• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

  • ...

4. The Big Melt

Universe 220822

After 3 hours of build up, Tails and Zipp managed to finish a prototype machine that could held the power of the Paradox Prism fragments they had, all thanks to the paper that Sunny gave them.

Now, everything they needed to do was to test it out and hope it worked, because despite the paper being on a good to descent condition, the language seemed to be from times Twilight Sparkle was still here, so they had a very harsh time deciphering the text.

In fact, they already ran a few tests... and every single one was worse than the previous one.

Thankfully, they were testing the machine outside the Brighthouse. It was destroyed twice before, thanks to Sprout when it was Sunny's lighthouse, and thanks to Eggman with his Death Egg Titan, they didn't needed a third time, that could devastate Sunny entirely.

"Alright, Zippy," Tails said with a smile, while he and Zipp were wearing safe suits. "You ready for Test 28 and hope it works this time?"

"Go for it, hun'!" Zipp told him with a smirk.

They both grinned, put their safety googles on, and then, Tails pressed a red button.

This made the machine to shine bright and start to make sounds, while the Paradox Prism's fragments also began to glow bright. It seemed like it was working for a while, because they actually kind of created a small X portal, showing up a red, blue and black background with several white lines around.

Unfortunately, the portal ended up closing almost the instant it opened, and the machine exploded... again. Tails immediately created a shield with his powers to cover himself and to protect Zipp from getting hurt, while Zipp herself attached her body to Tails', also placing a wing behind his back.

Once the explosion was over, and no more parts of the machine were flying around, or falling from the sky, Tails made the shield go, and both him and Zipp stared with bored expressions at the now destroyed machine.

"Well... at least it kind of worked this time..." Zipp pointed out, removing her googles with a bored expression.

"Yeah... but we still need to find out what we're doing wrong," Tails pointed out with a worried frown, also removing his safety googles.

They both gathered all the pieces from the machine and placed them over a red little cart, before moving towards a table with several blueprints and then removing the safety suits as well.

"It seems like we nailed the power capacity, so that remains the same," Tails started to explain as he brought the blueprint of the machine and started to take notes and remove others on it. "However, it seems like the machine is still very unstable..."

"Maybe we can change our materials. Like, we could use Bridlewood's crystals, or materials made out of Chaos Energy," Zipp pointed out with a smile.

"Yeah, that could work..." Tails said with a little smile. "Thanks for helping me out, Zippy... I don't know what I could've done without you."

Zipp blushed after hearing that, but she also smiled. "Anytime, little handsome guy," She told him on a flirty tone, before pulling him into a kiss.

After they broke the kiss, they decided to split up so they could get the materials for the machine: Zipp would go to get some crystals from Bridlewood, and Tails would use both his powers and the Chaos Emeralds to create materials with Chaos Energy.

However, as soon as Zipp left, Tails looked back at the machine with a worried frown, and then he looked at the new blueprints as well. "...We might not be as close to bring you back as I would like, Sonic... but we'll bring you back! Whatever it takes!"

Universe 060199

A variant of Classic Sonic was just relaxing on a green chair over some big vehicle, while wearing sunglasses, no shoes, a red swimsuit with yellow lightning bolts while playing an electric guitar.

He recently had a massive musical number on his mind about this little vacation he and his siblings were looking forward, and then, he place his guitar on the floor before stretch his arms and cross his feet with a smile.

"Is this cool, or is this cool?" Classic Sonic questioned with a smirk.

"Yo, Sonic! Check this out!" A voice called out.

Classic Sonic lowered his sunglasses with a smirk, and then, he saw his brother, Manic, surfing over some giant waves.

Manic is a green hedgehog that looks physically exactly like Classic Sonic, but his hair is longer, and he had spike-bracelets around his wrists and a drum medallion. Usually, he wears a red shirt and shoes similar to Tails', but since he was on vacation, now he only wore a purple swim suit.

Manic did some sick moves with his surfing table, and Classic Sonic simply raised his thumbs up, before stretching again and go back to relax. "Nope! Doesn't get much better than this!"

Too bad he was too wrong.

Soon enough, Classic Sonic's and Manic's sister, Sonia, came running at top speed on her motorcycle. Sonia is a purple hedgehog with pink hair and a key-tar medallion, and while she usually wears long purple gloves and boots, as well as a red dress, now she's only wearing a yellow swimsuit.

As she kept riding her motorcycle, she pulled out a green remote control and pressed a yellow button, that made a ramp come out from the vehicle where Classic Sonic was relaxing. She passed over the ramp and stopped right in front of Classic Sonic, who simply relaxed over his chair with a smile.

"We got trouble! Let's get Manic up!" Sonia said with worry, before turning around on Manic's direction.

"Yo, sis! Slow down!" Classic Sonic told her with a relaxed tone. "All that movement is disturbing my cosmic––" He tried to add confidently, but then, Sonia used a whistle to call out for Manic, disturbing Classic Sonic a lot and making him frown. "Wow! That could shatter a coconut!"

"Manic!" Sonia called out as she waved her hand to call Manic's attention, which seemed to work, because he was soon approaching on his floating surfing table.

"Let me guess... our vacation is history, right?" Classic Sonic asked her with a bored expression, and Sonia simply nodded with concern.

Soon enough, Manic arrived and smirked at his brother and sister. "¡Qué pasa, sis!"

"Robotnik is snooping around the Polar Ice Cap!" Sonia began to explain. "Some Freedom Fighters spotted Sleet and Dingo above a submarine yesterday, and––"

"Nope! Don't tell me!" Classic Sonic begged, covering his ears.

"We have to check it out!" Sonia finished.

"Ugh!" Classic Sonic groaned, removing his sunglasses and throwing them away in anger. "I knew this was too good to last! I knew it, knew it, knew it, knew it, knew it!"

"Yeah, we just started our vacation this morning!" Manic pointed out.

"I don't even have a tan yet!" Classic Sonic complained again, before walking towards Manic with a smile.

Sonia looked at her brothers in disbelief and anger. "Oh, what are you guys?! Freedom Fighters or whips?!"

"Whips," both Classic Sonic and Manic replied seriously.

Sonia stared at them even more mad, and she waited for them to give the real answer. After a few seconds, both Classic Sonic and Manic put on bored expressions before groaning.

"...Freedom Fighters," both Classic Sonic and Manic finally replied.

However, as the siblings prepared to change up into their regular clothes and then head out towards the Polar Ice Cap, the sky seemed to broke with the shape of an X, and the three brothers gasped in surprise once they noticed that.

Then, a blue blur fell from said X, and then, the sky was back to be normal. The brothers noticed said blur falling towards some of the palm trees on the island they were on.

Classic Sonic frowned and rubbed his chin confused at why there was a big X on the sky, and what fell from it.

"Did you guys saw that?!" Manic asked.

"Of course we did!" Sonia pointed out. "But what was it?"

