• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 720 Views, 142 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

  • ...

7. A World of Talking Animals

Universe 220815

Let's see if this story feel familiar to you:

A billionaire genius decides to create an AI whose purpose is to protect the world from destruction. However, said AI becomes aware of itself and analyzes the human race, getting completely confused between what is good and what is bad, to the point where it begins to deeply hate humans, so it decides that in order to save the world from destruction, humanity must be completely eradicated.

So far so good, right? Excellent!

Now, imagine that same AI fails its mission, but then ends up transported to a world full of magically colored ponies that aren't that different from humans, and now it also hates said ponies and plans to destroy them just like it wanted to with the humans.

After this happens, both a group of humans with super abilities and a group of ponies join forces to fight against this AI and prevent both ponykind and humankind from being eradicated from existence as it is known.

Well, all I just told you is precisely how things work around in this universe... Or at least they used to, because now this universe was set on fire, and both the human and pony groups, known as the Avengers and the Mane 6 respectively, lay in the ground, completely weakened out.

This happened because Opaline, once again, arrived at good timing, destroying the AI program, named Ultron, with a single blast and spell, not even sweating.

However, she also had to make sure that neither the Avengers nor the Mane 6 were going to step into her plans and ruin it all, like usual, so she made a massive barrier of fire around them, slowly approaching to the two groups.

"To think that Celestia wanted to put her kingdom in the hooves of a... nopony like you, Sparkle..." Opaline told Twilight coldly. "If a part of your silly being is telling you that you can change my mind, then step down that plan: I have come way too far to stop now!"

After that, she spread her wings and floated in the air, while Twilight tried to light her horn up and fight back with her.

However, Opaline lightened her horn as well, and so, the fire barrier suddenly closed over the two groups, slowly killing them both as their skins burned, while they screamed in agony and pain, also begging to anyone for help.

Opaline grinned sinisterly and satisfied with this result, before noticing ahead her next pray.

The Starlight Glimmer's variant of this universe was running as fast as her hooves allowed her to, as she levitated a blue shard from the Paradox Prism, precisely what Opaline came for.

So, Opaline simply teleported right in front of Starlight, while the unicorn mare bumped into her and fell to the ground, before shaking her head and look around confused, until she looked upwards and panicked at the sight of Opaline, who looked down at her with anger.

Still, Starlight stood up and tried to fight back, but before she could speak or light her horn up, Opaline lightened her own horn and burned her whole body down, only leaving her skull behind.

Soon, Starlight's skull fell to the ground, while Opaline grinned and levitated the Blue shard, attaching it to her left hind leg's bracelet and having the same process as usual: Lightened up horn and wings in fire, as well as the blue shockwave sent through her body and the blue glowing eyes.

"Ah!" Opaline sighed happily. "Nothing like a few kills and a boost of power to start the morning!"

After saying this, she flew up in the air, but instead of preparing to shot at the sky and open another portal to move out into the next universe, she looked down at her mess for a second:

Ponies running away from the fire, screaming in fear and panic, crying because of being afraid or because they were either seeing or holding the death body or bodies of ponies they used to know or even were close friends with, and she even witnessed some ponies dying in the fire.

Opaline grinned from ear to ear after seeing this. After all, she lived for this: For the pain she causes, for the destruction she produces... Is her core reason to live, the whole meaning behind taking Twilight's place as ruler.

She didn't gave a damn if she was doing something morally correct or not, she simply wanted to burn it all and then stand over the ashes, showing that she's superior, that adoring and serving her is the right way, that her destiny is to rule, and she won't allow anyone to take that from her.

"Sunny Starscout and Sonic the Hedgehog might believe that they can stop me, huh?" Opaline muttered to herself with a sinister grin. "Might as well prove them wrong!"

After that, she finally opened another portal and left, while this universe started to glitch as well, meaning that it would eventually collapse.

Universe 220822

After exiting Eggman's factory in North Green Hills, the group split up.

While Tails, Misty and the Royal Sisters went with him to his workshop, Knuckles went with Hitch, Izzy and Sparky towards Angel Island, mainly because Knuckles wanted to see that the Master Emerald was still on its place.

Fortunately, as he approached to Angel Island over the Tornado IV while piloting it, both him, Hitch and Izzy could see the floating island in the distance, meaning that the Master Emerald didn't go anywhere, and that Rouge didn't lied when she said she left it intact after he disappeared with Tails.

Oh! Right! Team Dark. Well, they decided to go and report to G.U.N. about their two year absence. They should be fine... I mean, they'll probably just loose their jobs, but other than that, they should be fine.

As for Amy, she willingly choose to stay at the other side of the portal back in Equestria and watch over it, just in case it closed again. Besides, Tails already explained her how it works, so she should be fine as well.

Back with Knuckles, Izzy and Hitch, the trio landed nearby the Altar of Emerald, also known as the Shrine of the Master Emerald. This place is named like this because this is precisely where the Master Emerald rests and uses its power to make the entire island float.

As Knuckles landed in the ground, he smelled the air and the exhaled happily. "Home, sweet home!" He exclaimed, before walking towards the pillar where the Master Emerald rested.

"Whoa!" Izzy exclaimed, as she landed on the ground as well, with Hitch landing on her back and also feeling amazed by the sight.

After all, even if the altar was rusty and destroyed, it still seemed impressive.

"I've never seen structures like these before..." Hitch muttered amazed.

"Oh, but I have!" Izzy said cheerfully with a smile. "In that sandy place where we saw those giant robots with teeth! Many of the structures looked similar like this one, specially with the type of stone they had!"

Hitch looked closely at the pillars, and he had to admit that they definitely resembled those houses he saw on Kronos Island with Sonic and Sunny.

"Yeah... Now that you mention it, I remember seeing structures like this one on Kronos Island" Hitch confessed. "This proves that the Ancients definitely moved to this world after The End almost wiped them out."

"It also brings a bigger historic value... Makes me even prouder of call this place my home." Knuckles stated with a smile.

After that, he started to climb the stairs that lead to the top of the Altar, while Hitch and Izzy looked at him confused, before looking at each other confused, then shrug, and then follow Knuckles upstairs.

"Knux?" Hitch called out. "Why are we here, exactly?"

"Yeah! I thought you said you were going to show us all the beauty around the island!" Izzy pointed out.

"And I will!" Knuckles reassure, stopping in the middle of the stairs to see Hitch and Izzy with a smile. "But first, I need to make sure this Island's biggest treasure is still were it belongs."

After saying this, he resumed his walk, while Izzy and Hitch felt confused, but they still followed him upstairs.

However, as they finally reached the top, the two ponies' and baby dragon's jaws dropped: A massive and green, brilliant cut jewel was resting over the Altar, glowing brightly and showing off all its majesty, which clearly made Izzy and Hitch understand now why Rouge always wanted to steal it, while Sparky licked his lips and babbled hungrily at the sight of the Emerald.

"It's really beautiful, isn't it?" Knuckles said with pride, since he noticed his friend and girlfriend's reactions.

"Beautiful? Beautiful?!" Izzy asked with wide eyes. "This is the most amazing, mind-blowing, fantastic and prettiest gem I'd ever lay my eyes on!"

"No wonder why Rouge always tries to take it away... Is a really beautiful gem, Knuckles!" Hitch complimented with a smile.

"Indeed." Knuckles nodded in agreement, then he approached to a small computer that was near one of the pillars. "Now, let's see if that password that Tails gave me really works..."

After saying this, Knuckles introduced the code '02021994' in the computer, and the screen glowed in green. Then, an invisible barrier that was around the Altar deactivated and granted access to the three of them.

"There we go!" Knuckles said with a smirk. "Tails installed this security measure before we left to look after Sonic in Equestria, just in case some bat tried to come and steal the Emerald. Or in case anyone wanted to steal its power, both work anyways."

"Holy moly macaroni and cheese!" Izzy exclaimed. "What else are you trying to hide from us, Knuckie~?"

"Nothing!" Knuckles replied with a smirk, before approaching to the Master Emerald.

Soon, the echidna placed a hand over the gem and closed his eyes. This made the entire environment disappear for a second, and soon, it felt like only Knuckles and the Master Emerald were left.

Then, in this world where only these two existed, the Master Emerald glowed brightly and shifted its form, now looking like Chaos, God of Destruction. Both Knuckles and Chaos opened their eyes to stare at each other, with the former frowning slightly at the sight.

"I know, I know... I've been absent for way too long." Knuckles admitted a bit ashamed.

Chaos replied something madly, but it only sounded like gibberish, although Knuckles did understood his words.

