• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 37: Monsters of the Dark Part 2

Helix was running as fast as he could while Zs'spoocy was flying next to him as they were both being chased by Zs'Skayr, an alien ghost thought to be dead a long time ago but has been revived. Xylene and the others did their best to slow him down but were caught by Dr. Elect as he had them tied up in the cables.

Zs’spoocy and Helix ran on the platform, but Zs’Skayr appeared front he ground, causing the two to turn the other way, but Dr. Elect came up in front of them. Zs’spoocy thought fast and quickly grabbed Helix as she floated off. Dr. Elect charged his powers and aimed it at the two. “No!” Zs’Skayr yelled as he moved Dr. Elect’s arms up, causing him to miss as Zs’spoocy barely dodged it as she and Helix flown off. “The colt must be alive when I merge with him if I am to control the Omnitrix.” He said as he floated after the two.

Helix continued to run before Zs'spoocy pulled him behind a wall so they may take cover from her father when he floated down. "What's the matter daughter, aren't you glad to see your father alive?" He called out. "After how you betray me, I shouldn't be surprised that you're still defending these pathetic equines!" The two of them panted heavily as they hoped he wouldn't find them. "As for you Helix, you should know by now that nothing can stop me!" Zs'Skayr declared as he poked his head through the wall and scared the two.

Helix rushed before he stopped when he noticed the Omnitrix is recharged as he faced Zs’Skayr. “Nothing except…” He started before he quickly slammed the core down, but what he turned into was really small. “Greymatter?! Oh, man. Give me a break!” He exclaimed.

“At least father won’t possess you while in alien form!” Zs’spoocy stated as Dr. Elect jumped down towards them. “Look out!” She called as he stomped down, but created a crack that Greymatter jumped in as Zs’spoocy quickly phased through the ground as Dr. Elect and Zs’Skayr search for them.

“Find them! I cannot merge with Helix in his alien form!” Zs’Skayr ordered. “But it’s merely a matter of time before he turns equines again.” He said as he floated off while Dr. Elect looked at his master in surprise.

In the rocket ship, after dumping the last of its compartment, it flew off to a space station while the others were floating towards the cockpit. “Shouldn't we be looking for the corrodium?” Hope questioned the two Plumbers.

“It’s easier to bring the entire kit and caboodle back to Equestria than waste time searching for a few rocks in a whole rocket ship.” Dust explained as they floated up.

"Huh, and you would think Helix would get some brains." Misty said jokingly as they floated over to the cockpit. "But you sure you remember how to fly this thing right?"

“Just like riding a scooter, a very high-tech, 100 ton, 2,000 mph scooter." Dust replied as she pressed the button to turn off a small alarm.

"You think the others are doing okay back on the ground?" Spike asked as he, Smolder, and Yona were still trying to get used to the zero gravity.

“I’m sure they got it covered.” Gallus waved off.

“Yeah, they are one heck of a team.” Rainbow added, not noticing the mummy coming up behind them.

Back in the chamber, Zs’Skayr and Dr. Elect is still searching for Zs’spoocy and Greymatter as the others watch as they struggle to break free. “Why are we chasing these little pests when the master plan is so close to becoming reality?” Dr. Elect questioned, which caused Zs'Skayr to let out before his claw glowed a ghostly blue color as the same aura was around the monster doctor. "W-Wait, master--" He tried to plead before Zs'Skayr threw him against the wall before slamming him multiple times on the floor.

“Oooh, that had to hurt.” Manny commented as the others nodded in agreement.

“You fool!” Zs’Skayr yelled when he got out of Dr. Elect. “They could ruin everything we’ve planned! Do as I say, or you shall be the focus of my wrath.” He ordered as he flew off.

Underneath the floor, Greymatter was walking in the floor while Zs’spoocy was phasing through it to stay close to him. “Master plan? Oh, I don’t like the sound of that.” Greymatter muttered.