"No idea..." Classic Sonic confessed. "But we should make sure that it isn't anything Robotnik sent to us. Besides, we're Freedom Fighters! Is what we do, right?" He asked Sonia with a smirk.

Manic rolled his eyes, but Sonia smiled with pride and nodded.

The Sonic Underground, how the siblings call themselves, moved and followed the trial of the blue blur's crash.

After walking for a while, they gasped in shock and terror at what they saw, specially Classic Sonic: Another Sonic, standing up and cleaning the sand from his body. This Sonic had larger quills, green eyes, fingerless-black gloves with some discs on the top of the hand, and black boots with some spikes in front and the same discs behind.

This other Sonic whistled at the sight of his clothes, for some reason. "Now look at these! These are rocking! Literally! Is like I became some kind of popular rockstar or something!"

After he finally stopped admiring his clothes, he placed his fists on his hips and looked around with a small frown. He couldn't tell what kind of world he was in now, but he could say for sure that this specific area was a beach, so he was either on a tropical island or on a resort place.

"I wonder what kind of universe this is..." Sonic said.

The Sonic Underground had no clue on who they were looking at, but they all frowned, looked at each other and nodded, before moving forward and stopping a few meters away from this new Sonic.

"Well, well, well. Just look what Robotnik decided to sent us! A fake version of myself!" Classic Sonic said with anger.

Sonic turned and looked on with a bored expression at the Sonic Underground, as they all frowned to him.

"Great, it seems like I have to deal with low budget versions of myself..." Sonic said annoyed.

"Low budget versions? Man, have you seen yourself in a mirror or something?" Manic mocked up with a smirk, while Classic Sonic snorted and fist bumped with him, while Sonia rolled her eyes annoyed.

"You look exactly like Sonic! How?! Who are you, and who sent you?!" Sonia questioned Sonic with a frown.

"Does it really matter? If I lie or I tell the truth, either way, you won't believe me," Sonic pointed out with a bored expression. "Besides, I literally just got here and did nothing wrong but look like him. What's your excuse to that?" He asked, crossing his arms, raising an eyebrow and tapping his foot on the floor.

The siblings opened their mouths to respond, but they all realized that he was right: He literally just arrived, and even if he looks like Classic Sonic, he didn't did anything wrong, not yet at least.

"Okay... fair enough," Classic Sonic confessed. "Even so, that doesn't explains why you look so much like me... like us!"

Sonic sighed and looked at him with a tired expression. "Do you really want to know what am I doing here?" He asked to the Sonic Underground, and they all nodded in agreement. "Alright, then... But hold into your horses, because this is going to be a looooong story..." He warned with a bored expression.

Universe 220822

Pipp was at the Brighthouse bedroom, laying on her bed as she stared at multiple pictures she had on her phone with Sonic.

Just saying that she missed him was being pretty obvious. She was completely heart broken that her boyfriend travelled to another universe because Sage tricked him.

She wanted so badly to see him again, or at least to be sure that he's fine... yet, the simple idea of loosing him and not only finding out too late, but also not being there to at least say goodbye... it was simply heart broking for her, so much that she even let some tears fell from her eyes, ruining her make up in the process.

Suddenly, she heard the door of the bedroom opening, and soon, Tails entered while holding a box. Once she noticed that, she sat normally on her bed and covered her face with her mane, trying to hide her tears.

"H-Hi Tails!" Pipp greeted, trying to sound happy so Tails doesn't suspects anything. "H-How's it going with the machine?"

"Oh, Hi Pipp!" Tails greeted with a smile, still focusing on charging up the box before walking towards his side of the bedroom and placing the box near his desk. "Well, so far, we did opened a little portal. We just need to find more resistant materials and then we can keep t––" He tried to add, but as soon as he turned, he saw Pipp's makeup, even if she tried to hid her face with her mane.

He immediately felt bad, but he smiled warmly and walked towards her. Then, he climbed up on her bed and sat right bedside her. He moved her mane aside, and his ears fell flat as he saw that she was crying a lot.

Tails still smiled at her, and pulled Pipp into a hug, startling her a bit. "Pipp... I miss him too. Even if he's not gone physically talking... I also wish I could talk with him right now, or just know if he's fine... And if you need to cry, do it. Sonic would want us to be strong, but that doesn't mean we cannot cry," He told her, braking the hug for a moment and just smiling at her.

Pipp feels like tears start to run down her cheeks again, ruining her make up even more... but she doesn't cares anymore, as she leans and hugs Tails and starts to cry on his shoulder.

Tails himself hugs her back and let out some tears himself. He really misses Sonic, and he knows he's okay, but still... that doesn't stops him from feeling a bit sad that he's not here.

They both just stand there, crying that Sonic isn't there with them right now, but also feeling a lot better now that they know this isn't something they have to go through alone. This was really therapeutic, for both of them, since they really needed to take it out of their systems.

Soon enough, they separate from their hug and dry their tears. "T-Thanks for that, Tails... I really needed it..." Pipp said with a smile.

"No problem. I... I actually really needed that too," Tails confessed. "I just wanna make sure that he comes back safe, but... not knowing if he's safe at all is making me really uncomfortable..."

"Yeah, me too..." Pipp said with shame, before smiling and slightly pushing him on his elbow. "But as you say, he would want you to stay strong. Just keep going Tails. Fail as many times as necessary until you achieve the perfect machine!"

Tails chuckled after hearing that and winked at her. "No problem!"

Soon enough, Amy and Knuckles entered the room, panting heavily as they searched around, before stopping their gaze right in front of Tails and Pipp, who were sitting on the latter's bed.

"Here you are, young man!" Knuckles said, as both him and Amy approached Tails. "We need your help!"

"What's the matter?" Tails asked, frowning a bit.

"Eggman's the matter!" Amy replied. "Some of his forces are moving towards Maretime Bay!"

"Hitch, Sunny and Izzy are going to stay on town so nopony finds out and cause chaos around with panic," Knuckles explained. "Team Dark is heading to the Brighthouse to keep and eye around."

"We want to know if you want to come with us to stop Eggman's forces, Tails," Amy said, then she turned to Pipp. "And Sunny said something about needing you and your sister."

"Then it seems like the machine to bring Sonic back has to wait!" Tails said with a determinate look. "Lead me on!"

"I will call Zipp to tell her Sunny needs us," Pipp said, also with a determinate look.

"Cool, so it's settled!" Knuckles stated. "Let's roll!"

The last echidna warrior boosted away, and soon enough, Tails and Amy followed him, while Pipp marked Zipp's phone number and also exited the room.

The Eggman Trio and Sage were observing the units they sent marching towards Maretime Bay.

Thanks to Sage's powers, they managed to fuse their ideas into new badniks that had the best of each of their universes: Their equipment was provided by Robotnik, while the designs where a mix of both Eggman and the other Eggman's old designs.

