• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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Equestrian Omni-hero - Blaze-saber

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Chapter 30: Omni-Knights

A rainstorm has hit as the mobile base was parked outside of a motel. Inside, the grown-ups were having a bit of rest while the young ones were looking bored as they looked out the window while four of them were playing a video game. "It's official, I've reached a new level of boredom." Smolder complained with a sigh.

“You said it, Smolder.” Gallus said while thunder clashed. “It’s raining cats and dogs out there, so we can’t even go out to explore.”

“At this point, even Helix’s stupid game sounds good.” Misty added.

"Hey, the Celestial Knights aren't stupid." Manny told her as he used a combo to strike down a few enemies in the game.

“Well, you think we could have a turn?” Smolder asked.

“Sorry, already have partners.” Helix told her as he and Helen did a combo move with their avatars. "Lady Blade, Run team!"

"Leader of the Celestial Knights." Helen told them as a large anthro Alicorn wearing gold armor and wielding a sword slashed through a few enemies with one strike. “Slam!” She called out.

“Is the coolest, kick! Celestia Knights, jump! Of all!” Attea added as she did her combo.

“So why would we want to play with you?” Helix questioned.

“To prove you’re not afraid of getting your Celestia flanks kicked by a bunch of newbies." Misty challenged before their game was paused and Attea pressed a button on the console they were playing the game on before a bunch of game controllers popped out.

“You’re lucky we have extra controllers so it allows multiplayers.” Attea muttered as they smirked.

After a bit of game-playing, Misty and the rest of the Young Six had already leveled up to where they were in just about a few minutes. “Oh, yeah! High score for the Misty Warrior!” She cheered.

"We're on the same team, Misty." Ocellus pointed out. "But I have to say, this game is really fun. All the different classes you get to pick for your character and everything."

"But why did you go with a mage instead of a warrior like us?" Gallus asked her.

"Yona like hammer Yona avatar has." Yona mentioned with a smile.

"I can't believe it took you guys only a few minutes to level up to where we are." Helen mentioned with a surprise tone.

"Ah, they must’ve just had beginner's luck.” Helix waved off. “Watch a real Celestial Knight work.” He said as he moved his avatar to a chest, but it exploded and a large dragon wearing dark armor appeared in the spot of the chest.

"Watch what, get his flank kicked by Navero, the Demon Lord shapeshifter?" Misty questioned with an amused tone. "Be careful, your life gauge is low and you only have two lives left." Helix quickly knocked her controller out of her Hooves as her character fell down a pit full of spikes and she lost a life. "Helix!"

“Careful you only have one life left!" Helix said mockingly.

"You kind of walked into that one." Smolder told her.

“Kids please!” Flash called while he and the adult ponies were sleeping. “We’re trying to get some sleep here.” He said with his eyes closed.

“Sorry, Flash.” Silverstream said as Helix then activated the Omnitrix and went Upgrade before he possessed the game console and made Misty’s score paints go down to zero.

“Helix Watch, you are such a cheater!” Misty complained. “You’re gonna get yours one of these days!” She called as she then started shaking Upgrade.

“Hey, put Helix down!” Helen called as she, Attea, Manny, Zs'spoocy, and the Young Six tried to get her to put it down. But then suddenly, a lightning bolt struck the mobile base before a surge of electricity went up to the game console and in a flash of light, all of them just disappeared as the game console was back to normal.

“Oh, finally. Some peace and quiet.” Spike said as he slept soundly while the game console let out some smoke.

Upgrade found himself alone in some sort of Village he didn't recognize before a few magic circles appeared around him. They then went up to reveal his friends and cousin, only his cousin and the Young Six were standing on their back legs as they had arms and hands. Not only that, but they look to be wearing a tire that their game avatars were wearing, along with the weapons their avatars were using. "Guys, what just happened?" Sandbar asked in confusion as they looked around and at themselves. "How did we turn into whatever we are now?"

“That big lightning flash must’ve zapped Upgrade and we round up in the video game.” Attea theorizes.

“We’re inside Celestial Knights: The Knights Rising?!” Upgrade asked before he lay down on the ground. “Awesome!” He called in excitement.

“You said it, Helix!” Manny said while cracking his knuckles. “This is like a dream come true!”

"Although, I thought that my avatar clothing would look much cooler." Attea mentioned as she looked herself over as they were just wearing protective padding over clothing that matched their colors outside of the game.

"And I'm not even a ghost anymore." Zs'spoocy spoke up as she was now a unicorn pony instead of an alien ghost before she noticed something else. "Whoa, and I can see your stats guys. You're all back to level one. Except for Helix, for some reason, he's above 100."

"Maybe when that lightning zapped Upgrade, it reset our avatars." Ocellus theorized as they can see each other's stats. "And the reason why Helix is over 100, it might be because his aliens are very powerful."

"Sweet!" Upgrade commented before they saw a gigantic flying creature hovering above the village.

“Not sweet for long!” Misty exclaimed as the flying creatures flew down and surrounded the group. These flying creatures then released pods as they landed around them before they burst and released would looked to be goblins made of metal.

“Robo goblins?" Manny questioned with a chuckle. "Yup, we are definitely in level 1 territory."

Then a bigger and armored robo gobin charged at them and grabbed hold of Upgrade, but Upgrade quickly possessed it as he then started attacking the robo goblins while the others used their avatars skills to fend them off. One of them tried to get Helen from behind before Upgrade quickly possessed it and shot out its circuits before moving on to the next.

“This isn’t a challenge, it’s a slaughter fest!” Upgrade quipped in amusement.

"Oh yeah, it's really easy for you when you can control the whole gaming world as Upgrade." Misty pointed out.

"Jealous." Upgrade commented before he possessed another Robo Goblin with just his arm as he turned it into a cannon. "You guys might want to duck!" He called out as the others duck for cover as Upgrade fired at each one of the robo goblins and they all vanished while each showing 500 points. “Oh, yeah, the robo gods just knighted y'all!” He quipped.

"Nice one." Manny cheered before he looked around them. "So how do we get out of here?"

"Maybe since Upgrade can control everything here, he might be able to get us out of here.” Ocellus theorized. "But he better do it fast before he--" Before she could finish, the Omnitrix beeped red before they were blinded by a flash of red light and he transformed back into Helix.

"Uh oh." Helix commented before he noticed he was wearing a green shirt under some protective padding while he was wearing black pants. Not only that, but the Omnitrix had changed as well as it was now silver with green arrows and it was more oval shaped.

“You are such a dweeb!” Misty called before Zs’spoocy slapped her on the back of the head. “Ow! Hey!” She yelled while glaring at her.

“It’s not his fault the Omnitrix kept timing out at unexpected times, Misty!" She told her. "Quit blaming him!”

"She's right, so just chill out and let me go Upgrade again." Helix told his cousin before he pressed his two fingers on the buttons but the hollow ring didn't show up. "Okay, maybe it's not the time to chill."

"Uh, what happened to your alien icons?" Gallus asked they noticed the Omnitrix wasn't working.

“That’s concerning.” Helen said while looking at the Omnitrix. “It’s like the Omnitrix must’ve lost its alien icons when we got zapped into the game.”

Helix slammed down on the Omnitrix. “It doesn’t seem to be working either.”

"Great, now how long are we going to last in here without Up--" Misty tried to say.

"Now don't be blowing a brain gasket.” Helix interrupted his cousin before gesturing around the area. "I played this game like a billion times, so there's nothing that could surprise me here." He spoke too soon when a giant pod suddenly came down and crashed right on top of him.

“Helix!” They all cried out as Helix then appeared next to them when a magic circle went up next to them and he was looking dizzy.

“Oh. Okay, maybe I missed some surprises.” Helix said while rubbing his head before they noticed his avatar icon in his status was next to a number one. They then looked at Misty as her avatar icon had the same number. They then looked at each other as each of them had a number two next to their own icons.

"You and Misty are down to your last lives." Silverstream pointed out with concern.

“And something tells me that if we all loses our lives, it will be for keeps.” Smolder said nervously as they all moved aside before the giant armored goblin came up as they all rushed out of the way and started fighting them with their game combat skills. Robo Goblin then appeared out of the sky as they were preparing to fight yet again.

Helix quickly grabbed a nearby knife and used it as a sword to slash through some robo-goblins. "There's too many, and these items we have won't cut it!” Helix called out. "No pun intended!"

"Then we just need to find a…" Manny was going to say before they noticed a golden glowing chest on top of one of the tall buildings. "A Celestial Chest!"

“There could be some useful items inside!” Helen called as they all double jumped to the chest as Helen touched the chest and multiple items popped out. “Score! This chest has a jackpot of items we can use!”

"I call dibs on the Emerald Blade!" Helix exclaimed as he grabbed the blade and managed to strike down a few robo goblins with just one swipe.

"Then I got the Haven Staff." Ocellus said before she picked up a staff with a jewel in it before raising it up high as lightning bolts came down and struck the robo goblins.

"Then I get the Black Flame Daggers!" Smolder mentioned as she picked up a couple of daggers that looked like they were made out of black metal. She then charged at the robo goblins as they lit on fire before slicing them with one strike from each blade, then each goblin burst into flames until they were nothing but digital ashes.

“Well, let’s not have them have all the fun.” Manny said while cracking his knuckles.

“What? You’re not gonna get a weapon, Manny?” Helen asked with a brow.

“The only weapons I need are leftys and rightys. Two pairs of them!” Manny called as he charged down and slammed his four fists onto the ground, taking out a squad of robo goblins. Misty then noticed a golden piece of paper on the ground before picking it up and hummed with interest.

While the group were fighting, a bit shuriken flew in the air as it sliced the weapons and arms of the Robo Goblins as they looked up and saw Misty jumping towards them while catching the big throwing star in her hands and sliced the big Robo Goblin down and scored a boss bonus of 100,000 points.

“Whoa! Where did you score the giant throwing star?” Silverstream asked in awed.

Misty sliced through another Robo Goblin. “I just followed the instructions.” She said with a smirk.

"This game came with instructions?" Helix asked as they finished up the last of the robo goblins and the sky suddenly shined bright. "I guess that means we beat the level."

"So, now what?" Zs'spoocy asked before an old stallion walked up to them.

"Oh brave warriors, you have saved our village." He said as the townsfolk suddenly appeared.

"Whoa, where did they come from?" Manny asked in surprise when they saw the villagers.

"They must be NCPs, non-playable characters." Misty pointed out. "I guess we progressed the game until he beat it?"

“Uh, I don’t wanna be in here until we lose all our lives.” Misty said with a look. “We need to get out of here!”

“Uh, yeah, but how?! We need Upgrade to get out of here!” Helix reminded her as he slashed some more Robo Goblins.

"Please help the rest of the realm.” The NCP stallion asked the group as he held out a map. "The rest of the Celestial Knights have all been captured, except for Lady Blade. The Demon Lord will certainly take over if you do not help her. Please take this map so you'll know where you're going."

"Looks like we don't have a choice." Ocellus said as she took the map. "Looks like we're going have to play on. And who knows, maybe we'll get to meet Lady Blade along the way."

“You mean to find Lady Blade?” Helix asked with a smile. “Oh, this is gonna be so awesome to see the leader of the Celestial Knights!”

“You said it, bro!” Manny said as he and Helix shared a high-five while the others gave amusing smirk.

A bit later, the others are following Ocellus as they walk down the path while following the map. “Okay, there are some areas on this map that are covered in some sort of black substance, and the village we just came from is all clear of it.” She told the group.

“I think the map either has a bug or maybe it’s unfinished.” Smolder complained with her arms crossed.

“No, Smolder.” Attea spoke up with rolled eyes. “It means that the map is telling us there are either some enemies that are invading some areas or there unexplored that we haven’t ventured in yet.” She explained.

“Okay. So how do we find this Leader of this so called Celestial Knights?” Misty questioned with a brow. “For all we know, she could be anywhere or captured as well.”

"Maybe she'll find us, after all, Lady Blade is the most powerful Celestial Knight there ever was.” Helix mentioned. "She's so powerful, that the only one who is equally strong as her is the Demon Lord, Navero."

"You said it man!" Manny agreed with him. "So, where do we go first?"

"Maybe we should do like side quests and level ourselves up before we take on any bosses." Ocellus suggested. "We're at a low level and not a match for any higher level enemies."

“Yeah, because we’re already as low to even handle a frog, no offense, Attea.” Helen quickly said while checking her stats. “And right now, I’m at level 6 of my status after fighting those Robo Goblins.”

"Oh yeah, I'm at level 7." Attea pointed out with a smug look.

"Or maybe we all split up in groups and each take a side quest, that we will all level up faster." Silverstream suggested.

“So we beat up more baddies or do some quests to get stronger?” Gallus asked before he smirked. “I call fighting bad guys!”

“Same!” Smolder raised her hand next.

“Yona love to smash!” Yona cheered.

“I call the punches! Quests take too long!” Manny said while punching his knuckles together.

"Hey, doing a quest can help us get more powerful items." Helen pointed out.

"Plus, some quests involve beating up the bad guys." Helix added.

After a moment, the eager group shrug. “Well, when you put it that way.” Smolder said with a shrug. “So, where do we start?”

“If the map is correct, there should be a quest nearby.” Ocellus said while looking at the map again. “It should be up that hill.”

“Well then, let’s go.” Zs’spoocy said as they all walked up the hill further up. However they found out that the hill was much steeper than they thought it'd be as it turned out to be a mountain instead. "Were you reading that map right?!"

“I am!” Ocellus exclaimed. “It saids that we would be arriving at the quest by now!” She said in defense. “It should’ve been over this hill here.” She said before she looked closer and noticed something. “Uh, or should I say, over this mountain?” She said sheepishly.

"You were holding the map up-side down, weren't you?" Manny questioned before they felt rumbling beneath their feet. Soon the ground burst and a bunch of ice goblins emerged from the snowy ground.

“Ice goblins!” Attea exclaimed.

“Ice goblins?! I thought the goblins here are just robotic ones!” Sandbar exclaimed.

"There're many different goblins throughout the realm of Celestial Knights, you would have known that if you paid attention to how I was explaining the series!" Helix exclaimed as they dodged some ice attacks from the enemy. Since these were higher level enemies, they had no choice but to scatter and run away from them as they dodged each blast. They jumped over some gaps or up on some cliffs until Helix spotted a Celestial Chest sitting on a piece of ice up ahead, only this one was more green and white. “A Celestial Chest!”

“Good eye, Helix!” Manny called out as he kept punching a few ice goblins away. “Go for it! We’ll cover you!”

He nodded in response before he jumped over to the chest and opened it with his sword. But instead of items popping out, a familiar green icon hovered above him. “Hey, that looks like Humungousaur.” He said, seeing one of his aliens before looking at his Omnitrix. “I wonder...” He started before he jumped up and touched the icon, which gave a flash as it entered the Omnitrix as he activated it and the Humungousaur icon appeared. “Sweet.” He said with a smirk as he slammed the core down.

Humungousaur looked similar, but now he had silver armor on his shoulders, knees, head, and at the end of his tail that looked like he was holding a spiked ball. He then noticed some ice goblins coming around before swinging his tail to destroy each and every one of them. "Oh yeah, now you're in big trouble!" He said with a smirk.

Just then, another figure jumped down, which Humungousaur recognized as he saw that it was an alicorn golden coat and a bright white mane. She was wearing gold and dark blue armor while she wielded a golden sword. "Lady Blade." He said in awe.

“How do you know my name, giant creature?” Lady Blade questioned with a firm tone.

“I’m your biggest fan!” Humungousaur said, fancolting out at seeing his idol. “I know all your stats! You are the Leader of the Celestial Knights and was adopted by a farmer family when you were just a foal! You have awesome intelligence, agility, and powerful attacks! And you are the most powerful one in all the lands!”

“Enough!” Lady Blade yelled, which made Humungousaur flinch. “Are you or are you not a shapeshifter?”

“Uh, I-I guess I am if I just change forms.” Humungousaur said in confusion.

"Then you can only be the Demon Lord himself, Navero!" She declared before she raised her blade up high. "GOLDEN ANGEL!" Her sword glowed bright before slamming it down on the ground to cause it to give in as Humungousaur started to fall. He yelled before crashing on the ground and rubbing his head.

"I know I should be upset about that, but it looks so cool to see it in person.” Humungousaur mentioned before he saw Lady Blade falling towards him with her blade pointed right at him. “Wait!” He called as he avoided her blade. “I don’t wanna fight you!”

“You cannot trick me, Navero!” Lady Blade called. “I will not rest until you are defeated and my Celestia Knights are rescued!” She declared as Humungousaur dodged an Ice Goblin and punched it away, which nearly hit Lady Blade before she avoided it.

“But I’m not Navero!” Humungousaur stated. “I’m Helix! I’m a good guy!”

“I don’t believe you!” Lady Blade said as she jumped towards her with her sword raised, but Humungousaur quickly used his wave to send out a shock wave, sending her flying as she used her sword to stop herself.

"But it's true, I own every single Celestial Knight comic book, doubles of every trading card, I even eat your cereal for breakfast." Humungousaur told her.

"I shall not be tricked by your double talk, demon!" She declared as she charged at him and started to swing her sword but he dodged each attack. He then noticed some big giant birds that looked like they were made of eyes as they did a nose dive right towards them.

"Look out!" He told her before he quickly pulled her in and used his own body as a shield as each bird crashed right into him.

Lady Blade looked at him in surprise. “You… saved me?” She asked in surprise.

“I’ve been trying to tell you, I am not Navero.” Humungousaur said as he unshielded her. “I just happen to have similar abilities like him.” He added before he saw the others still fighting the Ice Goblins. “And it looks like my friends need my help!”

"Hey, isn't that…?" Sandbar asked when they saw Humungousaur.

“Humungousaur?!” Misty asked in surprise.

“Looks like Helix found one of his aliens.” Helen said with a smile as Humungousaur jumped up and started fighting the Ice Goblins while Misty joined in while fighting off a squad of them while the others fought more and Lady Blade looked in awed.

“Who are those magnificent warriors?” Lady Blade asked.

"Those are my friends, except for Misty, she's my goofy cousin.” Humungousaur answered before the group got in front and aimed their weapons at Lady Blade.

"Back off, he's with us!" Helen told her.

"Hey wait, you're Lady Blade!" Manny pointed out with excitement. "Oh man, this just got a whole lot better!"

"So, you all are indeed friends with this creature?" She questioned them.

“Yes. We are.” Attea said to her. “I’m Attea, this here is Helen, Manny, Zs’spoocy, Smolder, Misty, Silverstream, Gallus, Yona, Ocellus, and Ocellus.” She introduced.

“I am Lady Blade.” Lady Blade said with a bow. “You all fight like champion warriors.” She said before more Ice Goblins and Frozen Birds rushed towards them.

"Just watch what all of us can do as a team." Humungousaur told her before he turned to Manny. "Ready for the old football throw?"

“Dude, you ready my mind.” Manny said as he and Humungousaur charged in and Humungousaur caught one of the Ice Goblins and tossed him to Manny, who caught it as he then used his four arms to lift it up. “Helix, go long!” He called as he threw the goblin into the air.

"Actually, I'm battering up!" Humungousaur quipped as he swung his tail and knocked the Goblin right into the Frozen Birds. "Home run!" He then heard the Omnitrix beeping as he then timed out and turned back into Helix. “Yeah, I should've seen that one coming.” He muttered with his arms crossed.

“That was quite an impressive teamwork you pulled there.” Lady Blade said to the two.

“Thanks. Coming from you it’s quite an honor.” Manny said with a smile.

“So, what are you waiting for, doofus?” Misty questioned her cousin with a brow. “Go Upgrade and zap us out of here!”

“Misty, if you were even paying attention, I can’t!” Helix said as he activated the Omnitrix again and showed him the Humungousaur Icon. “Only the Humungousaur Icon was inside that Celestial Chest.” He said as he turned the dial to show a blank screen and turned back to Humungousaur again as he repeated the process. “My aliens must’ve become power ups when we got zapped out of the watch, so Upgrade could be anywhere on any of the different levels."

"I don't think just anywhere.” Ocellus mentioned as she pulled out the map and pointed to one spot on it. "It looks like it's on level 25, in the Arena of Champions."

"We'll never make it to level 25 at this rate, unless…" Gallus mentioned before he looked at Lady Blade with an idea. "Do you know any cheat codes that can get us there faster?"

"A true knight never cheats!" She told him firmly. "However, I do know a shortcut. But a knight must always complete a quest and never abandon one. You must be prepared for anything, for the journey is long and treacherous."

"So I guess we're finishing this side quest before doing the rest of them." Helix said with a shrug before he looked at Ocellus. "By the way, what exactly is this quest?"

"Well, I originally had planned to do a goblin camp raid but it looks like we're doing the ice dragon's lair which is just up ahead." Ocellus replied.

“Guess we don’t have much of a choice, thank you very much.” Misty asked sarcastically.

“Well then, let go slay a dragon, no offense Smolder.” Gallus said as Smolder growled at him.

A bit later, the group walked up to the cave with Lady Blade taking the lead. “From what land do you all hail, young warriors?” She questioned them.

“It’s a bit complicated and hard to explain.” Helen said uncertainty.

"Man, is it just me or did it just get colder in here?” Many questioned as the air felt colder than it did before.

"We are getting closer to the Ice Dragon, so it's not that much of a surprise if it's getting colder. Ocellus told him before they came to a large chamber filled with many treasures and a sword that was stuck in the ice in the middle. Said sword looks to be made of some sort of white material while a rose was carved into the guard of the sword.

"Ah, the Blue Rose Sword, a powerful yet ancient item." Lady Blade said with a smile when she saw the sword. "It is said that the material that made the blade is a complete mystery, yet it holds very powerful magic within."

“Whoa, cool!” Smolder said in awed. “I call dibs!” She called as she rushed towards it, but a blur ran past her as Helen appeared next to the sword while holding the handle.

“Too slow, Smolder.” Helen said with a smirk and a hand on her hip.

“Grr, speedy freak.” Smolder muttered as Helen pulled the Blue Rose Sword out of its place and held it up while inspecting it. But she found it was harder to pull out when she tried.

“Wow. It's heavier than it looks.” Helen said while looking at the blade before they all felt rumbling beneath their feet again. Soon the walls of the chamber started to break before something emerged from it. They all stepped back as a giant ice dragon came out and let out an earth shaking roar. “And the ice dragon is here.” She muttered a bit scared.

“You think?!” Gallus called before he was squished by the ice dragon’s giant paw.

“Gallus!” Silverscream cried out, but Gallus appeared next to them from the magic rings.

“Oh boy. That felt weird.” Gallus muttered before he saw his light speck go out, leaving him down to one. “Oh drats! I got one life left!”

"Look out!" Manny called out before he pushed him out of the way of an ice breath.

"Smolder, your daggers!" Helix called out.

“Yeah. So?!” Smolder questioned with a look.

“Use them!” Helix yelled while dodging an ice breath. "They have fire magic, and what does fire do to ice?!"

“Oh right! Cool!” Smolder said as she took out her daggers, which burst into flames. “Okay, I am so loving this game.” She said before she then flew straight towards the Ice Dragon and did a few slashes on its face, which made it roar in pain. “Sweet! Ice and Fire don’t mix!”

The ice dragon then glared at her before releasing some spikes from its back. Smolder quickly dodged each spike before they burst and turned into mini versions of the ice dragon. "Radiant Barrier!" Lady Blade called out as her sword glowed and created a barrier between the enemy and the group. "This won't hold for long, we must find something stronger to defeat the ice dragon!"

"Like a fire alien?" Zs'spoocy asked when she spotted something in the cracks of the wall.

"But that sounds like…" Helix said before she pointed towards the wall and he saw another one of his alien icons, one he's all too familiar with. "Heatblast!"

“Now we can get the extra fire power!” Attea added before the ice dragon bang harder on the barrier, which is causing it to crack. “And you better get that icon fast, Helix!”

"Oh three, ready?!" Helix called out as they all nodded in response. “One…” He started as the cracks grew farther, “Two…” He continued as the barrier was about to break. “Three!” They then yelled as they charged right before the barrier collapsed as the others fought the Ice Dragon while Helix ran under it while running towards the Heatblast Icon. “Time to turn up the heat!”

When Helix touched the icon, he slammed the core down quickly and he transformed into Heatblast. Heatblast is now wearing clothing similar with shoulder pads, knee pads, with a black suit. “A Heatblast that is.” Heatblast quipped as he unleashed a barrage of flames right at the mini dragons before he looked at the bigger one. He used his own flames to fly around it while throwing a bunch of fireballs right at its head.

The Ice Dragon roared in pain as it kept being hit by the fire barrage. “That’s it, Helix! Keep up the heat! You’re really smoking it!” Helen called out before ducking under the tail of the ice dragon. They then saw its chest opening up and a bright blue core right in the center of it was shown. It then unleashed a powerful ice beam right at Heatblast as he tried to counter it with his flames. He skidded back a bit as he struggled to hold on before he was being pushed back by the beam. "Helix!" She called out in concern before she raised over to the sword as she made her way to the Dragon and grabbed onto the hilt of the blade. With one single pole, she managed to Unsheathe the blade from the ground and jumped right onto the dragon's back before stabbing it with the blade.

The Ice Dragon roared in agony as it stopped it’s firebreath, which gives Heatblast the chance to finish it off as he shot a powerful fire beam at its core as Helen quickly got out of the way as the ice dragon began to crumble and turned into shards of dust as it faded away.

“Whoa. Now that’s a crazy way to end a dragon.” Smolder muttered in shock by what she just saw.

“That was a wonderful skill and bravery you all did.” Lady Blade said to them. “You all have greater markings for Celestial Knights.”

“Why thanks.” Helen said with a smile. “We do make a pretty good team.” The sword then started to glow before it blinded everyone. When it finally died down, Helen was suddenly wearing light blue armor and there was a sword scabbard on our back. "Wow, this is so cool!"

"And with all this loot around us, we can probably buy and upgrade our armors and weapons so we would be better prepared for this shortcut." Heatblast pointed out.

“Hey, he’s right! We have all the loot we need to get stronger!” Manny called out. “We should get started before continuing on!” He said.

“Well, you all better get started.” Lady Blade said as they all started collecting loot so as much as they could carry.

A bit later, the children have all gathered enough loot and started using them to upgrade their stats by buying skills, weapons, and armor while also leveling up while Helix is still Heatblast. After a couple of minutes, they finished leveling up and they were wearing new sets of armor, including Helix who timed out not too long ago.

Lady Blade soon led the group towards an ancient Temple as they were walking down a hallway. Helix stopped for a moment to look around and had a surprise look on his face. "Wow, I've never been to this part of the game before." He mentioned after stopping and looking into a room before he went to catch up with the others. Little did he knew that something in the shadows was following them.

“Game? This is no game.” Lady Blade said while turning to them. “The fate of the entire world hangs in the balance if we don’t rescue my comrades.”

“I know, I know.” Helix said to her. “I read the back of the box.”

“The back of the box?” Lady Blade asked in confusion before Misty grabbed her cousin and turned him away from Lady Blade.

"Don't you see, she doesn't know she's a program in some sort of game." Misty whispered to him. "This is all real to her and everything."

"So, what are we going to tell her when we find the Upgrade icon and get back home?" Sandbar asked.

"Nothing, I don't even know what would happen if we do.” Ocellus mentioned before Manny saw something right above them.

"A Celestial Chest!" He called out before he jumped up and hit the chest. The moment it was gone, a blade bow came down and Silverstream quickly caught it.

"Thanks for the Celestial bow." She thanked Manny before a hidden room suddenly opened up to them and they saw a bunch of coins with the Omnitrix symbol on them.

“Who needs it? We just hit the Omnitrix jackpot!” Helix said as he rushed towards one of the coins.

“Careful! One may be a trap!” Lady Blade called, but as Helix touched one of the coins, a laser was shot out, which hit Lady Blade as she vanished, which made the group look in shock before she reappeared as one speck disappeared, indicating she lost a life.

"Sorry!" He quickly apologized.

“It doesn’t matter.” Lady Blade assured. “My life is nothing in the quest to rescue the Celestial Knights and stop Navero.” She said as they continued on before they reached a chamber with a statue at the end. “The chamber of the Celestial dragon will grant access to the level of your choosing, but only if you solve the riddle.”

The key names your weapon, but only by sight. When uttered as vow, a gesture polite.” The statue spoke up with it’s eyes glowing red.

“What do you suppose it means?” Ocellus asked.

"Beats me." Helix said with a shrug before he saw a familiar icon next to one of the pillars. “But I know what that means, good old Chromastone! I'm getting luckier and luckier with my alien icons!" Just before he could reach the icon, the pillar behind it it's only transformed into a giant serpent before it quickly wraps around his friends. "Navero!"

“Tell me about this upgrade icon, colt, or your friends will pay with their lives.” Navero threatened as he squeezed them.

“Tell him nothing!” Lady Blade called out.

“He’s right, Helix!” Attea called out while struggling to break free. “We can’t let Navero loose in Equestria!”

“Equestria!” Navero repeated. “Yet another domain I will rule with an iron fist.”

"Not a chance, because I'm going to show you what a real hero can do!” Helix declared before he ran up to the Chromastone icon and quickly slammed it against the watch. He then transformed into a humanoid silicon-basef alien made of extremely durable crystal. His body is overall indigo, with several dark lines and spots. His hands and face are magenta, and he also sports six magenta shards on his back, two on his chest, and one on the top of his head that resembles a horn. His face consists of a mouth and one large green eye at the center with the Omnitrix symbol on his chest. But while in the game, he has a ponytail on his head while wearing a black suit. “Chromastone style!”

He then fired a beam of energy right at Navero which knocked him back and released the others. “You can fire energy beams even after you transform?” Gallus asked in surprise.

“Chromastone may need to absorb energy to fire back, but he always have a reserve fuel in the tank.” Chromastone said to them.

“I will leave you to my henchmen while I find the Upgrade icon.” Navero said as he slithered off and demon anthro warriors came out from the floor and ceilings.

"Helen, your sword!" Lady Blade called out before Helen quickly drew out her sword. She then gave it one slash as it froze some enemies, letting Yona and Manny to swing their hammers and crush them into pieces. Silverstream used her blade bow to slash through some enemies while also firing a few arrows at them. Chromastone blasted a few while Zs'spoocy and Sandbar got his back.

Lady Blade saw a big warrior in front of her as she ready her weapon and charged straight at him with a yell.

Back in reality, the adult ponies woke up while Delta looked around. “Helix? Kids?” He called out to them as Azmuth walked out of a small door.

“Is something the matter?" He asked the adults.

"The kids are missing and they left the game they were playing on." Twilight told him before she looked at him. "Where are you during all this time?"

"Conducting a few experiments in the lab I set up." Azmuth replied.

“They could have at least turned the gosh darn thing off.” Applejack mentioned before Dust picked up one of the controllers.

Inside the game, the group was ready to deliver another attack before they all suddenly froze up. "I can't move!" Sandbar exclaimed as everything else around them was frozen.

"Yona either!" Yona called out.

"Oh no, guys we're paused!" Chromastone called out with a concerned tone. "Mom, dad, and the others must be awake and messing around with control. If they turn it off now without saving any progress, they'll delete us, along with the game!"

Twilight! Everypony!” Smolder yelled out.

No!” Misty yelled next.

Don’t shut us off!” The young group yelled out from the console so loudly that it brought the adult group attention as they backed away from the console.

"Kids, is that all of you?!" Twilight asked with surprise and shock. “Please tell us this is just another one of your pranks, Rainbow."

"Hey I'm good, but I'm not that good." Rainbow replied before Azmuth jumped onto the table.

"Please explain to us what's going on.” He asked the kids as they started explaining everything.

“And now we need to get the Upgrade icon on level 25, so we can get out of this game.” Chromastone finished while the game is still paused, while Helix is still Chromastone even after an hour of explaining.

"Interesting, the lightning strike must have overloaded the mechamorph DNA and that's how you all got trapped inside of this virtual world." Azmuth said with interest.

"There has to be a way to help them get them out." Twilight spoke up. Maybe if we push one of these buttons--"

"No!" The kids shouted before she could finish.

“If you try and press any buttons without knowing how they work, there’s no telling what will happen to us!” Ocellus explained.

“And if you try to turn off the game with us in it, we’ll get deleted!” Manny added.

“So just hit resume and don't press anything else, and leave the rest to the game pros, and Helix." Misty said with a smirk.

"Oh, haha, hilarious." Chromastone said sarcastically.

Okay. Here she goes.” Rainbow said as she pressed a button and the game resumed.

Back in reality, the others gave worried expressions. “How are we supposed to help them if we can’t from this end and we don’t know how this game works?” Venus questioned.

Twilight then noticed the instruction manual Misty was talking about before and picked it up. "'Celestial Knights: The Knights Rising'?" She read the cover before opening up the manual.

Back inside the game, the group was making quick work of the enemy while Lady Blade was about to deliver the final blow against the boss. Both of them charged up their weapons before swinging them right at each other, but she proved to be stronger than him as she was able to smash him right through the ground.

Lady Blade smiled proudly at her work, but then when Chromastone was about to fire an enemy with his energy beam, it dodged its strike and hit Lady Blade, causing her to vanish as Helen took care of the last one. They all looked at where Lady Blade was, but she appeared behind them as she crossed her arm with a disapproving look.

“Uh, my bad.” Chromastone said sheepishly.

“We know it was an accident, Helix.” Attea assured him.

“But now Lady Blade is down to her last life.” Misty added as a speck from Lady Blade faded, leaving her to only one.

“We must still answer the Celestial dragon’s riddle if we are to continue our quest.” Lady Blade said while looking at the dragon statue.

“What did it said again?” Manny asked while scratching his head.

“The key names your weapon, only by sight. When uttered as a vow, a gesture polite.” Zs’spoocy recite as they look at the statue. “But what does that mean?”

“I love riddles! Maybe I could figure it out!” Silverstream called as she flew forward. “Name my weapon? Mmm…” She hummed as she looked at her bow before she gasped. “That’s it! My weapon is a bow. But when uttered as ‘vow’, it becomes bow.” She said as she took a bow.

The dragon statue tilted forward as the mouth of the statue let out some water before it splashed all over her. She was all soaked, but then she glowed as she then became overweight all of the sudden. The others tried to stifle their laughs, but the boys laughed hysterically while Smolder was laughing hard as well.

“Whoa! Looks like you’ve been putting on the old Celestial feedbag.” Smolder said in amusement.

“As much as this is humiliating, I think it’s part of the key.” Silverstream said as she stomped down and created a shockwave that sliced the statue in half as something glowing in the center of it. “I think I found our way to level 25!”

They all quickly jumped onto the platform as it started to rise up while Chromastone had a look on his face. “Oh sure, when I bust something it's all silent stairs, but when she bust something she's all cool and heroic.” He said as Silverstream returned to normal.

After a bit of traveling, the group landed in the arena with many crates and four statues surrounding them. “The Celestial Arena of Champions!” Lady Blade declared with honor.

"Here we'll find the Upgrade icon." Zs'spoocy mentioned before they noticed that there were a bunch of celestial chests everywhere. "If we can find it."

"But this place will become your grave when I'm done with you." They heard Navero's voice told them before they saw one of the statues moved and its eyes glowed, revealing it to be him.

“Not when I’m through with you, Navero!” Chromastone called as he was about to fire at him, but the Omnitrix timed out as he transformed back into Helix. “Huh?” He asked as he looked at the Omnitrix with a glare. “You know, for a watch, you have a lousy sense of timing!” He retorted as the others prepared themselves as they faced Navero.

"Helix!" Helen called out as the rest of the group stood in front of him. "We'll keep him busy, you just find Upgrade!"

“No way!” Helix called out. “Not many of you guys have much lives left! You need me!”

“Helix, it’s important to get the very thing to get us home to prevent Navero from getting it!” Misty exclaimed to him.

Helix looked down for a moment before he nodded with determination as he rushed off to the Celestial Chest as Navero charged at the heroes. Silverstream was firing arrows, but Navero deflected them as he kicked them back as he landed on the ground in his true form while armored up.

Helix ran up to the rows of chest and started slashing them to find the Upgrade Icon. “No, no, no, no, no!” He called as he kept slashing while the others came to and saw that Navero was gone.

“Where’d he go?” Helen asked as Navero came down as a falcon and picked up Lady Blade and slashed her into a wall as he headed towards the others with a squawk.

They tried to fight him with their weapons, but he destroyed their weapons, except for Helen's, as Misty brought out her throwing star and shot it at Navero’s feathers, causing him to shriek in pain before he morphed into his serpent form and breathed fire at the throwing star to ash. Lady Blade then charged at him and knocked him to a wall before she was swatted to the floor.

Helen then stabbed the ground as a magic circle appeared before thorns made of ice came out and wrapped around Navero. “Helix! Anytime!” She called out.

“I’m searching as fast as I can!” Helix called as he slashed more chests. “These things aren’t label you know!” He added as Navero broke it’s ice prison and grabbed the heroes in his tail.

“I expected more from the great Leader of the Celestial Knights.” Navero mocked.

“The battle is not over so long as one of us still stands!” Lady Blade called out.

“No, no!” Helix called as he kept slashing the chests before he spotted something. “Wait!” He moved back to the chest he saw and saw the Upgrade Icon. “Yes! Found it!” He called as he was about to slash at the chest, but Navero saw him as he came up from behind and whacked Helix away, causing him to drop his sword.

"Your power shall be mine, boy!" Navero declared as he broke the chest and the icon floated up. Just when he was about to grab the icon, Helen threw her sword at his shoulder and pinned him against the wall. As he struggled to pull the sword out of his shoulder, Helix quickly jumped and grabbed the icon as it turned into energy while zipping around before finally returning to the Omnitrix.

"Yes!" He cheered before Navero freed himself and was about to take Helix's last life with the Blue Rose Sword. However, Lady Blade quickly pushed Helix out of the way as she got stabbed in the chest by the sword while they all watched in horror before she became nothing but pixelated dust. "Lady Blade!!"

“No!” The others yelled out in despair.

“You Celestial Leader isn’t here to protect you anymore.” Navero said with a smirk as he raised the sword to slice them, but then a green flash got his attention.

“I can take care of myself, and you, all alone.” Helix said as they turned and saw him transformed into Upgrade as he spoke with venom in his tone as his emoji face gave an angry expression. “Now we play by my rules, Navero.” He said as he then attacked Navero mercilessly while Navero tried to use his powers to fight Upgrade, but he was no match as the dust cleared as Navero was gone. “Come out, come out wherever you are.” He taunted as he looked around.

“Quit fooling around and get us out of here before you timed out again!” Misty called out.

“I’m right here, doofus.” Upgrade taunted as he appeared next to Misty while giving a chuckle while Misty gave a look.

"Funny, now get us out of here!" Smolder shouted.

"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye now, where are you?" A familiar voice asked before they saw Lady Blade walking up to them.

"Lady Blade?" Manny asked as they were surprised she was still alive.

"But knight pony was…" Yona spoke up with disbelief.

Lady Blade gave a small chuckle as she walked up to them. “It will take more than Navero to finish off my last life. I just wanted to say that you all are superior knights." She told them before she looked at Upgrade. “But you are a true Celestial Knight. I only wish I could visit your world, and find alongside such a noble hero."

"Whoa, really?!" Upgrade asked excitedly. "Well, maybe I can find a way to--" before he could finish, magic rings appeared behind Lady Blade before another Alicorn Celestial night appeared and looked almost like Twilight, only her mane was longer and her armor represented her cutie mark.

"Sorry Blade, but your travel plans are canceled!” Twilight declared before she tackled her into the arena.

"Twilight what are you doing?!" Manny questioned as they were surprised by her action. "She's one of the good guys!"

"No she's not!" Twilight replied before she flew high above the arena and found a secret Celestial chest. She then opened it and grabbed an amulet with both the Sun and the Moon on it before she used her magic to light it up and have it shine down right on Lady Blade. Then in a flash of light, it was revealed Lady Blade was Navero all along as he glared at the group and growled.

"It's Navero!" Misty gasped in shock.

"You were trying to trick me into taking you back to Equestria?!" Upgrade asked in shock. "That's low, even for you."

“Then we better get going before he succeeds or before you timed out!” Misty called out.

“A true Celestia Knight never retreats.” Upgrade said firmly. “I’m going to defeat him honorably.” He declared as he charged at him, but Navero turned to a dark mist as he moved past Upgrade and grabbed Helen.

"Unfortunately for you, I am not bound by such honor." He told them as the platform they took suddenly went down before Upgrade jumped down to face him. "If you destroy me, then your comrade will share the same fate!"

"Sorry pal, but this game is over!” Upgrade declared before he started to stretch over and merged right into Navero. Helen got free as she ran off before Navero suddenly exploded as Helen saw that he was just a tiny little dragon standing right in front of Upgrade with only armor that was way too big for him. He took the chest plate off of him as he tried to fight Upgrade but only knocked himself out when he tried to kick him before the platform went back up.

"You did it, Helix! You beat Navero!" Helen cheered. "You really are a true Celestial Knight."

"Thanks Helen, but…" Upgrade said before he snapped his fingers and made a 1up appear. Then in a flash of light, a familiar figure reappeared before them. "I think it's best if we hear it from her." He said as Helen smiled brightly that he used his power to bring back the real Lady Blade. "So, just out of curiosity, which one of us is true Celestial Knight material?" He asked as the platform returned to the arena.

"Her." Lady Blade answered as she pointed at Twilight.

"Twilight, but why?!" Attea asked as they were confused by her answer.

"Only a true Celestial Knight would know to use the cleansing power of The Amulet of the Celestials to reveal Navero's deception." Lady Blade explained.

“Oh, that was an easy trick.” Twilight waved off with a smile. “I simply just read the instructions.” She said with a shrug.

“Read the instructions?” The young group all asked with a cringed look as the Omnitrix started beeping.

“Whoa! No time for goodbyes!” Upgrade called as he quickly grabbed the others and curled into a ball and shrunk as they vanished.

Back in the real world, the console flashes as Upgrade exited it with the others, who are now back to their normal forms, as they landed on the ground as Helix transformed back, now back into his normal form as well. “Could you cut it a little closer next time?” Gallus questioned,

Helix activates the Omnitrix again as he searches and sees that all of his alien icons are back in their place. “Hopefully there won’t be a next time.” He said.

“So glad you all could made it back.” Dust said with a smile.

“And it seems you all hit a new highscore in this game.” Pinkie said cheerfully while showing the scoreboard of the game they were in.

"Plus it finally stopped raining.” Delta added as they looked outside and saw the sun shining down. "I bet you kids could use some fresh air after being locked up in a video game for a while."

"Why don't Pinkie and Rainbow take you all out for some fun?" Twilight suggested with a smile.

"I could definitely go for some real world action right now." Helix said with a smile.

“Then let’s go explore and have some fun.” Rainbow said as she and Pinkie led the kids outside as they all laughed as they ran out of the mobile base.

“Hehe, I thought they’d never leave.” Twilight said with a smirk.

“Gonna play that game, huh?” Applejack asked with a smirk.

“I gotta admit to Helix, this game is pretty good.” Twilight said with a smile. “No wonder he loves it.”

“Mind if we join you?” Hope asked with a smirk as she, Delta, Flash, Dust, Applejack, Venus, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike gave knowing smirks at her.

“Grab a controller and let’s play before the kids get back.” Twilight said as they all grabbed game controllers as they all started playing Celestial Knights together with focused and challenging looks.

Author's Note:

 the Omnitrix has a universal translator and can change DNA, what if for physical combat or being off world, the Omnitrix can also acts as a disguise to change Helix’s appearance to fit in in a sort of way.

Me and my co-writer, https://www.fimfiction.net/user/354977/JesusG0987, want your opinion on it and do you think we should add this kind of feature into the Omnitrix.

By the way, the clothing and the blue rose sword are from Sword Art Online if you haven't guessed it yet.

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