• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,311 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Chapter 6-Encounter with the Queen

Arthur’s POV:

I had moved from my position from the couch to the desk to write down some information on principles of teleportation and dimensional theories that had not been tested yet on some scrolls I had found in one of the drawers. I was also lucky to find a feather and ink pot amongst them which was how I was able to write in the first place. I was standing because when I had attempted to sit on the small chair it collapsed under my weight. I had to shamefully remove the broken pieces from the room. ‘ Sometimes I wish I was more lighter, I mean, would it kill me to lose at least 10 pounds so I may at least sit on the bed without fear of also crushing it? I feel more like I’m fat than I am muscular….’ I thought to myself.

It had been a few hours into my studies when I heard crawling of multiple insects enter my room as I placed down my feather to the side to turn around. I looked down to see these strange spiders ranging from sizes of tarantulas to one the size of a small dog. All of them had colors of blue and a bright purple star on their abdomen. However the smaller spiders had some sort of armor on as well as a more sleek body shape while the largest spider had a more slender body, the armor wearing spiders surrounding the largest one in defense.

As they stopped a few feet away from me the largest one seemed almost happy, giving me a smile ( which at this point, I am considering this world really just wants to fuck with my head). When I was about to shoo them away since I didn’t want any form of cobwebs within my room, they started to talk. That’s when I realized I was really undereducated about this world.

Queen POV:

She looked up at the swole body of the Prideful One. The book’s words had not truly captured the strength and aura of raw power that this being had. She swelled in excitement as the large being took notice of her and her guards. It set down its feather to stop writing, showing even more proof of its intelligence. She decided now would be a good time to speak.”Hello Prideful One! It is an honor to see you in your great, magnificent, perfect form. I am in awe of your majestic presence. I am Queen Night Star, and I humbly ask for your help in our endeavors.” She spoke loudly as she and her guards bowed like they’d practiced.

The book stated that in order to gain the favor of one such being as the Prideful One, one must show it the greatest respect and complement its power and muscular strength. Not doing so would mean a painful end to one’s life. As she finished bowing she waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Each moment was tense as the giant insectoid being stood there, staring at them. She began to get nervous as she feared that she hadn’t done enough praising in order to gain its favor. Her guards tended up as well to defend their Queen should things turn for the worse.

Before she could start speaking again, the beast spoke. “Buzz-Buzz-Wole? Wole-Buzz-Wole-Wole-Buzz.” He spoke, as his voice showed clear signs of a masculine voice.

She tilted her head in confusion as she didn’t understand. The book never explained that these beasts could not speak the same language as them, or even the nature’s language, which was the basis for all the creatures in the forest.”Um…do you perhaps speak another language oh Prideful One? The Language you speak is foreign to our species.” she replied back, nervous and hopeful that she did not cause the Prideful One’s ire.

The beast tilted its head mirroring her own, before it snapped back into place in recognition of his own problem. He turned around to grab the feather and a blank scroll and begun to write.

Is this more suited for you? Can you understand these words or at least read them? he wrote down before showing it to her.

”Yes I can, thank you. Now as I have said before; could you help us with our endeavors? We have lived in these walls for a 1,000 years waiting for the day my Mistress to come home, and it’s almost time. However we need help to remove the darkness that had corrupted her mind and thoughts. I beg of you to help us to defeat her and remove the darkness from her, as you are the only one capable of standing against her in raw power alone. She was my everything, and I wish to see her kind face once more. ” She asks, hoping that he could help, and soon bring her dream of reuniting with her Mistress into a reality.

The beast stood there contemplating for a few moments before he began writing once more. Once he finished he showed the queen what he'd wrote.

I shall help you, as you are the technical owner of this castle that I had planned to stay in. I apologize for all the destruction I have caused and will help you as a way to pay back for the damages, however I am also lost, as I do not belong in this w-land. If you could assist me in learning about this land that I now preside in, I will be in your debt. My real name is Arthur Henris ,but you may call me Arthur or Arty for short, and I hope we can be acquaintances. Let it be known that I am honored to help you in such a heartwarming endeavor

Her heart skipped a beat. He listened to her call for help and agreed to help. Her eyes watered with tears as she has her miracle that she needed so that she may truly accomplish her dream that she had waited for over 1,000 years. She felt hope and gratitude. She wanted to thank this "Arthur" for helping her when he could have ignored her request like so many others in the past have done. She finally had an ally in her side, and with his help, they can truly bring back the Princess of the Night that she saw her Mistress as.

"Thank you! Thank you! I am forever grateful for your agreement, and I will be happy to call you my friend. This shall be the start of a wonderful friendship that no bug has ever seen. Now then, what do you wish to learn? I shall give you whatever you need to help you learn about these lands as per our agreement." She happily said as she wiped her eyes with one of her legs from tears. She intends to get whatever her new friend needs help with in gratitude for listening to her.

Do you have any books on the history of these lands so I may get a basis?

"Of course, I shall get my children to retrieve those books imminently. Thank you once more for giving me the hope to see my Mistress' face once more in her true glory." She stated as she signaled one of her guard to spread the message. Said guard left the room quickly to return to the hive. While he left, Arthur wrote once more on the paper before showing her.

Anything for a new friend

Author's Note:

Hope you like this chapter! Things will speed along from here, however there will be one more chapter before the start of season one where I shall introduce a certain Yellow Pegasus .
Name: Arthur Henris
Type: Bug-Fighting
Level: 71
Moves: Focus Punch, Fell Stinger, ????, ????