However, the only problem was that Robotnik couldn't understand why the robots were heading to attack Maretime Bay. It was a place full of regular horses, and even if they had plant magic or something, that wasn't a match to their machines. So, why attack this little town of silly ponies?

"I still don't understand the point of this attack," Robotnik finally said.

"Yeah, me neither. There's no point on attacking these silly little ponies!" The other Eggman pointed out.

"Perhaps you're not seeing the full picture, or you already forgot everything I explained?" Eggman asked in annoyance.

"Yes," Robotnik confessed with a bored expression.

"We didn't appeared last episode. If you explained anything, of course we don't know about it!" The other Eggman pointed out with a frown. "Also, can we please call me another way? I hate looking at the script and see I'm acknowledged as 'the other Eggman' here," He begged, now pulling out a book saying 'Season 4: Script'.

Skipping the last comment, Eggman and Sage looked at his counterparts with bored expressions, and Eggman even raised an eyebrow.

"Father, can I question if these are really your counterparts from different universes?" Sage asked.

"I'm doing that myself, dear," Eggman confessed, before frowning at his counterparts. "Listen: The Paradox Prism, the thing that brought you here, was shattered into 4 fragments. I have two of them, but that blue rat's friends got the other two!" He shouted in anger. "That's why, this attack is just a distraction! Those idiots are going to be so busy taking care of our badniks, while one of you two will retract the remaining ones from the Brighthouse... Using this!"

Then, Sage snapped her fingers, and the Egg Emperor machine used by Neo Metal Sonic years ago appeared.

"Oooooh!" The other Eggman said with a huge grin. "Now you got my attention!"

"Impressive... very impressive, I must say," Robotnik admitted as well.

"This baby will fly to the Crystal Brighthouse in Maretime Bay. Then, one of you will sneak in and take the fragments. If they notice it... give them a little surprise~" Eggman instructed with a sinister grin. "As for you, Ivo, that's the way we'll call you so you stop complaining about your nickname!" He told the other Eggman with annoyance.

"Eh, fair enough," Ivo, a.k.a. the other Eggman, replied with a bored expression. "So, who's pulling out the heist?"

"You," Eggman replied.

"Really?!" both Ivo and Robotnik asked, the former with excitement and the latter in disbelief.

"Now, now, Robotnik. Don't get mad with me," Eggman instructed. "While Ivo pulls the heist to recover the Paradox prism, you will take some pony hostage."

"Great, I'm gonna be kidnapping a horse," Robotnik complained with a frown.

"Correction: You'll kidnap a Queen horse! Who also so happens to be this universe's Sonic's mother in law!" Eggman said with an even bigger grin.

Robotnik's jaw dropped, and Ivo, who was sipping a glass of water, spilled it out and started to cough after hearing that.

"Sonic has a girlfriend in this world?!" Ivo asked in shock.

"Indeed! However, I already tried to kidnap her... She's insufferable, which is why I won't bother on kidnap her... Yes, that happened one time. It wasn't never shown, though," Eggman said with a bored expression, before grinning again. "However, Sonic has a very healthy and overall good relationship with his mother in law, Queen Haven. That's why kidnapping her is gonna be a crucial point in our mission. If we play our cards carefully, by the time Sonic returns... Equestria will've fallen to our might already!"

Both Ivo and Robotnik smirked sinisterly after hearing that. "Seems like we have a heist and a kidnapping to pull out!" Ivo said with a smile, while rubbing his hands in excitement.

"Eggcellent!" Eggman said with a huge grin.

Soon enough the room was filled with the sinister and maniac laughs of the three doctors, while Sage rolled her eyes and looked away.

"I take back what I said. They're too similar for my liking..." Sage muttered to herself tiredly with a bored expression.

Universe 060199

The Sonic Underground decided to take Sonic with them after he explained his entire story so far.

Of course, Classic Sonic and Manic laughed a lot when he mentioned the world with ponies and how he fell in love with one, but thanks to Sonia and her smack on their heads, they shut up pretty quickly. Classic Sonic was driving their big vehicle as they moved towards the Polar Ice Cap zone, while Sonic finally finished to tell his story. They all were wearing winter clothes, too. Even Sonic, who got them because of the artifacts on his gloves and shoes, and he even thanked Rotor in silence for making these wonders for him.

"So: You come from a universe were you got stuck on a world of talking colorful ponies..." Classic Sonic started to explain, amazingly, holding his laugh this time.

"Then Robotnik, or as you call him, 'Eggman', tricked you and you destroyed a powerful crystal that accidentally sent you to another universe..." Manic kept going.

"And now, you're stuck in ours," Sonia finished.

"Yup. That's pretty much the full story," Sonic said with a bored expression. "Really crazy stuff, right?"

"Man, if it wasn't because you're here to prove you're right, I'll be laughing on the floor again," Classic Sonic confessed with a smile.

"Same here. Like, multiple realities? Different universes?! Titans and gods?! Your life sounds crazy, other bro," Manic told him with a smirk.

"Did I mentioned I turned into a golden god, too? Multiple times, even," Sonic said with a more confident smirk now.

"Okay: I'm officially jealous of you!" Classic Sonic confessed, still smirking, though.

"You sound like you've been through a lot," Sonia pointed out.

"Oh, and I have, indeed," Sonic said, still very relaxed. "In fact, I didn't told you half of the crazy stuff I have lived so far, but I don't think I have to. I mean, so far, the only thing I never confronted face to face is an evil version of myself, and I hope it remains like that."

"Well, not to be cruel or anything here, but why don't you return now? I mean, if you know how to leave, then you could do it, right?" Manic asked him.

"Manic!" Both Sonia and Classic Sonic scolded him.

"It's fine, guys. Really. He does have a point, though," Sonic said with a sad smile. "I should leave... the problem is, I can't control which world I visit, yet. It's just... so random... Besides, I want to have the most fun of every adventure I have, too! That's what I live for, after all!" He added, now with a more confident smirk.

"Well, embrace yourself, because we arrived to the m-most c-coldest place in M-Mobius..." Manic warned, as he and Sonia hugged themselves and shivered.

Classic Sonic himself shivered as well as he kept driving. "It's so cold my goosebumps' goosebumps have goosebumps!"

"Well, tell your goosebumps to brace themselves," Sonia warned him, while Classic Sonic rolled his eyes annoyed. "It's gonna get a lot colder than this!"

"Oh, I can't wait!" Classic Sonic replied with sarcasm and annoyance.

"Chill out, man. We're going to the Pole, not to a funeral," Sonic pointed out with a bored expression.

"How are you so calmed when we're shivering here?!" Manic asked in disbelief.

"I lived on an extremely cold for a couple of years, so I'm used to these kind of temperatures," Sonic replied.

"Again, I'm jealous of you man," Classic Sonic repeated.

"Yeah, just for that, same here," Manic added as well.

"Mmm-hmm," Sonia agreed this time with her brothers.

After driving for a couple of hours, the Sonic Underground and Sonic finally stopped.

