• Published 12th Feb 2024
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Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - Season 4 - BronySonicFan

While fighting against Dr. Eggman, Sonic accidentally tears the wall between dimensions, accessing to several universes that might feel familiar and new at the same time.

  • ...

3. The Doomsday Project

Universe 180993

Robotnik watched a massive machine from his lab along Snively.

His machine, code name 'Doomsday Project', was ready, and he couldn't be more excited to make his mark over the world and finally conquer everything with his machines.

"An object of beauty," Robotnik stated with a confident smirk. "Don't you agree, Snively?"

"Very lovely, sir," Snively agreed with a smile and a nod.

"Within 24 hours, I will control every inch of this planet!" Robotnik stated, smashing his keyboard and startling Snively behind him. "Every. Inch." He added with a grin, taking out a control and pressing a button. "The dream begins!"

After pressing the button, the Doomsday Project machine began to work and made the ground rumble a lot.

"Ah! Now that is beautiful music, Snively," Robotnik stated with a joyful smile.

"B-Beautiful, Siiiiiiiiiiir!" Snively said with a trembling voice, since he could barely stand on his feet because of the rumbling ground.

"By the way, is the Silver Decoy Hedgehog ready?" Robotnik asked.

"The final details are being adjusted, sir, but it will be ready by the time the two Sonics show up," Snively assured with a smile.

"Perfect. We must gain control over that new Sonic. His power will be mine!" Robotnik stated, before starting to laugh like a maniac again.

In Knothole, Rotor wanted to show something to both Sonics.

However, he was taking his time to finish it up. Modern Sonic could wait, because he was used to Tails taking his time when he was building something, but Classic was kind of a kid still, so he could barely stay on one site while Rotor finished.

"How much longer, Rote?!" Classic Sonic asked desperate, as he walked back and forth on Rotor's lab.

"Nearly done, Sonic," Rotor replied.

"Ever heard about 'you can't rush perfection'? That's pretty much our situation right now, other me," Modern Sonic told his other self with a smirk.

"Done!" Rotor said.

Modern Sonic blinked a few times and raised an eyebrow. "...Or it can be rushed, apparently..."

Rotor gave Classic Sonic a plastic bag full of a weird green substance. "What's the target?" Classic Sonic asked.

"That pile of scrap metal," Rotor said, as he pointed at a pile of scrap metal behind them.

"I'll give it the old fast ball!" Classic Sonic stated.

Then, he moved his right arm with the bag on his hand at top speed on circles, before throw it towards the pile, making it disappear entirely.

"Whoa!" Rotor exclaimed in awe.

"Huh, would you just look at that!" Modern Sonic said with a smirk.

"Man! Way cool, Rote!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk as well.

"Say, how many of these balloons could you make to tear down Eggman's Empire?" Modern Sonic asked him.

"How about 25?" Rotor asked.

"Good enough!" Modern Sonic said with a smile.

"Rote, I guarantee they're gonna do some serious damage to Eggman's Doomsday machine!" Classic Sonic stated with a smirk.

"It could also mean that his days of terror would finally be over!" Modern Sonic added with a confident smile.

Then, Classic Sonic looked at the watch hidden on his left glove. "Ooh! I'm gonna check the lookouts! Later, Rote! Other me!" He stated, before boosting away at top speed.

However, Modern Sonic stuck behind and frowned a bit. "Rotor... The Doomsday Project begins in a week according to Uncle Chuck and Sally, right?"

"Yeah. The reports said it begins next week," Rotor replied.

"Well, I don't buy it," Sonic stated with a frown. "Your Eggman may be more soulless than I would like him to be, but he's still Eggman at the end of the day. And if I know something about him? Is that he's tricky. You think you have it right where you want and then––" He tried to add, but then someone screamed from outside, and by 'someone' I mean 'Antoine'. "And then that happens... Rotor, you think you could prepare all those balloons now? Seems like my prediction was right and Eggman did tricked us!"

"I can try, but you should make sure that whatever Antoine screamed about is related to Robotnik," Rotor replied with concern. "Most of the time is a false alarm."

"Consider it done, buddy!" Sonic replied with a nod, before boosting away from the lab himself.

Soon enough, Modern Sonic stopped running and saw both Classic Sonic and Antoine hiding behind a bush, while he decided to reach them as well, but not without noticing some kind of UFO coming out from a weird metallic pipe from the ground.

The UFO flew away, and the two Sonics and Antoine popped their heads out of the bush.

"What is this terrible thing?!" Antoine asked in panic.

"A Doomsday Pod!" Classic Sonic replied with a frown.

"Which means, again, that my theory on Eggman tricking us is right!" Modern Sonic stated with a frown as well.

The UFO shoot multiple lasers in the air that destroyed all the organic life around, that being all the plants, and then kept moving forward. While the bush were the trio was hiding also got destroyed, Modern Sonic managed to drag both Classic and Antoine away.

"Set the alarm, Ant!" Classic Sonic ordered.

"Oui, oui!" Antoine replied, before approaching to a bell near a bridge, and then shaking it like a maniac to give the alert to everyone in Knothole.

Of course, Rotor was the first one to find out , since he was the first one to come out from his lab.

"Rotor!" Classic Sonic said with worry, as he approached him along Modern Sonic with a frown. "Doomsday Pods in the middle, wasting the whole place!"

"But the report said next week!" Rotor pointed out with worry.

"Is what I told you, Rotor!" Modern Sonic pointed out with concern.

"Rote, I need a metal eating ballon! Mondo pronto!" Classic Sonic requested, while the Doomsday Pod approached with its laser.

"No," Modern Sonic said. "Save the balloons for the actual fight against Eggman and his Doomsday Machine. I'll take that thing down. Been looking for some action for the past few days, anyways."

"Mind if I help?" Classic Sonic asked with a smirk.

"Two Sonics are better than one, other me!" Modern Sonic replied confidently. "Gotta move!" He stated, before the two Sonics boosted towards the Doomsday Pod.

Once they both approached the machine, which was closer and closer to the hidden village, Modern took out a Power Ring and extended it to Classic.

"Use your Spin attack against that thing!" Modern Sonic stated.

"It'll be my pleasure!" Classic replied with a smirk, before being surrounded by a golden aura thanks to the ring and then boosting towards the Doomsday Pod.

Modern didn't stood behind, as he charged up his Spin Dash and boosted against the Pod as well. Classic hit a punch first, then Modern did the same, then Classic boot on a tree and punched the Pod again, with modern repeating the same action. They kept doing this exact same thing for quite a while, until they both managed to strike the killer punch that destroyed the Doomsday Pod, as it fell completely useless to the floor.

Both Sonics uncurled and landed right in front of the destroyed machine. "Man! That was way past cool!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk.

However, Modern Sonic frowned as he saw the destroyed machine in front of him. "What's your plan this time, Egghead? Why attack so soon and so suddenly?"

Classic stared at Modern confused, but also worried for him.

In another facility, Sally and the Sonics were discussing about Eggman starting his Doomsday Project so soon.

"The other Freedom Fighter groups have been alert for weeks," Sally stated, as she sent several robotic birds with letters to those Freedom Fighters. "It won't take long for them to get here."

"Won't take long for those Pods to wipe everything out, either!" Classic Sonic pointed out with a frown.

"Not to mention they're hard to destroy," Modern Sonic pointed out as well. "It doesn't takes me so long to trash Eggman's toys, but... those pods are something else," He added with a worried frown.

"Any idea how many pods Robotnik can launch, Sal?" Classic Sonic asked her.

Sally smiled and took out from her jacket the rectangular device were Nicole was installed. "Nicole, show us the Doomsday Machine."

"Accessing, Sally," Nicole replied, showing up an hologram of the Doomsday Machine.

"Internal schematic: Pod Launch Area, please Nicole," Sally requested, while Nicole showed up some kind of crater with an orange substance, where a mechanical straw entered before pulling out a Doomsday Pod. "Capabilities, please Nicole," Sally requested again, and the image changed to several pots going through a metal door before being launched to the world. "I checked the schematics we took from Robotnik, and the best I can calculate: The Doomsday Machine can release hundreds of pods," She explained with worry.

"I'm sorry, did I heard that well?" Modern Sonic asked confused.

"Hundreds?!" Classic Sonic asked in shock and disbelief.

"Every hour..." Sally pointed out with concern. "The tunnels reach all over the planet."

"Of course... I'm the fastest thing alive, yet somehow Eggman manages to be 5 steps ahead of me..." Modern Sonic complained with a worried frown.

"Oh man..." Classic Sonic muttered with concern. "So there's already hundreds out there?"

"At least," Sally replied with concern.

"We gotta move, and fast!" Classic Sonic stated with a determinate look.

"Just the way I like it!" Modern stated with a smirk.

Later on, Sally, the Sonics and other Freedom Fighters were tracing down a strategy to infiltrate Robotropolis in order to turn off the Doomsday Project machine.

"If most of our forces strike here––" Sally tried to explain, but then she noticed two new presences. "Oh, they're here!" She said with joy, approaching at them along the Sonics. "Sonics, this is Paulo and Dirk, leaders of the southern and eastern Freedom Fighters," She presented them, while Antoine approached the entire group.

Paulo was a rhino with grey gloves, a brown belt and blue shoulder pads; while Kirt was a brown bear with a belt held by suspenders.

"What's up, guys?" Classic Sonic greeted with a smirk.

"Yo!" Modern Sonic greeted with a smile and a wave of his hand.

Suddenly, Dulcy arrived with the group while holding a paper. "Sally, we got the photos!" She said, giving the paper to Sally with a worried expression. "It looks pretty bad."

"Thanks, Dulcy," Sally said with a smile, before looking back at the paper, while both Sonics approached on her sides.

"Definitely not cool," Classic Sonic stated with a frown.

"I doubt a straight assault works with that thing, Sal," Modern Sonic pointed out. "The security is not the problem, is the fact that this thing seems... inaccessible if we can't get pass Robotnik's lab."

"You're right, Modern..." Sally confessed, before frowning and putting the paper aside. "Let's switch to Plan B!" She stated with a determinate look.

"If that means we're finally kicking Egghead's butt, then count me in!" Modern Sonic stated with a smirk.

"Are you sure?" Classic Sonic asked with concern. "I mean, I get that you wanna help us fighting against Eggman, but you still haven't found your way home..."

"Eh, no biggie. My friends are more than capable to survive without me around, and while I'll love to be back with them, I can't go knowing I can help around here to make the world a better place," Modern Sonic replied with confidence. "Besides, I have the feeling that time works differently in every universe, anyways."

The Freedom Fighters decided to put their plan in action.

Dulcy was carrying two leaders of the Freedom Fighters on her back, while Paulo and Kirt were riding the green-flying vehicle that Rotor modified.

"Are we close, Dulcy?" One of the leaders asked.

"We should be!" Dulcy replied.

Soon enough, they were approaching the Doomsday Machine, that seemed to be smoking because of all the Doomsday Pods it already created and sent across the world.

"There it is!" Dulcy said, as she began to fly down towards the machine. "Going down!"

Meanwhile, Sally, Antoine, Bunnie and the Sonics exited one of Robotnik's convoys, where they sneaked in so they could access Robotropolis completely unnoticed.

"15 seconds..." Sally began to count down for the arrival of the other Freedom Fighters. "14, 13, 12 seconds..." She kept counting down, now looking to the sky.

From there, the Freedom Fighters released a bunch of teddy bears in parachutes as a distraction for Robotnik and his machines.

The group in the ground saw all the teddy bears landing in the floor, getting that as a sign to sneak inside Robotnik's lab.

"Let's do it to it!" Classic Sonic stated with a smirk.

Meanwhile, from his lab, Robotnik turned on a monitor and laughed sinisterly.

"I see our guests have arrived," He said with a sinister grin before scoffing. "How very appropriate: A dummy diversion. We'll let them get in," He stated, before approaching Snively and making his nose vibrate a bit, which made Snively scream a bit. "We can't make it to easy, Snively. Alert the ground forces!"

And so, Robotnik's machines began to inspect the area to look after Sonic and company, while they saw the machines moving.

Sally took out Nicole to check the hologram of the Doomsday Machine again. "That's the spot, Classic," She told him with a smile, also pointing at a specific place in the lab.

"Okay! Get ready to jam!" Classic Sonic stated, before grabbing one of the green balloons from his backpack and then launch it towards said spot.

A whole was created thanks to the balloon, and so, the group decided to go in.

Once inside, they looked everywhere, both amazed and concerned about what Robotnik created, not aware that Robotnik himself was watching them from his main lab along Snively.

"Sir, sir! They're inside the machine!" Snively pointed out with concern. "Shall I alert the forces?"

"Oh no, no, no, Snively," Robotnik replied with a smirk. "Let them explore. Perhaps they'll find my... little surprise," He stated with a sinister grin.

"Your stupidity will ruin everything, you ugly boy," Snively muttered with anger.

"WHAT was that, Snively?!" Robotnik asked him, startling Snively and making him sweat a lot.

Snively laughed nervously before replying. "I-I said the Doomsday Machine's going to need more oil, sir!"

Outside the Doomsday Machine, two of the leaders from the Freedom Fighters descended on parachutes as well.

However, once they removed their parachutes and approached a part of the machine, one of Robotnik's ground forces spotted them and illuminated them.

"Freeze, intruders! Hands behind your hands!" One of the robots ordered, while the two leaders did so with worried expressions.

Back with the Sonics and company, Classic boosted away from some robots.

Said robots were checking a panel control for the Doomsday Machine, but one of them felt something passing by because of the wind, so it went to inspect the area, but since it found nothing, it returned to its place.

Too bad Modern snicked behind them and used his electrical powers to turn them off.

The two Sonics managed to reach the rest of the group, that already sneaked before them.

"Anything?" Sally asked.

"A couple of bots. No prob!" Classic Sonic replied.

"They're turned off already, so they won't bother us!" Modern Sonic stated with a smirk. "At least until Egghead realizes two of his machines aren't working anymore..."

The group proceed to move forward, climbing up some stairs, but then being stopped by Classic Sonic when they reached a tunnel. "Wait! I'll check it out," He stated, before walking forward across the tunnel.

Classic entered the tunnel and look around in search for anything dangerous set by Robotnik, but for the moment, everything seemed in order...

"No prob! Let's––" Classic Sonic tried to say, but then lights started to turn on and off constantly in the room, while Robotnik's laugh could be heard as well, making Classic frown.

Suddenly, two floating robots with the shape of Robotnik's head appeared, glowing in red and surrounded by electrical shields.

"What's with the bots?" Classic Sonic questioned confused.

As Robotnik kept laughing, the robots approached Classic Sonic, who stepped a bit back, before frowning with a determinate look, positioning to run and then curling into a ball as he tried to charge up a Spin Dash. However, not only did he failed and ended up doing a flip between the electrical shields, but he also yelled in pain while his tail ended up a bit roasted.

"Man!" Classic Sonic complained, turning around and frowning at the robots. "Now you're kicking me off!"

However, Robotnik just laughed more, and the robots began to chase Classic Sonic across the tunnel.

"They're sensing your motion!" Sally shouted in concern.

"Leave this one to me, Sal!" Modern Sonic said, before boosting behind the two robots, and then using his speed to run on the ceiling, reaching Classic Sonic. "Hey other me!" He called out, and Classic Sonic lifted his head to face him. "I'll distract those things, and you smash them with a Spin Dash!"

"What?! But I can barely do that without feeling that I'll loose control over my body!" Classic Sonic pointed out with a slight frown.

"Dude, I was like you before controlling the Spin Dash, I really was," Modern Sonic confessed as he ran backwards. "But you know how I managed to control it? Just picture it like this: Focus a mental target for your enemies, and spin! I know you can do it, Sonic. Just try it out!" He added with his thumbs up.

Classic Sonic still felt unsure, but he nodded with a determinate look, jumping and making a high five with Modern before switching places, with Modern being the one running away from the robots now.

Meanwhile, Classic Sonic was running upside down, and then he took a deep breath. "Alright, Sonic... You can do this!" He said with a determinate look. "Just picture a target..." He told himself, as he pictured a red imaginary target over the two robots chasing Modern Sonic. "And... SPIN!"

And so, Classic finally managed to make a Spin Dash, crushing the two robots chasing Modern, and then landing on the bridge a little dizzy, while Modern stopped and turned to whistle in awe, before smirking and running towards him.

"Aw man..." Classic Sonic complained a bit, before shacking his head and scratching it. "What happened?"

"You just did a double Spin Dash, my friend!" Modern Sonic replied with a smirk, also patting his back.

"I... I did?!" Classic Sonic asked on disbelief.

"You sure did!" Modern Sonic replied, raising up his fist to him.

Classic Sonic smirked and fist bumped with Modern, while Sally, Antoine and Bunnie approached both Sonics.

"Are you guys okay?" Sally asked in concern.

"We're just fine, Sal!" Classic Sonic replied with his thumbs up.

"Now let's roll! Egghead could be watching our every move, if he isn't already..." Modern Sonic stated with a determinate look.

Outside the Doomsday Machine, Paulo and Kirt landed right on top of the device.

However, just like the other two leaders, they were unfortunately spotted by Robotnik's units, and so, a light illuminated over them.

"Freeze, intruders! You are surrounded!" One of the robots said as several units approached the leaders.

Inside the machine, the group finally reached their destination.

There, both Sally and Bunnie gasped in fright at the sight: A mechanical claw placed some UFO shaped thing inside the crater with an orange substance, and then it took it out, now transformed into a Doomsday Pod.

"We gotta stop this!" Classic Sonic said with a frown.

"And the faster, the better!" Modern Sonic stated, punching his fist against his palm.

"Switch to Call Mode, Nicole," Sally said to her AI.

"Call Mode activate," Nicole instructed. "Scramble Channel Open."

"Squad two, report," Sally instructed, but she got no response. "Squad three, report!" She called out this time, but still, no response at all.

"No response, Sally," Nicole reported.

"This sure doesn't sound good..." Bunnie pointed out with worry.

"Perhaps they been captivated!" Antoine suggested with concern.

"Oh, I think you're right, Antoine..." Sally confessed with a worried expression. "We're on our own..."

Modern Sonic looked at the mechanical claw taking out Doomsday Pods every few seconds and frowned. "No, Sal... you guys aren't... We are on our own," He stated, looking at Classic Sonic with a determinate look.

Classic Sonic looked back at him with the same expression and a smirk, nodding in agreement.

"Guys, you're not––" Sally tried to scold, but Classic cut her off.

"Come on, Sal! The Plan's blown!" Classic Sonic pointed out with a frown...

From Robotnik's lab, Robotnik himself and Snively were hearing at the conversation.

"You gotta get out of here!" Classic Sonic told Sally.

"Uh-huh..." Snively muttered with a frown, as he increased the volume of the conversation.

"And what would you guys do?" Sally asked in concern.

"What we do best: Giving old Eggman a really humiliating loose!" Modern Sonic stated with a confident smirk, also punching his fist against his hand.

"You guys ride a pod out," Classic Sonic instructed.

"Sir, shall I seal the launch tunnel door?" Snively asked Robotnik.

"No, Snively. Let them go," Robotnik replied, before giving a short but maniac laugh. "I only want those hedgehogs."

"B-B-But sir! I don't understand! The hedgehogs––" Snively tried to day, but Robotnik grabbed him from his shoulder and raised him in the air with anger.

"WHAT?!" Robotnik shouted in anger. "Are you implying the hedgehogs are a match for me, Snively?!"

"N-No... I do not, sir..." Snively replied nervously and sweating.

"There are many things you know nothing about!" Robotnik said with anger, letting Snively go as he fell to the floor with a very girlish scream, while Robotnik pressed a button on his suit. "Now open the skylights, Snively!"

"Y-Yes sir!" Snively replied, immediately moving towards the panel control.

Then, Robotnik's boots turned into rockets and elevated him from the floor, while Snively opened the skylights just like he was instructed to do so.

"I really hate those hedgehogs..." Robotnik said, as he flew away through the skylights.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Snively muttered to himself with worry.

Back on the room where the Doomsday Pods were sent to the world, Bunnie and Antoine were already riding one, while the Sonics were running at the side of the pod with Classic helping Sally get over the Doomsday Pod as well.

"Sonic, I want to help," Sally told Classic with a worried expression.

"This is power time, Sal," Classic Sonic replied. "You'll slow us down–– OW!" He exclaimed in pain after Modern smacked him in the head.

"What my other self is trying to say, Sally, is that we need to blow this thing fast. We don't want to worry if you get kidnapped or something," Modern Sonic pointed out.

"Yeah... yeah, that as well," Classic Sonic confessed with a frown towards Modern.

"He's right Sally, girl. Come on!" Bunnie pointed out, while Antoine got inside the Doomsday Pod with a girlish scream.

Sally nodded, but first, she took out Nicole from her jacket. "Here. You'll need Nicole!" She pointed out, giving the AI computer to Classic Sonic. "Good luck, Sonics!"

Both Sonics gave their thumbs up to Sally, and then, the pod exited the place, with the door closing up, while both Sonics stopped right in front of it.

"Alright, what's the game plan now?" Classic Sonic asked his other self.

"Now we find the Doomsday Machine's control room and we blew it!" Modern Sonic stated with a determinate look.

Classic Sonic nodded with a smirk. "Alright, babe. Show me some pictures!" He requested to Nicole.

"No prob, blue streak, my man," Nicole replied, showing the hologram of the Doomsday Machine.

Classic Sonic scratched his head confused. "Man... that's no help..."

"Nicole, could you tell us where we are?" Modern Sonic requested.

"You are here, my main hedgehogs," Nicole replied, while a red sign pointed at the lower part of the Doomsday Machine.

"Cool! Now, show us the main control room," Classic Sonic requested.

"You've got it," Nicole replied.

Several minutes later, both Sonics arrived to the Control Room of the Doomsday Machine.

Besides the computers, keyboards and monitors around, there was a big device in the middle, protected by a spherical crystal.

Classic Sonic looked around and frowned. "Man, this isn't cool. Round guy's messing with me again!"

"Let me guess: Eggman's being a pain the ass with all this stuff?" Modern Sonic asked with a bored expression.

"Yup, pretty much," Classic replied, before taking off his backpack and pull out three devices, that seemed to be bombs. "Gotta go for it. Light up time!" He stated with a smirk, before giving some bombs to Modern while he took out more from his backpack.

Then, both Sonics smirked at each other and ran at super sonic speed around the crystal, placing all the bombs around, and then running away from the control room.

Once they were safe, Classic Sonic sighed in relief, and then, he took out two weird devices with red lenses, putting one over his eyes, while extending the other one to Modern.

"Uh... what is this?" Modern Sonic asked confused.

"Just put them on if you wanna keep your sight intact, man," Classic Sonic replied. "Do it to it, Nicole!" He instructed, referring to the bombs over the crystal.

And so, Nicole activated the bombs, each of them glowing in red, and then exploding as they caused a massive red explosion.

"Yeah!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk. "Hot stuff!" He added with his thumbs up.

"Your jokes are getting better, other me!" Modern Sonic said with a smirk as well.

"Thanks!" Classic Sonic said, and then, the light of the explosion dissipated. "Adiós, Doomsday Machine!"

Both Sonics entered the Control Room again... but then they gasped when they saw the crystal intact, and not only that, but now the machine was working even faster.

"Not cool..." Classic Sonic muttered with concern.

"And there's no sign of Eggman, either..." Modern Sonic pointed out with a frown. "I don't like this..."

"Yeah, me neither," Classic Sonic agreed.

And then, a circular platform opened in the ground, while Robotnik entered the place with a huge grin. "So, hedgehogs," He called out sinisterly. "How do you like my new diamond glass dome?"

"It stinks, Egghead!" Classic Sonic replied with a mocking smirk.

"I've seen better domes in countless of worlds before this one," Modern Sonic added, also with a mocking smirk.

"Oh! Is that so?" Robotnik asked with a sinister grin. "Well, then. Perhaps we need... Some actual action!" He stated, before pulling out a remote and then pressing a button.

Both Sonic stood ready to fight, but then, the ceiling opened a secret door, and a silver-metallic robot landed... however, this robot looked similar to Sonic, with the difference that a yellow screen replaced his eyes, but the rest of the body... it looked just like Classic.

"Say hello to my Silver Decoy Hedgehog!" Robotnik presented.

"Aw, great. No world is safe from Metal Sonic and his low budget copies, I guess," Modern Sonic complained with a deadpan.

"You familiar with this?" Classic asked.

Soon enough, the Decoy charged up a Spin Dash and tried to hit both Sonics, so they managed to dodge the attack in time. However, the Decoy booted on a wall and jumped back, punching Modern Sonic one time. The decoy kept booting, and while Modern could easily dodge the attacks at first, eventually, he couldn't do it anymore, and so, he was now lying on the ground in pain.

Classic saw this and growled, charging up a Spin Dash himself, and then boosting against the Decoy. After he was sent backwards, he also booted on a wall, and charged against the Decoy again. Now it was Classic Sonic the one booting around the room multiple times and damaging the robot.

However, it wasn't Classic the one that made the killer punch, but it was Sonic instead, who charged up his fist in electricity, and then he traversed the Decoy's body entirely, leaving a whole on its chest.

"No, no, NO!" Robotnik shouted in anger. "This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"Yeah, you claim yourself to be a genius, yet you not only get humiliated by a hedgehog, but also by his variant from another universe!" Modern Sonic mocked up with a confident smirk.

"Now handle the remote, Eggman!" Classic Sonic said with a frown. "Your Doomsday Machine won't harm anyone else as long as we keep fighting!"

"Wrong!" Robotnik said with a confident smirk, before sending in more of his robots.

"Alright, no more games!" Modern Sonic stated. "Classic, you surround them, and I smash them!"

"Let's do it, other me!" Classic Sonic replied with a smirk.

And so, Classic ran at super sonic speed around the robots, gathering them together inside a tornado, making Robotnik shout in frustration and anger. Then, Modern Sonic smirked, charged up his Spin Dash, and then he entered the tornado, where he destroyed the robots one by one as they all flew away.

"Time to head out! Later, Egghead!" Modern Sonic said, as he and Classic stopped what they were doing and ran away. "Just to be clear, we need another plan. This isn't over yet!" He told Classic with a determinate look.

"Roger that!" Classic replied with a smirk and his thumbs up.

Robotnik, on the other hand, screamed in anger, and then he returned exactly from where he arrived in the first place.

Meanwhile, Snively saw all of this with a frown.

"Fool!" Snively said with anger, turning off the monitor he was watching. "Should have listened to me, but nooooo!"

Far away from Robotropolis and Knothole, Sally, Dulcy, Antoine, Tails and Uncle Chuck were waiting for the Sonics to return.

Both Tails and Uncle Chuck walked back and forth in worry and concern, while Antoine was splashing his feet on some water in a crater, and both Sally and Dulcy used binoculars to watch the Sonics arrival.

"Here they come!" Sally said with a smile, noticing two blue blurs coming right to them.

"Hey guys!" Modern Sonic greeted with a smirk.

"Yeah!" Classic Sonic greeted as well.

"Sonic! Sonic, did you do it?!" Tails asked in excitement to both of them.

Modern Sonic couldn't help but smile at this version of Tails. Despite not being as smart as his, he could tell he was trying his best to be as helpful as he could, and that just made him happy. Sometimes, he wished he could go back in time to simpler times, like when he and his Tails just fought against Eggman for fun, even if they knew they were doing the right thing.

"You are making the big boom boom?" Antoine asked as he approached, pulling Modern out of his thoughts.

"Did ya, Sonic, did ya?!" Tails asked again, still in excitement.

Both Sonics looked at each other with worried expressions, and they both denied with their heads, making Sally gasp in worry.

"Sorry guys... Didn't happen..." Classic Sonic stated with a frown.

"Egghead didn't defeated us, but... we couldn't pass through his Diamond glass," Modern Sonic added with a frown as well.

"Oh no! We are doomed!" Antoine said dramatically shacking his head before fainting.

"Drama King..." Modern Sonic said, rolling his eyes annoyed.

Sally decided to approach Classic Sonic and hug him tightly. "You did your best Sonic," She told him with a smile, before turning to see Modern looking away with a hurtful expression, so she smiled and placed a hand over his shoulder. "Both of you," She said, and Modern looked at her before smiling sightly.

"Now what do we do?" Tails asked in concern.

"Don't know, T2... I'm clueless..." Classic Sonic confessed.

"Hmm... You guys don't happen to know what are the Chaos Emeralds, do you?" Modern Sonic asked.

Classic Sonic looked at him and blinked for a few seconds before raising an eyebrow. "Chaos what now?"

"That's a big no, then... Well, I don't have a plan either, if that's the case. I thought defeating Egghead will be a piece of cake... but now I see I was very wrong..." Modern Sonic pointed out with a worried frown.

"One thing's for sure: We can't give up," Uncle Chuck pointed out as he scratched his head. "There must be a way..." He stated, while Tails helped Antoine to sit down as he grabbed his head, feeling a little dizzy.

"Don't know about that, either," Classic Sonic said with concern. "Control Room's covered with something called Diamond glass, just like other me said," He explained, making Sally gasp again.

"Yeah... tough stuff," Modern Sonic pointed out. "All those bombs didn't worked. Heck, even our Spin Dashes as we booted on that thing were useless. Where did this guy found all this stuff, anyways?"

"No clue," Sally confessed with worry.

"Well, there's still one possibility!" Uncle Chuck stated with a huge smile.

"What, Uncle Chuck?" Tails asked curiously.

"The deep power stones!" Uncle Chuck said confidently.

"Power what now?" Modern Sonic asked confused.

"They are two stones with powerful capabilities that are capable of either producing incredible power or causing utter destruction" Sally explained with concern.

"...That's... That's what the Chaos Emeralds are in my world... only that they're seven instead of two, AND emeralds, but still... pretty much the same thing..." Modern Sonic said with a confused expression.

"That's no go, Unc," Classic Sonic said to Uncle Chuck with a frown. "We only have one! Robotnik's got the other!"

"Not after you take it from him!" Uncle Chuck pointed out with a confident smile.

The two Sonics returned to Robotropolis.

They stopped near a building, and then they looked in all directions, noticing that there was no robots around.

"Cool! They're all like doomsday!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk.

"No robots around, huh? Now this will be a piece of cake!" Modern Sonic stated with a smile.

"You said it, Modern me!" Classic Sonic replied confidently, fist bumping with his other self and then running towards Robotnik's lab.

Once inside the lab, both Sonics were at what seemed to be Robotnik's 'office'.

"Huh... I never expected Eggman of all people to have a regular office..." Modern Sonic said with a mocking smirk.

"That's because this office is from Egghead's henchman, Snively," Classic Sonic pointed out.

"Oh... Yeah, that explains why it's so organized," Modern Sonic said with a bored expression.

"Can we pick up the pace, Nicole?" Classic Sonic requested, while Nicole scanned a code on a Safe Box on Snively's desk.

"Just chill, Sonic," Nicole requested.

"We're stealing an artifact that can tear apart the entire world, Nicole," Modern Sonic pointed out, before getting a bit sarcastic. "So we're sorry for feeling eager on wanting to save the world or something."

"You're stressing me," Nicole replied, before finally granting access to the Safe Box. "Open Sesame!"

"Way past cool, Nicole!" Classic Sonic said with a smile.

"I never thought an AI could have as much personality as Sage, but here I am!" Modern Sonic said with a shrug.

Classic Sonic looked inside the box, making a mess as he tossed papers outside with a frown, before getting out with anger.

"Nothing?" Modern Sonic asked in concern.

"Nothing," Classic Sonic replied with a frown.

"We keep looking, right?" Nicole asked.

"Right!" Both Sonics replied in unison, before boosting away... Or trying at least.

"Sonics, stop!" Nicole requested.

"Say what?!" Classic Sonic asked on disbelief.

"Gomen?!" Modern Sonic said, exclaiming 'Excuse me?' in Japanese.

"Back it up," Nicole said.

Both Sonics decided to listen and ran back, finding a strange orange stone over a pedestal. Well, strange for Modern Sonic, but pretty familiar for Classic Sonic and Nicole.

"Way cool, Nicole!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk, before grabbing the stone and putting it on his backpack.

"I'm gonna guess that thing was the Power Stone we were looking for, right?" Modern Sonic questioned.

"Right!" Classic replied with joy.

And so, the two Sonic boosted back with the others.

Uncle Chuck and Sally were looking at some diagrams of the Doomsday Machine.

"The pod took a steep drop at first..." Sally pointed out. "Maybe 300 meters?"

"Oh... That could be a problem!" Uncle Chuck pointed out with concern.

Suddenly, the Sonics arrived with smirks, while Classic Sonic held the Power Stone. "We got it!"

Sally gasped with a smile, and then she grabbed the stone. "Sonics... we have a plan!" She stated with a hopeful expression.

Both Sonics ran near Robotropolis, with Classic Sonic carrying Sally in bridal style while she had Nicole in her hands.

"Chill here, Sonics," Nicole instructed to the blue blurs, who decided to stop. "You're right above it."

"Huh?" Classic Sonic said confused.

"Supply check," Sally said, as she got down from Classic Sonic's arms. "Metal eating balloon?"

"Last one!" Classic Sonic replied with a smirk, as he extended the balloon to Sally with a smile.

"Deep Power Stones?" Sally asked again.

"Here they are!" Modern Sonic replied with a smirk, as he extended them separated on his hands.

"Check!" Both Classic Sonic and Sally said with smiles.

"Okay," Sally said, as she gave Classic Sonic the balloon back while Modern Sonic gave her the Power Stones. "Now remember: Once we connect the Power Stones, we have––"

"Whoa, Sal!" Classic Sonic stopped her with a mocking smirk. "What's this 'we' stuff?"

"Man, you cannot be that oblivious..." Modern Sonic said with a bored expression and a facepalm. "Although I was worse before Pipp and I did became a thing, so I shouldn't talk..."

"Because I'm going with you!" Sally stated with a confident smile.

"No way, Sal! You––" Classic Sonic tried to say, but Sally covered his mouth with her hand.

"We are in this together, Sonic Hedgehog," Sally stated with a smile. "However it ends."

Modern Sonic smirked at that... and then he remembered Pipp for some reason.

Thinking about it, he was having so much fun in this world, that he never stopped to consider Pipp was probably scared. He literally disappeared so suddenly, and probably only Shadow noticed it since he could swear he heard his voice before he was sent by that badnik against the Paradox Prism. If that's the case, then he could calm her down a bit by letting her know that he's fine, that he's alive, just stuck on another universe...

Still, he was worried about her. What if Eggman or Sage hurt her? Or worse, what if they already did? What if all of his friends were in trouble? What if... What if it was already too late? What if Eggman won? What if this nightmare-ish place this world's Robotnik turned into Robotropolis becomes a reality back home?!

He couldn't allow that... he needed to go back now... but first, he would finish his business in this world, and then, he will return home.

"You know what, guys? I think I'm gonna skip this one," Modern Sonic told them with a smile.

"Huh?!" Classic Sonic exclaimed in shock, while Sally gasped in disbelief. "What are you talking about other me?!"

"This is your battle, not mine. I choose to stay a while longer to help you both make this universe, your universe, a better world, but here's where I draw the line. You must win this, Classic me," Modern Sonic explained. "Your friends count on you to end this once and for all, not me. I'm not even from this universe, you know. Besides, Robotnik expects me to arrive as well. Let him be disappointed that I won't give him a final battle like he wants!" He smirked and winked.

Classic Sonic smiled sadly after hearing that. "I guess you have a point, but still... it's kind of a shame that you won't tag along on this one."

"Hey, I'm not leaving yet! I'm just giving you and your girlfriend some time alone!" Modern Sonic said with another wink and a smocking smirk.

"I'm sorry what?!" Classic Sonic said in shock, blushing a bit.

"O-Oh dear..." Sally said, blushing as well.

"W-We're not... I-I mean, sure, but... W-Well..." Classic Sonic said nervously.

"I-I think you misunderstood something here, Modern..." Sally said with a sheepish smile, also scratching her left arm.

"Uh-huh, and I have biological siblings," Modern Sonic mocked up with a smirk. "Seriously, though. Just be careful out there. Try not to have so much fun while saving the world!" He added, before boosting away at top speed. "See ya later, guys!"

"...Well... I guess it's time we save the world, isn't it?" Classic Sonic asked Sally with a smirk.

Sally looked at him and smiled. "Yes... yes it is."

Classic Sonic smiled, kissed her hand and then carried her on bridal style once again. "Now hold on! We're going down!" He stated, before twirling around at sonic speed in just one feet, and then, traversing the surface they were over.

Modern Sonic returned to Knothole, where he found Uncle Chuck, Tails, Antoine and Bunnie waiting for him.

"Sonic! Sonic, how did it go?!" Tails asked in excitement.

"No idea," Sonic confessed. "I left Classic and Sally on their own. Now, before you all launch over me, they're the heroes you guys need. My name might also be Sonic... but I'm not the one that's always looking after you all. It is fair and square that the other me and Sally are the heroes of this story."

"Well, that's really brave and kind from you, Sonic," Uncle Chuck told him with a smile. "In fact, I think you did the right thing!"

"I... I did?" Sonic asked confused.

"Why, of course!" Uncle Chuck said. "Even if you told them that you wouldn't directly help, you still thought on those who need help first. That makes as much of a hero as them. And I'm proud of you because of that, kiddo."

Sonic was taken aback after hearing that last thing. "But... but I'm not your nephew... the other me is!"

"Nonsense!" Uncle Chuck said confidently. "You might be from another universe... but you're still my nephew, Sonic. I'm proud of you in this and in every universe."

Sonic felt his heart melt after hearing that, and he unconsciously smiled. He never met anyone from his family, and he isn't so sure if Uncle Chuck did existed in his world before Eggman killed everyone in his race, but if he did... he hoped that he was just as nice as this one.

Sonic decided to hug Uncle Chuck, and he hugged him back with a smile. "Thanks... Unc... I... I guess I needed to hear that..."

"Never forget, Sonic. You can always count with me, in this and every universe you go from here, understood?" Uncle Chuck said with a smile, as he broke the hug.

Sonic nodded with a determinate look and a smirk.

Suddenly, Rotor arrived with the group. "Guys, guys! They did it! They defeated Robotnik!"

"Excuse me, what?!" Sonic shouted in disbelief.

"Quelle chose?!" Antoine exclaimed with a smile.

"Sugar! Tell us what happened!" Bunnie requested, smiling as well.

"The entire city was destroyed, and Robotnik couldn't escape!" Rotor explained. "Classic Sonic and Sally used the Power Stones, and now, it's over! Robotnik's gone!"

Casually, the entire town happened to be there, and so, everyone in Knothole celebrated that Robotnik was finally defeated. Not only that, but Antoine and Bunnie hugged each other, while Sonic smirked and fist bumped with Tails with a smile.

He felt relieved that at least one world of the infinite ones out there was free from Robotnik. Maybe, if he fought long enough, he could also defeat Eggman in his world. But only time will tell. Right now? It was time to celebrate...

...No... No, it wasn't. Sonic felt that something was wrong, and so, he boosted away with a frown.

From the remains of Robotropolis, a capsule came from the ruble.

Then, Snively came out of it, smiling and laughing like a maniac. He was now wearing a grey shirt, black gloves and a purpled cape. All this time, his plan was for Sonic to get rid of Robotnik... so he could take his place as 'the new ruler'.

"The big round guy finally let Sonic defeat him," Snively said with a mischievous grin. "Well, don't celebrate too soon, Hedgehogs! Now, is MY turn!" He stated, before laughing like a maniac for a second time. "And I'm not alo––"

However, before he could finish his sentence, he was soon hit in the head by a metal tube, falling to the ground very dizzy. That's because Modern Sonic hit him in the head with a mocking smirk.

"Sorry, man. But your Season 3 got cancelled, and we cannot foreshadow things, nor give fake hopes to the fans," Sonic said with a mocking smirk.

Suddenly, Sonic heard steps, and from the same capsule Snively got out from, a blue, looking robot got out, and Sonic deadpanned when he saw who it was.

"Hey there... Metal..." Sonic greeted with boredom.

"I am the one and true Sonic," Metal Sonic replied. "I will destroy you. I will be remembered! I WILL BE––"

But then, Sonic traverse Metal's face with a punch charged in electricity, and the robot fell to the ground with its face destroyed.

Sonic sighed and shook his head in disappointment. "All Metal Sonics are the same. They claim to be superior, and they end on the trash bin... where they belong."

Later on, Modern Sonic returned to Rotor's lab with Snively, now unconscious.

Rotor encaged Robotnik's henchman in a cell, now wearing orange clothes, with the two Sonics and Sally smirking at the villain now behind the bars.

"It seems like you still became a hero in the end, other me!" Classic Sonic told Modern with a smirk.

"Eh, it's no big deal. I just made sure there was no other maniac ready to get over the world or something like that," Modern Sonic said with a little smile.

"Oh, but you did more than that!" Sally said with a smile. "This little action saved us from another possible problem! Thank you, Sonic. You don't know how much this means to us... to me."

"Yeah, thanks man!" Classic Sonic said as well. "You definitely saved us from a big mean one!"

Modern Sonic smirked, winked at them and raised his thumbs up.

Back in Knothole, the entire town gathered to cheer for Classic Sonic and Sally's victory against Robotnik.

Everyone else in town cheered for them in the crows, while over a stage, Tails, Uncle Chuck and Modern Sonic clapped their hands from Sally's side, while Bunnie and Antoine did the same from Classic Sonic's side. Meanwhile, both Sally and Classic Sonic themselves waved their hands while everyone in the crowd cheered for them.

"No more Robotnik... Too bad!" Classic Sonic said with a smirk.

"What? 'Too bad'?!" Sally asked in disbelief, although she smiled, since she felt she already knew his reasons to say that.

"Hey, without a villain, what a hero's gonna do?" Classic Sonic questioned with a mocking smirk.

"You'll always be my hero, Sonic Hedgehog," Sally told her with a seductive look and smile.

Classic Sonic smiled with warm and decided to embrace Sally in a hug, as she hugged him back. Once they brake it, they decided to kiss each other, being surrounded by a weird purple aura all of a sudden. It was probably the Power Stones, and then, fireworks appeared from the purple aura, which made the cheers of the Knothole habitants become louder.

Once they separated from their kiss, they felt like someone was looking right at them, and so, they turned to find Modern Sonic smirking playfully at them.

"So~ Are you two sure you're not something?~ Am I just misunderstanding things here?~" Modern Sonic asked with a mocking tone.

"Oh, shut it already!" Classic Sonic said with a frown and an embarrassed blush, while Sally behind him giggled.

"Hey, Sonic!" Tails called out to Modern. "Shouldn't you go to your home now?"

"Yeah... yeah, I should," Modern Sonic said. "I just don't know how, though. I mean, I really, really, really wanna go home and see my friends, make sure they're fine and, if possible, go and kick my Eggman's butt for what he did to me!" He stated with a determinate look, not noticing that the circular artifacts of his new shoes and gloves were starting to shine. "I wanna see my Tails and assure him that this isn't his fault, that he didn't did anything... that this was my fault for not being careful around Eggman as usual... I want to see all my friends, and tell them that I'm fine, that the fight against Eggman has to keep going, even if I'm not there... but most importantly... I wanna see my Little Pipp... and tell her that no more surprises will happen. That we'll stay together, even If I have to move earth and skies for that to happen!"

And so, his shoes began to react weirdly, just not as weird as before. They made a strange trial in the stages ground, and then, the trial moved from the stage, to the stairs, and then to the regular ground, before moving far enough and stopping. After that, some electrical sparks appeared suddenly, and then, a strange portal with the shape of an X opened up, showing that weird looking place with the red, black and blue background, as well as the white lines.

Modern Sonic and the Freedom Fighters approached the portal, confused for its sudden appearance, yet also surprised for this same thing. Modern eventually smiled, though.

"Hey... I've been there before! I actually kind o 'travelled' through that place before falling here!" Modern Sonic explained.

"Huh... I guess the devices that Rotor give you can allow you to travel across different universes," Sally pointed out with a smile.

"But... if that's the case..." Classic Sonic started with a sad look.

"It means I gotta go now..." Modern Sonic finished with a sad smile, before looking back at Classic Sonic and rubbing his head a little. "Cheer up, other me. Maybe we'll see each other again!"

"Yeah... maybe," Classic Sonic replied. "Oh, and... thanks for teaching me that new move, the Spin Dash. I wish you could have shown me some other cools tricks, though..."

"Hey, you might learn them in the future without my help. Heck, you may even learn cooler moves than mine!" Modern Sonic replied with a confident smile. "You just wait and see, little guy. And, if another threat does appear, I know you guys can handle it. I just wish I could have done more than just caught Snively before he planned out something..."

"Don't be so modest. You actually helped us a lot," Sally said with a smile. "And I hope that you can fix things up with the Sally of your world, Sonic. I know it's worth a shot, at least."

Modern Sonic smiled at her. "I'll keep it in mind, Sal. Thanks! And make sure my other self doesn't get in trouble," He added with a mocking smirk.

"Oh, come on! Leave me alone!" Classic Sonic complained, while Sally chuckled.

"Tails, little guy, keep working hard, and you'll be as good of a hero is Classic me one day," Modern Sonic told Tails with a smile.

"You really think so?!" Tails asked in excitement.

"Mine's already a better hero than me, so you'll get there too," Modern Sonic replied with a proud smile. "And Uncle Chuck... thanks for the confidence boost from earlier. I really needed it..."

"Oh, don't thank me! I'm just doing what a father does for their children!" Uncle Chuck replied with a smile.

Modern Sonic smiled back, and he decided to pull the four of them in a group hug. "Even if my time here was short... I'm gonna miss you all, guys."

"Yeah, yeah... we'll miss you too, other me," Classic Sonic said while rolling his eyes.

"Good luck out there, Sonic," Sally told him with a smile.

"Take care, son!" Uncle Chuck said with a smile.

"Bye bye, big Sonic!" Tails said with a little smile.

Modern Sonic broke the hug, smirked and raised his thumbs for them. After that, he turned to the portal with the shape of an X and boosted towards it, which made him and the portal disappear on thin air after he crossed it.

And so, his adventure on Universe 180993 was over...

Sonic fell at super speed from the line of the universe he recently visited.

Now, he was screaming in fright again as he fell through this strange place with the multicolor background and the multiple lines, which he already felt that were the different universe across the multiverse.

"Alright, could these awesome and super scary new discs attached to my clothes do something that saves me from dying? PLEASE?!" Sonic shouted, while he crashed against more strange purple crystals that kept floating around for some reason.

And after so many grunts and crashes, Sonic fell at super speed towards one of the lines, a.k.a. to another universe, and crashed against it. However, he only narrowed his eyes and didn't screamed, while his entire body glitched again as he was falling to a new and unknown place for him.

Well, actually, it isn't new at all...

Universe 201123

Once again, Sonic broke the sky, but now he could perfectly see where he was falling towards: A big building that seemed... very familiar.

"Huh... I kind of feel familiar with that p–– OH MY GOD!" Sonic shouted in shock as he saw his gloves, now fully painted in rainbow colors, and when he saw his shoes, it was worse, because it was a variant of his regular shoes... just in rainbow colors as well. "I have nothing against these guys, but why is their freaking flag in my clothes–– OOF!" He exclaimed, once he crashed in the roof and rolled around for a while before finally stopping.

Once he was just lying on the floor, he felt a big headache, and so, he decided to stand up and clean the dust of his body. Surprisingly enough, his shoes and gloves were intact, completely clean. He raised an eyebrow, but decided not to question it. It didn't matter right now, anyways.

Sonic looked around, and... his jaw dropped: He was back at Canterlot City. He was right above Canterlot High's roof, and all around, he could see the city's buildings and people around, walking normally to do whatever they had to.

"...I didn't expected to came back here... at all..." Sonic muttered concerned.

He checked his hands and got surprised to see that he wasn't flat anymore, meaning that his body adapts to every universe he visits, which had sense for him, actually.

Suddenly, an idea popped on his mind: If he was back... perhaps he could visit some old friends he hasn't seen in the last 6 months.

"But would they like to see me? It's been a while, and... I don't wanna interrupt anything they're doing, either..." Sonic said to himself with a worried frown.

Last time he was here, he caused a lot of trouble. The human counterparts of Zipp and Pipp were chased by Robotnik because of him; police looked everywhere for the blue blur, and they pretty much hated him since they couldn't arrest him because of his... situation...

Now, he was only dealing with Eggman and the big possibility of the entire multiverse falling to his Empire... Alright, that sounds worse than he wanted it to, but it was the truth. He trusted his friends, and he believed they could defeat and stop Eggman without him, or at least delay his plans for a bit, yet he had the feeling that he should go back ASAP, because he felt like Eggman was up to something... bigger than ever.

And yet, he didn't knew how. Well, he did, but he couldn't control it yet. The weird discs on his shoes and gloves seemed to act on their own, and at random times as well. At least he wasn't being dragged around anymore, but he still needed to control this new gadgets so he could go back home.

But he was already here... was leaving again without even saying a quick hello a good idea?

"...Maybe... I should just check out how they are," Sonic told himself with a little smile. "I mean, a quick hello won't kill them, right?" He declared with a more confident and content expression.

And so, he stretched a bit on the roof, before cracking his fingers and then boosting away from Canterlot High.

Pipp couldn't help but giggle at the sight.

She and her friends were out for a camp day, since their vacations already started at this point. Sonic - the human one - gave the suggestion on going outside for a while.

It seemed like he was regretting it now, though, because he was along Hitch and the human Knuckles playing volleyball against Sunny, Izzy and Zipp... and the boys were loosing.

Pipp was sitting near by, just cheering up, and she just giggled at Sonic's tantrums. She was also blushing since he was not wearing a shirt, and she had to say, he was quite the package...

Can you believe that, despite clearly being in love, these two are remaining friends? Yeah, I think being oblivious and stupid is a multiversal thing or something.

Speaking of that, Pipp still had the homemade necklace with hedgehog Sonic's quill and ring. Even if it's only been two months, she still missed him. She couldn't thank him enough for helping her reunite with her Sonic, and for also helping her stay away from her Pop-Star life for a while.

As the group decided to take a brake from their game, Zipp decided to sit at Pipp's side, panting a bit from the exhaustion.

"You sure you don't wanna join in, sis?" Zipp asked with a smirk. "Your boyfriend might need some help~" She added with a mocking tone.

Pipp blushed and rolled her eyes. "For the millionth time, Zipp, he's not my boyfriend..."

"Yet," Knuckles said suddenly as he walked behind the sisters.

Zipp snorted, and Pipp's blush only increased after hearing that.

"You two are doing a show by not confessing already, you know that?" Zipp told her with a smile. "Just go for it already!"

"I wish it was that easy, Zipp..." Pipp said with a little smile. "But we're still meeting each other again. Even if we like each other... we wanna take things slowly."

Zipp smiled, then placed her arm around Pipp's neck and patted her head with the other one. "If you put it like that, it does sounds like a good idea."

Pipp smiled after hearing that. Soon enough, Zipp decided to stand up and get back to the game.

However, as soon as she left, Pipp felt some weird static on her chest. Confused, she took out the homemade necklace she made with hedgehog Sonic's ring and quill... And she noticed that the quill was glowing brightly.

She gasped surprised, and also raised an eyebrow confused on why it was glowing. It never glowed before, or not since hedgehog Sonic left at least. And somehow, she could felt he was the reason why the quill was glowing.

Suddenly, she felt something hitting her back. It wasn't painful, but it did bothered her. She turned around to see what hit her, or who, but she only saw a forest and a bunch of bushes. However, as soon as she looked back at her friends' game, she felt something hitting her again. She turned one more time, now frowning a little, but when she thought that she saw nothing, someone popped their head from a bush.

Soon enough, that someone popped their head again... and Pipp's eyes grew wide when she noticed that it was Sonic, the hedgehog Sonic. She smiled once she noticed him, but Sonic himself shushed her from the distance, even though he was smiling as well, and then he made signs with his hands to her so she followed him to the forest.

Before getting an answer, Sonic ran towards the forest. Pipp looked back at the game, and seeing that everyone else was really focused on that, she decided to sneak away and ran towards the forest.

No one noticed, apparently, so she decided to run a little slower. After a while, she reached the heart of the forest and stopped, panting as she caught her breath again. Then, she looked around in search for Sonic... and before even being warned, Sonic himself appeared in front of her with a smile.

She noticed that he was wearing new shoes and gloves with rainbow colors, as well as some weird discs on them, and she resisted the urge of making fun of him and his new clothes.

"Hi... Pipp," Sonic greeted with a smile... and teary eyes as well, apparently.

"Sonic!" Pipp greeted as well with a warm smile, ducking to stay at his high. "Is nice to see you––" She tried to add, but she was suddenly embraced in a tight hug by the hedgehog. It took her off guard, but she still smiled and wrapped an arm around him, careful to not touch his quills. "My! Seems like you missed me, huh?" She asked in a mocking tone and giggled.

However, the fact that Sonic tightened the hug a bit more and trembled as well made her realize that this surprise and sudden visit wasn't something casual. Or at least, she felt like it wasn't.

"S-Sonic?" Pipp asked, still not braking the hug.

"J-Just... give me a second, okay?" Sonic requested with a cracked voice, and he even buried his face on her shoulder. "I... I really need this..."

Pipp felt worried after hearing him speaking in that way, and so, she embraced the hedgehog on a tight hug entirely, not caring about his quills anymore.

She kind of forgot how soft and comfy his fur was. It felt like hugging some big teddy bear, but alive... and not as dangerous as an actual bear. Putting those thoughts aside, she was concerned about Sonic's sudden arrival, and the fact that he needed this, that he needed a hug, make her felt really worried.

"Why do I feel like you're not just here to say a quick hello?" Pipp asked, still in a mocking tone to see if that could cheer him up a bit.

Thankfully, Sonic chuckled a bit, and Pipp smiled after hearing his laugh. "Maybe because I'm not..." He replied.

10 minutes later, Sonic summarized everything he lived so far to Pipp.

They were both sitting on a tree trunk, with Sonic resting his head over Pipp's legs while she softly caressed his head with a hand. It was already hard for her to believe that there existed an alternate universe full of of anthropomorphic animals, as well as a parallel world where she, her family, friends and acquaintances where ponies. Now, an entire multiverse of similar worlds was even harder to believe.

But that wasn't her biggest concern: Sonic being here at all was it. He also told her about how he was tricked again and had the power to go back home... yet, he knew nothing about how to control it. It broke her heart knowing that someone as cheerful and helpful as Sonic felt... so hopeless and defeated right now.

"Have you... tried with the portal in front of the school?" Pipp asked him after some minutes in silence.

"The portal is closed, Pipp..." Sonic pointed out. "And even if it wasn't, there's no guarantee that these things attached to my clothes won't affect it somehow and sent me to another universe..."

"Then why not remove them?" Pipp asked.

"Because the weird energy that got in my body after I abandoned my world is gonna get in the way... Don't you see? I'm stuck in a thin line between madness and despair... if not both..." Sonic said with worry. "I wanna go home, but the only thing that can help me is out of my control... and I hate it, Pipp. I really, really hate it..."

Pipp grabbed Sonic after that, and hugged him like a little kid. Usually, Sonic would blush and puff his cheeks by feeling so vulnerable, but he already was in that state, so he didn't mind this. In fact, he needed this. He needed to be hugged. He needed to feel some comfort, and even if this was the human Pipp, she was probably the only one that could give Sonic that kind of comfort.

"I wish I could do more for you than just... hugging you to help you feel better," Pipp confessed with a sad look and tone.

"You're already doing a lot by talking with me, Pipp... and hugging me as well..." Sonic said with a little smile. "I guess I just needed to feel something close to home... and you really managed to do that for me, Pipp."

Pipp smiled, and she kissed his forehead, which made Sonic to blush a lot and laugh nervously at her action.

"Too far?" Pipp asked with a little blush too.

"No... I was going to say it's awkward..." Sonic confessed with a smile, still blushing. "But... thanks. I guess I needed that, too..."

Pipp giggled, and she decided to brake the hug. Sonic also decided to step back, and then, he started to walk back and forth as he tried to come up with and idea on how to go back home, or how to control the discs on his clothes so he could choose which universe visit.

"There has to be a way for me to control my clothes' powers, though..." Sonic said out loud, although he was talking more with himself than with Pipp. "Maybe I'll find out eventually... For now, I think it's fair you tell me what you've been up to ever since I left!" He told Pipp directly with a smile.

"That's... such a weird change of attitude," Pipp pointed. "But, the human you is also like that sometimes, so... I guess it's a multiversal thing."

"Why do I feel like that phrase is gonna be a recurrent thing across every universe I go?" Sonic said with a bored expression. "Anyways, life update! Give it to me!"

Pipp rolled her eyes and sighed. "It hasn't been any exciting, to be honest," She confessed, placing her hand over her cheeks and her elbows on her knees. "After you left, I only had to deal with two unexpected interviews on why I wanted to stop being a Pop-Star for a while. Sonic and I are getting along pretty well, actually, but everyone is pushing us into a relationship we don't want... yet."

"What do you mean you don't want it yet?" Sonic asked her with a mischievous grin and a raised eyebrow.

Pipp blushed a lot at that, but she still smirked and rolled her eyes. "We do like each other, alright? But we're still meeting up again. We... we want to take things slow for now..."

"Hmm..." Sonic said, as he rubbed his chin and glared at Pipp for a moment, making her feel a bit uncomfortable, but then he chuckled playfully. "Im just messing with you, Pipp. I'm glad you two are making bonds again, and also love that you wanna go at your own rhythm."

Pipp sighed in relieve and smiled warmly at him. "I'm... glad to hear that from you, Sonic. I thought you'll push me like the others are constantly doing..."

"Hey, I understand that the rest wants you two to be together and all of that, but pressuring on a relationship neither of you want is no cool" Sonic said. "Besides, I never mentioned it earlier, but I'm on a relationship back home as well. We were like you two! We took things slow, even if it was obvious that we liked each other... for everyone else, at least... But... we eventually decided that it was time for the big step," He explained with a sad smile. "...I hope she's okay..." He added with concern, while his ears lowered.

Pipp smiled sadly and approached him to embrace him on another hug. "I'm pretty sure she's fine, Sonic. Maybe she's scared, but... if that Shadow guy you mentioned really saw you, then he might try to give her some comfort."

Sonic chuckled at her attitude, and he returned the hug. "That'll be very out of character for Shadow, but... maybe you're right, Pipp."

Soon enough, they both heard steps and voices calling out for Pipp's name.

Sonic smiles sadly, and Pipp frowns with worry. "It seems like out time together's over, Pipp..." He told her with sadness, but still smiling. "But once I figure how to control which universe visit, I promise you that I'll come back!" He assured with a determinate look.

Pipp smiled sadly as well, and so, she embraced Sonic into another hug before letting him go. "Good luck, Sonic."

Sonic nodded at her, and then, he boosted away.

Once he was far enough, he stared at the discs on his gloves and frowned. "Alright: how do you work? I need to go back home ASAP! Eggman could do something worse than just casually waking up a god or something!" He pointed out, but he got no response nor reaction. "Oh, come on! I just want to go home already! I need to see Pipp, I need to make sure Tails is fine, I need to kick Eggman's but, I NEED TO SAVE THE MULTIVERSE!!! AM I ASKING FOR TOO MUCH?!"

And so, his clothes started to glitch a bit, while the discs began to glow again. Then, a trail formed in the ground and moved away before stopping, creating another sudden portal with the shape of an X.

"I really need to learn how to do that on my own–– WHOA!" Sonic exclaimed, as he accidentally traversed the portal without being able to stop.

Once again, Sonic was falling at super speed from the line of the universe he was in recently.

Luckily, he wasn't screaming in fright again, but he still grunted in pain as he fell through this strange place with the multicolor background and the multiple lines.

"Traveling through the multiverse is messy! Why do I always get myself dragged into situations like this?!" Sonic shouted, while he crashed against more strange purple crystals that kept floating around for some reason.

And after so many grunts and crashes, Sonic fell at super speed towards another universe, and crashed against it. Once again, he only narrowed his eyes and didn't screamed, while his entire body glitched a bit as he was falling to a new and unknown place for him...

Universe 060199

Near the coast, on some kind of beach, the sky seemed to broke with the shape of an X.

A blue blur fell from said X, and then, the sky was back to be normal. Said blur wasn't other than Sonic, who fell at sonic speed against some trees and rolled in the ground while feeling lots of pain.

He crashed against a palm tree, though, and his roll and pain finally stopped. He shook his head, stood up and cleaned the dust - or sand in this case - from his body, while also noticing his new clothes: His gloves were fingerless and black, while his shoes looked like black boots with some spikes in front.

Sonic whistled at the sight of his new clothes, and honestly, he liked them a lot. "Now look at these! These are rocking! Literally! Is like I became some kind of popular rockstar or something!"

After he finally stopped admiring his new clothes, he came to notice that his body in general was flat again, and it gave huge 90's cartoons vibes. Then, he placed his fists on his hips and looked around with a small frown. He couldn't tell what kind of world he was in now, but he could say for sure that this specific area was a beach, so he was either on a tropical island or on a resort place.

"I wonder what kind of universe this is..." Sonic said.

"Well, well, well. Just look what Robotnik decided to sent us! A fake version of myself!" a voice spoke.

Sonic turned and looked on with a bored expression: Right in front of him, another Classic Sonic was standing with a frown and his arms crossed. He was wearing a guitar medallion, and he was along two other hedgehogs. The first one was a green hedgehog boy that looked exactly like Classic Sonic, with a red shirt, shoes similar to Tails', white gloves with spike-bracelets and a drum medallion, also frowning at him. The other one was a purple hedgehog girl with pink hair, long purple gloves and boots, a red dress and a key-tar medallion.

Yup, she was also frowning with anger at Sonic.

"Great, it seems like I have to deal with low budget versions of myself..." Sonic said annoyed.

Author's Note:

Ah, our Blue Blur is now facing himself and... his brothers? Well, that's gonna be a fun story to tell once he gets back home. Wonder what Tails and Sunny would think about this?