“You and me both, Helix.” Zs’spoocy said before Greymatter grabbed onto a cable and slid down as she followed him. Soon they came to the lowest floor and they caught the sight of a bunch of monitors which had him really scared.

"And the looks of it are even worse.” He said it before he ran up to the monitors and jumped onto the control console. "Maybe we can use this to warn the others about your daddy's plan."

"I still can't believe that he's alive again, in his own way you know, considering he's a ghost." Zs'spoocy mentioned with a scared tone. Greymatter looked at her for a moment before walking over and patting her head.

“Hey, don’t worry. We beaten your father before, we can do it again. And besides, we’ve been through worse with the others.” Greymatter said with a smile, which made Zs’spoocy blushed a bit.

“Yeah. I guess you’re right.” Zs’spoocy said, feeling a bit better as she turned to the console. “You think you can use this thing?”

“As Greymatter, easy.” Greymatter said with a smile.

In the shuttle, it was getting to the space station before Greymatter and Zs’spoocy appeared on the screen. “Yo, Equestria to mother and father. Come in, mother and father.” Greymatter spoke up.

"Helix?" Flash responded as they saw him and Zs'spoocy on screen.

"Quick question: did you actually choose Greymatter this time or was it the watch that did it?” Pinkie asked as she floated upside down near the screen.

"The watch." Both Greymatter and Zs'spoocy answered.

“Gotcha.” Pinkie nodded.

“If you two are checking up on us, don’t bother. We’re totally handling things up here.” Misty waved them off rudely. “We don’t need any of your help.” This caused the group to glare at her.

“Misty!" Twilight exclaimed with a look.

"Wrong!" Greymatter spoke up. "When you hear what we found out, you're going to wish you had some alien muscle with you."

“Since when is Greymatter a--” Misty was cut off when she was bonked on the head by Smolder. “Ow! Hey!”

“Will you just shut up and listen, Misty! It could be important!” Smolder exclaimed with a look.

“And I watch your tone if I were you, since you have a Galvan on board.” Azmuth said with a glare at Misty.

"Go ahead, you two." Delta told them.

"We figure out what Dr Freakenstein is plotting." Greymatter started as he pulled up the schematics of the so-called master plan. “He's going to project a corrodium beam from the plumber satellites to a transceiver in the desert."

"Which will then spread over the entire world." Dust added with a worried tone.

“The desert?” Twilight asked in thought. “Like when we first took on the alien werewolf?”

Yeah, the same one.” Zs’spoocy said with a nod. “That’s why he was stealing that satellite equipment. He was building a transceiver by using those parts he took.

"That much corrodium will mutate every living creature on the planet." Azmuth mentioned with a look.

"I'm afraid that's only a side effect and part of the plan." Zs'spoocy told them with a dreadful look. "The true purpose of the plan is to keep the sun blocked out so my father, Zs'Skayr, can be at full power all the time."

"Zs'Skayr?!" They all exclaimed in shock.

Yeah, Dr. Elect somehow brought my dad back to life.” Zs’spoocy said with a dreadful tone. “They gathered his remains and fused him back together.

He’s the one behind this whole operation. The werewolf, Mr. Mummy, the corrodium, everything!” Greymatter added.

Dust then detected something. “Hold on a second, you two.” She said as she took out the corrodium scanner. “That’s strange. According to the scanner, the corrodium inside this ship is moving.”

“How could it be moving?” Silverstream asked in confusion before they had scared looks on their faces as they came to the same conclusion.

"Unless…" Gallus started before mummy wrappings quickly grabbed them and tried to pull them back.

"It's still inside the mummy!" Delta grunted before they were pulled away from the cockpit.

“Guys!” Greymatter exclaimed before the two heard rubbing sounds.

“They’re coming! Hide!” Zs’spoocy called as she and Helix went inside the consol before Dr. Elect and Zs’Skayr came down and searched around. “It’s only a matter of time until you transform back, and I don’t think we have enough time before my father merges with you.” She whispered.