Near an edge, Classic Sonic used some kind of super advanced binoculars in search for the submarine sent by Robotnik, while Sonic just looks around in search of any signs of this submarine as well. According to the description they gave from this world's Robotnik, he's exactly like the one from the previous Mobius world he visited, so maybe his machines were also similar, which is what he's looking for.

"S-See anything, bros?" Manic asked to the two Sonics, as he shivered in cold.

"Yeah: A whole lot of goosebumps looking for a home," Classic Sonic complained.

"Stop being such a kiddy, tiny me," Sonic told him, still annoyed.

"Actually, I just checked the temperature, and it's about 15 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year!" Sonia pointed out, as she checked the temperature on a green tablet, but then, Classic Sonic came by and snatched the tablet from her hands.

"So what does that make it? Only 50 below?" Classic Sonic asked in a mocking tone.

"20 Degrees Celsius," Both Sonia and Sonic replied, the former with a frown and the latter with a bored expression.

The Sonic underground all turned to see Sonic in disbelief, while he just crossed his arms and tapped the floor with his foot.

"What? Just because I'm Sonic from another universe doesn't means I'm an ignorant," Sonic replied, still with a bored expression.

"Hey!" Classic Sonic complained, while Manic snorted a bit.

"Please stay here and sent this guy to replace you!" Sonia said in a mocking tone, and Classic Sonic growled in anger.

"Yeah, sorry. Not happening," Sonic replied, now smirking.

"Well, I liked 80 degrees Fahrenheit better!" Classic Sonic said with a mocking smirk to Sonia.

"Sonic, stop whining! I am really sick of it!" Sonia scolded him with anger, snatching her tablet from him while Classic Sonic frowned back at her. "We have a job to do, so let's do it!"

"I know we have a job to do, but I think this is a wild goose chase!" Classic Sonic confessed in annoyance. "What would Robotnik be doing in this freezer?! Doesn't make sense!"

"Well, maybe he wants, like, to melt the ice caps, or something," Manic said with a smile, as he hold two snowballs on his hands.

"Melt the Ice Caps..." Classic Sonic repeated with a snort.

"So sue me!" Manic replied, before combining the two snowballs into a bigger one, and then throw it away.

"...You actually could have a point, Manic..." Sonic said with concern, rubbing his chin. "Otherwise, temperature wouldn't melt this much..."

Sonia checked out her tablet for a minute before replying something. "According to the Freedom Fighters, the submarine surfaced out near the end of that big ice flow," She said, pointing at a massive piece of ice in the water that was totally melted for some reason.

"Yeah, this seems pretty much like something ol' Egghead would do..." Sonic said with a bored expression.

"Let's split up and check it out," Sonia stated.

The siblings and Sonic split up as they started to look after the submarine.

So far, none of them found anything, but as Manic walked forward, he was surprised when a steam suddenly popped from the ground, and he fall backwards in the snow. Once he stood up, however, he got startled that the steam came so suddenly.

"Yo, Sonic! Check this out!" Manic called out to his brother.

Soon enough, both Sonics arrived, since it wasn't decided yet how to call them to difference them.

"What's up?" Classic Sonic asked.

"Yo!" Sonic greeted as well.

"Steam!" Manic pointed out, and then the three of them leaned to look on the hole where the water was coming out from. "Boiling water?!"

"Guys, this feels completely odd... is almost like..." Sonic tried to say.

However, he couldn't finish when they all heard and saw the ground cracking and then tearing apart as it feel on the boiling water of the ocean.

"Yikes!" The three hedgehogs exclaimed.

The ground kept tearing apart and falling to the ocean, now worrying and startling the three hedgehogs. Not only that, but also the portion of ice where they were standing separated and started to move away from the regular land.

"This is bad..." Manic pointed out with concern.

"Where's Sonia?!" Classic Sonic asked in panic.

Soon enough, they saw Sonia standing at the edge of some ice that started to crack and tear apart, as she tried to stand there and keep her balance. However, she couldn't do it for much longer, and so, and still standing over a small portion of ice, she fell towards the water... but instead of actually falling there, she fell over another portion of ice instead, while she tried to keep her balance and not fall to the boiling water.

Meanwhile, Manic and the Sonics kept moving away on their big portion of ice.

"Sonia!" Manic called out in concern.

"Sonia!" Classic Sonic called out as well.

"Sonia!" Sonic called out to in worry.

Soon enough, however, Manic turned around and noticed that they were about to crash against a giant iceberg. "Oh man... Titanic time!"

"Oh boy..." Sonic said in concern.

"Great, we're gonna die just like Jack and Rose did!" Classic Sonic complained.

However, both him and Manic were suddenly grabbed as bags by Sonic, who looked on to the boiling sea with a determinate look.

"Man! What are you doing?!" Classic Sonic asked in panic.

"No one ever died while traveling with me, and you two won't be the first ones!" Sonic said with a determinate look.

After saying that, he started to run on his place until his feet created the shape of an eight, before boosting away from the massive iceberg as he ran over the boiling water, while the iceberg behind them crashed and destroyed.

"Whoa! You can run over water? Man, the more I know about you, the more jealous I feel!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk.

"Big news: You can do it as well!" Sonic replied with a smirk, before throwing him in the air.

Classic Sonic shouted scared, but then he also moved his feet until they made the shape of an eight, and once he landed on the water, he boosted and managed to reach Sonic, who still held Manic as a bag.

"This is amazing! I didn't knew I could do this!" Classic Sonic said with excitement.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Now catch!" Sonic replied, before throwing Manic to him and then boosting away.

Classic Sonic managed to catch his brother, and they both looked on the direction where Sonic boosted away.

"Uh... where is he going?" Manic asked confused.

"No clue, bro," Classic Sonic replied with a raised eyebrow.

Meanwhile, Sonia herself was moving over her part of the broken ice, as she moved across the boiling sea while shouting Sonic and Manic's names. However, she didn't noticed a big piece of ice melting and falling into the water causing a massive wave that started to move towards her.

When Sonia did, though, it was too late to avoid it and she panicked. "Oh no!"

However, before the wave could get to her, Sonic arrived just in time and grabbed her in bridal style, before boosting away and returning with Sonic and Manic.

"Sup, guys!" Sonic greeted again with a smirk.

"Oh, so that's why you left! You were rescuing Sonia!" Manic pointed out with a smile, while Sonic winked at him and nodded.

"Oh wow! I didn't knew you could run in water!" Sonia told Classic Sonic with a smirk.

"Yeah, me neither!" Classic Sonic confessed, smirking back. "What other surprises await us?"

However, before anyone could reply anything, the four of them were suddenly lifted by something emerging from the sea: A giant metallic submarine. From inside, Robotnik came out, along two weird looking creatures named Sleet and Dingo. Sleet was a grey wolf with purple hair using a soldier uniform with a red cape, while Dingo was an orange beast with blonde hair and just some pants.

Once the group knew where they were over, they hid behind the trio of villains so they wouldn't notice them.

"Eta three minutes, sir," Sleet informed to Robotnik.

Robotnik nodded, and then grinned sinisterly as he admired all the melted ice so far. "How high has the water risen?"

"Another nine meters, sir," Sleet replied.

"Excellent!" Robotnik declared with a huge grin. "It won't be long now!"

Then, the submarine entered to a hidden place on an iceberg, mostly one of Robotnik's hideouts. However, Manic accidentally sneezed, way too loud for the group's liking.

"Bless you, sir," Dingo told to Robotnik.

"I didn't sneezed," Robotnik pointed out confused.

Dingo felt extremely confused after hearing that, so he turned and faced Sleet. "Don't look at me!"

"Well, someone sneezed!" Robotnik pointed out with anger.

Then, Sleet pulled out some kind of laser gun and pointed into certain direction. "Come out, whoever you are!"

The Sonic Underground came out clean with sheepish smiles, while Sonic used his sonic speed to sneak away without anyone noticing, not even the siblings.

"Surprise!" Classic Sonic called out sheepishly.

Meanwhile, Sonic was hanging from one side of the submarine with a frown. "Must be careful from here. If I wanna help these guys, this universe's Robotnik can't find out about me. I already have enough with one Eggman trying to conquer the entire multiverse..."

Universe 220822

After running for what felt like an eternity, Sonic decided to stop and rest near a forest, sitting over a trunk and taking a brake.

"Okay... running around to see where the heck I am is not working..." Sonic told himself. "Ugh, if Tails was here, he could use one of his fancy little gadgets to localize that other me, if he even exists in here, that is..."

He then looked around the forest, and instead of panicking while having flashbacks of those times when he was all alone and hiding on a cave, he actually liked the quiet and peace this time. It allowed him to relax and think carefully instead of doing something stupid. Tom always said he was reckless... perhaps it was time to prove he could be careful, even if Tom wasn't there to witness it.

"Let's see... if I cannot find my other me... maybe I could find... another Tails!" Sonic said with a bis smile. "Of course! Tails is a genius, no matter the universe. He could built something that sends me back home! If he's willing to help, that is..." He pointed out, rubbing his chin in doubt. "Eh, I'll worry about those details later!"

Once he had his plan settled, he decided to boost away. However, as soon as he saw a bunch of robots marching like soldiers towards what looked like a beach town, he immediately stopped and stared confused at the machines.

They all seemed to be big robots with the shapes of bugs, like ladybugs, bees, crabs... okay, those weren't bugs, but you get the idea, right?

"Okay... robots that look like small animals... with different colors, even..." Sonic said with a raised eyebrow.

However, he narrowed his eyes a bit and noticed some symbol on their side... a round face with glasses, a sinister smile and a mustache, a figure he recognized anywhere, because he gasped in awe.

"Robotnik!" Sonic said in concern. "Is he alive?! He came here too?!" hH questioned with worry and panic, but then he realized something. "Oh, right... this is another universe. So, if there is another Eggman... there must be another me! And another Tails and Knuckles, too! Alright, now that I know this, I'm gonna change my plans..." He added, before boosting towards the army of robots. "First, I'll deal with these machines and make sure they don't reach that town. Then, I'll look after my friends from this world and myself. Then, I'll––"

However, he had to suddenly stop his listing as a yellow laser passed right in front of him.

Soon enough, a yellow blur passed by and he couldn't understand who it was... until it stopped in mid air: It was Tails! Well, a variant of Tails, but it was him! For the first time since he arrived here, he felt so relieved of watching a familiar face. However, he looked incredibly different.

His shoes were blue, his gloves were perfectly adjusted to him, he had a belt and used pilot goggles. Only his two tails and seemed to be normal, but... he looked less furry. Instead, he seemed a bit more... plastic? He couldn't tell what, but he didn't looked like the Tails he knows.

This Tails used a laser gun and moved in mid air to destroy many of the robots marching towards the town. Then, he charged up a Spin Dash, with his tails still showing, and then he began to move around the army, booting and traversing the robots like if it was some kind of pinball machine.

Soon enough, another Knuckles joined Tails and started to fight as well against the machines, using his bare fists charged up in electricity. That hit like home, but the fact that this Knuckles looked shorter and less muscular also reminded him that this wasn't the Knuckles he knew. Still, he actually felt happy of seeing another familiar face around.

This Knuckles was not only smashing robots, however: He also grabbed several of them, smashed them together, and then he used the already smashed robots to launch them at the other and destroy them as well. Soon enough, however, he charged his fists with electricity and made a massive clap that destroyed thousands of robots because of how massive and effective the attack was.

Sonic's eyes sparkled in awe, but then he heard someone else arriving: A pink hedgehog girl with red boots, diadem and dress, holding a very big hammer and smashing some robots around as well, even using the heads of some to pretend she's playing either golf or baseball with them.

He smirks at that, and then, he decides to join into the fun, even if he arrives at a very unexpected time for them. He starts to move at super sonic speed as he Spin Dashes and destroys several robots as well. Soon enough, the army goes smaller and smaller, until it finally stops existing entirely.

Strangely, Tails, Knuckles and the hedgehog girl haven't noticed Sonic yet, but before he can reveal himself, the ground suddenly rumbled after something landed right in front of the trio, and Sonic decided to stay quiet for the time being.

What arrived was a machine very well known for the trio of heroes: the Egg Emperor.

"Ah, great. The pain in the ass itself joins the party!" Knuckles complained.

"Why does he sound so different?" Sonic muttered to himself.

"Hohohohoho! I never expected you to be so shorty in this universe, knucklehead!" Eggman spoke. "But I shouldn't be surprised. I was warned that you do have braincells around here!" He added, before laughing like a maniac.

"What?" Tails said confused.

"Shorty?" Knuckles questioned, more out of confusion than anger.

"This universe?" The hedgehog girl, named Amy, asked too in anger. "What's the matter now, Eggman?! First, your daughter sends Sonic to another universe, and now you come here to spill nonsense?!"

"Why does Robotnik sounds so different, too?" Sonic muttered to himself again, even more confused now.

"Oh! You think I'm your Dr. Eggman, Ms. Rose?" Eggman spoke again, before the Egg Emperor opened the pilot's capsule and showed who was inside: Ivo, a.k.a. the other Eggman, as he smirked mischievously to the trio. "Well, guess again!"

They all gasped, even Sonic behind did it, since it wasn't the Robotnik he knew, either.

"So Eggman used his fragments and brought another Eggman along... now we have to deal with two?!" Tails asked in panic.

"Why are you looking less fat, by the way? That feels illegal..." Knuckles pointed out with confusion.

"Why none of you are using sport bandages? Now that feels illegal to me!" Ivo replied with annoyance. "And by the way, you're not dealing with two Eggmans. You're dealing with three!"

