• Published 14th Dec 2022
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Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 17 - A small room and a small hope.

Chapter 17 - A small room and a small hope.

Chrysalis was locked in the dungeon of Canterlot, even though she had surrendered peacefully and showed no sign of escaping, Celestia thought it would be much safer to have her close by where she could keep an eye on her and discover her plans, after all, she was the queen of deception.

A couple of days had already passed and the queen was still locked in her small cell of three meters by three meters, she got nervous now and then thinking about what Clear Spark would be doing, but she was sure that the princesses would be watching over him at all times and nothing bad would happen to him, it was not the end that Chrysalis expected, but if the little one was well and with a bright future, she would accept her fate.

At the end of the corridor, a wooden door was heard to open and a large white figure approached somewhat annoyed, her footsteps echoed in the silent corridor and stopped in front of Chrysalis' cell, the queen for her part got up from her bed and stood face to face with Celestia, only she was behind bars.

"You finally decided to tell me where she is?."

"I've told you a hundred times Celestia, you're never going to find her out there."

"Don't try to be funny with me Chrysalis, I know you have her hidden somewhere and I'm going to find her, then you're going to miss these fun conversations when you're rotting in Tartarus."

"We'll see about that." Celestia grumbled something before turning around and walking out of the dungeon, the stinky smell of that place was not something she was fond of. "Good luck finding Crystal Ivy, Celestia." Finished saying the queen moments before Celestia closed the dungeon door.

As Celestia exited the dungeon, she couldn't help but notice a cherry-colored mare come in to visit someone, not giving it any more thought she continued on her way, she had a white unicorn to find.

"How have they been treating you?" Cheerilee asked.

"Very well, thank you, and how is Clear Spark?".

" He's fine, he's a little sad about what happened and he still can't understand why they have you locked up if you haven't done anything wrong, but I managed to convince the princesses that it would be better for Clear Spark to stay with me until they find his `mother`." Said the teacher rolling her eyes. "A calm and familiar environment is what he needs right now."

"I appreciate you being able to take care of him these days, for anything in the world I don't want them to find out his real mother and-."

"We both know that with all this the truth will come out, and whether you want it to or not, Petal Dance will appear on the scene, she is his birth mother and legal guardian, and we have no way of preventing Clear Spark from returning to her unless she agrees to give him up for adoption, we can only imagine the future that awaits that little foal."

"Then everything I did was for nothing." The queen sighed defeatedly and plopped down on her haunches. "At least I can say I tried."

"Hey, what you did wasn't for nothing, you did something very noble, you risked everything to offer a better life to a foal you consider him your son, you changed everything to give him a home, friends, a lazy pet, a future, but most of all and most importantly, you offered him your love, pure and unconditional, things didn't turn out the way you wanted but you managed to give him what he needed, for a brief moment you gave him a real family."

"Thank you Cheerilee, you really are a good friend." Said the queen with a tear on her cheek.

"I told you I would support you when you needed it."

"When I'm on the Tartarus, write to me from time to time to let me know how Clear Spark is doing."

"I'll do that every week, I'll see you in a couple of days." Both mares said their goodbyes and Cheerilee left the dungeon, she was to return to Ponyville and find a way to free her friend.

A couple more days passed and Celestia was furious, no matter how hard she searched, no matter how hard she investigated or sent mission after mission in search of signs of invasion plans she could not find anything, whatever Chrysalis was planning was too high a level and the solar monarch simply could not discover it, and above all, there was still no sign of Crystal Ivy anywhere, it was as if that mare had disappeared from the face of the earth.

Celestia had no clues, only an ocean of questions with a few answers, why Chrysalis revealed herself so openly after impersonating a mare in Ponyville?, why do it specifically in that place and why do it now?, the solar regent started to think deeply about what happened and an idea came to her mind, maybe she was taking another approach, maybe she was always playing by Chrysalis' rules, maybe the queen told her the truth openly knowing that she would not believe her and would waste precious days looking for false clues as she had been doing so far.

"GUARDS!" Shouted the monarch to which two pegasus in armor standing on the other side of the door, a second later both appeared and greeted the princess. "I need the birth records of all mares over the age of twenty with initials "C" and "I" from Canterlot, Manehattan, and any other city that could perform foaling, NOW!."

Both guards obeyed the princess's order and flew at full speed to comply, Celestia knew it would be a long job and would need help, but she knew the perfect mares for the job.

The next morning Celestia was in her office next to an excited Twilight and an analytical Luna, in front of them were boxes and boxes of medical records of births of mares from all over the nation.

"Why specifically do you need our help, dear sister?". Luna asked entering the office.

"Twilight's natural talent for an organization will help us to speed up our work time considerably and your ability to find details will prevent us from overlooking anything, I can read and compare these files at a great speed."

The three princesses nodded and each began to do her part, Twilight took the boxes and organized them by location, date, and finally, by name, Celestia reviewed file by file at great speed while Luna checked for inconsistencies in the data.

They took many hours of their time and rested in shifts to keep up, but at the end of the day, Celestia realized that the sun had to go down to make way for the moon and had to accept her defeat and just prepare for whatever Chrysalis was planning.

Celestia sighed in defeat with every breath as she used her magic to lower the sun.

"I'm sorry I can't be of more help Princess Celestia." Twilight said visibly tired.

"Don't worry Twilight, your help is more than appreciated, I just wish I could have found some clue about Chrysalis' plan."

"That's the strange thing about it, dear sister." Luna said at her sister's side as she used her magic to raise the moon. "I didn't find anything about Crystal Ivy."

"I know Luna, I didn't find any useful information either."

"It's not that sister, I mean I found absolutely nothing about Crystal Ivy."

Those words made Celestia realize that she overlooked something very simple and she had to corroborate.

Celestia walked as fast as she could and opened the dungeon door with her magic roughly, waking up the two prisoners there, one of them was Chrysalis, she walked down the corridor and stopped in front of the queen's cell.

"You created her, that mare doesn't exist, you knew that, and yet you had me looking for an imaginary mare for days." Celestia said annoyed.

"Of course I knew, I created her, and I told you the first day, I didn't force you to look for her, you wanted to because you thought I didn't tell you the truth."

Celestia banged the bars angrily, but Chrysalis didn't flinch, it took other things to scare her.

"I don't know what you're trying to do now but I'm going to find out and I'm going to stop you." Celestia said very annoyed before leaving the dungeon. Still, as she was about to leave she noticed that the same cherry-colored mare had returned to visit someone, Celestia found that behavior was unusual and looked through the window of the wooden door to where the little pony was headed.

Cheerilee greeted Princess Celestia quickly and continued on her way stopping in front of the mare who came to visit.

"Hello, how have they been treating you lately?".

"Fine, but the room service is terrible in this place."

"I know, I've been here before, long story, but I think I've come up with a solution so you can keep custody of Clear Spark permanently."

"What, but how?" Chrysalis asked in surprise.

"I've been doing a little research and it turns out that if Petal Dance relinquishes Clear Spark's motherhood and you agree to be his legal guardian, the foalnapping charges are dropped, but if and only if Clear Spark publicly admits that he wants to live with you and it is proven with evidence that under your care he would be better off than with his birth mother."

"That's excellent, no one will question that I have taken better care of him than his mother but...we still have a more direct problem." Replied Chrysalis tapping on the bars of her cell.

"Yes, you're right, I still can't figure out how to fix that part, but don't lose hope, I'll find a solution." Cheerilee stretched as far as she could to try to hug the queen who was on the other side of the cell.

Chrysalis for her part also tried to hug her friend, managing to do so but somewhat awkwardly because of the bars in between.

"Thank you for your help, you have given me so much more than I could ever ask for."

"Take care of yourself and try not to do anything stupid."

"My stupid ideas brought the best thing in my life, a son and a good friend."

"I'll be back when I have better news."

Cheerilee waved goodbye and walked out of the dungeon when a flash of white light blinded her completely, stunning her for a few seconds.

"Ohhh, sorry, I'm a lot more nervous than I thought I would be." Apologized Celestia with a smile to hide the fact that her spell to reveal changelings had failed.

"Princess Celestia, is that you?" Asked the mare rubbing her eyes. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"May I ask what you are doing here my little pony?"

"I'm here to visit a friend."

"The only ponies we have here are Chrysalis, and a stallion who disguised himself as a ghost to scare everypony so he could steal all the water from a lake."

"And I would have succeeded if it weren't for those meddling ponies and their dumb dog!" Shouted in response the stallion who was locked in the dungeon.


"I find it curious that you would come to visit to see... one of these two in particular, I doubt you would come to visit Chrysalis, would you?." Asked the sun monarch approaching Cheerilee a little to impose her presence, of course, she knew the answer since she had seen everything through the window of the wooden door, but unfortunately, she had not been able to hear anything.

"Doesn't she have the right to visitors like any other inmate in Equestria?" Cheerilee asked with intrigue and undeterred by Celestia.

"Well no, everyone has visitation rights, it's in the law."

"Did I do something illegal or commit a crime by coming here?."

"No, according to our law, everyone is innocent of guilt until proven guilty."

"Do I have any legal obligation to tell you who I am visiting, why I am visiting, or what I am talking to him or her about?"

"Well of course not, his or her time is private and deserves the same respect as any other pony."

"Then I can leave?"

Celestia was furious, she couldn't get information out of a simple village pony and on top of that she left her with her snout closed by answering her with the same laws she had enacted and defended, even if she tried harder the princess couldn't avoid that a part of her anger was reflected in her face and gnashing her teeth she had to answer in the only way she could.

"Yes, you may go my... little pony." The guards at the gates could feel the temperature of the place rise, perhaps from nervousness or the fury of the sun princess.

"Thank you." Cheerfully said Cheerilee before continuing on her way out of the castle. "And princess, please don't forget to raise the sun early in the morning, I have a class full of little ones who want to go on a field trip and we want to have as much time as possible, have a good night." Ended the teacher saying goodbye waving her hoof in the air.

Even if it seemed impossible, the cheerful teacher of Ponyville knew precisely how to push the ponies' buttons to drive them crazy without falling into insults, and over the years she had become a hard mare to intimidate, It seems that the job of a teacher in Equestria is harder than most thought.

Celestia for her part returned to the dungeon and stopped in front of Chrysalis, she had to know what they had talked about.

"What did you talk to her about?". She asked very annoyed.

"Do I have any legal obligation to tell you who is visiting me, why they are visiting me or what I talked to him or her about?." Chrysalis replied raising an eyebrow.

Celestia screamed in frustration at Chrysalis' response and stormed out of the dungeon slamming the door behind her with her magic, almost tearing it apart.

Author's Note:

Cheerilee best mare :rainbowlaugh:

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