"I understand your anger... But there was an emergency. A friend needed my help!" Knuckles replied with a frown. "My duty is both with this island and with my friends! No matter if Sonic and I clash on thoughts: We're still friends, and I will die for him just like he would die for me!"

Chaos Still rolled his eyes annoyed and replied something that made Knuckles scoff and look away.

"If you're just gonna lecture me on how I'm supposed to act as the Guardian of the Master Emerald, then hear the news, Ancient: I already was trained for the job, and I don't need you to remind me everything I already learned!"

However, after saying this, Chaos said something with a surprised tone.

"Yes! I discovered that you're half Ancient while in Equestria!" Knuckles replied with anger. "In fact, I have learned so much in that world that I'm seriously considering quitting as the stupid guardian of this place!"

Of course, after saying this, Chaos' eyes widened in shock, before he frowned and said something else that made Knuckles' eyes widen in panic.

"Three days?!" Knuckles shouted. "What do you mean I have just three days to change my mind?!"

Chaos said something else, and that seemed to enrage Knuckles.

"I won't abandon them just because you want me to!" Knuckles replied enraged, before turning around and start to walk away. "I don't know why I even bothered..."

However, Chaos said one last thing, one that made Knuckles stop moving and then turn around, but just when he did so, Chaos was gone, and so, Knuckles looked down with concern and disappointment.

That's precisely where the vision ended, and when Knuckles came back to reality, he was frowning in concern, while Izzy and Hitch were behind him calling out his name.

"Knuckles!" They both said with concern, but it faded away when Knuckles retired his hand from the Master Emerald.

However, their concern quickly returned when Knuckles sighed and then walked ahead, before sitting over the edge of the Altar and look ahead, staring at the entire mass of earth that consisted on Angel Island.

Of course, Izzy and Hitch looked at each other with concern, but just before saying something...

"Come sit with me, guys..." Knuckles himself called them out. "There's something I want to talk about with you."

Both Izzy and Hitch felt surprised after hearing this, but they still obeyed and approached to the echidna, sitting at his side just like he asked to.

For a few seconds, there was only silence, and the three of them simply stared at the rest of Angel Island. Izzy eventually rested her head over Knuckles' shoulder, while Hitch grabbed Sparky and sat him in front of him so the baby dragon could look at the rest of Angel Island as well.

"...I remember when my Mom brought me here when I turned 5 years old..." Knuckles spoke suddenly, as he started to narrate a story, while Izzy, Hitch and Sparky decided to listen carefully. "She showed me Angel Island from here, and she told me that I'll always have this beautiful sights after turning 15, because that's the age were I had to move the Master Emerald from Hidden Palace to this Altar."

Knuckles stared at the sky with a nostalgic expression and smile, one that slowly darkened as he remembered how all that happiness left after turning 7.

"My mother died when I was 7... Her cancer killed her eventually..." Knuckles confessed, and Izzy covered her mouth with a hoof in shock, while Hitch felt concerned for his deputy. "I was trained the first 7 years of my life to guard over the Emerald... She died earlier than she should've..."

"My gosh, Knuckles..." Izzy muttered with concern. "I... I never thought you went through that..."

"It must been hard for you to deal with her death..." Hitch commented with worry.

"It was... But they trained me to hold my emotions, so... Even if I wanted, I didn't cried her death..." Knuckles confessed. "I was just a kid... But I knew I had to kept my tribe's legacy and name alive, even if I'm the last of my kind."

"Wait..." Izzy muttered. "You... You've been up here alone for years?!"

"Only 2." Knuckles replied with a slight smirk. "One day, a massive spacial station with a face landed on my island, and I think you already know the rest."

"So, after you met Sonic and Tails, you felt less lonely?" Hitch asked with a smile.

"Many would believe that, but..." Knuckles sighed and looked down at the floor in sadness. "Even if they hang out with me from time to time, sometimes even staying a full month or two on the island... I still felt alone... Because I never went anywhere with that thing behind stranding me here to look after it."

"Stranding you?" Hitch said confused. "But you're free to leave the island, aren't you? Why do you attach yourself to this place if you don't want to?"

"Because that thing placed a curse on my people... A curse I cannot brake without paying a price..." Knuckled replied with a slight frown, before sighing defeated. "Guardian of the Master Emerald or not, this place is my home... But I... I'm afraid to coming back permanently again..."

"What do you mean?" Hitch decided to ask.