"Stay calm, I’ll think of something." Greymatter whispered as he looked around inside the control console. “There's got to be something in here that can help us." He looked at the parts around them as an idea came to him. "Idea alert." Zs'spoocy watched as he started to collect some parts of the inside of the console. She then saw him combine those parts into something familiar.

“Oh, I see.” Zs’spoocy said with a smile before they heard the Omnitrix beeping. “Uh, Helix.” She said in dread.

“Drats!” Greymatter exclaimed.

Outside, Dr. Elcet picked up a large mechanism to look under it before he heard the Omnitrix timing out. "What was that?!" He asked as he dropped the machine.

"I didn't hear anything." Helen said as the rest of them looked innocent after hearing the Omnitrix timing out.

"Me neither." Attea added with a smug smile.

“Oh, but I am familiar with it.” Zs’Skayr said with a sinister smirk, which made them all looked in dread.

In the rocket, the others are struggling to break free from the mummy’s grip as it started climbing up to them. “We can’t keep this up for much longer!” Applejack exclaimed.

"You know, for something that is wrapped in like thousands of years old bandages, you think these would be easier to rip off!" Gallus complained as Smolder got both her claws free.

"I got this!" She declared as she was up about to perform a spell.

"Smolder, wait!" Twilight called out. "Magic doesn't work inside of these hazmat suits, remember?!"

“Sure it does! Just not what they’re supposed to.” Smolder said with a smirk. “Kimokia objectia!” She called, which caused her hazmat suit to inflate as she bounced around and crashed into the mummy as the group floated down and saw her bouncing on the mummy repeatedly before she screamed and crashed into the others as they fell into a hatch as it closed and Smolder’s suit deflated. “Phew. At least I bought us some time to regroup in this closet.”

“Yeah, how needs Helix and his--” Misty tried to say before Flash covered her mouth piece of her helmet, which made her annoyed by that. “You don’t want me to say it, right?” She guessed.

"Guys, this isn't a closet!” Dust told them with a fearful tone before they looked up. "It's an airlock!"

"Okay, my bad." Smolder gulped as they were trying to get the hatch open.

The mummy went up to them before it pressed on a button, which opened up the airlock as the group were sent flying into space as the mummy watch them go before it closes the hatch. “Exterior air lock closed. Repressurizing.” The computer said as it docks to the airlock tunnel of the space station.

At the side of the space station, the group who don’t have wings grip the side of the space station as their hooves/paws attached to the wall, which are magnetics. Rarity looked at her Hooves and saw the magnetic patterns on them. "Not very stylish for my taste, but you must love these plumber suits." She mentioned with a smile.

"Yeah but they won't last long in zero atmosphere." Delta told them as he started walking along the side of the Plumber satellite. “We have to find another way back inside the station, and fast.” He said as they all followed him to find a way in.

Inside the console, Helix was cramped inside while Zs’spoocy was next to him. “Oh, dumb watch.” He muttered.

"I don't know, it's not so bad." She muttered with a small smile. "At least they haven't found us yet." Suddenly the console was ripped open as Dr. Elcet looked down at the two. "I stand corrected." Helix quickly grabbed the small device he made as Greymatter to hide it from the alien monster.

"Uh, you wouldn't mind turning over a new leaf and becoming a good guy, right?" Helix asked him nervously before he was grabbed by the left hoof and thrown out of the torn up console.

DNA scan complete.” The Omnitrix spoke out as it glowed yellow and the dial spun around. “Transylian DNA now unlocked and active on playlist 5.

As Helix was getting up from the ground and Zs'spoocy floated over to him, her father hovered right in front of them as they looked at him with a glare. "Soon your world will be mine, but first the Omnitrix now!" He demanded Helix.

"Fat chance!" Helix told him with a tone before he took out the device. "If you want to be in the spotlight so badly, try this on you freak!" Zs'Skayr looked at the tiny device from a moment before he let out an amusing laugh. Helix however smirked as he fired a sunbeam right at Zs'Skayr, causing him to scream in pain before flying away. "A mini sungun, a nice gift from a tiny friend!"

