• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 996 Views, 5 Comments

MLP: ZENKAI SPEED - Kamen rider accel

The worlds are sealed and being used for evil but a new sentai is there to save it and stop the new threat so watch them as they go Zenryoku zenkai

  • ...

GEAR 7: Creepy-Creaky Puppet Show!

=Last time!= Secchan cheered inside of a costume shop with a witch's hat on his head =We learned that Skye-hakase has a secret love child with another woman, tune!=


=But my way is more dramatic, tune! This strange and shy girl is named Ayane. Unlike the open and extroverted Roll, she is a nervous introvert who can't go outside without a costume, tune. She's also a lot of trouble and try to kill Flash thinking his a pervert, but try telling that to Kaito! But what horrible adventure awaits our heroes today, Tune!?= Secchan cheered as someone in a giant pink Bunny Costume appeared behind him with a net =GAH!=

Yatsude hummed as she finished putting up the last of the price tags on their latest product for sale, "Ah. A peaceful morning. Haven't had one on a scale like this since the day before everyone showed up on Earth."

"Yachan, ohayo!" Gaon greeted as he entered with a bag, "I took an early morning walk today and found something I think we can use to attract customers!"

"Hm? More customers? Show me, show me, show me!" Yatsude beamed.

"Ta-dah~!" Gaon pulled out a wooden cowboy puppet from the bag, "We can do puppet shows!"

"...Get rid of it, get rid of it, get rid of it!" Yatsude beamed, panic in her eyes as they darted around.

"Hah?! Get rid of it? But it's so cute! It's a cowboy and…" Gaon began.

"Yachan, I finished the last of the-EEK!"


"That's why I said get rid of it!" Yatsude groaned.

"What's going on?! Are we under attack?!" Zenkai Gin exclaimed, coming down the stairs. With zenkai Juran with him with his sword.

"How'd they find us?!" Zenkaiser exclaimed, jumping in before skidding to a halt on seeing Gaon stuck upside down on the wall, tied up in the strings of his puppet with said puppet littered in bo shuriken and its head separated from its body by one, "...Who brought in the puppet?! Who is the one responsible for me saying 'Who brought in the puppet' as seriously as I just demanded?!"

"Hmm?" Magine and Amy blinked, coming down.

"Yaya?" Vroon blinked, "What is all this excitement so early in the morning? Ah...Why is Gaon assaulted? Who damaged that little wooden thing? What is that little wooden thing? Why is it dressed up as a sheriff?"

"Eh...ignoring that," Magine shook off.

"Why is that a bad thing?" Amy asked Zenkaiser.

"Ah...Roll-chan has a monosugoi strong phobia of wooden puppets," Zenkai Gin sighed.

"...Say what?" Zenkai Juran asked.

"Juran! Do the fire thing!" Yatsude ordered, handing him the puppet.


"She needs to believe it is 'dead' to calm her down," Yatsude explained with air-quotes around 'dead', "She always gets like this after seeing one. She ends up too scared to sleep alone and drags someone into it. Last time, she spent an entire week in my bed with me…"

"How did she get this phobia?!" Vroon gawked.

"Um...That's...uh...kinda my bad," Zenkaiser sheepishly rubbed the back of his helmet, "When Flash and I went to Mobius one time as kids, I had brought some books and two of them were the original story of Pinocchio and the other a Goosebumps book about a puppet. I forgot them in my backpack when we came home for dinner and her Aunt Jem read them by accident when she was babysitting her. She assumed my bag was Roll-chan's and they were books she picked out."

=To explain, the original version of the story of Pinochio is not a child friendly story like the animated movie you watched with Haseo, tune= Secchan spoke up =It is actually a very morbid and disturbing tale, so it must have spooked her. Compound with the Goosebumps books, a collection of scary stories for children, tune. It must have instilled a deep fear of wooden puppets, Tune=

"Why did you have those?" Amy asked.

"Oh. As a kid, I was kinda immune to scary stuff," Zenkaiser chuckled, "I had like...zero sense of danger!"

"True, He even did a horror movie marathon of Hellraiser," Zenkai Gin muttered" I had nightmares because of that and couldn't look at puzzle boxes the same way again."

"It was so hard to raise him…" Yatsude sighed, "He stole and rode a riding lawnmower through downtown Tokyo…"

"And down my back!" Skye added from the base's entrance, "I was so glad Itsy, Mitsy, Trail , Misty and I were testing the material for your suit as a lab coat with a hood at the time!"

"So did Kaito ever get in trouble for the book thing?" Magine asked out of curiosity.

"Ah...Well...my wife was upset...but it wasn't really Kai-Kai's fault. He was just a goofy kid. It was her dumb cousin for reading the books to little Roll," Skye argued.

"That and I bought strawberries from the store for her and Roll-chan for kaito mistake," Zenkai Gin chuckled.

"That earned your brownie points...and a brownie or seven," Skye sighed as he came out of the base, "Then Galey made it all worse when she thought the best method to help Roll was confronting her newly-formed phobia..."

"Oh, that's a good idea, actually…" Amy began.

"...by strapping her to a chair and locking her in a closet filled with wooden puppets and videos of the episode of Goosebumps they made based on that puppet."

"I also had the videos…" Zenkaiser poked his fingers together sheepishly.

"...That's worse than tossing a child into a pit full of hungry cats...while putting cat food on them!" Amy gawked.

"Wait...That happened to people besides me?" Zenkaiser blinked.

"Wait... What?!" Zenkai Gin asked.

"We...wanted to test that zero fear thing…" Skye muttered sheepishly, "B-But anyway...!"

"Your taste in women seems to be the cause of many problems…" Yatsude muttered as the words pierced Skye like an arrow.

"GH!" Skye flinched before turning to Zenkai Juran, "Just burn up the dang puppet, Juran!"

"FIRE~!" Zenkai Juran shouted as flames shot from the Tyranno head that was his chest, incinerating the puppet, "Yosha! Roll, I blew it up!"

"...Is it gone?" Roll asked, peeking out from under the table.

"Look, it's all ashes and cinders...Nothing left," Zenkai Gin spoke, motioning to the pile of ash and burnt puppet.

"..." Roll slowly crawled out of it and carefully pulled a stick out to poke the pile, quickly hiding behind Skye for a moment before cautiously poking it again and sighing in relief, "Yokatta…The evil demon from hell is dead."

"I really should have told you all earlier," Yatsude sighed, "It was a sweet and kind idea, Gaon-chan, but Roll's phobia is too strong. Thankfully, it's also super specific."

"It's okay...As long as Roll-chan is okay…" he muttered, "How about...Sock puppets?"

"Oh, I think I know a place that has socks for sale today!" Roll beamed as Yatsude motioned at her to prove her point of how specific the phobia actually was.

"Yosha!" Gaon beamed, "...Ano...Can someone let down now, please? My oil's going to my cranium and I think it's making me see stuff."

"I got it…" Juran sighed, flashing back to normal with Kaito, "Vroon get the ladder, some pliers, a bucket, and a samwich!"

"Why do you say...ah never mind!" Vroon sighed, following Juran.

"So...that's a new rule to keep in mind," Magine muttered, she and Amy looking back and forth between Roll as she tidied up the places she made a mess in her rush to flee and the hung up Gaon, "But still, how extreme can a fear get...it's like Roll-chan has put all her fear in general into this phobia."

"Eh...more like seventy-five percent," Skye replied, "Why do you think she doesn't freak out as much as the rest of you kiddos on things?"

"Then why is Kaito like that?" Amy asked, stumping Skye given his slightly annoyed expression.

"I gave up trying to understand that boy when he somehow led me on a Scooby Doo chase through my own home…" Skye replied.

"True, I mean where was that Benny hills music being played and where did that cow and the other me and you came from, I'll never know...." Zenkai Gin muttered remembering the day.

"Is your wife the only one that could control him and Flash outside of his parents?" Amy and Magine asked.

"Yes," Skye slumped in defeat.

"Okay, I'll go over to get the socks and some cotton and a sewing kit!" Roll beamed as she skipped outside... "EEK!" before everyone was bowled over and everything fell off the shelves and pulled towards the kitchen from the strong pull of air from Roll fleeing back inside.

"...Gaon…" Skye growled, a dark glint in his eyes, "You bought more, didn't you?"

"Iie-iie-iie!" Gaon panicked, sweating fearfully at the look, "Just the cowboy! Only the cowboy!"

"Go check like a real man!" Yatsude snapped at Skye, "You know how weird stuff gets since everyone landed here."

"It must be a Tojitendo thing…"

"The chances of an actual Tojitendo scheme being puppet related on the same day we learned of Roll's phobia are astronomically stacked against that happening!" Vroon argued as they walked out, "YA-YA!?"

Skye stomped out and looked around. Wooden puppets...wooden puppets all around, hanging up on strings. Other puppets were also strewn about, but the wooden ones seemed to be the majority of those he could see.

"...Puppet World, got it," Skye sighed.

"Okay...so...who's gonna stop Roll from burning down the city?" Flash asked before a moment passed, "...I'm not joking. She's getting the Flamethrower Skye bought a few weeks back from Tesla."

"AH!" everyone panicked before a blue blur went by and came out with the flamethrower.

"Hey, guys. So...I guess the next World they've got is probably puppets. Why was Roll getting this out?" Sonic asked before looking around, "Come to think of it, she was chasing me but now she isn't." he looked back at the door to the shop to see Roll was gone, "...What the heck did I miss on my morning jog across Japan?"

"...Sonic, go take that to Ayane and tell her that there's a Code Pinocchio," Skye ordered, pointing at his shop/house, "And come back with whatever she brings you and Haseo. He should be waking up to use a tunnel to come over here for breakfast in a few minutes."

"Can we have Breakfast first?" Sonic asked.

"I'll make you snacks, but this is important," Yatsude sighed, "Roll has a fear of wooden puppets. It's worse than your fear of water even."

"Fear of wa-I don't have a fear of water! You have a fear of water!" Sonic argued.

"Sonic Maurice Hedgehog! Take that flamethrower to Ayane and tell her it's a Code Pinocchio right now!" Skye snapped, "Or I will tell everyone your real first name!"

"?! Wh-What are you talking about? Sonic is my first name!"

"Simple deduction. Your real first name is Olg…"

"AYANE, CODE PINOCCHIO! I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS, BUT CODE PINOCCHIO!" Sonic frantically shouted, the blur shooting into the repair shop/house.

"Alright...I guess this means you five will be out hunting...while we handle…" Amy began before the sound of something shattering was heard from inside, "Roll Control?"

"Right!" Kaito and Flash cheered.

"Magine, trade me jobs!" Amy turned to her friend.

"Ano…" Magine began as she peeked inside to see Roll frantically building a tiny fort from the shelving she ripped off the walls, "...Gomen, but I think I'll be safer fighting the Tojitendo at the moment-er, I mean! It'll be more dangerous fighting the Tojitendo! Ah mou...nununu..."

"Ah...I'll get some snacks for you so you don't fight on an empty stomach," Yatsude sighed, walking in and smacking Roll's hand before she could touch anything else, "This has to be one of the worst mornings ever…"

"Zz…" Ayane mumbled, her ears twitching as she was curled up in her hammock...hugging the Geartlasher to herself, "Zzz…"

"AYANEAYANEAYANEAYANEAYANEAYANEAYANE!" Sonic shouted frantically as he kicked the door open.

"EEK!" Ayane yelped, shooting up and hiding in her closet.

"CODE PINOCCHIO! CODE PINOCCHIO! CODE PINOCCHIO! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Sonic frantically called as he zipped around until he ran right into a frying pan, "GUH!"

"W-What are you doing in here screaming about?!" Ayane demanded, peeking out of the closet while lowering her frying pan, "W-w-w-why are you in my room?!"

"Code Pinocchio…" Sonic groaned, twitching on the floor.

"?!" Ayane dropped the frying pan before looking outside, "...Yabei…O-Onee-chan is going to be crazy t-today..."

"Please...help...I don't know what's going on…" Sonic groaned as he picked himself up onto his knees, "Seems like Kaito and Flash never told me this story…"

"My s-sperm donor made it worse…" Ayane frowned before giving him the Geartlasher, "H-Here. You'll need t-to use it then…"

"It must hurt you having to say that."

"S-Shut up!" Ayane growled before going over to her workbench, "J-Just go b-beat up the World making this already! I-I'm working on something for it…S-So don't be surprised when you get b-beaned!"

"Ah...you know once Kaito learns you're helping like this, he's just gonna try harder to make you his friend." Sonic chuckled, "I guess he really can see the good in everyone. He hasn't stopped trying with you yet."

"Mmmm…" she growled before pulling a lever on her workbench.

"Huh?" Sonic pondered before…


...screaming as he was shot out of a hole in the ceiling from a spring popping out under where he had been standing, "WHOA!"

"S-Shut up…" Ayane grumbled as she went back to her current project as a sleepy Haseo walked in, wearing an orange pair of footy pajamas with candy corn patterns on it.

"On'e-ch'n…" Haseo mumbled.

"Under the floorboard in the kitchen today," Ayane replied, "Onee-chan saw a puppet, so make sure you try to help."

"Th'nk…" Haseo mumbled as he stumbled off, his stuffed teddy giving a squeak from him hugging it to himself to not drop it.

"..." Ayane took a picture of Haseo as he went down to the tunnel part of her room.

"Heh heh...perfect," a Mobian Cobra in dark purple and grey armor smirked as he looked down from a nearby rooftop, "The puppets are making sure the plebeians stay in line…"

"Heh…" the World spoke; he had a rounded puppet head made of metal with a long nose that is actually a gun barrel, his mouth has jagged teeth and he has large red eyes and a red cap on his head. He had larger than normal gauntlets with puppet controllers made of metal resting on his arms like shields and white gloves. On his back was another much larger controller with the arms closer together to make it look like a strange X on his back, "They are no more than mere marionettes for me to make dance. My strings can't be cut so easily!"

"Excellent~!" the cobra hissed in delight, "I'm sure by the end of the day, the dynasty will be far larger than before thanks to the new minions of the domain!"

"MATTE!" at that, a giant explosion knocked both of them off their feet as they turned to see the entrance to the roof and most of the wall was blown open, "Himitsu no Power...Zenkaiser!"

"Kyoryu Power! Zenkai Juran!"

Hyakuju power! Zenkai Gaon!

"Mahou Power! Zenkai Magine!"

"GoGo Power! Zenkai Vroon!"

"Shruiken Power! Zenkai Gin!"

The smoke cleared as the Zenkaigers stood there, lined up. Zenkai Gin stood Infront and knelt down Infront of Zenkaiser and was holding his Hands up in a v shape like him.

"Roku-nin Sorotte!" Zenkaiser shouted, holding out his hand.

"Kikai Sentai…..Zenkaigers!" they declared as their team symbol flashed behind them as another explosion of colored smoke went off as well.

"So that's how it feels like" Zenkai Gin muttered doing the roll call.

"W-Why did everything explode?" the cobra complained.

"Tojitendo to Eggman Army!" Zenkaiser shouted, "What evil schemes are you plotting today!?"

"...And why should I answer to you?" the cobra countered with a slight frown, "A commoner has no right to talk to a King like that."

"Punch!" Zenkai Gin shouted, punching him in the face.

"Ah!" the World panicked at that, "Sir!? Speak to me!?" he held him up as his snout was now swollen, his eye bruised, and a small trickle of blood coming from his nostril, "SIR!"

"You..You heathen!" the cobra snapped as knight-themed SWATBots began to storm into the area, "Puppet World, K-SWATBots, end them!"

"What is with the themed armor!?" Zenkai Juran gawked, swinging his sword and cutting one down.

"It doesn't matter! All the cute humans and Mobians are turning into wooden statues!" Zenkai Gaon spoke, pinning a SWATBot down before he clawed its head unit off.

"So...is he Puppet World or Marionette World?" Zenkai Magine pondered as she swung her Magine Stick and bashed away a SWATBot, "It's an important question for when we log down how we won!" she lifted and held it by the bottom end; and swung it like a club to knock over another SWATBot.

"Yes! Tell us!" Zenkai Vroon shouted as he charged and tackled into a large group of SWATBots knocking them out of his way before he rushed the two commanders, "Kaito!" he shouted, stopping as Zenkaiser stepped over his shoulder.

"SHUWA!" Zenkaiser shouted as he flipped forward and aimed his leg out as he landed a kick to the World, knocking him off the roof.

"AH!" he cried, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

"Hm?" Zenkaiser turned to the Cobra.

"...Sleep~" the cobra hissed, his eyes glowing as his folds spread out a bit.

"Ha! Like that will…" Zenkai Gin began.

"ZZZZ!" Zenkaiser snored, having fallen asleep while standing, "Sleep...Zzzz...Zenkai...zzzz.." he snorted.

"KAITO?!" the Zenkaigers all shouted in disbelief.

"Hahaha, fool! Now-GAH!" the Cobra coughed as Zenkaiser suddenly slugged him again, "H-how…?!"

"Ah...Kaito is a rowdy sleeper...he sleep attacks…" the male Zenkaigers all muttered.

"S-Sleep attacks?!" he cried out as Zenkaiser spun around and landed a roundhouse kick, "No matter how you see it, he's not sleeping!"

"No...This is what happens…" Zenkai Gin muttered, shield-bashing a SWATbot as Zenkaiser lifted the Cobra up in a choke hold before pile driving him headfirst into the floor.

"Zzz...ore...wa...first Super Hero Wrestling champ…Z-Zzzz-zenkai!" Zenkaiser snorted as he wrapped his legs around the Cobra's neck just below his head and locked him in a hold.

"HACK!" the cobra gagged.

=I'm wondering if I should tell him that the Kyurangers have that one with Champ, better known as OushiBlack, tune…= Secchan muttered.

"Brain...buster...zzzz…" Zenkaiser spoke, dragging the Cobra to the edge of the roof before holding him upside down so his head pointed to the ground below, "Off the Top rope...zenkai-ZZZZZ!" his head fell back as he jumped off, the last thing they heard was the cries of terror from the Cobra.

"Sir!" the World shouted as he was hanging onto a ledge on a lower level of the building.

"Ah...Kaito is crazy good at causing chaos…" Zenkai Juran muttered, "It must be from all his time with Mobians…"

"Are we sure his parents didn't make him into a superhuman or something?" Zenkai Magine asked in concern.

=Never! Those two loved Kaito way too much to ever do anything to him!= Skye replied =If anything, this is the universe's apology for not gifting Kai-Kai his parents' amazing brains...so it gave him an amazing body=

"Yeah believe me, even I had a hard time trying to understand how he does it but got used to it soon" Zenkai Gin told.

"Yaya?!" Zenkai Vroon gawked, peering over the edge, "Is Kaito still going?! How much more damage is he intending to cause?!"

"... I think alot" Zenkai Gin muttered seeing this.

"I must break you…" Zenkaiser snorted in a bad Russian accent as he lifted the Cobra up with both hands and was down on one knee.

"Oh now he's dreaming he's the Heel!" Zenkai Gin realized.

"Ah, no! Not that dream again!" Zenkai Gaon panicked.

"We're still paying the medical bills to Skye~!" Zenkai Vroon sobbed.

"Eh?" Zenkai Magine looked at the two with surprise.

=Broken spines are not cheap to replace!= Skye defended =Even if you're just doing the bill based off the price of the items plus tax!=



"SIR!" Puppet World panicked, picking up his Handler, "Speak to me Sir! W-We won't forget this, Zenkaigers...RETREAT!"

"SNkr!" Zenkaiser snorted as he stood straight, "...What happened? I zoned out…" he yawned while stretching, "AH! I feel great! Like I had an awesome nap! AH! They escaped!?" he panicked.

"Kaito, why!?" Zenkai Gaon and Zenkai Vroon sobbed, slumped against some railing.

"I think you trigger PTSD in them," Zenkai Magine muttered, a drop of oil going down the back of her head.

"No more wrestling movies before bed, mister," Zenkai Juran scolded.

"Eh? Wh-What did I do?"

"You know what you did even if you don't," Zenkai Gin replied, crossing his arms over his torso.

"...Eh? Nununu?" Zenkai Magine pondered, seeing something nearby, "Tails?"

"Eh? Tails?" Zenkaiser pondered, following her line of sight to see two tails peeking out around a corner, "Oh! It is him! Heya, Tails!" he walked over to the tails, "Nice to see-EEYAH!" he quickly ran over, holding something, "GUYS, GUYS, GUYS! EMERGENCY~!" he held up a plush doll looking like a poorly stitched Tails with an antennae ending in a red gem, "Tails got transformed into a sock puppet!"

"KILL IT WITH FIRE!" Zenkai Gaon and Zenkai Magine freaked, hiding behind Zenkai Juran with wide optics.

"Yeesh...Tails looks really creepy as a doll," Zenkai Gin noted, "But now we know that he doesn't just turn them into wooden puppets, but puppets of all kinds."

"...Isn't Miyuki's going to turn us into ice statues for letting this happen?" Zenkai Vroon asked.

"Not it." Zenkaiser spoke suddenly.

"Not it!" Zenkai Gaon and Zenkai Magine spoke, pushing the other two Kikainoids forward as Zenkaiser handed them the doll before the trio ran off.

"Ah! O-Oi! You kids get back here and face responsibility!" Zenkai Juran demanded.

"Hah...We might as well get it over with…" Zenkai Vroon slumped in defeat.

"Don't worry, I'll come with beside, I wanted to meet white aswell" Zenkai Gin said as he was with them.

"...Oh, wait. I can breathe fire in this. I think we'll be okay, Vroon," Zenkai Juran assured, patting his shoulder.

"And I can do a fire jitsu I learned." Zenkai Gin said as he went with them.

"I can't believe it! They actually fell for it!" Iijirude laughed, the computer he and Eggman were standing before showing a feed of Juran and Vroon walking.

"Considering Kikainoids and Humans have never seen an invertebrate, it's not a surprise they didn't know that snakes don't have a back to break!" Eggman chuckled.

"But it seems that Zenkaiser in that hypnotized state does become more violent...for our sake, let's not let that happen again." Ijirude spoke, "Still all our agents and drones get shot down or destroyed before we can gather intel on their safe house location. Even with the address from that odd live video feed. But if we can get info on where they rest, we can attack them at their weakest! Which thanks to Puppet World we can send their beloved civilians to deal with them for us!"

"Operation Deadly Cuddles is so devious! They don't even realize that this isn't the real Tails at all!" Eggman snickered.

"It's not?" Thunderbolt asked.

"Huh...Really thought he got struck myself," Tundra muttered, rubbing his chin.

"No! That is my Tails Doll. Think of it as a...distant relative to Metal Sonic," Eggman replied, "Unlike the all out force he's made for, Tails Doll is for infiltration and information gathering. It was how I was able to help sow distrust amongst the people of New Mobotropolis before the Genesis Wave."

"Oh…" many awed in realization of how clever that was.

"So that's why you used that idiot; he was so weak, it lowered their guard," Lien-Da sighed.

"We had to rig that choice today just for this plan, but once we got Puppet World we knew which plan to implement!" Ijirude cheered, "The best part is since we are playing on the Zenkaigers' concern for the brat, they won't even question a thing 'till it's too late!"

"Still it was worth noting that it seems their leader has untapped potential in combat," Barashitara noted, another screen replying Zenkaiser's sleep wrestling, "He fought even more harshly then the times he took down most of you. If anything...his kindness spared you all from some real pain." he laughed.

"Quiet from the one who got rolled over by sushi!" Iijirude fumed.

"Oi!" Barashitara growled.

"Oh the fun going on here," a certain giant bird giggled watching from higher ground so as to not interfere, "Just like highschool dramas...now...who's gonna be that one bitchy girl in the group~?"

"That would be her," Akuhlt chuckled, gesturing to Lien-Da, confirming it by flipping him off with a scowl.

"I may like robotic birds...But that bird is gonna be the death of me one day." Eggman muttered.

"You get that feeling, too?" Ijirude asked, "Oh thank the King, I thought it was only me."

"So what happens when Nope Noodle gets over the swollen snout and busted lip? Does he deploy again? Please tell me we can watch him put Zenkaiser to sleep again!" Gege chuckled.

"Him and Drago," Eggman replied.

"Oh goody-goody! I love the sound his nose makes when you hit it!" Gege laughed.

"Note to self...never deploy with snake boy…" most muttered silently to themselves.

"Roll-chan! You can't dismantle the AC to form a bunker shield!" Yatsude complained.

"There are demons outside! They will rip our souls out and use our husks as skin!" Roll argued.

"Don't make me treat you like a bad child! You can't be doing this!" Yatsude grunted.

"You...are surprisingly strong, Yatsude-chan!" Roll grunted as she was losing ground in their little tug-o-war.

"I had to raise a Kaito! Compared to his limitless energy...you are still just a child!" she argued.

"We're back!" Kaito called as he, Magine, and Gaon entered the shop to see the sight, "Ah...This is really bad, huh?"

"Roll, drop the AC or else!" Amy warned.

"NEVAH!" Roll declared.


"Sorry," Amy apologized to the downed Roll, twitching on the floor with a bump on her head.

"I think she forgets...she's strong...but not the physically strongest girl in this house," Magine muttered, helping Yatsude with the AC.

"Quickly, tie her up!" Yatsude ordered.

"With what?" Kaito asked, "She's an escape artist, remember? Her family does all the Shinobi training."

"I'll get the bungee cord." Magine spoke, walking off.

"Get some strawberries, too. We can put them between the ropes so that she won't try to break them without risking them," Yatsude added before sighing, "That darn Jem. I swear if I ever see her in person, I'm smacking her with my frying pan meant for bashing Skye with because of this nonsense she's caused years later!"

"A reprieve!" Skye shouted.

"You focus on helping fix the world with Kaito and Flash, Mister!" she snapped.

"Yes Ma'am!"

"So what happened?" Yatsude asked.

"The evil Mobians working for Eggman has hypnosis powers...and he put Kaito to sleep," Gaon explained, "Then Kaito began Sleep fighting again."

"Again?" Yatsude asked in awe.

"Then he totally demolished the Cobra guy...I'm talking a pro-wrestling iron cage match to the end for the title level destroyed!" Magine declared, "It was equal parts spectacular and violent!"

"Ahh...that sounds kinda fun to watch." Amy pouted, "Did you get a video?"

"Hai." Magine nodded.

"I still don't get why I do that." Kaito muttered.

"Because you have such a powerful imagination, it send out the signals to move your body in your sleep," Skye replied.

"That and it seems sleeping Kaito can't control his amazing power…" Magine muttered, "I've never seen him hit so hard...and the brain buster was just extra…"

"Okay, see? Fun stuff like that...I want to see." Amy smiled, "Oh right!" she blinked while grabbing her phone, "Tails sent me some text messages about the string things in the air. He says that if they stick to people, then poof! They become puppets."

"Tails-kun?" Magine blinked.

"Yeah, he says he saw tons of folks get turned into puppets. But they don't act differently right away," Amy went on, "Still, we should be careful."

"...Ano...Should we tell her?" Magine whispered to Gaon.

"I'm not sure. I don't want the hammer again," Gaon gulped.

"Wait...Tails texted you?" Kaito blinked, "Was that before he got turned into a puppet?"

"WHAT!?" Amy gawked, "He got turned into one, too?! Oh, his sister is going to be livid!"

"Hai...A tiny, but creepy cloth puppet." Kaito explained with a nod.

"Wait?" Magine blinked, walking up, "You said...the puppet could still move, right?" she asked Amy.

"But...Tails-kun was...motionless…" Gaon muttered, "How strange…"

"Maybe it depends on the kind of puppet," Kaito noted, "If they're wooden ones, it kinda makes sense they still move because they're supposed to move around on strings."

"Then how will a plush one move?" Magine pondered.

"...I hope it's not like a hand puppet," Gaon noted, cringing.


"Gomen nassai~!" Gaon groaned on the floor, a steaming bump on his noggin.

"But this is weird though…" Magine ignored Gaon, "How long ago did Tails message you?" she asked Amy.

"Hmm...not too long after you guys all ran off," Amy looked at the message's time stamps.

"Oh my," Magine gasped, "Wait...Where's Sonic?"

"Last I saw him was when he was going out through the spring in Ay-Ay's room," Skye replied, tying up Roll with the bungee cords.

"Ah...He must still be flying through the air then." Magine nodded as she took a few cords and did something to them behind Roll's back, "He'll either be back in a few or somehow crash into Juran and Vroon and Flash."

"Given the angle and speed, factor in his weight and the off-chance of him holding the Geartlasher, he should be landing in three...two...one…" Skye counted down.

"Hm? What's that screaming?" Flash pondered.

"Screaming?" Juran pondered before looking at Tails Doll Vroon was holding, "A...Are you thinking you can hear Tails screaming while holding his doll form?"

"No no no...I hear a steadily increasing volume of someone screaming, as if they are getting closer and closer to our location right this moment." Vroon corrected.

"Wait, really? ...Huh...Now that you mention it, I think I can he…" Juran began before Sonic landed on him, "ARGH! My back~!"

"Oh! Sonic-san!" Vroon gasped, "What happened? Why were you flying?"

"Falling...I was falling…" Sonic grunted.

"Yeah...on me…" Juran groaned, "Would it kill you to cut back on the chili-dogs?"

"Nevah!" Sonic declared as Vroon helped him off the downed Juran before both helping the red Kikainoid back up, "Anyway...I went over and told Ayane about that weird Code which I still don't get. She gave me the sword and then shot me off through the sky via the spring airlines!"

"Well...in regards to the code...an unfortunate set of events left Roll with a huge phobia of wooden puppets…" Juran grunted.

"Specifically wooden puppets. She's okay with anything else, but wooden puppets make her...well...not Roll," Flash added.

"Yikes...Guess this World is her nightmare then," Sonic cringed.

"Like you wouldn't believe." Juran grunted, "Doc explains it like all her normal amounts of fear…"

"No...75 percent," Vroon corrected.

"Most of her fear is focused on this one thing," Juran sighed, "Like you and how you only hate Water."

"I don't hate water! I just don't like it outside of drinking it or taking a shower," Sonic argued, "Look, we...uh…" he looked at Tails Doll, "...Is...Is that Tails?"

"...yup, creepy" Flash muttered seeing the doll.

"Ah yes!" Vroon nodded as he remembered, "We found him like this! We think Puppet World can make you into any type of Puppet!" he explained, "We got tasked with telling...you know who…" he whispered.

"Yeesh," Sonic cringed, "Well, may as well go with ya so that I can get ya out before the frost comes."

"Ah...It will save us some trouble," Juran sighed, "Plus this way we can just leave the kid at his place so he can be home when he poofs back to normal later."

"NO! You fools! Take it to your home! We don't care about the stupid little kid who hangs out with you! Idiots! Do as you're meant to!" Ijirude shouted as he bashed a Kudakk in the head with his staff to vent.

"Strangely, I feel that this would've happened if we wanted the Zenkaigers to eat a cookie that'd make them evil," Eggman muttered, facepalming.

"Ah...this is fine...it's fine...All we have to do is redeploy Puppet World to get them to go somewhere else; and when we retreat, they'll go home to rest and recover," Ijirude sighed, "Get that literal spineless goof up and deploy!" He ordered, pointing his staff at a Kudakk.

"Might I suggest deploying Puppet World and Hood where this Miyuki is at?" Starline asked, "Having him turn her into a puppet would be a good idea as it would more than likely have them take her to their home as well."

"What are you, dumb? Puppet World doesn't turn them into puppets himself; he just controls them. It's random!" Eggman snapped.

"How hurtful….no coffee for you for a week."


"I know these things are often due to those meanies the Tojitendo, but it's hard to understand just how drastic these things can develop into, kyu," Miyuki noted, walking into the hangar/home beside a snow-white hedgehog wearing an orange jacket with extra long sleeves and a black eyepatch with a gold skull on it over his left eye, "Especially this time."

"Yeah...Seeing the grocer as a puppet and his Kikainoid partner also one was a bit...disturbing," the hedgehog agreed as he started to put the groceries away, "Especially when the strings seem to just vanish in the air at a certain point."

"Oi~" Juran's voice came from the door as he knocked, "You guys home? We got something potentially weird going on!"

"Kyu?" Miyuki blinked at that, moving away from the stairs as she opened the door, "You mean aside from the puppets, kyu?"

"Eh well...it's kinda in relation…" Flash muttered as Juran and Vroon peeked out from behind him.

"Now as we fought with the Tojitendo's latest schemes with Puppet World and this...odd...Cobra person...whom we think Kaito has paralyzed...we found someone afflicted by Puppet World's...ability…" Vroon muttered, "Which brings us to here and now…"

"Kyu?" Miyuki blinked in confusion before the two presented the Tails Doll, "..."

"Not our fault!" Juran panicked.

"Maybe Ayane could examine him?" Vroon suggested.

"Who?" Miyuki asked.

"Roll and Haseo have a half-sister on their dad's side that's a HedgeLynx," Sonic explained, sitting on Vroon's shoulder, "She is, uh...shy…"

At that, a secret door on the floor opened. Miyuki and White raised brows before Ayane poked her head out of it, giving the hedgehog an annoyed look.

"I'm not shy, I just don't s-socialize." Ayane countered before going back underneath the floor.

"...White-kyu…" Miyuki began.

"I was curious on what that faint rumbling was last week," White muttered as the wall slide open and Ayane walked out.

"And I am curious on how you two get any sleep...now cause the blue one will annoy me again if I stay in my lab...what can I help with?" Ayane sighed, she much rather deals with Sonic then Kaito...the latter scares her.

"Which one?" Juran and Vroon asked.


"Hey.." Flash muttered annoyed.

"It's true" she stated with a smirk further annoying him.

"Tails got turned into a puppet. Take a look." Vroon said showing her Tails, she looked at him...and stared...and stared….before going back to her wall door, "See she's figure something out and is gonna get an invention to fix…" Vroon began before Ayane returned with a shotgun.

"Play with this!"

"Whoa now!" Juran yelped, barely pushing the gun down, "Nani?!"

"Let me go. I have to kill it."

"It's Tails, Ayane..come on just put the..." Flash tried to calm her down before she got a shot off, putting a hole in the floor.

"AH!" the others all panicked.

"What the hell?! This thing is real!?" Juran snapped while taking it away, proving far stronger, "What is wrong with you!? Besides being some kind of sociopath!?

"Nothing…" she said before suddenly pulling out two pistols. "I just wanna kill that evil thing!"

"Vroon, sit on her!" Sonic panicked. "I'm getting Roll...and Kaito!"

"Wait...AH!" she panicked as Vroon tackled her...and proceeded to actually sit on her back.

"Mission accomplished."

"You can't just pull a gun on folks!" Juran snapped.

"Uh...Isn't that sorta what we do?" Vroon argued.

"NOT THE SAME! We don't shoot up a nice family's home in the middle of the damn day! And aim at a kid magically turned into a puppet!" Flash snapped.

"Why can't you see the evil?!"

"I am so sorry...I should have remembered she's a wackadoo…" Juran turned to Miyuki.

"If only I could reach for my tail, I'd set off the self-destruct device in this safehouse."

"WHY!?" Flash shouted.

"Because everything needs a self-destruct button," Ayane replied; at that, a vase was dropped on her head ,knocking her out as it shattered.

"Yaya?! That works!? I thought Kaito was joking about dropping breakable things on people's heads!" Vroon gawked.

"I am so sorry for them," Juran apologized, bowing.

"Um...It's fine," White assured, "But...I think there's a bigger problem."

"Eh?" Juran looked up from his bow to see the nine-tailed fox and white hedgehog were puppets now with White being split down the middle with one half white and the other red with a leather jacket sporting straps ending in hooks with the white of his eye sickly yellow, "GAH! When did that happen?!"

"I think between her shooting the first shot and her pulling out two pistols," White replied.

"...Why is one half of you red and the other white now?" Vroon asked as he slung Ayane over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, "What could that be about? Is it aesthetic? Genetic? Could this be what is called bipolar?"

"Who you calling bi?" the red half spoke.

"Uh...did...He talk in a second voice?" Flash blinked.

"Long story," White replied, as Sonic came back.

"Hey, I got...why…"

"...We shouldn't have given Ayane such focus," Flash sighed.

"I'll get you, Charles Lee Ray...and your whole family…" Ayane muttered in her sleep.

"...You don't think Ayane was doing her little shy spying stuff on Roll that day she got her puppet phobia, do you?" Juran asked.

"Roll's afraid of puppets?" Miyuki asked, "Aw...I was hoping to talk to her about something today, but now I don't think it's a good idea, kyu."

"At least you didn't pull a Gaon." Flash muttered, "Anyway...Sonic, you find Roll and Kaito?"

"Kaito, yes," Sonic replied, "Roll...um...she's a little tied up in the base at the moment."

=You are not coming down from there until you calm down, missy!= Secchan scolded, looking up at Roll hanging from the 'ceiling' of the Zenkaiger base, tied up in bungee cords and struggling to get out of them.

"Let me out of here!" Roll begged, "It's not safe! They could be coming at any time! We need to prepare to incinerate the devils into ashes and cast them into a volcano to save us all!"

=No!= Secchan scolded, flying up to bat her with a rolled up newspaper =Bad! Bad, Hedgefox! No!=


=Here. Let's just watch something to distract, tune= Secchan sighed as he turned on a screen...playing Disney's Pinocchio.

"EVIL!" Roll shrieked, amping up her struggles to get out of her binding.

=Gah! Gomen, gomen, gomen, tune!= Secchan panicked =Still shocked you haven't escaped=

"I hooked it into her bra so she can't escape!" Magine shouted from upstairs.

"...Ano...She doesn't wear one," Haseo pointed out from upstairs.

"Eh? Then what did I hook it onto?"

"But I think she'll be fine," Sonic shrugged.

"Ah! You guys got turned into puppets, too?!" Kaito gawked, "...Eh? A half-and-half hedgehog?"

"Oh right. We've never met," the white half of White noted before the crimson half snorted, "Boku wa White. I'm Amy's older brother. Thank you for letting her stay with you."

"Yatchan grew really attached to her," Kaito smiled, "Ah! Yatchan is my and Flash grandma; I guess she just likes having girls around the place since for so long it was just me and her."

"Ya know, this is nice and all ta hear, but don't ya think that us becomin' puppets on these stupid strings is a sign of something like, oh I don't know...The tin head behind this is in the area?" the crimson half of White questioned in an annoyed tone.

"Hey I've been meaning to ask...What's with the sunburnt half of you talking like a second person?" Kaito asked, making Sonic chuckle at his accurate yet insulting choice of wording.

"It's a long story, kyu," Miyuki explained as one of her tails motioned to the red half of White, "This is Crimson-kyun, White-kyun's other half kyu. He has a….rare case of MPD we can't go into details..."

"Sugoi...You're two dudes in one body!" Kaito smiled, "So how does this work...does one work one half of the body and the other guy gets the other half?" he asked as Sonic kept chuckling, "That must make using the bathroom really hard…"

"Ahahahaha!" Sonic laughed.

"Okay, see...He's good when it comes to the fighting bad guys...but he's more or less a living embodiment of boundless positive energy!" Juran spoke to Miyuki and White, "There is no stopping it."

"...We're getting wrapped up in nonsense, aren't we?" Crimson deadpanned before White sighed, "Seems like."

"We do that," Juran sheepishly admitted.

"Well we never really introduced each other well so I go." Flash said." Boku wa Flash, Flash sentry, it's nice to meet you mister white and crimson"

"Ah you must be Flash, Miyuki told me about you and your talent" the white half spoke." So you really fought 34 people including mobians and won." The red half asked.

"Yup, I'm not proud of it for fighting but of I didn't, I would have been beaten badly." Flash told.

"See, white and crimson Kyu" Miyuki said
"I told you he was a good fighter."

"Your right, and tails told me you became a zenkaiger like them and a ninja"

"... Yup, and mine is based on the Ninningers, so be ready to see me all, Flashy when I'm there."

"*Snort* good one." Crimson laughed at the pun.

While they were talking kaito was seeing this. ".. yup give Flash the time and he'll make fine friends."

"Oh! Ay-Ay!" Kaito beamed, spotting the unconscious HedgeLynx.

"Not the time, Kaito," Vroon sighed before Kaito's phone rang.

"Hm? Moshi-moshi?" Kaito answered.

=Kaito, Puppet World's back= Skye informed =He's near you guys, actually=

"Eh?!" Kaito exclaimed.

"S-Snrt?! W-Wha…" Ayane snorted, blinking a few times in her waking up before looking up to see Kaito, "..."

"Hm?" Kaito looked at her, "Oh! Morning!"

"..." Ayane swung a hand down on the floor, causing the pellet in it to go off and engulf the area in smoke.

"Ack! Ptui! Not again!" Kaito coughed as the smoke settled, revealing Ayane gone...with a strange Gear left in her place, "Eh? Is that a Sentai Gear?"

"Did she swipe one from wherever you get them from your buckle?" Sonic asked as he picked it up, raising a brow as he noticed the gear part of it was rounded out sporting the kanji for 'Prototype' in cobalt coloring in the center, "Wait a second...Did she make this look like a Power Ring?"

"Power Ring?" Flash question.

"It's…" Sonic began before a scream was heard outside, "...I'll explain later. For now, hero time!"

"Dance, puppets, dance!" Puppet World laughed as he was making a group of Mobians, Kikainoids, and humans turned into puppets do a conga line.

"Dance! Dance, plebians!" the cobra mocked with a cruel laugh, now dressed in a darker color version of his armor, "Dance for your…!"

"I thought I recognized you…"

"Hmm?" the Cobra blinked before turning, seeing a smirking Sonic sitting next to him, "GAH!"

"Hood, right? Amy and her cousin Rob'O the Hedge talked about you," Sonic smirked before quickly becoming a blur when Hood spread out his folds, "Not falling for that trick!"

"AH! It's him again!" Flash shouted, running over after a moment.

"Don't look at his face this time!" Juran warned.

"AH!" Hood screamed in a high pitched voice once he spotted Kaito, "NOT YOU AGAIN!"

"What is with people and phobias today?" Kaito tilted his head.

"Eh. We'll just chalk it as a really off day," Sonic shrugged as he ran over to Kaito, "Also that's Hood…"

"That's Lord Modred Hood, King of Eurish's greatest Kingdom, Avalon and Grand Master of the Eurish Dark Legion!" Hood snapped.

"Wait...He's a legit king?" Flash blinked.

"Nope. From what Amy's cousin told me, he stole the role from the previous king, and was practically given the role by Eggman in exchange for building the Dark Legion there," Sonic whispered to the two.

"Ah! That's horrible!" Vroon gasped.

"Yep. Last I heard, the real king-Amy's cousin-had to go into hiding with his wife and their baby because of Hood sending assassins after them."

"That's even worse!" Juran gawked.

"Yosh...You deserve an even harder punch to the teeth for that!" Kaito declared, "And I'm gonna give it to you. 'Cause I really wanna punch you...and your buddies."

"Coun't me in, I'm not showing any mercy for you this time." Flash took out his gear.

"GH!" Hood tensed up at that, "M-men, Puppet World! Protect your king!"

"You can hide but you can't run from this butt kicking! That's if snakes even have butts!" Kaito shouted, pulling out the Geartlinger, "Change Zenkai!"



"Change Zenkai!" Juran and Vroon shouted as they quickly changed as well before they and Sonic blocked the swings of the blades of some K-SWATBots with their blades, shield, and/or pickax.

"...Wait. What am I panicking for?" Hood questioned himself, coming out of a set of bushes he was hiding in, 'I've still got the trump card in case things go awry…' "K-SWATBots, your king commands you to capture that fox plush! It has what Iijirude needs!"

"They're after Tails?!" Zenkai Juran gawked, slashing one of the K-SWATBots, "What for?"

"He must have information they need...but what could that be? That is a deep well!" Zenkai Vroon shouted hacking away at one of the robots.

"They must be dumber than we thought and need someone actually smart!" Zenkai Gin grunted as he shot at several with rapid fire setting and then slash them.

"...We're in agreement that he'll be punished severely for giving them ammo to insult us with, right?" Iijirude deadpanned, his optic twitching.

"Oh, there wasn't a single doubt in my mind," Eggman seethed.

"They sure are doing good with the minions," Puppet World noted before chuckling, "Then let's see them deal with these! A performance of the ages! Attack of the Villagers!"

"Attack of the wha-?" Zenkai Juran asked before several Puppetized people began walking into the battlefield, "Oi! You folks need to get out of here!"

"What is happe-YAYA!?" Zenkai Vroon gawked as they began getting swarmed by the puppet people, "Wait! Stop, we are the good ones!"

"It is no use, fools!" Hood laughed as he stood next to Puppet World, "So long as Puppet World's Strings are about, he can use those he's turned into puppets to use as what they truly are, tools!"

"Whoa now! No touchy! I get enough from girls that are either pink or wear pink. Thank you very much!" Sonic yelped, running around to avoid the people grabbing at him.

"Get 'em! Get 'em!" Puppet World laughed.

"You jerk! How dare you use people for this!" Zenkai Gin shook a fist at Puppet World.

"Hahaha! The benefits of being the invader! Any tactic goes!" Puppet World cackled.

"Domo~" two voices spoke behind Puppet world, making him turn to see Gaon and Magine as they aimed at his face.

"AH! Wait don-!"

"Bang~" they cheered pelting him point blank with several shots that knocked him on his rear.

"Just 'cause we are the good guys doesn't mean we can't be sneaky, you creepy Kikainoid filth," Gaon replied.

"Ah you peasants!" Hood began before gagging as Magine stuck something in his mouth, "Gak!"

"What did you do?" Gaon asked.

"Snakes hate the smell of garlic and onions," Magine explained, "So I jammed pickled garlic and onions in his mouth."

"Ohh! Clever!" Gaon beamed.

"He's kinda too lame for me to really attack…" Magine muttered as Hood coughed and hacked while rolling along the floor.

"Nice save! Now help us!" Zenkai Juran called.

"Not to worry! I have the ultimate defense!" Gaon declared...before turning around to show Haseo on his back, "A fluffy Haseo-chan!"

"Eh?" Haseo blinked twice, "Matte...I thought we were getting blueberry ice cream."

"We are. I pinkie promised after all!" Gaon assured.

"Oh~ Then Ga…!" Haseo began before he noticed the Tails Doll, "?!" his black tail shot straight up and puffed out to the point it looked like a lightning bolt had gone through it, "A-a-a-a-a-akuma…!"

"Huh?" The Zenkaigers stopped fighting for a moment to hear that.

"Akuma! Akuma!" Haseo panicked as he rushed off...before coming back with various holy items on him while holding an O-fuda in one hand and a gold cross in the other, "The Power of Christ and Kami-sama compeles ye, akuma!"

"D'aw~" Gaon cooed before Magine slapped him, "RIGHT!" he yelped, "Wait...isn't that Tails-kun?" he asked Haseo, "Why are you calling Tails evil?"

"Th-That's not Tails-san!"

"...Come again?" the two blinked.

"Wait! Tails's sister and her boyfriend got turned into normal wooden puppets...so if everyone just turns to the same and...and…" Zenkaiser paused for a moment.

"Kaito-kun?" Gaon asked.

"Daijobu...This is how he learns." Zenkai Gin assured, "It just takes a little longer."

"THAT'S NOT TAILS!-!" Zenkaiser declared while pointing to the sky dramatically.

"But we haven't seen or heard from him all day...it has to be!" Gaon argued before Haseo tapped his leg, "Hai?" Haseo then pointed to the left and down the street where he saw the actual Tails walking down the street with headphones on, somehow none the wiser to the nonsense happening, "...EVIL!" he rushed and punted the doll copy of Tails into the distance.

"...Oh you should not have done that," Hood whispered in worry...and fear.

"You know wh-?!" Sonic began before blinking, "...one moment," he spoke before rushing into Tails' home. A moment passed before he ran back out with Nicole's handheld in hand, "Nicole, I need to ask you something."


"While my team was busy in the Frozen North before the Genesis Wave Hit, did...anything happen back in New Mobotropolis involving a doll that looks like Tails?"

=A doll that looks like Tails? Mmm...My memories are a bit of an issue at the moment with your recent revelation in…=

"Speak smaller words please!" Zenkaiser called, his hand sticking out of the pileup of puppetized citizens he was under.

=I don't remember, but that description feels familiar somehow...perhaps if I had some visual aid, it would help jog my memories…= Nicole answered.

"Meaning I'd have to go f-"

"AHH! GET IT OFF!" Puppet World's scream caught their attention, making them look up to see the Tails Doll on top of his head, "It's speaking things that are creeping me out!"

"...Does this help?" Sonic asked as he turned the handheld to show the scene.

=Strange...it looks like that doll Cream h…= Nicole began before it dawned on her =...Destroy it. Destroy it now!=


=That...thing is a creation of Eggman's, and was what helped cause so much discourse among the people in New Mobotropolis at the time!= Nicole explained.

"One issue with that!" Zenkai Juran called as more of the puppetized citizens pounced on Gaon and Magine, "His panicking is making him grab more folks to grab us!"

"Gah...How the heck are we gonna deal with this?" Sonic sighed, jumping over a leaping citizen before landing on a lightpost where a bit of the sunlight bounced off his Geartlasher and hit his face, "..." he shifted it to let him look at the citizens, "...Oh for the love of...It's so obvious." he dug into his head quills and pulled out the strange Ring-based Sentai Gear, "Well, Ayane, might as well see if this works." he opened up the slot for Sentai Gear on his blade before flicking the Gear into the air and slapped it down into it and spun the handle quickly.


"Huh. She even made a cute little noise for when she has a prototype Gear for it," Sonic chuckled before looking at Puppet World running around in circles with Hood trying to grab the Tails Doll, "Here goes something!" he pulled the trigger while swinging the blade, causing a larger holographic version to appear before shooting back at him, "Whoa now!"


"PHWA!" Zenkaiser gasped out, managing to climb out of the pile, "What the…?"

Sonic looked at himself. He was wearing a cobalt bodysuit with a biker helmet that completely covered his head that seemed to mimic Zenkaiser's helmet. He also sported white gloves reaching his elbows and white boots with black soles.


=WHAT THE HECK?!= Secchan and Skye screamed in shock.

=I-It worked!=

=Eh? Ay-Ay?!= Skye gawked.

"Ayane?" Sonic pondered.

=Explain yourself right now, missy!= Sechan demanded.

=Well I refuse to be out done by this old fool. His time is ending!=

=But Skye-Hakase wasn't the primary inventor of the Zenkaiger system. He joined after!=

=Which is why it's so hard! I need to be good enough to overcome five Geniuses!=

"So...Is that why Sonic looks like…?" Zenkaiser began.

"Kaito's sidekick…?" Zenkai Gin blurted.

"HEY!" Sonic snapped, swinging his blade out before the civilian that had been trying to sneak up on him collapsed to the ground, the strings holding them up in the air cut, "...And that just proves what I was thinking before this suit stuff."

"Since it's a string, it's too tiny for us to shoot…" Zenkaiser noted.

"I should have thought of that…" Zenkai Vroon muttered.

"Oh for...another one?!" Hood snapped before he began to pale, "...Oh no...It's another one...and it's the hedgehog…"

"...what? What?! WHAT?! WHAT?!" Eggman gawked upon seeing the screen, "The hedgehog is now one?!"

"Wait...They are producing new equipment?" Ijirude gawked, "How? From where? When did they find new stuff?!"

"EggPawns!" Eggman shouted as two ran over to Eggman and Iijirude and saluted...before the two scientists began to bash them on the heads repeatedly.

"HOW?! HOW?! HOW?!" both screamed out in anger and rage.

"Great...Now it's spreading," Lien-Da groaned, facepalming.

"...hmm...how indeed," Starline whispered, focusing on the screen as he rubbed his chin in interest.

"Heh. Well, good to know I've got something new to try!" Sonic chuckled, "Now to…"

"Ah! Don't forget to roll call!" Zenkaiser called.

"Do I have to?" Sonic deadpanned.

"Of course ya do!" Zenkaiser argued.

"Alright, alright. Uh...Prototype power...Proto-Zenkaiger?"

"That didn't sound right at all!" Zenkaiser argued as he rushed up, "You have to put more spirit in it, oomph, style, power!" he declared, "So much energy something explodes! Like this! Himitsu no power...ZENKAISER!" he shouted as an explosion of white smoke went off behind him, knocking over several Puppetized people and the newly dubbed Proto-Zenkaiger.

=We can hash it out later, Kai-Kai! Sonny needs to kick it into gear now while you guys blow him up!=

=Or help by using the Sentai Gear for a sword-based Sentai, tune!= Secchan added.

"I got it!" Zenkai Gin spoke as he opened his buckle and pulled out a Sentai Gear from the center slot, "Let's go! Shinobi power!"


"Ryusoulken!" Zenkai Gin shouted, grabbing the sword as he swung it while jumping, cutting several strings.

"Seiya!" Proto-Zenkaiger shouted as he shot off as a cobalt blur, shooting past civilians covering Zenkai Juran before they'd collapse, their strings all cut.

"Freedom!" Zenkai Juran shouted as he quickly joined in on slicing strings and freeing Gaon, Magine, and Zenkai Vroon.

"Oh, I'm starting to feel like Roll-chan in disliking wooden puppets!" Gaon groaned before he and Magine transformed into their Zenkaiger forms.

"Oh don't you start." Zenkai Magine groaned, "Nu Nu Magine Giant Scissors!" she called out, holding her staff up and tapping the ground before a giant pair of pink scissors formed in the air and began randomly snipping at the air, cutting many strings.

"GAON~!" Gaon roared, swinging his Gaon Claw about and slicing into strings until the last of the civilians summoned by Puppet World collapsed.

"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Puppet World screamed.


"Nu Nu Magine!" Zenkai Magine declared, causing a banana peel with a witch's hat appearing in the running path of the two, causing the World to slip on it and fall on Hood.

"Yosha! Blast him before he calls out more!" Zenkaiser ordered as all six began to spin the handles of their changers.

=Ah! W-Wait! Don't use the finisher, y-you Ao Harinezumi!= Ayane panicked.

"Mute…" Proto-Zenkaiger spoke simply.

=Did you just...hey...you can't mute me! Respond! Respond! AH! He somehow found a mute! Did I make that?!=

'No, but pretending I did brings me much enjoyment~ Alright!' Sonic chuckled.


The symbol appeared behind the main six while a glitchy one appeared behind Proto-Zenkaiger. The Geartlingers were aimed at Puppet World as Proto-Zenkaiger pulled his blade back to swing. All seven pulled their triggers and, while the perfectly fine symbol shot out at Puppet World with the shots fired by the Zenkaigers, the glitchy symbol twitched before falling over and landed on Proto-Zenkaiger, blowing up on him at the same time Puppet World was.

"GAH!" Proto-Zenkaiger yelped as he was knocked into the air and landed on his face, "Guh!" his armor glowed before it vanished as the Proto-Gear popped out and shattered.

=MY PROTOTYPE~!= Ayane sobbed.

"Sonic!" Zenkaiser panicked while running over to him, "What happened, Ay-Ay?" he asked while helping Sonic up.

=It seems her Gear wasn't ready for full combat yet! It serves its purpose for protection and enhancement, but look at this, tune!=

=Oh...So his high levels of Chaos energy caused a flux with the dimensional energy we use to power the Gears. I guess Ay-Ay both realized this flaw for Mobians and didn't know Sonic had so much...so he blew himself up worse then she imagined= Skye explained.

"I'm okay…" Sonic groaned as he looked over at the soot-covered Hood missing his arms and legs beside a smoldering Tails Doll with the broken Gear for Puppetopia by it, "At least we blew up the stupid World, so no more puppets."

"And we did some great damage to the snake" Zenkai Gin said.

"Wait...his arms and legs are fake?" Zenkai Magine blinked.

=Snake Mobians don't have legs= Skye explained =Seems he replaced his arms while getting legs=

"Ugh...Y-You'll pay for this!" Hood grunted.

"Oh yeah? Whatcha gonna do?" Zenaki Gin asked.

"Two things," Hood replied, "Starline! Kudaitest!" the ground under him shattered as a Kudaitest's head poked out, "GAH!"

"Is it safe to come out now?" the Kudaitest whimpered.

"Crush them!" Hood demanded as he fell into a portal from Starline.

"Oh good. No more sock puppets," the Kudaitest sighed in relief, "Those things are so terrifying..."

"WHAT IS WITH PEOPLE AND PUPPETS TODAY?!" the Zenkaigers all snapped, even slapping the air in unison in disbelief.

"Alright, just need to pull myself out and…" the Kudaitest grunted, forcing his arms out and slammed them down...the left-arm right on Tails Doll and the Gear, "Ah...I crushed something."

"I...have a bad feeling about this," Ijirude and Eggman muttered in unison as they moved the screen away and turned their backs to it, "Best we not see how badly this goes…" they walked/rolled off slowly.

"...Anyone else feeling they're making the best damn choice?" Tundra asked.

=Oh I'm getting Resident Evil Village vibes…= Cassia cringed.

=This isn't good= Nicole noted, held in Haseo's hands.

"Eh?" Haseo looked at the handheld.

=If it's the same Tails Doll from before the Second Genesis Wave, then its body is comprised of nanites. And from the trend of these Kudaitests coming into contact with the Gears with Worlds sealed in them, it may be absorbing it to form a Great Puppet World...=

"That's normal," Zenkai Gin pointed out.

=...And absorbing Tails Doll since the Gear was under the doll= Nicole finished as the Kudaitest twitched and spasmed.

"Uh...that's not good…" Zenkaiser muttered just as so many had returned to normal, "Uh….Minna! Please...Run and panic! But protect the young and weak while you run! Don't be rude! Run and Panic responsibly!"

=Haseo, I suggest we evacuate from the area for the others to fight what's coming= Nicole advised.

"Ano...H-Hai…" Haseo squeaked, his black tail still sticking up and looking like it was being electrified, "...A-Ano, F-Flash-Onii-chan…"

"Hai, hai," Zenkai Gin sighed, picking up the fox with a frozen tail before booking it.

The Kudaitest grunted and groaned, stumbling back before letting out a cry as his body transformed. At first, he looked to resemble the normal hybrid of Kudaitest and the World his Gear had in it, making him a Great Puppet World. His body then began to bulge out in random spots before his chest split open, exposing a massive maw littered in several rows of metal razor-sharp fangs, grinding and gnashing against one another. The left arm bulged, swelled, and twisted until it tore itself apart, exposing several tentacles seemingly made of a blend of metal and tattered fabrics as its legs split into six as its lower half elongated as a tail emerged, the end made of a serpent-like head with a glowing red gem in its jaws.

"̷̢̨̛T͠҉o̵͜ ̨͠í̴̕͏̛n̸̵͠͏v́͢͝҉ơ̕ḱ̸͜e͜͞͠҉́ ̷̀͏͠҉t̡͜͠h̷̵̕̕͜e͘̕͘ ͏͡h҉̴̨̢́ì̴̡͜v͘͞e҉͘-̡̀̕m̀͢i͏̷̢͝n҉̀̀͜͠ḑ̷̀ ̶̨̕͡r̷̸̶̀e̸͞p͏͞r̵̨͞͞e̴͡s͡͏͜҉e̡̧̛͢n͏̢͟t̸͏̛í̵͜n̢͟g̸ ̵̡͝҉c҉ḩ̀͢a̸̡̡͞ơ̵̸͡͝s̸̕͜.̡̕͜͏ I̵̡̕͝͏n̴̶̨͘v̶̡͝o̵͞k̛͘͢͡͡i̵̕ņ̶͢͠g͝͞͏ ̢̀͟t̶̨̨͜h͟͟͞͡e̵̡͡ ̷̧̧͘f͟͝e҉́͘͟e̡̨͟͟l̷̀͢͠͞ì̷̴́n̷͘g̸̴̷ ̶̡͡͞͝ǫ̸͢f̴̧̛͘ ̶̸̧͘͘c̷̨͢h́͘͜͜a̷͞o̷̢̢͟͢s͢͞.̡̡ ̢W͝͝i̵̶t҉̴͞h̵̕͠ ͢͠ò̷̴͏̵u̷̶t̶̴̛̀͞ ͠o͞r̴͏̛d̢̨̕͘e̕͘r̵̛..̶̴̧̡̛͜͢ T̢̀͢͝h͝͏e̶̵ ̨́N̷̡͟͜͞e̶̡͟͡z̢p̶̧͏e͢ŗ̕͠͠͞d́͏̵̢͞i̸̧͜͠a̧̛n̶̢ ̷͘ḩ̷͘͠͡í̷v̶̨͝è̛͠-̸̡͘m̷̧͞i̷̢̢͠͠n̴̛͝d̷̢́̀́ ̶͡͡ò̴̧͟͞f̸̡͘͜ ͜͟͟c̴̴̷̢̕h̴͡a̛͏̵ó͞s̶͜͠.̷̧̀͡ ̷̛͢T̶͘͟á̶̶̸í̛͞͠҉l҉̶̡͜͟s̛͝ ̢͟D̸̡̧̕͡o̢͡l̵̨͡͝l̵.̷́͏" the transformed Kudaitest rumbled as a dark misama pulsed out, turning the skies above pitch black with gashes of an ominous red glow piercing it, letting out twisted and demented giant puppets that simply dangled in the air, "̷̷̀͘H̨͝҉̸e͢͏ ͢w̵̴̢h͜͏̴͝o҉̢͜͢͞ ̨̡́W̵͟a̷͟i͟҉̧̕t̵̸̨s͜͞ ̸̸͟B̶̸̡͠e҉̵h̡̀͢͠i̵͡ņ̴d͘͝҉̵҉ ̀́T̨́͠͏̧h̸̛̀e̶̢ ̨̛͞͠Ẁ̡͟͡a̷̡̨͞ļ̨̕͏l͜͠.͏͡ ̕G̨̀R̴̕͞Ę͘͜͝A̢͟͞͠T̶͢ ̛͘͜͢T̸͠͏̴Ą̛͟͝Ì̕L̢͢͟͜S̕͏̶҉ ̨̨̀̕͝D́́͞O̶̕͡L͟͏̵̵̨L҉̨̀ ̢W͟Ớ̶̢͟R̴͏̷͜͝L̷̶͜͠҉D̡͘!͏̸̸̨͞"̵҉̡̨́

"Well...I don't wanna live on this planet anymore…" Zenkai Juran muttered.

"Oh my goodness, that is disgusting, kyu!" Miyuki cringed, standing at a far distance from the newly-named Great Tails Doll World with White, before Zenkai Gin skidded to a halt by her.

"A-a-a-a-akuma…!" Haseo whimpered.

"We're rolling," White informed.

"Eh?" Miyuki and Sonic and Ginlooked at the white hedgehog...who was deploying the last of several of the Camera Gears.

"O-Oh! I guess I'm taking over this time because Roll-chan isn't available?" Miyuki asked.

"Yup and I'm mostly busy as a zenkaiger so your up." Zenkai Gin told.

"Phobias are scary…" Haseo mumbled before freezing when Nicole formed her body beside him and hugged him to her as she shivered, 'T-Tenshi da…'

"Hello, minna! I'm Miyuki Prower, kyu! Roll-chan isn't available right now due to an issue involving the current Great World!" Miyuki greeted the cameras, "And I can't blame her…" she looked at the Great Tails Doll World and shuddered, "Seriously, it's just so freaky, kyu…"

"I know, it's like watching Hellraiser 3 again and this time Slenderman is with them...." Zenkai Gin spoke

"I know right that was a horror and I couldn't sleep for nights without a white cuddle, Kyu.."

"Let me guess you couldn't see puzzle boxes the same way again not even dropping blood anywhere."

"Yup, it was torture and I think that's what they want, Kyu"

"Minna, Zenkai Gattai time!" Zenkaiser declared.

"Do we have to?" Zenkai Magine asked with a whimper.

"SAVE THE FLUFFY FROM EVIL!" Zenkai Gaon roared, picking her up and rushing ahead into battle.

"That boy is gonna be the death of someone…" Zenkai Juran spoke as he and Zenkai Vroon flipped their gears.


"And here comes our champions for today's fight!" Miyuki cheered, seeing the four Kikainoid Zenkaigers grow to their larger forms, "Oh, I really hope they'll be okay after this, kyu. And it looks like things are going crazy from the start, kyu! It's chasing Magine Dragon first!"

"KYA! STAY AWAY!" she cried flying away and around Great Tails Doll World as it tried to catch her with its tentacles.

"Hentai tentacles rape!" Zenkai Gin shouted covering his mouth and trying not to laugh, sonic aswell.

"Wait real life, hope there no pervert watching" Miyuki spoke.

It's going after Magine? Why?" Zenkaiser asked as he opened his belt, "Let's try some Mecha power!" he held up a few gears, "First Juran!"


"Oh? What's that appearing?" Miyuki pondered, seeing the shot fired from Zenkaiser's gun go into the air.

The blast turned into a giant projection of the Zyurangers mecha Daizyujin, Zenkai Juran reverting to humanoid form as it merged with him. He grunted before holding his arm out as something suddenly fell from the sky at great speeds and cut through several of Great Tails Doll World's tentacles before being caught by Zenkai Juran. It was a long sword with an arrowhead shaped blade.

"Kyoryu Ken God Horn!" Zenkai Juran declared, holding the sword up as lightning from what seemed like heaven itself struck the tip, "I HAVE THE POWER!"

"He must be a fan of that Gaijin Anime from the 80s, kyu," Miyuki noted, "Or it's early 2000s revival or the revival on Netflix, kyu."

" His a old dinasour so we mostly watch the 80s one" Zenkai Gin noted.

"IKE!" Zenkai Juran shouted, rushing and slashing Great Tails Doll World, making it stumble back, "And again!" He cheered, lifting up and slashing the giant monster across the torso making sparks fly, he then swung the blade up as it began glowing, crimson lightning striking the sword once more, "Cho Densetsu Raiko Giri!" he swung diagonally top to bottom as the slash struck Great Tails Doll World, causing a massive explosion that knocked it back.

"Gaon! Your turn!" Zenkaiser lifted another Gear.


"Ikuze!" Zenkai Gaon cheered as the blast formed the projection of a Mecha, "Eh?" he blinked, seeing a mecha with a Green torso, black and white arms but the same legs as GaoKing.

=That's GaoMuscle, Tune! The Gaorangers' secondary Mecha configuration!=

=Interesting tidbit. They needed to find the torso for GaoMuscle because GaoLion became ill after their first use of the bear twins known as GaoBear and GaoPolar=

The projection went into Zenkai Gaon as he growled and lifted his arms as they seemed to swell up in size.

"Kinniku power Saiko!" he roared as he punched Great Tails Doll World, making it skid back along the ground and into a building, "Mada mada!" He unleashed a barrage of punches that dented its body and pushed it through the building, demolishing it in the process. He growled, dragging the monster back to its feet, "GORIKI MUSO!" he shouted as his arms began glowing with energy, "MUSCLE LARIAT!" He swung both arms as the energy around his arms streaked the air and 'slashed' Great Tails Doll World, making an explosion go off which sent it flying.

"YEAH! GIVE HIM ANOTHER ONE!" Miyuki roared out, a fire in her eyes.

"Uh, White…" Sonic scooted away from the nine-tailed fox.

"I know," White sighed.


"Him to" white asked.

"He likes ninja and wrestling aswell" sonic muttered.

"Yosh!" Zenkaiser cheered, "Juran! Gaon! Gattai da!" he flipped his own Sentai gear and began cranking.

"Ah, and just as we got our own moments to shine as giants!" Juran Tyranno grunted as he was opened up for the gattai sequence.

"I almost forgot about this bit." Gaon Lion admitted as his form did the same.

"Oh! Here comes the Gattai! Looks like the Prehistoric Animal King comes first, kyu!" Miyuki noted.


"Yosh!" Zenkaiser shouted, jumping up and landing in the cockpit, "Vroon! Magine! Provide cover while we go in for some Zenkai Damage!"

"Leave it to us!/Thank you, Kaito~!" they both responded as they began flanking around Great Tails Doll World's sides.

ZenKaiOh rushed and slashed the monster with the Juran Sword, making it stagger back as sparks rained. Great Tails Doll World bellowed as the wounds began to seal back up.


"It did that when Team Freedom was fighting it before the Genesis Wave hit," Nicole gulped, "It was capable of healing at an accelerated rate. Originally it was from the city's nanites, but here…" she looked around and gasped, seeing the injuries forming on one of the gruesome puppets hanging in the sky, "It's transferring the damage to the puppets."

"That's cheap! Like that one guy from One Piece!" Zenkaiser complained, "Ah if that's what it takes then we'll deal so much damage you can't hope to recover!" he declared, pulling out another gear, "What's this?" He blinked, seeing a Gear with 24 on it, "Well this should be interesting."


=Oh! Nice Idea, Kaito! Mirai Sentai Timerangers Gear, tune!=

"Timeranger? What's that, kyu?" Miyuki pondered.

"I know this was in the data Secchan shared with me on Sentai trivia. They're the 24th Super Sentai," Zenkai Gin explained, "While their two Reds were from modern times, the other four members of their team all came from the year 3000."

"Two reds?" Sonic repeated.

"Yes. They're quite famous for being the First Sentai to have two Red Sentai in their team," Nicole replied.

"Yeah he was first a jerk it later became good" Zenkai Gin replied.

The projection of a Robot that was mostly red and silver in the front with a Knight-like aesthetic formed before ZenKaiOh JuraGaon, it lifted its sword before phasing into ZenKaiOh JuraGaon and gifting them its sword.

=That was 3D Formation TimeRobo! A Mecha with the power to alternate into three different gattai states!= Skye cheered.

=The Timerangers are famous for the fact they never destroyed their enemies, tune! They used amazing capture and cryo technology from the year 3000 to shrink and capture all their enemies who were prison escapees, tune!=

"Freeze...shrink...capture?" Zenkaiser repeated, "YOSH! I got it! Juran! Gaon! Let's freeze this World!"


"Ike! Jikuken! Press Blizzard!"

The sword opened along the side as a clock ticking sound could be heard. ZenKaiOh JuraGaon rushed forward as green energy formed along the blade. The Mecha swung down and slashed through Great Tails Doll World, a clock projection ticking up to 12 as the blade closed up. The Monster growled and turned around only for the hands to hit 12 and suddenly its entire body was frozen in place with frost...entire sections of its body being pressed down by cold and pressure until it was left in a slightly smaller and less mutated state.

"It's not shrinking down…" Zenkai Gin noted.

"It must be far too big and its mutation must be fighting the shrinking process," Nicole noted as she noticed its tail, "...Could it be…?"

"Hm? What is it?" Miyuki asked.

"I think that gem was on the top of Tails Doll," Nicole recalled, "It might be the part of it that's Tails Doll."

"So if they smash that?" White asked.

"They take down the freeky part of it!" Zenkai Gin cheered, "Kaito! The tail! Go for the tail!" he shouted.

"The tail?" Zenkaiser blinked, "Magine! Vroon! Blast its tail!" he ordered.

"Nu Nu Nu Thunder Breath!/Ikuze!" Magine Dragon unleashed a blast of pink electric energy as Zenkai Vroon reverted to humanoid mode and aimed his Vroon Picker in fire arm mode, unleashing an irradiation of blue lasers.

The pink electricity and the lasers slammed into the tail, causing the Great Tails Doll World to shriek and howl. It thrashed before another volley struck again, tearing the 'head' off its tail.

"And smash!" Zenkai Vroon shouted, swinging down and striking the gem in the tail's severed head, shattering it.

Great Tails Doll World shrieked in agony as its mutated pieces seemed to shrivel up while it stumbled.

"Yosha! Hissatsu time!" Zenkaiser declared.

"Let's smash it!" Juran declared.

"Ah! Wait a second, switch! Switch!" Gaon panicked, realizing the two had swapped 'control', "I don't wanna lose my arms! I need them to cook and hug!"

=You're good, Gao-Gao= Skye assured =Secchan and I finally tuned your Sentai Gear to let it handle the hissatsu!=

"Ikuze Gaon! Spin and spin and spin!" Zenkaiser cheered, cranking the Geartlinger.

"Oh, Roll's gonna be so upset. Looks like ZenkaiOh's got a new hissatsu but using Zenkai Gaon's half instead of Zenkai Juran's, kyu," Miyuki noted.

"I won't, beside this the best seats we can get" Zenkai Gin said as he pulled out his wand and made pop corn." Want some"

"Hai kyu, you should come to our house for movie night"

"Love to, we can watch the new Hellraiser together.. with white and sonic for emotional support" Zenkai Gin spoke quickly


=Don't forget to name it~= Skye chuckled as ZenkaiOh spun the Gaon Claw around, forming the transparent gear, before it went into his claw, causing the claws of it to glow and extend out further.


"Gaon Claws! Wild Heart!" Zenkaiser and Gaon shouted as ZenKaiOh lifted its clawed arm up as the mecha's eyes lit up and its mouth opened to roar with them. ZenKaiOh swung its claws down as they ignited mid-swing and tore through the Monster, the slash repeating several times upon impact as its entire body was shredded by the energy of the attack.

ZenKaiOh stomped around and lifted its claws up into the air one more time, before slowly bring its arms down as Great Tails Doll World fell over and exploded. The deranged-looking puppets were pulled back up into the gashes in the skies as they dissipated, leaving clear blue skies once more.

"Sekai Zenkai! All OK!" Zenkaiser cheered as ZenKaiOh relaxed its posture.

"Yes~!" Zenkai Gin cheered

"Oh thank goodness," Miyuki sighed in relief, "Looks like they beat it with teamwork and a new hissatsu! Oh, that was not fun for anyone, kyu…" she spun to the camera, "Until next time, everyone! Hopefully, Roll-chan will be able to resume her duties as your host for these battles, kyu but still enjoy with Flash Sentry as a zenkaiger till he get his mecha!"

"And...cut," White nodded as the cameras shut down.

"Can we all agree to never let that happen again? Or if it happens...we blow it up faster than we did this time?" Magine Dragon pleaded.

"My Research into Horror movies shows that in moments of fear and crisis, common rationality and practical thought are skewed in favor of panic," Zenkai Vroon spoke up.


=None of that!= Secchan declared as they heard a loud familiar clang.

=Nigh-nigh~= Ayane slurred.

=Secchan did the smart thing= Skye defended =Also, I think Haseo's fainted and not from fear=

"Haseo-kun!?" Gaon panicked, ZenKaiOh's head rapidly turning about.

"Huh?" Miyuki tilted her head before looking at Nicole and Haseo...to see Haseo indeed passed out with a bright blush on his face and steam coming from his ears, "...Oh my…" she covered her mouth while giggling, "He'll be okay, I think, kyu."

"..." Zenkai Gin looked at that and simply pulled out his phone and took a picture of them. " Saving this for a prank war"

"Good idea" Sonic said." Gotta get back at ayane for what she did" he asked


"Well that's another adventure ended…" Sonic chuckled before they all turned to Tails, the actual real Tails, walking past them.

"Oh? Hey guys!" he smiled, "These new headphones Sis got me are crazy good. I haven't heard a single thing but the science podcast I downloaded...Wait, what did I miss?" he blinked, seeing Zenkai Gin standing with his sister the giant Zenkaigers and ZenKaiOh, "Wow...You take one personal day and you miss everything…"

"...I'll tell ya at the shop. My treat," Zenkai Gin replied.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you~!" Roll rapidly thanked, hugging Sonic with her tail wagging so fast she could've started to hover if she had a second tail.

"Hah? How come he's getting all the hugs?" Gaon pondered.

"He was the first one inside," Flash chuckled as Skye tinkered with a blender Roll had damaged to remove the blades in it for a defense.

"But I delivered the final blow!" Gaon argued, "I deserve cuddles!"

"Ah don't worry; we love ya," Juran joked.

"The love of a Kikainoid is cold and meaningless…" Gaon replied with cold distant eyes.

"Oi…" Juran deadpanned in annoyance.

"And thank you for that, Gaon," Amy thanked, patting his shoulder and earning a happy sigh from him, "Roll managed to break her bands when it went Great World on us."

"Ah man...I borrowed those cords…" Magine muttered.

"I'll take it out of your pay," Yatsude replied.

"No need for that. I'll pay for the replacements since it was my daughter who broke them," Skye assured as he tested the blender and nodded, "All fixed. And cue Ayane in two, one…" he pointed his screwdriver to the shelves to have them swing inward as a slumped Ayane came out and sat beside him, "...Unknown territory again."

"Not fair~!" Ayane sobbed, Skye moving the blender out of the way of her banging on the table like a child, "Not fair, not fair, not fa~ir! Geartlasher increased its score, but the Change Gear was abysmal~!"

"Well, now you know just what would happen. Just need to make the finished product not blow up," Skye assured, patting her head.

"You did amazing!" Kaito cheered.

"!?" Ayane froze before her arm started to swing out quickly before Kaito ducked and the smoke pellet went out the window.

"Missed!" Kaito beamed, "So you're calling that Gear that let Sonic change a Change Gear?"

"It probably doesn't have a name yet," Skye chuckled, "She's more than likely focused on the technical aspect first."

"Eh...so she's like you. But she doesn't have someone like my Touchan and Kaachan , uncle and Aunty who is there to offer her that extra bit," Kaito noted.

"Hmm?" Ayane blinked at that.

"Well it's not like I made it alone. Kaito's parents and Flash's parents made most of it themselves, I just...proofread the work and helped with the bits they didn't understand," Skye explained, "When I helped perfect their multi-dimensional viewing system, we started looking at worlds with Super Sentai like binge watching trash TV on Netflix."

"Trash TV?"

"I know you've been using my VPN for that Gaijin show called Nailed It, Yaya," Skye pointed out, "More than likely for the Frenchman and his accent." a frying pan slammed into his face, making him fall over, "EINSTEIN~!"

"So that's how it is…" Ayane muttered to herself, "He used his brains...and someone as crazy as this creature and that annoying one to make it perfect…" she looked at Kaito and Flash.

"Ah, Roll-chan! I think he's not supposed to be all blue!" Kaito panicked as he ran over to an oblivious, ecstatic Roll that was hugging a now all-blue Sonic that was struggling to get out of the hug.

"How can you tell?" Juran noted.

"I don't know if I should feel sorry for him if this is how he kicks it…" Magine muttered.

"Interesting...when Mobians stop breathing...they turn a cool shaded color…" Vroon noted.

"Yeah...usually not a good sign, Vroon," Tails explained as Kaito managed to free Sonic from Roll's hug, the blue hedgehog taking in a deep breath of air the moment he was freed.

"Easy with the hugs now, Roll," Amy advised.

"Eh? What's wrong with hugging?" Roll asked.

"Well nothing...that is unless you smother the person you're hugging and cutt off their oxygen supply...or break their back..." Magine muttered with thick sarcasm, "I think you forget...you're a tiny bit stronger then normal."

"Eh?" Roll tilted her head.

"You are...ack...amongst the strongest of us here, Roll…" Sonic coughed out as he tried to catch his breath, "...and imagine if you had one of those suits, too…"

"?!" Ayane's ears perked up at that, "...multiple suits…"


"If I did this...and that...focus on this…" Ayane whispered to herself...to the point multiple equations began to appear around her as they began to flood the room.

"Math Zenkai!" Kaito shouted, "Wah...it makes me dizzy...ugh...so...so much math…"

"It's starting to get a bit crowded in here…" Flash muttered before an equation flew into his face, "GH! I just got attacked with math!"

"Too...hard…!" Gaon groaned as he fell to his side, his optics replaced with swirls.

"It's not that hard," Tails shrugged.

"Well of course...you've got an IQ of 300," Sonic snarked.

"Kai-kai, I do believe she has not eaten all day," Skye noted.

"Eh?" Kaito looked at Skye.

"It is so hard to get her to eat anything when she's like this," Skye sighed, shaking his head, "It'd probably be an achievement in being the first to get her to eat when she's like this."

=Kaito's not gonna fall for that, tune= Secchan deadpanned =He's smarter than th…=

"Food zenkai!" Kaito declared, scooping up Ayane and causing the equations to vanish.

"EEK!" Ayane yelped as Kaito ran to the kitchen, "U-u-u-unhand me!"


"Should've seen that coming," Amy sighed while Sonic and Flash were on the floor laughing.

"You can't work on an empty stomach!" Kaito shouted, "I don't care how smart you are, you not eating is dumb!" he declared, making Ayane gasp at the audacity.

"D-D-Dumb?! B-Baka! Dai-baka!"

"Don't argue with me, missy! Eat or else no lab for a week!"


"What good is that big brain if you're not gonna feed it so it can work right? Smart people can be really dumb sometimes," Kaito continued, "Thats why from now on, if you're gonna have tunnels in this house, you eat with this family!" he put her down and pointed at her, "I barely passed Highschool Math with a C-...and I'm calling you a dumb-dumb."


=...I shouldn't have opened my beak, tune= Secchan groaned.

"Well, at least this will find more excitement in our daily lives," Skye chuckled before whispering to Yatsude, "Plus, this is for her own good and probably Kai-kai's, too. He needs a smart one to help with the moments he needs a smart one nearby and neither you nor I are there."

"True...plus I doubt that girl has the nerves to defy Kaito's endless positivity. It might help her get out more," Yatsude sighed before slapping Skye upside the back of his head, "Don't go scheming something you."

"Ite~! I wasn't!"

"I know those eyes! It's the same eyes you and my son had when you had a wacky idea," she replied, "The kind that always blew up in your face...even when they worked."


"See? You can't even argue!"

"Clearly you can't beat Yatsude-san in this game, Hakase...when it comes to this she is the wiser one," Juran sighed, "Sides, what crazy scheme could come of getting Kaito to...keep an eye on...oh…" he realized.

"See? Even Juran can see it," Yatsude sighed, "You are a schemer, you always have been and still are. It's why you never could handle Kaito when he was little; he just outpaced any plans you came up with Flash was ok but not him."

"I almost caused a huge accident by messing with his stuff," Kaito spoke up.

"And you got grounded by Mitsy for it...and I got put back in the kennel from our first meeting by Aphy!" Skye reminded.

"What?" Tails blinked twice.

"Oh right. You didn't hear how I met Kai-Kai's and Flashy parents," Skye recalled, "Long story short, I got knocked out, woke up in a pet kennel, they didn't lock it, Kai-Kai and flashy wanted to shake my hand, and I got knocked out again."

"Me and Flash used the machine to visit his family on your home world Mobius, made friends with Roll who was our age and then baby Haseo, and their Kaachan. We also was mistaken for a Yokai by other Mobians," Kaito added.

"I-it's true…" Haseo spoke up, "People thought they were a rare form of Overlanders...or a hairless Monkey Mobians.

"I caused a lot of chaos...and might have driven this one Jiisan crazy," Kaito chuckled.

"So you are a Yokai…" Magine muttered at that.

"I was a kid, I thought it was a game," Kaito chuckled sheepishly, "Also for some reason no one knows how to aim nets in your world...they always missed me."

"Wait...they hunted you?" Sonic blinked.

"Well they tried to catch me...I just always escaped." Kaito explained, "I always fell for that trick with the treat and a box."

"You are a Baka!" Ayane gawked, "That's the lamest trap ever! What bait did they even use?"

"For some reason, it was always Onigiri." Kaito tilted his head.

"That would do it," the others sweatdropped in unison.

"I was the lucky on, Aunty Gale was able to hide me when ever they came to hunt me down and aunt Aphrodite always beat them away if they ever thought of hurting me." Flash said.

"Yup, I remember trying to stop her from not killing a pig mobian for making you cry that one time." Skye spoke remembering

"Oh, this has been the longest she's been out in public and not exploded something," Flash whispered.

"Yosha! Let's get some food!" Kaito declared, "Aye-Aye especially!"

"Ah…" Ayane froze up.

"You ain't getting outta di…" Kaito began before Ayane threw something on the floor, engulfing everything in white, "Ack! Gah! Flour bomb! She fired a flour bomb!" he waved his hands to dissipate it to reveal the whole room was a pure white now with everyone but a missing Ayane covered in the powder, "Gah! We've got ghosts!"

"We need more nonsense going on for her to stay out longer it seems," Skye muttered.

"Fine, but on one condition," Yatsude replied.

"And that is…?"

"CLEAN UP THIS MESS!" Yatsude barked, whapping him with the broom.


Author's Note:

Secchan: Jikai no Zenkaigers~!

Juran: Eh? She locked herself in the Zenkaiger lab this time? Now what's that girl up to?

Gaon: Wait...where's Kaito!?

Flash: He jumped into the lab with her, after waiting for her to pop up all night.

?-?-? World: Sa let the true duel begin, iza mairu!

Gear 8: Jidaigeki Chanbara Champloo!

Kaito: Sugei! It's finished! Nice work Ayane-chan!