"In Equestria, my job as a deputy requires me to move around the whole town and watch over the citizens, then go back and fulfill some paperwork, before moving over to the town again and make sure law is not being broken... My days usually end with me cooking dinner and chilling with the people I call... My tribe. My family." Knuckles explained.

Of course, both Hitch and Izzy felt touched by his words, and they both smiled after hearing him.

"But here? Here I just stand in front of that green floating rock behind us for what? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months?! Years?!" Knuckles pointed out with anger. "This place is consuming my whole life... Why would I want to go back to a place that's still my home, but doesn't makes me happy anymore?"

After explaining his frustration, Izzy and Hitch looked at each other with concern, while Knuckles sighed heavily and then scratched his head.

"I'm sorry... I know you two didn't came here to hear me complain..." Knuckles apologized with a sheepish smile. "I guess... The idea of leaving a place where I can genuinely be myself and not be judged not hated for it... I don't like it..."

"Oh, Knuckie..." Izzy said with concern, as she rested her head on his shoulder and nuzzled it a bit, while Hitch looked down with concern.

"Why didn't you told us any of this before?" Hitch asked with worry.

"I was trained to hide my emotions." Knuckles replied. "I don't wanna bother anyone with my own struggles... We all agreed to never mention that subject again, and... I just decided to hold everything for myself..."

"But that's so unhealthy!" Izzy pointed out with a frown. "Knuckie, it doesn't matter if you're physically strong or not: You are still a living being that needs to express his emotions! Saving them for yourself is gonna make you explode one day if you don't release your pain!"

"Izzy is right, Knuckles..." Hitch agreed. "None of us want you guys to leave Equestria. Ever since you guys arrived, things have been great, and they have gotten better and better! It'll be a shame if you guys left our world forever..."

"And you guys changed our lives, too!" Izzy stated. "When Sonic arrived, I got not only my first friend ever, but also many new friends! And... I met you..." She added, as she lifted Knuckles' chin with a hoof and smiled warmly at him, while Knuckles blushed and chuckled slightly embarrassed.

"And I got the best deputy I could ever ask for!" Hitch agreed with smile. "I don't know if that training as the Master Emerald's guardian had anything to do with it, but you're the best deputy I ever had! You fulfill the role perfectly, and you can even watch over Sparky! Why would I ever want one of my best friends and the best deputy ever to go?!"

Knuckles smiled after hearing that, and he felt so touched that he started to let his guard down.

"You're also a great Uncle for Sparky!" Izzy added with a smile. "That little guy rarely stays on his place unless is with you, me, Sunny or Hitch, remember?"

"Well, Omega and Sonic enter that category, too, you know..." Knuckles pointed out with as sheepish smile.

"But he definitely prefers you!" Hitch said, as he gave Sparky to Knuckles, who laughed happily at the echidna, while he smiled warmly at Sparky and patted his head a bit, before letting out a content sigh. "And... You have saved our world many times!"

"That's right!" Izzy agreed again with her usual cheerful smile. "Knuckie, if it wasn't for you and the other Mobians, Equestria would be on either Eggman's hands or Opaline's hooves, and it didn't happened thanks to you!"

"But it could still happen with them both out there!" Knuckles pointed out with concern. "Eggman never plans anything good, and Opaline's been the past year trying to find a way to kill us all! How can I not be concerned?!"

After saying this, Knuckles grabbed his own quills and covered his face ashamed, while Izzy and Hitch looked at each other with concern, before nodding with determinate looks and look back at Knuckles.

"Knuckie... If I may ask... When's the last time that you cried?" Izzy asked him.

Knuckles' eyes widened at this question, and he looked over at Izzy with a bit of panic. "Huh?" He said confused and, even if he didn't wanted to admit it, scared.

"When is the last time that you cried?" Izzy repeated her question, a bit more firm this time, but also with a sweet tone that told him she's just worried for him.

"...I honestly don't remember..." Knuckles confessed with a heavy sigh. "I was probably just a baby or... maybe even 3 when I cried for the last time..."

Both Izzy's and Hitch's eyes widened after hearing this. "You haven't cried ever since you were a baby?!" Hitch asked concerned.

"My mother knew when to be a mother, and when to be a teacher for the next guardian..." Knuckles replied. "The few times I cried, she scolded me as a teacher, but also comforted me as a mother. I... I just made my own mechanism to stop crying... Hence why I haven't done it ever since unless is for lame jokes in Tell Your Tale..."