“Eat it, father!” Zs’spoocy exclaimed with a taunting tone.

“Master!” Dr. Electa called before he growled and charged up. “You two will pay for your insolence!” He then slammed the ground where Helix was standing before causing it to fall apart as he fell down.

"Helix!" Zs'spoocy and the others called out in worry, Dr. Elcet walked over to the hole to see he was gone.

But then Helix climbed back up from the otherside, which made the group smile in relief as he saw a giant hammer next to Dr. Elect, and then he pulled a lever that released it and knocked him to a side of his machine, which electrocuted him as he went stiff and the others to be free from their binds.

“Nicely done, Helix.” Xylene said with a proud smile as they landed on the ground.

“You outsmarted Zs’Skayr and Dr. Elect!” Helen cheered with a smile.

“And gain a new alien as a bonus.” Attea said with a smile.

"Yeah, but now we just need to find a way to get into space to help the others." Helix mentioned as he thought it over. But then he looked over at the railing and saw a small rocket before getting an idea as he looked at the Omnitrix to see it was fully recharged. "I got an idea." He told them as he activated the Omnitrix and transformed into Juryrigg. "Watch this!" He quickly jumped down and went over to the rocket part as he gathered a few others. "Fixfixfixfixfixfixfixfix!!" The others watched as he was putting together a small rocket ship with a cockpit built for seven of them. "Onononon! No, seriously, get on!"

“Right.” Venus said as they all entered the cockpit, but Manny noticed a couple of things off about it.

"Uh dude, there's no steering wheel and where are you going with it?" Manny asked.

"All the reason why there's no steering wheel is because…" Juryrigg started before he hit the Omnitrix and transformed into Upgrade. "I am the steering wheel!” He soon merged with the rocket and upgraded it. "Better put your hazmat suits on!" They soon did what he asked as he prepared to blast off before Dr. Elcet got himself free but with a large generator on his back. And soon charged at them just as they were taking off. They soon left the abandoned space shuttle before they saw him clinging onto the side of the rocket.

“Why couldn’t this guy be grounded like father?!” Zs’spoocy asked in irritation. He then let out a stream of electricity to try and shock them before Upgrade fired a beam to stop him as the two of them got into a fight while blasting off into space.

“There should be a manual access panel around here somewhere.” Dust said as they were climbing the ladder of the station.

“You know, for a mare who never went into space, you seem to know an awful lot about it.” Hope commented.

“I never said I didn’t go into space.” Dust said with a smirk. “I said I never went into space with NYASA.”

"Because you went into space with the Plumbers." Twilight finished with a smirk. "I guess I should have seen that coming."

“Yep.” Dust nodded as she then saw the hatch switch as she smirked.

Inside the station, the mummy went into the core chamber and opened the door as it placed two of the corrodiums into the core, which fused with it as the tubes glowed purple and the disks moved into position and powered up. “Target in rage. Beginning transmission in five, four, three, two…

"Hey!" The mummy heard Flash call out before he and Rainbow Dash quickly flew in it and knocked the mummy off of the controls.

Transmission aborted.” The computer said as it cancelled the transmission. The mummy then punched Rainbow back as it then started fighting the group in zero gravity.

In Equestria’s orbit, Upgrade and Zs'spoocy continued to fight off the frankenstein-like alien monster before Helen saw they were exiting the atmosphere and saw the plumber satellite up ahead. "Helix, plumber satellite at 12 o'clock!" She called out to get his attention.

"Then this is our stop." He said before he started to detach from the rocket and only stay on the cockpit before spouting some spider legs to jump off it and onto the satellite.

“Thank you for flying Air Upgrade. Bu-bye!” Manny called as Upgrade then crawled to the hatch.

“NOOO!!!” Dr. Elect yelled as he was sent floating to the abyss of space.

Inside the station, the others are tied up in the mummy’s bandages as Helix’s team appeared from above, which they noticed. “Guys?” They all asked in unison.

“Who else?” Xylene asked with a smirk as she used her powers to knock the mummy back.

