• Published 4th Apr 2024
  • 720 Views, 142 Comments

Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: The Final Act - Part 2: Time Runs Out - BronySonicFan

When Opaline gains the power to travel across the multiverse and cause chaos across all the realities, the fate of the whole Multiverse relays on Sonic's hands and Sunny's hooves.

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Universe 220822

Opaline spent the last 4 months trying to recover her lost power.

After Sunny and Tails wiped the floor with her, she's been hiding on her Castle with a barrier that costed half of her powerful state. Now? Even if she still had some power left, it wasn't enough for her to go back outside. Worse of all, the Dragonstone has no dragon fire left, which means that if she's gonna spare her remaining magic, she has to do it wisely.

"I can't believe those fools defeated me! Queen Opaline Arcana!" Opaline shouted in rage, as she paced back and forth in her throne room. "I should have burned them down... Left nothing behind the chance I had control over that virus! What was I even thinking?!"

Unlike Eggman, Opaline lacked patience to do stuff if it didn't went as planned at the first try. Where Eggman could take a brake and relax his mind as he schemes his next big plan, Opaline shouts in rage and brakes stuff with her fire magic just to feel better, but the eternal reminder that she lost wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

"How's that Ivo does it?!" Opaline asked out loudly with rage. "He gets his ass wiped out and beat up all the time, and he still comes back, better, smarter, wiser and stronger than the last time! He never looses the touch! WHY AM I LOOSING MINE?!" She shouted, stomping her hoof on the ground and making a massive wave of fire expand across the castle.

Her voice echoed as it repeated the last sentence she said, while Opaline herself breathed heavily and started to calm herself down.

The Alicorn mare sighed and rubbed her face with a hoof. "Why... Why can't I simply make anything I do work?! Allies or not, I still loose! Am I EVER going to get what I deserve?!" She shouted, but more with a broken voice and not so much with anger.

Suddenly, however, the entire castle shook violently, and Opaline yelped surprised, so she saw herself obligated to flap her wings and fly in the air to not feel the earthquake.

Yet, it didn't changed the fact that she was curious on what caused the earthquake, so she took a quick glance outside of her window... Just for her eyes to widen at the sight: A giant portal open in the sky with the shape of an 'X'; while a red, black and blue background, as well as white lines that conformed every universe on their own, could be seen at the other side.

"What in the name of Equestria is that?!" Opaline exclaimed confused, before using part of her magic to teleport herself out of the lair.

She appeared in the sky, above her own castle, looking up to the giant portal and feeling both intrigued and fascinated by all the lines that could be seen at the other side of that portal.

Nodding to herself, Opaline spread her wings and boosted towards the portal, traversing it in the process.

Opaline opened her eyes to realize she was in some kind of black void.

"What the hell?!" Opaline exclaimed confused. "Where did that stupid portal took me to––" She tried to ask, but then a white light shone bright... just to reveal the same scenario that she was looking at before at her castle, as well as thousands of white curves and lines moving like a river's stream.

She gasped, both amazed and delighted at the sight. She had absolutely no idea where the hell that portal she saw took her, but she could feel her magic flowing without problem, something that wasn't happening back on her castle.

"What is this place?" Opaline asked with a wide and amazed smile. One could say she almost looked like a filly amazed by something extraordinary... But let's not forget who are we talking about here, okay?

"Yes! The multiverse is now mine!" A voice spoke suddenly. Or rather, four voices combined and distorted within themselves.

That made Opaline turn around and see a figure in the distance. This figure was a robot with red arms, green legs, yellow body and a blue head that resembled Eggman's face.

"Of course..." Opaline deadpanned, before quickly teleporting herself around the place.

She came to notice purple crystals floating in the middle, so she used one of them to approach the robot, as well as use it to hide so the machine wouldn't notice her.

"So many worlds... So many possibilities!" The robot said with a huge grin, and Opaline felt confused because of how his voice sounded distorted. "Now, which universe take first?"

Opaline got even more confused with the term 'worlds'. What was Eggman talking about? And why did he sound so weird?

It wasn't until she saw the right arm of the machine that she gasped, and her eyes widened again: A massive prism with red, yellow, blue and green colors was attached to the machine's arm, and Opaline immediately recognized the jewel.

"T-The Paradox Prism?!" Opaline muttered to herself in shock. "B-But I thought that was just a legend!" She added, before gasping in realization. "Wait... If the Paradox Prism is real, and Ivo is accessing to its power... Does than means that––"

However, another voice cut her off before she could say what she was thinking. "How about the one were you never win?!" Sonic's voice asked suddenly.

Both Opaline and the machine turned around, frowning at the image of... three Sonics instead of one.

This last fact made Opaline's eyes widen, so she rubbed her eyes and looked again, but there was still three Sonics instead of just one.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Eggman exclaimed with anger.

"Game's over, Eggman!" Sonic stated with a frown. "We'll settle this right away! The definitive battle for the multiverse is here and now!"

"That's a battle you have lost, rodent!" Eggman stated with confidence. "I won this one! The multiverse is mine!"

"Oh, is that so?" Sonic asked with a grin, before turning on his electrical powers and let go a massive shock over the machine, while the Eggmans and Sage's voices shouted in pain as Sonic electrified them. "Then recover from this and go get us, you bastard!" He challenged with a frown, before boosting away from him.

Grabbing the other two Sonics, Sonic boosted through a white line and entered a universe, while Eggman finally recovered from Sonic's sudden shock.

He frowned and shouted in anger, before turning on his rockets and boost towards the same line that the Sonics got through, also traversing said line.

Opaline saw all of this, and after Eggman and the Sonics were gone, she rubbed her chin in though, while the three Sonics and the robot kept jumping from universe to universe, never noticing Opaline being there, scheming her next move.

"Hmm... That Prism has the power to allow its user to travel to any world they want..." Opaline muttered to herself. "If I could get a glance at that power, not only could I travel to any world I want, but I also could steal all the magic from said worlds! I would be unstoppable!"

"We gotta stop that thing!" A voice said suddenly, and Opaline popped her head from behind the crystal she was hiding.

Not so far, Sonic was laying weakly on a floating boat with a mysterious pony figure, as Sonic's shoes and gloves seemed burned out, while he had a weird disc over his right glove.

"If it keeps reacting in that way, the entire multiverse is gonna get destroyed! I can feel it!" The pony said with concern, and Opaline felt she had heard their voice before.

"...Chip... We don't have to recover the Prism... We have to destroy it..." Sonic pointed out with a determinate look.

"The what now?!" The pony, who Sonic called Chip, asked in disbelief.

"I must do what's better for both dimensions... and for the entire multiverse..." Sonic stated confidently.

"Wait... Please don't tell me he's going to––" Opaline tried to say, but her answer came when Sonic launched himself against the Paradox Prism in the distance, that was now floating in the air, while Eggman couldn't be seen anywhere, but that didn't mattered to Opaline. "NO!" She screamed, before she started to use part of her power to teleport around.

Soon enough, she managed to be a few meters away, but she also noticed that Sonic was ready to destroy the crystal, since he had his right fist charged in electricity.

Knowing that she had to act fast, Opaline thought quickly on a tracking spell, and she launched it as a blast towards the Paradox Prism.

Thankfully for her, it managed to hit the Prism just a second before Sonic hit it and destroyed it, splitting the Prism in four fragments, each one of them also splitting up in 5 pieces, as they all spread across the multiverse, with two blue fragments and one red one falling right towards her universe.

However, Opaline's tracking spell was a bless for the Alicorn, because now her horn could track down all the fragments, but she needed something first before going to get them.

So, smirking, Opaline quickly flew back to the remaining open portal and traversed it, returning to her universe.

Universe 220822

Now that she was back in her universe, Opaline could feel her horn tickling her a little.

She also could see Sonic and a blue piece of fragment from the Prism falling into the sea, but her horn tickled her again, and suddenly, it created and invisible path that only she could see thanks to her magic.

Opaline turned to see the path created by her magic, and she saw that it lead to the forest near Maretime Bay, so she teleported right in front of it. Once there, she started to walk across the forest, burning down some branches that got in her way to clear her path.

After a few seconds, she saw a red glow in the distance, so she charged a fire blast with her horn and launched it through the forest, burning half of it down and making a massive whole in the middle of the trees.

The Alicorn proudly flew deeper into the forest, then she landed and looked down at the piece of fragment from the Paradox prism, the red one. She used her magic to levitate the piece closer, but as she did so, the prism vibrated a bit, and it sent a small red trial to her horn.

"What the..." Opaline muttered, just for her eyes to turn white all of a sudden.

She was now having a vision, one where she was sitting at a throne, while she was staring down at a large crowd of not only ponies, but also Mobians, humans, robots... All kinds of creatures, bowing and cheering her name loudly.

When the vision was over, Opaline opened her eyes widely and took a deep breath, since that vision came out of nowhere, as the red trial from the Prism fragment's piece went back to the shard. This left Opaline confused... A confusion that faded away as her grin grew big.

"I knew it..." Opaline muttered happily, now looking at the Prism shard happily. "It's just one shard from a bigger Prism... But it's still powerful enough to sent me through the Multiverse!"

To prove her theory, Opaline looked at the bracelets on her hooves, then looked again at the shard and smirked.

She levitated the Prism's shard and attached it to her bracelet on her right foreleg. As a result, a red shockwave was sent though Opaline's body, making the mare's eyes to glow bright in red electricity, as well as causing her horn and wings to light up with red fire.

Soon enough, Opaline shook her head, and her wings and horn went back to normal... But she felt different, less weak and more... powerful than ever.

"Huh..." Opaline muttered, looking down at the red Prism's shard attached to her bracelet. "That's... new... It's just one small shard, but... It gave me more power than any flame of Dragon Fire has ever done it before... I wonder..."

Wanting to test another theory she just had, Opaline lightened her horn and focused all the energy of the Prism's shard to her horn, before shooting a laser in the air that opened a red portal. She looked at it hesitant at first, but she needed to be sure she wasn't crazy, so she nodded to herself and traversed the portal, as it closed behind her.

Universe 080819

A red portal opened in the middle of a field.

Soon enough, Opaline came out of it and landed, as she looked ahead of herself, just for her eyes to open wide for what felt like the millionth time today: Not so far from where she was located, she could see Canterlot's Castle in all his glory, back when Celestia and Luna were still rulers of Equestria.

This made Opaline smirk widely and start to laugh like a maniac. "I cannot believe this! It worked!" She cheered happily, as she looked down at her bracelet with the Prism's shard. "Now I have access to any reality I want! Which also means... That I can take over all the magic I want from any universe, any age and any magical creature... Who needs Dragon Fire when you have the whole multiverse in the sole of my hoof?!"

She let out a maniac laugh. Opaline's journey across the multiverse was starting, and it promised bad news...

Author's Note:

Ladies and gentleman... Welcome to the beginning of the end! :pinkiehappy:

This is it. My last story, where I put everything I have at stake. This is the story where we're gonna see our characters struggling the most, specially with Sonic being... a special case, to put it in some way. Of course, giving context to what I'm talking about is a spoiler, but I know you guys won't mind.

By the way, the universe Opaline visits at the end of this prologue is from this story by Jade Ring, in case you wanna go and check that out.

Now brace yourselves, because the first chapter... is not about the main universe, but it is about an important character. Soon, you'll see what I mean :raritywink: