• Published 23rd Jan 2023
  • 1,188 Views, 43 Comments

My Little Pony: Dark Star - WestRail642fan

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Chapter #16: Storm and Monsters

Chapter Sixteen.
Storm and Monsters.

Zipp sat on one side of the Sprouticus, Opaline and Sunny sat opposite her. The alicorn and the white pegasus stared daggers at each other. Zoom, Hitch, Dazzle and Izzy nervously looked back and forth between the two.

"This was not how I expected this trip would go..." Hitch said. He eyed Zipp and Opaline back and forth.

"Yea... This is getting very tense here, it's starting to feel hot here." Izzy said, tugging an invisible shirt collar.

"So. Hitch, Izzy. How long have you two been dating?" Dazzle asked, trying to remove the tension in the cramped space they currently occupied.

"I-u-um." Hitch stuttered at the sudden probing question into his personal life, "About a month now..." He added, a bead of sweat started to trickle down his forehead.

"I see. And how did you ask her out?" Dazzle replied, biting her lip.

"OH! I can answer this!" Izzy beamed ear to ear, raising her hoof like she was about to ask a teacher a question, "Well, he simply asked me out on a date after I dropped off Sparky after dragon sitting. The date quickly ended up with me and Sparky playing on the beach whilst Hitchy paid the bill." Izzy giggled, nuzzling into Hitch's neck.

"Get a room, you two..." Zipp groaned, trying not to throw up at the sight of the display of affection. Zipp wasn't a fan of romance, even if it was a romance between her friends.

"Teach me!" Sunny suddenly bellowed, everypony now looking directly at her.

"What?" Opaline asked, slightly started by the sudden outburst.

"Teach me alicorn magic!" Sunny spoke again, calmer this time.

"I can't. I'm too rusty with magic." Opaline looked away, grumbling to herself.

"Pleeease." Sunny begged, stars visible in her eyes as she beamed from ear to ear.

"Alright, fine!" Opaline finally replied, "But I can't promise it'll be useful." She bit the inside of her cheek, "Perhaps..." She thought to herself, "I might have found the perfect pony to help me take on Dark Star..." She mused to herself.

"Sweet!" Sunny cheered, giddy like a child in a toy shop, "So, when do we start?" She asked excitedly, resting her chin on her hooves.

"We..." Opaline looked down at Sunny and smiled slightly, "We start now." She added, horn lighting up the room as she used her magic to open up the emergency hatch on the ceiling. Opaline spread her tattered wings wide, a loose feather floating away from them as she started to flap up and through the hatch, Sunny quickly jumped up from her seat to follow her, summoning her alicorn form, she quickly followed Opaline.

"See, that is what I'm talking about." Zipp spoke after the hatch closed, "Sunny is blindly trusting a pony who tried to kill us all not even a week ago... I don't like it..." She frowned.

"Well someone's in a good mood today." David said, looking over at Pipp as the small mare was happily scrolling through YouHoof. From what he could see on her screen, it seemed to be a video titled 'The Best Clip-Trot Videos of June 2021'. He didn't understand what Clip-Trot was, but from what he saw of the video, it just seemed to be like a site he heard of once called Vine.

"Mhmm." She giggled, eyes locked on the screen as a pony fell over in slow motion with a song saying something about getting ready to slumber.

"You and I have very different definitions of what's funny." He shrugged, before returning his view to the road ahead. The road was mostly obscured by the rain as they travelled through a raging thunderstorm, causing them to be travelling a lot slower than in previous days.

Pipp's ears flickered as the sound of the howling winds rocking her trailer back and forth, looking away from her phone for the first time all day, she looked eyes with the wing mirror, watching as its reflection showed her trailer bucking side to side in the raging wind, "Uh, David. I think we better stop and wait this out..." She spoke, worry in her voice.

"Yeah, you might be right on this..." He grumbled, bringing the car to a stop at the roadside as the wind continued to howl around outside, "We should hunker down till the storm passes." He added, switching the engine off.

"Come on, my trailer will give us more protection than this car." Pipp smiled, struggling to open the door due to the strong winds. The pair fought against the wind as they made their way to Pipp's trailer.

