouth shut and just forgotten everything, you wouldn't be like this right now you know?" She added.

"Whatever." Sprout groaned, "Look, we found your slut of a sister, now can we just get going and leave that human and the purple freak to die out here?" He added, nearly spitting his words.

"Oh, you're one to talk, you little red fucker pizza-loving idiot!" Zipp shouted at him, "At least my sister can get laid!" She added, Sunny slowly backed away from the ensuing argument.

"Wait wait wait." Sunny heard Pipp speak, "You made a deal with my mother that if you helped to find me, you would get dragon fire?!" She added, pointing her golden hoof at Opaline.

"Yes." Opaline snarled, "And I've kept my end of the deal, you little pink welp!" She added, the two mares snarling at each other.

"Ok! Enough!" Sunny shouted, her horn and wings appearing in a bright flash as she used her magic to separate Opaline and Pipp, "Both of you stop! I've had it up to here with arguments!" She added, gesturing to a vague height off of the ground. The air around the now-orange alicorn crackled and buzzed with electricity, "I HAD IT WITH YOU PONIES ALWAYS FIGHTING OVER SMALL THINGS!" She screamed, eyes glowing pure white.

Opaline, Pipp and David slowly backed away as Sunny let out a powerful scream, a beam of magic shooting straight up into the sky. Within a few seconds, the beam disappeared and Sunny fell to the ground in a heap, horn and wings fizzled away into nothing. The ground around her was scorched and burned in a 20ft circle.

"Uh, Sunny? Are you-" Pipp went to ask, only to be cut off as Sunny shot upright, sparks of electricity flowing across her skin.

"Never better! Why'd you ask?" Sunny replied, the mare was now completely wired as if she had just drank 100 cups of coffee. She then noticed the burnt ground under her, "D-did I do this?" She asked, turning to Opaline.

"Dark Star's magic is growing far quicker than I expected..." Opaline sighed, "It's beginning to overload you, Sunny." She added.

"Uh, who?" Pipp tilted her head.

End of Chapter Twenty.