"That's a lot worse..." Amy pointed out with a tired expression.

"But it makes kicking his butt even funnier!" Sonic spoke finally.

The trio and Ivo heard him, and when they turned, they felt all surprised. The trio for seeing Sonic, or someone identical like him at least, while Ivo did it in surprise, thinking there was no variant of Sonic around.

"Sonic?!" They all asked in shock.

"Cool, glad to know I do exist here!" Sonic replied with a smirk. "That aside: Get the heck lost, Eggman! Tell me how to go home, or else...!" He warned, although he kind of looked adorable while trying to be intimidating.

"Or else what?!" Ivo asked with a grin. "And why do you sound like Dewey Duck from that terrible DuckTales reboot? I hated that thing with every inch of my body!"

Sonic smirked, charged up his Spin Dash and launched against the Egg Emperor.

Ivo screamed in panic and closed the pilot's capsule, but the robot was hit by the attack anyways. Still, Ivo managed to make the robot stop and look back at this new Sonic, who landed in the floor as it charged up his electrical powers, since he had them too.

After that, Sonic charged up again and started to run around the Egg Emperor, as he started to hit several crucial spots on the machine.

"Hey! Get off!" Ivo shouted, as he tried to activate the robot to move again... but everything started to shine in a red light as it made a sound that gave him a headache. "W-What? What's happening?! I CAN'T CONTROL THIS THING!!!"

Soon enough, Sonic moves away as he's done running around the machine... that fell to the ground as it teared apart and showed Ivo, just sitting over his Eggmobile completely confused.

Sonic, on the other hand, smirked and showed up a wrench, that he made spin before showing it up to Ivo. "I may not be a genius mechanic like Tails, but I do have some tricks under my sleeve! Also, you look incredibly old and fat, what kind of Eggman are you supposed to be?" He asked with a genuine confused expression.

"You won't be saying such stuff once we annihilate you, blue pest!" Ivo said with anger, before turning on his Eggmobile and calling Eggman. "Change of plans. It seems like the recovery of the fragments will have to wait!" He instructed, before turning around and boosting away.

Sonic raised an eyebrow and scratched his head confused. "That's... not the answer I expected. To be honest, I didn't expected anything at all."

"Uh... Sonic?" Tails' voice spoke.

Sonic's eyes widened, and he turned around to face Tails, Knuckles and Amy, staring confused at him.

"...Uh... yeah?" Sonic said with a sheepish smile.

"Is that you, hedgehog? You look... oddly different," Knuckles pointed out confused.

"Um... you just saw an Eggman from a different universe, and... um..." Sonic replied nervously, and all of a sudden, he was feeling incredibly shy and nervous.

"You okay there?" Knuckles asked. "Are we sure that this is the same Sonic we lost?" He muttered to Tails at his side.

"No clue..." Tails muttered back with honesty.

"Ugh, you guys are incredible!" Amy said with annoyance, before smiling and walking over with Sonic, who stepped a bit back nervously. "Hey, don't worry! I won't hurt you!" She said with a warm smile, while Sonic scratched his left arm even more nervously. "So, your name is Sonic, right?" She asked him, as she kneeled to be at his height.

Sonic only nodded, looking at her nervously.

"Did you, um... happened to pop out of a portal and notice you're on an unfamiliar place?" Amy asked him.

Sonic seemed to gasp, and he suddenly felt both impressed and scared when she said something so accurate. "H-How did you knew?!"

"I'm a fortune teller! I know this kind of stuff" Amy replied with a warm smile and a wink.

Sonic's eyes sparkled after he heard that, and just like that, his excitement returned in a flash. "A fortune teller?! No way! So, you can read the future? Can you read my mind?! Oh, oh, oh! You can tell which sign I am just by looking at me, right?!" He started to ask in excitement, as he quickly moved around Amy, while she giggled at his attitude.

Tails and Knuckles, however, still felt hesitant and doubted the veracity of this new Sonic.

"It's clear that he's not our Sonic. He was confused on this other Eggman, too, so they're not from the same universe. How?" Knuckles asked with concern.

"...There's a small chance that, whatever Eggman did to bring other two Eggmans from other worlds, somehow also affected their Sonics, or at least this one..." Tails explained. "I can't tell exactly why, though..."

"Well, then, what do we do with this new Sonic? We cannot leave him here, right?" Knuckles pointed out.

"NO! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Sonic suddenly said, as he kneeled and hugged Knuckles' leg. "Please don't leave me here! I'll do anything you ask me to, but don't leave me alone!"

Knuckles felt both concerned for his attitude and uncomfortable with how strong this Sonic's grip was on his leg, while Tails felt confused on why he was very childish and seemed to be more energetic and innocent as well.

"How should we call you, by the way?" Amy said, as she grabbed Sonic and patted his head in a motherly way.

"W-Well... you guys can call me Sonic–– No, wait... That can cause confusions with the 'me' of this universe, right?" Sonic said, as he rubbed his chin and tapped his foot on the floor.

Tails also rubbed his chin, fascinated with this variant of his best friend. "A different attitude... A different look... but still Sonic... interesting..." He muttered to himself, since this Sonic was pretty much the same, except he looked more furry, he had blue arms, his shoes were pretty different (also sponsored by PUMA), and his eyes were separated.

"Can you please experiment or study him later and say what do we do already?!" Knuckles asked desperate.

"How about we call him... Young Sonic!" Amy suggested. "He's more energetic than ours, and even if he's not around here right now, at least there won't be any sort of confusion over who's who!"

"Not the nickname I had in mind... but it works!" Young Sonic said with a smile. "Thanks... uh... Miss...?"

"Oh, just call me Amy!" She replied with a smile.

"Oh, alright..." Young Sonic stated. "Also: What do you mean my other me isn't around here right now?"

"It's a long story," Tails said. "Come with us! We'll explain everything once we return to the Crystal Brighthouse," He said, before he started to walk away, with Knuckles following up.

"I don't know what's a Crystal Brighthouse, but okay!" Young Sonic said, before he ran off, while Amy giggled and decided to follow up as well. "I was planning on finding you and ask for your help, anyways!"

"You'll have to explain further on that," Tails instructed.

"Oh well... it all started on my little island when I was a kid..." Young Sonic began to narrate.

"Dear Chaos, you're going to narrate us your life?!" Knuckles asked in panic.

"Yup!" Young Sonic replied, and then he started to narrate his whole story, while Knuckles groaned in annoyance as he walked with a frown towards the Crystal Brighthouse.

Universe 060199

The Sonic Underground was surrounded by Robotnik, his machines, Sleet and Dingo.

Meanwhile, Sonic was still hiding behind the submarine, waiting for the proper moment to attack.

"Nice of you to drop by, hedgehog," Robotnik said sarcastically with anger and his arms crossed. "But I didn't think you liked cold wet places."