Once finally inside the welcoming trailer, they once again had to fight the wind, this time to close the door.

"Woah!" Pipp screamed as the door suddenly slammed shut, causing her to fall over into David. The pair landed on the floor, Pipp lay on top of the human, her nose just touching his.

Pipp and David blushed bright red as they touched each other via the nose. Pipp closed her eyes and kissed David directly on the lips. Pipp slowly pulled back from the kiss, giggling, "Sorry, couldn't resist..." She smiled a toothy grin.

"Pipp... You know I'm married right?" He frowned, trying to push her off of them, but he found her to be very heavy all of a sudden.

"Oh, c'mon a kiss won't hurt right?" She smiled, biting her lip seductively.

"Pipp… we talked about this." David raised his eyebrow, trying to look away from her seductive gaze, "What do you think would happen if my wife found out I had been kissing another mare?" He added, finally gathering the force to push the mare off of him.

"What your wife doesn't know won't ki-" Pipp paused, her ears twitching, "You hear that?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"Hear what?" David asked, his frustration of Pipp trying to put the moves on him being replaced with confusion as Pipp leapt towards a nearby window.

"I hear something moving outside." She whispered, moving one of the drapes slightly to take a peek outside. She reared back in horror, screaming as she flapped away from the window.

"Whoa! What's wrong?" David asked as Pipp took shelter under a table.

"I saw a face staring in from the outside!" She trembled as David cautiously approached, "Don't!" She screamed as the human threw open the drape.

"Nothing out there." David said unamused as he turned away from the window to face Pipp.

"It had golden eyes and it looked at me!" She said as she hid under the table trembling in fear, "What's worse is that I swear it looked like my dad..." She sniffled, tears filling her eyes at the thought.

"Well, nothing's there now..." David said, turning back to the window, "Might of just been some leav-" He froze, as he began to pull the drapes closed, he came face to face with the shadowy figure of an alicorn, eyes shining a bright gold. He slowly backed away from the window, his eyes locked with the eyes of this shadow entity as the drape fell. The glowing eyes of the entity shone through the fabric now covering the window.

"See!" Pipp screamed, grabbing David's leg to his attention.

"Kill the lights." David said, running over to the light switch, and flicking it as the trailer went dark.

Pipp crawled out from under the table, turning on her phone flashlight, "Now what?" She spoke quietly, the sound of hoove steps outside her trailer putting her on edge.

"I guess we wait for either the thunder to stop or for those things to disappear, whatever happens last..." He muttered to himself, flinching when he felt Pipp wrap her wings around his hand.

"David..." An echoey voice called out, "David..." It repeated.

"Do you... Hear that?" He asked, looking down at Pipp, the mare nodding in reply.

"Do you know that voice?" She gulped in fear.

"I do..." He replied nervously, "It's my wife..." He shook his head, "But that's impossible, we're nowhere near the Crystal Empire..." He looked back up towards the trailer door, the wind howling outside.

"Pipp..." A second voice called, it was echoey like the first but was clearly that of a stallion, "Pipp..." It repeated.

"Dad..." Pipp froze at the sound of the voice, "No... Can't be, he's been dead for 12 years..." She trembled, fighting back tears, "No! YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!" Pipp screamed, her outburst aimed purely at the creature who dared to use him against her. The creature responded with a loud bang against the side of the trailer. Pipp stumbled to the floor as the trailer rocked from the force of an impact.

David helped the mare up, whilst gesturing her to be quiet, "Ssssh." He said softly, "As long as we stay quiet, it won't know where we are exactly." He added, still in a quiet tone. Pipp slowly nodded in understanding.

"Guess we just wait for them to get bored and go away?" Pipp asked, shrugging at her own question, "If they even go away that is." She gulped in fear as another impact rocked the trailer.

"At this rate, the trailer will either tip over with the help of the strong winds or they will bust down that door and find us, either way, we have to pray they go away." David spoke fearfully, instinctively standing between Pipp and the door.

"David... If we don't make it out of this alive, I want at least one living soul to know this " She trembled in fear as hoof steps started to walk around the trailer once more.

"Yeah, and what's that?" David muttered, more so focused on the door.

"I've never felt the touch of a stallion." She blushed with embarrassment, "A touch of a stallion in an intimate way..." She chuckled nervously, cheeks a bright red.

"What are you trying to say, Pipp?" David asked, slowly turning his head towards the mare.

"I'm... A virgin..." She looked away from the human as the creatures outside let out a nightmarish screech.

"Ok..." David slowly nodded, his focus returning to the door, "Well if we're getting secrets off our chests, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I enjoyed your kiss." He added, "I know I shouldn't say this since I'm married..." He sighed, he felt guilty about this.

"You mean that?" Pipp cooed, holding her hoof to her chest.

"Yes..." David looked down, "Thought you should at least know that before we die..."

"No." Pipp spoke sternly, "We will not die here." She added, grabbing a signed baseball bat she had hanging on display, "They're able to bash the trailer, so must have a physical form, right?" She shrugged, placing the bat over her shoulder.

"Let's hope so since we never got a glimpse of them." David replied, grabbing the nearest object to himself, that being a tennis racket. Readying himself to hit the creatures that took the forms of the ones they love the most as Pipp kicked the door open.

"Ah!" Pipp let out a war cry as she charged out into the howling wind and rain, swinging the bat around blindly, "SHOW YOURSELVES!" She demanded as she continued to swing her bat with her eyes closed.

Pipp opened her eyes as one of the shadowy entities stepped out from the rain, shifting into the blackened visage of her late father. She snarled, "You dare use my loving father against me?!" She screamed, swinging the bat directly at the creature's head. Her ears were filled with a sickening crack as the bat made contact. The shadowy beast stumbled from the impact before falling over, its form melting into the grass.

"GOOD! DIE, YOU DISGUSTING CREATURE! MY FATHER IS A BILLION AND A GAZILLION TIMES BETTER THAN YOU!" Pipp screamed at the top of her lungs as she kept beating the grass where the creature once lay.

The other creatures looked at each other and slowly backed away from the pink mare, "Where do you think you're going?!" Pipp shouted, "We're just getting started!" She cackled as she gave chase.

"Damn..." David watched as the small pony was attacking creatures three times her height, "Note to self, never anger her..." He chuckled to himself as he looked at the tennis racket in his hand. He looked up at the sky as the rain and thunder suddenly stopped, "Huh..." He thought to himself.

"There, those things will think twice before messing with me again." Pipp smiled as she ran back towards David, the human catching her as she leapt into his arms, "What a rush!" She giggled, brushing her wet mane away from her face.

The pair locked eyes with each other, they quickly leaned in and kissed each other passionately on the lips, Pipp wrapped her hooves around his neck longingly. They pulled away from the kiss, Pipp panting as she gathered her thoughts.

"What about your wife?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at the human's sudden change in attitude.

"I think, given what just happened, she'd be ok with this one kiss." He smiled at Pipp before looking up at the sky, "Besides, she is a very forgiving mare." He added, Pipp looked up towards the sky as well.

"Come on Romeo, let's get going." She chuckled, leaping from David's arms and gently landing on the ground, "I'd rather be somewhere dry before nightfall." She said, closing and locking the trailer door. She turned to face David, a grin plastered on her face, "Come on~" She purred as she sat near the car door.

David sighed to himself, "You're playing with fire here." He thought to himself, his eyes focusing on the mare, the way the rainwater trickled off her plump body was making his heart beat fast, "Pull yourself together man, you've only known her for a few days." His brain screamed inside his head, "Besides, what about Harmony and Lillian. You must get home to them." His brain continued.

"But." A second voice entered the internal discussion, "But what if Harmony isn't alive anymore? How long were we gone before magic disappeared." It said logically.

"I hadn't thought about that?" David spoke out loud to himself suddenly.

"Thought about what?" He heard Pipp reply, It then struck him, he had suddenly said that part out loud.

"Uh, nothing!" David quickly thought of an answer.

"Uh... huh..." Pipp slowly nodded as David quickly ran over and unlocked the door for Pipp. The pony quickly hopped inside, strapping herself in as he sat down on the driver's side.

Without a second thought, David started the engine and the car sped off.

End of Chapter Sixteen.