“Quick, someone open the airlock!” Upgrade called as Applejack floated to the button and opened the airlock as Upgrade blasted it back with his laser as the Mummy tried to get to them, but the door closed shut on it.

“You guys are lucky we got here.” Attea said just before the Omnitrix timed out as Helix transformed back.

“Oh, man. I think I’m gonna hurl.” Helix moaned as he floated around upside down.

“Yeah, real heroic.” Misty said with her hooves crossed.

“Okay, what's your problem, girl?” Manny questioned with his arms crossed. “We just blasted off into space with a homemade rocket Juryrigg made to save you guys. And yet, you keep giving us the cold shoulder!”

"And you want to know when my cousin's problem is?” Misty replied with a brow. "He's just scared at the fact that we can handle ourselves without him."

"Oh please, if I didn't do all the things I just did to get us here, that mummy would have tossed you out into space like yesterday's garbage.” Helix said with a frown. “And let me tell you something, Misty, you may know how I was back before you join the trip, but I never think of any of that.”

“Oh, really?” Misty questioned with a brow.

“No.” Helix answered firmly, which surprised Misty at how serious her cousin was. “At first I was, but when I met my friends, I learned how to act as a team player. And from what I can tell, if one of us goes alone, we don’t stand a chance, but if we work as a team, we can do anything.”

"That’s right.” Flash said with a nod.

"Then why don't you let us who don't have powers help you?” Misty asked with a brow and a smirk.

“Because I don’t want to lose any of you.” Helix answered, which surprised Misty. “When I grew up without my parents for 10 years, I felt alone and had to find some ways to be a hero. And when I finally reunited with them, I made a promise to myself that I won’t lose them or anyone I cared for ever again. Maybe I’m being protective because I’m afraid that I might lose you guys, especially if you can handle things on your own. But if something bad happens to any of you, I won’t forgive myself.” He said with a sincere tone.

"Look, I--"

"Uh guys, the controls are moving on their own!" Pinkie interrupted Misty as they saw that she was right and the joystick was moving.

"Target reacquired." The computerized voice said as Zs'spoocy let out a fearful gasp.

"No it's not!" She told them as she could see her father at the controls.

“Zs’Skayr!?” Delta exclaimed.

“How did you climb aboard, father?!” Zs’spoocy questioned.

“You and your friends aren’t the only ones who can hitch a ride on a rocket, sweetie.” Zs’Skayr said as the countdown to zero as he beam shot down to the planet. "And you're too late!"

“No!” Twilight exclaimed in horror.

In the middle of the desert, the beam soon hit a transmitter where the alien werewolf was waiting. He soon pressed a couple of buttons to send the signal to the other plumber satellites as it created a cover of corrodium energy that is covering the sky and blocking the sun. It gave a mighty roar once the corrodium energy blocked out the sun in the desert.

Across Equestria, the landscape was covered in a corrodium cloud covering the sky, which caused every creature in Equestria to mutate into corrodium mutants.

The corrodium cover then covered up half of the planet, blocking out the sun as Zs’Skayr floated above the heroes. “Darkness falls.” He declared. “Equestria is now my domain!”

The others quickly floated over to the controls to try and shut down the beam before Zs'Skayr opened the airlock to let the mummy back in. The mummy then wrapped its bandages on the group and pulled them in close. "Let them go, father!" Zs'spoocy demanded.

“Oh I will, once I figure out how to dispose of them.” Zs’Skayr said as Misty then had an idea with a smirk.

“Oh, whatever you do, don’t toss us out into space!” Misty cried out dramatically.

"A marvelous idea young one, remove the suits!" He ordered the mummy as it quickly grabbed hold and ripped off the hazmat suits off of the group.

"Nice job, blabbermouth!” Helix told his cousin. “Why don't you hand them over the Omnitrix while you're at it?"

"Trust me." Misty whispered before she winked at Smolder and Hope, letting them catch on why she said that out loud.

“Right. Let’s do this, Smolder.” Hope said as they levitated their spellbook now that their hazmat suits are removed.

Appendage-a greoria!” The two said in unison, which caused the mummy to be pushed back and froze on the spot, much to Zs’Skayr’s surprised as he turned to them with a glare.

“You’ve learned some new tricks with your master since we last met, child.” Zs’Skayr told Smolder.

"She's not the only one." Helix said with a smirk as he activated his recharged Omnitrix and programmed his new alien. After he pressed the two buttons and the core popped up, he slammed it down and transformed into a version of Dr. Elect, but he had a long mullet hairstyle with bangs, and his sideburns stretched outwards into a single point on each side. His second tone of skin was lighter, and stretched from his forearms up to his upper arm and shoulder, on his left and right arms, respectively. He had 4 bolts on his back, 3 on his chest, and 2 on each of his trapezius muscles; all of which were dark grey with a flat, black tip and a green line across it. His gauntlets and conductors were brown; his pants were black, and the slits in his boots were green. He wore a belt with a white line running around it, and the Omnitrix symbol in the middle, like a belt clasp.

“And electromagnetic buddy.” Helix said in surprise as he looked at his new alien. “Sweet.” He said as Zs’Skayr slashed his claws at him,but he blocked them as he threw a couple of punches before Zs’Skayr managed to grab his fist, but Helix produced a green electrical charge that sent Zs’Skayr flying through the wall. “Awesome, I sure made a Frankenstrike.” He said with a serious tone. “Whoa, I came up with that one quickly.”

"Yeah, I thought the two writers of the story would take longer to make you come up with a name like that." Pinkie mentioned which confused Frankenstrike.

"Zs'Skayr locked the controls and cut the access to the rest of us!" Azmuth exclaimed. "If we can't shut down the beam in time, every creature on that planet will be partly mutated!"

"Stand back! I’ll try and short it out with a little lightning!” Frankenstike said as he charged up his powers, but Zs’Skayr appeared behind him and made him intangible. “Okay, maybe a bit of a problem!” He called as he phased through the floor.

“Helix!” They all exclaimed in concern.

Outside the station, Frankenstrike got free from Zs’Skayr’s grip as he magnetized to the walls. “In the darkness of space, I am at my full potential!” Zs’Skayr exclaimed as he released his tentacles from his chest, which creeped Frankenstrike out as he was knocked to a wall with a purple laser beam before landing on his feet as Zs’Skayr gave a smirk at him.

Frankenstrike turned and saw the transmitter at the side, but Zs’Skayr came up in his path. “Stay away from that transmitter, boy!” He ordered.

"Make me, spectral freak!" Frankenstrike retorted back before he unleashed a stream of electricity while Zs'Skayr fired another beam from his chest. The two seemed to be in a stalemate as the rocket that took the group to the station detached and flew. Inside, all the grown-ups and most of the Young Six, except for Smolder, had gathered while Dust was at the wheel.

“Yeah, I still got the right stuff.” Dust said with a smirk.

“You were always the best pilot, my dear.” Delta flirted with a smile.

“Was there ever any doubt?” Dust flirted back.

"We got incoming!" Xylene called out as they saw what looked to be a piece of a rocket flying towards them.

At the front of the rocket was Dr. Elect, who took control of the rocket as they charged at each other. “Bet Armstrong never had to deal with this!” Dust called as she and Dr. Elect fought in a tug-a-war with their rockets.

Inside the station, Smolder, Helen, Attea, Zs’Spoocy, and Manny were trying to get the controls to work while they didn't notice the mummy moving again. "Try that one." Manny told Smolder while pointing to a spell in her book.

"Okay. Reanima verdanica!" Smolder casted the spell on the console which caused it to grow flowers.

“That’s not it.” Attea said weirdly.

“How about this?” Smolder asked as she read the next spell. “Reanima dynamica.” She casted, which caused the flowers to vanish and the controls to spark up, which sent them flying as they bump into the mummy, which they noticed it’s moving again.

“Uh, hi?” Helen said nervously as they dodged the mummy’s strike as it knocked Helen, Manny, Zs’spoocy, and Attea away as Smolder was next to a bathroom.

“Uh! I, uh, got to go.” Smolder said nervously as she entered the bathroom and closed the door, but the mummy bang on it as it knocked it pulled it off. “Doesn’t ‘Occupied’ mean anything to you? “ She questioned as she dodged a strike and went under the mummy and gave it a kick, which sent the mummy close to the toilet as its bandages got caught as it unraveled. “Don’t forget to put the seat down on your way out.” She quipped as the mummy tried to fight it, but it was sent down into the toilet as the seat closed.

Back outside on the side of the station, Frankenstrike continued to unleash a stream of electricity as Zs’Skayr countered it with his purple beam. “Every minute brings you closer to becoming normal again.” Zs’Skayr said with a smirk. “It’ll be a pleasure to watch you explode in the vacuum of space.” He taunted as Frankenstrike’s eyes widened before he was blasted back and the mummy grabbed him and slammed into the ground before holding him in front of Zs’Skayr. “Now we finish this.” He said as he powered up his laser.

But then, the two shuttles flew past them as Dr. Elect was still fighting. “I don’t know what he’s doing, but I won’t like the looks of it!” Dust called out as Azmuth got an idea.

"Quickly, turn the shuttle around!" He told Dust which confused her. "Trust me!" Dust nodded as she did just that as they were behind the transmitter. “Now turn off the thrusters! Now!” He yelled as Dust did just that, which caused Dr. Elect to make them crash into the transmitter, causing it to break apart.

“NOOO!” Zs’Skayr yelled as the transmitter was destroyed and the corrodium energy vanished.

In Equestria, every creature are returning to normal once the corrodium cover vanished while in the desert the transceiver the werewolf is at in the desert short circuited causing the device to explode, taking it and the werewolf with it in a bang.

Zs'Skayr then turned his enemy in frustration. "You will pay for this with your life, child!" He declared with frustration before pairing up his beam. Frankenstrike quickly shocked the mummy to release him before dodging the beam and letting it hit the mummy.Frankenstrike tried to hit Zs’Skayr, but he dodged as Dr. Elect used the portal cannon strapped on him to power up as he fired at Frankenstrike, but he dodged as it opened a portal, which sucked the mummy inside as Frankenstrike tried to hold on as he then used his powers to shoot Dr. Elect into the portal before it closes.

“That’s two freaks down, one to--” Frankenstrike started before he saw that Zs’Skayr was gone. “Where did he go?” He questioned before he saw an explosion in the station. “Girls! Manny!”

Inside, the lights were blurring red as an alarm was sounding just when he entered. "Guys!" He called out before the Omnitrix timed out and he transformed back to Helix. “Drats! No time for the watch to recharge! We need another way out!” He called out as the station was about to break apart.

Zs'spoocy then saw one of the devices for the hazmat suits as quickly concentrated and used some Tentacles from her body to grab it and her friends to bring them closer together. "What are you doing and since when can you do this?!" Attea asked her.

“All of my species have tentacles! And I’m saving our lives!” Zs’spoocy called as she put the hazmat suit disk in front of them. “Get ready, it will be a tight fit.” She said and activated the device, causing the suit to form around them, which squished them together before the station exploded as they were sent aimlessly in space while Zs’spoocy is holding them.

“Uh, appreciate the save, Zs’spoocy, but you know we’re now floating in space.” Manny pointed out.

"Btw, when's the last time you showered, Manny?" Smolder asked him.

“Man, I wish they would make these things more roomy if there were ones built for multiple heads or so.” Attea muttered.

“You said it, sister.” Helen said in agreement as the shuttle floated over them.

“You kids need a lift?” Delta spoke up through the radio as the children smiled that they were saved.

After getting the kids onboard and getting into their own hazmat suits again, Dust flew back to their home planet. “Mission accomplished." Pinkie declared with excitement. “I'm guessing saving the world would beat moonwalking on the moon any day."

"By the way Misty, I'll have to admit that was a pretty good idea to trick polter-freak so that they can use their magic." Helix complemented.

“Hey, I may not have any powers, but I still can show tricks of my own.” Misty said with a smile. “And, I’m sorry I was being kind of a jerk to you. I just thought you were thinking that we couldn’t handle things ourselves.”

“Hey, I just wanted to make sure you all are saved.” Helix said with a smile. “I may think that nothing can beat the Omnitrix, but it’s always nice to have friends to help you out in times of need.” He said with a smile before his hoof that is holding the Omnitrix wrapped around in a phased tail.

“We’ll see about that!” Zs’Skayr called as he pulled Helix to the back of the ship.

“Helix!” Zs’spoocy exclaimed as she flew after the two.

Helix was then pulled to the back of the engine room as Zs’Skayr held him while covering the Omnitrix with his tail. “You have only delayed my plans, youngling! But once I have control over the Omnitrix, Equestria’s defenses will be powerless against me!” He exclaimed.

Zs'spoocy caught up to her father before she noticed the lever on the wall and knew what it did as an idea came to her head. "Helix, sunny side up!" She called out which caused him to have a smile on his face.

“Smiling in the face of your demise?” Zs’Skayr questioned. “I admire that.” He admitted.

"Oh I'm not smiling in my demise, I'm smiling at your demise!" Helix declared as Zs'spoocy pulled the lever to open up the top of the shuttle.

“Dust, now!” Zs’spoocy called as Dust turned the ship and the sun was shining down on them, which caused Zs’Skayr to scream in pain as he burned into ashes once more as the hatch closed.

“Seriously, you think my father would learn his lesson by now.” Zs’spoocy commented. “That’s the second time we tricked him into getting burned alive.”

“You said it.” Helix said in agreement before he then fell into the ground when gravity returned. “Mom! Guys! What’s going on?!” He called as the shuttle began to burn up on reentry of the atmosphere.

“We took on too much damage when we ram the transmitter!” Dust exclaimed. “The ship’s breaking up!”

“Brace for impact!” Xylene exclaimed.

“I got an idea!” Helix called as the ship began to break apart. “Twilight, create a shield! Now!” He called as Twilight did just that as Helix then transformed into Cannonbolt and grabbed the others into him as he rolled into a ball with Twilight’s shield as they fell down to their home planet as Cannonbolt was like a meteor as he crashed into a desert, creating a crater as the shield faded and Cannonbolt uncurled himself. “Ouch…” He groaned in pain.

"Man, talk about a rough cracked landing.” Manny mentioned as the Omnitrix timed out as Helix transformed back without his hazmat suit.

“Okay, even with Cannonbolt's impenetrable armor and Twilight’s shield, that still hurted.” Helix muttered as he stood up and cracked his back.

“Hey, at least we made it.” Fluttershy said optimistically.

“And we saved the world, again.” Rainbow bragged with a smile.

“We make one heck of a team.” Flash said with a smile.

“We sure do.” Helix said as he raised his hoof. “Team?”

The others smiled as they placed their hands/hooves over Helix. “Team.” They all said in unison.

“And we’ve seen the last of my father,” Zs’spoocy said with a smile before giving a concern look. “I hope.” She muttered.

"I'm pretty sure we did, considering any remains of him got blown up with the rocket with him.” Helen mentioned before she realized something. “Guys, where are we?"

They looked around and saw that they were in the middle of the badlands, “It’s gonna be a long trip back to the mobile base.” Twilight muttered as they all groaned, realizing that they would have to walk the way back to the space station where the mobile base is still at, while they might have a long walk ahead, they saved Equestria and defeated Zs’Skayr and his monsters again for good.

Author's Note:

Get ready everyone, because next up is a Race Against Time to stop the self-destruct countdown of the Omnitrix before it ends us all. I just have one question for all of you, would you like the secrets of the Omnitrix to be a two-part or a single chapter?

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