• Published 9th Jan 2023
  • 3,311 Views, 112 Comments

Buzzwole stuck in Equestria - Cadia_prime

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Location: Unknown
Distance: 4,532 Light years from Equis
Signs of life: Almost Nonexistent

??????? POV:

Home……… is what I used to call this place. In my younger years I slept here for long periods of time, only to be awakened time to time by my children to play with them or end another calamity. Those were simpler times, when there was a sun and moon. When the days were bright and the nights were refreshing. Some Pokémon would often visit me in my home, some even calling it their own, which I didn’t mind. I always enjoyed the company. Their smiles brought me joy, it was one of the main reasons I became the Earth god.

Later in life, I shared my gift of the land to my children, so that they may spread my kindness to all. Even the humans. While many would call them vile and ignorant of the power we had, hoping to capture us in those……Pokeball was it? No matter, but they also had some of the kindest people amongst them, they were the ones that gave me my home, gave my children their homes as well. When we were at our lowest, they protected us.

While sharing my power did slow me down, it did not matter, I still was able to do my duty. There was an added bonus of the excuse of giving myself more time to sleep when my children tried to awakened me.

When those infernal pokem-no, those were no pokemon. When those BEASTS came, those old days were over. They overwhelmed us, all of us legendary heroes. Their leader took our sun and moon, and destroyed everything in their path. We tried our best, yet they kept coming. Endless horde after endless horde. Soon we fell one by one. It started with the Genie trio. They never saw that rock beast coming…….

Soon enough more fell, until it was only us, myself and my children. We were tasked to save as many Pokémon as possible. The humans themselves tried to help, yet as quickly as they rose, they fell.

We placed all those Pokémon who managed to escape the initial disaster in my home, as it was the largest and hardest to reach, with its winter bringing down the strongest of those beasts. But when the time came to defend, we couldn’t handle them. In the end all my children sacrificed themselves to give me enough power to crush them all.

We had won, yet at what cost? Our world was gone either way. My fellow gods had perished, and there was no sun and moon. No way to cultivate the lands as the winter claimed it all. I was at a loss at what to do. But all those Pokémon, they looked to me for support, asking if they were safe at last, if the sun would return. They wouldn’t last very long outside my temple.

I couldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t let my children’s sacrifice be in vain. So I rallied them all to makeshift my former home into a colony. While they made themselves a paradise inside, I defended the outside, and searched for any signs of life beyond the borders of the temple. Yet each day passes by with my hope diminishing ever so slightly. But I had my task. I am Regigigas, Mover of Mountains, Tower of Continents, Titan of the Earth. I must always push forward, as it is my duty.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this bonus chapter. I’ll finish up the epilogue no later than April 11. Hope you enjoy this backstory, as well as learn a little more of Necrozma’s plan, and the reason behind the horde of ultra beasts in Equestria’s past. Hope you all have a great day!