"I don't!" Classic Sonic replied with a smirk. "But sometimes, you just gotta do what you gotta do!" He pointed out confidently, while Manic and Sonia nodded in agreement.

"And what might that be?" Robotnik questioned annoyed.

Then, Sleet stepped in front of him with the same confidence than his boss. "Yeah! Tell us!"

"I'd rather show than tell!" Classic Sonic replied, still feeling very confident.

Dingo snorted and started to walk towards the Sonic Underground along some robots. "Yeah, right!"

The siblings smirked, before holding hands together and start to spin around like tornados, then joining to make a bigger tornado and now moving around to mess with Robotnik and his allies.

First off, they sent Dingo flying away, then they destroyed all the robots, even making one spin away. Finally, they moved towards Sleet and Robotnik, also sending them flying away. After taking them down, Classic Sonic grabbed his brother and sister from their hands before boosting away.

Sonic saw all of this, still hiding, and he whistled at that sick trick made by the Sonic Underground. "Not bad, kids. Not bad," He said with a smirk. Seeing that the situation was handled pretty well, he nodded and boosted away as well. "And this world's Robotnik still knows nothing about me! Better keep it that way!"

Now that the Sonic Underground and Sonic were gone, Robotnik stood up and shouted in anger, before turning to face Sleet and Dingo with pure rage. "I knew I should never have trusted you two idiots to handle this job!"

"B-But sir!" Both Sleet and Dingo said nervously.

"QUIET!" Robotnik shouted again, still completely mad. "I want those rodents caught and hang out and dry! IS THAT CLEAR?!"

"Yes, sir!" Both Sleet and Dingo replied with determinate looks.

"If you fail... You will rule the miserable day you were born!" Robotnik threatened, while Sleet and Dingo gulped nervously.

Soon enough, Classic Sonic stopped moving in the middle of nowhere, noticing that Sonic wasn't with them.

"Where's the other Sonic?" Sonia was the first one to ask.

Before Classic Sonic or Manic could reply, Sonic soon enough arrived and smiled at them. "Sup!"

"Hey, other bro! Where did you go?" Manic asked.

"Sorry for hiding and leave you on your own, guys. But I already have enough with one Eggman trying to conquer the entire multiverse," Sonic replied with a worried frown. "I don't want to imagine what horrors might happen if there's 2 Eggmans trying to conquer every existent universe."

"So your solution is to hide and miss all the action despite knowing you want to fight too?" Classic Sonic asked with a frown.

"Pretty much," Sonic replied with a bored expression.

"....Fair enough" Classic Sonic said, now with a bored expression as well, before frowning in worry and concern. "But now we know that Robotnik is trying to flood the whole world! We gotta move fast!"

"Thankfully, 'Fast' is my middle name!" Sonic stated confidently, before boosting away.

"I thought your middle name was 'The'..." Manic told to Classic Sonic, while he looked at him with a bored expression.

"No, it's actually Maurice," Sonia said with a playful smile, and while Manic bursts out laughing, Classic Sonic groans in annoyance.

The Sonic Underground and Sonic eventually reached a hidden cave between the icebergs.

They were looking after Robotnik's heating plant, the same place they were looking after at the very beginning, and where they had to escape from because of Robotnik discovering them.

Classic Sonic tapped a specific place on a wall and smiled. "That heating plant is right on the other side of this wall!"

"You sure, Sonic?" Manic asked him. "I thought it was a little farther."

"My sense of direction is perfect! This is it!" Classic Sonic replied confidently.

Then, he started to spin and formed a tornado before traversing the ice. However, he was soon sent backwards after hitting water. He fell on his back and spilled the water that entered his mouth.

"Ugh! I hate water..." Classic Sonic said in annoyance.

"Oh, now that's what I call a 'perfect sense of direction'!" Sonia mocked up with a smirk, and Classic Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Dude, if you're gonna brag, do it properly," Sonic said with a bored expression.

Then, he started to walk really far away from the hole Classic Sonic already made. The Sonic Underground felt confused, but they all shrugged and decided to follow him up. After a while, Sonic stopped and placed his ear right in front of a specific place in the same wall, then he smirked and stepped back.

"Did you found it?" Sonia asked.

"Yup! But the ice is really deep, so I have to use some old methods!" Sonic replied.

Then, he charged up his electrical powers, surprising the Sonic Underground a lot, specially Classic Sonic. After that, Sonic charged up his Spin Dash and traversed the wall as twice as fast than Classic Sonic, and that made the triplets jaws drop in awe.

However, once Sonic was at the other side, he saw that the factory was fully covered by laser guns all around.

"Okay.... that might be a problem," Sonic said, before going back through the same hole. However, once he returned, he felt confused when he saw the triplets' jaws dropped. "Uh... you guys okay?"

"Man... I'm more and more jealous of you now..." Classic Sonic spoke. "I didn't even though that'll be possible!"

"You'll learn that someday. Trust me!" Sonic replied with a wink. "Now, I have good news and bad news. The good news is, this is it!"

The Sonic Underground cheered, and they high fived between each other.

"Great! But what are the bad news?" Sonia asked a bit concerned.

"The whole factory is lined with laser guns," Sonic replied with concern.

"So, what's the plan?" Manic questioned in worry.

Classic Sonic rubbed his chin and tapped a foot, before smirking confidently. "Say, other me... how fast can you go?"

"How fast you want me to go?" Sonic teased back with a knowing smirk.

Sonic entered the factory again.

Then, he started to run in circles, activating the laser guns in the process. However, since they were always failing their objective, they shoot to the ice walls instead, and so, pieces of ice fell right over the lasers, destroying them instantly.

After being done, Sonic returned with the triplets.

"Explosives!" Manic exclaimed excited.

"You gotta love it!" Classic Sonic stated with a confident smirk.

"You know? This is actually a pretty good idea!" Sonic said with a smile, before patting hid other self's back. "Nice thinking, tiny me!"

"Thanks!" Classic Sonic said with a proud smile.

He soon left, while Manic, Sonia and Sonic stay to place the explosives over Robotnik's machine. And after a couple of minutes, they were done.

"That's the last one!" Sonia said with a smile.

"Great, let's signal Sonic and bail!" Manic stated.

Sonia nodded and turned her medallion into an actual piano, which she played to create a melody loud enough to alert Classic Sonic.

Sonic, however, whistled when Sonia turned her medallion into an instrument. "You guys also keep impressing me!"

Somewhere in the factory, Sleet and Dingus also heard Sonia's sign for Sonic as they ride a floating vehicle.

"Some free advice, knuckleheads!" Classic Sonic called out, and both Sleet and Dingus turned to look at him both confused and mad. "Go back to your submarine and go home, 'cause this dump is gonna blow sky high in..." He warned, before looking at a watch on his hand and smirking. "Five minutes and change!"

After that, he boosted away from them, while Sleet and Dingus looked at each other, before screaming in panic like little school girls.