"Now's not the time to break the fourth wall, Knux!" Izzy scolded with a frown. "You cannot keep doing this to yourself!"

"Doing what?" Knuckles asked confused.

"Hold back your crying?" Hitch pointed out with concern. "Dude, I don't care what this training was all about, you're still our friend! And like it or not, you need to release your sorrow somehow!"

"What?! Are you two insane or something?!" Knuckles exclaimed with wide and panicked eyes.

"Oh, we are the insane ones?!" Hitch said with a slight frown. "You are the one that refuses to cry for some dumbass reason I don't even wanna hear!"

"And don't you dare to say is because it makes you feel weak, Knuckles!" Izzy warned him with a frown, and Knuckles swallowed nervously. "Crying is a great way to let your pain go! And you've been holding back ever since you were just 3 years old, but that ends today!"

"Izzy is right, Knux." Hitch agreed with the unicorn mare. "You have done a lot for everyone, and you've been hiding your emotions in the process. For once, let us be there for you and just let go all your frustration out!"

"...Are you guys sure?" Knuckles asked a bit concern, his guard lowering even more now. "I fear that my cry might never cease..."

"Then we'll stay here with you, comforting and supporting you until the tears have dried" Izzy assured him with a smile. "Like Hitch said, let us be the ones that comfort you for once and... Just let it all out... Stop holding back."

With this, the three of them fell into complete silence.

However, as Knuckles started to remember all his years of loneliness, his mother's death, his tribe's extinction, and how much he hated the idea of leaving Equestria, his own shelf finally shattered.

The first few tears started to drop out of his eyes, and by instinct he tried to wipe them out in panic, but both Hitch and Izzy grabbed his arms and separated them from his eyes, also shaking their heads, telling him he had to cry in order to keep moving.

He still didn't wanted to, but as more and more tears began to run down his cheeks, all attempts to play the thought guy died, and so, he gave up and started to cry more, and more, and more...

For the first time in a long time, he was crying again. He did remember having teared up in Ares Island when he was trapped on his Cyber Cage in Cyberspace, but he didn't mentioned it because he didn't through it counted as crying, or he wanted to believe that it didn't.

He just felt guilty back then because of what happened in Maretime Bay, and how he was the one that activated that Cyberspace portal that transported him, Hitch, Izzy, Pipp and Sparky to the Starfall Islands by mistake.

...Yeah, it was definitely crying, as much as he hated to admit it.

After several minutes of him just tearing up, while Hitch and Izzy hugged him for comfort, he finally calmed himself down, and so, he wiped the few tears he had left on his eyes, before looking at Hitch and Izzy with a smile.

"...Thanks, guys..." Knuckles said. "...I didn't knew how much I needed that..."

"Anytime, deputy." Hitch replied with a smile, while Izzy kissed his cheek tenderly.

On the other hand, Tails lead the other three mares towards his workshop.

The young fox was moving aside some bushes to allow the others to pass, while he quickly walked over to lead them again and guide them towards the place he lives in Green Hills, were Sonic used to crash from time time since, well, he really never lived in a house before arriving to Equestria.

"So let me get this straight: This whole time, Sonic has just been running around with no place to stay, sleeping in the wild, and crashing at your place sometimes?!" Zipp exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Yeah... You could say Sonic was homeless before meeting you, guys." Tails replied with a little smile. "But don't feel bad for him: We tried to convince him on getting a home after he turned 15 for years, and he always turned down the offer."

"So Sonic simply choose to be homeless?" Pipp asked with a deadpan.

"He was way different than before meeting you." Tails replied. "He changed for good after hanging out around you! Maybe he'll finally buy his own place if we have to come back once Eggman and Opaline aren't trouble anymore... Or maybe he'll still be a stubborn... I bet for the last one."

"Me too..." Pipp said, still deadpanning.

"Me three." Zipp replied, also deadpanning.

"Wait... If he crashed at your place sometimes, does that mean that he slept in a bed or in the floor?" Misty asked confused.

"Both, depending on his mood that specific day." Tails replied, before gasping and suddenly stopping, while the three mares did the same.

The four of them stared at Tails Workshop: It was a kind of small workshop that in turn was a house; the roof and the front door were painted red, and in front of the door was the Tails logo; there were a couple of lanterns above the door of the workshop to illuminate at night, as well as a gigantic tower on the right and a telescope on the left.

However, ever since Tails left to Equestria along Knuckles, the place has been abandoned, which explained why it looked dusty and had some spider webs near the lanterns.

"Whoa!" Zipp exclaimed surprised and smiling. "This is your workshop in Mobius?! It looks way cooler than what we gave you on your birthday, dude!"

"Yeah, well... It was Longclaw's doing..." Tails replied with a nostalgic smile. "She gave Sonic the Tornado because she knew how much he wanted to travel around the world with his powers, and she gave me this workshop because she knew how much I loved to build my own stuff. She definitely was the mother my biological one could never be..."

PIpp approached to his side and looked at him with concern. "Is this why you felt so emotional when we gave you the workshop back in Maretime Bay? Because it reminded you on how Longclaw did the same?"

Tails let out a heavy sigh and then nodded. "Yeah..."

After this, he approached to the entrance and introduced the code to open it, which was '1992'. With that, the workshop's entrance slowly opened, showing the messed up inside.

Remember the first machine he spent 6 months building before it collapsed after opening its first portal to Equestria? Well, the rubble of said machine was spread across the workshop's living room, and some blueprints for once his future projects were spread on the floor as well.

Many of those projects were done already in Equestria, by the way.

Tails entered and sighed at the sight, sadly remembering how he let his frustration for not finding Sonic get the best of him, to the point that it almost ruined his life, as well as his physical aspect.

Soon, Misty and the Royal Sisters entered as well, looking how messy the place was right now.

"I know this is going to be a dumb question, but this place usually looks better, right?" Pipp asked, but Zipp pushed her slightly and shook her head with a frown, and Pipp rolled her eyes annoyed.

"No need to get mad with her, Zippy..." Tails said with a little smile. "As for your question, Pipp: Yes, this place usually looks better... It just looks like this because I let myself get carried away by despair..."

"That sounded so edgy..." Zipp snorted.

"What do you mean with that, though?" Misty questioned.

"Eggman set up a trap for Sonic..." Tails replied with concern. "Eggman created a machine that left the Chaos Emeralds without power! Then, he used their power to sent Sonic to Equestria in an attempt to take over Mobius with Sonic out! But Knuckles knocked him out, and we tried to take Sonic out of the machine... He told us to stop trying, and Knuckles obeyed, but I didn't! And... After Sonic went through the portal, I spent 6 whole months hating Knuckles and trying to make a portal on my won to take him back..."

"Wait... You blamed Knuckles? Even after Sonic told you both to let him go?!" Pipp asked in panic and with wide eyes.

"I know, I know! I was wrong, I shouldn't had blame him, and I'm sorry for that!" Tails replied. "But Knuckles tried to avoid what ended up happening in the end: My desire to build a portal on my own to look after Sonic turned into a sick obsession... I stopped talking with everyone here in Mobius, I stopped eating, I barely slept or even showered! I was so desperate on bringing Sonic back and show I wasn't a burden to him that... That I almost lost myself..." He explained with concern, before turning to see his messy workshop. "This place's current state is the result of that obsession..."

Tails stared with concern at how messy his workshop looked because of his obsession on saving Sonic, and even if he managed to recover in a few weeks, he still felt haunted by this...

As for the other three mares, they looked concerned at the young fox, but specially Zipp and Misty, since none of them liked to see nor hear how much Tails pressured himself in order to save his best friend. Worse of all, it seemed that Tails hasn't forgiven himself.

Still, Zipp decided to approach him and nuzzle slightly on his chest, which made Tails look down at her a bit confused, even though he still petted her head with a hand as some kind of instinct.

"Babe, I can't imagine how painful it must've been to see your best friend ever get dragged into a mysterious portal, and feel like you could never see him again..." Zipp confessed, before looking up at him with a smile. "But I do know for a fact that, if you still feel like a bad friend because of this..." She pointed at the mess around the workshop. "Then let me tell you that Sonic already have forgiven you, and that you are definitely worrying for nothing!"

Tails eyes widened in surprise, since that's precisely how he felt regarding this subject, and sometimes he wondered how could Zipp read the most complex of things by just looking at him.

Soon, both Misty and Pipp arrived as well and placed their hooves on Tails' shoulders, which startled him a little, if he had to be honest.

"Zipp is right, Tails!" Misty was the first one to agreed. "Or you forgot already that you're literally the one that spread the cure for the Metal Virus?"

"Or that you immediately went to investigate on a way to bring Sonic back after he broke the Paradox Prism, as well as sent Boom and Young back to their worlds?" Pipp added with a smile.

"That doesn't makes me feel any less guilty for what happened with Knuckles..." Tails pointed out with concern.

The three mares smirked and looked at each other after hearing this, which made Tails feel in danger for some reason, although he quickly decided that his friends were planning nothing that big of a deal... probably...

"Then let us help to make it easier!" Zipp stated confidently.

In the end!

Who's on your side?

Who can you trust?

In the middle of the night?

Where will you be?

If you can't find you?

There's no place to go

Nothing to do

If you gotta do something

Gotta do something

Pipp: & Misty:
Believe in yourself, yourself, yourself, hey!

Extraordinary things can happen if you believe in yourself
You've got to have some faith in yourself
If you want respect from your friends

Don't re-arrange

No need to change

Stay like you are

Keep it all the same

But as you move along

In your life

Keep an open mind

And don't forget

That if ya gotta do something

Gotta do something

Pipp: & Misty:
Believe in yourself, yourself, yourself, hey!

Extraordinary things can happen if you believe in yourself
You've got to have some faith in yourself
If you want respect from your friends

Zipp:, Pipp: & Misty:
When you feel tight, look at yourself!

Inside your heart you will find a special place to unwind

Zipp:, Pipp: & Misty:
When you feel right, look at yourself

Inside your mind you will see
Cosmic Eternity

Zipp:, Pipp: & Misty:
When you feel tight, look at yourself!

Inside your heart you will find a special place to unwind

Zipp:, Pipp: & Misty:
When you feel right, look at yourself

Inside your mind you will see
Cosmic Eternity

After the three mares finished singing, Tails blinked a few times at them, before snorting and let out a small laugh, even wiping away a tear.

"Okay! I have no idea why you girls had to tell me all of that with a song, but thanks!" Tails said with a smile. "I really see it now: I've made my mistakes in the past, but they don't define who I am today!"

"Now that's more like it!" Zipp said with a smile, also nuzzling on Tails' shoulder, while the young fox smiled, kneeled and kissed her cheek.

"So? What are you planning to do?" Misty asked as well with a smile.

Tails smirked, and then, he brought out from his tails the small Blue Shard of the Paradox Prism that he obtained when saving Sonic after he fell on the water after destroying the Prism.

"Sonic is out there, and he needs to find Opaline before she can take over the whole multiverse!" Tails pointed out with a determinate look. "However, our mission is to find Eggman, and if I know him any better: He might be planning to get the shards of the Prism himself to still take over the entire multiverse as well!"

"So we have to deal with two tyrants hungry of power trying to take over all the existing realities?" Zipp asked with a frown.

"Yes, but here's the thing: We have an advantage over Eggman!" Tails pointed out with a smirk, throwing the Prism's shard in the air like a coin for a moment. "And if he wants to find shards, then shards we shall give him!"

"Whoa, what?!" Misty asked in panic with wide eyes. "You want to give him the shard?!"

"No, no, no!" Tails shook his head and waved his hands in the air. "Don't get me wrong! The shard is gonna be a trap! We're gonna make sure he believes we're willing to negotiate the shard in exchange of something, when in reality, we just wanna contact him to locate where he's located!"

"If we locate him... We can follow the sign and stop whatever he's up to!" Pipp finished with wide eyes, realizing that whole plan.

"Precisely!" Tails said with a smirk.

"How can we help?" Misty asked.

"Glad you ask, Mist!" Tails replied with a smile. "This is what we're gonna do..."

Author's Note:

I know you guys are going to mention this, probably, so let me be clear: Tails doesn't doubts himself.

Season 3 closed that issue, alright? The scene in question where he sees his abandoned workshop just shows that he still feels guilty because of not being able to make the portal earlier, and for treating Knuckles so badly during those 6 months because of his obsession.

The song where Pipp, Misty and Zipp tell him to believe in himself is just a reminder that he can already move on from past mistakes and show the world how much he has developed, both as Sonic's partner and as a hero on his own.

I know people is gonna find it confusing, so I want to clear that up now.

By the way, the universe Opaline fucked up this time is this story made by JDPrime22. I heard it was really popular, so I wanted to implement it here as well... Hopefully you guys won't hate for destroying this universe.

Anyways. Next episode: Sonic runs away from FS and discovers a truth he never wanted to learn... MORE ANGST INCOMING!!!

See ya! :twilightsmile: