• Published 14th Dec 2022
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Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 9 - A Bad Idea was the Only Idea.

Chapter 9 - A Bad Idea was the Only Idea.

The queen was in the medical wing of the hive waiting patiently in silence for the doctor to appear and give her some information, next to her was Dr. Red Bug on the verge of a nervous breakdown, some of her generals a bit confused, and some changelings that went to the mission with the queen, They were all murmuring among themselves trying to understand the situation or the reasons that made the queen take this decision, nobody dared to ask the monarch but one of them could not stand it anymore and approached Chrysalis to know why this had happened.

"Queen Chrysalis, I don't understand why you did this, I thought you were over it, you said yourself you were over it." Red Bug said.

"Relax doctor, everything will be fine." Replied the queen.

"But this is wrong... this... this... this... he shouldn't be here, you can't just go and fillynap a foal just like that."

"A changeling fillynapping a pony, who would think." Replied the queen sarcastically. "It's part of our job, it's been our way of life for generations, I don't see what the problem is."

"The problem is that this will be disastrous, he is passed out and will wake up at any moment, he should have stayed in a cocoon so we could absorb his lov-."

"Are you questioning my decisions, doctor?" The queen asked annoyed, standing up and looking at the little changeling directly.

"N- no... I was just... saying... that." Red Bug stammered, clearly intimidated by the monarch.

"Don't forget your position doctor, and that I am the monarch of the changelings, I appreciate all that you have helped me but I will not allow you to question my decisions, especially when it comes to Clear Spark, he deserves a better life and I am going to give it to him." The queen sat back down to wait patiently for the doctor to appear through the door.

Red Bug calming down a bit was able to watch the queen closely, her breathing was a bit rapid, her pupils dilated, and her ears attentive, she was settling in every moment and wiggling her hooves impatiently, clearly, the queen was nervous and distressed, the doctor took a deep breath to calm herself and sat down next to what was now her friend.

"Was it that bad of a situation he was in when you found him?."

"At least before he had a real roof over his head, his mother took that away and somehow is blaming him for her bad luck."

Chrysalis was still waiting accompanied by Red Bug at her side, while in the back the rest of the changelings were muttering about what had happened, in a moment the door opened and a leader changeling of the medical wing appeared from the other side.

"How is he?" The queen asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry to tell you that we only have basic knowledge about medicine and pony biology, we don't know what diseases the foal has but we could find out some things."

"So what can you tell me, doctor."

"Well, for starters he has a degree of malnutrition, his coat has some spots and bites apparently from rodents, one of his ears is warmer than the other surely from some infection, his breathing is somewhat strained and his lungs make a weird sound when they move, I think it may be pneumonia but I have no way of knowing for sure, and finally the problem with his eyes, which are not getting any light at all."

"Do you think you can treat his illnesses here?"

The doctor shook his head.

"If we had the instruments and the medical knowledge we could try, but all we can do is treat his superficial wounds, feed him, and hope he recovers on his own, but if he gets worse I'm afraid there is nothing we can do, we have medicines and the knowledge to treat our changelings, but in his case, we can't do more."

"I understand, when you are ready move him to my room and I will see what to do."

The doctor nodded and retreated back to the medical wing, the queen for her part also retreated leaving the group of changelings behind, Red Bug quickly trotted up to catch up with the queen and stand at her side.

"Emmm, Queen Chrysalis, may I ask what you intend to do?" The changeling asked.

"You heard it too, we can only treat changelings here, to treat a pony we need a pony specialist."

"You're not thinking of-."

"Exactly." Interrupted the queen. "Little Clear Spark will go to a hospital, but I need a place farther away, a small place, a town that won't attract attention."

"I think I have some ideas that might interest you." Red Bug replied.

Chrysalis was in her room sitting in front of the bed where the little colt was still sleeping, she was happy because now she had done something for her little friend, she could give him the life that his mother was not interested in offering him, she could provide him with love and a future, she just had to make him understand his new way of life.

The little colt stirred a little as he woke up, he was still dizzy, very tired, and struggled to be able to sit up, he was a little confused as he didn't know what had happened.

"I see you woke up."

"Uh, who's there?" The colt asked stretching his hoof forward.

"Don't you remember the sound of my voice?"

The foal tried to remember the tone but could not.

"Maybe you remember what I taught you in the forest about plants and how to find them."

"Ms. Chrysalis?" Foal asked somewhat surprised.

"The original and only one." He said with a chuckle. "I'm glad you woke up, I wanted to tell you something important."

"Where am I?"

"You're at my house, in my bed to be exact, I brought you here after hit... after you fell asleep."

"And my mommy, where is she?" Asked the foal somewhat nervously coughing.

`Your mother doesn't love you and she was planning to abandon you again somewhere or in the forest like the last time I found you`, was what the queen's thoughts and it was an idea of what she was planning to tell the little unicorn but it would break his heart.

"Your mother... she's a little sick and asked me to take care of you for a while while she recovers."

"What happened to my mommy, is she going to be okay?" The colt asked sadly.

"She's going to be okay, remember you told me that...she cried at night and some friends visited her?"

The colt nodded his head as he wiped his eyes.

"She told me that to recover from her sadness she is going to have treatment with a special doctor and won't be able to take care of you for a while and since I did a good job last time she asked me if I could take care of you while she recovers." This was the best the queen could say.

"And why can't I be with mommy, doesn't she want me around?"

Chrysalis dreaded that question, she did not know how to answer, there was no way to tell a foal that his mother did not love him, no way he could understand, he loved his mother very much, but she...

"Your mother... she... she... she... cares about you but... she can't take care of you right now, so I will... in her place for a few days, is that okay with you?." Chrysalis was nervous and didn't want to lie to her new...hive member, she would take good care of him, and she would make him happy.

The colt lowered his head sadly, he wanted to be with his mother, he loved her, and he didn't want to be separated from her, Chrysalis stood up and sat by his side stroking his head.

"Relax, we'll have fun together, think of this as..." The queen scratched her chin in thought. "...Like a vacation, you'll get to visit new places, meet new things, learn a new culture, I know you'll love it, my little one, I know you'll love it." The queen approached the unicorn and kissed his forehead lovingly.

" All right." Said the foal a little sad but with a slight smile before coughing which worried the queen. "So what are we going to do now?" She ended up asking.

"First we'll take you to a doctor, I don't like that cough you have and I don't want them to think I'm a bad mo...a negligent mare."

Chrysalis disguised as Crystal Ivy carried little Clear Spark on her back and walked happily through the streets of a colorful town, full of colorful ponies, there was a town hall, a small market where they sold fruits and vegetables grown on the local farms, a bakery that looked like it was made of candy, a train station, a school, a spa, there was also a tower with a clock that was too far away and Chrysalis thought it would be much more useful in a place where it could be seen, there was even a bowling alley and a store that sold only quills and sofas, who knew such a small town would need a store that sold only quills and sofas.

You could really get everything in such a small town and Chrysalis was fascinated by the idea that Clear Spark could know every store, but she had another establishment in mind, she was heading with her little colt to a specific place, and she stopped in front of the building and saw its name before entering, 'Ponyville Hospital'.

Chrysalis was sitting on a stool in a patient care room, in front of her was Clear Spark on a special seat for patients, the little colt was rubbing one of his paws because he had been pricked to take a blood sample for analysis and he looked a little nervous.

"Calm down, the nurse will come soon and tell us exactly what is wrong-."

A door opened interrupting the queen, it was a nurse with a clipboard in her mouth, she had a serious and worried look on her face, she sat down in front of her desk and took a deep breath looking at the queen and the foal before saying something.

"We were able to run all the tests and we know exactly what Clear Spark has." The nurse looked over the notes and began to read them aloud. "He has a mild degree of malnutrition that with a balanced diet can recover in a couple of days, he also has otitis but we have the antibiotics for that and he can be cured in about two weeks, the forced breathing and strange noise are pneumonia, it's a bit complex but we can also treat it...and..." The nurse looked over the rest of the sheets mumbling things to herself. "...The bites on his hooves are from rodents but blood tests came back negative for rabies, disease, or parasites, he has other minor problems but those are the most worrisome, it's not very complicated and will take a little time but in a month or two he will be completely healthy."

the nurse lowered her notes and looked the queen in the eyes in a serious way.

"Yet there is another issue that worries me much more, I did a triple check on his blood in case of error but finally came to the conclusion that Clear Spark has never received any mandatory vaccinations against diseases that Equestria asks for, how is that possible?"

"His mother...has had some problems and I...offered to take care of him for an indefinite time until she recovers." Replied the queen.

"Everyone has problems, but I've never heard of such a disinterested and neg-."

Chrysalis with her magic stopped the nurse before she spoke any more about the foal's mother and gave her a stern look giving her understanding that if she said anything about the foal's mother not caring for her son, she would not wake up alive the next day.

"I said his mother is sick and I will take responsibility for Clear Spark, I do care about his health and that's all that should matter, don't you think so?." The queen watched the mare with fury with every word she said.

The poor nurse out of fear just nodded her head.

"Excellent." Said the queen calmly with a smile. "Now a question, should we go back to the hospital to do her treatments, or can I do them at home?."

"Just-just-just give him these medications and pre-pre-present yourself at the hospital once a week for a check-up, then we'll see about his vaccinations." The nurse stretched out a fearful hoof presenting a list of medications to administer to the foal.

"One other thing nurse, I would like our conversation not to be made public...I would hate to come back and have to discuss this issue with you if you know what I mean."

The nurse fearfully and without opening her mouth nodded her head again.

"Then have a good day nurse, we'll be back in a week." Chrysalis walked over to the colt and stepped to the side to get him on. "Come on little one, we have other places to see before we go back."

The foal with his hoof sought out the queen's back and settled on top of her before nodding his head and walking out of the hospital.

The pair had been walking for a couple of minutes in silence through the streets of the town, Chrysalis checked the houses looking for one with a specific sign, she saw some interesting options but she wanted something a little further away from the center of town, she should check more thoroughly the next day.

"Ms. Chrysalis." Said the colt causing some ponies to turn at the sound of the name but were confused not to see the mare belonging to such a name. "What did the nurse mean that mommy was disinterested?".

"That she... was selfless about... her... her... her... her time... she was selfless about her time with you, the nurse meant that your mother sacrificed her time to recover before you go back to her, but don't think about those things, now we must see one more place before we go back to the hive, I mean home."

"Where are we going now.?"

"Now let's get you enrolled in school."

Chrysalis said that last part when in the distance she could see a red building with a bell tower.

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