"Let's get out of here!" Sleet shouted in fright.

Soon enough, the Sonic Underground and Sonic left the hideout, while Sleet and Dingus left the factory on the submarine as well.

"He said WHAT?!" Robotnik asked, both confused and angry.

"The whole plan was going to blow sky high!" Sleet replied in worry.

"That's impossible!" Robotnik replied with anger again.

However, he soon enough was proven wrong as the factory blew up entirely, with the Sonic Underground messing up his plans again, this time with another Sonic's help, despite it happening without him ever finding out.

"HEDGEHOGS!!!" Robotnik shouted in rage and frustration.

Universe 220822

Back at the Crystal Brighthouse, Young Sonic was happily eating Chilidogs from a massive plate.

He just finished explaining his entire life to Tails, Knuckles and Amy: How Longclaw raised him, how his universe's Knuckles' ancestors basically made him move to Earth, how he spent 10 years completely alone, how he meet Tom and Maddie, how he defeated Robotnik, how he met his world's Tails and Knuckles and how he turned into a golden god that defeated Robotnik's massive robot, as well as the little incident with that Robotnik's drone on the junkyard.

"...And that's how we end up here today, with me telling you all this story!" Young Sonic finished narrating with a bright smile, eating another Chilidog happily.

Too bad Tails, Amy and Knuckles were too stunned with his story. They were very impressed that he managed to remain this strong despite everything, and now they all felt sympathy for him, understanding better why he's more childish despite still being Sonic deep inside.

"...I judged you bad... How's that you're not traumatized with all the shit you lived so far?!" Knuckles asked a bit panicked.

"Oh, I was for a while, but I'm fine now!" Young Sonic replied. "I would appreciate if you guys could help me go back home, though..." He confessed, chomping another Chilidog.

"Yeah, about that..." Tails said nervously with a sheepish smile.

However, he couldn't explain himself, because the Mane 6 and Team Dark all entered the place.

"Why didn't you told us that another Eggman has invaded our universe earlier?!" Shadow asked in anger, staring daggers at Tails.

"Guys, the robots are all over the green field near town!" Sunny pointed out with concern. "What happened?!"

"Are you guys hurt?!" Zipp asked in worry.

"Is everypony safe?!" Hitch asked with concern.

Except for Rouge, Pipp, Misty and Omega, everyone invaded the trio with questions, until...

"STOP!" Amy, Tails and Knuckles all said in unison, immediately startling the others, but also shutting them up.

The three of them sighed in relief after the questions where over. "Look, we know how serious the thing with Eggman is and all of that, but... we had a situation," Tails said with concern.

"What kind of situation?" Pipp asked confused.

Before anyone could reply, soon enough, Young Sonic got in front and whistled with excitement. First, he got in front of Sunny and Hitch. "Oh, you two look like a great couple!" He said innocently, making the two Earth Ponies confused, but also blush and look away from each other. Then, Young Sonic moved towards Zipp and Pipp. "Great, more flying horses!" He said excited, before staring at Pipp for a second. "You're pretty!" He added, and Pipp blushed with a sheepish smile. Then, Young Sonic moved over Izzy and Misty. "Nice! I always wanted to met a unicorn! And now I'm meeting two of them!"

"Aww!" Izzy and Misty said in unison with warm smiles.

After that, Young Sonic moved and looked at Omega and Rouge. "You two... seem pretty cool to me, that's everything I can say..." He said, before moving away and looking at Sparky on Hitch's back. "IS THAT A FREAKING DRAGON?!" He asked with sparkling eyes, before moving to be right besides Shadow, who had his arms crossed and was looking at Young Sonic with annoyance. "Who the heck are you and why do you look so cool?"

That somehow kind of broke Shadow's 'cold' attitude, as he flinched after he saw Young Sonic calling him 'cool', something not even the Sonic he knew was willing to admit, not aloud at least.

"Hey, Sonic... come here, alright?" Amy called out with a nervous smile. Young Sonic immediately obeyed and ran at Amy's side. "Everyone... this is Young Sonic, and... well... he's from another universe..."

"Howdy!" Young Sonic greeted them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" Zipp said. "Hold onto your horses! Did you just said that he's Sonic... from another universe?!"

"B-But how?!" Pipp asked, both concerned and confused.

"No idea..." Tails confessed. "According to him, he just popped out from a portal near Zephyr Heights..."

"Oh, so that place is called Zephyr Heights? I thought it was just a funky attractive name for tourists or something," Young Sonic said innocently.

"He's also a kid. Literally," Knuckles pointed out with a bored expression. "He's still Sonic, just... too childish for my liking..."

"So, whatever Eggman did to bring out two versions of himself, also affected Sonic..." Zipp theorized. "Maybe this Sonic is the key to make our fragments of the Paradox Prism work..."

"Hang on!" Izzy said suddenly. "If we have to deal with three Eggmans, doesn't that mean we'll need three Sonics, counting ours?"

"...She's got a good point," Rouge pointed out. "One Sonic for each Eggman sounds like the perfect match."

"Oooh! Does that mean I can meet myself? Literally?" Young Sonic asked excited with sparkling eyes, even wagging his tail a bit.

"Well, you said the Eggman that attacked us isn't from your universe, so... maybe we'll ran into the Sonic from his," Tails said with a little smile.

"Great... we'll eventually have to deal with 3 Sonics around... Can I kill myself, please?" Shadow said with an annoyed expression.

"Wow, you really are an emo guy... that somehow makes you even more cooler," Young Sonic told to Shadow, before looking at something that called his attention.

However, as Young Sonic boosted away, Shadow was caught off guard again, as he actually smiled at a slow pace. "...We must protect that kid... at all coasts necessary..." He muttered in a happy tone.

Universe 060199

Now that the factory was completely destroyed, a little space formed some kind of jacuzzi, since the water was still boiling a bit.

The triplets were back with their swim suits, and now even Sonic joined as he rested at the edge of the jacuzzi, while Sonia was floating and enjoying the hot water.

"Sonic, come on in!" Sonia said to Classic Sonic, who was sitting on a chair as he relaxed himself. "The water is wonderful!"

"Not a chance!" Classic Sonic replied with a smirk. "I had all the water I need on this trip!" He pointed out, laying on the chair.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be too sure about that, other me," Sonic pointed out with a mocking tone and smirk.

"What do you mean?" Classic Sonic asked confused.

However, he got his answer when Manic suddenly dived onto the jacuzzi, wetting Classic Sonic entirely.

"Oh, come on!" Classic Sonic complained, while his brothers laughed and Sonic chuckled.

"So, aren't you moving forward?" Manic asked to Sonic.

"Nah, I think I'll stay here for a while. Besides, relaxing is exactly just what I need, at least for now~" Sonic replied with a very relaxed smile.

Author's Note:

Well, I'll let you guys guess where we going next time.

No, it won't be a Sonic episode, that's all I'm saying for now :raritywink: